HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-23, Page 721" ALUMINIZED CONSOLE
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(By Mrs. rtItYlk
The Vrientil.3.7 Few Ferro; Ferline
Met at the home of Mr. and XI'S.
Kenneth Preszeator with a large
uttenda,nee. After discussion pro-
gressive euchre was played and
the prizes went tp, high, Mrs,
Frank Riley. and Wilbur Dewitt;
low, Mrs, Howard Preszcater and
Ross McGregor, Mr. and Mrs,
Ross, McGregor invited Vie forum
tp their hone next Monday plight.
The Fire Side Farm Forum met
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Jamieson with 21 adults pree-
exit. The group felt that market-
ing boards can stabilize prices to
a certain extent, for marketing is
done in a more orderly way. They
may not raise the price much, but
would even it out, so it would not
fluctuate so much. The board has
control of wheat, hogs and tobac-
Co-operatives can help by creat-
ing competition, and by selling
products through. the co-op, but
are not as effective as a market-
ing board.
In older to achieve the same
ends, the forum suggested turn-
ing the, clock back 30 years, "let
industry and labour take a cut
so our prices would not - be so
high, and we could sell our goods
on an open market!'
Prizes at cards were: most
games, Mrs. George Hoggart; low,
Mrs, Joseph Babcock; men's high,
Oliver Anderson; low, Joseph Bab-
cock; lone hands, George Carter.
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Hulley,
Joint Meeting Of
Township of A
to. Zurich, Jan 30
A bantillet and the annual meet-
ing of the gay and Stanley Town,
shin Federation of Agricultate is
to be held in the ZOrieh Conmitin-
ity Centre, on Thursday, January
30. Guest speaker will be James
W. jaeklio, .Fielelman of the OFA
ntertainment will be provided
and a dance is to follow,.
IAoycl Hendrick is president;
Clifford. Pepper secretary of the
Hay Township Federation, while
Alex MeBetie is president and
George Reid secretary of the
Stanley group,
The' Lediee Aid of the Evange-
lical United Brethern Chureli in
Zurich cater to the beneuet.
cost of production which farmere
have not been getting on some
commodities. The Forum thinks
the board, should have control of
leo-operatives play .a part in
raising and stabilizing prices. Sev-
eral co-operatives in this district
pay regular prices on cream and
eggs and at the end of the year
pay a substantial dividend, The
government should stand behind
the. marketing board and give
them theauthority for enforce-
Progressive euchre was played
after the discussion, The next
meeting will be at the home of
Mr.. and Mrs. Glen Weido, when
it will be review night.
Members of the Unique Farm
Forum met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Schade with
20 members present. Mrs. Del-
bert Geiger as discussion leader
capably outlined the topic "Pro-
ducers Marketing" and conducted
the meeting.
The forum thinks a marketing
board can stabilize prices and
that prices should be increased a
certain percent. The marketing
board must have control of the
productS. The forum agreed that
co-operatives can play a part. in
raising and stabilizing prices and
that there are no other ways in
achieving stabilized prices satis-
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare
Geiger on February 3, with Airon
Oestriecher as discussion leader
on the topic "Let's Make it Le-
James R. Wolsey
Funeral service for the late-
James. R, Wolsey, resident in elite
ton for the past four years, was
held in Petrone. at the William
Jay funeral home on Wednesday
afternoon with the Rev, Ralph G.'
LePage, of St. Pap's United
Church officiating.
Gilbert Whitlock sang "Beyond
the .Sunset," accompanied by..-11,
David Dalziel, Pall-hearers were
David Matheson, William Pauline,
Charles Tobias, William Holmes,
Fred Russell and Laverne Will-
iams, • Interment was in gale-
dale Cemetery.
People attended the funeral ,
from Detroit, 'Mich.; London, Sale
nia, Toronto, Kitchener and Brig
Surviving are his wife the for-
mer Irene Gulliver, Clinton; three
daughters, Jeanne (Mrs. E, Dit-
ner), Kitchener; Arlie Mae (Mrs,
Gerald W. Montgomery), Toronto,
and Miss Gloria Wolsey, Kitchen-
er, a brother John, in Sarnia, and
three grandchildren,
A 1,1:011E
These days most people work wider
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Today's tartan 'lying, lowered 004110o
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Then you feet better-,sleep better-,work
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suggeeted -that a Tin Producers'
Board would have greater barg-
aining power 'a they had their
awn processing plant, Thera was a short recreation
period and lunch Wee served. The
next meeting, will be at the home
of. Mr. and Mrs. Robert X. Thomp-
son-. A letter of appreciation is
being sent to Bob Oarbert, Wing -
ham from this Forum for his fine
Week as chairman for the three
TV Programs prepared and given
by him.
The Live Wire Farm Forum
met at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
Larne limiting on Tuesday even-
ing to watch the broadcast being
.televised with 17 members, two
visitors and five children present,
Cards were played till ten.
After the broadcast 'two groups
were, formed, The subject being
Producer Marketing.- The busin-
ess part of the meeting was then
conducted. The next meeting, is
to be at the home of aV14,..4114 Mrs,
Henry Honking, The hostess' ser-
ved luach.„
SS 4 rogum
(By Mrs. I. Merrill)
The Farm Forum topic for this
week was "Producer Marketing,"
and the SS No. 4 Goderich Town-
ship Forum met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Merrill, with an
attendance of 15. The program
given on TV had Bob Caebert,
Winghane as chairman. This top-
le is the last of a TV series on
- The .members of \ the Forum
think that a marketing board can
stabilize the prices of 'our pro-
ducts; that the board might riego-
tiaee. a price with the buyers, but
in order to increase the prices
permanently, new and better mar-
kets must be found. The market-
ing board would have to do this,
it will not be effective unless
there is a control 'of production.
We are not very familiar with
co-operatives, but the general
feeling is that they could not play
a very large part in raising and increase prices. The board will
stabilizing prices. One member set a minimum price to cover the
Parr Line Farm Forum met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Solden to discuss "Producer Mar-
keting." -
A marketing board will make
more orderly marketing and a
steady price the year around, and
we think marketing boards will
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