HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-16, Page 4Personals Mrs, Hazel Ross, who has been visiting with her sister, Miss Dell O'Neil, has returned to her home in lees Angeles, Kenneth Weer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter, returned to his studies at Queen's. University Kingston, on January 5, after spending his vacation at home, and found he had been awarded a bursary for $275 from the Atkin- son 'Foundation. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. McMurray, were in Detroit over the weekend owing to the death of Mr, IVIeMur- ray's sister. • gNQAGEMENTs ANNouNcED. Mr. and Mrs, George J. Buckler, Halifax, have an- eounced the engagement of their youngest daughter, Dore een ,Elizabeth, to Able Sea- man Donald 'William, Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross, Brueefield, Ont. The wedding will take ?lace on January 1.8, at 7.30 pen., in the' United Memorial Church, Halifax, N,S, Final Clearance Sale! Hurry for Your Share of the Sales 10-30% discount off all merchandise REDUCED PRICES ON EVERYTHING! Wonderful Opportunities to Save! BUY NOW 'and SAVE . JILL'S FOOTWEAR ALBERT STREET — HU 2-9641 — CLINTON "The Family Store" (Across from foxy Theatre) Lock Troubles? If You Are Having Lock-Trouble We Can Help You! • 1 Minute Key Duplicating Service---35c • Locks Keyed Alike • Combinations Changed • Master Keying • Yale, Corbin, Dominion, Belleville, etc. TOcks re-keyed. If you have lost your keys, just bring in the cylinder, same day service. • Prompt Service on Mail Orders Clinton's Hobby Centre_ Complete Stock of Hobby Supplies for Model Aircraft — Model Boats Aircraft and/ Boat Engines all sizes 4. Drop in and see the latest in Model Aircraft—the DOUGLAS SKYRAY DUCTED FAN KIT Just Arrived! COMPLETE STOCK OF ACCESSORIES AND PLASTIC KITS HARDWARE CLINTON Dial HU 2-9505 SUBURBAN COATS CAR COATS WORK PARKAS 20% Off CLOTHING & Wool tindbreakers Horsehide jackets Boys' jackets SWEATERS DRESS GLOVES DRESS SOCKS surrErts Up to ow" 2 GROUPS WINTER WEIGHT WORK sums SPECIALLV PRICED AIKEN' Luggage Footwear ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, BA., Minister MRS. M. J, AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, January 19 9,46 a.m.—Our Church School, 10.45 a.m.--Divine Worship: Ailed dour Church SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1958 CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: JOHN AGULIAN, B.Th, 11.00 a.m.—"Physician—Christ's Touch Is Wonder Working" 12.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 7,30 p.m.— Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 7.30 p.m.—Faith and Fellowship, Hour A Cordial Welcome to All CLINTON CITIZENS' HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY • ANNUAL MEETING for ELECTION OF OFFICERS for 1958 Council Chamber, Town Hall, Clinton Thurs. Jan. 23, 8 p.m. DOOR PRIZE — FILM A TALK by Douglas H. Miles, Agricultural Representative on "SOILS" EVERYBODY WELCOME 3-b t JANUARY it SALE p ---DRESSES R —COATS I —SKIRTS C —CAR COATS E TWEED .4:-. —SKIRTS OFF—BLOUSES - —DRESSES • All. BLOUSES • DRESSES CAR COATS . , - 0 • PYJAMAS OF and GOWNS •LINED JEANS F 0 Children's Wool Gloves Children's Sox Ladies Scarves Wabasso Prints Linen Tea Towels pyjama 3 Flannelette Ladies Panties Remnants— Wools — Cottons — Flannelettes 1 Linens — Rayons, etc, MANY OTHER AND VARIED ARTICLES WILL BE ADDED AS STOCK TARING CONTINUES—COIVIE IN OFTEN TO grii1140 . . LADIES'• WEAR — CLINTON Closed for Redecorating Our Store will be closed'from January 1 to January 23 inclusive. Bread deliveries will coAtinue as usual. Have Our Salesman in your area call. BANANA CREAM PIES 49C1 OUR SATURDAY. SPECIAL: From Our Store Only— Reg. 55c for — Bartliffs Bakery Ltd BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS HUlitor .-9727 CLINTON PAGE F01313, 6tirvirox mw s-REcoRD 711-IURSDAY, JANUARY 16, ma CLINTON WI TO MEET ON TIKLIESDAY, JAN. ge The -Clinton Wornen's Institute will meet next week on Thursday, January 23 at 2 p.m. in the agri- cultural office board room. The roll call will be "Something you would like to see done in the In- stitute." The topic will be Hist, orleal Research and Current Events by Mrs. Charles Elliott. The p'regram convener is Mrs. Frank Layton, Hostess convener ,is Mrs, Charles Nelson. WEDDING Steeves—Moore A pretty double-ring ceremony was conducted' in Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton last Sat- urday afternoon, January 11, when Donna Loraine, daughter of ley, and Mrs. Lloyd Moore, Clinton, became the bride of Law- rence Steeves, ROAF Station Clinton, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Steeves, Moneta n, New Brunswick. The Rev, 3, A. Meleirei offibiat- ed• and wedding music was by Mrs. M, R. Rennie, organist of the church. She accompanied the bride's aunt, Mrs. 1-Thward Hob- son, Windsor, who sang "The' Wedding Prayer" and "I'll Walk Beside You". Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore white satin, covered with lace and white net. Her white' Crown headress was studded with rhinestones, and her veil was of Madrid lade. She car- ried a white Bible crested with red roses and white rosebuds; on streamers. Matron of honour was Ruth Ann Moore, also of Clinton, who wore beige taffeta with matching accesories and carried a bouquet of bronze 'mums. Groomsman was A. S, Baur- rier, friend of the groom at RCAF Station Clinton and ushers 'were Ronald Moore, London, the bride's brother and a friend of the groom's from the RCAF St- ation Clinton. A reception was held_ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Thomas Steep, Shipley Street, Clinton, where white, and Pink streamers, pihk candles and bouquets of bronze 'minns and yellow chry- santhemums made a lovely set- ting. The bride's mother received in shat blue taffeta with corsage of pink carnations. For travelling the bride donned blue and gold taffeta dress, and a black wool cloth coat with matching accessories. Following a two week wedding trip to Ni- agara Falls and New Brunswick the young couple will live in Clinton. O Hearthside Club Meet After Prayer. Meeting The Hearthside Club of Ontar- io Street United Church, held the first meeting of the new year, on Thursday. night. They gathered in the church parlour and attended the prayer services, then the meeting was held-in the church parlour, The Rev. John Stinson, Wesley United Church, London, gave a wonder- ful talk on his work in China, which was much enjojyed. A duet was sung by Mrs./Ray McKnight and Mrs. Florence' Sy- mons. Rev. G. Mills, conducted the in- stallation of officers for the com- ing year which are as follows: past president, Mrs. Betty Stan- ley; president, Mrs. Ruth Knox; first vice-president, Mrs. Edna Wheeler; second vieeepresident, Mrs. Ray McKnight; secretary, Miss Olive Johnson; treasurer, Miss Emma Plumsteel; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Helen Aiken; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. Hazel Parker; pianist, Miss Elva Wiltse; press Secretary, Mrs. Male/ Nott; work committee, Mrs. Doris Bat- kin, Mrs. Phyllis Schoenhals, Mrs. Audrey Cunningham; flower con- vener, Miss Gladys Habkirk; group leaders, 1, Mrs. Mildred Merrill and Mrs. Edna 'Cox; 2, Mrs. Lois Elliott and Mrs. Valier Mair; 3, Mrs. Vera Mills and Mrs. Heide Tyndall; membership com- mittee, Mrs. Mariame Colelough, Mrs. 'Marg. Dutot, Mrs. Jean Rad ford; auditors, Miss Hattie Cour- tice and Miss Isabel Pickett. The Bible Today The unprecedented demand for Bibles today has plated a tremen- dous burden on the British and Foreign 'Able Society, it' Is repor- ted from headquarters in London, England. Despite the fact that more Scriptures are printed on over- seas mission fields than ever be- fore, the number sent out from London has more than doubled in the past two years. In 1955 the British and Foreign Bible Society dispatched from London a total of 1,259,481, New Testaments mid Gospel portions in the first six month of the year. In 1957 the figure for the seine per- iod was 2,674,910 volumes. Production of the British and Foreign Bible Society hag ineteas- ed six times over in the past ten years, and the demand for next year is even, greater. Suggested readings for next week: • Sunday Matthew 6: 1-18 Monday Matthew 6:19-34 Tuesday Matthew 7: 1-29 Wednesday , John 3: 1-17 Thursday Titus 21 1.15 Friday Isaiah 11; 1- 9 Saturday Isaiah 53: 1.12 Wesley Willis WMS Meet In Church The woman's Missionary Soc., lety of Wesley - Willis United Church met in the church parlors on January 9, at 2.30 p,m., Mrs. Charles Nelson presiding. A New Year's message by the presi- dent was followed by prayer. A memorial service was held for Mrs. James Miller associate hel- per and Mrs, H, Charlesworth, WMS member who passed away during the year. Mrs. Holland's group took char- ge of the program: Mrs, James MeLeren read from Luke 15: 27- 32. Lesson thoughts were ,given by Mrs, Holland, Prayer by Miss Stone, Mrs. Holland took the study book on Japan, telling how difficult it. is for the missionaries to learn the language. 0 Girls Club Plans Valentine Tea The Girl's Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church met in the Sunday School room of the chur- ch on Friday evening, January 14, with the new president, Miss June Radley in charge of the meeting. After the opening hymn was sung Mrs..Eric Sims gave the de- votional reading and Miss Mabel Harvey led in prayer. Mrs. Frank Mutch the treasurer, gave her report and yearly statement. Arrangements were , made for a Valentine tea and bazaar to be held Saturday, February 15, from 3 to 5 p.m. Mrs, Eric Sims read a portion from the' study book en- titled "Wisdom." After the closing hymn and the Mizpah benediction, lunch was served by the hostess: Mrs. Eric Sims, Miss Bea Gibson and Mrs. Allan Graham, Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered' in the name of-the--Lord- Jesus, Christ_ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on I .esces day as follows; 11.00 am. Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel e 8.00 p.m,—Wednesday—Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Assistant Pastor: B. DAVIDSON Friday, January 1.'7- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors: Sunday, January 19- 10.00 a,m,—Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 7.30 Rrn.—Gospel Service Tuesday, January 21- 8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You BAYPIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 asii.--"-IVIorning Worship "Messages on the Second Coming of Christ" January 10-11.00 turn.— "What Will Happen in Heaven after JeSus Comes in the Air" January 26-,-11.00 "What Will Happen on Earth When the Church is Gone" February 2-11.00 a.m.— "What Will Happen when Jesus Returns to the Eartle in Glory" February 9-1.1.00 a.m.— "What Will Happen During the February 16 —11.00 "What Will Happen at the Great White Throne" Febviiiiry 23-11.00 "What Will Happen When the . World is no More" 7,30 pno,-Evoning Serviee. Wed., 8 pan.—Prayer Meeting "Study in the Book of 'Neb. rews", YOU are cordially invited to these • services. Mrs. Cam, Proctor New President Legion Auxiliary Mrs, Cameron Proctor was nam- ed president of the Ladies Auxil- iary to the Canadian Legion on Monday evening at the regular monthly meeting held in the Leg- ion Memorial Hall, Mrs. B. Hall, Blyth, Zone Commander for Zone Cl. installed the president and ether officers as follows: Past president, Mrs. W. B. Mc- Alpine; first vice-president, Mre:' K. Bennett; secretary, Mrs. Geo- rge Knights; treasurer, Mrs. Viol- et ,Habgeod; sergeants-at-arms, Mrs. N. Fitzsimons 'and Mrs, D. Bisback. ComMittees for the year include executive, Mrs. Bert Harris, Mrs. Fred Trell and Mrs, Arthur Ley- burne; flower committee, Mrs, .2. Leppington and Mrs. Elizabeth Butler; social committee, Mrs, H. Managhan, Mrs. T. Leppington, Mrs. A. Haddy and Mrs. W. Wat- kins; buying' committee, Mrs. N. Fitzsimons, Mrs. D. Bisback. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. McAlpine. Two members, Mrs. Howard Tait and Mrs. Alex Riley were received by transfer from the Blyth Auxiliary and' two new members, Mrs. Lillian New- man and Francine Cormier were installed, Mrs. McAlpine received her past president's badge from Mrs. B. Hall. Mrs. Claire McGowan, president of the Blyth Auxiliary was a guest. Lunch was served by Mrs. A. Inkley'e' group to the 41 ladies present, 'dl niteb eburcb REV. J. A, McKIM, B,A, MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist 11/1-.---R.-RENNIE; Choir Director Sunday, January 19 11,00 a.m.---eVIorning Worship 12,15 p.m.—Sunday School & Bible Class. HOLMES VILLE 1.30 p.m.—Worship Service 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. Let us use the Lord's Day to strengthen our Christian Faith Christian Reformed Church REV, G. J. HOYTEMA, Minister 10.00 aan,—Service in Dutch 11.30 a.m,—Sunday School 2.30 p.m Service in English Everyone Welcome Saturday 9.30 a.m.—Bible School Listen to the denominational broadcast of the Christian Re- formed Church: Back to God Hour. Every Sunday, Sarnia, Ontario, CKOC, 8.30 a,m., 1070 kcs, Windsor, Ont., CK- LW, 10.30 p.m., 800 kcs. ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's — 'Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Sunday, January 19 Second Sunday After Epiphany 8.30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m. Morning Prayer 4,30 p.m.—Evening Prayer. Monday, Jan. 20—Annual Vestry meeting beginning with Pot- Luck Supper at 6,30 p.m. TtIeeclay, Jan. 21—St, Paul's WA will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Wise at 2:45 p.m, e Thursday, Jan. 23—Chancel Guild Annual Meeting at Mre. Fred Ford's at S pan. , Maple \Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON SOndaYi January 19 Sunday School 9,45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a.m. Gospel Servide 8.00 p.m. Speaker: Mr, John. Aiken, Shelburne. TUESDAY, 8 p.m..--. Prayer and Bible Study. 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" LORA Will Hold Weekly Parties And Play Cards The Clinton LORA held its first meeting of the year in the lodge, rooms on January 14, with -a very good attendance, It was decided to hold the, annual bake sale in the Council chambers on February 8 {more particulars later). Also the group decided to hold card parties every Tuesday, One afternoon recently a sur-prise party was held at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Colelough. The LOBA wanted to express their thanks to one of their members, Mrs, Henry Sloman for her gift of the beautiful quilt they sold ST. ANDREW'S WMS TO migr,w JANUARY The Women's Missionary .Soe- lety of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will meet January 21, at 2,30 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Robert Scott, tickets on which swelled their funds tremendously. This way they thought they could both please and surprise her with a L013A long service col- lar, which they knew she wanted and was entitled to, after 20 years in the lodge. Although com- pletely taken by surprise, Mrs. Sloman thanked the ladies for , their thoughtfulness. The hostess served a delicious lunch and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed, Gov ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH 04 'W?boo A "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" castor--IEV. GRANT MILLS, 18.A. 9.45 a.M.—Sunday School 1-..00 a.m.—Worship Service ,p, n.- Chapel Hour ruitortws mown 2.00 p.m.— Worship Service .3.00 ,p.M.---SUnday School