HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-16, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
10, ON
ti l, .rte eat(
Colts 10=2 Be6re'' Lar:
The Exeter Mohawks clearly First Period
proved Why they are unbeaten, -1--+Clinton., Hart -ley (Scott,'
in league play on Saturday night f3dgar) ............ ................. 4.00
non Lions Arena when they 2—Exeter, 110-idema
It ........... 8.35
defeated the local Colts $1-2. 3 Exeter,
, , Waghorn, (Heide-
cman) ........ ....................
, hat9n, now has seven wins again- 9.10
st three losses. eter, Oberlo ...... 10.40
This game had been built up e en, Waghorn (Heide -
i, that 'Would' decide 17,15
As the matel t� Exant .................................
who Would lead the league for penalties: Sabourin (slashing)
the remainder of the schedule. 11,45, 1 1
The (Jolts play in, Exeter next• Seoog(j Period
Friday night, January 24 and., 6 --Exeter, Loader ........ ...... 762
back m. Clinton on Wednesdayt
7—Exeter, Gravet (Oberle
January 2.9. Loader) ...........................13.41
The Calts scored early in the Penalties: Loader (playing with
first period but could not hold broken.- stick) 10.52.
the lead, Exeter scored seven, Third PeAod
goals before Clinton could notch!
another. 8•—Exeter, Sabburin (Grav-
. )Don Dennome in the Clinton ett) ....... .............................12.55
goal made spectacular saves in, 9—Clinton-, X. Doig, (Boyes) 14.30
the first period despite the; ones la ---Exeter, Gravett (Loader) 16.20
that got past him. C11 on 'had, Penalties,: Edgar (knee) 5.14;
trouble cle the purlout of Meriarn (hooking) 11.36,; Wag-,
their own, end
�ringand on many oc- horn (tripping) 15.40
rasions throughout the game- it Referees: Bill G4tenby and Lou
was fed right on to some oppqn- Heinbuch, Mitchell.
eats stick to set up a scoring
play five penalties were . given CLINTON LIONS
out in the hard-fought battle..
Clifiton did come up with the AUNA
nicest scoring play seen here this
season. In the third period, Ken V
Doig carried 'the puck to the de-
fense,pas5ed to Bev./Boyes who
carriedit to Within a few feet THURSDAY, JAN. 16—
of -the goal mouth and then. slip- 3.00 _ 4.00---JRCAF P$
ped it ahead to Ken who was 14.30 -5.30--Public School skating
breaking in fast from the wing I sponsored by Lions
on the open side of the net. . . 6.3041.,,00 RCAF Hockey
Malt Edgar received, a badly
bruised shoulder when e slid in�. FRIDAY, JAN. 17—
to a goalpost late in, the third 4.30 - 5.30 --RCAF Peewees
period. 5.30 - 6.30---dClhiton Bantams,
Exeter Mohawks: goal, Baker; 8.15-10.00—Public Skating
defence, Waghorn and Loader,
centre, Oberle; wings, Gravett SATURDAY, JAN. 18—
and Sabourin; alternates' Heide- 9.00-10.00 a.�m.— Public School
man mibe, Russell, Coates skating, sponsored by Lions
Del�rl Fine( -12.00 a.m.—Adastral Park
dge, ;Rundle, B-larnmaert: 11.00
1.15 - 5.30 , p:m.---Elgure Skating,
MacDonald,. %-
Clinton Colts: goal, Denomme; 5.45 _.6,^ 5—lKinsmen Peewees
'CanadAens at Red Wings
defence, Albour, Edgar; centre, K. 8.30 pm.—Intermediate Hockey
Doig; wings, B. Doig, Boyes; al- Forest vs. Clinton Colts
'ternatesi, Walters, Merlarn,, Mur-
ray Colquhoun, Hartley, Garon-, MONDAY, JAN. .2o—
Scott, Racloot, Carter, Tom Col- 9.0010.00 a.m.RCAF Public
quoun. School ", .
1:130 - 2.30—Junior Farmers
Canadiens Beat eewees.
.p.ni.—Bantams, Zurich at
7`0`07 `30" Peewees
'Leafs In Peewee 9.00 p.m—Midgets, •Zurich
0-f5 -3 er
Hockey League 43.
Winners of the Kinsmen -Spon WEDNESDAY, Peewee Hockey game I on WEDNESDAY, JAN. ft—
.Saturday,�*' were, the Canadians 415-4.00 p.m.—Public Skating
with 7 goals, to the Maple Leafs 5-:L5 -.6.15—Kinsmen Hockey
5. Maple, Leafs at Black Hawk
Canadian goals were all scored 15 - 7.15—Midget Practise
by Cooper, except one. Jackie $15-10.00.—Public Skating
Colquhoun scored the other one
with an assist from DUtot, and REV. E. MOLAGEN CALLED•
earned one assist on another. TO 19LYTH UNITED CHURCH
Glazier and Lavis each had one
assist. Rev. Ewan McLaien-1 lately of
Maple Leaf goals were scored Yarmouth. -Centre, has accepted -a
by Hoggarth, assist Glow and call to the pastorate at Blyth
Macaulay;.Glew, assist Macaulay; United Church. Mr. McLagen
Macaulay; Macaulay, assist Glew; whose parents live near Mitchell:
Glow, assist Macaulay. succeeds Rev. A. W. Watson.
"My Fair Lady"
11ra,jama. Game?'
Da-IOLCO to the 11111SIC Of
Lester Lavin
"Annie Get Your Quxe" .
"Glen Grey and his Casa,-
Frank Sinatra,
Jackie, Gleason
Bing Crosby
Lawrence Welk
Pat Boone -
Jimmy Dorsey
"Around the World in
80 Days"
98c, Pops
"sugar Time"
"Wild is the Wind's
"Love Bug, Crawl"
"At the Hop"
Now openfor REPAIRS on all electilcal alvllahteil and
all snakes of :Radios . and, iV, Located on LondOn 1119hWaY
opposite BA SerV166 Station:.
Phones,.. Wo, rk 'ShOP—HU' 2-10Z],
Residence—MV 2-9506
Forest Phys 'Colts
Saturday Night
The Fares k08'de$L make 1h,
eir- second appearance in Clinton
ice this 9=y night against
the local Colts. The 116 alts I go
,pd; Defeat t
to Forest text Thursday.
Nearly v 600
fans were out to
the Exeter game- here last Satur-
day night, so it looks as if the
ge Cro'wd Colts were wise to schedule . most
of their ;home games for Satur,
Clay nights-, Game time is 8.30.
Bantams Play Two
Gideon Camp Turn
Tie Game OwIn Full
With Seaforth To Talbot Home
Clinton's Fish and Game -sport- (By our Hensall. correspondent)
sored Bantam hockey team played The complete membership of' the
another tie -game With Seaf&t.b South Jjuron. Gideon Camp met at
Bantams last Saturday night in the home, of the secretary, C. Z,
Seeaforth. The score was, 4-4. The Talbot, Bayfield,
same teams= played to L a 5-5 tie The second year's task of cover -
on January 2.ing all fifth grade pupils in :the
Including last night's gamthe public Schools , of South Huron
Bantams now have one win., two, with packet New Testaments has
tie games and one loss, been undertaken. These Testa -
Keith Allen and Budd, Boyes men�ts are neatly bound in Mar
L scored twice in the last oon leather covers and are dis-
game. Bob Livermore in goal, tributed free by the Qld,eofis, be -
again was the outstanding player coming the property of the pupil,
on the Clinton. team, Upwords, of 150,000 pupils in
Clinton- goal, Livermore.; de- Canada each year become eligible
fence, Hymers, , Truscott; centre for this gift as they enter the
Boyes; wings, Cummings, Allen; gra-de./ Recently the task of civ-
alternates, Murn6y, LocWo6d, ering the universities and colleges
Garan, Colquboun, Cooper, Free- has been undertaken,
man,., Thompson, Murphy, Burns. Complete, Bibles are, placed in
Seaforth: igoal, Boyes.; defence, hospitals,sons, hotels and mo -
Muir, Lamont; centre, T. Dick; tolsischools, reform, institutions,
wings, Teall, J. Dick; alternates, doctor's waiting rooms, homes for
Dinsmore, Marshall, Dale, PapPle, the aged, armed forces, airliners
MaIlwain., Ryan, Maloney, Patter- and -other public ' homes.
son. Recently in the King Edward -
Sheraton Hotel in Toronto the
2,000,000th copy of the Scripture
Planning 31inor— bound in gold was presented.
Throughout the world over 35,000,-
Hockey Week OQO copies of the Bible in the
King Janws, text have been dis-
tributed free in nearly 60 count -
For Clinton Kids ries.
The major part of the Bible dis-
Unor Hockey Week in Canada thbuted, however, has been over
is scheduled for January .25, to the past six years. The program
Fell-ruary 1. is financed mainly in, four ways.
In Clinton the big night will be members; fees and contributions by
on January 27, when midget and members.- Church service- offer-
bantam teams from Hensall are ings. General contributions. Mem-
scheduled to meet local teams in, orial Sible, plan.
regular play. Plans are going for- The Gideon Ladies Auxiliary
ward to have peewee games, as met the same evening with presi-
well that e�Lng', and special at- dent Mrs. John Thompson, ' Sea -
tractions. forth, in the chair. Devotional was
J. Douglas; Thorndike, member taken. by Mrs. Clifford Talbot.
of the executive of the WOAA is The ladies• served lunch to the
in• charge. two groups.
Farmers Union. Is Concerned
Over Egg Snpport Price Drop
Officials of the Ontario , Far- Robert Taylor,, director of Hur-
mers Union are concerned with On District Farm. Union remarks
the low 'prices which farmers are on the situation as follows: "On
receiving for their eggs: Gordan January 3 1 received word thatGrade A Large eggs, were being
Hill, president of the provincial bought in 'this district, at less
Umion related in this off -ice on than the supportprice-of 30 cents
Tuesday, the . fact that ,producers a dozen. I immediately got in
touch with the Interprovincial
are getting, only 28 cents a doz-
Farm Union Council office, at
en in some cases for Grade A Ottawa.
Large, eggs. "Gordon Hill, O.F.U. president,
The government support price investigated this situation and
to the processor has bqen 38 cents with, the assistance of private
a dozen, recalled Mr. Hill, and members and the- federal govern-
ment' found that the processors
by a "gentlemen's agreement" it werequite aware Of the face
.was decid-dd that of this, the pro- that they couldnt sell these eggs
ducer would be paid 30 cents. to the government if they had
This agreement has not been liv-
not been purchased at the floor
. price.
ed up to, and locally, at least This, proves once more that a
in some cases, lower prices have floor price that is, not diredt, to
been paid, The processor claims, the producer is useless. I would
that they -QannLot afford to Pay urge all farmers not to sell eggs
more. to any processor who is not pay -
Mr. Hill recalled that when a ing at least 30 cents per dozen,
similar situation had arisen bo- for Grade A Large eggs.
fore, the government had stepped
in and. bought sufficient eggs to "With the vote on the proposed
strengthen the market. Wheat Marketing, Plan coming up
this Friday, January 17", went
on Mr. Taylor, "I -hope all wheat
producert of Huron. County have
All-Star Bowlers become acquainted with the plan
and will take advantage. of the
League Schedule right to vote given to us under
the. Farm Products, Marketing
Board, by secret ballot. Remem-
Tuesday Nights be, fellow wheat producers vote
as, you -like, but vote."
Jan. 22—,Bombers at Chevs
Londesboro at Bakers LD
Jan. 28—Chevs, at Bakers BAYFIE
Bombers at Londesboro
Feb. 4—Bakers at Bombers
Londesboro at Chevs ----------
Feb. 11—Londesboro at 'Bakers Trinity Guild
Chevs at Bombers Bayflebl Trinity Guild met at
Feb. 18 --Bombers at Londesboro the home of Mrs. Fred Westin on
Bakers at Chevs
Feb. 25-4,ondesboro at Chevs
Bombers at Bakers
Mar. 4—Chevt at Bombers
Bakers at Londesboro
Man 11 --Bakers at Chevs
Londesboro at Bombers
Mar. 18—Bombers at Bakers
Chevs at L6ndesboro,
Mar. 25—Bakers at Londesboro
Bombers at Chevs
Apr, 2—Londesboro, at Bombers
Chevs at Bakers
Apr. 8--Chevs at Londesboro
Bakers at Bombers
Apr, 15—Bombers. at Chows
Londesboro at Bakers
Correction Pleasel.
Some months ago it was pri.nt.
ed In this paper that a. $10
award had been won by ttie
Auburn. and Bluevale women's
Institutes for a. layett& shown
with W otherg from Ontario,
This was incortedt, The Auburn
layette Was shown at Bonmiller
at the District Annual, and re-
celved second prize Of $1 The
first prize, layette went on Into
futhor competition, but did not
place in the fiftlS.
... ..... .... ..... ............ ......... ... . ...... .... ...... ..
THU-1WPAY, JANUARY 10, 19$0;
LL Initiates 5.1lllembe
rs Conservat'on Cluh.
Enterta*n' "�f Fmc-al �/rs�ors
. .� i s %,j, , i i
The first regular meeting Of iaTn Rich!; County.. Treasurer, (By Marg. Vromun)
Murphy Loy -al Orange Lodge. No, Worshipful Brother Frank FAI. The monthly meeting was hold,
710, Clinton, was, held in the ldd- coner; County Finance Secretary, last Tuesday g, 7,
ge rooms on Thursday evening, Harry Crich. beginning at 8,30 sharp, with 24.
January 9, and was highlighted by G Past Masters present were, ladies preseht,,
arnet Cornish, Melvin Schoen_ The following ladies were elec,
edr for tbis.corn1rrg-year195$pros�,-
the initiation of five new members hals,, Charles Nelson, Aaa Deeves,
into the order; Karl, Skov, Burton dent, Ida Forrest; first vice-pre%�
Thomas Deeves, William, Fulford, tient, Marion Harris, second-,
Stanley, Douglas' McNall, Arthur William, Cook, Henry ' Slom4n,
Ice presidnt, Bessie Falcon,�.-r,
Ball, Ronald Steep. The orange Mervin Falconer, and Worshipful secretary, Noreen Elliott; treasux�
degree was: conferred on. these Brother Charles Stewart, Past er Nellie Matthews.
new membeks by officers Of Chn- County Master South Huron., Other ,business was discussed
ton Lodge. Addresses; were given by Right and three thank. you notes were -
A very large number of,mem- Worshipful Brother Warden, ex- read. A few games- of bingo and,
bers was present including many tending greetings, from. Grand lunch Were enjoyed by all..
distinguished guests from a ds - Lodge -Ontario West and well
tance-, includingthe Right wor- chosen words were spoken to the
shipful Brother . David Warden, new Car�fitdates by Rev. J, T,
St.. Marys, who is present Deputy White, Londesboro
Grand Lecturer of Province of The local lodge has a busy year
Ontario West. AlsoO Worshipful planned in. 1958. The 100th an. -
Brother Gregory, "County Master rilversary of Murphy Lodge No.
South Forth; Worshipful brother 710.1s on, Saturday, January 18;
Perdue, county chaplain, South the annual celebration* to' be held 4a a word. minimum 766
Perth and Worshipful Brother
in Clinton, on Saturday Tiny 12
and, many local members being on
Vanstone, recording secretary, the degree team of the Royal
South Perth. The . Tuesday, Jan. 21—Card Party -
:County Lodge Scarlet Chapter, District of Hull-
-in the LORA lodge rooms, 8 'p.rn,
of South Huron, was represented ett, who will be conferring do- Everybody weko-rhe. 3-b:
�by County Deputy Master Wor- gree on many members at the
shipful Brother Borden, Brown, annual meeting Grand Orange Tuesday, Jan. 21—Social even--
Se-aforth; County Recording See- Lodge Ontario West to be held in ing at 100F Lodge Hall. Films
retary Worshipful Brother Will- the City Of Sarnia in May. will, be, shown.
Thursday, Janu.a.x-d 93— Annual
meeting, Clinton Horticultural
Society. Town Hall., Speaker,.
Huron Juniors,Do Well film, door prize. Everyone wel-
come. I -X
Friday evening January 24 and;Competitions In' Toronto Saturday afternoon, January 25—
Selling-out Sale, All merchandise
Early Saturday morning, Jan- Ten competed in. competein drastically reduced. Bargains:
galore! X1n6ttL- Nearly -Nu Shop-
uary 11, approximately 60 Junior Male quartet competition. The pe.
Farmer and Junior Instituternern_ Huron County quartet, George 3-b.
hers left for the Provincial Jun- Turupr and Stanley Johns" from Goderich Pavilion. No dancing:
for Farmer Conference 4n the Clinton Jum"or Farmers, Bill Caul- this Saturday. January 25th-
King Edward, Hotel in, Toronto. tes from North Huron Junior Far- CKNX Barn Dance. iii.
At this Conference competitions mers and Ken, Campbell from Sea -
were held between the Countiesforth. Junior Farmers tied 'for
Wednesday, Jan. 29—Cash
in Ontario in public speaking, lad- Dubl-in. Parish Hall, 9.30 p.m. 15,
ies trios maxed quartets and fourth place in the Competition games for $5.. Three special gam-
malewith a score. of 82.', The- winning
male quartets. , ernoon the Hu quartet e4.' Jackpot of $55' on 55 num-
During the aft tot was, from. Brant County bers., Admission 50c. 3-4-b,
on County Junior Farmer Choir with a score of 85.
took part in achoir,festival on a The Conference program can- Friday, Jan. 31—Annual euchre,
non-competitive basis with seven. eluded with a suitable closing car- and dance. Draw for transistor -
othem choirs frothe Counties of emony and dance in the Crystal type portable radio. Bayifeld townhall. Sponsors: Bayfield LiGns.
South. Sirricoe, Oxford, Kent, Diff -Ball, Roomonthe 17th Floor Of Club. Cards at 8.30. Dancing at
ferin, Middlesex, Wellington airid, the King. Edward, Hotel. 10., to Murdocks, Orchestra.
Ontario. The• choir festival- came 3-4-5-b,
to a very succesq!,ul climax with It proved to be a very worth.
Dr. G. R. Fenwick, Director of while day for competitors and Saturday, Feb. 15=3 to 5 P.M.
Music, Ontario Department of 'supporters who represented Hur- Girl's Club Valentine Tea an&
Education leading the mass choir on. County in the Provincial Com- Bake Sale, at St. Andrew's Pter-
in "Linden Lee" which was a test petitions on Saturday. byterlan Church. 3-b
piece sung, by all the choirs.
In the provincial speaking com- IN ---------- 0 ---------- %%
petition Huron County was rep- 4
resented by Miss, Sandra Doig, 0 l,"lawmallm
RR 1, Dublin, president of the
Seaforth Junior Institute. Miss
Doig spoke on "Sixty Years of Pro-
gress' and 'drew the topic "Pro-
grqss, through Education," for her
five minute impromptu, speech.
Sandra was chosen as one of five
finalists in the competition from
a total of 29 entries. As a fin-
alist she• received a, silver tray
from the: Junior Farmer Associa-
tion of Ontario and a Parker 51
Pon and Pencil Set from the T.
Eaton Co. Ltd. Margaret McLeod
from"OxfordCounty was declared Ire
In the ladies trio competition
the Huron, County entry, Carol WE'VE GOT THE
Pepper, June'Manning and Cath -
Brine' Welsh, (all members of the
Clinton Junior Institute) placed
third in competition with Jrlas Prices Less Than Wholesale For This Weekend
from five other Counties. The Only. Hurry! These are "Quality" Cars
trio will receive a cash prize of
BRUMIEM Has new Paint. is clean inside
Correspondent Good motor and tires.
MRS. 1-1. F. numity Was $550 ......................... ... SALE PRICE $495
Phone HU 2-7512
WNS Officers `49 FARGO 1/2 TON PANEL
The monthly meeting of the Body, motor and tires are good
Woman Missionary Society,
Brucefield United Church, was Was $425 ............................... SALE PRICE $295
held Tuesday afternoon, January --
14, with 20 members answering
the roll call. The meeting Opened 19'MERCURY 'SEDAN
with quiet music, followed by the
worship service, the theme being Smart black paint. Good motor and
the "Second Mile" conducted, by
Mrs. W. Fotheriniharn and Mrs: tires.. Extra accessories
H. Dalrymple. . . Was $650 .............................. SALE PRICE $39.9
Mrs.. S. Davison took charge of
the business session. Encouraging
reports were read by the leaders 51 CHEVROLET SEDAN
of all committees for the Year
1957. The treasurer's report show- Moo ftun-tone paint. New seat covers
ed the group had exceeded the 'Good tires and motor
allocation. Mrs. Ross- ' Sdott and
Miss Al. Swan were. in charge, of Was $695 - ........................... SALE PRIG $499
the study book.' The, cha ter e.
was "Road Bloekg to -Wecoming, +
Tuesday evening. Nine members a Christlan.,,
were present. Mrs. Percy Weston, ' Rev. 8, Davison installed the
president, opened the meeting officers for 1958, as follows- I?re$i-
with the Lor41s. Prayer and creed dent, Mrs. S. 'Davison; first vice -
repeated in unison. Mrs. Merton president,, Mrs. N. Walker; sec-
Mierner gave, the secretary's te- and wee,1president, Mrs, F. Rath -
port and, Mrs. , Fred Weston the well; recording secretary, Mrs. E.
financial statement. It was decid- Alleril, corresponding secretary,
ed to hold a card patty In the
e Mrs. A. Ham; treasurer, Mrs. L.
Parish 'Hall on January 2.4, There Wilson,
was some discussion of summer -Christiall stewardship secretary,
activities. Instead of the July bake Mrs. T. B. Baird; periodical see -
sale, it was voted to have a, supper setary,'Mrg, A. McQueen -;Christ -
that month, The August event 1&n citizenship secrdtzry, Mrs. *1.
Was left open for later discussion, Lyre; community friendship see -
The Rev. X J. B. Harrison closed ketaries, Miss M. Swan, Mrs. S.
the meeting With prayer,after. MaXehzie, Mrs.. B, Thomson, Mrs.
which the hostess served refresh W, Moffatt; supply secretary,
ments, Miss E. Bawdy; ass6clate mem-
'Unlucky Fridaysbers' secretary, Mrs, R. Allan,, Sr.;
Friday teems to have- been an literAtUre, secretary, Mrs. W.
unlucky clay here lately, two. Scott, expense fund secretary,
school children are. incapacitated Mrs, � Douglas.; press secretary,
because -.of ateldotits While at -play, Mrs. R. Dalrymple,
Janice Mortior is wearing a cast PlaniAtl Mrs,' G, kendefram, as -
I I.. I
ort her right -arm which was In!- sistant plahl8t, Miss M McQueen*,
Jured, while she, Was sled -riding on 001T
1 1 leadovi, Mrs. k Graham,
January 4• Mrs. G. Clifton, Mission Rand
On January 11 Sharon lied stipftiftt,endehts: Mrs, b, Tri6b-
tripped and fell and Terry Fitz. ner, Mrs. C. R;ndtrson: nominat
siniong fell mer her while playin, iCoffifflittcLi, Miss Z Bmtvl
ban at school, SharonnVnk g W. V Otheritigbam, Mrs. J,
her log but is getting about on gm�dfo&; auditors, Mrs. I
Lhf1atd116§•*1th,'heV11n1b'1 in 6 -Cast: Dali
Sorry. No trades on above vehicles
15Z Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan
53 Plymouth Sedan
156 1Vlon.1rch Convertible
'54 Oldsmobile 1188" Sedan
156 Chev. Deluxe Sedan
157 Ford Station Wagon
-1517 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan
055 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan
Lot us tAow your needs. We're here to serve You.
We'll aecept tftdes on itm abov&anil use yott• fairly.
�.o .
me . B to�un,,motors ltd,,
Your friendly
CHIEV,-, Dealer
140hter 24321