HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-09, Page 9CLINTON NEWS-II:WORD VIIMPAY, jANIJARY 9, 1.958 ° PAGE NINE 6 News of Herman correspondent , MRS. M. xuponEgs. Phone Hensall,. 6 and MM. NIP: 'Turner, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township, for the 'Christmas season, Wilfred re, turned_ to Trenton on Sunday while his wife and family remain- ed for a longer visit. The Reverend E. J. B. Harrison officiated at the service of holy baptism, in Trinity Church on Saturday at 4 p.m. for John War- ren, infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Turner. The .godparents are Mr„. and Mrs, Fraser Stirling. Following the service a family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. Robert Turner, Mr. and Mrs, J. MacKenzie and Marge, Toronto, who, have been spending the Christmas vacation 'with his parents, Mr,and Mrs. J. MacKenzie, returned to their home today. The . Reverend E', J. B, Harrison went to Durham on Christmas Day to be with • his brother and wife, the Reverend and - Mrs. A. H. Harrison. He also visited his other brother, Charles, and Mrs. Harrison in. Sarnia before return- ing to the .Rectory on, Saturday. Jack Shepherd direction of Mrs. J, B. Higgins and with Mrs. g, A. 'Featherston at the organ, again led in the carol service in Trinity Church on Sunday evening. The rector, Rev. E. J. 13. Harrison, and Art. Turland read the lessons. W. B. Ford, Burlington, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Hovey, over the weekend, Thomas W, Castle and two sons Tom and Ron) .spent Christmas in London with his elder daughter and family, Prov, Constable John- ston and family, Port Dalhousie, spent Christmas to Saturday with his aunt Mrs. George Little and also visited friends in Goderich. Miss Beattie, Hamilton, was the guest of Mrs, J. M. Stewart, over the weekend. - Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Best, Lan- Sing, Mich., visited Mr, and .Mrs.' Wilfred Heard over Christmas. Mrs, Elmer Parker, London, was in the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett and farrilly, -London, were at their cottage ,over the 'weekend. Douglas. Carswell who spent the Christmes• tide with his wife and family, left on Friday for duty on the Dew Line. Corporal Lloyd - 'Westlake, Pro- Vincial Police Department, wife and two children returned to 'Kit- chener on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom :MacLeod and Brace; Port .Dover; John R. MacLeod and Rheta Cobb, `Port Stanley, spent Christmas With Mr. and Mrs. 'L. H, D, MadLeod. Also with them over Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert MacLeod and Cathy, London) Mrs, Alice Hohner, Brucefielc.1) -vent Christmas with Mrs, 1$9.- bello, LawraSon, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sager, Clare and Nicky, Goderich, spent Saturday with her mother, M. -F, P. Mr. and Mrs' William Parlor, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser and small son Ricky, and Mrs. Fres, erea sister, Miss Irene Hammond, London, were the guests' of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Fraser, Se, over Christmas. Miss Lola Elliott returned to Detroit on Thursday after having been with her brother, W. Leslie Elliott over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. .Spencer Ervine and Mary Elizabeth, were at Southampton for the Christmas.: tide. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Francis, Jimmy, Lloyd and Marion, enjoy- ed Christmas with Mrs, Francis' brother, L a,wr en c e McMillan Woodstock. The Francis - family also .visited her parents, Mr. and :Mrs. James McMillan, Thamesford, on Sunday, and Lloyd stayed at St. Marys to visit his aunt until after New Year's. Mr. and Mrs.. Wilfred. Turner and- baby son) Trenton, joined their. daughter Linda, who has, been with her grandparente,..Mr. Congratulations go to a young Bayfield artist, Denies Darnbor- ough, whose drawing of Tugboat Annie was shown over CFPL TV on Thursday in the Cartooning for Fun program. On Christmas Day about 12 members of St, Andrew's United Church met at the Parsonage' for worship with the Rev. and Mrs. C. ,E, Peacock. Mr. Peacock con- ducted a meditation from Dean Farrar's Life of Christ. The subject of Rev. C, E. Pea- cock's sermon on Sunday last was Daniel 5, verse 27, "TENET, Thou art weighed in the balances and art found wanting". The film, "Martin Luther" will be shown on Sunday evening. . The children's choir under the One friend tells another about Household's prompt, cour- teous and businesslike service. Ian fact, '2 out of 3 .new customers are referred to HFC by old customers. You may borrow up to $1,000 with con- fidence from Canada's most recommended consumer finance company. Modein money service backed by 80 years of experience W. H. Pfile By our Hensall correspondent) HenryWilliam Pfile, a highly esteemed resident of Hensall for over 35 years, passed away in Scott Memorial Hespital, Seafor- th, on Friday, December 27, in his 77th year. Mr. Pfile formerly conducted a shoe business in Hensall for some years. He was an active mem- ber of the United Church, former superintendent of the Sunday School, and a Member of the choir for a number of years. Surviving are his widow the former Edith Durst, one brother Urban Pfile, Dashwood; three sis- ters, Mrs. Melissa Geiger, Mrs. Pearl Mellick, Mrs. Clara Jacobi; all of Zurich. Public funeral service was con- ducted by Rev. C. D. Daniel, from the Bonthron Funeral Chapel, on Monday afternoon, December 30, with interement in the Goshen Line E.U,B Cemetery. People say 14PC's,rnoney service is outstanding, ers ,(Intended for last week) Mrs, E. Geiger, London, was a visitor :in, town en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MeEwan spent Christmas day with Mr, and Mrs. Murray McEwan in London Mr. and' Mrs, Alfred Pfaff Zurich, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Shwalm and Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Reid Jerry and Allan, spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Marjorie Helm and family at. Tiverton, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan, spent Christmas day with Mrs. 'Marjorie Helm and family at Tiverton, Wayne Payne who underwent an appendectomy in. Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, December 20 is improving nicely. r • *D. Joynt, London, and his mother Mrs. Alice Joynt, Hen- sail, are spending. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Varna C.ouple 40th Anniversary (By our Hensall correspondent) A family dinner marked the casion of the 40th wedding., anal- yersary of Mr, and Mrs. William Hayter, prominent residents of Varna. Mr. Hay. ter was a snccess- ful farmer for a number of years in the Varna district. The affair, held at their home on Christmas Day, was attended by. 23 members of the family and their children. The honored couple were presen- ted with a bedroom suite from their family. Their wedding of 40 years ago- was solemnized. 'Christmas Day at Bayfield. Mrs, Hayter is the for- nor Minnie Tippett, Bayfield. Their union was blessed with. three sons, Elmer, Harvey and Mervyn, Varna; one daughter (Eileen) Mrs. Kenneth McLean, Hensall, and 11 grandchildren. Mr. Hayter is a well known violinist and flbor , manager with the Murdock orchestra which provide the music for many dances. A euchre in their honor was held in Varna Town Hall, Saturday, December 28, with 25 tables in play. Winners were, ladies, Mrs. Robin McAllister, Mrs, Stan Love, Mrs. Winston Workman; gentle- men, Basil O'Rourke, Wilfred Chuter, Elmer John McBride; gifts and a purse of money were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hayter, presentation address read by. Mel Webster, presentations by Orrin and family, London, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Consitt and family, Kippen, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. William Shepherd. Fred Kennings spent Christmas with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and family of St. Catherines. He will remain for a few weeks visit. Six lovely Christmas baskets were sent to the sick and shut-ins in the village on. Saterday, by the CP and T fund of the'IOOF and Amber Rebekah Lodges. Miss Beth Goddard accompan- ied at the piano for the carol sing- ing, Rev. Daniel gave the chair- man remarks,. C, Christie is sup- erintendent, Santa Claus, distri- buted gifts, A Christmas. party for the Kin- smen, Kinnettes, and, their fam- ilies was held Sunday afternoon at the arena. Films were shown: and candy and gifts distributed. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd and fareily, London, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Consitt and family, Kippen, were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William' Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs, Gary Corlett and Bryan, Toronto, Miss Ruth Alexander, Exeter, were Christ-' mas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Miss Clarissa Mitchell who.has been a patient at Victoria Hospi- tal, London, for the past few weeks recuperating from a frac- tured arm suffered in a fall was taken by Bonthron ambulance on Saturday to Clinton- Public Hos- pital. The children of the staff and employees of General Coach Wor- ks of Canada, were treated to a Christmas party on December 23 held at the • plant. Films were shown , and the .gifts of candy given out. The sports committee of the plant arranged the affair. Keith Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay, won a Christmas cake in a draw at Beaton's Bakery on Saturday. The IO,OF sponsored the project, and Beaton's bakery donated the cake. Charles Hay, Zurich, drew the winning ticket. Mr. Hay is Noble Grand of the lodge. Gordon Schwalm won a candy house-in a draw at Goderich on December 24th. The house, weigh- ing 22 pounds, is made entirely of candy valued at over $20. Gor- don purchased the ticket on Dec- ember 13 The Singer Sewing Machine Co. of Godenich spon- sored the draw. Wilbert Parker won the Teddy Bear in a draw at Bert's Snack Bar. . Glenn McKenzie, Kippen, wan the electric train drawn for at Thief's' Service Station on Dec- ember , 23. Concert Held The Sunday Schbol rooms of the United Church lovely with Christmas emblems was the set- ting on December 17, for the an- nual Sunday School -concert. Rev. C. D. Daniel was chairman. Numbers on the program in- cluded recitations by Rickey Bu,- chanan, Gerry Drysdale, Larry Jones, Brenda Noakes, Joan Sim- mons, Teddy Mock; readings by Bob Mickle and. Allan. Roszell; trio by Nancy Kyle, Bryna Bell and Susanne Rannie; solo, Jack Chipchase; duet, Gail and Donna Richardson, duet, Joyce Flynn and Susanne Kyle; selections by the various classes and chormes by the Brownies. Santa Came The annual Christmas party for the children of Hensall and community Was the largest in years. 470 bags of,candy and treats were given out, and 360 bottles of chocolate milk, the gift of Ron Mock, of Hurondale Dairy were also given out. Rev. C. D. Daniel extended the welcome and Santa Claus, who arrived in the fire truck, met everyone at the door. Over 500 attended the free movies in the town hall sponsored by the Hensall Kinsmen with Rev. Dan- iel in charge of the projector. This affair is sponsored by the Hensall Chamber of Commerce and Hensall Branch of the Can- adian Legion. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 650-ozeMo* atada, R. K. Fitch, Manager' 35A West Street Telephone 1501 GODEFOCH Mr. Farmer Ti 'l ghOW--4P If you are in need of a machine to handle that Corn on the Cob, Grain, etc., why not call in and look over a - NEW GEHL CHOP ALL HAMMER MILL A Cob Crusher or Concentrate Hopper can be attached to your present Gehl Mill; — or — In a lower price bracket there is the LETZ GRINDER with its many labour-saving attachments. We stock Repairs and can service both above machines. We supply Stationary or ortable Feed Mixers John Aldington VARNA, ONT. Phone Clinton HUnter 2-3380 .F c,";Th .5* a C.; Are(2. WHEAT GROWER S A vote on a petition received from the Ontario Wheat Producers' Association that a proposed wheat producers marketing plan 'be approved will be held on Friday, January 17, 1958. Polling booths wilt be open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Read the money-saving reasons. See if it doesn't make sense to start the year the new Plymouth way! When you think of all the advantages, Plymouth stands out'as an especially good winter-time buy. You're cozy as a bug inside, thanks to Plymouth's quality- fitted body, its high-capacity Customaire heating-ventilating system. You get the biggest windshield and wipers of any low-priced car—with defrosting capacity to match, plus new dual headlamps for maximum safety-visibility. And for not a penny extra, you get advanced Torsion-AIRE suspension, to cushion you over frozen rough spots . , . level you around •curves . . . and let you stop without brake-dive. 'What about power? It's yours to spare with Plymouth's Thrill-Power Six, or 313-cubic-inch V-8, transmitted through proved trouble-free push-button automatic drive. If you'd like all the money-saving reasons why Plymouth's the buy, and why now's the time to get yours, just come see us. Taskon phite. fot '5g botbati act giAttikte4c In addition, polls at The County Department of Agriculture office, will be kept open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. —Monday, January 20th to Friday, January 24th, inclusive. If in doubt as to location of nearest Polling Booth consult your Agricultural Representative. You're always a step ahead in cars of The Forward Cook ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD F. K. B. Stewart G. F. Perkin Chairman CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LtmiteD .HU • MURPHY BROS. CLINTON Vetch Cilniax-Slahvet of Stars everythntsday night on TV-check your twat. prograOrkie Wing for time and channel Secretary News of Baytield By MISS LT,JOY R. WOODS 1955 Ontario. Champion Rural C/orrespondent PHONE; BAYFIELD 45 r 3 Ontended for last week) In CLINTON On TUESDAY; JANUARY 14 A SPECIAL RCAF CAREER COUNSELLOR ! See him and find out what the Air -Force offers you in valuable aviation —.,trades training — pay'— pension — and other benefits ! a At The TOWN HALL 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Goderich Township (Weeded for last week) Miss -Shirley Docking, Staffa, spending some of her holidays With her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stirling. and Douglas, spent OhristmaS week with Mr. and, Mrs. Lewis. Bailey and family, A. merstburg, Robert returned with them on Friday for a week's' vacation. Visitors, with Mr, and Mrs. John .Torrance and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Manning for Christmas were Mr, and Mrs. Ed., Goderich; Miss Flo Cunningham,. Mrs. Priscilla Elliott and Mrs. Mary Nett, .Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance had their family gathering on Sunday at their home and - then spent _Christmas at Kippen . with the lady's father, who is 96 years old. Mr. and Mrs. William Stirling and family,'spent boxing day with the lady's brother Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ackert, Holyrood. Doug Switzer, who has spent the past year at the. Three Rivers School, is spending 'a holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Earl Switzer. Dowson. 140 attended the affair from London, Lucan, Goderich, Exeter, Auburn, Zurich, Bruce- field, Seaforth, Walton and Hen- sail, in addition to neighbours and friends from Varna and area.