HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-13, Page 9Ititton New THE NEW ERA,--93rd YEAR TH NEW$-RKORD---77th YEAR beginning in July, 1952, this or- ganization has established many firsts in growth and performance. At the close of its fiscal year on. September 30, last, its assets tot- alled $364,443.32; membership 1,245; share capital over a quar- ter of a million; and during the past year alone, $319,543.38, was loaned to members, The enthusiastic membership of Clinton voted at its annual meet- ing in 1956 to build its own home. This 'building, at the 'corner of William and Ontario, Streets, is now ready for occupancy. Moving day is Saturday, February 15. You are invited to inspect our new quarters on Wednesday, February 19, between 2 and 4 p.m., or in the evening between 7 and 9 p.m. Be sure to see the modern vault —fully fireproof and , burglar proof. Safety deposit boxes axe available for rent at a nominal fee. The Drive-Up Window is the first in this part of the- province. You can now do your banking without getting out of your car. The Credit Union officers feel sure that you will be pleased with the modern appointments. The whole atmosphere is designed to make the Credit Union office a pleasant place to do your banking business. Special attention will be given to children's accounts with a special children's wicket. Any new. account up to 18 years of age, opened during the opening month will 'be credited with one share ($5.00) for $4. The Credit Union is now in the midst of a campaign to increase Share Capi- tal of half million, Present and past statistics will be found else- where on this page. We hope you'll read them and find these figures interesting. Do come and bring your friends and neighbours to see this build- ing. It is the tangible expression of years of dedicated service on the part of officers and commit- tees alike, It is a symbol of suc- cessful achievement in a field of human endeavour whose motto, NOT FOR CHARITY, NOT FOR PROFIT—BUT FOR- SERVICE, if matched fully by performance, gives us the truest possible de,Cin- ition of success. 6 Clinton Credit Union Officers President, Antoine "Red" Gar- oh, Beech• Street; secretary, Mrs, W. V. Roy; treasurer, W. V. lloy. Board of Directors, Lawrence Haughton, Ontario Street; W01 G. A. B. "Rusty" Brown,ROAIF Station Clinton; Fred Gibson, 3, Clinton; W. V. Bey and A, Gar- Oietat Cointnittee, Thomas Ste- ep, C. J. Livermore and Herbert Bridle. Supervisory Committee, Dr. D, 0, Paltrier, Corporal Xen- neth Cerva,mte8, 22. Quebec Road, AMP Station., Clinton; George knights BdUdatibnat Committee, Bev. .1. W. P. Grabarn, St, Joseph's ilea. oft'Y'; Cordon Grigg, Victoria Stre- et; Sgt. Donald O'Donnell, Orange Stfeet; It Harland; Corporal H. A. Graham, Ontario Street; Melvin drich; Corporal M. W. 41r. Station; Clinton; Sgt. Congratulations ! to the Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. Henry Young General Concrete Construction CLINTON - Phone HU 2-9496 .111. .6. .111. .6• alba .6. .6. -A, 7-p CONGRATULATIONS.? Clinton Community Credit Union Limited We are proud to have had a part in building your new offices. DAN RIEHL GODERICH MASONRY ONTARIO Compliments of John G. Magee Architect LONDON — ONTARIO EI M E I E R I M M E B E E 1 )1 M1111 )ll111121MBERMIMEMEIMMEI II I 11111111111111 IME1111111111E111111111111111111211111111111111MMIUMMIMM1111211111111n11121111111111=M1M11111r Clinton Community Credit Union STATISTICS Month ' July Dec. Dee. Dee. Dee. Sept. Sept. Jan. Share Average Net Divid- Year Members Capital Savings Income ends '1952 24 6 .25 Nil Nil 1952 124 8,176 70.00 24 3',70 1953 332 32,833 99.00 687 35 1954 602 74,810 124.00 2,676 35 1955 720 131,271 182.00 5,170 35 1956 930 185,640 200.00 5,598 31/2,% 1957 1,245 250,049 200.00 11,953 31/2% 1958 1,277 280,065 3%'70 Loaned To Date Nil 10,380 64,773 192,870 363,676 575,030 950,552 1,198,107 The Public Is Invited to Inspect Our New Building Wednesday, February 19th, 1958 Between the Hours of 2.00430 in the Afternoon and 7449.00 pan, in the, Evening M filaMmullom IT 111111 1111,111111, /111,,,101,1 ..... ,,,,, 4 ,, 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1E 1 ( I f f i l l i l l E CONGRATULATIONS! to the CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED and the CLINTON IGA MARKET 4-0--4-4*-444-4,-*-444-00-4.4 1 Concrete Supply Co. Ltd. gomilior$ of Itetidy M Conake GOVidtitell Iii/ONE 174 4 4 4 May They Enjoy Success the Years come, to Huron The Home Paper With the News' CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13:1958 Second Section Pages 9 to 16, THE "LITTLE MAN WITH THE Umbrella" has been the symbol of Credit Unions for many years. . • No. 7 kact, officials of the local branch were not able to say just Teller at the Drive-in Window red interestrig one, . i Union Moving Into New $50 000 when it originated, But the tory told by the little fellow is an fends off "Havdtirnes, Sickness ome On Ontario treet Next Week la is a symbol of protection. • and Financial Distress", . . These words appear above the umbrella I imitating rain drops comn from Total cost of building, $50,000, above... But the little roann truct_ qinanced through 5 year Mortgage ges along quite haPpily• • • holding 'Loan at 5 percent per annum, the Credit Union umbrella above! The first move in the nrganiz- him with one hand. . . and, under ation of Clinton Community Cred- the other arm he clutches his it Unien Limited, was a meeting Credit Union calendar bank, . 'early in 1952 of Father O'Rourke He's on his way to his local bran-; of St, Joseph's Roman Catholic ch with more savings to deposit, ,Church, Clinton, and W. V. Roy * (an Anglican), - In May of the THE FACT THAT TI-IE LITTLE same year an organization meet- man has to hold Ms own umbrel- !ing was, called. The special meet- la is very significant to Credit ;mg was addressed by Donald `Union members. It means that ;Smith (United Church), Hamil the services a the Credit Union: ton. At this meeting 24 of those are there to 'help thoSe who are present signed an application for willing to help themselves. . • a Government Charter, and each and is in keeping with the motto of the Credit Unions ."Not for pro- fit; not for charitY. . . but for service, . ." BASICALLY * THE CREDIT UN- ion is a service organization . . It is for members only . . and any profits must be used for the benefit of members only. . . * HOW DO YOU BECOME; A member? • Well the answer is, to purchase one $5.00 share in the Credit Union. . . Right now, dur- ing the month of F.ebruary, the Clinton 'Communi'ty Credit Union is offering these initial shares at the rate of $4.00 per shaM . . This is a good, time to become a member of "the fastest growing rural Community Credit Union in Canada'.. • FIRST OF ALL, THE UMBREL- n contributed 50 cents to pay 'for the Charter. The Charter was -received on, July 22, 1952, and the Credit Un- ion was open fo'r business. The 50 cents contributed by the 24 Charter members was credited back to these members' accounts to pay the entrance fee of 25 cents, and provide a deposit in each memsubers' account of 25 cents. Income the first month was 47 cents. Due to the gener- osity of Hurdn County Federation of Agriculture and Co-operators Insurance Association, the present office was shared on a Co-opera- tive basis. Clinton Community Credit Un- ion has been called' the fastest growing Rural Community Credit Union In Ontario. From a small Miss ; Ruth•Glazier demonstrates the use of the drive-in win- dow---first of its kind this side of London, through which the customers off, the Credit Union will be able to do business without getting out of their car. A loud speaking system enables the clerk inside to talk to the customer as' be sits in his car. The „ window itself is bullet-proof, and a sliding drawer—indicated by Ruth's right hand, is used, to collect deposit money from the customer, and then to return to him particulars or change, etc. Located on the William Street side of the new building, even- tually the grounds will be levelled and a drive-way completed for the purpose. (News-Record Photo) `New Horn e' for the Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. This $50,000 building is the new home of the credit to the community and the men who plan- Olintbn Community Credit Union Limited. Built ned and built it. The staff is moving in on by C'ale Doucette, Clinton, with local tradesmen Monday, and' the official opening is set for Wed- taking up the sub-contracts, the structure is a nesday, February 19. (News-Record Photo) Ilere's Where the Records are Stored At the vault door in the new Credit Union building, are manager, W. V. Roy and Lawrence Houghton, director. This is a walk-in type vault, in which safety deposit boxes, records, etc. are placed for safe keeping. (News-Record Photo)