HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-13, Page 6"W. • -••••• AP ANNUAL MEET' NG; OF THE. HURON COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION will be held on ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19 at. 1.30 p.m., ih the. LEGION HALL, CLINTON Mr' James Boynton Secretary of the Ontario Hog Producers Association,: will be. Guest Speaker. Come Out and Hear the Reports of Your Officers and Directors, The Election of Township Directors and Voting Delegates. (Signed) W. R. LOBB, President A. H: WARNER, SeCretary 7-b TY WASN'T FED ROW ' .4tP t's 9 0001sauonsso • More meat at lower cast — is the result of feeding the SHUR-GAIN way. Straight grain fed to your hogs can't put weight on your pigs as cheaply as when it is' properly balanced with SHUR-GAIN Concentrates. For example 1,700 pounds of your own grain requires only 300 pounds of SHUR-GAIN Hogmix Concentrate to make, 1 ton of the best complete and balanced Hog Growing' Ration that money can buy. You save on feed costs beccvse of:. Less Feed Consumed To Market Weight, To Market Earlier, Better Grades (Earning You More Premiums). So why feed for wasteful. fat. Feed the -Shur-Gain way Just give a trial to the SHUR-GAIN 5 Step Hog Pro- gram-=call us to-day and we will explain how it can' save YOU money. Get More Of Your Hogs In The Tori'Grade SHUR-GAIN 'WAY— ¤ me ... " Canada Packers Limited Let Us Help. You FINISH OUT THE HUNTING SEASON With the Best Equipment! HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR Used Shotguns Winchester Model 12 12-GAUGE, PUMP ACTION Stevens Model 820-B $75.00 49.95 12-GAUGE, PUMP ACTION Savage Model 755-A 12-61AUCk AUTO 79.50 `Cooey 12-Gauge 21.5 SINGLE SHOT fiocchi Shotgun Ammunition' This is one of the,world's .top(grc:tde lines of cimmutiition, It is imported ,from Italy, NOW . OUR SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER $2.75 Per Box nostmAtt PRICE: $g:to mg BOX octletRaf SOtidi of oath* tkiNt0.4 MINTON"NWNS43,11107)131? PAGE SIX TIIMSDAY JANZIA.2.."r Kinette Club Has Court Whist Party Success News of Bayfield By MISS LUCY R., WOODS PHONE BAYFIELD 45 r 3 TOWNSHIP OF -HUIXETT TENDERS .T.1,,, co,kii. of the Township of Unlictt will receive Tenders for the Spraying of Cattle in the Township for WARBLE FLY, Tenders to be so niters per howl per spay for 2 sprays, Tend- ers to be in the hands of the Clerk, Witorch 1, 11958, PriNefit or any Temier not necessarily ac- cepted. GEC. W, COWAN, Clerk Londeslporo, 7-8-9-b NI‘PAPPO,PPPI4P4KI.OPPAPPINNFANIF•44~04,•4 TOWNSHIP OF 'HUI,LETT -APPLICATIONS The Council of the Township of Hullett will receive Applications for One (1) WARBLE-FLY INSPECTOR for the Township for 1958 Spray- ing 'of Cattle for WarbleAlly. Salary to he .850 per hour and .050 per sidle mileage while work- ing in the Townehie. . . Applications to . be in the hands of the Clerk, March 1, 1958. GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk Lon(lesboro. 7-8-9"-b isd......sisee.e.se.m.se.reosistmerseosseeee ,............0.fro...40.0..~........ TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS ' • The Council of the Township of Mullett will receive Tenders for the supplying of Seven Hundred (700) pounds of WARBLE-FLY POWDER in Fifteen' (15) pound bags and One Hundred (100) pounds in Om (1) pound bags for the spraying of cattle Tor Warble-Fly in 1958, All Tenders to be in the hand! of the Clerk, March 1, 1.958. Lowest or any tender not neces• sarily accepted. 1 • GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk Londesboro. 7-8-9-1 0414.04.4,441s441s,~~4ININNIV.INNNNINNImPal -TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT TENDERS TWENTIETH, ANNIVERSARY IVEIDDLESEX SEED ,FAIR,London (0,...boAn, U Western Ontario., Counties) February .25th, to 28ith„. 1958, Make entries as follows by February 20th to the Ontario Department of Agriculture, 21,0 Richmond Building, London, Ontario, --Township, County, D1Striet Classes;., —County Frrbile SGhooi, ,Square fiance Competition, District Junior Farmer Square ;Dance ComPetition, Amateur Contest and Old Time Fiddlers? Contest, Write or phone for Prize List and Regulations.:. All -will be interested in the exhibits', educational and commercial displays, demonstrations end, programmes, 'lb . Bobby Brandon, Grand Bend, Was home over the weekend. Miss Jacqueline Cita Teacher's College, London, was home opr the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S. Farrell, Kin., cardine, visited their daughter Mrs, Art Turland and family front 'Friday* to Stmday. Mm, Lloyd Westlake and two , children, Ricky and Cathy, return- ed to Kitchener on Friday with her husband, Corporal L. West- lake, O.P.P. The Reverend A. H; Harrison, ,rector of Holy Trinity Church • Durham, and Mrs. Harrison, were the guests of his twin brother, the Reverend E. J. B. Harrison, on Friday, P. 41.-,140. 'r The Kinette Club 'Annual Court' Whist card party was held at the Ifotel Clinton, Tuesday, February 11, with more than 60 people pres- ent, The club president, Mrs, Harry .1Vielllwan, received: the vests- at the laer, Valentine motifs made by Mrs, Frank Mc- Ewan and Mrs, John Wilson, dec- orated the room. Winner of the high prize was Mrs, J, McKnight, and the low prize was won by Mrs. Gerald Holmes. A door prize which was a picture donated by IVIcEevan!el Store, was won by 'Mrs, Willard Aiken, and another door prize, a fruit bowl donated by Anstett's Jewellery, was won by Mrs. Geor- ge Elliott. Mrs. David Reid was the ludky winner a a white cake, made by Mrs. K. W. Colquhoun. A. delicious lunch was served by the members of the Kinette Club. WARBLE FLY CAMPAIGN For Goderich Township TENDERS will be received for tire- supplying of 500 lbs. of Warble Fly Pewder., The powder 'to be delivered' to the Township of Goderich by April 1st, with, 300 lbs. to be-in 15 •lb. Cartons, and 200 lbs, to, be in L lb. packages. TENDERS win be. received for the spraying of cattle under the Warble Ely Act, and under' the- supervision of the Inspector. Tenders to state a priee.,per bead" for spraying. APPLICATIONS will be received' for the position of WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR. Appliearitt to state a price per hour, and 'also a price per mile for use of car. All tenders and applications to be in the Clerk's hands by February 28th,,,, Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac-cepted. Tenders Wanted R. E: THOMPSON, Clerk, Z. Clinton„ ant. 7-8-b 00. .0, 01. 410 010 a6 The Council of the Township of Hullett will receive Tenders for the CRUSHING and HAULING of approximately 12,000, Cubic Yards of Gravel for the Roads in the Township. Gravel to be crushed and put through a 3/4 -inch screen. All gravel to be crushed and spread to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent and the District Engineer. Limes or any Tender not neces- sarily accented. Tenders to be in the hands of the Road Superintendent, March 1, 1958. -LEN CALDWELL, Rood Superintendent, R.R. 1, Londesboro, 7-8-9-b 111=11111111111111111111111111111 Ontario St. Church Holds Regular WMS Meeting Phones flU 2-6801 The regular monthly meeting of Ontario Street United Church Wo- Man's Missionary Society, was held Tuesday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes in the chair. The devotions were taken 'by Mrs. W. M. Aiken. The president announced the Presbyterial meeting to be held its Ontario Street United Church on March 26. The study book was taken by Mrs, Mills and Mrs. Scheenhals, Mrs. E. Radford, favoured with several piano soloS. Mrs. B, Olde gave a reading "Open Your Eyes to the Beauty Around You." Nancy Selleenhals favoured with a' cetiple Of accordian solos, and Joan Jobeeten alt Alto-horn solo. At the close of the meeting a Valentine Tea was served. Clinton, Ont„ Robert MacLeod and daughter, Cathy, Byron, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Te, H. D. MacLeod on Sunday. Carson Fawcett, El- 1 liott Lake, also spent the week, end here with his wife and. (laughter. Mr, and Mrs, lee Roy Poth, were in New Dundee and Elmira on Thursday and Friday last. On their return they were accompan. red by Mrs, Poth's mother, Mrs. William R. JoWett, 'who is visit-, ing with them Mrs. Jewett who i was taken • suddenly ill at the house of -'her younger daughter, Mrs. E. Kendall, on Christmas day, is' quite improved in health. I Mr. and Mrs. RObert Parker and, baby Pamela, London, came ion Saturday to spend the week- end, Mrs, B. Parker and Pamela remained with her husbands par- ents, Mr, and Mrs William Park- er, for a longer visit. Bob re- turned to London en route to Toronto on Sunday, He will spend two months coin- pletieg 'his fel-4*th year apprentice- ship in plumbing, Mrs. ,Reg, Ball, principal of Bayfield Public School, accompan- led one of her papas, Nigel Scotchiner, to Exeter on Tuesday night, where he earned third place among contestants from, 29 schools entered in a Spelling bee. Mr. and Mrs. George Belleharriber, Nx bretlier Neii and Douglas Patter- ough also attended the contest, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wilson, Dundas, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don KingSbury over the weekend. Mrs. Wilson remained to ,visit with Mrs, Kingsbury this week, Solo Sang - At morning service at Trinity Church on, Sunday, Ray Leonard sang as a solo the hymn, "Tell me the Old, Old Story" in very fine voice, School Closed Owing to the blizzard and snow blocked roads, 'there was no school here en Monday. But Her Majesty's Canadian Mail was des- patched and received. as usual. Pancake Supper Members of Trinity Church Woman's Auxiliary are planning to vary the menu with sausage, at their annual pancake supper to be held in the Parish Hall, -on Shrove Tuesday. 44th Anniversary Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Featherston, Who on Tuesday .passed their 44th Wed- ding Anniversary. They celebrat- ed the occasion on Sattirdtty at a fetidly dinner. Their son-in'-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard and five children Ray, Linda, Sonya, Cheryl and Mavis, Richvale, were with them from. Friday to Sunday. St. %Andrew's W1VIS The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of St. Andrew's Church met at the home of 'the Misses Stirl- ing on Thursday •afternoon of last week. The president, Mrs. Roh- ner conducted the meeting and there was an excellent attend- ance, The Study Book chapter, en- titlecl, a Christian Saga in Japan, was read by Mrs. Gladwin West- lake. The stewardship secretary, Miss A. U. Stirling, read an ex- tract from "Sowing Seeds in Dan- ny," by Nellie McClung, illustrat- ing the thought of giving or with- holding. The citizenship secretary, Mrs. R. Scotchmer, gave a reading on the subject "Strengthening Fam- ily Life", with quotations from the General Council's findings and the United Church catechism. 'The Day of Prayer will be ob- served on Friday, February 21 in the United Church. Arrange- ments were made for packing the overseas bale next week. United WA The Woman's Association of St. Andrew'e , United Church met on Thursday last at the home of the Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling, The president, Mrs. Lindsay Smith, was in the chair, and op- ened with the WA motto in un- ison, after which she gave a read- ing. In the business discussion it was decided to set up a quilt at the home of Mrs. C. E. Peacock. A vote of thanks was extended to the Rev. C. E. Peacock for •prin- ting the . 1958 programs. The March meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Malcolm Toms. The meeting closed with the theme prayer repeated in unison. Trinity Guild Trinity Church Guild met at the home of Mrs. Roy Fitzsim- ons on Tuesday evening. The Rev, E. J. B. Harrison conducted the opening exercises. Mrs. Percy Weston presided for the business session, Mrs. Merton Merrier. gave the secretary's report and read cor- respondence and thank you notes. Mrs. Fred Weston presented the financial statement, In a discussion re: fund raising activities, it was decided to hold a card party after Easter, a bake sale on. July 26. A motion was also passed that each member Sring some article to each meeting fo ra bazaar at a later date. The rector closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs. Fitzsimons served a dainty Valentine lunch. With the new Goodison Master Mixer you've got everything to provide your livestock with the finest in mixed and blend- ed ' feeds. Over 2,500 Goodison Feed Mixers are in use and years of manu- facturing experience have produced this highly com- pact machinery) preeision- built for years of service —ruggedly built for years of operation. You'll.. ho surinised at low investment required Wand high profits resulting from the in- eteiteed preference shoWn by your animals for custom mixed feeds. Why not write today for il- lustrated literature, prices and specifications • and learn how a GOOdison Mixer Will Increase your Profits 'this year and every year. • Superior Products Limited 500 Front North — Phone 1600 SARNIA - ONTARIO 5.6-7-8,13 TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TENDERS are invited by the Township of Tuekersurith for CRUSHING and "HAULING • approximately 12,000 cu. yds. of Gravel to township roads in 1958; 3/4 -inch screen to be used. Work to be completed by 'July 1st, 1958, and One to the satisfaction of the Township Road Superintendent. Gravel will be supplied by the township at three locations and contractor must supply all Other requirements. `Marked cheque for $300 must accompany each tender or tender will not be considered. Contractor to state price per yard 'delivered on roads. Tenders to be in the: clerk's hands by 3 p.m., March 4, 1958. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, R.R. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 7-8-b 41••••ft Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH ' TENDERS are invited by the Township of lackerstnith for SPRAYING CATTLE FOR WARBLE FLY CONTROL under the Warble Fly Control Act, 1952 and regulations and amend- ments thereto. Contractor 'to state a flat price per head per spray. Township will supply Warbicide required and contractor must supply all other requirements including labour and equipment. Work must be done to the sat- isfaction of an inspector appointed by the Vivaldi). , Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders to be in, the clerk's hand by 2,30 p.m., March 4, 1958. E, P. CHESNEY, Clerk,' R.R. 4, Seaforth, Ont. 7-8-b Biggest Speciali Ever at • youi Red and White Store Redpath Sugar 10 LBS. FOR 95s nPeanut Butter 16 OZ. MASON JARS 5 / $1.00 RE,DolidC;aEeYEl Salmon 1 /2 T.B.TIN 2 FOR 89c Red and White COFFEE GROUND 'FRESH WHEN YOU BUY IT. THE BEST COFFEE YOU CAN BUY GARDEN PATCH lb: 79c Peas 15 OZ. CHOICE QUALITY , 9 FOR $1.00 NATURE'S BEST Kernel Corn 14 OZ. VAC. PACKED 9 FOR $1.00 GOLD MEDAL POLY PAILS 11/2 Lb. Peanut Butter 2 FOR 49c Weston's Saltines 1 LB. PKG. ....... • • 29c OGILVIE'S Minute Oats 5 LB, BAG 49c CHOICE CRISP LARGE Lettuce Head E.A.0}{ .10c CHOICE GOLDEN RIPE Bananas Oranges 252 SIZE LBS, FOR 2 DOZ. FOR 7 29 5c MEAT SPECIALS BOLOGNA By Tim PIECE PER LB: 30c WEINERS 1 I.B. PKGS. PER I.B. 43c BONELESS RtimP Or ROUND STEAK ROASTS .PER LB. 65c — MANY OTHER SPECIALS AT OUR STORE — «COME AND COMPARE PRICES AND QUALITY STANLEY'S Red &site Lbectifej 'Behind Hanover Transport on iliteOn St. PHONE`HU 24447 FREE DELIVERY vie I-Tave The Right To Limit The Quantity To Each Customer