HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-02-06, Page 3Pear Sir; some few weeks ago on, the .ed- itorial page of your paper tinder the heading "What's Happened the Workere?" You mentioned that the Seaforth- branch of the .Red Cross Society were facing a large quota of knitting. •111:abalic you for the 'plug," We also have a large quota of seWing on hand -consisting :of boys'. overalis, shirts, pyjamas, 260 articles in all, We would appreciate it if you Would 'print a brief notice in your paper to the effect that if any women in the Clietoir area were_ willing to help with this sewing or knitting, they could! contact Mrs. A. W. Moore, sewing con- vener, phone" 323; or Mrs, el, A. Munn e phone 172, .Seafortle Thanking you. Sincerely, MAE I. SMITH . Sec„ Seaforth Red Cross Society. Helen al/1010th 'Collier, (Mrs. D. W, Collier) Box 1009, RCAF Station, Grand Centre,' Alberta, January 28,, 1958 • , BRING IT IN NOW FOR ENGINE TUNE-UP! OR BETTER STILL, GET A ... Guaranteed Used Car AND HAVE TROUBLE-FREE DRIVING. pi7 i utBros. . , Chrysler — Plymouth — Fargo Sales and Service Huron St. CLINTON c. 3 eek-end Specials FE RUARY 6 - 7 - 8 EVISCERATED Boiling Fowl 11;2 a tnoe rits.b.,rivRe reaagdey. to go 39c lb. Roasting Ciluckeng,';°;Nv'i,,:igli1A .i.7r.!g..e.49 .c lb FRESH, 'YOUNG, TENDER-GROWN, CUT-UP CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS • 59c lb. CHICKEN Wings WHILE THEY LAST 45c lb. Necks and Backs 21bo 25c We Carry All Items For Roasting the Finest Evis. Capon Chickens-1-9 lb. average. e Valentine Tea and Bake Sale COUNCIL ,CHATIBER, TOWN HALL SatUrda);-, February 15 2 to 4 p.m, Civil Service Ladies' League Proceeds: latildren's Ward, Clinton Public Hospital"' .6-7-b Car Hard to Start? we, !nrr, we-ere er ere ee ^IN .- estinghouse T E- SALE February Automatic Dryer ,4110401,- ainton Electric _Shop. Relieve symptoms of Colds and Flu with I.D.A. SPECIALS Feb. 3 to 8 A.S.A.. TABLETS 100's--19c 300's-49c AQUAMARINE LOTION reg. 2.00-1.25 BAYER ASPIRIN-100's plus Free Nasal Spray 79c BRYLCREEM and FREE COMB 69c COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 100's-89c HALIBUT LIVER .OIL CAPSULES--- • CAPSULES- 100-89c 250-1.89 500-3.49 IDAMALT 1 ib.-63c 2 lb.-98c 4 lb.-1.69 LUSTRE CREME SHAMPOO Reg. 98c for 79c MAX FACTOR PANSTICK with LIPSTICK—reg. 3.00 for 2.00 CREME PUFF with LIPSTICK Reg. 2.75 for ,,,,,,, ,..,„..1.75 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE with „.. Hair crush 89c movvE F PENNEBAKER' F21:161;e6r UNIQUE DRUGGIST filEMMIE I II IIIelelteeletelecefee eekille Phone 2-663:. R.R;VEUNTONVkigt, MUM 11111013ffin I-Irf USE OUR OIL. FOR WEAT -THAT'S WHY THE TI49LIGHT OF COLD CANT TERRIFY ..,e- „•-.. ,6•-• c, le tee, T 1L i. 41.4,.-..„ mcfrot OIL I 'Atli5 GASOilHE' .LUBRI(A$T 4;.• Aka': 4 4 Mrs. M. J. Barrett The death occurred 'in Detroit on January 27, 1958, following a, long illness of Mrs. Minnie J. Bar- rett, aged 66 years, Born in Goderich Township, December 4, 1891, she was. the second daughter of the late Mary Ann Looby and Henry Weston, Hayfield. The deceased ,woman was mar- ried twice. Her first husband was Archibald Agnew who died a number of years ago. Her sec- ond husband, H. Barrett prede- ceased her several years ago. All her married life was spent in De- troit. Surviving are two sons Eldred and Norval Agnew, Detroit, also two grand daughters, and two sisters and a brother, Laura (Mrs. William McDonald); Bessie (Mrs. Clarence Bennett), Detroit; and Percy Weston, Bayfield, The funeral was held from the Skene Funeral Home, 10050 Jay Road, Detroit, on Thursday, Jan- uary 80, 1958, at 1 p.m. The burial service was conduc- ted by the Reverend Harry T. Howard, DID; of Grace United Church. PORK Neck & Shoulder (SWEET RIBS) 2 lb. 25c JUST Fresh GOT Cottage Cheese Iii ,Lb. Carta)* .... 29c THIS VItE811 WHITE WHOLE WEEKEND—We VISIT Will Have ' SCALED 2-2 1/2 Ile average 59c lb. Fresh Fillet of Haddock 65e lb. Again Cut Only front Round Bone, Modern Phone 111(1 ROASTS Sign We Will litle MANI) Blade 2-3834 O. St:alley/ of Cleanliness Meat Have OF Proprietor cindl DiEFA:a-GIIADE Many ItEEr 49e Quality Market Nice A & MINTON - SELECT 55e lb. • . 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1958' CLAN NEWS-ECORD PAGE 'mum • on Tuesday afternoon in the chore eh parlour, The president, Mrs. J, B, Levis was in. the dab, • Devotion's were taken • by Mrs, A, IL McMurray; the theme was from the 23rd psalm, The sec- eetetv and treasurer's reports were both read by the secretary,. Mrs, B, Olde, due to 'the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. C. Proctor, Bills. were read by Mrs. Olde, well .as the aims and '-objecte of the W.A. women taken from the hand-lboOk. Mrs, Elliott read the correspondence, after which sh was requested to send thank- you's- for .donations repeived, Aeports of the standing com- mittees were, given, A. reading On Stewardship was very ably taken by Mrs, S.. Schoenhals, banquet has been- arranged for the evening of February 18, when the ladies of the.WA and Hearth- side Club will cater th the Fish and Game Club. Dis'eueeion op ways 'and means of - making money was left 'over tilt next month and it was also left over, to deckle-whether or not to join the WA Presbytery -this year. The Worrian'e Association rnf Mrs. Mervyn Batirin contributed Ontario Street United Church met two humorous readinge entitled, English as ehe is and 'The et- ernal paradox." Gail Orpen. play- ed two accordian solos, These Mothers- were much enjoyed by everyone. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies of St, An- drew's ward. Hears Committee Reports at Meeting • W. J. ColclOugh ljames A. Fletcher William Sohn Colelough passed away in Woodstock-General Hos- pital, January 29 in his 82nd year. He was' born in Stanley Town- ship, a son of-the late Robert and Harriet (Ford) Colclough. He be- gan his career as a farmer in Stanley Township' where he farm- ed for several years before mov- ing to Woodstock, where he has lived for the past 30 years, • He married the, former Harriet Tinney who predeceased him 'in 1.949. Two 'daughters also prede- ceased him, one' 1927 and one in 1940. He was a devout Christian and was affiliated with the' United Church: Surviving are two sons, William, Brantford; Glenn, Calif.; one dau- ghter, Roxannee Reno, Nev.; three grandchildren, one great grand- child; one brother, Russel, Clinton; five sisters; Mrs. L. H. (MTV) McGlynn, Ferndale, Mich:; Mrs. James (Jane) Hamilton, Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. Elmer (Bertha) Finch; Mrs. George (Nfargaret) Hanley, Clinton; Mrs. Frank (Effie). Ch- urchill; Victoria, 13. C. Funeral' services were held Sat- urday, February 1, at the Smith funeral home, Woodstock and tem- porary entombment in Woodstock mausoleum. Be Ready Fot r apring nousedeaning Give &Hai* it 0/1 nemiNre 01,4NCE11) DELI? • • 1 • Clinton NeeeseRecord, ntario Street ax an s ssoma on ST,JOGESTXON The Editor,. Clinton News-Reeord, . • In yoqr January 233rd 1 was very interested In the edit- orial directed towards Making the " columns of news mere in the nate ure ot what IS expected in a week- ly newspaper, We had thought • of venturing •a suggestion along that ' It is indeed ' a disappointment for r,'eade •e, to see meetings write ten too fully, thereby crowding out Itents,'of more interest to both laced arid distant readers, A local newePaper is really filling the place of a letter from, home be, cause, in this busy life of ours, there is not time for friends to write lengthy letters and mention projects and improvements in the community, as well as visitors, We read all the -columns, wlie- ther we know the persons or not; because one can unexpectedly glean 'word of old acquaintances by reading between the lines. We are going to speed the mon ter of February in the south, most. a it Mexico City, but will read the accumulated copies of the. News-Record upon pur return. Sincerely, Breakfast Style or Country, Style We Make Our Own—Try 'Enid SAUSAGE The Finest All-Pork Product .: 65c lb. All Beef SAUSAGE Comitry Style Only 3 lb. $1.00 Tasty &Woke Pork SAUSAGE REAL TREAT 65c' lb. Ladies Legion Atteillary Te Meet Vehreary 10 The Ladies Auxilery to the Can- adian Legion, Clinton Branch 140, 'will meet next Monday evening, February 10 at 8.15 p.m. Every- One is asked to bring a gift for a prize to be won in the penny sale, , • o - MANY LADIES AWL ovar,a no IN RCAF LADIES Mrs” Ifeido Mullen) Keen competition and high scor-es are still evident as the RCAF Ladies. Bowling League continue their battle for top three in the playoffs, Mrs; 8, Brown wen high triple +Imours with a. score of 602 -end. Mrs. Bush with a score of 230 for high single honours. Other Ladies with scores of 200 and over, Mrs, K. Brown, 226; Mrs: M, Sutton, 223; . Mrs. J. Heatherall, 221; Mrs. J. Fyvie, 219; Mrs. R. Roots, 218; Mrs. C, Sweeney, 2:17; Mrs. S. England, 216; Mrs, K, Banville, 215; 'Mrs. ,COQMb$, 215; Mrs. V. Lurinin,, 215; Mrs. T. Hatch, 214; Mrs. M. Edge, 211; Mrs,. I. Carter, 211; Mrs. T. Clark, 20e; Mrs. Springate, 208; Mrs. K, .Spillsbury, 207; Mrs, C. Teinkamp, -206: Mrs. J. Sibbert, 205; Mrs. G. Fogo, 204; Mrs. J, Halward„ 204. • POlVIIER SIAM 2d PERCENT -GROSS GAIN The Premier Trust Company's 42nd annual report covering the year ended December :31, 1957, ahOWS a gross revenue for the year of $632479, a gain of over 20 percent, After deducting in- 'come taxes and other cbarges there remained a balance avail-able for distribution of $229,092. Dividends at the rate or seven percent per annum amounting to $82,919 were disbursed; $100,000 Was transferred to reserve; $15,-000 was, written off assets, and 01,173 was carried forward in Profit and Loss Account. toncoar and h ,q00Vterrr liquid securities entoteazada are 88,85, percent of demand de-. posita ineTset, al deposits bit the public increased' nearly 42,000,000. The company operates offices in Toronto, London and St.,Cather- f`fl or4r4~4t1+70li TREMENDOUS CUTTING MEDI CLINTON CHAIISTSAWS are the fastest cutting, Most powerful clminsaws ever built,eand they're built to last; Ask for Free Dem. opetratieel Priers start at $183.50, DEWAR TALBOT RR 3, Bayfield—Ph. 59r5 .S,S, 4 -COMMUNITY CLII0 MEETS AT MRS, ICYNDAws- The January meeting of the S5 No. 4 -Community Olub was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne TYricle ell with a good attendance, The president, Mrs, J. Teb'butt was in charge of the meeting, which was opened-by repeating the creed and the Lord's Prayer in.unision, Ran cal was answered by pay- ing of fees, The annual treasurer's report was given, Plans were made for a. baking sale later on in. the spring. The meeting was closed with the Miepah benediction, and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. Lunch was serv- ed, with Mrs. M. Forbes and Mrs, J. Merrill assisting the hostess. The next' meeting will be held at the home Of Mrs, Walter Foefb- es, the roll Bali to be lc fer each inch waist measure. AAPA,...7,,AP AIAN•AA,A4o. Obituaries James Alvie Fletcher, Huron Street, Clinton7in his 66th year died suddenly from a heart at- tack, shortly after he reported for work as caretaker of the town hall on Saturday morning. He was found by Chief Constable H. R. Thompson. Born near Elmira, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward•Fletch- er, he resided in Seafortli for many years, moving to Clinton 23 years' ago. He was a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Surviving are his widow, the former Henrietta Makins, former- ly of Seaforth, and one son; Thom- as, Clinton; four daughters, Mrs. Fred (Margaret) Trevena;Clinton; Mrs. Stan (+Dorothy) Kennedy, 'London; Mrs. John (Erma) Bour- ne, Mitchell; and Mrs. Don (June) McCaughen, Byron; two sisters, 'Mes. Eleanor Ritchie, London, and Mrs. Bert McNichol, Saskat- chewan; and 11 grandchildren. The funeral was held Monday afternoon' front the Beattie fun- eral home, Clinton, with Rev. C. S. Inder officiating. Burial was in Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers we- re Frank McEwan, Harry Wat- kins, Mel Crich, John Bourne, Wil- liam Cook and James Turner, 4.11.1..•••••••.11011411.0 I DONT LET YOUR., I ' RADIATORS spottv*-., t- BY GOLLY WE WILL I MAKE THEM 'WORK Big Savings for the Month ,of ALBERT "STREET D4 W. ' CORNISH CLINTON • e0oheee .01 al n:EfeeliSE 14, eV COLD TREATMENTS osai;t 16. rt.. ft., ft. vim =RI iNAS WOW emis Amiii , oomii'lowo is.* *APO AMY udebaker Scotsman $046041/ So eay ose 440146 Waft* dokon Votel/ be atna.ed bow easily you tint transform tiliity °hi ryk itUd *ay, telourite pieces. MIA goes' Oa' SO soWeiitiy, anti just oni coat ueoeile /ilikialgh • 102c 01.11' outdoors, too— we WO mut firtiii furniture. CANADA'S LOWEST-PRICED - FULL-SIZE CAR ti UJ' TO 00 MOIRE ')'-;101,01111111,1t1P:r MILES TO A TANK OF GAS The Studebaker Scolsmari 4-tioor Shim Ws H. Dalrymple & Son PITONV IIr1 z•-orti nittotnrain SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. Clinton DV 2-7023 A.a.—