HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-16, Page 5Ir .. ........ . ... . .. ........ ... IN NEWS -RECORD KATE$ No charge for Announcements of Births, Marriages and Deaths Articles for sale, rent, etc., Card of Thanks WANT ADS Memoriam, erigagements, 3c a word, minimum !75c, Box No• to this office 15c Additional. Repeat in- sertions 2c a word, inirrim.um We. CASH DISO fol - AS OUNT, Us If paid by Saturday lowing last insertion, , tion. Billing charge of 10c Wed each time bill is sent, Latest Time, for Insertions 19 noon Wednesday • FOR SWS QUICK4-, RE, DW ITU -94844 Accommodation For 'Pact 7URNISHEM ROATED .anent, four rooms. Phone 2--9361. ;SMALL HOUSE FOR REN .partly furnished. Plione, HU after 6 P.M. :BRIGHT FURM$HEX) ROO for one :ax two sharing, Brea last optional, Phone Clint, .News -Record, HU 2-3944. 3 .3 ROOM APART*XENT, furni. ed and heated, with frig, all co venlerces, Immediate possessi, ;Phone -HU 29536. MUSE IN. KIPPEN TO REN with garage. All modern cone fences, 01 heated, Apply to No ma "Long, Mppen. 2-t Accommodation Wanted PAOX FIV,, Frank R, Gibbs Frank RossPrincess St,, Clinton, died Vlellswy, January 14 in Clinton, Public Hospital 4 his 84th year, He was born In Hullett Town- ship at at Walkerburn, a son of the la Mr. and Alm. Thomas Gibbs; He W4S4 foreman of the bridge and building department of the Canadian National Railways, re". tiring IS years ago. Gibbs was 0. member Of Ontario Street United Church and of Clinton Lodge A.F. And A.M. TVA $Z& ARTICLES FOR SALE on ,T, Canadian Facts BJ1RTH$ I FLANNAGAN--In Clinton Public I In Canada who have the longer I Hospital, on Saturday, J,8tnUaj�y life He was predeceased by his wife, . I the former Amelia: Brown, in 1W4 Surviving is one son,, Dr. ],�Tarol� Gibbs, Hanrilton;...one brother, 3o. I IJAWN MOWERS IN JANUARY Sounds silly but the saving you LU can realize right now U not A bit b exp ecta7icy—men or Wo, men? 11, 1:95,8, to Mr. Arid- Xrs. John bent Gibbs, Hamilto n; one sister, silly. We have just received, a sbilpment of 1958 rotary mowers 2. 'Me full-time enrolment in Can, Flannagan, Zurich, a son. HE�EN �- in Wallaceburg Gen- -Mrs. Sarah Jane Sutherland', BrIarcrest, Sask,; on grand,-' e ' 2 powered by the famous Clinton 2 1 motor, January cash price, � QTn oral I adian schools, fr klndergar� Hospital, on Thursday, Jan. den to university, is 1.5 million, 64ty 9, 19-58, to Mr. - and Mrs. daughter, Miss r, M Lois falconer; 9rh Clinton; and four ndchildrer -b $4475. Sorry no trade: at this M price. CLAYT, DIXON'S AUTO 2.7 million, 3.5 million? Harold Hedden, Dresden, dau- In 1949 Canadian labour income ghter (Marjorie Dianne, sister in Toronto. The body is resting at the Ball k- SUPPLY, Clinton.' 3-b totaled $7,7 �1111on. What is. •t�e ,for Bobby, Jimmy and Debbie arid Mitch funeral home, AIgb wood and logs.. Apply Alex Os. trom, Varna, HU 2�91 85. 3-4-b estimate for the year 1957? and granddaughter for Mrs. 4. The mainland colon on our Catherine Hedden, Hensall), Street, Clinton, where service will be held this afternoon-, Thursday, n -b Automobiles� For So Diamond rings renewed and stones west coast that is now the pro' ATATIUMS—In Victoria Hospi- wince of British Columbia was tal, London, on Friday, January at 2.00 p,Tn., with Rev, Grant Mills officiating. Burial 4A11 be 11- 19,51 METEOR SEDAN, excellent n- Motor, overdrive, radio with rear- founded, in what year? 10, 1958, * Mr. and Mrs, Don- 5. The main components of the ald Matthews (-neeBarbara Bas- made in, -Clinton Cemetery. A, Masonic service was held on K seat sipeaker. Can arrange fin- ante. Phone HU 2-965.8, aftev- Consumer Price Index are food, sett, f6rmerly of Bayfield) a Wednesday night by Clinton 5.30 1-2-3-b shelter, clothing and household daughter (Ellen Maureen). Lodge AX. and A.M, No. 84, p.m. operation. Which at these has MULLENS —In Wellesley Hospital, advanced the most and which Toronto, on Saturday, January the least? 11, 1958, to Dr. and Mrs. J. E, 0 Mrs. Alexander A. 11- 1 i Business Opport�nities DEATHS ANSWERS: 5. Shelter has ad- Mullins, 423 Balliol Street, To - (nee Elizabeth Middleton), Broadfoot OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter, 3p vanced the most, clothing the ronto lowed in, MaItlandbank Cemetery. 0 Contact L. G. Winter, Real E e, r'=- least, 3. $15 billion. 4. Women, a daughter, Mrs, Alexander A. Broad -foot, High Street, Clinton, Phone -m­ n 1858 PICKETT In Clinton Public by about four years. 4. 1, well-known resident of - Tucker - ton HU 2-6692. , . Hospital on Wednesday Jan - Ines January 8, 1958, Met :3 DEM0,0M.1-TOUSE, WANTED VLAI, -4, VA L, y smith and r the past IS years a ­�— Material prepared by the ed- uary 15, 1958, to Mr. and Mrs. resident of Egiriondville, died-sud-. for rent or lea.s6- Phone HU 2- CLOTHING FOR SALE itors of Quick Canadian. Facts Roy Pickett, RR 3, Clinton, a denly on Wednesday at the home 7076, 3-p the pocket annual of facts about daughter. of her daughter, Mrs. W. McLeod 'BUyEp RILRY—In Clinton Public , WANTS SMALL HOUSE A BIACK HUDSON SEAL Coat, Canada. Hos- in.Egiriondville. She was in her ,preferably with garage and fur- size 42: to 50, full size. Phone pital, on Friday, January 10, (5t1i Year. I and particulars, HU 2-9588. 3-P 1958, to Mr. nd Mrs. Robert Rom, and educated at Auburn, mace. Give -price, Miscellaneous Riley, RR 1, Landssboro, a son. a -he, was the former Violet Wilson -BOX 30 XeA�s-Record. 3-P LAD -TS SW-4AT NEW WINTER STEWART — In Germany on IWANTED TO, RENT. SIX OR coat, size 14. Half price, Phone SHAIWEN7W.G ALL FINDS OF Tuesday, January 14, 1958, to and was married in 1906 in Tuck - HU 2,9440. 3-b saws, cross -cut, saws $1,00; hand ersvalth, where she resided for a !sevewroarn�ed house with modern F/O and rXrs. R. H. Stewart, iiUxnber of years. She was a nieni- ,cariveriiences. Write to Box TP saws 60c; no charge for knives or (nee Shirley Grover) a son bar of and pr 3&tchtll Advocate, Mitchell, Ont. ONE; MAPLE LEAF RO=Y scissors when saws; are sharpened. (Kabert Paul). Her husband predeceased her in sweater, pads, stockings, gloves, Phone David Elliott) HU 2-9765. 1 1 1923. Surv! I ving. her are two sons, and pants, size 12 to 14, in good 2to7p MARRIAGES Articles For Sale condition., price $10. Phone. RU Clifford Broadfoot, Seaforth; Wil - am 0 McKillop, Dan Beuermann I would like 'to thank all my Morris, Baillie Parrott &Iends and neighbours for their Stanley, Harvey Coleman, Har - cards, flowers, fruits and, visits vey Taylor while I was a patient In Seaforth Stephen, John Morrissey, Glen to the nurses and hospital. Also Webb doctors for their wonderful care. Tuckersmith, Ivan Forsyth, No —1RENE GLAZMR. 3-P Turnberry, W. Jack White I wish to thank friends and East 'Wawanosh, Orval E. Taylor nelghboiirs 'for the lovely flowers, West Wawanosh, John S. Durnin treats and car&, while I was a Usborne, Clayton Smith Patient in, Clinton Public Hospi- Clinton, Burton W. Stanley, 0 INV'ITAT IONS tal, Special thanks to Dr. Oakes Nelson W, Trewartha and the nurses—ROMAIN BUT- Exeter, William Mackenzie 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS tOR. 3p Chester Mawhinnay' INFORMALS I wish to thank my friends and Goderich Town, James Donnelly, neighbours for their kind visits Peter S. McEwan 0 ACCESSORIES and for gifts, flowers and cards ,Seaforth, Norman Scoins ASK FOR sent to me on the occasion of i*ny Wingham, J. Roy Adair, Joq• 90th birthday. —MRS, ANDREW Iterr SHEPHERD. 3,p Blyth, William Morritt Brussels, George McCutcheon Lady Bowlers Hen I sall, NormanI H . Son I es Lea-vue Scores C9 NAU1111.06 With the first schedule game of 1958 copleted, we, find little or- no change in the standings of the In, 07 0S AMISt YOU WTtH Y6UR WODINd PIANS first three teams Leagues of the RCA and - WW AF, Ladies I ­ Bowl -Ing League, 404e Mrs, 1<, Spillsoury took top honours for High, Triple with a -AND .ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL score or 767, while Mrs. M. We&- GIPT REGISTER worth 14 took High Single, hOnOUVS with a score of 225. And those with scores of 200 6�A -,-r Mrs X tAnville 25,9- Clinton.olIffilunity Mrs. J, Cmeron, 223 ; Mrs. Farmers llhxtoti NewswRecord. Brown�20a1, Mrs. D. Bohol-nas, 220- Mrs• M, James, 215; Mra, 15. AUCTION SAMS SpAtigat;, 210� Mrs, IL Geiger, -6-1- Mrs, L, Mady, 201" Mrs. 8. )MMMY MIDAY 46 00�vh, 206; Mrs. 0. Voth, 203; at 1.30 P.ni. t!'6 , urs. X, Bush, 200. TM MS CS914 1n. J. COREY Sales Manager 66 Famous 10L t Words'. "He WOWt i3on �&Ii&Atlt Auttiolido TVs illegal to run down a hit M6 W., COLQffl1OUXP Cleft padestrlaml" UE ROXYTHEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen NOW—THURSDAY, FRIDAYSATUIWAY GG Tarzan and the, Lost Safari" An air safari, with two beautiful girls, aboard, is lost In the African jungle Until, Tarzan comes leaping to the rescue, Don't miss, seeing Tarzan, modern style, in color for the first Urne, Gordon. Scott - Yoyande Donlan,, Betta, St, 4olm MONI)XV, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 64UW71U"9 One worawn—three distilict PerSonallt!O—and her courageous emotional battle for integration and survival. Adult entertainment. Eleanor rarlcer -- Richard Boone -- Joan Blondell Coming: "THE LONELY MAN" Gordon Scott -- Volande Donlan ­ Botta .St, John The first Column (Continued from Page One) THE, QUALITY OF SPOTS Up- on a Holstein's back can in, many cases be the difference between first and a lower prize, as well a,,; price. . . One of the main points for debate when, the Holstein men meet in February will be whether or not to ban bulls from registra- tion, which have one or more black spats touching the hoot... Reason is that the "trademark" of the Purebred 1161steln, is a white stocking on each &bt . . . Those against the plan will argue that colour of hair will not affect high Production and otheiz good qual- ities of the animal. . . THE MORS MARCH. ON Polio' which is getting consider- able publicity in other centres -does not mean much. in Clinton. 1 . We would think that'this problem of -raising funds could well be taken up by some group in the town,. There is a terrific job in rehabilitation of Polio VICIUMS in the country, in this area, as well as farther -afield, which needs support just asbadly as did the urgent one of finding and perfec; ting the Salk polio vaccine. . . There are about 235,000 disabled persons in Canada... 0 uiwon Court, Fifty dollar fine' and license suspended for three, months was the sentence, handed down by Magistrate Dudley Holmes here last Tuesday, to Donald J. Healy, Blyth, who plead guilty to driving while impaired, Mrs. Joseph Leon Lefebvre, RR 2, Clinton, who was. charged in Goderich Township on. November. 29 with keeping intoxicating liq- uor for sale, plead guilty and was fined $50 and costs, Crown At- torney Glen Hays remarked prior to her sentence, "This. woman's husband is in the Air Force., and there is no need for this sort of thing. Traffic to the accused!s home was excessive.,, Norman, Fitzsimons, Clinton butcher shop proprietor, plead guilty to a charge of failure to obey an order of the medical of- ficer of bpaM.- of Huron' County. Dr. Tom, Melady appeared in court to explain the order. Mr. Fitzsimons was asked to comply with the order, and to return to court for sentence in two weeks. —0 -.-- Traffic signals and signs are not( for, 0 pedestrians as well as motorists and must be obeyed, says the Can- adians High -way Saefty Conferen. ce. I PARK.. THEATRE G 0 D E Rl C H NOW kLAYING: "SILVER CITY" In color with Yvonne De Carlo and Barry Fitzgerald MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY , January 20-21-n John Wayne - Maureen, O'Hara and Dan Dailey Presenting the adventurous biog- raphy of Commander Frank' W. Wead, a hero iX World/War I and a tactical factor In thesecond war "TIM WINGS OF EAGLES" In Technicolor — THURSDAY, FRIDAY' and SATURDAY January 23-24-25 Charlton Heston .- Katy jurado, and Jack Palance, A Technicolor Super -Western irx which a Cavalry scout wrecks a peace treaty and turns an Apache rendezvous into an ambush, "ARROWHEAD" COMING: Adult IlAertainment "until They Sail" with Joan,. Simmons —TREAT YOUR FAMILY To A GOOD MOVIE— IN MEMORIAM BOYES—In. loving memory of a ,dear wife and mother, Eliza Jane Armstrong,. wife of Ed- ward &ward Boyes, whd passed away January 16, 19571 "The rolling stream of life goes on, But still the empty chair Reminds Lis of the face, the smile, Of one who once sat there. —Always remembered by her hus- band and family. 3-P Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Ke C. C ooKE s F L 0 R I S T Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton Hurry! Hurry! EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT THE BIG . January Clearance Sale Jahr: 9 to Jan. 25' SUITS rt SHIRTS SWEATERS - - RATS SPORT COATS. SUB111A,BAN COATS and many other items PRICED TO SUIT YOU I 't-er rickett & Campbell Limited "now SUMTS if STET8614 AAWS Phone HU Z9131 — Clifitom Ont. 0 29509. 3-b WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR experts. Our work assures your SST FOVES-WOORE, — In Wesley- Willis United Church, Clinton, son -170adfo0u., Goderich, and one daughter, Mrs. E. (Greta) Me - CUSTOM WORK I=0HEN HEATER kannex). Phone, Bayfield 33. 3-b (annex), satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. on Saturday, January 11, 1958, Leod, Egntondville; four sisters, I I Huron County's Oldest Establish- ed Jewellery Store,. 3P by the Rev. J, A. McKim, Donna Lorraine,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore-, Clinton, to Mrs. G. Hamilton, Aubti= Mrs. W. CMpman, Mrs, A. Pepper and -Mrs. A. Routledge, all of Eg- 1 OIL — Stove and Furnace G. dusqjom CHAIN SAWING OF LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. h011' delivered, anywhere. A. 'CvrIgg.and Son, phone HU 2-9411. wood and logs.. Apply Alex Os. trom, Varna, HU 2�91 85. 3-4-b Lawrence Arland Steeves, Clinton, M0711 W -le - and one, brother, Lorne - Wilson iirucefield. 43-tfb Diamond rings renewed and stones R.C[AF Station son, of Mr.and Mrs,, William Steeves, , Funeral services were held Sat- FOR YOUR PLUMBING AND `ITWO SMAIUL, grzE QUAKER Heating -needs, call HU 2-9433. safely . secured—don't take than- Moncton, New• Brunswick. urday, January 11, from the G. A. Space heaters, In good condition,. I.Xiawkins. Hardware, 2 -tib ces, Expert work done reasonably Whitney funeral home, with Rev. 11'r $25 each. MeEwan's Stat- to your satisfaction. Watch re- DEATHS J. Semple officiating. Burial. fol- AUTOMATIC SAW Sharpening, Saws jointed filed -ice lonery. 1 -2 -3 -ib pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter, 3p BROADECO.T­49tiddenly at the lowed in, MaItlandbank Cemetery. 0 ZR. .1w, Allow- GFZWEROUS TRADE 'WE TV Brandcents. retoothed, and for $1.25. Or just filed and set 75 home of her daughter, Mrs, W. ead, ' - on ' le, on . -James R. Wolsey For Rent ame on your old on a .New 1958 RCA Television. T. A. Automatic butcher knife and scissor sharpener,,.scissors 15 Sale or Ines January 8, 1958, Met FAM11 100 ACRES FOR Mutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton . ,cents knives 10 cents. W. E. Of Alexander oa! ot, in her 75th year. James R. Wolsey, Shipley St Clinton, , died at his home Sunda; 'I7ilJ 2-3132. 36-tfb "Bill"' Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- HU 2-9664. i ton. Phone35p- or rent. First class cash crop land. Excellent barn, hydro, good well. Apply Alex 'Wilkins, Aub- Funeral the A. Whitney - funeral home on Saturday, Jan- night in his 68th year. He had beer. Ill since con -ung to Clinton T.OUR.OLD WASHER IS WORTH Fruit For Sale tmoney,mhen. traded on anew urn. 3-4-5-6-b uary 11 to Maitlandbank Ceme- Seaforth. four years' ago. He was born, in Petrolia, a son Thor wather. T. A. Dutton's Ap- Store, Brucefield. Phone6-(ROOM tery, GCVBBS—In 'Clinton Public, Hospi- of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel BPUCK HOUSE IN GOOD QUALITY SPY APPLES ,kpliance (Clinton HU 2-3232. 46-tfb Bayfield, furnished, 3 -piece bath, tal, on Tuesday, January 4,1958, Wolsey; he was. a -member of the in, cold storage. at farm. Apply John, Ostrom, Varna, HU 2-9185. one car garage, possession first week in, February, Contact J. E. Frank Ross Gibbs, widower of Amelia Brawn, in his 84th year. United Church in Petroba and also of the Petrolia Masonic Lodge. He -SEVERAL NEW •PATTERNS'In )Engfish Bone China -Dinnerware, ','Cornflower". 3-4-b Howard, Bayfield 5-3r2. 3­tfb Funeral from the Ball and was a: well-known oil -driller •in Petrolia. :including lovely See -it and others in our window Mutch funeral home, High St., Clinton to Clinton Cemetery. on Surviving are his wife, the for- ANTED . � HELP�,W REAL ESTATE .and get our low prices for fine China, FRJLL TJME WAITRESS wanted. Thursday afternoon, January 16, mer Irene, Gulliver; three, daugh- ters, Mrs. G. W. (Arlie Ma . e) (Counter's Jewellery. 3p Apply Ruby and' Bill's Snack Bar, 2-b, REAL ESTATE is our BUSINESS. Farms residential, commercial, commencink at 2/ p.m. WOLSEY;--At his home on Ship- Montgomery, Torodto; Mrs'. X Ditner Miss Gloria • �'mAGIC'MAP=Rs. Will write on phone, HU 2-93al. surniTier cottages, For de Street, an Sunday, January (Jeanne) and Wolsey, both of Kitchener; and GIRLS TO, LEARN LAUNDRY -anything, glass, wood, paper, etc ,Dry immediately. Seven differenl� and capable service list your prop- arty with John Bosveld, Wellesley 1958, James� R. Wolspy, be- loved hueb-and of Irene Gulliver, one brother, John, Sarnia; and ,colours. Good for poster work, work, Contact Clinton Laundry. arid Dry Cleaners. 2 -tib Street, Goderich. Phone :1108. in his 68th year. Rested at the three grandchildren. The body rested at the Ball and .,signs, etc. $1.10 each, refills, 50c. Clinton News -Record. 3.7-tf-b Salesmen: GeOTge McGillivray, Lucknow; J. McConnell, Seafortb. Ball and.Mutch funeral borne until Tuesday noon arid- service Mutch funeral home until noon, the William 'ARTISTS SUPPLIES, OIL Brush- Livestock Wanted 50-tfb was from the Win, Jay funeral Tuesday and: then to Jay funeral home, Petralia-, whets ATTENTION FARMERS' Prompt, Notice To CreditoIrs ,es, Paints, Canvas Board, Linseed home, Petrolia, on Wednesday. services. were held on Wednesday -0fl, Turpentine, Retouching Varn- courteous collection of all dead and CARDS OF THANKS at 2.00 p.m. Burial was in Petrolia. 0— All persons having claims agg- ish, Spray -Fix, Brush Holders, etc; disabled farm animals and hides: ideal Christmas gifts. At Me- Stationery Store. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, ainst the estate of Hubert Henry Many thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. County Council Zwan�s'Book-and Seaforth. Associated with Darling Bick I late of the Township of Addison, nurses and.staff 45 Aft and Co. of Canada Ltd. 26-p-ttb OLD HORSES WANTED AT 3%c Stanley, in -the County of Huron Yeoman, who -died on or about kindness. Also my friends who so kindly remembered me while in the, hosIptal­13ARRIET BLAN- Tuesday, Jan. 21 'AIEN'SUNDERWEAR CLEAR- ,.,ance—all- fleec6 lined—combina- lb., and dead cattle at value. If dead the 25th. day of December, 1957, are required to file the same with CHARD.r 3-p tions, - 40, 42, 44--$1.95, each- 'Shirts, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINk RANCH, col- full particulars with the under -Inaugural meeting for the 1958 ,,drawers 40 and 42. $1.00 per gar- Pickett Campbell. Lim- phone lett, Goderich, 14,83J.4 or 1� 183 j .1 52 to 27-1; signed by the 25th day of Jan- uary, 1958 as after that date the I would like to thank my friends and neighbours for their Huron County Council was held on Tuesday, January 21, in -anent. and Clinton. 3-b assets of the estate will be dis- kind gifts and cards, while I was the Court House at Goderich, with PROPERTY FOR RENT -Ated, tributed. a patient in Clinton Public Hos- s thanks P 1. ti Special C t 'a to he nur- P a ecIaDr. the following members: MOTORS AND' GENERATORS Tewound and repaired. Brushes, DATED at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this and day of pit g f 0 d Dr. i� D . a wl staff, T Ices an _k UNN -b L Ne and 3 Ashfield, Cecil Blake Colborne, John S. Kernigham GENERAL STORE, 2 apartments capacitors, switches ' bearings; to sublet. Equipment reasonable,* January, 1958. . . . Goderich Twp., John beeves .tsmall appliances repaired. Used -or reconditioned motors for sale. will sell stock at cost. Good loco- tion for keen buyer. Rent reason- HAYS and"-PR�EST, Goderich, Ontario, I wish to thank all my iriends Grey, George Hutchinson Art Levett, Isaac Street at Dunlop- able. Apply Box 500, Clinton, Ont. Solicitors for the 'Estate, -whe sent me cards, and treats while a patient in the Clinton Hay, Valentine Becker, Alec Mousseau. Mone HU 2-6640. 44tth 2-3-p 2.3.44 Public Hospital, Special thanks Howl 1c, Arthur Gibson, Harvey to Dry Oakes and Dr. Addison McNebael and the nurses Who were so kind. —A. L, SHA2,TA1TL4,N- . 3--p Hull-ett, William Jewitt am 0 McKillop, Dan Beuermann I would like 'to thank all my Morris, Baillie Parrott &Iends and neighbours for their Stanley, Harvey Coleman, Har - cards, flowers, fruits and, visits vey Taylor while I was a patient In Seaforth Stephen, John Morrissey, Glen to the nurses and hospital. Also Webb doctors for their wonderful care. Tuckersmith, Ivan Forsyth, No —1RENE GLAZMR. 3-P Turnberry, W. Jack White I wish to thank friends and East 'Wawanosh, Orval E. Taylor nelghboiirs 'for the lovely flowers, West Wawanosh, John S. Durnin treats and car&, while I was a Usborne, Clayton Smith Patient in, Clinton Public Hospi- Clinton, Burton W. Stanley, 0 INV'ITAT IONS tal, Special thanks to Dr. Oakes Nelson W, Trewartha and the nurses—ROMAIN BUT- Exeter, William Mackenzie 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS tOR. 3p Chester Mawhinnay' INFORMALS I wish to thank my friends and Goderich Town, James Donnelly, neighbours for their kind visits Peter S. McEwan 0 ACCESSORIES and for gifts, flowers and cards ,Seaforth, Norman Scoins ASK FOR sent to me on the occasion of i*ny Wingham, J. Roy Adair, Joq• 90th birthday. —MRS, ANDREW Iterr SHEPHERD. 3,p Blyth, William Morritt Brussels, George McCutcheon Lady Bowlers Hen I sall, NormanI H . Son I es Lea-vue Scores C9 NAU1111.06 With the first schedule game of 1958 copleted, we, find little or- no change in the standings of the In, 07 0S AMISt YOU WTtH Y6UR WODINd PIANS first three teams Leagues of the RCA and - WW AF, Ladies I ­ Bowl -Ing League, 404e Mrs, 1<, Spillsoury took top honours for High, Triple with a -AND .ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL score or 767, while Mrs. M. We&- GIPT REGISTER worth 14 took High Single, hOnOUVS with a score of 225. And those with scores of 200 6�A -,-r Mrs X tAnville 25,9- Clinton.olIffilunity Mrs. J, Cmeron, 223 ; Mrs. Farmers llhxtoti NewswRecord. Brown�20a1, Mrs. D. Bohol-nas, 220- Mrs• M, James, 215; Mra, 15. AUCTION SAMS SpAtigat;, 210� Mrs, IL Geiger, -6-1- Mrs, L, Mady, 201" Mrs. 8. )MMMY MIDAY 46 00�vh, 206; Mrs. 0. Voth, 203; at 1.30 P.ni. t!'6 , urs. X, Bush, 200. TM MS CS914 1n. J. COREY Sales Manager 66 Famous 10L t Words'. "He WOWt i3on �&Ii&Atlt Auttiolido TVs illegal to run down a hit M6 W., COLQffl1OUXP Cleft padestrlaml" UE ROXYTHEATRE Clinton Two Shows Nightly Wide Screen NOW—THURSDAY, FRIDAYSATUIWAY GG Tarzan and the, Lost Safari" An air safari, with two beautiful girls, aboard, is lost In the African jungle Until, Tarzan comes leaping to the rescue, Don't miss, seeing Tarzan, modern style, in color for the first Urne, Gordon. Scott - Yoyande Donlan,, Betta, St, 4olm MONI)XV, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 64UW71U"9 One worawn—three distilict PerSonallt!O—and her courageous emotional battle for integration and survival. Adult entertainment. Eleanor rarlcer -- Richard Boone -- Joan Blondell Coming: "THE LONELY MAN" Gordon Scott -- Volande Donlan ­ Botta .St, John The first Column (Continued from Page One) THE, QUALITY OF SPOTS Up- on a Holstein's back can in, many cases be the difference between first and a lower prize, as well a,,; price. . . One of the main points for debate when, the Holstein men meet in February will be whether or not to ban bulls from registra- tion, which have one or more black spats touching the hoot... Reason is that the "trademark" of the Purebred 1161steln, is a white stocking on each &bt . . . Those against the plan will argue that colour of hair will not affect high Production and otheiz good qual- ities of the animal. . . THE MORS MARCH. ON Polio' which is getting consider- able publicity in other centres -does not mean much. in Clinton. 1 . We would think that'this problem of -raising funds could well be taken up by some group in the town,. There is a terrific job in rehabilitation of Polio VICIUMS in the country, in this area, as well as farther -afield, which needs support just asbadly as did the urgent one of finding and perfec; ting the Salk polio vaccine. . . There are about 235,000 disabled persons in Canada... 0 uiwon Court, Fifty dollar fine' and license suspended for three, months was the sentence, handed down by Magistrate Dudley Holmes here last Tuesday, to Donald J. Healy, Blyth, who plead guilty to driving while impaired, Mrs. Joseph Leon Lefebvre, RR 2, Clinton, who was. charged in Goderich Township on. November. 29 with keeping intoxicating liq- uor for sale, plead guilty and was fined $50 and costs, Crown At- torney Glen Hays remarked prior to her sentence, "This. woman's husband is in the Air Force., and there is no need for this sort of thing. Traffic to the accused!s home was excessive.,, Norman, Fitzsimons, Clinton butcher shop proprietor, plead guilty to a charge of failure to obey an order of the medical of- ficer of bpaM.- of Huron' County. Dr. Tom, Melady appeared in court to explain the order. Mr. Fitzsimons was asked to comply with the order, and to return to court for sentence in two weeks. —0 -.-- Traffic signals and signs are not( for, 0 pedestrians as well as motorists and must be obeyed, says the Can- adians High -way Saefty Conferen. ce. I PARK.. THEATRE G 0 D E Rl C H NOW kLAYING: "SILVER CITY" In color with Yvonne De Carlo and Barry Fitzgerald MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY , January 20-21-n John Wayne - Maureen, O'Hara and Dan Dailey Presenting the adventurous biog- raphy of Commander Frank' W. Wead, a hero iX World/War I and a tactical factor In thesecond war "TIM WINGS OF EAGLES" In Technicolor — THURSDAY, FRIDAY' and SATURDAY January 23-24-25 Charlton Heston .- Katy jurado, and Jack Palance, A Technicolor Super -Western irx which a Cavalry scout wrecks a peace treaty and turns an Apache rendezvous into an ambush, "ARROWHEAD" COMING: Adult IlAertainment "until They Sail" with Joan,. Simmons —TREAT YOUR FAMILY To A GOOD MOVIE— IN MEMORIAM BOYES—In. loving memory of a ,dear wife and mother, Eliza Jane Armstrong,. wife of Ed- ward &ward Boyes, whd passed away January 16, 19571 "The rolling stream of life goes on, But still the empty chair Reminds Lis of the face, the smile, Of one who once sat there. —Always remembered by her hus- band and family. 3-P Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere Ke C. C ooKE s F L 0 R I S T Dial HU 2-7012—Clinton Hurry! Hurry! EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT THE BIG . January Clearance Sale Jahr: 9 to Jan. 25' SUITS rt SHIRTS SWEATERS - - RATS SPORT COATS. SUB111A,BAN COATS and many other items PRICED TO SUIT YOU I 't-er rickett & Campbell Limited "now SUMTS if STET8614 AAWS Phone HU Z9131 — Clifitom Ont. 0