HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-20, Page 5a t1lURSDAY,1+' i,UA'RY 24,15118 CLINTON xEW$-RECORD PAVE k i V NEVIIS.RECORp S. AN WT ADS. FOR QUICK RESULTS Accommodation For Rent ARTICLES FOR SALE ° CON IORTABLE ROOM for two, S,TU1?f0 COUCH, wine colt -with or without :board, .Phone good conditibn, Apply to B( II'[J '2-9510- ,8-p No. 800, Clinton News -Record. 8 • CiMAN APA[Ra7VLENT, ground. F1�S—Are you going ` floor, heated .by oil furnace. Ideal swath your .grain this year? for couple. Phone HU 2-9479 or so, better talk td me about gg 6tfbting a self-propelled swather. A — sizes, 8' up. Our .early order di HOUSE IN HiPPEN TO RENT, counts will please you. P1.4 Eth garage. All modern con phone collect morning noon ces, oil heated;" Apply to Nbr� evening forappointment, Long, K%en. 2-tfb VanEgmond, Clinton-. Phone H 2-9231. 7 -td D'OUBIX 61 -FIM, available .Mar. --Zii 1; Barber shop available April, Articles Wanted ] located on Albert Street, wash- _ - room' facilities for both offices, WOULD LZ TO BUY ' a din Suitable for beauty•salon, offices, after -etc. Phone' Earl R. Doucette, ,vette buffet. HU 2 -BU H Ti 2-'9741, 7-ttb P -m. 8. 'fb ALL HOUSE, .partly furnished, WI1_L BUY old Canadian coin, ar. aji able now. phone HU 2-3228 Send list of dates to: J.' A, Boucll, after six pm. 8-b ev, 7151/2 Adelaide Street, London THRIEEE ROOM heated furnished Ontario. 819- apartment. Central location. Av- WANTED! W1MTE EGGS, wi a lable March 2. Phone HU- 2- pay premium, picked up at you X005. 8-p door. Contact Canada Packer ` TWO UNFURNISHED APART- Limited, Clinton, Ont. Phone H,1 •z'nents, 5 and 6 rooms. Heated. 2 9301 of ICU 2-9565. &9 ,Separate,, bath and- hot waxer BOARD AND ROOM tanks. Victoria Street, Seaforth, Jahn Tremeer, Phone 258W. 82 ! R06M, or ROOM and BOAR] t available now. Phone HU 2-9$9( Articles For Sale s - DON'T MISS COUNTER'S BIG Business Opportunities Store -Wide February Jewellery -Sale. 201010 off all goods: Rings, OWN YOUR OWN 13USMSE Watches, Silverware, China, etc, Contact L, G. Winter, Real Estate -Call often and save. 8-p f31gh Street, Clinton. Phone Min ton HU 2-6692. 13.0 FUEL OIL - Stove and Furnace 'Oil delivered anywhere. A, G, Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411. 43-tfb 'MAGIC .MARKERS. Will write on anything, glass, wood„ paper, etc. ',Dry .immediately. Seven different colours. Good for poster work, :.signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c, Clinton News -Record: ' 37•-tfb -GENEROUS TRADE-IN Allow- auce on your old TV on a Brand New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. .Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton HU 2-3232. 36-tfb 'YOUR OLD WASHER IS WORT>Fi money when traded ona new Thor washer. T. A. Dutton',s Ap- pliance Store, Brucefield. Phone ;Clinton HU 2-3232. 46-tfb 'MOTORS ANDA GENERATORS rewound and repaired. Brushes, capacitors, switches, bearings; ,small appliances repaired. Used ,or reconditioned motors for sale. Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. .-Phone HU 2-6640. 44t'fb SEVVER,AT. NEW PATTERNS in English Bone China Dinnerware, including lovely "Cornflower". See it and others in our window' sand get our low prices for fine china. • Counter's Jewellery, •8-p MOBILE ROME, IN EXCEL - lent condition. Fully furnished, six sleeper. Extra cupboards and drawers, added. 1956 model, 36 ,Feet long. Parked adjacent to Shell Service Station an Highway .3, east end of Clinton. For fur- ther information, phone Goderich START A YEAR-ROUND BUS iness! You can earn money th+ first day. Strictly your boss. Sel daily necessities in: Centralia RC AF Station, Clinton, Dashwoo( Goderich, Grand Bend, Seaforth and surroundings. All familie are users of our many products Write to Dept. JS—Familex- 1600 Delorimier, Station C, Mont real, Que. 8-9-10-1 . CUSTOM WORK FOR YOUR, PLUMBING ANI Heating needs, call HU 2-9439 Hawkins Hardware. 2-ifh ATTENTION FARMERS! Spray ing cattle for lice, white washins, and cleaning barns. Phone Hub ert Cooper, Exeter, 599rJ3. 4 to 16-1 AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening Saws retoothed, jointed and file( for $1,25. Or just filed and set 7; cents. Automatic butcher knif( and scissor sharpener, scissors if cents, knives 7.0 cents. W. E "Bill's Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin• ton. Phone HU 2-9664, 35p -tri 4-- 5A, IGAN OR PUiLLOVER, sw• eaters and socks knitted by lads with knitting' machine, Phon( Mrs. W. Bakelaar, 123 Spencers Street, Clinton, HU 2-3.482, 8-9-1 Farms For Sale. LOTS 29 and 30 Concession 3 Township of Stanley, 200 acre, with usual farm buildings. For particulars see Bell & Laughton, Barristers and Solicitors, Exeter. flntarin R_a.ti n_r 344, Samis Motors. 8-9-10-p I NOTICE NOTICE. is' hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company has been postponed to Monday, :February 24 at 2.00 P.M. in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH To receive the Annual Report; to elect one director to complete the term of office .f William Baugh, agent, and three khirectors to replace those whose term of office expires. The retiring directors are Clarence Parke) Fred Haberer Sr., and Ezra Webb. Clarence Parke, L3.gent, will not be eligible for re-election. The Company expresses its sorrow in the loss of the late Oscar Klopp, who served as a director for the !Company since 1918. Notice is hereby given that nominations will be called for: for a, director to, complete the two years of his term of office at the annual meeting. HAYTOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY kEINHOLD MILLER RE6INALD BLACK President Secretary nro•e,'vw•mmmo OWN A BUSINESS WHICH: • You can run even if now employed 0 Knows no slow season as product is needed all year round • Consists of servicing retail accounts • Requires no selling or salesmanship • Needs 'no previous experience as plan is simple. • Has been tested and accepted by the public - If you have .ambition to rsn creed in a Business of ,your own gnnd you Ibave, the financial hmmns 'to h rake a :$2,228.00 investmefnt that lias excellent. returns write IIs today. FINANCIAL ASSISTANC'iCl AAVAILABIX This is a bonafido business )nand only sincere applicants need reply as territory is ,ready :for' establishment now! Postcards cannnot be answered. We need; a, complete Tet- ter ,about yourself including name, address, and phone plum- ber, your ambitions, gout )experience and financial resources, ADDUE SS INQUIRE,S TO: THE HOUS11: Or, 'BRANDS (CANADA) LTD 42 CAMD> N S'I`RE10, TOUONT'O .2U1 ONTARIO. ATTk',NTIOX- It. WELSH ^" etA1r_•r.v.Y.1"otbTi1 R-7 A.�iL.:.h�l17?R`AT7y�`n. 4 e - RATES - No charge for announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc„ Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements, 3c a woad, minimum 75c, Box No, to thhs office 15c additional, Reheat in- sertions '2c a word, minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNT: }/s if paid by Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Billing charge of 10c added each time bill is sent, Latest Time for Insertions :-- 12 noon Wednesday Dial I;U 2-3844 - Smployment Wanted r X EXPERIENCED FARM MANA- p -ger requires suitable employment - .. any years' experience. Excellent o references. Reply to, Collins, R.R. I 1 Paincourt, Ontario. 5.6-7-8b . ODD JOBS WANTED, by mar - Tied man, houKy or by. day. Clean - r ing straw 'shoveling, .or anything considered. . Reasonable.. Phone J HU ' 2-9319 of ter'' 6 P.M: 8,p b' ;FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE FEED BAITLEY' FOR SALE, $35 per- ton, at the barn. -Phone Clif- ford, Stewart,' HU 2=980. 7-8-p 1,000 SQUARE BALES of mixed hay, good quality. Bill Fother- ingham, Phone HU 29196. 8-9-,p HELP WANTED GIRLS TO LEIARN LAUNDRY 1 work. Contact Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb j GENERAL HANDYMAN', Steady errip'loyment, Lorne Brown Mot- ors Limited. 8-b HELP WANTED --FEMALE f WOMEN—Make money at home assembling our items,. Experience y not necessary, Write, Mary Carol- ine Co., Box 64, Aurora, Ontario. " 8-9-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO HOLSTEIN HEI T M RS, due ' in April, Six pigs, ready to wean, half Landrace. Phone HU 2-9808. 7-8-P '6 YOUNG SOWS due March 1, bred Landrace. Contact John Shepherd, Londesboro, 1 mile sou- th-east 3 miles from Londesboro. 7-p Livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS!. Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r1i, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co, of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3Y2c lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RANCH, phone col- lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J7.. 52 to 27-p Lost and Found FO l D —carton of butter (pack- aged at Kincardine) between town and RCAF Station Clinton on Friday, February 14. Phone HU 2-9550. 8-b Miscellaneous WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store. 8-p LET US REPAIR AND MAKE Your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take than - cos, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing: W. N. Counter. 8-p ACT NOW LIMITED NUMBER FRANCHISES AVAILABLE of "BIG 5 RECORD CLUB" ALL you need 'is $385 in immed- iate cash. Our plan is backed by dealeraids and local promotions, Spend several of your leisure hours each week, and handsome dividends are yours. Write today. Box 71 News -Record. 7 -b -x Pet Stock s PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd Puppies. Reasonably priced., J. W. VanEgn ond. Phone HU 2-9231. 'b 7-tfb c Poultry For Sale A NUMBER OF DEX-ALB start- ed pullets, vaccinated for New. castle and bronchitis, ready for immediate delivery at 16 and 18 weeks of age. Price list on• re- quest. Discount on large orders, Moore's Poultry Farm,' R.R. 3. Seaforth, Ontario, Phone 647-3. 8-9-10-11-b 'ESTATE AUCTION SALE at south half of ,tot 2, con'. 4, ICol borne township, eastern divislorp Mondale, March 3, at 1 p,m. 50 acres of clay' loam; land, 41 acres workable; brick house, Pram+ barn. Terms; 10% down ore' days o sale, balance in 30 days, sold sub ject to reserve bid. For further particulars apply t( Mrs. IsabelTe Gardner, admins• tra.trix ^of the estate or to Hay, and Prest, solicitors of the estate The estate • of the late Chane, Keith Gardner, Harald Jackson, Seaforth, Auctioneer 9-1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS from the home of Hugh Lada, Fulton Street, Clinton, on Saturday, March 1 itt .1.30 P.m., the following- - 2 occasional chairs; 2 uphol- stered bedroom chairs.; upholster- ed arm; chair; upholstered plat- forni rocker; writing desk, and stool; 4 rocking chairs; several small tables; smoking stands and pedestals; marble torp antique table.; spool bed; 2 wooden beds; roll' -a -way bed; 2 dressers; rug and scatter Tugs; foot stool; lamps; ,large wooden wardrobe; Supremacy 9 cu. ft. refrigerator (Pike . new) ; Northern Electric washing machine; McClary elec- tric range; Simpson rangette; Findlay coal and wood range; Fawcett oil heater with automa- tic blower; 2 oil tanks; work 'bench with. vice; bar room chairs; kitchen chairs; 2 lawn mowers; some carpenter's tools and garden tools; 2 silver tea services; dishes including some antique. Terms Cash If weather is unfavourable, sale will be under cover. Hugh Ladd, Proprietor Edward: W. Elliott, Auctioneer 8-9-b MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM IN TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Under and .by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Monday the 2.4th, day of Feb- ruary, 1958, at the hour of 2:30 p.m., at Lot 29, Concession 8, Township of Hibbert situate ap- proximately 2 miles west of Staffa, by W. E. Nairn, Auction; eer, the following property, nam- ely, Lot 29 in the eighth Conces- sion of the Township of Hibbert, containing approximately ' 100 ac- res. + The said fawn is situated on the County road approximately 2 miles west of St dfa and 1 mile from school. There is said to be situate on the said lands an L- shaped bank barn approximately 80' x 36' x 40' x 20', good stabling, double -deck hen house with ac- commodation for 800 fowl, cement floors, and good roofs, brick house and kitchen, oil heated, bath, built-in cupboards, pressure system and hydro—abundance of water -2 wells and spring creek— !lay-loam soil, well drained. Good fences. Terms—Ten percent (10%) of the purchase .price to be paid at time of sale with balance to be paid on closing on or before Mar- , .24th, 1958. 'Sale Is subject to reserve bid'. Possession to be ar- ranged, - For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply iia undersign- ed, Dated at .Stratford this 4th day of February 1958. ANDERSON, EHGOETZ, BELL, DILIiS & IVUSENER Barristers and Solicitors, 29 Downie Street, Stratford, Ontario 6-7-8-b Properly For Sale NEW 2 -BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME; constructionn frame and tone; large living room; modern citchen and dining area; latest n hot water heating with base- oard convertors. East end Prin- ess Street. Lloyd Batkin, phone 1U 2-7057, Clinton. 8-9'-b REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE is our BUSINESS. Farms, residential, commercial, sumnler cottages. For dependable and capable service list your prop- erty with John Bosveld, Wellesley Street, Goderich. Phone 1108. Salesmen: George McGillivray, Lucknow; J, McConnell, Seaforth, 50-tfb 7 v A.RI. �..)1.rb.:U ' FILY CCA MPAI V .4 v For Goderich Township TENDE9S, will be received, for the 'supplying of 500 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder. The powder • to be delivered to the Township of Goderich by April 1st, with 304 lbs. to be in 15 IN cartons, and 200 lbs. to be in 1. IN packages, TENDEItS will be received for the spraying of cattle under the 'Warble 3Nt y Act, and under the supervision of the Inspector. Tenders to state a• )trice per Mead for spraying. APPLICATIONS Will he received for the position of WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR. Applicants to state 6 Brice per hour, and :also a price per mile for Ilse of car. Ali tends-rs and applieationls to be in (the Cleric's hands, by February 28th, LOWst or any `tender not necessarily acs. eepted, R. E, THOMPSON, Clerk, R,R. Z, Clinton, Ont, 7-8-b" BIRTHS FI1[.TOT'T In Clinton Public llos- pital on Monday, February 17, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs, Elbert Elliott, R.R. 20Glinton, a son, McG1XNN---Jn ,5t, Mary's Kit- Chene;r Hospital on Monday; February L7, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Ernhe McGlynn (nee Mary Goldsworthy) Waterloo, a dau- ghter. MCLEL71AN --- In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, February 13, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs, Clem- ent 'McLellan, R,R. 4, Brussels, a son, MIIINF_­In *Minton Public Hos- pital ` on Wednesday, February 12, 1958, to LAIC and Mrs. Jain: - es Milne, RCAF Station, Clinton, a son, PROCTOR. -- In Clinton Public, Hospital on Tuesday, February 18, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. Churl- es Proctor, Clinton; a son. scow—in Clinton . Rublic Hos- pital..on, Sunday, February '16, 1958, to LAC and Mrs, John. Scott,, R.R. b,,. Clinton; a, .son. SiEA.fRJ!lli.—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Sunday, •February 16, 1956, to LAIC, and Mrs., Ronald Searle, Clinton, a daughter. CARDS • .OF THANKS I wish to thank those who so kindly remembered me with cards while I was a patient in the hos- pital and since returning home. WALLY Mc -BETH. 8-b I wish to express my thanks to all my friends and neighbours for their kind visits, and for gifts, cards and flowers sent to me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Thompson and Dr. Oakes and to the nursing` staff, — FRANCES COOK, 8-p The family of the late Mrs. Wesley Vodden wish to thank their friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, and kindness sh- , own, at the time of their bereave- ment. Special thanks to Mrs. Thomas Allen, Mrs. Clarence Cr- awford and Rev. J. T. White, pastor of the Londesboro United Church. 8-p The- family of the late Mrs. Ellen Crawford, beloved wife of Edward Jr. Crawford, wish to thank friends and neighbours for the many kind expressions of sym- pathy extended during their be- reavement; also thanks to Rev. D. J. Lane, Dr. Street, the Chn:- ton Hospital nursing staff, and ' Miss, Isabel Fax for their kind services, 8-p The family of the late Dr. Wil- liam L. Mair wish • to sincerely thank all persons who sent gifts, treats and cards during Dr.. Mair's long • stay in hospital, and at the time of his funeral. Special th- anks to. Revs. J. T. White and D. J. Lane, and Clinton Lodge; A.F. and A.M. No. 84; also to nursing staff of Clinton Public Hospital and Dr. W. A. Oakes. 8-b TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS The Council of the Township of Mullett will receive Tenders for the Spraying of Cattle WARBLE , Township for WAR in the owns p FLY. Tenders to be so much per , head per spray for 2 sprays, Tend- ers to be in the hands of the Clerk, March 1, 1958. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily ac- ! eepted. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk ' Londesboro. 7-8-9-b TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT APPLICATIONS The Council of the Township of Elullett will receive Applications ,l for One (1) WARBLE -FLY INSPECTOR s for the Township for 1958 Spray- n ing of Cattle for Warble -Fly. 1 Salary to be 85c per hour and r ,05c per mile mileage while work- I ung in the Township, s Applications to be, in the hands of the Clerk, March 1, 1958. r GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk e Londesboro. i 7-8-9-b 1 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT s l TENDERS The Conuicil of the Township of Ilullett will receive Tenders for the C°USII;dG and HAULING of approximately 12,000 Cubic Yards of Gravel for the Roads, in the Township. Gravel :to be -1crushed and put through a; 3/4 -inch sereen. All gravel to be crushed and spread to 'the satisfaction of the #Road Superintendent and the District Engineer, Certified cheque for $20o must accompany each tender. Lowes or any Tender not nieces- sarily accepted. Tenders to +be in; the hands. of the Road .Superintonildnt, March 1, 1958. LEN CALDWELL, hood SUper'intendenr, kA. 1, Londesboeo, T -&9-b ROXY THEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly X 'W Ido Sdrern NO'r}3' � THURSIIAY, +'RIDAY, SATURDAY "THE DELICATE DELINQUENT99 A teen-age terror who scares nobody but himself, Jerry will wow all moviegoers, young and old', Jerry Lewis -- Martha Hyer -- Darren McG(avin MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY auBA L (Adult Entertainment) lScenic' beauty in the Rocky Mountains, plus a firstwrate ad- venture drama of, the old West, In Cinemascope and Technicolor, Glenn Ford -- Valerie French Ernest Borgnine , COMING; ; "THE SCEPTRE AND THE MACE" . Film, story of the .Queen's visit. Also "REPRISAL" - With Guy Madison and Kathryn Grant 1 hope to,jnove to my NEW BARBER SHOP ; ABOUT MARCH 1. New shop located in the l former Credit Union Office across from Bartliffs Bak - John. Plumtree 8-9-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Agnes Lrtelka Johnson, late ,of the Town A Clinton in the County of Huron; widow, deceased. All persons having claims again- st the Estate of the above deceas- !d are required' to file the same vith the undersigned Solicitor for :he said Estate on or before the '.4th day of February, A.D., 1958, rfter which date the assets will be listributed amongst the parties ,ntitled thereto, having regard )nly to the claims of which notice hall have been given. Dated at -Clinton, Ontario, this ith qday of February, A.D. 1958, E. B, MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, ...Solicitor for the said Estate. 6-7-8-b Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TENDERS -.a,,re invited by the Cownship of Tuchersmith for CRUSHIRG and HAULING approximately 12,000 cu. yds. of Gravel o township roads in 1958; 3/4 -inch creenn to be, used. Work to be ;ompleted by July 1st, 1958, and lone to :the satisfaction of the Cownship Road Superintendent. Travel will be supplied by the ownship at three locations and :ontractor must supply all other equirements. Marked cheque for $300 must 4eompany each tender or tender vill not .be considered. • Contractor to state price per <ard delivered on roads. Tenders to be in the clerk's lands by 3 p.m., March 4, 1958. Lowest or any tender not neees- arily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth, Ont. -8-b Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TENDERS are invited by the ownship of Tuckersmith for SPRAYING CATTLE FOR WARBLE FLY CONTROL nder the Warble Fly Control Act, 952 and regulations and amend - rents thereto. Contractor to state ft flat price er head per spray. Township will apply Warbielde, required and Dkra,etor must )supply all other 'quirements including labour and guipmen,t.' Work must be done to the sat- daetion of an inspector appointed y the township. Lowest or many tender not neces- nrily accepted. Tenders to be in; the clerk's and by 2.30 ,pan., Marchi 4, 1958. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R, 4, Seaforth, Ont, -8-b PARK THEATRE G 0 D E R I C H Now Playing: "GUN FOR A COWARD" In scope and color with Janice Rule MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY (Adult Entertainment) „ .•.. . !Rock Hudson -- Wendy Biller and Dana Wynter From the Robert C. Ruark novel, a tense -tale of strife in the Mau Mau country; .filmed in Africa, "Something of Value" THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY — SPECL4L ATTRACTION "The Sceptre and. . the Mace" Don't miss this highly praised rechnieolor record of the Royal Visit. ALSO Cornel Wilde -- Donna Reed and Leo Gema ?resent the adventurous story of s missionary, his, niece and a man xith another sort of mission. 'Beyond. Mombasa' In Technicolor COMING: Bim. Novak as "JEANNE EAGLES" ...• (Adult Entertainment ..,, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS The Council of the Township of Hullett will receive Tenders for the supplying of Seven Hundred (700) pounds of, WARBLE -FLY POWDER in Fifteen (15) pound bags and. One Hundred (100) pounds in One (1) pound bags for the spraying of cattle for Warble -Fly in 1958. All Tenders to be in the hands of the .Clerk, Warch 1, 1958. Lowest or ,any tender not neces- sarily accepted. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk Londesboro. 7-8-9-b Clinton Community Fartners AUCTION SALES E'V'ERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K, W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk f�ALBRAITR RADIO---TELEVISION-x-41-FIDELITY -. Your SER3�CE Dialer RCA-vICTORELIECTROHOMI WHIRLPOOLapailance$ TV -- RADIO HI -Fl COMPONENTS t e