HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-20, Page 1_. ........... ..e...
In'to Rec rd
7,11, PON
c —7 W. P. 01) THE NEW :SRA -93rd YEAR THE NEW$-RECORa-77th, EAR
' ` P14,�NNEP FOP. B•IMP,-
ly scads .of pictures in this P�pex
but as you, see, nothing much Na. 6--RT.hc "qma. Paper With the News CANTON, ONT:AR�, T'.HURPAY FEBRUARY 2.0, 1950 7 Cents co •Copy •,-r. $3.09 4 tfeor
of the sort ;happened:.. , -Thanks
to Ken, van Itiesen, otherwiseN'eede
knovm as "Tex" . , we were a career � Oe :ety
saved' from having' to publish a .
Paper, sails pies of any kind` . , , Lots.of Postponements • ForTwo W.
Has New �'i�i�ns $40,000
+Con�'ratul`a�tions to him, in the r
ax,'compllsb erre he has attained Vailab , Nowa
I n becoming ;a " Queens Scout" , , , f es ,. i e fisted t'
W . The execu ave of the Clinton
Cias'sroomsr�`an � r 't •of C a ' �� �. � �,. School
7 B,UMN�ES$ O'F PICTURE$ In this issue, instead of news ulcers Association which also was d Laist let l ei_ the an dila
Cancer Society i7iet at the borne ,
Can "become quite. serious , , You of two rigmina'tion meetings for to have been held early this Week, .of the resident 'MIS. W, J, ar- 1�lath a fatal enrolment of 489 reported bn opening day an Sept -next year, seems to .:be as high,.
P , . M-
see mai'Is have been running eom the Doming federal election; the has been postpgned until Satux- ilk con Wednesday eveping, Febru- pupils• at the Clinton Pubaac ember, and pxobalbly higher. g
pietelyd.lww- 'Ire 'al'l this weelc storyof the Hog Producers am day, `afteiv46pn, at 1.30 o'clock in ary 12: Amon& the various items School at the end of January, Actually, with the school class Application has been made by
For' Instance • the ate it r nu a the story of the growth the Log:104 .LIal Clinton. of b. 'n s t . x was mentioned memibers of the school Board, have .rooms filled to the brim to, start the Board .to the Council 'f er
an ., e i ma. from n a , and rY usi es , he e m nti red e Coup o Gla .
Kincardine did not arrive on elth= of the Clinton, PublicHospital, ^iDramu Teatival `P the matter of .education. New been forced to consider' building with, the extra pupils have fors- Town of Cljnton, for the pass xi ''
well . other stories of thins The Pr'oma Festival planned by films 'ch r interesting .an addition to the, school. En- ed consideration of an addition, of a by-law authorizing tl
est • lti2on..day or Tuesday .tihe as w as; g p' , which are as 469 so 't e prediction f rowing Y ie bps-
reason 'beatig ,that the truck was happening—we bring You instead the Junior Flarmers of Huron t° yell es edueatianal, are avaz'lable rolment has increased from Al , h p con ox enrolment owing of $40,000, This air ount•
maroohed in Kincardine , . , Now a list of cancellatigns and post- take place in February has been for -showing to ally group at any will, 'build and equip two addition -
we depend: an mails, or buses, or 'ponements, postponed until March, when the tune by phoning Rev, J.. A, M,c- al classrooms,
something moving to take N 11 Iti'>;IONS same dates; will be effective. If Kim, it ;is the intention, of the Board"
our negatives up to Wangli'am, With• the ,preliminary voters you had tickets to attend any of ;Mrs, D, J, Carle, convener ofthat these rooms will be put ory
ame , later Breat'hes Her
and then to carry the finished lists already ,posted in prominent the events iii the. Festival: they the welfare and service Ga tto at the east corner of the school;
plAstic engravings bac$ to us ... pJaces throughout the riding, both will be honoured. in March. reported that the gift cupboard . Days
next to the present kindergarten
Troubles? This weep was just 'the• 1,1beral's and Progressive Con- Vara Management needs replenishing, Small, articles ' ' t■ :For Troom, When the 'other additionabout tops servataves have yet to choose a A, social evening planned, by the such as cologne, soap, candy, jam off` . r� was put on, arrangements' were,'
candidate, , The election date is members of the Farm Manage or jelly, books: for children, etc., - h made far the further addition. The
LllT .US HAVE NO .W1S9CR�A- now only five weeks away, anent classes; has been st oned are ver Fierce :wands throughout Sun The Clinton PUC reported no
po p y acceptable, alid will be south several feet of the kinder -
indefinitely, day and, Monday, and again on difficulties at all, The kiEPC ru-
„., tics . about the small size of the The Liberal noznanation meeting called for by. 1VCrs, D. J. .Lane. garter• room. will become ait� ex -
evening, this "week, either ... scheduled for last week, will now'. ;Inns + Tuesday afternoon and evening, sal area manager, A. M. Knight
ur ee Company Plans are being made for the tendon to the hair, The kinder -
after 'all, when Mother :Nature be held one Thursday afternoon, annual ,carripaiigii. to be held du,r- coupled *with several Inches of endorsed that this district had ,garter; xoom will,, be' made stand•
"cracks the whip,the e's a Febrtra ?`.0, commencing at 2 g snowfall, brought • about ground been fortunate, There were � ,,
The annual•meetin of the Hay, • � gr and classroom size', Then the 11a1t
r no use g Ta�vVrislup'IGlutual Fire insurance Ing Apr►1, w°" drifting in near -gale proportions, ,couple of trips to repair minor
t"Arig to.',ao anything about it . , , o'clockI in the Legion Haller here
Company, which was to have been P will continue the length of the
in C9lntan. Possible speak with the result that. traffic, was, d'ama'ge, but most' of the time two proposed classrooms, anti. an-
this. meeting will be Bob,M`cub- held, earlier this week, has been•AM.
dre.W. ,parallzed'. throughout the area, was spent 'by the linesmen• in re- other entranceway will e
+f.1�N THESE COLD ANTU WIN 4 mads,
bin, East Middlesex f Post'Po � �� Western 6ntarao, and many parts pairing tools and shovelling snow".. Y
trJ' days the Senior Male ormer pari -
24 in of TownHall,yZuri ch ary � The annual; school corse
- of the United States,
Citizens c1wb. room ori the base- iamentamy assistant to the 1Viiiiist-a. (held on two rxi�ghts to accommd•,
ment of the town hall is er of Agriculture and Walter Har- Wheitt Producers S ori$ - Peal, The township roads were being 9� date all parents and relit vest' �,
greatly Tliis i$ not os't oned meet- rapidly plowed out yesterday, and Queer. s +7tOut
appreciated . . , Here s what one. ris, Grey -Bruce, former miinister p p . , . will be held, this year on April
of the chaps who spends quote a of Finance. ing, but theAluron County Wheat ? ] all highways and county roads in 24 and 25
Chuireo Irl. .;
bit of time there has to say: t; Producers are Tanning a meet- ►� lu� this area" vi�ere passable b car, _ n
The Pro re5sive Conservatives ' 1? p y
" + + r have scheduled their rrieeting for Ing on ; Monday afternoon, Feb- The Sunday ;School room of St. In the Owen , Sound area, winds
bh me! Oh my. Tway truly ruary 24; commencing at two o'> continued to make driving haz
said the best dung that ever trap- 'Friday evening, commencing at .A.ndrews Presbyterian Church g Fa CDC! Teachers To
8.30, also in the Legion Hall CSliri clock, when two delegates will be was. the setting 6n S'aturd'ay after- ardous. „� , .
•Pened was the spacious, cosy, r
•white -washed duly room in: the elected to the O a
•'tan•. Theirs has been .postponed ,xrtarlo Wheat Pro- noon far a, Valentine tea. and haz- Many of the, rural schools. were (� r+�
ducers Association, to carr out ,aar under the auspices of -the closed for the 'first three days of Get Increases O�
Clinton Town Hail There, from, the beginning of the week, y Girls' Club Receiving at the door the. week g g q
over,50 old members (and a few Candidates for this party will the Wheat Marketing plan. This . president of the club , owing to the high drifts
were the young ones,) while anway a fenv quite probab7.y be Elston E'. Card meeting, will be held in the Ag- Miss Anne Radley rand Mrs, D, J. end blfndirig snow squaAs. In Chin,$206 In Salaries
monotonous hours each day, play- iff, Brussels, the present member, ricultural. Office Board Room, Cl- Lane,
t, ton the Collegiate, was not closed,
•,ing • euchre and cribbage and en- and chief party whip at Ottawa. inion. X The various'
display tables were but on Monday and Tuesday, only <a ,. Teachers of Clinton District ...
joying much chat re: current ev- Hospital Annual Safe Driving decorated with bougixets of daffo- students of the town Were able Collegiate Institute received ap-
30rti as well ch old . .One old There is an invitation to all Also on Monday, in the evening, dils. ' In. charge of tlae homemade to get to classes.. r Yesterday; proval for salary increase Last
come was very much amused to interested persons to attend the a safe driving campaign, rally wil'I baking were Mrs. Frank Mutch, however, roads had been cleared week when members, of the
Y ry pe Mrs. E. J. "Dick" Jacob and Mrs,
see the .day when "the Moore", annual meeting of the Clinton :be held by the Huron County Ronald McCann, The miscellan- enough thaht 'buses were able to Board, decided to increase the
"the Wooden Marl, "the Moss- Hospital Association. It, too, is Federation of Agriculture and the pick up from u nt 70 percent rriinimum to $4,000 from the pre
"the coos table was supervised by Mrs, � p' -
bark", and "the World$& Wander", a postponed meeting, and it will Huron County Farm Forum in Eric Sims and. 'Mrs'. Robert Mor- of all aural students, estimated vious $3,800. The maximum rate
would get so much enjaymerxt be held on Monday evening, Feb- the Clinton District Coil''e&0 In- gan• Another table which proved Principal L. A. Fines. was also boosted—for non spec -
playing lobe hands and• euchrein, ruary 2.4, commencing at 8 pm. sti,tute. At 8.30 the farm forum to be of interest was a display iatists to $$,700 from $$,500 and
g booth by the •, .Cancer Society • for specialists, each other Thanks• to the in the council chamlbeS of the broadcast will be listened to, and P to $6,900 from $7,-
where two reipresentatives willing- Opening Days -.All 100. The annual increment of
town council we'll be good town ha'kl, then a film and talk on safe driv- 1
g y gave in, on the sub- w
boys now Hog Producers frig will. be given by Constable jest, $300 will remain the same,
* • The Huron County Hog Prod- Hardy, o!f the OPP, Goderich. At the tea tables; which were Termed Sitec,` ss � �ti These increases go part way
MEI , WiEAJTHER. IS NO RES- decorated with Valentine motifs, tonvard meeting requests made by
waitresses, iMiss Sylvia Carey, /� { �] T the 17 teachers employed by the
pester of persons It has, no- - • Mass Kay Snider,•Xiss Anne Shad- l�Cany At e'nd L�e�n Kenneth Van Riesen, Board.
regard either for those who just Rev.. R. G. MacMillan `Tested <. leu dock and Miss•• Mildred Farquhar became a Queens Scout last Also at the meeting,the Board
have to be. someplace, an time , a • ,: _- . • „ ..- . xe Ice "n' a d 'c%ous O e ' d s:_ at . the ..Clinton
�,._ ,: inng &Y. n.eelk,., in- .a special. cereixidny authorized the use of the school
... < .. vie. _ ,� ,Rt. )?uy ... ......
'for work, either we' ':know `" r ■` "' lunch to the' gu.:. "TGA. Market were termed 'a h.irge. conducted an the scout hall, gymnasium and auditorium by the
from personal experience, as we President. of N' rOn C■ rS �ireetars Mrs. Howard Cowan, social con- success by Lawrie Slade, manager ,Scoutmas,ter Frank Van AZtena Duran County Soil and Crop In
through two wholedays "out vener, was, assisted in the. kitchen P
on the farm" . , ,waiting for the The Chibdren,s Aid Society of Wingham; Ray Cousins, Brussels; by Mrs, Frank Cook, Mrs. Hym of the store. All of the 600 free ;made. the presentation of the provement Association for the
weather to clear . , . waiting, for Huron County held their annual William. McKenzie, Exeter; James ers, Mrs. I41'oyd Carter and. Mrs. 'Prizes were given -away and at badge. Attending the present- County Seed Fair on March 7
Allan Graham. Mrs. Royce Mae- least twice during the first day, ation ceremony was the Que- and 8. Also the Federation of
the plow to come through meeting on February 12 with,'a E.Doig, its, 4, . Georg and Miss. aulay was. in charge of making the stare was so packed with cus- en's 'Scout's father, Kurt Van Agriculture in the County was
waiting far bath of obese things representation from th, Dash-
M . J. R Mrs. George Johnston, tea, tomers that it was difficult to
Clinton E�ceter Seaforth Dash- Mrs, J. Reynolds, Mrs. A. Taylor, Ries n, Ken is the second scout given. permission to use the aud-
to happen, together Finally wood and Goderich in'attendance, Mr. W. M. Prest and Lewis Tay- The president wishes to thank move about, at Clinton to receive this award, itorium on February 24, to marls
we gave up waiting, called a taxi lir, all of Goderich. all those who helped make this Two special prizes were wan by the highest possible in scouting, the F. of A. Safe Driving Can-..ip-
and• started walking to meet Rev. R. G. MacMillan, Goderich, . The association directors are as bazaar such a success.
was elected. president of the Board Olintonpeople. Hawand Currie, (News -Record Photo) alga,
it , . , Result was we arrived at , follows: Miss J. Falconer R.N., Joseph Street, won, the white pan- 0 -
work yesterday Goderich, first vice-president; Hu- `from the Public Health; a rep- Kin Club
j� arks da bear which had been donated��T 7 c � ■o wr
• s. : resentative of the Salvation Army, jJ jdj j� far the purpose by the Snobay Walter �7pf;Jrle�lC` Seed Fair Will
gh Berry; R.R. 1, W. 11 Er see- H McCreath and Mrs. H. Palmer,
SAM'S THERE IS, POSSIB]:LY and vice -,president; A. H. Erskine, all of Goderich. • carrup�any. Mrs. Charles Ealiatt,
room for complaint about the jab Goderich, secretary; A. M. Rab- • Beads Board!. of
being accomplished by the depart- ertson•, Goderich, honorary secret- Mrs. Chaffee, the local director, 38th], Anniversary, Whitehead Street won the man.
ary; J, G. Berry, Goderich, treas- gave a most interesting report on key which was an display at the Have New Classes
meat of public works in town ... the ears activities of the staff. banana counter, Hensall Church -
urer. Y Plan For Yeas, ,
At least, if there is no room, poo- J. G., Berry presented the tress- dor Seed Judging
pie are making room . .. , for Reeve Bailie Parrott, Morris urer's report and the budget for Credit staff
At a meeting of the Official
Township represented the County 1958 of $44,350. Harr McCreath The Kinsmen Club of Clinton Although the staff of the Clin- Board of Hensali United Church
they are certainly least, t'f of , . y tan Community Credit Union mo- Wednesday evening, Walter Spen- New at the Huron County Seed
On one point, at least we feel Council on the Board, and the made a few remarks on behalf celebrated the 38th anniversary of.
the department should have made following are the directors; Mrs. of the clothing committee. A very Kinsmen Clubs in Canada with 21 ved into their new quarters, on cer was named chairman of the Fair in Clinton this year will be
F. Fin land, Clinton; Mrs. K. enlightening y Board of Stewards; Jim Taylor, a seed, judging class for Junior.
Fin -gland, g g panel discussion on members attending the event an .Ontario Street on Monday, of -
more effort towards — even on Jahns, R.R. 1 Woodham Mrs. "Adaption" was conducted. by Rev, ficial opening -has been• postponed secretary of the Official Board; Farmers Operating in teams. The
Monday night when the storm regular meeting night, February ' Donaad Joynt secretary
Howard Kl`umpp, Dashwood; Fr- MacMillan, assisted by Miss Clare until next Wednesday, February Y of the fair will be held on March 7 and
was at its worst . and that ,ink Sills, Seaforth; John Winter, dVteGotivan and Miss Gertrude Wil- 18. Highlight of the evening was Board of Stewards.
was to keep a track clear u. to R.A.2, Harriston; Fred Davidson, ken of the staff. new the invitation ceremony
ceremony for five 26,
6The "open house" far two days eti ,g00 feet the haulrlch auditoriuto wall m 8, witPre o the seed Judging to take
P p Batlan s House place on the first day.
the hospital .. , Did you ever These new Kinsmen are Donald was completed Thursday, and on Previously the team. classes
notice haw, whom a storm hits, ■ s is Worth-- Young of the Bell Telephone last week at the recently coin,pae- !Monday 450 feet of new seats Were open only to teams from
there's aright some young, moth- legion Hall Proves � ted "Econoamy Horne" built by were installed. Seats are in light high sehoals—and only to boys.
er-to-be right in the middle of a C'ompaaiy; Bruce McCullough, em- Lloyd Batkin, proved a success, as oak and carpet deep red. Special In the Jun'or Farmer team. class,
stat7rr, br n to get to the hos- ployed at the Superior Food Mar- wiringfor s• speakers for people
g well, as people lined up outside, P P P the teams may be made up of
pital . . . There's always an an. i ma Sergeant Terry O'Neil, #•ire despite who are hard of hearinghas been
xious father along, and an also Here S An Average Week's' Events iron at RCAF Station Clinton' p• e the poor weather, g. order installed. In a special edication three boys f girls under 20 years
Jahn Sangster, of Sangster Plurcri- to see through the building. service, to be held in the near °f age as of March 1, 1958, and
anxious cab driver ... On: Monday The Clinton Legion Memorial and early in the evening the Girl bin and Heatin and <. Kenneth This house is now for sale, as future, the seats, carpet, a new who have not represented' Huron
ni9ght ane, young mother-to�be Hall is proving its worth to the Guides held their ,weekly meeting. Wflllis, accountant with the local can be noted in the classified- sec- communion table, and nine new County in. Tater-club Seed Judging
made , the trip into town• in the Property communion chairs for the session P
sub -zero cold in a jeep driven by t°�'n and corrinnunity. Although Incidentally, both these groups are branch, Bank of Montreal, tion of this issue under Pra ex•t competitions.
her husband .Another made this week is an exceptionally busy badly in need of leaders. Later ;Guests at the, meeting, were for Sale. will be dedicated. Coaching - of these teams will be
one, there is something doing at Monday evening the 16 -member Reeve Burnton Stanley, a farmer done by other Junior Farmer me -
the trip by taxi . . And the the hall practically every evening. Legion executive held their mon- Kin chanter member, who has tubers, who mayltake part in the .
streets Just
the -hospital, theworst
triv elm To give, the public an idea of the they" meeting, gone•=an in civic affairs, thus hav- Bayfield
senior section of tie competition,
were just about the worst travel• activities at thehall we are list- Another pack of Brownies met' ing to leave the Kin work. $itsOut..Storm Ehtries for this class should reach'•
ling either one had to go through, in, the events which have been Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday ev- The Club recommended three the- office of the Ontario Depart -
held and will, be held later this ening the Legion -sponsored Ban- past presidents as potential De- ment ,of Agriculture. on or before .
week, nockburn Pipe Band held ,regular puuty District Governors: X. W.
Friday, February 2$, First, prize . '
/}r /�
about having to wa9k a good coup- On Monday -after school the practice Peo r��e ell a arVoned
Colquhoun, D. C. Colquhoun . and is $1, -`second prize is •$8 • andd,
le of country miles through the Legion sponsored Brownies met; The Huron County Hog Produc- H. J. McEwan: there are tiro more prizes of $4`
snow .. •is the sir stat 'clear, (By our liayleld Correspondent) came ,for classes. for the senior
y ern Assmiatimi were scheduled, to A draw on the Stanley Cup fain each•
and wonderful air one breathes A group of six. per who group on Wednesday.
hold their annual meeting oh Wed- al game will be held, with pro- commute daily' to the LiCA� Stat Scouts, Cubs, Cruides and Brow- , Other classes in the,seed judg-
. As. One, person ,put it to me g. were cancelled on ing competition will.. be. similar 'to
• „ , ,,, one' to each of •the people. otic ngsday afternoon, but has ,'bee�i seeds for the Clinton Community ndrr, �Chnttlh, became' stranded ;ria, flies meeting.
. . I. used depths of my lungs diked If you 'didn't, care for .postponed. ta. Saturday,. February Swimming, Pool project; , The front of the red •sdhool house west Monday Plight.: The Women's those .an past years.
that haven't been :'Used for- years" someone' in 'the', classrborl�, you 22,• At five ,o`clock. Mrs, T, dab- Klub plans. to erect Kin rtlad signs of Brucefield 1•a'st • Monday -after- Auxiliary of 'Trinity 'Church was
. , . Also there is nothing so spm'ust�-' didn't send. him - a, "be my locld gave her weekly ballet les- at the five entrances to town and boon, They, made,: their 'Way forced to cancel their only fund
arkling aril bright to see as the j l ' +, On Basan rt t ' Kin- 'through the blizzard' to :the home raising event: the pancalte supper Z 1 Ul1t�
,. va entine at all . . e r son to a class of girls. The Cann will give full support o: the K n ill•lc
stars in the sky on a cold, toad -great of Mrs. James Thompson who of- ;ori Shrove, -Tuesday. ..'McManus .'" '
could have - been the great deal tori is bohtmunity Swimming Pool sponsored' hockey' team in Young fered them hospitality for the ,Dai truck• Eb1'lowed the• snow• DIt+C�I eS' Car
felt ors might ,„,a : Wove often of labour which went: into making Board met. in the eveYung, lit the Canada, week ..1n Goderich this P • �
night. O�n� Tuesday morning they pt�oivgh •from Goderich on .Monday
felt the modern traveller , misses Another' 'Legabrr kitchen, to plan for eoiin- Easter. ?� 20 -year-old, Zurich. youth)..
. , , . his one of those cards ,• . gat as far as the Ba'bylan; Line and rx'iogning but could'hot deliver to
a good-., deal When he does •his reason probs!>Iy Was a inose hon- `letfon of the .. 1 project. A The local Kin club plans to send were forced to return to Bruce the Xarl Regfer, Was "uninjured when
g � enclosed Ili' a orator P 'p°b p j patrons' in,the .fife „ vsllage,, the
travelling est • ap'proa:ch"to thio si tt atio i Legion Ladies Auxiliary Card at. least -ten members and their field, They finally managed to driver left ' a' good' 'sttplily of milk his car _ left the road and rolled
car 1#ing 1vp strong language on. The modern day kids have let Par planned for Wedriesd Earl wives. t the- district convention, in. get to Bayfield by Clinton and at the stores. Over twice in the ditch early Sun-,,
windorwpanes that freeze -up, 'arid a out of. had They- � p . w aY � Civic and press G6derfch. Several; others res�id- The directors' meeting- oi~ ' the .day morning. Damages to his'.
at best are murk and give a dim hangs g t b n y to be postponedone eek. Hamilton in May. P ing here. were not able to get Bayfield Agricullturdl Society vehicle Were estimated at $$1,2W
y gi ve taken to approaching mother The Legion Hall has become the ,might will be on March 4, and the through to the station on Mon which was to be held on.Monday The accident ocbured three irw:
view of the out of doors g ��"> y
• f�rr 1�a cents pdr card for each ineadquarters for political meet- speaker will be from the Hamilton eg south of Zurich, on the Goshen
x " * kid they 'know' •. .. and now the ings for the local ridings. The police Depttrtnclemt. A. sports might roiesda ,missed Tuesday and Wed- evening
omaires who have Ube. . Road conditions 'were des -
MY 0OO,DNESS, THINGS SUiR:E adults have stepped in, (could this Liberals will meet Thursday after- will be field early in ,Tune, and a The first mail• this week Arrived scoPled, at what have been consid- Cribed as bad by OlaP Coms,taible .,
change. , , . In ray youth: the Idea be another case of vertical hiteg- noon to choose a Candidate for' good s a'ker is being arranged ;here after dark on Tuesday, H, N, eyed bad _storms here agree that H i,ry RQid, Exeter, who invest-•
of sending valentines was to send lgated,
_ cation) and.in.Gaderfeh they came the March...31, 'Federal election, for, Brandon,. the Carrier made the -this �was'a real western, 'blizzard. ,
trip to 1lrucefrel'd and back on Yes, ft is a good ' old fashioned "°
rx(i With. the simply lovely. idea 'Then _Friday' evening at 8.;30 the � g
that this money could be better Progressive Conservatives will WOULD DAY OF F tA'YIgR �bnday mormixng but the mail winter, meant for the days when ASse�rn�� . Yard
The eek
Weather used ...and so they coaxed the .pick thein' Candidate. Also on 111T WESI.FaIy.VK'ILL1iS CH )Eiai# truck from London did not. get people Wore luring underwear, wol- �.
through, .Rural trail couriers len stockings, and long - woollen � /y
g all their Thursday afternoon, A, C. Rob- I+' VI DAY AXr'1`EIit1YC1014 front this office endeavoured, to over-stoCkings instead of Ions ��ears 139 •HO �.
lg5g 1857 little folk into putting ,�
High Low High :I.ow 15 cent collections from papa, in- ins'on• will: hold regular band prac-' The # Women's World Day of take the: two trays' Mail on Wed- when braving the elements. Thg d- weather n Tues re
Feb. 13 12 -1 35 SS to a lurnip stun to help furnish ticee for the boys' and, girls' 'band PrA.yer service will be held fn nesday (that days mail had. not meter doean't Nuke to 'be ssimisw . o
_ . Pe edconsiderably the number of
1.4 18 1 32 21 the 66W twang of the Goderich he f5 forri-Ang. The regular week- Wesley -Willis "UhAted Church: on arrived at time of Writing) lir the tic but judging by the flittings.tb
' 15 16 6 M 16 hos i'tai No doubt it is a l "oik- bingo scheduled for Prida February 31. at 3 .m, afternoon. The CDCI: 9dh°al bus and from and around the `bird' 'htygs being sent through the as-•
a l?, Y g y. p sembly yards here. ACCordimg' ,ttrn
16 16 »7 80 18 jwd.cause Out we doubt the Thursday evening, Mrs. JT A. McKim, will be guest dad not run on 1VXaYrday or Tues- feeding stiction, there is another
day'. rey, manager of the yardL
_ . _ , . the , . heti storm br b e
J. (;ii
7 8 4i 17 yniingsters are too impressed , , , Tb wind a the Week the Leg, slpeaker, A cordal! , tveYcome is owing but at th
,,. .. g , . .. ;There Were no'ptcbl3C school, on only 139 hags were, received andt
26• •6 $3 10 Ulglit be a 90M 'thing, though . , , ion montidy 'social, evening .and extended to all ladies bt the corn- Mon ibUt' MIs. W. Varker b ae Amo On t e sideboard .-of shipped, Loads went out to Com.,
..... dam' l ms 'bet;ut fol bouquet .bf
i3 21 16 they were prbbilbly forced into dalige with take place Saturday thunity, to meet together for,, livid classes in the Juinior. rabbis on fors hla, that is a s(iii that Ada Nckets, Toronto an to Cale.,
nolo; 4 iris, makinga few for thole best+loves, ni ht, iChristlahfC-IkAVshoYt g't gP Tuesday. Mrs, Reg i3al ,, Cllriton, spriztg is lust around tih�e corner, niarl'S in London, s