HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-13, Page 8CDCI Girls Take Yesterday's Games From Goderich 'Clinton District Collegiate Insti- jute girls took both ends of a Htiron Secondary Schools Assoc- iation basketball doubleheader from• Goderich girls in the local CDOI gym yesterday afternoon, twinning the senior game ,40-37, 'and the junior encounter 16-12.4,, Senior Game 1 Clinton: Cathy McGregor 25; Philips p, auff 6, Campbell, Love,. Cann, Batkin, Turner, Jackson, Stanley, Tijerman. Total 40. Goderichi Bedard 7, Burton 10, Fuller 4, Banter 14, Lucas 2, Cow- ley, Buchanan, McCullough, Enz- . ensberger, Wilson, Fangrad, TeSp- ' stra, Total 37. Junior Game Clinton: Castle 2,.Cooper 5, Ver- hoof 2, Colquhoun 2, Lavis 2, Cann 3, Merrill, Hodgins, Batkin, Riehl, Plumsteel, Total 16. Goderich: Fuller 7, Stewart, 2, B. Durnin 2; Boutilier 1, Venn, R, Durnin, Brown, McNiel, Har- rison, Cousins, Docksteder„Prev- ett. Total 12. COMING EVENTS ENTERTAINING TIME NEEDS and GAMES FOR THE HOME PLAYING CARDS--, Plastic coated cards in variety of patterns' Double Deck • 2.75 Single Deck 1.39 EUCHRE CARDS deck 65c & 85c BRIDGE SCORE PADS 25c & 39c Tally ,Cards for 'Bridge, •E.uchre, "500" and Court Whist. \ • FANCY SERVIETTES 25c to 39c. pkg. Candles, assorted 25c, .30c, 35c pr. Colors; 10, 12 and •15". Cribbage I4oards 790 to 5.50 Chess 1.79 to 10.75 Rummoli 49c & 98c Monopoly 3.98 Scrabble 4.50 Jotto 2.98 JIG-SAW PUZZLES for Adults or Children 39c to 1.25 each ware BOOKS and STATIONERY T.CIMO•1011241.11•111•0111•. CORONADO Deluxe 12' ReFrigerator Model 44-2636 11,36 Cu, ft. net capacity 15.6 sq. ft. shelf area 68 lb. frozen food storage 14 qt. floating crisper l eg. :0444563 .Visit Our Bargain )146k.! New Values Added -Wry-My SUTTER-PERDUE LTD• Clinton HU 2-7023 195.00 0.......•••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. Wesley Richardson, Hens- all fell while walking down main street Friday and fractured her ankle. X-rays at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, revealed the irr juries and the ankle will be in, it cast for six weeks. Harry Morton who is engaged as a'bookkeeper at Hensall. Motor Sales was 'stricken with a heart attack ,on Saturday And removed by Bonthron ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, where he is resting. comfortably. Bill Jaques, 15, Hensall, suffer- ed a fractured right collar bone when he Was: boarded by a, Zurich player in' the hockey game betwe- en Hensall and Zurich Midgets, played at Hensall Community A- rena Friday night. He. will be a sidelined for six weeks. .Bill is left handed but plays hockey with his right. Miss Raja Roobol, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sim Roobol. Maja was one of 29 passengers who were stranded in an Ontario Motorways bus Sunday at 2.30 a.m. at Exeter. With some of the passengers she spent the night at the Central Hotel. The rest of the passengers stayed at the town hall. Maja arrived in Hens- el]. .at 9 a.m. Ladies Auxiliary President, Mrs. William' Brown presided' for the February meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall February 4. Mrs, Harold Bonthro•n was in- stalled as a member of the 1958 executive. Auditorp appointed were Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau. New telephone com- mittee is Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs. Byran Kyle, Mrs. William Smale, Mrs. Alfred Clark, Mrs. Iriez McEwan and Mrs. Maude Hedden. Sick committee, Mrs. George Walker" and Mrs. S. G. Rannie; recreatibn, Mrs. Howard Smale and Mrs. William Aiken- head. Plans were outlined for the bonspiel sponsored by the Legion to be held at the local arena, February 19. The Ladies Auxil- iary will eater for lunch and din- ner. Mrs.• Fred Beer and Mrs. Mer- vyn Bell were' appointed to head a bingo committee for the Aux- iliary to assist the Legion memb- ers with their share the wealth bingos to commence within the next two weeks and to be held Saturday nights. The group is sponsoring a draw on a ladies or gents suit, draw to be made March 29 •at the bingo.. Farm Forum 'To Discuss Education "Education—Who should pay?" IS the SUbjeet for discussion on National Farm Radio Forum Feb- riaary 17. 'The brdadcast will or- iginate from 'Ottawa where the Canadian Conference on Educat- ion is taking part. Gordon Hawkins, 'associate dir- ector, Canteclian Association for A- dult `fdtidatiOrt 'Will chair the bro- adcast panel consisting of Mrs. C. T, Armstrong, preSident, of the Farm 'Women's 'Union. Of Alberta.; Dr. 'Cern° 'FloWer, director of the Schoba of 'Graduate Studies, 4ant- ario College of Education, Toronto and, Stab, :Deakes, ma naging .direc- tor of IhilliStrial 'FoUndation of teliketiOn, 'Toronto. The "ad Vent of 'the "Russian deal 'has treatea :a great deal of .ilitereSt in ,the' standards and empliaiis on science 'in 'Can- adian sehbOls, Are OUr Children being fitted %Vtiith the Bind of -ed- ucation neces'sa'ry in this 'hew se- lend f lc world'? "How are schools to be financed in the future? Should there -be federal aid to educatiOn? Shottid the provinces carry the Main burden? Discus- s= of these questions and others Will (*Cur in Farm Forum across Canada when they consider the topic "Edueation -- Who Should Payt'" A communication was read from a Red Cross official in London informing them that they can have a nursing class in Hensall provided enough ladies are inter- ested in the project. Mrs. E'. R. Davis will be in charge and any- one interested is asked to con- tact her. , The group will also collect again this year for the • Red Cross Campaign, A motion was passed to 'present new babies of members with a gift. °Mrs. R. Taylor, Sr., won the mystery prize. Reception Held The Community Centre, Seafor- th, packed to capacity, was the setting'on February 5 for a recep- tion for Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Eyre, (nee Anne Bolton) a recent bridal couple. The guests, of hon- or were' presented with a well- filled purse of money. Laird Nor- ris, Kippen, read the presentation address, and Glendon Kerr, Win- throp, made the presentation. Nor- ris's Orchestra provided music for the dance. The affair was much enjoyed. Liberal Meeting On February 20 For Nominations Next Thursday afternoon at two o'clock,' a meeting. has been called in the Legion Memorial Hall, here by the Huron County Liber- als as a nomination meeting to select a candidate to contest the Huron riding in the March 31 fed- eral election. According to Hugh Hawkins, president of the Huron associat- ion, five names have been men- tioned for the nomination: And- rew Y. McLean, Seaforth, former member of Parliament, and the unsuccessful candidate in the last two federal elections; Mr. Hawk- ins himself; Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Seaforth, whose father, the late Thomas. McMillan, was a member of parliament; Earl Campbell, Hensall and Cecil Blake, reeve of Ashfi'eld Township. The last two are both former .wardens of the county, Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. William McGuire have returned to Goderich, after a six week visit to Florida, On their return home they visited the lady's sisters in Windsor and Detroit. They report it was a pitiful sight in Florida to see most of the lovely flowers frozen and also much of the orange crop. St. James' WA The Women's Association of St. .James' Church, Middleton, met on Wednesday afternoon, February 5 at the -home of Mrs. Donald Mid- dleton with 20 members, three visitors and 14 children present: The president, Mrs. Bert Row- den, opened the meeting with prayer, ,folowed by the members' prayer and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Edward Wise read the Scripture lesson, Genesis 17: 1-9. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Keitja Miller and the treasurer's report given by' -Mrs. •Dutot. .Mrs. Ray Wise was appointed official prayer partner secretary ,for •St. •James' WA, It was 'decided to hold a Card .party •in •the Tipperary •School.. house on Friday evening, Febru- ary 14. -It 'was also decided to hold observance of the World Day of -Prayer service on Friday, .Feb- ruary 2,1 .in St. James' Church. 41Virs, Ray Wise gave .an inter- esting reading entitled "An Ind- ian Version of the 23rd Pattlni4" During the afternoon Consider- able .progress was made on a trailt, 'The -rector, Rev. E. XL Harrison closed the meeting with prayer, after which -a lovely „hutch WAS served, MOVING DAY CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED Corner of William. Street and Ontario Street (Hy. 8) Winding up at old office Saturday, Feb. 15th at 12.30 p.m. Open for business in new office, Mond.ay,' Feb. 17th at 9 a.m. of New Building Official Opening Wednesday, Feb. 19 a With The INVESTMENT You Have In Your CAR! SALT and ROAD GRIMES PLAY HAVOC . . . HAVE IT REMOVED REGULARLY! Here We Wax Wash With Soft. Water And Plenty of Suds to Effectively, Remove The Cause of Rust. DON'T PUT ,IT OFF LET US WASH YOUR CAR REGULARLY AND OFTEN:. IT'S CHEAP • INSURANCE.. dam#4adasvaikae#4pous, Lorne Brown Motors Ltd. Your Friendly CHEV.,-OLDS. Dealer ilUnter 2-9321 CLINTON at 2 p.m. Public invited to visit New Building, Wednesday, February 19, after Official Opening, from 2.00 to 4.30 in afternoon and between '7.00 and 3.00 in evening. All new members up to age 18 opening accounts during Feb- ruary—our opening month—will be given the privilege of purchasing one share—$5;00—for $4.00. 6-7-b PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS-RECOAD THURSDAY, 4A111u.;64.?„)e: 13, 1958 Auburn 4-11 Club Girls 'Receive County Honours Certificate and Pin 'Members of the Auburn Aniset- tes attended the 4-H homemaking clubs achievement day in Wing- ham District High School last. Saturday, when Audrey Machan, one of their number received her county honour certificate and pin. She was one of five girls in North Huron who has completed the six projects making her eligible for the honour. Certificates of achievement for satisfactory completion of two pro- jects. were awarded to June Bae- chler, Audrey Meehan, Thelma McDougall and Betty Youngblut, all of the Auburn Annettes. The Annettes also presented an exhibit on "A. Wool Skirt and its Companions" with convents giv- en by Shirley , Brown. In the morning the skirts, jum- pers and record books, made by the club members were on display 0 Huron county Farming Report "A nice, covering of snow is protecting the winter crops. Weanling pigs are as high as $20. Interest• is starting in the seed grain trade." Kinsmen, Peewee League Scores. Recent games played by the Kinsmen sponsored Peewee Heckr ey League brought these, results: Iced Wings 4 Maple Leafs. 1 • Goals for the Red Wings were scored by Scott (3); McRae. The Maple Leaf goal .by R, Glew, as- sifted by Hoy, Black Hawks 6 Maple Leafs 3 Goals for t3lack Hawks: George (Sutton, Burns); 'Gilks (Logan, Hoodspith.); George; Mellis (Pur- xxin); Gillett (Durnin); Gilks (Lo- gan). For the Maple Leafs, Mac- aulay (Glew); Glew (MecattlaY); Macaulay,- ' Black Hawks 8' Red Wings 1 • For the Black Hawks: Hood- spith (Jilks);. Logan. (jilks); George (Carter); Geolge (Sutton); Durnin (Melish); Gillett •(Logan);. Hood,spith (Jilks•); Durnin (Gil- lett, 1VIelish).,',. o - Challenge Shoot ; At TOO—tien. Range (By our Hensall correspondent) • A five man team shoot will be held at Kippen on Sunday, Feb- ruary 16, at 1.30 p.m. Kippen, vs,. Goderich and Clinton, with a 50 bird event, 25, 16 yard and 25 handicap, Iri the first shoot held recently at Goderich, Kippen team defeated Goderich. and Clinton and this is a return match. Everyone Welcome as there will be other events on the agenda. Clinton Loses To Point. Edward ga.turtiay Night In- a very • ragged hockey game in the Lions Arena here last -Sat- urday night. the Point Edward Recianen. defeated the Clinton Colts 8-7. Clinton' Colts:, goal, Denomme; defence, Arbour,' Racicot, T, Col- quhoun; forwards, McEVvan, Ken. Doig, Bob Doig,' Walters, •Meriarn, M. Colquhoun, Garon, Hardy, Scott, Hartley, Pt. Edward: goal, Purdy; H. Vernnon, Bainei, Bain, Divett, Leaver, Fink, Horner, Fitzpatrick, Laraberton. First Period 1—Clinton, Arbour (Walters) .15 2.--Clinton, Racieot, Garon) 4.05 3—Pt, Edward, Bain (Lem/ er) 7.10 Edward, Bain (Leav- er) . 8.18 5—Pt. Edward, Divett (Baines) 12.45 6—Clinton; Walters (Ken Doig) 13.15 Penalties: Arbour (tripping) 17,55, , Second Period 7—Pt. Edward, Laraberton 3.45 8--43t,Edvvarcl, Bain .„ 6.50 9—Clinton, Walters (1VIer- iarri) 14.12 10—Clinton, Garon (Meriam) 15.35 Penalties: Baines (tripping) 7.57; Baines and Meriam (rough- ing) 10.59; Fitzpatrick (elbowing) 12.36. 'Third Period ,Edward, Lamberton. 2.50 12—Pt. .Edward, Fitzpatrick (Leaver) 7.07 13--Pt, Edward, Fitzpatrick ' (Lambertort) 830 14--Clinton, Ken Doig (Mc- Ewan) ' 10.56 15-1-Clinton, Garon (B. Doig) 19.28 Penalties: Meriam. (boarding). 15.06; Fitzpatrick (tripping) 18.38. (J.) Clinton Bowling Leagues Standings This is the standing as of Wed- nesday noon, February 1-2, of the five-pin bowling leagues being run at the Clinton Bowling Alley. CLINTON MIXED LEAGUE W L T HT G Pts Dobbers 35 24 1 44 60 85 Hearts 29 .27 1 9 57 68 Cleaners 26 •34 0 11 60 63 Stars .... 29 27 1 9 57 68 Budgies 31 29 0 10 60 72 Drivers 27 29 1 8 57 63 Clubs 25 32 0 6 57 56 Imps 30 30 0 10 60 70 Ladies, high single, Ma•rg. Rey- nolds, 346; high triple, Marg. Rey- ouls, 903. Men', -high single, Char- lie Wilson, 374; high triple, Earl Mero, 829r. high team single, Hearts, 1,315;• high' team triple, Hearts, 3,435. ALL-STARS high total W L total gms pts Londesboro 9 9 4 18 22 Bombers 7 11 2 18 16 Bakers ....,.., 10 8 3 18 23 Chevs. 10 8 3 18 23 High single, Howie Grealis, 358; high. triple, ,Lon. Matthews, 852; high team single, Chevs,, 1,468; high team triple, BomberS, 3,646; high average, Joe Cooper, 244.. LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY high total W L total gins pts Sputniks 0 3 .... 3 0 Satellites , 3 0 1 3 7 Meteors 3 0 1 3 7 RocketS ..... 0 3 .... 3 0 High single, Erma Hartlye, 309; high triple, Erma Hartley, 772; high team• single, Satellites, 872; high team triple, Satellites, 2,342. HEPC MIXED LEAGUE high total W L total gins pts Team Ada Schellenberger 91 Jim Graham 62 Flo Symons 57 Fred Radley • 68 Men's high average, j. Wilson, 205; ladies high average, Ada Schellenberger, 179; men's high triple, Len Arnston, 728; ladies, Ada Schellenberger, 684; men's high single, Len Arnston, 310; ladies Ruth 'Brown. High scorers for the Alleys, in or out of. .any league: ladies high single,. 1Wargaret 'Reynolds, 346; high triple, Marg. 'Reynolds, 903. Men's high single, Harold Black, 378; 'high 'triple, -Bert Harris, 946. P„ "Hoggarth !Eugene GarrOW 598 !Frank 'RadfOrd 660 ,Dong. Bartliff 597 gen Taylor 578 —24;216 OldsteiSVOn 'by 496 !peints. Oldsters met a Youngsters team froniCrtiderich, "arid CGOderieh '1WAin by415 :"'Points. "Totid 'number of :300 larbes bOWled 'by ladies, 7. . Marg..Rey- ribids leads, with ?. Total number of 300 'games bowled by men, 143. FirSt, Jim Armstrong, 17; second, Bert Har- ris, 13; third, Murray Johnston 12, 0 Need A Home? Read Our Classifieds and the girls took part in judg- ing classes of wool skirts. In the afternoon they modelled their own skirts and jumpers for the moth- ers, friends and Women's Instit- ute members in attendance, Assisting Miss Shirley Patter- son, home economist for Huron and Bruce counties, were Miss Florence Eadie, supervisor of Jun- ior Extension of the Home Econ- omics Service; Mrs. Robert Mc- Kercher, Seaforth and Miss Mari- lyn Huber, home economist for Perth. The girls, have decided to take the 'project "Cereal Shelf" in the fall of 1958. Leadership training school dates for "Club Girl Stands on Guard," the summer project, will be on March 12 and 13 in Clinton; March 10 and 11 in Wing- ham. Women's. Institutes through- out the county will be appointing leaders 'to attend these schools. 4c a word, minimum 75c . Goderich Pavilion. C a b a r et Dancing every Saturday,, Night Month of February, Bill Stuart and His Orchestra. Friday, Feb, 14, Silver Bar Jamboree, dancing 9,30 to 1 a.m. Friday, Feb. 14 — Euchre and. Dance, in Varna Town Hall, spon- sored by Brucefield. TOOF, Mur- dock's Orchestra, Everybody wel- come, 7-b Friday, ,Feb, 14--Valentine Eu- chre and Bridge, Trinity Parish Hall, Bayfield, 8.30 p.m. Benefit: Local Association Guides and Brownies. 7-b Saturday, Feb. 15—Girl's Club Valentine tea and bake sale. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. 3 to 5 p.m. Tea 25c.• 6-7-b Saturday, February 15—Valent- ine Tea •and Bake Sale, Council Chamber, Town Hall, 2 to 4 p.m. Civil Service Ladies League. Pro- ceeds: Children's Ward at Hospit- al. 6-7-x Monday, i'ebroary 17 — Enter- tainment in Baptist Church, 8p.m. Albert Livermore's pictures,, Voc- al numbers. Silver collection. Au- :pices: Ladies Aid. 7b Tuesday, Feb. 18—Shrove Tues- day Pancake Supper, Trinity Par- ish Hall, Bayfield. Auspices Wo- man's Auxiliary. Admission 50c and 35c. 7b Have 88 Entries For Young Canada Week The executive of the Goderich Lions Club Young Canada Week announces that 88 teams will com- pete in this year's peewee hockey tournament, This is the largest number of entries ever taken by the tournament officials. The committee has decided that competition will start at •Goderich Memorial arena, on March 29, at which time ten games will be played with no team playing more than one game, on this date, There were 74 games •played in the "Biggeit Little Hockey Series in the World" last Easter. It is expected that there will be more than 80 games in the new sched- ule on which work is now being done. Some of the peewee clubs which have entered are the all- Indian team of Sour Springs from the Six Nations reserve at Brant- ford; St. John's Newfoundland, Toronto and Montreal. CLINTON LIONS ARENA SCHEDULE FRIDAY, nut. 14- 2.00-4.00 p.m.—High School Skat- ing Party 4.30-5,30 p.m.—RCAF Peewee Hockey 8,15.10,00 p,m—public Skating SATURDAY, rat. 15- 9.00-10.15 am.--School Children,. • sponsored by Lions Club 11.00-12.00 a.m.—Adastral Park 1.15 - 5.30 p.m.—Figure Skating 5.45 - 6.45 p.m.—Kinsmen Pee- • wee Hockey — Black. Hawks at Canadiens 8.15-10,00 p.m.—Public Skating SUNDAY, FEB. 16- 8.30-10.00 p.m.—Adult Skating MONDAY, FEB. 17-- 9,30-11.30 a.m.—RCAF Public School 1,30- 2.30 p.m.—Junior Farmers 4.30- 6.30 p.m.-11CAF Peewees TUESDAY, FEB. 18.- 4.30-5.39 p.m.—Public School. Children, grades 1 to 4, sponsored by Lions Club WEDNESDAY, -FEB. 19- 2.15 -4,00 p.m—Public Skating 5.15 - 6,15 p.m.—Kinsmen Peewee, Hockey: Maple Leafs vs., Canadiens THURSDAY, FEB. '20- 300 - 4,00 p.m.—RCAF Public School 4.30- 5.30 p.m.—Public School Children, grades 5 to 8, sponsored by Lions. HENSALL CURLING CLUB ARRANGES FOR CLUB 'PLAYOFFS (By our Hensall Correspondent) A meeting of the Hensall Curl- ing Club was held to outline plans: for the club playoffs. It was de- cided to have them start March 24 when the top 16 rinks will play knock-out games. On March 25 the remaining- eight teams will 'also play knock- out games starting at 7 p,m. Third: round at 9 p.m. same day. Win- ner will be decided by a plus score. system. Counter Check Books 15c each at the News-Record 01/DSTERS BOWL-OlF Oldsters vs. Bak Cliffs All-Stars •Jadk Armstrong 766 lBert White , 847 `1Geerge 'Carter 438 Gordon Lawton •644 Bert Harris •641 ----3,712 ;644 News of Hensall Correspondent — MRS. M. FIEDDEN Phone Hensall 5