HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-15, Page 5Lower Wiugilara. Asleep iu .Tesns, blessed sleep, rrom whieh nolie over wake te weep, - calm and undisturbed repose, thihruseal by au) two 4 foes, After more than a year of patiently born,,e.4540'..ring, included the atiqutatinit of ' uiOW 0111 of ghillie Adams, of Lower Wingliam, has passed to those regions, where immortal woentiot reach it, On Thursday morning the vital bark tittit the mortal frame, fond nature (teased the sttifo, itittiug the sufferer lanonislt into lift. The deceased was net. 21st year At the finis De her te• 0041, Qievor, viviteious, ambitious and of an earnest and loving clisposit- ion she was respected and esteemed wheyever known, Amid a furious sterna slit S',.turil ay, the roittains were followed by an. twuseally large con- tours() of friends to the \\Ingham cemetery, Hearty sympathy has tweu extended to the bereaved ones. Ou the evening of ' Sabbath last the Rev, J, Scott, at, A., her pastor, who Lad frequently visited.ber -dialing her Illness, proachod a, very appropriate r7r, and .deoply sympathetie diseourse based ou Job 138-1 7, to a crowded church full of appreciative hearers. 111 01.11roSs. • 001/DoN& 11131NTitili "The Big Brown Anchor." THEREFORE CAN SELL 0 T3 -1,--Z TIOCI 2.11,1 SINIXO saallaKflIl V DNI -AID NI ffAariag RA1 SPRING STOCK A. painful and almost fatal accident -happened iu.the family of Mr, John Ambler last Wednesday. His second eldest boy, a lad of -four or live years of lige, in annising himself in'the yard caused a very heavy stone boat, whioli was standing on edge to fall on bitn, fracturing his skull mid eauSing the . us oreat pleasure to be able to say to our friends and the public. coten. 'striltinp; hint on th o back of the head In every department< We do not believe in "blowino.'} 'but it affords , that we never bad greater attractions or greater:inducements to offer in .every, line of our unusually large stook than .we.are now displayperson in need of choiee ing. We extend ,a cordial invita- OF CHOICE J:U"-v7 CD CD ID Selected .with greatest personal care in the best markets, IS NOW OOMPLETE ARING S Positively be Chance r Tremendous Rains AT Ilaving pur A. W. 'We have deter • blood to gush from his nose and ears. •• Be retnained for live days in a semi- eotnatose state, but sometime on Mon day he became quite sensible and the tion to every probabiliti.ai aro that he will recover, —.1\lrf'John. A mbler i: laid ti; with Dry %awls, Gong' Furnighirtpt Haacl-razde "1°) althoutdi he is not, euecif daiwer yet. at cost, cr lumbago. 01,her .parties on the siek Itgatg and Sines, d the stock of BSTER -tried to clear out th ock of ish ,d Canadian Suiti gs, Pauli list are hoproying.—Mrs. Teena Me. . • Oanlish and -family spent last week on .0 a Visit north at her sister's Mrs. R. ri--r-li,v5.7'sx,17 Green.—Mr. J. Aiiiber has quite a stock of logs in his yard which he intends manufttethring into wood. It is To come rht his intentiofl to abut down on the cider hnsiness about -the t wentieth inst.' , and start his grain crasher and sawing GOR machines. Mr. Ambler's mill shows what a little, ingenuity and mechanical skill can accongilish, By utilismg a small stream 011 his property he has power enough to rim a lot of inaellin, . _ . ery. Exeter, 'Oar citizens were excited qn INIon dly week on learning that the wife of Elward Gal, one of our most rsspeoted citizens, committed suicide by hanging herso'f. Her husband, gat up early in, . by himself, as usual, and . Wen pro • . & ti the Morning and partook of breakfast by pci ceded to his work, She afterward% arose and dre.sed, dressed the young, 'boy, and sent him to her sister's with • smile milk, and told hint to remain there until his pa was coining hoine to YURI, GROZEIBIES, to the Anchor IIotn-e, it will pay you to do so. DO HATS 84, MoINTYRE, aver•aTehe THE • BIG BROWN ANCHOR, (--) Wingham. the b , dinner. The husband took the boy home With him., and upon. entering it • TEIAT 1 HAVE THE BEST ASS MITED STOCK OF found the house cuipty, ile at once WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELLERY IN WINGBIA.M. • looked around and noticed the barn 0 - :0 ------ 0 t • 1,111T,Iostkii9110 hots: • door was closed. Upon closer exam. 'E"T gricl .THAT THE- QUALITY OF MY GOODS IS EQUAL TO • illation he found it was tied 011 the am 0 • inside. HD broke the string, and 3rd. THAT MY PiICES ARE STJOtI •TriAT IT IS, SAFE AND •found the lifeless •form of his wife ) laTABLE FOR ALL TO DEAL WITH ME. • suspended from a rope -which was tied to a. rail strung across two beams in ry.1TIT'S p 0 -lir QtYREIJFs the barn, She had been in the Lon. • don insane asylum six years ago. • BY CALLING • ON n a very s mall margin.. ROM 39 CE TS UR usiness is under t'se man - t of Mr. Webster bwiom k debts will be collo° -Nd. NEW TAILOR •SHOP 0--r-0 MR. E. C. CLARKE, 1 • In opening a new Tailor Shop in Winghaatvrespeetfully scatilt t shay.) of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to give satisfaction to ail • entrusting him with their orders. Being now in running order, -desire• to thank those who have favored him, and to say that no pains will be spared to give sat:fax-Wn in the future. E. 0. CLAIVKE. Glenfarrow. Mrs Bryant and family • Moved to Bluevale last week, whore they intend residing —What makes Mr John_ • . Burnie Inuit so pleasant? Ile and his • wife rejoice in the ownership of a fine bouncing baby boy, --Mr and Mrs Bolt have returned from Goderich, after attending the funeral •of Mrs tolt's sister,the late Mrs Jeues of that plaeo.-11.1r and Mrs Wm Campbell, of Blyth, pivid friends a visit here last week. --A surprise *party of young people called ou Mr Thos Friday night last. A nio evening was spent. -4h Ales. Me.' Ewen, to:teller here, has accepted the Bluevale school or the remainder of the year —Mr George Nicholson, •of this Voce, owng one of the hest herds a Durham. cattle in the. enmity. It sh eonsist4 of one bull, "Lord Bailie,'" throe eowct, two three year old •heifers. three two year olds and it one year old bull which is for sale, Ort Trmi day of this week Mr Wm Eeket acre) 11 sold his toc1 and impicin- los --- On 'Friday, Mr Win Int 7 can 11 sells his stook and itne. -wads and on Saturday John Evans of Jo 23 eon 0 --Mr King left for '1%,1,01 riot) t few days ago and Mr bown g:',en at an early date. FOR utlirtnor Toca Setta. Tab F. Pion'etrHarkar8Storb, STONE BLOCK. We give special attention to the following lines: Inert Piro, AX,I, 555135 MOM TO 3 t et1, tF;-')• MON AV» nn'Ass. Pus FITTINGS. FIRE DRIOICSI- MILL PILES, MACHINE OILS. N./ Re119.1cItz GROCEMES, --GO TO -- sr *up aiaAMIO gkitta AMERICAN WATI131, win= COAL OIL. We are solo agents in Wingliam for the sale of Genuine Rubber Paint the best in the world. All kind of shelf and heavy hardware at bottom riees* laa.L Ciite tts Wingham, January 11th, 1St30. 110.1%1011041.3/41041•~10,1111MAISOAMTWAril*S.• ti.21 rr4 0 fzi 0 0 0 134 P.1 0 1* ;. 1..11ntiOR LIOCNstS. s:oftre tg iirrobr gives e all parties in t1t W,t Miller of ninon, (tidying either 1irt,11 or Shop 1A--,etrw..; for Ow gMe. of Liontr, that appw-Dtiou for the- satao unto, be Mat. to Col Ilnder,Ipo.,1 1,03 later than rho lot of Arril next NY J Paisley, '-nveetor, Clinton itnoretrery Fon SALE. 'them wilibe vati by publiu auction at the Central Ilotel,--liorinati$ - 11,Ingiado, on kiaturday, :kin rch et.TDATE er THOMAF, lb:retool. I 3nby 010 3310300115 attorr,ey - for 11,1. -the Prim that the sAld Martha Pike • .1,, d all h"r 111331,title -vid int ve-t 3i '33i to.r right to adminiatration, to MrsAlteO ri.te, 3.3t,3310. tritAX of the I StlItO 'Of Said Iii01O:t9 1 tito ; OP.P1 wive notice that 101Ettite:lo.rottioroplpTetplirpr lx.tr- on said 'Martha 4.)3,.1 Mire e ton 3I 1. .1 and 1'114 i.1.MOItlift Prier, tunolow upon the estate of said Thomas Vtito or on any I ai therm. hated at Toronto tlii$ 2801,4'4 et rcleatary A. 3'. Slated W Attorney for btarthr. Alt dettn dee fr. the tttate of the tete 'Mot, 10 Price arc to bo pea 16011c6th to lila Alt..e 'Frit o TO", . \\Ingham, otherwise imme3tate 3313,35 prttemellt. I111 be taktu to collect them. .101.IN 1. TICW,Intl, 'Id "Vti-to'-5 torr.414. •flol:ettar in0 %vette. Viattib lit, A ft FAO. V,140. -r -t do'rlorkp at, the property of tho late IS'ob. IrAor (Mtlr, Fart: 1,43 Na ,IS 43, 44, 43,, 331.31 45, Whig 0033taMill5 111 ItY 41Iu 11110.4 Tiltql) are 011 the pronitea2 twos dwelling honeea, 5 bons, 5 orebartle, eto a nioetdegrabie and excellent property in ono 61 the finest locations in the county, btinir 'but One 11111O out of town and a most commanding tint...affording a Inagnifleent view of tile -town.- • For fail particulate apply, to the exe,futore 11/C11. AN1)1t1lf,i0N, aoyN TILT, Dom*. • Wist,tret, la tr., kW - 1