HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-23, Page 4AMA dour Church SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1.958 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. 3. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. M. 3. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 26 9.45 a.m.-Our Church Salop]. 10.45 a.m.-Divine Worship.: Subject: What's the Big Idea? PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton X. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, January 24-- 8,00 p.m.-Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, .January 10,09 a.m,-Sunday School 11.00 a.M.-Marning Worship 7.30 p.m.-Gospel Service Tuesday,, January 28- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You GET WINTER-CONDITIONED! u ace e Service is the backbone of our policy,, We're interested - in pleasing YOU". ,40 ,,-4*-JEWEttE FOR THE NEST 44:D/AMONDS & Girre" CeitAlizel WATCH REPAIRER • CUATON • Vctilit 2-4525 January Sale You can't help but save money shopping at Irwin's Store Wide Sale, There are bargains in almost all departments, SEE THEM YOURSELF AT CLINTON - HENSALL -- EXETER PAGE FOUR. CLINTON NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, ,JANUARY 23, 195S. Rev. J. A. McKim Chairman of Annual Holmesvjlle United Church; 80 Present About 80 people attended the anual congregation supper of Holmesville United Church, on Tuesaay, January 21,' Following the supper, Rev, J. A. IVIelcinl, minister' of the church,' acted as chairman for the annual meeting. Barrie Walter Was appointed re- cording st,foretary, and read the minutes of the last annual meet- ing, and the minutes - of special congregational meeting called in October, Harold Yee gave the re- port for 'the session, Irvine Tebbutt 'brought in the slate for the Session of Elders., Bill Norman and Barrie Walter gave the report - for the Sunday School. Dewar Norman gave the slate for the Board of Stewards. It was passed at the• time to join. twin 'ushers, Harry the "Observer in Every Family", auditors, D. E. Gliddon and E. N. plan, Grigg; organist, Mrs. L, Bond. Miss Rita Yeo gave the M. and • 0- M. report, Mrs. E. Grigg reported G for the flower fund; Mrs, F. Me- • • Cullough for the Mission Band; • ood Will Club Mrs. R. Miller gave the W. M. S. secretary's report and Mrs. .E, Meets at Home of. Ilarold Yeo brought in the slate of officers, Dewar Norman thank- ed the ladies of the church for preparing the supper. • The Session of 'Elders; Morgan Jones, W. R. Lobb, Barrie Walter, Lloyd Beed, Harold Yeo, Bert Finlay, Irvine Tebbutt, with John Potter, E, J. Trewartha and H. j. Trewartha, as 'honorary members. Committee of SteWards: Biggins, - S, Farquhar, J, Yeo, K, Ilarris, E. N. Grigg, N, Heard, William Norman, Williams, E. Potter,. D, Norman, K. Trewartha, F. McCullough, M. and M. secretary, Edward McCullough'; church treasurer, Kenneth Trewartha;. envelope steward, Mrs. K. Trewartba; cap- Mrs. F. Fingland CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH -‘ - Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th. 11.00 a.m.-"Reformer-Christ Changes Things" 12.00 a.m.-Sunday School. ' 7.30 p.m.- Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 7.30 .p.m.-Faith and Fellowship Hour A Cordial Welcome to All Christian Reformed Church The first meeting of the Wes- ley-Willis Good Will Club was held at the home of Mrs. F. ,Fing- land on Jenu'ary 14,. with an at- tendance of 33, Mrs, H. G, Man- ning presided. Miss 0. Brigham read the Scripture' lesson, Phillip- plans 4, and Mrs. M..Dennison offered the prayer. The 'monthly and annual secre- tary's and treasurer's reports were read and adopted, . A report on the travelling basket was also given. The roll call was answered by the payment of fees, Two. solos "Over the Rainbow" and "Many a New Day", sung by Mrs. Donald Middleton, and an in- strumental by Miss Mavis Steepe, were much enjoyed. Mrs, Fingland introduced the guest speaker, Miss L. Johnston, Mire gave an, excellent address on "Leisure." All who assisted with the program were thanked. by Miss E. Jamieson, , c graciously, thT;,,k,,d' the hostess for her kind hospitality. After the' meeting was closed with the Miz- pah benediction, lunch was ser- ved by Group 1, and a social hour was enjoyed. • ebuttb REV. J. A. 1\leKIM, B,A. MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director Sunday, January 26 11.00 a.m.---Morning Worship 12,15 p.m.-Sunday School & Bible -- Class. HOLMESVILLE 1.30 p.m.-Worship Service 2,30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith REV. G.. 3: HOYTEMA , Minister 10:00 a.m.-Service in Dutch 11.30 a.m.-Sunday School 2,30 p.m.-Service in English Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a.m.-Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a.m., 1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CK- LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kcs. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH , "THE FRIENDLY crat.raon" pastor-REV, GRANT MILLS, B.A. 11,00 a.m.-Worship Service m 7,00 p. , .--Evening Chapel Hour 9,45 a.m.-Sutiday School aoo p.m.-44May School /00 p.m.- WOrShip SerVice frtyrztms circnen Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Spediel and little Judy: were London visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Lyon, Aub- urn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Eason", Miss Pat 'gurney has returned to Whitehorse, Yukon, after spere. ding a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murney, Last - Saturday .Ed. Gibson at: tended- the funeral of his cousin, George Gibson, Oakville, which Was held on Monday, January.20. The body was sent to Milventen fear intornbanent and interment will be made later in Milbank Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Caning- 'hame haVe returned from Syra- cuse, N, 'Y., after an extended Christmas visit 'with their son John, Cuninghame (Electronics Park),, Mrs. Cuninghame and fam- ily, Hugh R, Hawkins 'spent last week in Ottawa as an elected delegate from Huron Riding at the Liberal Convention. He re- ports it as the largest 'convention ever held by the party and the largest crowds ever to be in the Coliseum at Ottawa, Ruth Merrill, Mervin Penfound„. Glen McDonald, 'Clinton; John Siertsema and Lorna Barry, Blyth, are practiee teaching in Kitchener this week. 0 If sold for the value of its chem- ical elements, the human body would be worth about 98 cents, 'Only 12 letters- comprise the Hawaiian alphabet, firiendship Club 35 Members At Meeting Wednescry The Friendship CIO' of St. Paul's Anglican Church met In the Parish Hall, Wednesday, January 15 with 35 members present, They enjoyed a pot luck supper, The opened the meeting with prayer and introduced 1,3„ev, C. S. Inder who installed the new committee for 1958. President, Mrs. Harry Thompson; second .0ce-presideat, Mrs. (Gordon Herman; secretary,. Mrs. Vi' Habgood; treasurer, Mrs, Len Arnstori; card and flowers, Mrs. Agnes Dale; press, Mrs, Gordon Nivins; buyer, Mrs. Nor- man Counter; sewing, Mrs. Bert White, Mrs, Robert Scott and Mrs. 'Charlie Wilson; program, Mrs, William Beck, Mrs„ Arthur L.eyburne. The next meeting will be held in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, January 29th, Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on ?,,,re's day as follows: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 pi-ft-Wednesday-Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. ANGLICAN CHURCH . OF CANADA St. Paul's - Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin. Organist 'Sunday, January 26 Third Sunday After Epiphany 8.30 'am.-Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m..4Morning Prayer The Wardens, for 1958, with the Lay Delegates and Board of Management will be in- stalled at this service. 4,30 p.m.,-,Evening Prayer. Wednesday, Jam 29 - Friendship Club will meet in the Parish Hall, at 8,15 p.m. • Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON IStindasr, January 26 Sunday School , ........ „„ 9.45 aan, Breaking of Bread 11,00 a.m Gospel Service .. 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Bob Brandon, Forest TUDSDAY, 8 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study. `A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" BAYFIELD BAPTIST- CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor Sunday, ,Iamtary 26 10.00 &M.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship "What Will Happen on Earth When the Church is Gone" Wed., 8 p.m,-Prayer Meeting "Study in the Book of Heb- rews". Yon are cordially invited to these services, 'Charles T. Govier Cliarles•Thornas Govier died on Saturday night, January 18, while he and his wife were visiting friends in Port Colborne. He was in his 84th year, Born in' Hallett Township near Loridetaboro, he began his career as a telegraph operator -with the Grand Trunk Railway them He later accepted a position with the Niagara, St, Catherhies and Tor- onto Railway Company at Thorold and became its first freight and 'passenger agent at Port Colborne, At the time of his death he Was assistant secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Furnace COMP' any Limited, Port .Colborne, Re had been with the firm for 42 years, having started as A tirtle, keeper in 1916, Active in the life of the. com- munity, he was a past president of the Chamber of Commerce and the Lions club; a member .of- var- ious sports and •businessmens or- ganizations; past chairman of the board of stewards in the United. Church and past district deputy grand master' of the, Tow Serviving are his wife Myrtle Irene l3abion Govier; one son, Donald Knox Govier, Islington; one daughter, Mrs. A. Stirling Rebekahs Plans Turkey Supper And Wildey Night The regular meeting of Huronie Rebekah Lodge was held on Mon- day evening with Noble Grand Mrs, Douglas Andrews presiding, Plaits were made to have a tur- key supper for' the members en February 3, at 6,30 pan., in the lodge rooms. The officers and social conveners will be in charge, Wildey night will be observed on Monday, Febuary 17 with mem- bers of the 100F as guests, Mrs, W. M. Nediger and Mrs, George Beattie are in charge of enter- tainment for the evening. New "unknown sisters" will be be chosen at the next meeting, - (Maxine) Rutledge, Port Col- borne; three grandchildren; two brothers, William K, Londesboro and Lewis, Goderich; two sisters, Mrs, A. Webster, Londerboro and Mrs. J. C. Radford, 'Clinton. Interment was at Port 'Colborne on Tuesday. PERSONALS • Once a year during January .the makers of these famous ALL WOOL BLANKETS agree to a SPECIAL SALE in order. that. too stores may clear oot DISCoiNTINVED colors, ilignuy sone& nuMbers;, etc. '- We are pleased to offer yOu the following: Hawkins' Hardware PLUMBING and HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CLINTON Phone HU 2-9433 SPECIAL SALE Kellwood Blankets Aeg. $20,95 --NOW KENWOOD "VICEROY" $16.75 MARTINS DEPT-STORE Reg. $17.95 •=.-- NOW KENWOOD "RAMCREST" Reg. $1.4.50 -- NOW7 • $11.50 IF YOU'RE THINKING OF A N'EW. FURNACE LET US QUOTE YOU ON THE JOB KENWOOD 'FAMOUS" $11.95 , ASK VOR 1•10,,Clintott News-Record \NN. worn/0.., UT Us A637 YOUWITH YOUR weaDfrio PLANS CQ10 68D ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER 0,/0/WeA -01144 NATIONAlti:‘ ,S3 INVITATIONS £1 ANNOUNCEMENTS INFORMALS 0 ACCESSORIES LAUNDRY .,CLEANERS 644z,eaze axe CLINTON • get HU 9:70b4 This Week the Lucky No., Is 1800 Check your Calendar- If the number, matches, take the Calendar to our office and claim your $3.-00 credit, For Your Convenience Use Our Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) The way to stretch your clothing-budget dollars and cut down the need for expen- sive replacements is regular dry cleaning-BEFORE dirt and soil weaken fine fabrics. Our process renews old cloth- es. Lengthens fabric life. You'll like it. Try it. normoos, GROUP TO Grigg gave the W, rePort. 'MEET TUESDAY The recording secretary read the of reports for the Trustee Board, The Mothers' Study Group Wesley-Willis United Church will meet on Tuesday evening, Jan- uary 28, at 8,30 p.m., in the church' parlour. Mrs. Wilfred Jervis will be in charge of the meeting, Films will be shown en- titled "Re Acts his Age" and "Feeling's of Hostility," Mrs. Nor- man Holland will be in charge of the discussion period. Roll call will be answered by a Bible verse. The Mothers are asked to bring All Mothers in their gift boxes. with &All children are welcome, the Board of Stewards and the W. M, S. treasurer, in the absence of those groups' treasurers. Rev. McKim called Mrs. W. Yeo to the front and on behalf of the congregation, Irvine Tebbutt pre- sented Mrs, Yea with a sum of money, as a thank you for the many years she has been organ- ist of the I-Iolinesvi4e Church. Mrs. Yeo thanked everyone for their kindness. Arnold Cirek (By our Hensall Correspondent) The Arnold Circle of the Pres- byterian Church at Hensel)]. met in the 'manse with WS, Orr, pres- ident, in charge. An interesting topic on Japan was presented by Mrs. Hoy, The program and worship ser- vice -was conducted by Mrs. Wil- .11an. Brown, Mrs. Gordon Sch- walm read the articles from. Glad Tidings and the Presbyterian Rec- ord . . , Lunch was' served byaril-re. host- esses, Mrs, Bonthron, .Mrs, A. Orr Dietz.. Prom One Store Only--- We'll Reopen Friday Morning Ready To Serve You With Come In and See; Us. You're Always Welcome. Enjoy Your COFFEE BREAK at BARTLIFFS OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL: MONEY DIP DONUTS 34c Reg. 40c doz. for ..... .......... ORANGE CHIFFON CAKES sit Reg. 45c for 37C BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUnter 2-9727 . CLINTON