HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-13, Page 5""TRV` ,$ %Ar, TANVARY I$, 1:!,)58 X-VW$_TM1 CORD ME,i�I'SxR�CORO WANT ADS FOR -QUICK RE$ULT$ a Accommodation for Rent Articles Wanted' " dOX :A.PAV.TiViFNT, down szAB?vA➢c�I� B]CY,OLE in good etaim heated and furnished Phone condition for girl age six, Phone HU 2.3: 29. 7,p HU 2-3365. TT b i"am FURIVISI-�ED APART- Business Opportunities orient, Self contasmed, ground floor. 1 e he HU 2-95Si. 7-.b OWN YOUR OWN' BUSINESS. iN APARTground Contract 1.. G, Winter, Real Estate, f1cror, hated it' of _ urn�ace, Ideal ugh Street; Clinton. Phone - for couple, . Phone HU 2-9479 or Lon HU 2-6692 33 13 -tib . 6%b CLOTHING FOR SAU tiQUiSi; 1N KIPPEN TO RENT, I,71GI-IT GPJMN FORMAL, waltz- wtth garage.A,11 modern conven- iences, oil heated. Apply to Nor- length, size 10 to 12, worn twice. ma Long, Kippen, 2-tfb• Phone HU 2-66'88. 7-b 2 POPJ A,L'S, RED AND GREEN, 7,7FiSTiRAfBQ +'F APARTMENT, gr- ourid floor, , oil .furnace, 2 ,piece ankle length, size 14, in g .ood con - bath• and shower. ..Private ent- diti�on. Cao be seen at HU 2-6692 ranee. One `be.dromn, Day bed after 5 Am- 7�b in living room. Garage if desired. CUSTOM WORK ' Huron Street near Shipley Street. . _:Phone Goderieh .1197W if owner Is not on premises. 7 -b -:DOUBLE. OFT3,W, available .Mar- -ch 1; Barber shop .available April 1; located on Albert Street, wash- room facilities for both .offices. .-Suitable for beauty. salon, offices, • etc.. Phone Earl . R. Doucette, ...HU 2-3741. 7-t6b ..3 ROOM APARTMENT, heated,' furnished, grounds floor, separate entrance, electric frig. and stove supplied, Apply 116 Elgin Ave„ West, Goderich, .phone 534. .7. lob 3 ROOM FURNISHED APART - .:meant; partially heated, Washing facilities, Available around Veb- xuary 21. Phone HU 2-9504, ex- --cept Fridays. 7-8-b SMALL HOUSE,UNFURNISHED, all conveniences, suitable for couple, located on No, 4 Highway, near R OAF Station. Phone Nor- m Mamnin H 2-9270 '7- FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433• Hawkins Hardware. 2-tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Spray - ng. cattle for lice, white washing' and cleaning barns. Phone Hub- ert Cooper, Exeter, 599rJ3, 4 to 16-p ,AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening.Saws retoothed, jointed and filed for $1.25, Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. "Dill!, Jervis, Fulton Street, 611n. ton, Phone HU 2.9664. 35p-tfb Employment Wanted =FIBRIENCED FARM . MANA- ger requires •+suitable employment inany years' experience. Exxcellent references. Reply to Collins, R.R, n g U p 1 Paincourt, Ontario. 5-6-7-8b Accommodation Wanted FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM HOME WANTED, 1600 BALES choice mixed hay; - RAT+.$„ No charge for, announcement& of $irthS, Marrxaaes and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc,, Card of Thanks, in Memoriam, engagements 3c a word, minimum 75c, Dox No, to this, office5c additional Repeat in- sertions 2c .a word, mWinum .50c. CASH DISCOUNT: % if paidby Saturday fol- lowing last insertion. Hiking charge of ]Oc added each time bill is sent, Latest Time far ofiisertlons -- 12 noon Wedtesday. Dint IRU 24844 Lest and found SMAYEI? — to the premises of Men�Wq Lobb, Lot 1f, Concessior. 16, Goderich Township, a I-Teref ore calf, Owner phone RU 2-7580. 7s Pet Stock PUREBRED 'GERMAN Shepherd puppies. Reasonably priced. J. W. VanEgmorrd. Phone HU 2-92.311 7-tfi; Poultry .For Sale A NUMBER, OF DrKAL6 start- ed pullets, vaccinated , for New - 'casae and bronchitis, ready -%x Immediate delivery at 12 and 1d 4veeks of age. Price list on re- quest. Discount .on large orders. )Moore's .Poultry Farm, R.R. S. �Seaforth, Ontario. Phone 647-3. 5-6,7-$b 500 PULLETS, 7 MONTHS OLD. Phone Ted Sjaarda, RR 2, Bay- field, HU 2-9882. —7-b Salesmen Wanted $18,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT" Because we pay our top men in other cities from $14,000 to $24,000 in a year, this opening in the Clin ton •area is worth just as much to the right man. r. rf you are between 45 and 65:.. . can make, short •auto trips: -- can call on small town rural and in- dustrial -property owners I hope to hear from you right away. I would like to have you start with us soon and stay for a long time. All replies confidential. PRESIDENT, Dept. 52, Box 711, Fort Worth 1, . Texas NOTICE TO CREDITORS for rent or lease, in Clinton. Ph- International 8% foot stiff spring IN TIM' ESTATE OF Agnes one HU 2-7076. 7-p culitiv+a.tor on rubber, nearly new; Etelka Johnson, late ,of the flown .3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, from three furrow Massey -Harris plow of Clinton in the County .of Huron, Of in good condition; three section widow, deceased'. Jul,, 1. to 21 in the vicinity o Bayfield or Goderich. Phone HU 'diamond harrows; oat railer in A11 persons having claims again - •.2 -9413. 7,p good condition; wagon: on rubber st the Estate of the above deceas- _with grain box. • Phone William ed are required' to file the same Articles for Sale Aikenhead, Hensall 681x5. 6-7-p with the undersigned Solicitor for FEED BARLEY FOR SALE, $35 the said Estate ru or before the OIL SPACE HEATER, COLE 24th day of . February, assets, 1958, per ton, at the barn, Phone Clif- after which date the assets will be man, large size, Phone HU faril Stewart, HU 2-9806. 7-8-p distributed amongst the parties lauf 8; after. 6 p.m. t H. F. W �tb- entitled- thereto, having regard HELP WANTED only to the claims of which notice DON'T MISS COUNTER'S BIGI shall have been, given, GIRL'S TO LEARN LAUNDt,Y Store -Wide February Jewellery work. Contact Clinton Laundry Dated .at Clinton, Ontario, this Sale, 20% off all goods: Rings, and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb •5th ,day of February, A.D. 1958. Watches, Silverware, China, etc. - E, R. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, -Call often and save. 7-p FLECIIUC GUITAR and VIOLIN ..,.Solicitor for the said Estate. FML OIL —Stove and Furnace player to complete a Western 6-7-8_b Al - Oil delivered anywhere. A. G. group. If interested write to stating lary Sherwood, Centralia. stating ., �rlgg and Son, phone HU 2-9411, experience. 5-6-7-+b MORTGAGE SA'r E 43=ttb OF FARM IN TOWNSIIIP OF ,GrENER01US TRADE-IN Allow- HELP WANTED --FEMALE HIBBERT .&nee on your old TV on a Brand GIRL FOR PART-TIME WAIT- Under and ,by virtue of the New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. powerscontained in a certain less. Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. 6-7b mortgage, which will ' be produced Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton _ HU 2-3,232. 36-tlib WOMAN FOR KITCHEN WORK, at "the time of sale, there wall be YOUR OM WASHER. IS WORM some cooking. Full time employ- offered for sale by public auction money when traded an anew m•ent. Apply in person to Pinger's axu Monday the 2.4th, day of Feb - Restaurant, Main Corner, Clinton. ru'ary, 1958, at the hour of 2:30 Thor washer. T. A. Dutton's Ap- 4-6=b p.m., at Lot 29, Concession 8, ,liliance Store, Brucefield, Phone Township of Hibbert situate a:p- Gtinton HU 2-3232. 46-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE proximately 2 miles west of PIONEER CHAIN SA Wil reduced Staffa, -by W. E. Nairn, Auction- 15%a. For the most dependable 1N�10 HOLS,TM HEIFERS, due ler, the fallowing property, nam - pe Cly, Lot 29 in the eighth Lances= saw at the lowest price/anywhere. in April. Six pigs, ready to weary, sion .of the Township of Hibbert, •Contact Robert .Glen, Pioneer half Landrace. Phone HU 2-9808. containing approximately 100 ac- Sales and Service. Phone ; HU 7-8-P res, :2-99M, Clinton. 4-6-7-b 6 YOUNG SOWS due March 1, The said farm is situated on the SEVERAL NEW, PATTERNS in bred Landrace. Contact John County road approximately 2 English Bone China Dinnerware, Shepherd, Lan:desboro, 1 mile sou- miles west of Staff& and 1 mile including lovely "Cornflower". See th-east 3 miles from Londesboro: from school. There is said to be it and others in our window and 7-p situate on the said lands anL- get our law prices for fine china, shaped bank barn approximately $0 x 36 x 40 x 20, good stabling,Counter's Jewellery. 7-p Livestock Wanted doubl4eck hen house with. ac - MAGIC MARKERS, Will write on ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, commodation for 800 fowl, cement ,anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. floors, and- .good roofs, brick Dry immediately, Seven different courteous collection al all dead and house and kitchen, oil heated, .colours, Good for disabled farm animals and hides. poster work, Lail collect Ed. Andrews, 851.x13., bath, built-in cupboards, ,pressure signs, etc, $1.10 each, refills, 50c. Seaforth. Associated with Darling system and hydro—abundance of Clinton News -Record. 37-t,fb and Co, of Canada Ltd. 26-p-tfb 'water --2 wells and- spring creek clay -loam soil, well drained. Good MOTORS ANDGENERATORS OLD HORSES WANTED AT 31/ac fences. rewound and repaired. Brushes, ib,, and dead cattle at value. If To�rms, -Ten percent (10%) of. capacitors, switches, bearings; dead, phone at ante. GILBERT the purchase price to be paid at small appliances repaired, Used Sp small MINK RAMC, -I, phone col- time of sale with balance to be or reconditioned motors "for sale. lect, Goderich, 1483 J 4 or 1483 J1. 'paid ori closing an or before 1Vfar- Art Lovett, Isaac Street at Dunlop. 52 to 27-tM ch 24th, 1958. Sale is subject to Phone HU 2-6640. 44tflb reserve bid. Possession to be ar- I & J TAYLOR 2 HOUR SAv Miscellaneous ranged, near) new, size 25x27x46 inches,--- ---- For further particulars acid con - earl n ,sizeCommunity. Credit Union. SHARPENING ALL KINDS OF ditions of sale apply to undersign- Phone HU 2-9642. 7-b saws, cross=cut saws $1.00,, hand ed, saws 60c; no charge for knives or Dated at Stratford this 4th day TRADE IN YOUR OLD RAZOR scissors when saws are sharpened, of February 1958. ,on a new Bulova, $3 trade in Phone David Elliott, HU 2-9765,r1ND1RSON Et�iGiO allowance at Anstett's, Clinton. 2totp DILIiS & MISINE'R VITZ ' 'Use your trade in allowance as W%,TCI3 REPAIR IS A JOB F down: payment, then pay $1 a Ol?4 Barristers, and Solioitors; experts. Our work assures your 24 )Downie Street, -week, 7' satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Stratford, Ontario SILVERWAAnE HALF P=�CE Huron County's Oldest Establish- 6;7&-b .SALE -•-- Heritage, Remembrance, ed Jewellery Store. 7-p. Eternally Yours, Morning, Star, LET US RE1aAIR AND NiA1iEr l� [Tl'1`GN e�Alcu' ,Carnation, First Love. Anstett to new. OF CI•IOICE IIOLSrkEItN COWS Jewellers, lab your rings enewed an1d 'stones ,AND HE',IL+ MS . FIARMEV's—Are you going to safely secured --don't take Chan' At Lot 14, -Don. 2 Stanley otivn, awatll your •grain this year? If cos` Expert work done reasonably' ship, 1.11 ;miles west of Bruce- to your satisfaction. Watch re - so, better _ talk to me about get- :field`, on pairs and Pearl restringing. W. ting &self-propelled swathe-. All TUESDAY, FEBRUARY '($ N. Counter. 7-p •sizes, 8' up. Our early order dist' at 11.30. p.m. cyouaits will please you. Please 40 head of high grade Holstein phone collect morning noon or �.GT N 0 W Caws and Heifers, recently fresh, evening for ap zn,tment. J. `tiri': retnainder due In February and ' L 15 S I H N U S E It arch. Several . registered. 2 9lgmand, CI ntozr.� Pltone7 D N `�' d bred. Holstein Heifers, recently AVAILABLE REAL ESTATE Number young calves. All cattle vaccinated, '1R8Xt, ESTATE is Our BUSINESS, i%,G 5 RECORD CLUBY, Plan to attend this Sale of eb errs I `F&riYis, residential, intro a , Choice sial-, Cattle, m �urnrkiex cottages•. For dependable A".L11 you need is $385 in zmmody Sale will be held under cover. .and capable service list your prop- !ate cash. Our plan is `backed by Temis, Caisli erty with John Bosveld, Wellesley dealer aids and local promotions, VArcy ,1[f,athwrli & SOns Street, Goderich, Photo 1108, gpend several of your leisure Proprietors . We&new G o o r g e M40illfvray, hours each week, and Handsome Ita fold JACItson 'LuoknoW; J, McConnell, Seaforth, divldands are ,v0ars, •W'rlte today Auctioineer 50-tth Box 71 News-Weeord 7;.b 7�b �Mperpgti usYva 'In, Hallett On, Tues., April. 22 lntry forms and lists of songs have been sent out to the rural schools of Hul'lett in preparation for the Svventh Annual I-Iuliett Music Festival, to be held Uonday evening, April 21 and Tuesday, April 22, Earle Terry, Supervisor 'A"Y THEATRE (finto VIM _n TW9 9Ws Nightly Wide Stream NQW --- THURSDAX, N4''RTVAYX SA` 'Uiil?A "FOR WHOMTHE . ? BEL� TOLLS9 Paramount re -issues one of the great xnovles of all time, Ernest Hem ngwAy's best -sell nj' novel ooraes to vivid life on the wide screed, Of today. 3(n Technicolor. Gary Cooper -- (n8rid Der in -� Akim Tamhoft BIRTHS of Music in, London will be Ad- judicator. MONDAY , .TUOSIaA FOR!>3ES �n Clinton Public Hos- This festival is jointly spans- , �pital, on, .Saturday, February 8, ored by the Hullett Federation of 46(� 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald Agriculture, and the Londesboro S :Forbes, RR 2. •, Clinton, a son Women's Institute, (Paul Stevens). Music supervisors in Hullett are Highly dramatic expose of k'1Obi1 • rt '1A;7,N11�-.-In Clinton Pwblie, Miss Margaret �Ja'cksoni Mxs. Wil- dig into the unsavory' Hospital., on Thursday, Febru- li�am Kang, Mrs. Elaine MoDawell Van Johnson -- Ante` ary 6, 1958, to LAC and Mrs. •a, and Mrs, Nora lVioffatt. Jahn Fantalne, Clinton,. a daughter. COrM�I NO; MAIZE — In Alexandra Marine "The he DLICATL and General Hospital, Goderich, AUBURN on Tuesday, February 4, 1958, Jerry Lewis -- Martha to Mr. acid Mrs, John Maize, Auburn, a daughter. Mary 'Sanderson who has' been M'LL�NE—•Sn Clinton Public H r- quite ill is improving. os�li ursday, tal, on Wednesday,February2, Donald H. Ross, Oakville, visit- Paui Goddard, Son of Mr, and Mrs. James ed .his mother, Mrs, Fred Ross Mrs. William; Goddard, who has 1958, to LAO an Milne, RCAF Station Clinton a last Saturday. son (James Daniel), Mrs'. J. Taylor is visiting her been a patient in the Sick Child= daughter, Mrs. .Lloyd, Raithby, rens Hospital, London, has• re - Hospital, on Wednesday, Feb- Mir, and Mrs. Robert . turned. Owing to the epidemic of 'flu ruary 12•, 1958, to ACI and Mrs, left last week for a holiday in there was no. school Friday and John Minshall, Clinton, a son. Florida. there was no service in �an�y of DEATHS The Ice Carnival which was the. churches Sunday due to the related for last Friday night was 'flu ,and storm•. BiT'11UF —At his home on Fred- po`s'tponed due to the storm. • Mr. and Mrs'. Fordyce Clark and . erich. Street, Clinton, on wed- Mrs. Robert Arthur attended Mrs. Arthur Grange attended the nosily, February 12, 195$, ed- the Open House for parents at capping .ceremony at Stratford main Butler, • in his 57th year, Western University Saturday. General Hospital Saturday when Resting Butler,. the Ball and M year, William Cory suffered a weak Miss, Elizabeth Grange and Miss funeral home, High Street, Clin- spell Monday and,was, taken by Mary Clark received' their caps. ton, until Friday morning, then ambutlance to Clinton Public Hos- Mrs, Alf Nesbit and Mrs. Ed to Lagaceville, New Brunswick pital. Davis, leaders of the 4 H Ammet- Mr. and Mrs, Donald Haines tes with ten girls of the club, at - for fiunexal service. visited the lady's parents, Mr, and tended Achievement Day in Wing- I1OLNIiES--In St, Joseph's Has- Mrs. Rathburn, Hillsburg on Th- ham Saturday. The girls demon- pitaa, Brantford, on Friday, strated their project with Shirley February 7, 1958, Miss' Margaret Brawn as commentator, Each of Holmes, Brantford, formerly of ■ the girls received a silver spoon. Clinton, Funeral on Monday, Fish and Game Knox Yiirited WA February 10, from the Thorpe The Woman's ed W�ation of ,Brothers funeral, home, Brant- Knox United' res, Church met on Jaonf. eumTord, to Mount Hope Mausal- w r uary 28, with the "Happy ITustl- eum, Brantford, '=� ers'_' in charge of the program, MA11R In Clinton Public Hospit- (lub : M Hews by Mrs. Lawrence- Plaetzer with -al, on Tuesday, February 11, " ° Mrs. Norman Wightman at the . 1958, Dr. William Lewis Mair, .'oNa$RV0.��o�,: piano. The theme was "Another in his 77th year. Resting at saot,A,�o Way" the Ball and Mutch funeral Mrs. Harold Webster read Mat - home, High Street; Clinton, (By Don Epps) thew 2:,1-12 and the, story was where funeral service• will be read b Mrs. Tom Lawlor. Mrs. held under the auspices of Clin- Some For est Fires --1951 William Seers o in prayer. ton Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. For the, first time in many Mrs. Seers Rodger showed 84, on Friday afternoon, Feb- years, smokers were NOT held re ruary 14, commencing at . two coloured slides of Switzerland and r`3' g sponsib3e for any of the 25 forest o'clock, and interment in Clin- fires in the Cha leau district in Germany" and was thanked by ton Cemetery. F Mrs. Robert Turner. The offer- RAT�H ' — At' the Huron Count 1957. Lightning was responsible Ing was received by Mrs, William Home,. on Friday, February 7, far most of the outbreaks which Dodd and Mrs. Ernest Durnin. 1958, John Albert Rath, former- burned 2,450 acres, Campers Mrs. James' Jackson played •a, pi- ty of Belgrave, in his 86th year. caused eight and children playing ano instrumental. Mrs. Maurice ,Funeral from the Ball and Mut- with matches are said to have Bean presided for the business ch funeral home, High Street, caused a fire which swept 14 ac- period.. Clinton, on Monday afternoon, res. Safetyeducation plus the . The association will buy drapes Febru p for the newly built Sunday Sch- a10, with temporary facti'that woods employees• da not ool room. They will also wash entombmentusolulir the Clinton carry matches are credited with and paint. the Sunday School ro- buriallate to - be followed with ,the smoker's good performance. oms after the old furnace is re- burial later ih Dundalk Comet- moved. cry. Attention Farmers . Lunch eras served by the group WILTSE—•Suddenly, at the home Farmers: can assist greatly in in charge, and a social hour was of his sisters, Misses Maude. and the mangement of wildlife by spent. The next meeting will Elva Wiltse, on Thursday, Feb- planning woodlot cutting so as to be -in the charge of the "Loyal ruary 6, 1958, John Harold Wil- increase cover for rabbits and oth- Hearts." tse, in his 73rd year. Funeral er ground animals, Conservation ,from the Bail and MutCl fun- Officer R. M. Reid, Milton points oral home, High Street, Clinton, . p . to Clinton Cemetery, on Satur°- dut. day afternoon, February 8; by In most areas, he says, foresters Tflt A(A 1T If . the Rev. Grant Mills, recommend that timber he har- �ti wofue uMovs 20LENtAK—In Toronto, on Mon- vested by selecting out certain ouarow day, February 1°0, 1958, Jean .NGIN, kinds and classes, of trees as. they tt"' Annette McIntyre, beloved wife :.. of John Zelenuik in her 29th become marketable. Occasionally year. Funeral from the Ball it is advisable to take out infer- � for trees or to thin even -aged ;;< : r and Mulch funeral home, High stands in improvement cuttings. '' '`"'' `` `X Street, Clanton ,to Clinton Com- ;t;.,.::;:;,;:;..,..: etery, on Thursday afternoon, Quite often; only a slight modifi- ' , February 13, commencing at cation of ordinary methods can TREMENDOUS CUTTING two o'clock. mean much better wildlife man - CARDS OF THANKS agement. For example, it has been SPEED! a common practice in, the past to THE FAMILY of the late Alex burn the slash from waodlot op- CLINTON esO most are the trations. cutting, powerful 3. ' Inkley wish to thank friends „ ehainsaws even built --and they're ind neighbours for flowers, cards It is good business to allow built to last! Ask for Free Dem - end kindness shown at the time of cuttings. to rot down and enrich onstration,! ]Prices start at $183.50 :heir bereavement; special thanks the soil," Mr. Reid advises. "Bet- , ;o Rev. D. J. Lane, the Ball and ter yet, they can be ,piled over DEWAR TALBOT Vlutch funeral. home, and Branch the nearest stump to form. a year- RR 3, Bayfield --Ph. 5S1r5 L40 Canadian Legion. 7-p round cover for rabbits, quail, and other animals. Mr. and Mrs. Yrank Layton "Within woodlots, the preserva- wish to thank all the friends who tion of hollow stubs is good man- ;ent gifts, flowers, and cards, on -he occasion. of their , golden wed- agement for squirrels, raccoon and �e�EG lowers ling anniversary. Also thanks to various birds. Where a hollow tree meg' °Fc ill who helped in any way to make Is large -topped and shades- young o` :his happy occasion such •a suc- growth, it can be girdled and al- ` Telegraphed. :ess. 7-p lowed- to stand, M "It will be a wildlife `apartment �re,woa� Anywhere I wish to express deepest grati- house, for many years before "it ;ude to the neighbours, relatives finally rots away." ? end friends who so kindly remem- xered me with flowers, cards and True Story risits while a patient in, Clinton Stealthily following a deer track ?ublie Hospital; also to Dr. Oakes, in light, snow, the hunter was curses and staff of the hospital, quite indignant when. accosted by —FRED iV1eCLY1VIONT, z7x a conservation Officer. "May I see ,your licence?" ask- o COOKE, ed the officer. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN "Haven't got time to dig it out, I'm right up close to a deer. See F L O R I S T DISPERSAL how fresh the, tracks are? the ' Friday, February 28th hurried hunter replied, Dial HJ 241012•—Clinton "Licence please," aid the officer. B at 1.00 p.m. Furiously the hunter searched I Male --•- 38 Females for the licence. He found It. selling at Quite in order. 8 "Darn it," he sputtered, "naw BRAMPtbN SALES ARENA I'll have to run to catch up to the deer." Yf !1 ab 'ed the polite "Sorry, sir r h e h of B �', North rani" 4 mtl es Nb tbtl P Y1 bffieer, If you )lope to eateh -up GALBI at Snelyrbve with that deer I'd suggest you A Fully Accredited and Listed turn around and follow the tracks the other way. You are back- RADIO — T E L E V I S I Herd of high quality Holsteizis, raCl[!ng ill" many Fresh and Springing. Business of embarrassed silence. ,Famc,as show bloodlines of, the "Ca•rnaeres" families. Owned by: Elmer Carney or oto h , Ge w O (t.kt, d, � � nt'. Ila�•ys varios Ltd, Bares Consult4ats 4 POSTPONED AUCTION SALE The Auction Sal'e� of HOLSTEIN ROWS tluit was to ]-cath been Bolds >L'eaosdtny, lE'ekiruary 11, in lficinsatl Sales, Barb , vuili bo held . Saturday, FL's rwaary i5 at 1.86 lY.iiir, 1�Ittat^bId J`APIcsolr;' Ailetiotidof 76 A N� W9DN�SD,t 'V 1 jb'� the scandal magazines which P of luckless celebrities, Blyth -- Stew Cochran DELINQUENT" Hyera.- -Darren Weeavin PARK THEATRE GQDERICH Vow Playing: JERRY IXWI,S as "THE DELICATE DELINQUENT" with: Martha, Hyer MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY `The Admirable Crid.ton7' by J. M. ]Barrie --- 'roduced in Technicolor: they liv. t'le lilting. story of impeccable d and a�aster of a groin- of castaways. Kenneth More -- Diane Cilento and Cecil Parker THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Fred macmurray -- Janice Rule and Jreff Hunter Universal Super Western drama racked with fast-moving action and played against picturesque baekgraunds. "Gu. a For a , Coward" In Cinemascope and Color :orni ng• --Feb. 27th: "THE SCEPTRE'' AND THE MACE" L superb Technicolor presentation of the Royal Visit Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SAGES EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer R. W. COLQUHOUN', Clerk Fun if By Tender ESTABLISHED PICNIC GROUNDS and DANCING PAVILION With Booth. (Known .tis Jowett•'s Grove and Dayfleld Pavillon) ,VINO QUARTERS PROVIDED FOR LESSEE. Potential Unlimited for all Enterprising Person or Couple. For Frill Particulars, Contact: A. GABON, )Phone HU 2-'7064 Tender closes February 28, 1958 6.7-b FAITH ON HI -FIDELITY Your SERVICE Dealer x. RCA,VICTO .._ ELECTRONOM_ E T RA Dirl� S�VHIRLPdbL Appfiance'0. "I -FI COMPONENTS