HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-13, Page 7Throtighaut the years since the war, new homes have been built in, every ward, alid prac- tically in every block in Cain - ton. The appearance of these new residences, has been grad- Oal, and sometimes hardly not- iced by anyone except by the neighbours. One man responsible for eight new homes in town, is Lloyd E'atkin. He has just completed his eighth residence, and 'to mark the occasinon; he has ar- ranged for en open house to be, held, when he is inviting visit- ors to see the house., Hours are from two to five 'in the afternoon, and from 7 'to 10 in,the evening, 'both Fri- day, February 14, and Satur- day, February 15. The new "Economy , Home" is on Princess Street East just four houses from the new .pub- lie school, and , between the 'residence of William Ohowen and Harry Sehellenberger's new home, It is a one storey dwelling with two bedrooms, measuring 22x4'2', built of frame and sto- ne. It has the' latest in hot water heating, featuring base- board or convector heating in. stalled by Fink's of Hensall. This five room • "Economy Home" was built by Mr. Eakin, assisted by his father, John Batkin and his 'teenage son Doug, The previous "Eakin houses" all built in the past five years, included three duplexes— two on Princess Street and one on Raglan/all of modern de- sign. Legion Ladies Auxiliary Drapes Charter for Late Mrs, J. Zelenuik The Ladles Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, l3ranch 140 held their regular meeting on Monday, February 10, with. president Mrs. Cameron Procter in the chair. The charter was draped in mem- ory 'of Mrs, John Zelenuik, who was a member of the auxiliary. Mrs. H. E. Hartley was installed as second-vice president', owing to her absence in January at the reg- ular installation. The zone card tournament will be held in Clinton Legion Hall on Wednesday, 'Feb- ruary 1,9. Any members wishing to play euchre, bridge or cribbage are asked to contact Mrs. Gets- rge Knights by Saturday, Febru- ary 15. Any members having tea towels out for laundering, are asked to bring same to March meeting. The spring dance to be held on March 14, 1958. All members are asked to leave names for invitat- ions with the executive committee, Mrs. A. Leyburne, Mrs. F. Truell o Mrs. Bert Harris. ' At close of business, members held a penny sale. Tickets on an electric percolator were sold and will be again, at the March meet- ing. There were about 30 memb- ers present. ` 0 From November, 1956, to Nov- ember, 1957, Canada's 'general wholesale price index declined by 1.1 percent, the price index of 30 industrial materials declined by 7.5 percent, average per capita weekly earnings In industry rose by 3.9 percent, and the consumer price index rose 'by 2.5 percent. SERVICE STATI ON CA041- C. 001J6 CANTELOAI "TOE PLACE WNERE YOU NEVER HAVE TO SLOW YOUR NOON" CLINTON-71e A/U.2-9032 0 / Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON EXETER — SEAFORTH Thomas Steep, Clinton Representative —• Phones'-- Bus., HU 2-6606 - - Res., HU 2-3869 lasmsrame. ATTEND "THE Open House AT THE NEW RESIDENCE ON PRINCESS ST. •BUILT BY LLOYD BATKIN. PLUMBING and HEATING installed by Ed Fink's Plumbing OIL BURNERS and SERVICE HENSALL PHONE 36 Ball Macaulay Ltd.. CLINTON 170.1MDAT, JANITAIW 10, TOM QEJINTON .Nk:WS-RECORD .PAGE SF.VEN, visit Ba.thiriss New "Economy /1 • ome GROVES RADIO and ELECTRIC have installed 9n ADMIRAL CombinationFi Phonograph TV In the Lloyd Batkin Two-Room Economy Howse, On Princess Street East, Clinton, for the Open House this Friday and Saturday, afternoon sand evening. All Models of Admiral Radios, TV and Appliances on display at GROVES RADIO and ELECTRIC Huron Street—CLINTON—Phone MT 2-9414 Congratulations And Best Wishes to Lloyd Batkin, on completion of the _Modern "Economy Home', J. -IT HAS BEEN OUR PLEASURE TO DO THE WIRING IN THIS NEW RESIDENCE. A. F. SCOTCIJMER Power and Lighting Service Phone 16 Bayfield Congratulations TO LLOYD BATKIN on the completion of the Economy Home Materials supplied by us were o First Grade Acceptable under VIA ,and standards, First Open House By Builder in Town of Clinton So far as can be .discovered this open house being staged by Mr, Batkin, with the as- sistance of the other advertis, ers on this page, is the first such event in Clinton, It is hoped that many peo- ple 'can take the time to visit the now home and view what local builders' and tradesmen are accomplishing. ti VARNA Red Cross The annual meeting of the Var- na Branch of the -Red Crass was held at the home of the president, John MeAsh on Tuesday, Febru- ary 4. Officers re-elected for an- other year, were; president, John IVIc'Ash; first vice-president, John Aldington; second vice-president, Fred IVIcelymont; secretary-treas- urer, E. Pollock. The executive remains the same for 1958. The amount collected for 1957 was $178. Auditors are G. Reid and William T. McAsh, The Branch has a hospital bed for the use of sick people in the area covered by the collectors. An inquiry is to be made regard- ing prices of other sick-room ne- eds. Collectors were appointed for the annual collection which is to be made in March—and it is hoped that there will be a gener- ous response. Every family is asked to give to the worthy fund. Fred McCilymont ,bast been a patient in the Clinton Public Hos- - • - - do- 44,4 Cos/C0i0GY SE:Z.: 111110«i111it , :===. I , '.,-411111141414' ,nE ALL PEOPLE ARE iwrzAk 1-1ELpLEss A.NP SOME OF YoluE'rMe NpErVettyER °hell 1,1:6)TeRsOsWwiTh- out your car; Make sure it's always ready to go . .. drive in and let 'our expert mech- anics properly service it. We handle service and repairs on all makes of cars. Glamorous looks take lots of work, but not Lovely clothes. NOT when we renew them—keep them fresh "and trim-fitting with our dry cleaning! Yount like the -way we press "tricky pleats, re- shape sagging skirts, tired necklines. Call today. This Week the Lucky No, is 1682 Cheek your Calendar— If the munbor matches, .taiie the Calendar to our office. ,and claim your $3.90 credit,, For Your Convenience Use , Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) [ALIN DRY 6...CLEANERS 6.,e- eaee elo- tteed C Li NTON • Ott 14u 210b4 held on Monday, February 17 at na United Church was postponed. because of the storm. It will be petal Where he underwent surgery, The annual meeting of the Var- with relatives, returned on Fri. day to 'her home in Varna, 8 PM, spent Several weeks in 'Windsor Mrs, Elmer Webster who has. FIGHT COUGH and COLD SYMPTOMS with REXALL Drug Products You Can Depend On 14.F.,BRUA.RY SFVOIALS TO YOU HALIBUT LIV1iII OIL Capsules 250's, reg. 3.98 _.0) an 'SPECIAL PRICE ''`k-AdetrU TIFFANY CREME SHAMPOO 3 oz. jar. Reg. 1.00, „„, SPECIAL PRICE' CARA NOME FOAM HAND LOTION Keeps hands from detergents. Reg. 1.25 (IQ ' smarm., P.Rier ..„ a 0 FREE TRIAL OFFER: REXALL POLYMULSION NOW with 7 Vitamins t oz, free with 16 oz, All for 4.95 2. oz, -free with 8 az, All for 3.25 SAVE 31c— REXALL TOOTH PASTE 2 tubes reg. LIS—Special 870 See Our DISPLAY of VALENTINES 5c to $1.00 SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES (Valentine Wrapper) $1.25 to $3.50' •• BEST WISHES to LLOYD BATKIN with his New Ecoriemy Home MIP4P4M04,414MMIP04.04,044,40rn. WE WERE PLEASED TO FURNISH RO X ATO N E— THE COLOUR 'FLECKED DECORATOR FINISH — USED IN DECORATING THE NEW HOUSE. Roxalin of Canada Limited New Toronto, Ont. Visit The New Economy Home Built by Lloyd Batkin Princess Street MIN4Psihr^00NPNINO`4,4,MOW~IW IT WAS OUR GREAT PLEASURE TO DO THE JOB OF DECORATING THROUGHOUT THE NEW RESIDENCE. 0.4.444,4•41•444~,~0.14.444\04 WALLPAPERS and PAINTS D. A. KAY and SON Painters and Decorators CLINTON 2.9542 You Are Invited To Attend Open House FRIDAY and SATURDAY February 14 and 15 2 to 5 p.m. — '7 to 9 p.m. SEE THE NEW TWO BEDROOM Economy Home FOR SALE PRINCESS STREET EAST (Third house east of public school) LLOYD BATKIN BUILDER CLINTON Phone HU 2-705'7 Welcome to the, Open House See the Newest Residence built by Lloyd Botkin. ALL FURNISHINGS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY. "1""IP40441P.414,0014,044ANPNWNINI, BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE AND FURNITURE STORE Clinton HIJ 2-9505 REXALL 'SUPER COLD TABLETS Battle of 30's 1.79 Package of 12's 98.c Children's Size ...... „,,,, 79c FIGHT COUGH 3 WAYS TRIPLE ACTION COUGH SYRUP 8 oz, 1.79 4 oz. 98c For Children 89c Fight Congestion 3 Ways T.RIPLE ACTION NASAL SPRAY Plastic Squeeze Bottle 98c Fight Throat Tinkle 3 Ways TRIPLE ACTION THROAT LOZENGES 12 Lozenges ......... .„...„ 1,00