HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-16, Page 3helpir d &WU 01,81 had! PIONEER Repairing everything from fences to farm buildings, clear- ing new. acreage, cutting wi ter firewood . . . these are just a few of the time-saving, money-making ways farmers across the country are using light-weight, easy-to-service Pioneer chain saws. Let us show you how a Pioneer saw can help you to more profitable farming.! SOLD BY NEW LOW PRICES RA. 1.6"-. $226.50 HC 16" $199.50 Budget terms available as low as ROBERT G-1 LEN—R.R. 5, -Clinton Out. t —, • $40.00 downe—balance over 12 months Counter Check Books 15c each Clinton News-Record Office Correspondent MRS. IL F. DERRY rhono HU 2-7512 BRUCOIELD Old Post Office Building, Kitchener, Ontdrio — Tel. SH-3-6661 Please semi me, without obligation, details on career oppor- tunities in the'Canadian Army. Name Age Address City/Town Phone E57/33 p• wa Mr, and Mrs, Stewart Knox, Sarnia, attended the, funeral of Mr. Knox' aunt, Mrs. A. Broad- foot and, were guests of Mr, arid Mrs. Lorne Wilson aver the week- end, The Sacrament Of the Lord's Supper Was observed in Brucefield United Church on Sunday morn- ing, January 12. Brucefield firemen were called to the home of Laird Finlayson on Sunday morning, Fortunately the chimney fire was extinguished before much damage/was done. Woman's Association The January meeting of the Wo- man's Association was' held on Tuesday afternoon ,with Mrs. L. Eyre and Mrs. T. Baird in charge of devotional exercises. The Rrese dent, Mrs. J. Broadfoot conducted the business part of the 'meeting. In an impressive ceremony, Rev. S. Davison installed the following slate of officers for a two-year term: past president, Mrs. N. Baird; president, Mrs. J. Broad- foot; vice-presidents, Mrs. L. Wil- son, Mrs. W. 13roadfoot, Mrs. Moffatt; recording secretary, Mrs. D. Triebner; treasurer, Mrs. H. Taylor; financial secretary, Mrs, J. Henderson; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. T. Baird; pianist, Miss M. McQueen; assistant pian- ist, Mrs. J. Cairns; press secre- tary, Mrs. H. Berry, -Mrs. R. Scott. Church committee, Mrs. Foth- eringham, Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Mrs. S. Ross, Mrs. N. Baird; manse committee, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. J. McGregor, Mrs. V. Tay- lor, Mrs. G. Henderson; devotion- al, Mrs. E. Allan, Mrs. G. Rich- ardson, Mrs, E. Thompson, Mrs. C. Horton, Mrs. L. Eyre, Miss M, Swan, Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs, N. Walker; flowers, Mrs, W. Haugh, Miss M. McDonald, Mrs. A. Must- ard; cards, Miss Bowey; program, Mrs, Berry, Mrs, Davison, Mrs. Hargreaves, Mrs. Ham, IIPC has made loans promptly for 2 generations Since Dad's day HFC.,' has beeri making prompt loans, in privacy, to people who need money for all kinds of good reasons. At House- hold you can borrow up to $1,000, get one-day, service arid take up to 30 months to repay on the terms you choose. Borrow confidently front BIT HOUSEHOLD FAINAN efteimW R. K. •Filch, Manager 35A West Sheet , Telephone 1501 GODERICH '45.2,x” 1.4....6eMereee. You can ha've a newer, fuller, outdoor life with -a real future . . . in the Canadian Army. If you want a steady job ... a cared with a future ... and can meet the high standards set by the Canadian Army, there is a world of opportunities open to you. Here is a challenging career .. one with a purpose ... good companions . . opportunities 'for advancement and adventure ... good pay. The years when you are young are THE GREATEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE Make the most of them as a proud member of the 'Canadian Army. GET THE FACTS FOR YOURSELF TODAY Phone, or send this coupon to: ARMY RECRUITING STATION It's Bad Weather for Drying Clothes Outdoors Get the Job done Comfortably Indoors—with an Automatic Dryer. Direct Airflow for Faster Drying From $199.95 ,up Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH, Proprietor Your WESTINGHOUSE Dealer HU 2-6646 --L. CLINTON $5 — $5 — $5 — $5 — $5 — $5 — $5 — $5 — $5 I Iettin o 11 58 Plates Unless you have auto liability insurance when you 4A tn apply for your 1958 licence plates you will have to pay $5 into the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund and you will still have no liability protection. , 1 1 Ui OBITUARY George W. Layton. George William i-,ayton who passed away he the Heyweod, Nursing Home, Exeter, on Friday, January 10, was born in Aurora in . 1873 but lived most of the first part of his life in the Township of Tuckeranith and after his first marriage to Hattie Dodd in 1900 he lived -on the London Road -near Clinton, He was much interested ferm organizations and for many years' was secretary of the Clinton club of United Farmers, if-10 was an elder in Wesley- Willis cleureh and for a number of years the president of the Brotherhood Club of that church. His- Wife died in 1923 and when he married again in 1929 he mov- ed to Exeter, He organized and was president of the Men's Union of Main- Street United Church; was the treasurer of the same church for about 20 years and -during the war years was treasur- er of the South Huron Branch of the Red -Cross. :Besides his wife, the former Nellie Medd, he- is survivd by one sister (Mary), Mrs. Fred Pepper, Clinton and four brothers, Charl- es, Toronto; John, London; Frank and Walter, Clinton. LONDESBORO PRICES SLASHED For n ary Sale 1955 BUICK 4 Door Sedan A REAL QUALITY CAR! $1795.00 1955 PLYMOUTH Club Sedan RADIO. AUTOMATIC TRANS. Real Clean. $1635.00 1955 PLYMOUTH .2 oor Hardtop $1595.00 RADIO. Real Sharp! ONLY Jack CEUTON -YOUR Cities Service CITIES SERVICE Distributor Phone HU 2-9653 Budget Plan Available At No Extra Cost o "The Home of Good Clean Fuels" j I 4#1, 4le 4A to THURSDAY, JANUARY 3-6, 195S CLINTON NEWS-RECORD PAGE 171:313.E4 GOSHEN LINE The Woman's Missionary Soc- iety of the Goshen United Church met at the home of Mrs. Melvin Elliott on th evening of January 9. Mrs. Elmer Hayter, president, presided •with Mrs. Russell 'Erratt at the piano, The program in charge of Mrs. Melvin Elliott was taken from• the Missionary Mon- thly, Assisting Were Mrs.. Doug- las- Robinson, Mrs.. Walter Eckel and Mrs. Keith McBride, A solo, "Count Your Blessings" was sung by William. Elliott. Twenty-two members and six visitors answered the roll call, Mrs. Richard Robinson .gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Anson McKinley was voted as a life member. Thank you cards were received for boxes sent to shut, ins at Christmas. . There were five home and four hospital calls reported. Mrs. Elgin McKinley reported for the Birthday Fund, Mrs. Jam- es Keys for the Tea Fund, Mrs. Care McBride for the Mission Band and Mrs. Floyd Armstrong reported for the Baby Band. It was decided• to invite Varna for the World Day of Prayer Ser- vices, It was also decided to hold a pot luck supper on the night of the 'annual meeting. A short WA meeting followed with Rev. T. J. Pitt in charge of the election /of officers. Mrs. Ray McBride gave the treasurer's re- port. All officers agreed to hold office for another year: president, Mrs. William Hayter; • first vice- president, Mrs. Arnold Keys; sec- ond vice-president, Mrs. Robert Peck; third vice-president, Mrs. Allan Armstrong; secretary, Mrs. James Keys; treasurer, Mrs. Roy McBride. Mr. Pitt thanked the ladies for the turkey given them for Christ- mas. 'It was decided to purchase two dozen new hymn books for the church. A ` pedestrian. can start and stop a lot faster than a Vehicle. He should try it—and live, sas the Canadian Highway Safety Confer- ence. 1051 CHRYSLER. Sedan AUTOMATIC TRANS. low Mileage. Lovely Condition. ONLY $1095.00 'MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 111 ur , ro . p Bs. Chrysler — Plymouth Fargo Sales and Service Huron St. Clinton . c, ourforrnviD ..-*;, 0. ,7 •,:::: • ... A ut, , ,,,,, n s / 4,.: "• , 4 ' •$;....:*:::V.:4,, iprit,,,,,, ,aisor Special Values RRONCHIDA COUGH SYRUP Gives yqu fast effective- relief from coughs, chest colds and throat tickle.IC,. 8-ounce bottle .•..•..•...... i tit; rnims ru,,,is iAs roNAx. sERviog ,, , und Reminders This Week BRONCIIIDA COLD CAPSULES Quickly relieves- sneezing, ny nose and other cold sympt- oms often within 24 .1 hours, 30 Capsules .... J..4 run- 9e t.‘ spEcIALs Hinds Honey and Almond Cream Two regular 65c size (1.30' value) 98c I.D.A. Saccharin Tablets 34 Grain. I/2 Grain -, 100's 500's 1000's 100's - 500's 1000's Reg. 20c Reg. 55c Reg. 79c Reg. 23c Reg. 65c Reg. 98e 14e 39c 59c Plc 49c '79c LILA. "Easi-Gloss" Piste Floor Wax , 1 u., regeilar 59e.... 45c, 2 for 89c I.D.A. Paper• Napkins 70's white— Regular 18e, 2 for 35e .... 16c, 2 for 31c I.D.A. Toilet Tissue 1 750 soft white strong sheets. Reg. 2 for 27c ... 2 for 25c. Wash Cloths Excellent quality in very attractive patterns 2 for 25c and colours—some with carved effect. 19e value LD.A. Wax Paper 12 inch x 100 foot roll. Regular 31c .• 28c, ,2 for 55c I.D.A. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 10e 50" 3 49 Beg . 1.15 89c Re2g5.1.29 1.89' Reg. 4.29 • I.D.A. Cod Liver Oil Capsules . 100's Reg. 1.19 89c Noxzema Skin Cream. Laxge 10-oz. jar 1.25 Nokzema 3-Way Instant Shave 98c size Aerosol bomb 59'c BRYLCREEM Special Offer! With the purchase of each 69C tube you get a HIGH QUALITY 'COMB, absolutely FREE ES Fe B. PENNEBAKER H linter 2-6626 DRUGGIST All Co-op coverages are still at the same low fie prices as they were in 1957, ININNIV4,4 MOMWSWON/s EA. Fiir Information Please C6ntact P. A. "PETE" ROY, Clinton . PHONE HU 2-9357 ovnii..intavtrinso.i.ovirn4P. EA- Co-Operators Insurance Association $5 -- $5 -- — $5 $5 — $5 — $5 $5 — $5 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fothergil en- joyed a turkey dinner on Satur- day evening at the home of Jack Marks in Wingham. Mr. and- Mrs, Charles Small en- tertained friends at a progressive euchre party on Wednesday even-, ing. About 2() men from the Landes- boro charge attended Sing Time on TV, held in Wingham last Sun- day afternoon: The United Church choir enjoy- ed a social evening at the- home of Kenneth Gaunt last Thursday ev- ening. The WMS held, their monthly meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. J. T. White.- Roil call was answered by paying membership fees and presenting a gift for the bale to. be packed this week for Korea. Group one was 'n charge of the program. Mrs. White- gave- an interesting talk from the Study Book. Mrs. Town-send and Mrs. Webster gave readings. The treasurer gave a very satisfactory -report of the finances. Tea and cookies were served at the close of the meet- ing. At the Orangemen's social on Friday evening, winners of the games were-, high lady, Mrs. Earl Noble;, low lady, J. Bromley; high man, Earl Noble; low man, Dave Ewan; lone hands, Mrs. J. Scott and William Bromley. Next soc- ial evening will be. January 24. 0 SAVE UP TO 50 TOPCOATS nor SHIRTS SUITS ENE JACK TS -•••• SPORTSWEAR-- SURBURBAN ,,COATS HERMAN'SAWEIVS WEAR PHONE HU 2-9351 ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE CLINTON EXTRA PANTS FREE on Hobberlin Suits YOU EXPECT MORE AND YOU WILL GET MORE- AT . . .