HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-13, Page 16PLEASE . -NO PHONE ORDERS ' We're clearing the decks! . . . $75,000.00 of stock must go . . ' at sacrifice prices, I.H.A.o complete plans for making tis,the most modern, up-to-date H.A. Hardware and Housewares, Store in this area! Y.H.A. 'is, the sign of top quality merchandise At lbw, low .pries, and combines the purchasing power of a national organizatibu bringing you the fairest prices, with the personalized service of your local hard- ware merchant. Shop to-day for the tremendous bargains offered during this complete "Clean-Sweep" Sale! • , • HOUSEWARES" • TOYS ,4) ALUMINUM and-NIFT WARE • TOOLS • CUTLE,RY • CLOCKS • PYREX WARE - • GARDEN TOOLS •. • snovEts:- • • FARM TOOLS • it MOPS and BROOMS • SPORTING GOODS • LIGHT BULBS • APPLIANCES PAINT PAINT BRUSHES HOBBY KITS SUPER -DISCOVNTS'on • FURNITURE • •' POWER TOOLS • MAJOR APPLIANCES COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND! MINTON NEWS-RECORD Staff Members the Credit Unionz-' PAGE SIXTEEN • What Is IGA? Independent GrocerS Alliance ' (Continued from Page 1.3) ing powp of all IGA stores, they can sell at low prices every day in,the,week , week in and week out. "Low prices every day", is the claim of IGA. "Yes, we will bring you quality foods at low prices every day of the week ,', Prices I that no f904, Qrphi.0.41:241:11rth world cap beat Come in and compare „ F our qUality, our es, and service, ,and then ,you •?be the . judge," states ,IGA officials. ;6.,A also offers an attractive assortment of premiums which are available by saving the "Bon- us Gold" cash register tapes customers receive when ,groc- eries are purchased. A wide..., as- sortment of aluminumware, Ware, cutlery, etc, Is available on this premium 'redemption plan. • THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 190. FEVERAL RIDIiNIG OF HURON Liberal gaminatin#,;4C9nvention Thursday .Aiternoon, KBRUARY 20th at 2.p p.m. LegionHall, Clinton Ontario COME a'44 HEAR; Outstanding:Liberal Speakers Everybody Welcome 7b w TENDE RS TOWNSHIP OF - STANLEY ,s1r„ai1In TENPFERS will be received by the undersigned. for -the Spraying 'Of Cattle for Warble Fly and for • the Supplying of Warble Fly Powder for spraying in the TOWNSHIP: 'OF STANLEY in 1908. Tenders to be in the hands,of th6 clerk by o'clodk, noon, March 1, 1958. Lowest or ay tender /Mt necessarily accepted, (Signed.)---FREP WATSON,. Clerk, , TownshiwOf Stanley, hayfield, Ontario 6-7-b 4 . On staff of the Clinton Community Credit Union Limited, are from the left, Janet Elliott, June Manning and Ruth Glazier. These are the young ladies who will be on, hand to greet you on official Opening Day, February 19, 'and in the future to help you with your financial pro- blems if y6u are now, or plan to become, a mem- ber of the Credit Union. (News-Record Photo) I remaining before the playoffs, the RCAF Ladies Bowling League completed its fifteenth game last Friday evening. Team standings in "A" Divis- ion: Buttons 77 points; Krazy Kats, 63. points; Hornets, 60 poin- ts; In "B" Division: Blow Outs, Clinton RCAF Ladies Bowling League Near End of Schedule, Then Playoffs 80 points; Bombers 57 points, and James, 247; Mrs. V. Lewisr 237; (Ey MrS. Helen Mullen) With only` six schedUled gmes Blowers, 56 points. I Mrs. L. Hardy took top lion-, ours for high triple with a score of 730, and Mrs. M. Constable with a score •of 293 'for high sin- gle honours, Other ladies with' scores of 200 and over, Mrs. J. •Sibbert, 267; Mrs, IW., Sutton, 265; Mrs. M. Mrs. M. Brown, 237; •Mrs. R. Sco- bel, 237; Mrs. T. Clark, .233; Mrs.- T. Hatch, 231; Mrs, B. Geiger, 230; Mrs. J. Lamble, 228; Mrs. K. Spillsbury, 227; Mrs. A. Nicker- son, • 227;• Mrs. K: Garneau, 226; Mrs. 0. Voth, 217; Mrs. M. Le- clere, 213; Mrs. B. Laking, 210; Mrs. R. Christain, 209; Mrs. B, Springate, 203; Mrs. G. Melnyke, 203; Mrs. B. Beggs, 203. . At present high gross and high single were held by Valiants with 2,859 points and , Buttons with name E t.,,,(HKKs America's Largdst Selling Layers , Trim, effIcient layers weigh about 41/4 poundE at niaturity (10 months *of age). The New HY-LINE 034A Bird has- been hn- pioved and produces 6 to 12 more eggs per bird than previous Hy-Line White egg layers (in tests, 15 more eggs per bird than average •Leghorns tested). WETTLAUFER N., ' FEEDS and SEEDS Mint .STREEV CLyNTON — PHONE HU 2-9792 Nominating oniithtion Pro gressive - rrogressrve Conservative Association Fede,ii Constituency of Huron,. • 'MONDAY;FEBRUARY 17 840 p.m.' LEGIONI,.4ALL, CLINTON Li Speaker My. John B.,Hamitton Recently Parliamentary 'Assistant to Minister of Citizenship , and Imm.igraiian CHAS: S. MocNAUGHTON ALICE S. THOMPSON , Secretary ' 44;rnied1 91.6% Affability in three rAAdOniiinriple tAsts (Leghorn in saxne tests aveaged 85.3%). President