HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-13, Page 4Corn Syrup2 BEE HIVE LB. TIN 29c AUNT. JEMIMA Pancake Flour 20c- CLA_RK'S Beans with Pork 37c 'LARGE 20 1 0Z. TINS S David's Cookies 3 PKG.$1.00 Save Your BAK Cash Register Slips for FREE Premiums SUPER110 FOOD MARKET R. Brubacher, Prop. FEBRUARY Specials 51:-.4.74x..attes,), SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1958 • CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH `Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 11.00 am.-"john-The Man of Mysticism" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.- Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.-Faith and Fellowship Hour A Cordial Welcome- to All J Valentine Tea and Bake Sale. COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL 'Saturday, February 15 2 to 4 p.m. Civil. Service Ladies' League Proceeds: Children's, Ward, Clinton Public Hospital 6-7-b 8aaaJairdaivar Clinton Hospital Association COUNCIL CHAMBER TOWN HALL, CLINTON Monday, Feb., 17 Bartliffs Bakery Ltd. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUnter 2.9121 CLINTON .-40-4,444.444 T1171014 NEWS-11,g0Q130 PAGE FOuR 'MUMMY, AMMAN. 13, 1308 Mrs, Irene Wolsey spent last Mr. and Mrs. Next. Bridle ex. weekend in Kitchener •and Toren- 'to. PERSONALS • Mrs, Breadfoot, president led the 'business meeting. Mrs. David Triebrier gave the secretary's re- port, and Mrs. Wilson gave the treasurer's report in the absened of Mrs. Taylor. Offering was re- ceived by 'Mrs. John Henderson, and roll call was ,answered by a verse on "Love". 'Several new members have join- ed the WA. Mrs. William Father- Ingham reported for the church committee. New tables for ,the Sunday School and a new floor in the basement were discussed. It was decided to have the church committee and the managers look into this matter and send in a report for the next meeting. Group No. 1 had charge of the 'program, consisting of a skit, by three ladies, Mrs. V. Hargreaves and Mrs. Fred McGregor and Mrs. Gordon Elliott, telling "HOW to meet the new minister's wife" and "how not to meet the minist- er's wife." Mrs. MacWilson play- ed the violin, accompanied by Mrs. McBeth. A delicious lunch was served. The March meeting will be in the charge of Group 2. Roll call Will be answered by prayer. A. M. KNIGHT, President Thirty-five attended the Wom- an's Association meeting. in the church school room. on February 4, when Mrs, Gordon Richardson and Mrs, Edgar Mien conducted the devotional; Mrs. Allan read. Acts 5=20; Mrs. Richardson spoke on "The Owner's, Stamp" and led in prayer. 0 The 1939 Royal Tour of Canada by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth was the first visit to this country in history of a reign- ing British ruler, St. Andrew's Girls Regular Meeting The Girls! Club of St. .Andrew's Presbyterian 'Church, met in the Sunday School room. Tuesday ev, ening, February 11, After the op, ening hymn, Miss Anne .Shadelock read the Scripture lessen and 1Wre. Lane offered prayer. Roll Bali was answered with presentee ton of an item for the Club's bazaar. Final-arrangements for the Val- entine Tea and Bazaar on Satur- PRINTED SEERSUCKER day, Febrpary 15, were made by the ,social. convener, Mrs, Howard Cowan. • Miss •Shaddocie read a portion from, the „study book entitled., "Mercy'". After the closing hymn and the '1Vilzpeti benediction, lunch was served by the hostesses, Miss Anne Rad .and Mrs, Bete Mor-• gan. With 10,378 miles of railway track Ontario ranks first among the provinces. Saskatchewan mike Second with 8,721 milts of track, but on per capita basis Saskat- chewan has the most miles of rail line of any province, EVAPORATED MILK FOR Desserts of Ever see somebody spell dessert as desert and think -"there'e a poor speller!" Maybe they're just the people who were born, 1.00 years too late because dessert was originally spelled with just one "s", In the olden days, des- sent was served after the table. had been cleared or "deserted" of everything elese. , even to the table covering. Then the family sat around the table enjoying a "desert" of fresh or preserved fruit, steamed pudding or custard. The family no, longer lingers over Mother's efforts in the kit- chen, . and the picture has changed for her too. Today we're all on the lookout for quick-to- prepare desserts . , with a thought though, towards retaining the niceties of 'living, including dessert tecipes- that fill the bill for tempting, elegant-looking creat- ions, That's why we find oursel- ves selecting handy dessert in- gredients such as powdered cof- fee for flavoring; marshmallows for a source of gelatin; coconut ready in the frig; nuts already chopped; and of 'course, evapora- ted milk, so easy to use, and so easy to store. A member of the dairy food family, evaporated-milk is famous for the richness and creaminess that makes the dairy foods such a joy to use. When it's blended into puddings ,and sponges, custard or marlows„ cake batters or . whipped toppings, there's a mellowness of both flav- or and texture that gives satis- faction when it's part of the meal- ender. gust see for yourself. . try these three desserts of dis- tinction made with evaporated milk. . . 'Cherry Topsy --Turvey Pudding, Walnut 'Mocha Sponge and Frozen. Chocolate Custard. Cherry Topsy-Turvey Pudding (Makes 8 to 10 Servings) %, cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 3/2 cup evaporated milk Ve cup water 1% cups sifted all-purpose flour 1% teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 2efe cups sour cherries and juice 1 cup sugar Cream the shortening. Add 1 cup sugar gradually and cream until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. Mix milk and water, Sift flour, baking powder and salt to- gether. Add flour mixture alter- nately with milk to first mixture beginning and ending with dry in- gredients, stirring just enough to blend well. as Turn into a buttered 3 quart size baking dish or casser- ole. Heat cherries and juice in saucepan. Add 1 cup sugar, Bring to boiling point. Spoon over cake batter in an even layer. Bake in a modern oven (350°F) until well done, about 45 minutes. Cut into pie-shaped wedges. . Serve cherry side up on serving plate, then spoon sauce ()Ver. Top with lem- on topping Lemon Topping 2/e, cup evapareted milk, chilled icy cold 21/2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 2/3 cup sifted icing or friut sugar. Whip evaporated milk until very stiff, Add lemon juice and whip just to blend well, Fold in lemon rind and sugar. Chill until ready to serve. (Should hold up well 45 minutes to 1 hour). Walnut Mocha Sponge (Makes 8 to 10 Servings) 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin % cup cold water 1 tablespoon powdered coffee 1/3 cup boiling water 1. square unsweetened chocolate, melted % cup sugar dash of salt 11/2 cups evaporated milk % cup chopped walnuts Soften gelatin in cold water. Dis- solve coffee in boiling water and add to softened gelatin, Melt chocolate Over boiling Water, Add sugar, salt and % alp •evaporated milk. Cook over beiih'rig water, stirring constantly until smooth, about 3 minutes, Retrieve and add gelatin and coffee mixture. Stir until blended. Let stand in cool place until partially st, Meanwhile thoroughly chill the remaining 1 cup evaporated milk, preferably in freezer tray, then beat until stiff. Vold in partially thickened ,gela- tin mixture, then beat until senoath. Fold in nuts. Turn into a one quart size mold that has been rinsed in cold water or Spoon into sherbert glasses. Chill Until set. Distinction Frozen Chocolate Custard ('Makes 6 servings) % cup sugar 1 square unsweetened chocolate 2 eggs, separated % cup evaporated milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla . 2/3 cup evaporated milk, chilled icy cold • slightly beaten egg yolks, then the 1/3 cup evaporated milk. Cook Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON 'Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) Meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on 1.ere's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 100 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Wednesday- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Pours - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Sunday, February 16 ' QUINGUAGESIMA 8,30 aen,---Holy Communion. 11.00 aere-Morning Prayer 4.30 p.m-Evening Prayer. Tues., Feb, 18-W.A, will meet at home of Mrs. B. Sloman, 2.45 p.m. Mrs. S. Thomas will be co-hostess. Aah Wednesday, Feb. 19 10.30 aen-Holy Communion 7.30 p.m-Lenten Service and Sermon Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, February 16 Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.,00 a.m. Gospel Service ..... 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Mr. M. Getty, Wing- ham. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. `It Hearty Welcome Awaits You" BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH BODENHAIVf, Pastor Sunday, February 16 10,00 a.M.-Sunday School 11.00 aert.-Nfornieg Worship "What Will Happen During the Millennium? Wed, 8 p.m.---Prayer Meeting - "Sttidy in the Book of Heb- rews You are cordially invited to these services, One of Clinton's senior citizens, Miss Adelia Doan, celebrated her 98th birthday Friday at the Clin- ton Public Hospital, where she has been a patient since August, 1955. Miss Doan was born in Clinton, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, 0. S. Doan, who came orig- inally from the St. ,Themas dis- trict, Her father, one of Clinton's early residents, operated a tan- nery on Mary St. She. is the last of a family of four, having no Out :0 REV. J. A. McKIM, B.A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. -Choir Director Sunday, February 16 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Christian Church" Installa- tion of Church Officers 12.15 p.m.-Sunday School & Bible Class. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.-Worship Service 2.30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Christian Reformed Church REV. G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 a.m -Service in English 11,30 a.m,-Sunday School 2,30 p.m.-Service in Dutch Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a,m.-Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, SaLia, Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m., 1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CK- LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kes. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M, J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, February 16 9.45 terneOur Church School, 10,45 'a.m.-Divine Worship: "Witnessing for the Gospel" Everybody Welcome PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, February 14- 8,00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, February 16- 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-1Viotnirig Worship 7.30 pelt-Gospel Service Tuesday, February 18-- 8,00 p.m-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You Baptist Ladies Eutertairient Mamie(' Monday The Ladies Aid, of the Baptist Church are planning an entertain, ment to be held in the church next Monday evening, February 17 at 8 p.m. Albert Livermore will show piettiree of their trip abroad. Weal numbers will be given and a pleasant evening is expected. Proceeds will be for the work of the church, All are cordially invited to attend, A silo-, er collection will be received, a - ST. ANDREW'S VDTS TO 'MEET FEBRUARY 18 The Women's Missionary SW-, iety of St. Andrew's Presbyter, Ian Church evil). meet February 18 at 2.30 p.m, at the home of Mrs. D. J, Lane. Valentine Special! EARRINGS NECKLETS BRACELETS each $1 BROOCHES Visit Our Bargain Tables Anstett Jewellers Certified Watch Repairing PHONE HU 2-9525 - CLINTON' BRUCEFIELD GLAZED PRINTS DAN RIVER GINGHAMS yard DENIMS COTTON PRINTS PLAIN SEERSUCKER Sanforized BROADCLOTH Good colors Sanforized PRINTED PERCALES yard 49C yard 49C yard 49C yard 49c yard 59c yard 69c yard 98c 98c reepeaeseeteeseeeelteeeeeeemeeer New Materials Arriving COME XII OFTEN • iatoSasailosear4.14.0;44404aosisadwar4p4a. McCALL SIMPLICITY PATTERNS MARTINS DEPT' ---STORE pact to celebrate their 20th wed- ding anniversary in Brampton, on W, le, Wells and one of the •Friday night, They will attend members of his staff attended a the annual Valentine Dance of the schoel in. Peterboro last 'week specializing in repairs to small Branpton 1,41415 ChM; of which motors and lawn mowers,. Herb, was 'secretary for three Mr. and Mrs. „,,Percy Donglasi years. Mr. and Mrs, Bridle were Mea'ford, are spending a few days married at Brampton on February in Clinton. They arrived last' 14, 1938, Wednesday to attend the golden Mrs. Proctor Palrner has been wedding anniversary of Mr. and spending three weeks in Mexico 'Mrs. Frank Layton. City, the .,guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dalton Chabot, spent the Otto Keel, sister of Mrs, Palmer's past. week visiting her parents, eon-in-law, Roland Gerig. She is Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lebb. Her visiting Alcapulco in southern husband, joined her for the week- Mexico, 750 miles south, of Mexi- living relatives, end, and on Sunday they left for co City, on the border of Gnat,' A member of St. Pdul's Angle. their pew home in Binghamton, emala. Mrs, Palmer flew south can Church, Miss Doan was N.Y., where he is on course with via, CPA, and is expected home former president of the Ladies' again this weekend. • the Link Aviation "Co, Guild, and is the only living char- ter member of the Women's Aux- iliary having served . as its first treasurer in 1887. She is now a life member of the WA. • Her birthday was celebrated from her hospital bed amid cheer- ful spring flowers, A decorated birthday cake, lit with candles, was made in the hospital kitchen. Miss Doan. is pictured here with nurses lqrs. Powell Pinkel and Mrs. Marguerite McMillan, cut- ting into the birthday cage pres- ented to her. o. LOCAL MUSICIANS EARN • FIRST CLASS HONOURS Miss Doan, 98, has Birthday in Hospital Bed Three young people were suc- cessful in earning first class hen- Melt chocolate in tap of double ours in Grade two theory, in ex- toller. Mix in sugar. Stir in aminations tried under the super- vision of the Toronto 'Conservat- ory of Music. They were Christ- over i boiling water until thicken- ire Bridle, Donald Mills and Shar- ed,on Gray, all pupils of Miss Lois stirring constantly. Coal. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites until Grasby. stiff but not dry. Fold into cus- tarcl mixture. Whip the % cup Less than eight percent of Can- evaporated milk until very stiff. ada's total area is classified as Fold into chocolate mixture quick- occupied farmland; an equal area, ly and thoroughtly, Freeze im- at present unoccupied, is consid- medietely in refrigerator tray. ered for agriculture. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "']HE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor-REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.n1,-Suncley School 11.00 tern„-a,Vorship Service 7.00 Pere-Evening Chapel Hour maims oilmen 2.00 pen.-- Worship Service 8.00 10.111.-StinclaY Seheol 8.00 p.m. All those interested in the affairs of Clinton Public Hospital are cordially invited to attend. E. E. WALTON, Secretary-Treasurer 6-7 ti