HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-15, Page 2w �I
iiliahirt1U1Rf+t'' i •
i�'itawl7� '(h ships iu. bis riding and in
1 ympatltllllawt the (nettscounty : made to
• - fora) now county. It he represented
' 1 ikJt . itl1 I5, '1k9. I the feelings of his curtstiteency he
toauld net say that al: the mut) ioipo,lities
iii'& 1�>, NOTES. •' to !l 'opposed
oo � tic c+uey a would u •vtote
Sia haw tit vrivE$a'r 18 th�,.110W,. , Aoinst the bill, y Al r. Ballantyne
';13iitiah Dlinister'te rite U :heel; tattis.�Q'u1aiucaiu4 4 that maj+lritieb for the.
' y" . erection of new Counties could be ()li-
t Malin, Rouse 'of Rapresett 'tanned ari"a most o'jectianable manner
1tatives'PQtet1 dower 'Ipotlllr;u `sGtfrage, Unt 'r, the provisions of the bill. Int
;by a viite'bf 'Up to '40, his otenty every resident was within a
Tun 1Yciilt n Suffrage -bill, in the reasonable distance front. the coauty
• L e +i ' ca rift nanimated town.. He could not vote for the bill,
%Ontario Il.l, slatuc era Htiten;riff his yule shoo d defeat the
dlscussio, was defaated'Uy a vote of talo i"nment, Mir.. Neely said, he could.
AO to 2.2. telttthe Government that office seekers
Taa Government propose to build' had a great deal to do with :natters in
coneeotionwith the bill. If the Coy
miea of war of 14,000 tons (sella ~ernfleut deemed it advisable that this
and two. of 9,000 tans, nine firat•aiass 'bill should pass they ought to know
Cruisers, tweety•swaller cruisers, four their business, and if the lion gentle -
miser a,ud eightee,n , Bli,arpt knoter i men who' opposed the tnealure expect-
t nn re of 11. -.the' a vessels will tie top .( r
o ab a- Their objections 'to a great extent
318,000 and the total cost £21,500 , I made comparison for their purposes
x090. between this country and the Old
Country, I e held that they were far in all the stub}acts of the curriculum.
Ie is. sato the Atuoxican brewer no I ahead of England .France, and even, This examination- evinced a most excel -
longer needs the Canadian barley, for "Germany., (Applause.) He did not ent standing in the respective subjects.
;by a new process of brewing he is to. like to see gentletnHn get tip and oppose The interest of the parents, ands visi-
the bill merely hocanse theymight tors was"e eated and susta •ui'fd tell the
day using the dark and.. lower priced � x t•
'Western States barley, and brightens :loose a township or two by it, .lie close. The order Was. Itlntit excelieut•
his product 11y the use of ,cheep tic@, supported; the bill in the interests of_ Then '�c ltau'ed a most varied and e: .
t e' of toe see vessels, The tarsi ed to get any benefit from it they would
xp p take a different position. (dear
IZutit"rford Bros. tin box for roll, 70; Semen's Cornu and Conten :elan Cure is
sold by us on a guarantee, it cures Cuu
Babert Fallis, do;; taxed refunded, . suTrlptlou, Far solo by C. l;' ':hiders•
jau'es Pelger, charity. $7 ; R. Arm, ,. ,
driest; charity :5 ' 1k ni. Aaclel;'son, The Winnipeg Sun has invented a
A F ,.
charity $5; A1rs. Bryant, ollarlty, $2.50; Very awkward ward : Nan Ifornoistn.'
Wp . Anderson trues rrfundecl as 8i,1ca(r,ti8s IviouTe, 1uacl0 11111erabl0 by
charity, ou the Talbot proptiftje on 1st that terrible melt, Sililoll'a Care is the
(,ou , $10.30: Peter 111ul,aree, halatree Bemedy fur you. F'or sale by (. E
ale, stationery and money loaning, $7; The oldest and largest tree in the
Oil eatery, $,1u ; Peter ;Vl °Laren, post,
Thecouncil adjourned to .:peed in world is a chestnut near the foot G£
iiluevstile on
Monday, the 15 of April Mount Etna. Tho oirOtllu£enenae of
at 10 a. in.—• -The children and the loan) trunk is 212; feet.
pul:811 s� n S. S. No, 0, 'T'urnberry,— Joliny, it would be -a good thine,
bic4raes 8 school. --turned out eri nf(SS° for you to remember in life that we
to the half ,yearly examination on never et a'uything in this world. if we
Saturday. We incline to the belief' don't ask for it. Yes, we do, pa,.
that. the most exccl,eut turnout was answered Johny, promptly; 1 gat d
due to the popularity of the teacher, licisililz in school to -clay, and you tau'
Miss ,Addie: Porter,and the iuterest bet T didn't ask for it.
she has created or developed in school .. --•
work, rather than to life friar that a Man is strong ; woman is beautiful.
choice and most elaburate spread of Mau has science ; wornau 11as tante,
edibles. was libertely provided by the :lido sllilles abroad ; \vclmau at:roto(,
1+lau prevents misery ; woman relieves It.
parents. T116 teachers present were , r1I' an hers ae rugged &east; woman. a soft Qne,
Misses Weir Campbell,. Robinsouf Man l,asjUil me11b wouut,u has sensibility.
lJiackwell and 11ePsrs Reid),principa Mau id great iu aotiou;woman in suffering.
at Teeswater
Barton, Blackwell Kriel IMan is a bsing of justi
Hail. By these a most searching
of mercy,
examination was made of the' classes. The Hamilton Spectator: The Lon-
don Tiwes is called the Thuttderer.
Let. the name be cllauged to Blunderer.
CATAltuti CtThieo, health and sweet breath
Bemired, by :;idol's Catarrh Bemedy
Pride 50 cents. Nidal Injector free. For
Sale by 0, ii . Williams.
Ge ; woman an
0. I'. R. TIME TA13LL.
winch 1 he claimed a ce ell padgra131lrlii u tea rigs,
e..eex't fids. orae answers the p"r,
his native town 1C 1 themes arrive and depart as follows
Th b 1 d pharight to recognition for its -progress ,tattotlsr'tbltttoguee awl sinning by the unmet ARStivrno
ores of the general public just as.; and importance. non, (x, W. Ross . echo 1. 1•.teetires this• T;;uartettes were .e 35 a,.tu. .. or Toronto,. ,.,. ,.,.5 85 a. nI
y 5L5 p, to " :;15 p.m
well, and also has the advantage of inoved the adjourntneut of the'debate, liven by tile li.esBr�s. 1,3ry ce, Backwell, n i2 p. ut ..,..,.. I brTioestratev 4 to
1++ire ruler I+ITrlla'r,tu u sou by file
,it . , F ; -r i.0.3U P. ni 15:10 ,"
'beteg cheaper. A l<'iQture.tif L. 2'li;.sss Clendenuing; duet by Misse4 ({- A�-y-� ti u-Lq.-Ef _ary
AN exohauge p0ltlts out the respOO- y dotted °lure! rend Evelyn Flanagan ; tt 'duet A. C. Sri:ATH /EH, Atom,, WiN0u4n1.
Life is an extensive oouutr ,
d Liberal 1 C by :Nibs 1'iiyc a and Mr. Held acid a Through tickets to all points in America -North.
tive elicits under 1 era , ani' on- with beautiful rivers and flourishing cities.
' - , , west Pacific; (least, eta., viii the shortest and all
s rvattve rule 'since 1876. The Youth's village, situated on the flower- capitally rendei•ed recitation -1h«+ popular ,ecru• h
@ deatmutlml. r,owest"Cre ght rotes to all points,
Baggage checked throe •h to
r nn rod dispenser—b i14r. e .... .
figures are Alter@Stilt:; inasmuch as clad banks of `softy river is the most lightningY a ThVIE TOLE,
interestingtown. The most celebrated - Shost and highly Utlutillelluatory ail LISAVI wlNal1.0
t111ii:Yle$Glt.'howl was vehemently 'in- Two cave dresses were elven by Ni sees go ratil, 6:3911.eeeeltSitto,iiueiph,PAlmerstOn, etc. 8:8op.Iu.
city is called Venerable. trallla l Barton, Keil Johnston, l�µid and D 11:10 " ' ito:lo n
dulredin during Mac
tion, \c.: I1:OU ",
t. ' arsons desiring y " 745p.ir,
14801127 d d h Ji ra@ fox 1r 10 a:,:„ .... .. Kincardine, .20....... 0:30 ami.
1878 ............ .... 1,1_'8,146 Sod ttOketB at any alalias os, the roaA g p s :s0 p.m 0 60 fi.
rang ao can:;te s regime i youthvihe in he morning; and a,, . at y ti iso p.m. " " Clinton, .. "t
Reform Tory C IVZItnr0, Of the 'CIatlas. 'Dir, ixeU, 7 26 -Palmerston, Nixed-...
dusk the10.20 a.m.
Yoaral, Deficits. Delicate.
1876 9190 "85
Venerable city at us 'in . evening.. 7 0s u:m.• Loi,
P d iri the indust( train atul Blackerell, tpaoher, presided with 110a.n,,
• r•ace rail oo . . 111nU1'•
..Themis no express ru2lin•ag n ea t;
1;653�ez7 b d tunnels and Sarah kt•eid, but so admirably did. Eva
clow progress is macre. If any pttgaengers
,$4,448,958 $12,865,886,. . Miss 1'.ortrr is to be ooneratulated on
The public debt was $184,057,268 in are thrown out at Mecfsl,tile bridge, 'lihey•
gonerwlly foot It to Agricultural Clty and
:10 "
1370 $ 1937909 t W lth npelllnt ail b@lllOr f ktosBS \v1LS awarded 10,10 p•
' 1885, 2 240 68 pity as t ere aro man}( eep orale a
„,.......•.' sess571 �`rhelan sustain bel aide that the $500,000 '10 LOAN.
slo -- dangerous badges aloe” ,bit way so ,bat
1883 tCttFte(s 1155 aided Ilei a pt'1Z0 al3.1. On Farntl and To1vn Property at ,cry Lowest Itntea•
and ou Terms to •suit borrowers.
borrowers can obtain money In 5 days if
'Beaver Bloco, Winghama
the eiilieney and sigus 'of healthy
1867, and $284,513,841 in 1888, or at sometimes take 't1le. 'train again: Theprbgvess in this school.
the rate of .ten millions per year for darkest tunnel is Opposition. If you pass - Your Lifo in Danger.
;the decade. through it :successfully you, are perfectly Take time by the forel,uk ore that rasping,
icy. "'ire' The train passes. through the barky coag of yours carries .• you where so Many
,SIr;.YOHN TIIO'rP5ON has given notice ireedoded you ; lose no time, but Consumptives have
follotriug places ;•• IIouBety town,* Enter.er- p
of an annendrent to the act re3 ectine peocure a bottle of the rational remedy for Lunt,
r p ,prise, Wealth, Prtfsperity, ,L+`netgy, NQw
the salaries of judges of'provincial fund Bronchial. Scott's Emulsion of Cod
tea to•the other trol,n, The Idletowu train I.her oil with HSPophYlsphites. It will. cure you.
courts to iltcrease the same. The leaves 'Yonthv1I1o'rtthe same,fine. Itis SOldbypaldruggistsatsop and61.00.
stnendueeut proposes that the salary
of the Chief Justices of Ontario shall
be increased from • j6,000 to $7,001:
per aneium, three Justices of Appeal
from $5,000 to $6,000; the Chief
Justice of the Queen's Bench from
46,000 to $7,000 ; two Puisne Judges
of the same court from $5,000 to
$6,000'; the Chaiicellor of Ontario
frout $6;000 to $7,000; three Chancery
Justices from $5,000 to $6,000; the
Chief Justice of the Common Pleas
from $6,000 to $7,000 two Puisne
justices of the same court from $5,000
to $6,000.-
6,000 -
Formation of New Counties.
Mr. Hardy moved the second
ing of the Bill respecting the
tier. of new coil ties. He exp
that the Bill did until
au express after you leave Loafertowu r, . •
until you reach t3dggartowu. Hero rho•When t `vo gal s ureal they kiss.
travellers have t6 plod their way through When two i'oteu.uleet they dont. This
dismal swamps alnd acoreas Pauper desert.' shows phiei1;`y' who. went 'kissing
Those who dont take this line ,may cross roost.
over in stages and make, -connection with COSIa,tATJf prion Surely Cured.
the Industrial train on its way to Wealth
To Toe Itntitrua :—Please inform your readers that I
City. The stations are as follows Lazy.haves positive remedy for the above named disease,
vibe; jBeggttrtown, Loafertowu, 'Gambling By its timely', use thousands of hopeless eases have
boon cured..'I shall be glad to send two bottles of
City, Figliton, Tippleton, and the Iasi my rnmedy' rxe15 to any, of your readers who hove
station is Deatruotion.- The t1vo. ways NL'0 oonsnmptidn if they will' sutfd inc their Express and
y P, b adtlross, Respcctfally, Da. T. A. SLWnt
plainly sharked out. Which will you take? 37 Yon16 S80 Toronto, out.
Thetlouncil met on she 25th'ult. all
the 'mintier present. The minutes
read approved and signed. Mr. Mc-
Pheriton's reported that' with illr.
Thomson and the clerk, they had (net
Mr. Hardy, the contractor for Grey's
read -.bridge, and got all the necessary'papers
out and si;;nsdi Dir. l3nrgess,auditer,
forma-;'�iresented the. auditor's report ill d111) i• A 1I1 HOME TREATMENT.
ladled 11 that pply to counties examined by the council, on motion of living
H << ml ,- I waS'. R Opts, , and ' onPles laced whereby catarrh, catarrhal fleetness and hay '•
A Scottish ploughman, being wituess
in a court of justice, was ttsited 'by
the counsel if he etas barn ill wedlock.
"In wedlock l" aatswea'cd tile mall, DIn,ECTORS
Turnberry has about 58,000 to roan o11 Meat
•gages. For teens apply to,
P. Iv'roLAt1EN, or'SVMI.11oPTlid.' S01#'',t, .
Tr. TarAsraen, Wingllant,. Resv1, GIenitoSrdty
Wtngha n,` May• • ; •
Money to Loa>x on Notes.
Notes Discaunte :
Money advancl•d on Mortgages et 6 per cent. with
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes
and accounts collected.
Orrice,—Beaver Block. Wingham, Ont.
vVe2fiT'GQ IT A.
Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $1360,000.
President -.done STUART,.
\`iee•Prtlldlillt—IION. JAMES TOR98R.
scratching his head, no, never save it
either 1 was born in Kirrie.
Catarrhal Deafness, Hay
Sufferers are not generally aware , a hese die.
et form. After being eases are co,,tagious, .or that they, aro due to rho
it i th lI '
A. G. R.rtatirt Jen:, PROCTOR, 0tiAS, GURNET; GEO.
GUAM, A. T, Wobu.
Cashier—J. TURNBULL. '
Saviftgls Bank hours, 10 to 3 ; Saturdays, 10 to
1. Deposits ut 51 and upwards received land interest
special Deposita also received ,at• current
rates of interest. .
Drafts on Great Britain and the" United States
bought 5nd sold.
Cate and Astra
presence of purse eH n e song utero tuna -;
with than 30 000 lllliabltants, of rho nose and sustracitian cubes, ilieroscopie 110
John Ditnent seconded by � e. (loin seorah however, h 1
'.Che 13i11 prop h
as ,roved this to bo a fact and
ores that t x tepayers 'll •t d d 1 100 • theretiuitisthat asimple remedy has been forum=`
entitled to vote at mnnieipal electrons,
:night petition the Lieutenant .Gov-
ernorto appointconniissiouers to con-
sider the propriety of. fornitig a new
county. Mr. 'Guthrie, of Wellington,
opposed the bill. fie showed that the
bill permitted a bare majority to force
legislation upon au influenti.li rninority.
It also contained the vicious grouping
clauses formerly in the Railway Act
that had wrought such mischief, and
Tilade it possible for wire•pullers to
work their own sweet will. Dlr. Gib -
8051 (Huron) did not think that lie
would be 'toting true to his constitu-
Hits if he did not vote against the hili
of the horn. the Oommissiouer of
Crown Lauds. The agitation. for
Dew continue was Carried on by a few
ambitious toed alf. office -seekers in the
tott•tis amduuit to eiecoure„oolttsty seats.
The farmers' in his township did not
-heir toto a county town where
they did not want to go'. Listowel
r►slntii tet become a county town, but
i tr
tf r<t an l o
”go Stratford 1
they c�lac to u
and quarter, fill Iiorzir t'lttt the a't-
natillll is s The speaker
thous it thrttt Vit. p Etc thren-foortlas of
the r-sterd shoal dedlat'te f s new
Ninety befur'e+ stet tlre.thibe lefititrltl to
tie 1 or. /MK f!' Allan try ellington) bailees birai•Er, ilft&
cilli t nee tl�n rtlott�trleiit hair' Bounty reepa.its on Blue brid
T4.r f.r1 til4 ,)IA, additioucounty."ja, the* f 1ir}lf as
of the 'abstract to be printed for CIi3- toyer are permanently oared hi from one to thtco
t tin e b th tont
tributiou' IAIoved by D1r. Gerirmill; i ltd 1 t
seconded by Jahu Dimerlrt• that the t
B. WILLSON, Aoiutt.
a tl ea ns 1111110 m m v s as ,
onto intno weeks. N. B. --For catarrhal.diso lames IS OFFERING
(coli t o fo (t ' ) this remedy 1 p H1
a t unties w utast s bas OC c.
A patnphletexplaining this new treatment, sent on •
auditors be paid $8 Baehr fon' their reeaipt of ten cents by A. H. DtxoN ad �1)
N,. 30.3 West .
services• -•Carried, "loved hy. John niug St., Toronto, Canada.-ScionttRe American.
Diluent, sreonded by Mr. (4eritiluill, Sufferers from timbal troubles should read the
that the clerk write for the It•evised above carefully
Statutes of 1887, for the use of the An old lady, brouhgt tip as a witness.
Reeve—Carried. Io oved.by John Di-. before a bench of 'magistrates, wban
Pot seconded by George Thomson, that ' asked to tab elf her bonnet, refused
all dogs put on the asessment roll .bv to do so, saying. There's no law coral
the Assessor, if net taken of the roll at pelting a woman to take off her bon
the court of revision, that none will. net, - oh, said one of the magistrates,
be taken oil' after it is iinelly.revised. you know the law do you ? Perhaps
---Carried. Moved by 1vtr. Gernnrill,: jou Wolfler like to come up and sit
seuoncled- by John Dime.11t, that any here tiled tetloll us ! leo, 1 thank you,
pathtnntster or any parties in any of site replied the old lady; there are
the road divisions wanting any change old *oiueso-enough• there already.
in patlimastess, apply to tiny'notthers
Anvtc0 TO'tldrnSRH. Are you dlstarbed at night
Of the council, before next rlleetillg :Dal Arid brokou otcitour real by a sick child eutferhag and
the 1 catty of .April••••• -(tarried. btoved trying with pain of Cuttin:; 'Louth? If so send at
by 1F 1r. (461nlllill sec011d'efl by J01111 Di• Syria "d Ttlf bottllrel " NI.s. 911111 01 Soothin)
Hyru,�' fcr ClifWran Toethiu6 Its value is inc:11 •ul�
went, that Messrs. Thomson and .ebie. 1t wilt rollIvo trio poor little wren:,
4to,,tedi ttely. Depend upon it, mothore t utero is no
Cruidksllallks,beappointed acotllnlittee'%n1t4eak'eatbutit, ItnurosDysontoryand i,larrhtnt,
to 'settle the o:aim of Sohn McDonald reatula+,egth1'Stntnach slot Bowels, cureswln.ilCollc,
soft®IIv tilt (05151,9, 1Cdn0HH I1Raln:,lath"', and 511(1
w w
ten . Mrs. In
the 010 H '
n8r to Wh
Ante and:energy 3
i to t.Y
v on bs2�2
p arca taxes o @ std l t
In t0 X „
o • h n to
regard ]d dr n telt, it
'tu for c ! e q
sines SoothUtg uy p
r . P eagan ,
•OD r paid. ,h•;s:cint s and nurses h'
rho United States, and is for safe bw all t[rug,rlsts
Hastings, culvert, $1 : 0; George Bur throutrltont titre wort.t(' Price ttvonty-iive canis H
Rens, for assistin measure street bottle• lde *01'0 0,61 aa94 Cor "Mas, tVi.;st.uw's
assisting su'oratlto $vRCF,' am10081* t1O other kind.
allowalooe, $1.50; Bargees and
3'.Watcher, Daninark is an itnnteUSd aiev. The
50 ote; 'Robert e* tort of butter last year 4ettluutated
itecton') $'65; til #5J,000,000 pounce.
�51t to the town pi—Carried, Ao 1 t t tit 0,1te anti if the preecrtl'tinn of ane of
u8tty order, toa ' \Vin the oldest
and beat iiw \ld 1 . '
Sk r"
WI 0 _LV .i.1. -Y" •i:.
sin _ r
WIsoiuo ,.
UMBER 4Ti1, 1883.
The Society touts eveiry third Monday
month. Visiting brethren welcome,
This comu,odlous hall can be secured Pot outer
tainntents of every kind at a very leer itgure. For
terms &e., apply to
at Cline &Cos tore.
Orli i9leeitngaa ntl6iile
✓` " -'. tredeolineall patter by
[ J p Y
:acro our machines
placing 1
[ ER
FFREE F, , and hem ,rbeMll geed le a to err
t inMll,lbr�ret to
pereeti ineacreabbl litymade ha
� beer ,- w 5s alt 1) 5 * e Mails ,a
the tverld,Nith all the attachment*.
, .lir^ •�2' i bMateo**be'ill,eels complete
• roar costly and valuable M
• tee. in return Ws thatl.,mr,
p y5,
show 'What we a etc, those os, Y
teaedtat'-orLo a
, d at sod Ute(
�/ r r �
i months all 5111 booms yoUt Dirt
FpronghoulartYy. Tilghoult10
main* Si
�!' r` w `madeaaar the singer patents,
� wbloh bare rub 6051461hre wont*
s- - run outtteoidror5915. With
cteohtnentrr and Hour *elle Mr
! � *5O.Bdat, etreehiet ,nest use.
.l �1 afi nlaebini to the *mid. Mi li
ee. No capital required. Phis,
111.5 ecoid �3Vtln, TEon* Who Wei. to Ye at 4)1114 66000.
e t e beet eewln mlehine in the weird, and the
ofwor1c Dfhi,rhenver shown- eogetier to America.
al 4Q ,a BOX 740s AUliitstel. M IIIMIi•
IS Pt'R1,i8l1A:11" '
1 ti'LitY 1i1111>AY 1It)xtN11iG,
• •=--_7,'100--
Subsor1pt1oxl price, ui liar y ear, in savanna.
AU1t 1t11�1f: 1)..A1
_brise ( , 1 y r � +U u s, 1 3 oto 1 1 lou:
Utln Cali. tn' /1110 , : t+3 . fill i 1662 till $8 Oe'
Hail " 15 Qu l 2' 00 •1. 00 600'
tivarter, "+ 0 nal 1d le! ( 7 00 4. ba
2111IncII i _ b ' l it 00 _' 0U ¢� 1 C0'
Loyal and other ew sed advertisements :•e. "per line
tot• 11rst lnsertien, acid ie. per non 15reeelt ul,bseguetit
Local notices, nt nonpareil type, 15e, tor first in.
sortie'', and 5n. per line for cacti subsequent in8Ortion.-
No loyal yolk c. trill lar charged 1t.s tine 250.
• Adveitiseiur'ntts et Lest, 1mu: t, `:tray id, SituationH,•
and hosiers' Ghat es Woo', d; not u:coding b ]snug
nonpareil, al per month.
Rousts end Far urs for Salo ant exceeding; 8 liner.,,
$1 for Rrs0 ntontlt 50e, per dularugnint month,
These ttl:nts en: bo strleth adhered to,
Spveiai riles for lot.$111 udvortisenients, or tor'
longer poriuds,
Adr0eth lomOnts without specific. directions, will be'
Inserted till forbid and eit.ut:cri leeortllugty Tran•.
sitory' adtuI1istanentsmust I t'1"' in advance.
Uhangce for eOOOtritet itch oftiSiti tilto iuust;be in
rho orrice i.3 WetinoOtluy noon, in eider to 14'5)5118'
that Week
0t., l'i:i lu7'r,
Pltni InxVt'ti -A ) 11j$LfstfiOt
a. .,,.R::,<.41.,.: :: 64...64.. ,...•
1'. 81ttI i01 11,,
'Honor gracduate "?4rtfito t'uiverstlty. Attendant"
of New York Pot) 111ni'.,
Oiticeand residence uven'atore t_1 Gordo(, int llrintlre:'
JOH'il'ntl it S'1•. • \' 1161:A54.
DR. . 11ACDO;AI It,
JoscPl...;•t, ,STI:: ET,
nit. .1 A. 7,9:T.13f 1�1..
honor l,tuitra:oot '.Poront0 University.
1)655 a and 11-vfdcnt-.•'fi.t obi stet d formerly oven,
Piitict`py lir. 1Ltoutty.l.1 the Loam' ui l:chtre sih3t
vatrCck str,:uts,
vt!Nell AMy
Aj�I' h1 r:{ 1. t081tINSt
K14'0-18'1 111r..
Solicitors for the 11 Ac of oil, (-:•ItWit ah)))el n
for t,5r5ni affidavits furtl'at ti I a. 1•r 1,41 ft -I 4*51'
to land In.,trni;rltt lo:a,r tt 1..0.-01 rate..:flirt,
l{Ont', 111 eek. Magni 111,, h':,-1 1 t tr 010 1,r reit.
W. 0, miens.• i1. b. Ulttiit,at..
J. A.:0OL.T00/4,
.AAIRISTLll.. etc.,
%Ingham • Ontario..
OFFICES -Beaver Bleck, WIMillAIt, ONT.,
Gunalh and 131,li,11,-Citic.
' Private and Company fonds to loan at loot ratev'afr
interest. 'Mortgages, tort(, and farm prol•erty-
bourltt and sold. Motculttile collections a•specialty,.
ENTISTRY.- AS; 3001014)1, O'LxOlt sat. .
I Me making bea•.ttilul gotta eV
»•r'4 Artificial than -"Teeth" for 58.50 per
4il� ` sell, End Plain Teeth, per sett, j4.t0:
Pikes in all other blanches Of du,tis.
try to proportion.
Vegetable Vapor administered for the' ppahnlees-
extraction of teeth, tho only safe anestUtie kt,oun,
OFFICE: In the Deaver Black, oppCYltu ills
Bruuswitk Rotel..
DENTISTI0Y.-•W.'11. l ACDONALD, %Vistulais
Wier of vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy,
�r r Via .' •. Silva, Gold, etc., ate., Plata, .ranging
til 0• ' in prices
aminbi dgework. Teethexaco Upwalds per t -
Enacted without the least Frain by the use of Vital. ,
ized Air. Ileal Office, \\'iltagham, side entrance op•
polite the c,?ntten'a hotel, open daily (S1lntl'3s except-
ed) from 9.s, in to 5 p nh 15111 be at Blyth every
Saturday -Office at Milli y hotel; Gerrie: 1st and
thd'Mondays of each otolith--OtHee at Albion hotel;.
Lucknow: 2nd and 4111 Alouday and Tuesdays o .
oath month—Cftice at SVlaiteley's hotel. Extracting
26 cents 4';
,ty E011GE lien, p, \Vingham, Licensed Auctioneer'
Vhf for rho Counties of Huron and Sone.
• At moderato rates, sales -will be conducted in
portionofbOen ft at the TIMES Otlice.
JWIN CURRIE, \vr aonAnt,
Orders left at Timm' oR'tco promptly attended to
21 OMAN. Ja., VINOuant,
01' 110R014.
Sales attended in any part of the Co, ,Charges
Massimo Antrio'rsea iron Courtin Isocal tab
All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest
Chargee Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary Arran (drool( eau be made at the
Tams' oftlee•
Woman, (yh•4 ,
Sarn'l Y
Private roods to tombb
A timber of Ilutltlitl Lots wad itobldegoe proprtr:
tie* for Sale.
o„m'ta 1• k
I1nitatcluw h, oto ral pborneatte l\enlat n y itOr
wltetdr$ll necelbary Itiftllliixtion 8sn be btaot¢redi .