HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-15, Page 4• ttjt01:411114) ani ill e$ IrRIDAY, MAUCH 15, 1889 =see= ' OUR OTTAWA LETTER. .limb 4atiers and other 'matters reviewed rind eaveneerited upon, The lobbies:of the House of Cont, 'Moue were CrOWded for tire last week r two by pexties seeking special ad. 'vantages froth the goverioneut, A ery large and inflaentral deputation of lunaberderm weited upon the govern - %twat the bther day, to ioduce them to remove the export duty upon Pine and 'Somme 1g The tidy was imposed upon the greend that it would protect the Otteerrellau saw millers, by prevent. and Beciproolty of trade woe sitecuestal read the roped on the etate isf the tem. Milne, who is ettendiug •the Toroote last week, and a vote arrived at all porno cause witiou the limite'of Wei Medical °oleo% vras home seeiog the Friday night The government (10 preebytery, with tue auswere received ela f regret Ito learn that , • ti verione eongreeations, and Mi. J. Emigh is ou the eiek Het. We • s L t reference to Any of theme subjects, , on the whole, eatesfaetory 0014-6011 are p coed to see Mr. Oleotee not appear ito have any &hoar. man '1hiIIN 41 "lite twhere like, waiting to of thing's reported. Tide brought the around again atop a very severe felllowca ny "The Trash see whet turn:- up. They try every tueettog to a close. —4 B /Cros lelG this week ramie,” aeteroby J J. Elliott.; "Thet method to shot off dieeuesion least for Termite. The '.Nitled sv., tiled( leo tert" a &longue, e • by they eammit themselves to home line 1vth (it Durrett, of Seaford), itrn the giteet» 'Currie arid J. Young ; Married by Mei of Mee. Dr. Carder, Mos. Tutor and Newly mad Jtii*tieW acted hy Jaws W.11 • Pliott An Alias • e-resmsle °es "'"4- -erWLlpee ieot Nome eigniog from (lei a dielettate, The clew •watil very aetieptauly filled by Ala ,P. J. The first .itet tio.progiamine M,"11.8 SCI Polt011 nod. Thoneeon or eenell from they In last weele'e iesoe, we dealt with ; son wlio have been vesitueg Moe .o tt have to back down. BlYth anti ite tudmtrle41 g'ye have returned to their home, Catuta"'ll ; .i I$ re1,011 Oetawa, march 8th, 1889. - briefly its churebee. The ohurelies "That hired girl," Acted. Maitland evesbytery. ttre four in number, The Metlsodiht 11! „Bt' ‘14'",'Y's ---„ gr. '3°8°0,1 nallantYllet - Tuolosttn; out oe nresSelli, a tomer reeioeut. ef Myth, by Mies li; tkl ellen-alit arid Wilt:Currie; the repular noietiug of this court 'there'll is. a'large frame building: Was in tows') tine week. recitation "The inseotor's wife"' by . awl held ,ou Today, in the wiegholo o new briok building, will be ereeted to cost in the neighbor. Mies b'arith Melee ; dialogue o l'hose to aid reoeiviug interior will be handsomely Otted tap A Pdttevale. part aro Inetruirieutal tomb by J Y - Thoinpeons" by ',Maned Mrs J'Aililiotte Presbyteriau ehuree Be, Mr,, Stever). 112 the 9Prhlg of the committee - great many from this J. 'wag Rod nioderistor, prionsding. The report hood of four thousend dollen/. The congregations, was preseuted and dis. i" the meet approved style The • going to Mauitobit on the lOth.— j' Beaeh t "arhub. . eVI" 613g111:' d it 'woe oprepd to recommend • 11 teeined in this dietrica has Manitoba ear ab Whighttie„ L think dialogue -to the Oil Begions" Quite' a few area clown to see the (3eartsitiP," by isairan Waltere; ley It. Curie, Jelin Eiliott, James) Pastor, Bey A W Toner), who is titili• United States to be mannfaetured into lion, $175; Pine ItIver' "1.1115et ; a"- The Presbyterian &enroll is a large tvithin Illuevale end beat It in every . too. a ea lebared hard toward its ereotion.— we could getup (lotto as goo a, show Bilintt. A 111409 11.411lOtt, -glti I ti.D1,p.. I1. MI 11116$ Perdue ; solo by Mieses • - 0 itig the raW materia' hewers sent to the as follews : I,angside $100; Dungan. 13 lg. •e, $150, Ceturnissioners to brick b '1' g with basement, where thiog except spriug wheat and sw(Lno) - Pelton and Thomson. The three the eueral esemblyoe were opeoilited. Sabbath re:bedew:1 prayer meetinge -graeses.-4t is Strad there ars altse o, t i /lours programme was brought te a gu, The 'congregatioel es of SG. ere held. The present pastor is the er 150 leaving Turlitierry this epring. close by a colored force acted by Jolla Whitecleurch, Walton and Bervkilewe;e' Rev A MoLeate—The Fouglish chore!) for the wet and tiouth.—Jainee Gray , Wiliiitur and•J antes 111iiiti, upon which authorized, to Madera on calls- 13ervie, is a tastefully constructed building . from here is in Louisiana teaelliog , rise eeeteizi feu wow olieloo'of (-ought, and Otmlunir's church Kineardioe,have and very oonveniently eituated and is the niggers bow to plough. Ile tecs ni,. mr. wi-li tel poets seet...„..„- agreed to Unite. Rev. mr, emir applied in clialege of Roy If. A Thomass—The $35 and board per moatio lie woald bp' ooito patio,. lor the Zty i ws '191 a vicv: 1 ' V rdwich and Gerrie transfer. • ''' li " el urCh is charminelv eituat, ..not got any more thou holf that bre had tiii, some titeed anti ntso for the— . peeper) a policy of retaliation. tiou- greater 000vemeoces in The Rev George Lountle preaed here Sabbath attending the Presbyterial church, Tito evoubig was -a highly 'enjoyable the lutubermeo, of that country -to to that of Sane...110mi on amount of greeserotea Baker's Bid proposee, to ineetiogs. The necessary s eps will Father Alagee otinietere to the emigre. week iti the Methodist chin-ch.—Ws one. gation. Lillie, daueliter of John Seeardown, mo..a.00. ooridaiii of Galt is visiting charged by the Canadian Government The Luckoow Preebeterian ceureli ale Servioes are being he'd in the of this place, arrived over on a visi ftif,pits im tild oth noar westoolo._ . add the araount of the export duty be taken to have tine brouget about to t e duty now charged by the Unit- plied, for leave to is)erollpteiritey,oLdhSinth. Awzates Baptist ehurch on Wednesday . eve- 'from 3Manitoba last Saterday to her . kt 4" vr i i 101,11ro. N'1.7.0r.L.t'lltil.Yw4e0stt. kliivitialla1itiiiti tofarleliairy7. kit:. OE States upon lumber imported from drew's church nitielistr Rat:Toi;icolluocalrs,, csounbicteueette,c1Thlesy ntylt_e father, who has not beeu in good Rev. Mr. 'Ross was reap• keg words of our Savior, ---The wife of appeared frum our village lately, heelth lately.—A, few doge have dis- ee" next.—Mr. T. It. Mat:hell has gems ' will start from Wing:nun ou Tnesday 1 Canada. This would make the duty granted. U Olumber exported to the ...United pointed co.nvener of the Horne mission letna' J''" to Marinello. with a ear loed of flue Stales about $4.50 per thousand, Committee. 'Rev.eir.Toltniedechaedthe Mr Robert Jones presented Liin with peciaily the two dollar This, in the opinion of luiriberineu, call to Whitechurch. • A coon/awe a present last week in tine shape of a -had better !seep hie eyes open when oi toes gr. T. Jackson nuonuvaoyilia would be a prohibitive duty and there- was appAnted to investigate. some ster and Bobby ought to feel proud young son, We have seen the young. shaewawrriiivIsssarweithlotthhirsti• 11bairsozbe,(1),km,y—tralicei iono_A toolo), load of our young people drove to 'its. B. Littlefairlgir Slit11),1,v "f Morris, on Thursday °veiling of Mau iutereets of this country. Last year, Application was made to have part ef , lir Will Millie, College, Toronto, of 'Trinity 'N1edical both have got in a• good who was home toga—Sato Scott has rented air T week where they speut a vele, enjoy. for destructive to the great lumbering 'grievances its the Dungannon church. for our lumber to the extent . of $'10, tonsferred tothe maitland Presbytery. ancl river.—joha Ross left here fantastic Toe sous oigitt witrieeeed. hellk ''' 'the able time heaping :the light. and the United States constituted a ina.rleet the Bruce Presbytery mission field visiting bis parents, has left, to resume Farrow's 11,Ase on the .0.23000 worth. If the additional • MAITLAND W. 1". M. a ling because the fire bell has ceased to ' his studies.—Quite a few are ,grointe Maid mi Tuesday for Manitobees--R.(i)liert a large party at Mr. J. Johniston'e near threatened duty is imposed by ••Clan'to The annual nteetlug of the Presby. toll. Some say it will rust, and in Mei'llers". Robert 1 S'he'ld' SN 'Aim') Westfield, and also another at Mr. J. grass it will cost the Canadian lumber- terial Women's Foreign missiou Sod- - malins are on Campbells, near Belgrave.—.There is men $2,124,000 duty, in addition. to ety was held . concurrently with the severe weather will probably creek. Gray and Mrs James Ti a general exodeS of young moo. to what, they pay at preoeut, to get their -0 I .Lresoytery, in the lecture room of the Should the latter .occur it will place the sick list just now.--Joun Gardner iNlanitoba and the Itiorthwi%st: leir, lumber into the United States. A. 1.1.. charch. The dillerentauxilaries were that part of the council who are oppos. who gt a bad kick from. a hem' about ed to its ring,ing io. an unpleasant two weeks ago and got three of his Go Owego in 1 will mave on Tueedity nest. eneo's Association of Ontario, said sa--i delegatespreseut, Theineeting opened its silvery notes peal forth. --The position. For our part we like to bear. ribs brok.en, is abotit 311 right again ' ed seto on Wedneodsy, fie intends Campbell, president of the Lumber. well represented, there being some 33 —fur. Enoch Shorts bad a well attend - during the course of his speech before by devotional exercises by thePresideut weather during the last week has Listowel. lumber there. "This wits the Coneery ative cry all over the country. The detegittee voluted oat to the govern- ment chat twenty times more loge were imported to Canada from. the United States free of slaty than there -were exported from Canada to the 'United States. The Congress of the tutted States have been Milton/tad ed frote the Preebytery of et iitland, ed iti a north easterly direction from aud do the plough:no' house „s way in whieli 110 worked the curtain. reinoviirt to the 'vicinity of Chatham', the government •" - • tars (lley.) Satherlaud, of Ripleybeen aeythiog but springlike.-- A Hess Bros, Factory is running fall shortly, where he will engage intbe a States government- would strike a, i'ery t large number of lateen attended the. time again and expects to do so right dairying business, An increase of duty b,y the United. t.minutes of previous meeting read an adopted. The visit -ilia delegetes were auction sale of Mr Isaac Regerson on along now. --Two new storekeepers ham. The 'address of Wel01110 Wit0 realized were verygo id,—Any amount - is a firm from Elora who open np a On the morning of Saturday, 'March heavy blow et the lumbering interest of Canada. It would throw a great many men out of employment. There is more lutob,ir manufactured than can bP eon - :nay or sixty 1 -ser cent of trait -an et man- ..-- ,. t ' f 't w6d by the Presi- sale very eheap,—Miss 6-„re,eam,. of vari'lited 1)y I . . .,$) ot. Te"w"er wt.' 0 °1re 's Oadierinc:Sharkey, found that 0'0 mimed in Canada or aported to England. ..1 ', ire• • i are on enterme the room of her rester . b . _ _ se s. ere wt e el 4 ,- ufactured in Canada. was' of -a low gradel:ck ent e.ablieriddresi, 111 W140,14, eile traced s • • • .laruceoelti, is 111 town 'N'Sitillg. at Sire is it party from p eileaode not be exprteel to other 00111.1. the. wor-------------. fronf itb oegin. Graham's.e--The follcAving, whieli. is:up a grocery in the stand lately vacated , 0, caught a severe) cold but no With disaster not- ohly to the lumbermen, trade must, it was. believed, be fraught . Y . This , . buttons. zeciety was oraanize I. s' d ma" 11 1 toi i s a• h 3h1 le tel vi eryist reeellpielElerRevA:41eWn. \SVai7:0161: haVe brat/. to 801iOnS. Tim deceased thought that the cousequenees • would ee applied .ou-ngers wa.nie siTILgrutill;ntyt bat to the country generally." in Riucarcline, in July, 1884, with stores here especially , il fourauxiliaries. Inthatyear, tri)e nielits while pt et eiteing to Write for of Toronto, preitchedoeloquent, practio . • . W5 something like $300 (soder/tea, m . the . . Mail : A. males friends wile eta and instiuctive 8.01 al 1 6 Irtda.th.1, lltni lived in thisueighlem•hcod 1888 there were 10 uuxilaries, and the lounee iii. his store, from' a business congregations on Sunday, and his welcotiaed- by mrs. eseDonald Of IN Mg, Thursday last:- We learn Lite prices ale op p 1 • di's. weels Menannari. SOOnd to lire Graham of MO" gam; eordwoodste brliog offered for ; drug aid bookstore it the at lately 9th 'airs Ili. McDiartnid of the bound. 1 t Pite .1tir • lia,d died in the. night. She had he.en or obstacles thrown in the way of snob- a each ear both in numbers andill:oriertarsi! reePied lot be (MG of place here and can --The anniversery services ,Of frOill the 'Lucknow Sentine 1 , by Air. Gee. We:Neigh them trees witlieut loss. ...AnY interference -with ing, which showed a inarlvtd tti,, alit= tor over two weeks cu'havin Mr. Campbell is a Conservative, and therefore it cannot be said that he wishes to embarrass theektoiernmeue. great iuterest of the induetry he re- $9-50. fo.lowe. a paper on our .enemies.' They 4rive awey customers was not °illy oqu.enit am on The chareh and was heal in the very • • , lady, who was a native ot btrabane , for ever fifteen years. 'She was u most • - 4. ' Ile is speaking in the., name of the contributioas that year, amounted • to •point of view, often prove his worst lesiture oil /stolidity evening . Pteseuts. Mr. J. 11. Booth, another mission work iu the ' North \'‘ est, by and business, they will set their minds d.oubtless lerive behold rt astnig wereino 4 ---.. . . tit, , citi...0 o., , friends and aequaintances —Mrs.. T. i. hest reseiret by a lr . re ' • .1 f stipporter of the government said "Ib miss emPlierson, of St. Helens. lilies ',against every person that eaters your Pros4ons for gold. The total proceeds Appleby had a severe 'attack of illness Vould be reinoue to the elatiadiau etoPherson oresented, iu a very able .shop because such a person may tom. from the anniversary and tea last week but we are etleaeod - to state lumber trade, if the duty set -forth in and attractive manner, the progress :porarily stop their flow of gossip, they upward of $110.—The ministerial Baltr's Bill - would . be imposed on Made in. our different mission stationg) ;annoy timid and sensitive. customers association had their annual exchange last oeerh8" that her health is somewhat iinprev'ed Canadian lumber." . during the last four years, miss. me• by scaomeg them juquisit. Tile of palpits on Sunday ---TI • government, said : 1. the I. lesb)terum mmeistent member (1 b' cl . ie state of the roads prevented • 1 ft a or on Oneen of Ripley,then reaL P P loanf,,,er on, the head of a barrel is Baptists have beim holding special "Christian lefiumace Whisdi proved to always present to overheat tbe request services for the last three weeks, with Mr. another supporter of the eV. Mr . liar th)y from filling; his appointment at Eittictie's church last "There was no doubt that any advance n be a very Mu/rest:me, and suggestive. of any customer and comments upon good results.—.About 30 families and . .. Niessrs. J. Hutton and T. Vortune.-1 . . Baubittli. Service was condueted b ' the tarifl on the export iif logs going to1,,fiss raeQoarrie then read a paper it nu -vitally while the customer ie heads of families will leave here for 6th The stregglere of thOrWitwanosh sleigh Oe. United states, must come out of the on. Woman's position and responsibility. The store of shop lounger the North West on Turierlay load viz„ Mr. A.Wallace aunt Miss ii, Clinolian . lumbermen's pockets. ' The in the church. This was heartily is an expensive article of furuitureo inst. —eze. J. 13. Dinkier wbo has for 'present. tipc Canada, for u supply of pine or • . ii d 1 . ii 1.4 eHe may please you. with his eompany the last 4 or 5 years been 'bookkeepe.r 1S-Atee Stated market is not 'dependent received, the subjeot being systeme -. . • B i 1 i • Scott succeeded in'tearing theniselvee apru .e." ti'm Y an V" .Y andnomP" n or gossip but he, will cost you iron) for Hess ros„ has renter tee (Jellison ,. , nom the enchantments of Donnybrook tit\t The later la soon ,,`4,ititiurvdtty last:1i The burden of dude sively treated. The questioit drawer year it- p M the trade he drive ts Hoese from am Kraus. nes et is 'we maybe return to depute:ion testified to tile trade ef the \-18 v then opened byMIS ral Murray., away. Solve customers are, deterree g•,ing back to Baden to engage in the Loehaber (Donn). brook) no more Se eral other lumbermen of the teem -tit amile by those' who preceded Uri, Dickson.vint ni , usmess nrete At I b " from going histo the store altogether same basiness.—mr,Valentine loorger, them. ',oteatealey oi ,expert duty on 0 ," , at sight of him '1' l' -''' • ' e ere, ....-sustuess anti who has been our principal barber' for " ' • , ''' - 0 ' ' ' : ' in••• which followed, ad the _officers raw materiil is 'considered n vtry ilk- , were reekcted as follows: iurs. Slither- - gossip can no more minile together the last 10 years, is gibe; to the hotel eral one in all eisantriee. The Ifoited land, Ripley. President; etre. Ise Nabb, than oil and wator,—Dr Bloats has keeping, be having rented the Gerrie of. this kiod, and therefore the United Bruesels, Treaenrer. . deeson SO hider shipped a qnantity 0 T,I..t. I, 1 leas i • eit an attentive galena. i efouse at Attwood. We are Sort e to Mrs. Jno. Hooey is serisesly ill at States VollKtittltiOn prevents a Locknow, SecretarY; lam Dr. 0'rahals..1, returned from Toronto —Messrs An policy titutee Goverunient could not retaliate . * EVE"NING SZSSION., - dried tipples and batter to London .husineett 1114.11. a good -citizen and an ily intpusing aa expert duty eii togs In the evening the animal report of toot week. --Mr John Thompson hue l'itnelleitt uisigliber.—exr. P. Lillie° teperted to ()amide, awe ;011,01,30,th, the Woman's Foreign erissionary Sm left for Calgarry, where he intends ' couteuplate's 'centres iitte his Oprea they propose to meet • our policy by an ciety,was read by Itev sere. tueNableon following hie trade.—Constable Davis ' House into a hotel . anti work is to incruased duty on tho imports of behalf of the secretary, The report met with a severe accident last Thurs.! uoitimence at an ' t!arly date,—The Cantittialt lumber, It is to be loped was a, systematie,encouregingd an.,. I _tope. day, breaking the small bone in the loual courts of C. 0 F. hove under that our government will see the ne. fnl resiew, of the yeire's di/Inge show. knee, while taking Billy Sherretb to. eensideration the question of building ,c#1..1,it,3, a ahancirtnirog their mire" Me that aa earneat, hearty christieo . the asylum in Londone—The funeral a Forester'e bloelr with a large Opera - . • 'I d ' 1 flint much efree- a l'ilr 11,bt, Way was largely attehde,i lionsit in the roar to be reached hyosii within the Presbytery's bonnds 10 '' the earliest settlers in thin district and Enat Waseraneelst. auxiliaries and 5 miseion bawls, nod lout attained tint good age of 82 years Imo, year, $0,50 xv,n:e seenred, Tin) --Yining men should remember that The examination of S. 13 No. 9, year has been ono of deepening inter. till of the frill age of 21 pellet aro en. teught by Mise se. Campbell, wits well e:it mid the motto of the Suelety is, titled to vote at the coining L..gisla.• attended Considering the very mormy Iva:settee, by visitors, on Fehlay lase. "The world for Christ," A domition tie.. election. . . ssite made through the socii..ty,. of $100 ' The Rev. A. M. Tongs preached a The eeleilars were essionined by the to the Formosa Mission to 1)r. ticli:a.y. powerlid sermon in. the Methodist teacher, itegsted by other members of Seine 1,800 lbs of cluthiog were beta Clatreil,011 Sunday evening. The Diet the profeseiou out the prompt end thvir votcd. nu parliament mi4ol, not to to thq North West 1 inlians last year, gentleman gave the -c-unicil it teerilile intelligent itnewere given 'indicated auenowledged. itreeereg ii,,wir for the pass, ng o • $1, re earnest told thiirough roachirig in the se done. lint then tini Vi -L0 horving ',nut duly and thankfully 1 Ike n.',./veliliM,U6 i6 nan,i6s1 supporters • Toe discourgeinents told encourage- :io Mirm trvonag th.tt 10,0,10...4 IP 3 rant, I evective tail tiects A Nplendul repast tot, i„,,,,,,r in.i,,ct civ thpy tolop bof ore 1 diolaSinet with were reforrod to, root ' ed to Ove 11-4 Is itipl two- iivpiew •-diari, -wag prepared by to ladies of the , the 3rini,tans to ask as men whet theee it hapefill spirit neliented and tea' air ieerease of oni, ieseh,—Oft, „leeepli eectioa awl lesetrialy eeaeyeil, miss o„„oo. ewe, ie the el evii,,,, pievie,e,o, eourageder lirev, Iflil'hll'd Mt. A 14 19 14 • ' i t . ',., ' I fro a C4-titain — 0.thipla•11%; selinid Ills ty ,,,Very 81-juji J.:.:!Cid, l'ill Vektilt 1,f 1110t.ti elearagt! i'Zerit;111thit Ballantyne, Hil lierland, flit% eleletwa lltl:4 Mafia tl'Afi0 11,:ttly, attend:M.10 Wit 't 110.4.0 MLI‘lir her chargo at.„ repotted to oo, aoniing uir souu ss in ow caw no.rn d ,t‘L , 11,4 d,A,10 in an unostentatious to ,, 1,,,i,i hpr, on the 1;11,tiie eeth Tho teit,,kilimitont hoiden the even. icylonuiernpnoupneart.eclilt,eifsottentdliebiLxbtatusttkee. of 1 - highly creditable maimer. ef Mare') An ettreetive progromme jug mile a wand snot:Peg although the Lauriers Ilesolutico in refeeetao te, Live ond Itt illiberal policy oust ee intoptino ono more in toward with liberal ptireeiples. Whet ea admirable uniulAnt, ot self - mste-ct is'pa.,.!:•04ied by T..ty in co ribers of parhauient who the other day spoke and voted for vominuing •the- y on cc-rn„ and Who went /Alice to the Uhl* i,t51:s 01 Ctistonia anti Palette° to ask t hat corn hc placed upon the free Het. 1 hey ki,sized the ,lo.vertitneitt to do some -- thing which they have declared by tive work was dom. There are now - on l3unday. The deceased wee one of • ineade. NM present, but we hope she will soon be arotaid.—Ou Sntnrday last while Mr. Andrew Laaeley was engaged in as- cending a ladder in his bare the lati- der slipped. The result wag that lir. recoived a very se/ions' Wiley to hie left stem, which necessirittes hie remitioing in the house for some time. —Mise Mary M. Chrysler is also in. disposed at rresent, but wo expect her TeeoverSt Robt, L. Wilson has moved 011 to his new farm—that lately occupied by Mr. Doubiedee— Privato correspondence from some of . the S2alinnilms who .‘vent to Louisiana about a month ago sustains that en- viable reputation it hits isituly received, —Jimmie Langley has gone to Gerrie to leern operating with stati agent SeatOnD. Al11 bine prosperity in his venture. -4 any 'from Ilowick and this vicinity intrend fur limit'. toba at att. ear/ datc,• The Mani- tobans who came from tiiere (sit a visit last winter atom to be good immigration agente.—Two weddines i,4 it,„43 to it. , Noirrny, meNabli, Hartley, Ross and 501111N 11;1\V 1,17,151aingo. ...k iir,cting aro well Iliseiptified end faithfully arid ettoeri.1:Elat:,,,,tilli:(tr seinen 80(7,11104Mo:1 tiurl.avvostblYa sosethl; isobereuee te party for pert, ,"tctenarrie, ttatifiAi to WO tinble )f the klt- Farmers. Institute well tamot. Like Fielleriee` 1'2Na'. waking viewer, tlevi 0. 'Ortese.ron), a. Donee:two v nr.$ on 01:: au vir .W fl eV oiling 4'.tobEvt iuy Toere was a leege very Iraq. 1'