HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-20, Page 4News. of. Auburn Corrpspondent Km. FRED ROSS Phone Dungannon 9 r 15 Sunday, February 23 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "What Will Happen At The Great White Throne." Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting "Study in the Book of Heb- rews". You are cordially invited to these services, Vs.." Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite yoti to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order' of meetings on day as follows: 11,00 a,rn.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p,m,-Sunday School 7.00 p,m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Wednesday- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading, Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON ,Sunday, February 23 Sunday School 9,45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11,00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Mr, M. Getty, Wing- ham. TUESDAY', 8 p.M. - Prayer and Bible„ Study. 4A Hearty Weteeme Awaits You" ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C, S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin Organist Sunday, February 23 1st Sunday In Lent ' 8.30 a.m,-Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 4.30 ,p.m..--1-1oly Baptism Wednesdays in Lent 7,30 p.m.-Devotions and Serm- on (Junior and Senior Choirs will meet together following the servicell, Wed., Feb. 26-Friendship Club will meet Iii Parish Hall at 8.15 p.m. Thurs. Feb. 27-Chancel Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Hart. at 8 p.m. RCAF WA Will flold May Bazaar The monthly , meeting of the. Ladies' Auxiliary of Rte' Stat- ion Clinton was held on February 3, with 26 members attending. • Visits. were arranged for the County Tome. These visits take place the second and fourth Thurs- day of each month, It was decided, after some dis- cussion, • that a tea, bake sale, and apron table be held in the town hail sometime in 1Viay. Capper tooling elaeaee.,will start on Febreary 10 in the chapel 'annex and will be condueted. by Mrs F. Hanilyn. and Mrs. George Johnson; • It was. announced that the March meeting Will have a penny sale, with each. member .bringing Aftera the small article, was adjourn- ed, Valentine games were enjoyed by all. A box of choclates went to Mrs, O. Grigg as winner of musical chairs. Flowers Telegraphed anywhere ACCOOKE. F L OR I T.,• Dial HU Neesiesollimiloniss ssemloa moo***********.m..................iss t :Christ's Ambassadors• Rally MONDAY, FEBRUAR.Y. 24 at 8 p.m., Clinton. Pentecostal Church Victoria ;Street SPECIAL SINGING SPECIAL MUSIC Speaker: REV. DONALD ICANTELON 'Come and hear this anointed young evangelist who has taken part in campaigns in Europe and North America. "Jesus Christ, 'the same yesterday, and [to-4y and forever" • -Hebrews 13: 8 ou'll Find your dollar goes farther at Anstett's. Come in'and look around. Make sure you see our bargain tables. PAGE FOUR, CI-WM NEWS-R=4W, LateSPAY,,..wagxtuvAgr A.3.950 Good Will Club Regular Meeting The .-Good Will Club of Wesley- Willis United Church met a Tuesday evening, February 11,. in the church parlour with Mrs, Tf„ G, Manning presiding, , After the °Petting hymn, Mrs, jeMrsorx read 1 Corinthians, 13, and Miss B. Diehl offered prayer. Two committees were fermed, ere to stimulate interest in sew- ing for the Travelling Basket and the, other to make plans for the Good Friday .Musicale. Mrs. Donald Middleton, accomp- anied by Miss Mavis Steepe sang two delightful solos, "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" and. "Love's Old Sweet Song". Mrs, E. H. Epps gave an interesting recitat- ion, "Trouble ire the Amen - COrra-er,,. Mrs. R. Jenkins introduced: the guest speaker, _ Mrs.. Grant Mills Who gave e, thoughtful talk "on, "How Christianity helps to build 4-contented and happy life". Mrs. Manning thanked Mrs. Mills for her very lielPful -address. Mrs. R. Jenkins, and Mrs, .F.,pps .convened the. meeting. Mistress A. J. Mallough and -Oeamia, Goclerich, and James .Per- sons, Georgetown; visited . with Mrs David Steep,. on Sunday. o.~••••••11P-Nr1~0400.4•44"'"444"."' Day and Night TAXI SERVICE rciN CHILLY DAYS 1 HOW ARE YOU FARING? PERHAPS YOUR HEATER NEEDS REPAIRING AO MO Don Switzer - Howard Grealis Night Calls HU 2-9036 2-3-4-b Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative Phones - Bus., HU 2-6606 - Res., HU 2-3869 Clinton Hospital Association Annual Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBER TOWN HALL, CLINTON POSTPONED UNTIL Monday, Feb., 24 8,00 p.m. All those interested in the affairs of ClintOn Public Hospital are cordially invited to attend. A. M. KNIGHT, E, E. WALTON, President Secretary-Treasurer 6-7-8-b estinghouse WHITE SALE Big Savings for the Month of February Automatic Dryer * *we Clinton Electric Shop ALBERT STREET D. W. CORNISH CLINTON I OBITUARY 1 A. M. IVIeEwen Alexander M, .McEwen, second concession Of Stanley Township, died in Clinton Public Hospital on Friday afternoon, February 14, He had been ill for 12 daye. was a soil of the late MX. and Mtis. Duncan 1VicE,wen. was born in Stanley Township 83 years ago, where 'he farmed all his life. He was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Clinton, His wife, the former Mary .in- nes, died in 1953, He is survived by five daughters; Mrs, (Marian) Laramie, Kincardine; Miss Jean Maivven, Toronto; Mrs. I3, J, (Eleanor) .„ Runnels, Tirrimins; Mrs, Charles .(Bessie)' Boyd, Wal- ton; Mrs.. John.. (Marjorie) Broad- Brucefield, one brother, John it ma:wee, Stanley' Township; two sisters, Mrs. O. L. Paisley, Clinton; Mrs,' William. 'Teti-butts, Godericli; by 12 grandchildren and one ,great-grandson. . ReV: D. 3.- Lane was in Charge of the funeral service and ''Inter- merit Was inBaird.,..CeMetery, Stanley' .Township. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Weir, Joan and Bobby,. London, were week- end wisitors with Dr. B. C. Weir and Mr. and Mrs. D, A. 'MacKay. Mrs. John Maize and infant daughter has returned home from the Goderi'ch hospital. Miss Mary Lou Plunkett, Wing- ham, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Plunkett, The World's Day of Prayer will b eheld in St. Mark's Anglican Church on Friday, February 21, at 2.00 p.m. All the ladies of the community are urged to attend this meeting.. Ricky Maize, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Maize, is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. The Auburn school was closed for three days last week due to so many pupils having the flu. It has been closed this week on ac- count of the storm which has struck this district. WMS Meeting Mrs, 3`. We Graham gave her home for the February meeting of the WMS of Knox Presbyterian Church. The president Mrs. Wes Bradnock presided and gave the call to worship. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. A. Letherland who read the Scrip- ture, gave meditation on same and offered prayer. Rail call was answered by the word "Give." The secretary's re, port was given by Mrs. A. Leth- erland and Mrs, F. Ross gave the treasurer's report, Arrangements were Ade for the World's Day of Prayer. Mrs. Herb Govier reported for the al- location. The chapter in the study book, "This is Japan" deal- ing wl`th education in the church was taken by Mrs. Ed, Davies. Mrs. W. Bradnock 'favored with a solo, with harp accompaniment by Mrs. R. J. Phillips and Mrs. J. W. Graham gave a reading, The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs, Letherland. The hostess served refreshments. YPIT Meets The ,young People's Union of Lady Bowlers Brave Storm To Bowling Alley (Mrs. Helen Mullen) February's high winds and stormy weather did not deter the interest of the RCAF Ladies Bow- ling League. Last Friday evening, high triple honours were taken by Mrs. J. Stamm with a score of 721 while Mrs. R. Christian took high single with a score of 238. Other ladies with a score of 200 and over are as follows; Mrs, P. Cameron, 237; Mrs. B. Roop, 235; Mrs. K, .Spillsbury, 234; Mrs, K. Banville, 232; Mrs. P. O'Dell, 232; Mrs. L. Southgate, 223; Mrs. J. Kromery, 222; Mrs. 3. F,yvie, 219; Mrs. S, Brown, 218; Mrs. D. Voigt, 216; Mrs. K. Garncau, 214•( Mrs, L. Mady, 213; Mrs. I. Carter, 212; Mrs. M. Edge, 211; Mrs, S. Moffatt, 210; Mrs. M Brown, 204; Mrs. M. Wadsworth, 203; Mrs. G. 1VIelynk, 201. r....4.04.44‘,•.~,4. Jack SCRUTON YOUR Cities Service suilm Distributor Phone HU 24683 0 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost "The Home of Good Clam Fuel8" • ,******#*******o*******o****.*4 .MOTHERS' STUDY OROIIP TO IYIEM TUESDAY The Mothers Study Group of Wesley-Willis United: Church will meet on Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 25 at 8.30 p.m. in the manse, Mrs. George Cantelon will be in charge of the meeting and the guest speaker will be Miss Clara McGowan; Children's Aid Society, Goderich, who will speak aboiit her work, • Roll call is to be an- swered bye. favourite hymn. 0 Color of the scarlet jackets worn by R,C.MP, was chosen in deference to the wishes of the Plairis• Indians, who had regarded the "Red Coats" of the earlier British Army garrisons in the west as friends and protectors. CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGUL1AN, E.Th. 11.00 a,m,'"Thomas-The Man of Doubts" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School, 7.30 p.m.- Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 7.30 pens-Faith and Fellowship Hour A. Cordial Welcome to All Enitett (0=0 REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, February 23 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Guest Minister, Rev. Charles McLaren, Protestant Chap- lain, 'RCAF Station, Clinton 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School & Bible Class. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.pi.--Worship Service 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH BODENHAM, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, February 21-- 8.00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, February 23- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Merning Wecship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday, February 25- 8.00p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Await% You ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "Tm rnit 1\11:PLY CHURCH" Pastor-REV. GRANT mra,s, B.A. 9.45 am.-Sunday School 11.00 arn.-Weraldp Service 7.00 p,rn.-EVening Chapel Hotta Tvimmitog ortniten 2.00 p.m.- Worship Service 3.00 pari.-Sunday School Faa'AIE:'.64,14-977"D/460 arielikect.IVATCkliZEPAIRE R. ;4iiiiro, • ve.e. 2420: • Given with the Purchase of Famous ....4 PIECE KANISTER SET 41/iiiiine,,d to match your Kitchen • Seamless • Rustproof • Enduringly Beautiful We bought all we could - and pass the savings on to you! Famous Kromex Pantry Partners in smart, to-tone aluminum with your choice of Pink, Turquoise, Yellow, or Black trim. Offer good while quantities fast/ REG. $12.95 SPECIAL $10.95 SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. Clinton HU 2-7023 ti Regular Meeting. WeskylVillis WMS Talk About japan The Wesley-WilliS Woman's Mehit7rSciohnaorny TStioupri4eciti, u1.47eetibruaatr t y te. Mrs. Charles Nelson presiding, op- ened the meeting, Reports were given by the treasurer of the Baby Band and Krs. Laidlaw gave two items on temperance, World's' Day of Prayer will be held in Wesley - Willis. United Church en Friday-, February .21, at 3,00 pan, Mrs. N. Shepherd's group took charge, Mrs, M, Addison read the 1 Cor,: 13, Mrs. Shepherd gave items on Japan: reports by Mr. Norman on Dr, Kagawa and also Bob 'McClure for whom the Wes- ley-Willis Mission Band is nam- ed. 1 Miss, -E. Jamison gave a reading "The Trouble with Ea.sie," and a reading by Mrs, E. Epps "Snow Storm" was enjoyed, The work part of the meeting.followed with Mrs. M. E. Kim giving an inter- eating. and instructive talk on their. work among the Indians. of Manitoba. Lunch ,With birthday cake was served, HEARTOSIDE CLAM -HOLDS POT LUCK SI.IPPER • The Heerthside Club of Ontario Street United Church met in the church hall fee- a pet luck supper on Thursday night, February 13. Worship service was held In the chapel and then Mr. Mills showed two films which were much ensey- ecl, o WesierWillis WA Plans For Dinner Tile February meeting of the Wesley-Willis, Woman's 'Associat- ion was held in the ehurch parlor with over 30 membera, preseet, Mrs. F, Andrews, the preeident, presided. Mrs. M. Steep read the Scripture, Mrs.. J. Nediger, thoughts .on lesson, and. prayer by Mrs. W. Jervis. The treasurer's report showed' a goad balance. Several thank- 'ran cards were read and several .home and hoepttal chile reported. There was a minute's silepee ob-• served in memory of the late Mrs. Harry Ch.arlesworth who was a valued- member; Plans were made for the Pres- byterial dinner, and for the St; Patrick's bazaar,* The United Church University Home at West- ern; .University was discussed, Mrs. M. Nediger. sang, "Just a-wearying "for You". •-• The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah bened- iction, PR'^RIP,•••••••••n ",11."4,•.'"*.^011."110,""1•.",,,,,P... Leave Your Driving Worries Parked In Your Garage Auburn United Church met Feb-ruary 5) in the Sunday School room, with Marlene Easom in charge. After the singing of "Jesus is Calling" the Scripture was given by Harvey Snell. Bill Dobie led' in prayer and the col- lection was received by Gerald Dobie and Harvey Snell, "Mom.- ent by Moment" was sung. The topic on citizenship and community service was given by learcirley Speigelburg, then "I'll Go where you want me to Go," was sung, The next meeting will be held February 19, at Donny- brook, Recreation was enjoyed and the evening closed with •Taps. "The spot-light performanca for the month of December was the Provincial Youth Conference on the alcohol problem . We feel that we have now idsdovered a gold mine,, and we have staked our claim, • We quote the,Executive Secre- tary of the Ontario Temperance Federation, under whose auspices the Conference was held, • The gathering was an outstand- ing success, ,It was hoped that at least 60 youth would enroll for the four-day 'conference, held during the Christmas holidays. Actually 91 attended. These were from 59 different municipalities represent- ing 77 high schoole and collegiates. There were 56 boys and 35 girls. In all 14 different denominations were represented. The results are already appear- ing. A council of 10 was formed during the sessions, chosen by the delegates at large. Numerous school assemblies are being ad- dressed by students who attended the Conference. Youth groups are being set up in schools for study and discussion. One girl wrote in appreciation, of the Conference, "I certainly enjoyed it. I have learned a great deal about pro- blems and I am certain now that I shall never drink." This group is our challenge. It has a tremendous potential. HURON COUNTY TEMPERANCE FEDERATION 8-b Provincial Youth Christian Reformed Church REV. G.f J. HOTIMVIA, Minister 10.00 a.m,-Service in English 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School , 2.30 p.m.-Service in Dutch Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a.m.-Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church; Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m., 1070 kes, Windsor, Ont., CK- LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kes, • ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS, M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, February 23 9.45 a.m,-Our Church School 10.45 a.m.-Divine Worship: "Witnessing for the Gospel" Everybody Welcome PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P,A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. Le SWEIGARD, Pastor With that &Milo Home flood OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL: From Our Store Only- PUMPKIN PIES Reg. 55c SPECIAL 49c Bartliffs Bakery .Ltd BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUn er 2.9721 CLINTON