HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1958-01-09, Page 7�. 11 f VWMS'DAY, MNUARY 'A 1959 ) TNTO 1 Nl,NS,RECORID •e JBiRTHS ANDERSON In Stratford Gen+ • eral Hosiptal,, .on Christmas Day, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, Jr„ ince Jean* nie Sturgeon) Science Hill, a son, BRIS13OURNE-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, January 4, 1558, to LA,C and Mrs.. - gene Brlsbmwne, Clinton, a dau- ghter. COUNTER. --..In.. Clinton Public Hospital ,on Thursday, January 2, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Counter {nee Marg, Middleton; ,Acctrmmodtlton dor Rent Employment Wanted Salesmen VI►an# (ARDS OF THANKS► R.N.) a. son (David William). I would like to thank .ail my JOHN,? -.- In Clinton Public BOOM •A;P• a.T%1E)l1T, liv» HOUSE WORD WANTED Wed- SALESMAN friends far cards, flowers, treats Hospital, on Tuesday, Decembers r cam, dirungroom, kitchen, bath nesd'ay afternoons, Mrs. Wilbur hall. P. one ITi7 2.666$. Crici?. Phone HU :29238. 2-b Full or part-time. We require and gifts, also visits while in the 31, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Stew- and 2-b ondon Victoria Hospital, signed, ' art Johnston, Blyth, a son. d h —� two a'g�essive salesmen in this MRS WkkDSLEY VODDEN 2-p HOMER - In Clinton Public .3 ROM APAUTMENT, furnish- ed and heated, with frig, all. con - ,,vergences. Immediate possession. :Phone "13'fli ' 2-9536. 2-p 4 ROOM DOWNSTAIRS rapart- .rnent, furnished and heated, priv :axle .entrance. ; Phone HU 2.9361, MOUSE IN KIPPEN "TO RENT, with garage. All modernconvert- dences, oil •heated. - Apply `to iNdi- :ma Long, Kippen. *-tfb ..7 UR S H 19, D DOWNSTAIR-S apartments ori .King •Street, ini- ine.diate possession, Phone HU Articles For Sale 5B4$Y's CRIB,MV - AL; A single :'bed, metal, and Mattress. Phone TN 295.76._ 2-p WDEL OIL - Stove and Furnace 011 delivered anywhere. A. G. Grigg and Son, phone )RU 2-9$11. 43-tflb 'I1W'O - SMALL SIZE QUAKER .`Space heaters•, in good condition.) gree $25 ,each. McEwari's Stat Honer-., 1 -2 -lab xplWEROVS TRADE-IN Allow - awe on your old TV on a Brand New 1958 RCA Television, T. A. F,ftttm, Brucefield, phone .Clinton HU 2=3232, 36-t1ib `.'YOUR-0M`WASSHER IS WORTH anoney -when traded on a, new Thor washer. T, A. Duttgn's Ap- pliance Store, Brdeefield. Phone Minton 'HU 2.3232: • M-'tfb 'SL MEMAL NEW PATTEIRNS in T! nglish Tone China Dinnerware, +Including :lovely "Cornflower See dt ' aWl others in our window ' and :get our low prices for fine china. (Counter:s Jewellery. 2p . WA.GTC MARKERS.Will write on anything, glass, wood, paper, etc. "Dry immediately. Seven differgnt ccolours. Good for poster work, :signs; eta: $3:10 each, refills, 50c. iClinton News -Record. - 37-tfb :AR7MST'S SUPPLIES, OIL Brush - s, Paints; Canvas Board, Linseed Turpentine, Retouching Varn- dsh Spray -Fix, Brush Holders, etc; -Ideal Christmas gifts. At Mc :EwaWs Book and Stationery Store. 45-tfb XOTORS AND GENERATORS rewound and repaired, Brushes, •capacitors, switches, bearings; 'Small appliances repaired. Used ,or reconditioned motors for sale, Art Levett; Isaac Street at Dunlop. ',Phone HU 2-6640. 44tPb Articles Wanted WODUD LIKE TO BUY A USED safe, in good condition. Approx- imately 2Q" x 30". Phone HU :2-9740. 2.,p Automobiles For Sale 1/z TON MERCURY TRUCK, -with racks, in good condition, low mileage, priced reasonable. Phone Lloyd Bond, RU 2-3210. 2-b 1951 METEOR SEDAN, excellent motor, ovelidrive, radio with rear- seat speaker. Can arrange fin-. ranee, Phone HU 2-9658, after 5.30 p.m. 1-2-3-b Business Opportunities . °OWN• YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 'Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-6692. 13-tfb CUSTOM WORK F`Oli YOUR PLUMBING AND Heating needs, call HU 2-9433,' Hawkins Hardware, 2-tfb AUTOMATIC :SAW Sharpening. .:Saws retoothed, johked and filed for $1.25: Or just filed and set 75 cents. Automatic butcher knife :and scissor sharpener, scissors 15 cents, knives 10 cents. W. E. 4'Bill" Jervis, Fulton Street, Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-9664. 35p-tfb CLOTMNCS FOR .SALE IivDSON Sl*3AL COAT, trimmed • witb -lamb, fitted sty1d, size 14 to 16. Phone Ht7 2-3364. 2•b QAPAiBLE G Z R I,, WAN'IIZNG area house work, 6 days• a week, prefer sential living in, Apply Box 10, Clinton age re, News -Record. '-a-p, are pre HIGu scROOL STUPENT RE- than a future' quires work after school . and on sincere Saturdays. Contact Murray ' Mc- with a ZW. n HU 2-9444. 2b Applica S HELP WANTED Mr. h( Q]RLS, T . L&ARN LA(INDIi,Y x5th, 2 work, • Contact Clinton Laundry P'm- C and Dry Cleaners. 2-tfb 7 LARGE UNITEDSTATESAND AND •p :any requires Field RepresentativE In Tuckersmith, - Goderich and Sta?1iey townships. Exceptionally high'ea' - ngs. Guaranteed re- peat business. Automobile essen- tial. ` Agricultural background most important. Sales training given., Reply to Box $4, London, Ontario. 52 -1 -29 - as. 2-b LOST aid FOUND LOST -The Snarl who took the wrong brat. New Year's Eve at the Goderich Pavillon, .please ,return it and pick up his own, The own- ers of rubbers left, please claire same. Phone Goderich 675 or 419. 2-b livestock Wanted ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call coIIect Ed. Andrews, .851r11, Seaforth, Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada Ltd, 26 p-tfb OLD HORSES WrA.NTEIY AT 3Y2b lb., and dead cattle at value.- If dead, plZr-ie at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK,RANCH, phone. col-; lett, Goderich,' 1483 J 4' or 1483 J I. 52 to 27-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 11 PIGS FOP. SALE, .6 WEEKS old. Phone Jack McGuire, • J -W 2-9993.• 2-b REGISTERED AYRESHIPM cow, due to freshen. Would like .to buy 7 to 8 week' old' pigs, willing to exchange for the cow.' Phone Fred Buchannan, Seaforth 844.x4. 2-p Miscellaneous MEMBERS OF THE DUTCH community want to buy farm in Clinton Area: Who want's to sell his farm? Phone HU 2-9740. 21p SHARPENING ALL KINDS OF saws', cross -cut saws $1.00; hand saws 60c; no charge for, knives or scissors, Phone David Elliott, R.0 2-9765. 2-7-p ,WATCH REPAIR IS A JOB FOR axperts. Our work assures your ,atisfaction. Counter's Jewellery, Ruron County's {Oldest Establish - ad. Jewellery Store. n 2A LET US. REPAIR AND MAKE 'your rings and jewellery like new. DiAmond rings renewed and stories safely secured -don't take chan- :os,Expert workodone reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- 3airs and Pearl restringing. W. V. Counter, 2p PROPERTY FOR DENT GET-UMAL STORE, 2 apartments to sublet. Equipment reasonable, will` .sell stock at cost. Good loca- tion for keen buyer. Rent reason- able. Apply Box 500, Clinton, Ont. 2-3-p Property For Sale_ HOUSE WMIH TWO SELF-CON- tained apartments. Each has two bedrooms, -separate 'bathroom, en- trance and meter, full basement and good heating system; also garage and good garden. Central location. Apply to Box 153, 01111 ton, P.O. ` 2.p REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE is our BUSINESS. Farms, residential, 'commercial, summer cottages: For dependable Wu capable service list your prop- erty with John Bosveld, Wellesley Street, Goderich. Phone 1.108, Salesmen: George McGillivray, Lucknow; J, McConnell, Seaforth. 50-tfh ailing experience not -es- Hospital, on Thursday, January ut would be helpful, Na but , men over 25 I wish too thank•all my friends �2, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs. Glen ciction• . reed. W•,offer ou bett2r who remembered me with flowers, Koehler, Hensall, a son. s yard real treats and cards while in St. Jos- LAVIENDUR - Ip Clinton Public wage earnin g g epli's Hospital, London, - MRS, Hospital, on Tuesday, December curity in return for your ED. GREALIS. 2-;r 31, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs, Jack ffort and ability to work Lavender, Hensall, a son (John rninimum of .supervision. I would like to thank, friends Bradley, brother for�renda). •s will be interviewed by and neighbours for the lovely LEGAULT -- In C(iinton Public den .at the Redford Hotel, flowers, treats, while I was pat- Hospital, on Friday, January % Wednesday, • January ient in Clinton Public Hospital, 1958; to Corporal and Mrs. Ray- ) -5:00 p.m. and 7,00-9:00 Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and mond Legault, Brucefield; a son, 1 in person only. 2-b the nurses --MRS HAROLD MUR- I-4DpPRgrT0N--1n Clinton Public MY. 2-b. Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan - .k1 RMNFa1N'T uary 1, 1958, to Mr, and Mrs; wish to thank snY many Jahn Leppington, Clint'ou, a 1.i1.UVTUlN 1V1AIN %,{A1:Az1 „lga Ll}11G, tui k�lli{l,, 614Nb, ter for -Tommy, Johnny and Here's one of the finest opportun- cards and flowers, Walter). sties offered to a man ovgr 45 XORWENP . JUZ?D McF'APLIN - I n Louis .-Marshall 2_ who wishes' to make a , permanent p 1 Hospital, Mount Rarest, on Sat - connection with a major comp- I wish to thank Dr. Oakes and. urd'ay, January' 4, 1958,' to Mr. any whose solid and steady grow- Dr:. Newland and staff0of Clinton and Mrs, George McFarhn, th-now demands the services of public Hospital for their kindness Mount Forest (nee Beverlee an additional man for the. Clinton to este while a patient there. Spec- Brant), a son (Jaynes George). area. sal thanks to Mrs, Martin, Mrs. MU$TARO In Toronto General This is not a '"'here today, gone Macaulay and Mrs. Livermore and 49spital, on Thursday, January tomorrow", proposition, There's all'who sent cards, gifts and flow- 4, 1958, to Mr. and. Mrs. Thorn. ers.--••MRS. FRED, RE ID, Weston, a son ria doubt about our future. Our , 2-p ton Mustard, business will probably. double and Many 'thanks to all *our friends, (David Alexander). redouble in the next decade, - who. were so Idad during our sad SB PP-Sn Clinton Public Hos !- The man we want is 45 to 65, bereavement, also thanks to Dr. tan, on Friday, January 3, 1998, neat, conscientious ownsa car and Oakes, the three special nurses, to Mr. and Mrs. George. Shipp, can take short trips to surround- and the floor nurses,. to my many Clinton, twin sons. ing area, friends al who sent flowers anWAlIISON-Sri Clinton Public Hos- lEarnings ' are open, depending, on cards during my long stay in the ability, but we consider this open- hospital. - EMMA M. PLUM - Ing to be worth - STEEL. 2-p. UP TO $114,500.00 IN A I would like to express my sin- cere thanks to my friends and YEAR relatives who sent me cards, let - '."his is 'a full-time job , .. it pays ters- and gifts while I- was a pa - mighty well, It is stimulating, and tient in Clinton Public Hospital. I filled with big rewards for honest extend special thanks to the nur- effort, including a, profit-sharing sing staff, Dr. Oakes,and Dr. Me - retirement plan, , company - paid Master. - THOMAWILLIAM- pleasure erhises, generous bonus SON, Walton, 2-p incentives, ' free life insurances We would like to than c -'our hospitalization Insurance, a n d, friends and neighbours for their. above all, liberal earning checks kind thoughtfulness during the mailed weekly in advance. illness and the death. of our moth - If' you think you are our man, 'er Mrs, W. L. Johnson, Special please contact President, Dept. 43,, thanks to Dr. Oakesand nurses P.O. Box 711, Fort Worth 1, Tex- at the hospital. -THE JOHNSON - TENDERS WANTED 1!AMI,LY. 2-p May I take this opportunity to Defence Con ti 41nn thank neighbours and friends for pit'al, on Thursday, January 2, 1958y to Mr. and Mrs'. DonaSd Watson, Clinton, a sin f�Gary Paul). DEATHS McCONNELL - In Dundalk, on Sunday, December 29, 7957, Vicky Corbett, ,beloved wife of John C. McConnell, in her. 64th year. Funeral from Dundalk United Church, on Tuesday, De- cember 31, to Dundalk Ceme- tery, by ,the Rev. Paul Christ- ianson, a former pastor, assisted by student pastor Douglas Mc- Phee.' Town Coun4 S (1951) Limited the.floWers, cards, fruit sent to me while a in Clanton "You will be trying to satisfy PROJECT: ' y patient Public Hosgita.l. Also Lond'esboro the demands of people -who don't Replacement of Underground miwell Mission Circle, Girl know what they want, nor what Steam, Distribution System,, Guides, RCAF, W.A. Clinton for is good for them; people who R.O.A.F. Station, Clinton, Out. helping to make a pleasant Christ- don't. do much thinking for them- File 122-7-02.32. SEALED TENDERS, plainly mas ,Day for.. me, A special thanks to Dr. and nurses, selves; people who are trying to marked as to content and addres- .Addison -FRjAaNK ARKELL, keep busy to pass the time. You will have to take their, critisim sed to - the undersigned, for the above project, will be received' un- We would like to thank our and you will need prayer, faith, til 3.00- p.m. (Eastern Standard friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses and special trust and justice to guide you," Rev. Grant Mills Mon Time) TUESDAY, February 11, 1958 thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Addison; stated the - day night as he addressed the Plans, specifications and tender Mrs. Percy Livermore, Mrs. Had council, of the town of Clinton• at forms required, -,may be obtained dy and Rev. J. A. McKim, Mr. William Andrews, and Mr. and the inaugural meeting. by Prime Contractors only from D.C.L. Plans Section, Room 156, Mrs, Beattie of the funeral home; Mayor's Address at the address below. A deposit of and all who helped in any way Mayor W. J. Miller predicted a•' t100 payable to Defence Construe- during our sad ;bereavement —Mi% Harry Charlesworth and family, busy 1958, and expressed a hope "hold ion (1951) Limited is required for .each set of plans- and documents, and Mrs. William J. Vadden. and to the tax line" in his in - augural address. This deposit is forfeited if the family. 2'p The mayor advised the public NOTICES complete plans and specifications works committee, and all of the are -.not returned in good order on -- - - - -_ other committees to hold a 'meet - or before the fourteenth day fol- lowing contract award. - ing 'previous to the council meet - DISSOLUTION OF. Plans and specifications will be ,PA'RTNEliSMP ing, so that they. could inform orr view at Builders' Exchanges in NOTICE is hereby given that the. council later of the work planned Toronto, Brantford, Kitchener, partnership lately subsisting be- for the coming month. London, Windsor, Guelph, Hamil- tween ,Harold Lobb and Fred Mc- He suggested investigation of ton, Sarnia, D.C.L. Toranto Bran- Gregor carrying on.business• under the new street lighting project, ch Office and at the address be- the firm name of BRUCEiFIELD street naming and house' number - low. Eaeh tender must be submitted WE=ING & GENERAL RE- PAIR, at the Village of Brucefield seg. He also suggested that the on the forms prescribed and be has been dissolved by mutual con- land at the entrance to the park accompanied by a, -security deposit sent, effective December 31st,1957, be turned over -to the Parks Board, ments. Such deposit shall indem- nify the owner against loss in the .vent of withdrawal of the sue- ,essful tenderer subsequent to ac- ,.eptance-of the bid. The lowest or any tender not, acessarily accepted, J. D. JENNISON, Secretary, 4 Temp. Bldg., 56 Lyon St., OTTAWA, Ontario, f -b REGISTERED PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD MALS PUPS FOR SALE Black, and Cream Color 'Seven Weeks Old CLARENCE DENOMME Ratten.bury Street, Clinton HU 2-9704 or HU 2-7064 2-b Everyone Reac.s The Classifieds Fred McGregor has been,purchas- ed by the said Harold Lobb who will .continue to operate the busi- ness, at Brucefield under the sante firm name. McCONNELL & STEWART Sea'forth; Ontario 2-p Notice To Creditors" All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Hubert Henry Bick, late of the* Towns'hip' of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, who died on or about the 25th day of December, 1957, are required to file the same with full particulars with • the undei:•- signed by the 25th day of Jan- ury, 1958 as. after that date the aets of the estate will be dis- tributed. DATED at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 2nd clay of January, 1958. HAYS and PREST,• Goderioh, Ontario, Solieitorrs•• for the, Estate. 2.3.4-b likely to be able to look after it than any other. Mayor Miller noted that the two-hour parking by-law was ready to go into effect, and it would be up to council to decide whether or not to proceed with it. He said h6 was quite willing to listen to complaints and sugges- tions of taxpayers, and would pass them along to the chairman of the committee in charge, - Appointments Council appointed Reeve Stan- ley and . Councillor Beattie to the Cemetery Board for one year; C. V, Cooke far three years; Coun- cillors Dale and Livermore to the Park Board for one year and also ;Mrs. M. Batkin, A. G, Grigg, A. S. McMurray, William Counter arida Ross McEiwan; Councillors Edward J. Dale and Reeve Stan- ley to the Swimming Pool Board, and T. Murphy, M. Edgar,, S PAGE SEVEN �OXY THE ARE. Clinton Two :Shown N1.0htly Wide $oasis OW; Thursday, Friday and. Saturday THE OKLAHOMAN" Sagebrush saga, of the 1870's, Action aplenty, tilriIis galore, a'li presented an Cinemascope and. De Luxe Color, !Joel ipzeprea. Barbara Iia q Verna, Felton Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 44a" ENON DR0P JI BSB HO'PE's superb sense of timing and comedy -a story by Damon Runyan -4t all adds lip to an evening of laughter, Marilyn Maxwell -,. Lloyd Nolan r,•. Jane Darwell Corning; "TARZAN and the LOST SAFARI" Gordon Scott -- Setts .St, John, - 10eorge. txoulouris Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SATES EVERY FRIDAY at, 1,30 p.m. TEIms CASH . J. COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk ART SEEMS TO BE SOME' - thing good if you like it, poor' if you don't... Judging by the crit- ics of Peer Gynt on CBC recently, we could consider it lacking in art. . . But our .personal opinion From what part we managed to :atch, it was a fine thing, well done, and we Iaboured only to understand it. . . Our difficulty was due to ignorance rather than to, any fault of the play or the ?layers. . . We're glad to hear that other viewers agreed with 19 . . it In Action schoenhals, C, Proctor and L, Col- quhoun, as representatives from the various interested clubs; Dud - ley Pegg to the Library Board for three years. Police Committee Cousicillor R: N Irwin presen- ted the monthly report of the Chief Constable H. R. Thompson and commented about. several of the items, including a bili for three ,pair of gloves when it was expected that only one pair would be bought; and about the cost of gas: $77 for one month. He -also commented in advice to his sue- cessor on the committee, thatlie had received no co-opration at all from the Police Chief on anything he'd suggested. Surplus The books showed a surplus of $4,641 at the end of the year, grid tax arrears are dawn to $12,731.77,• Licencing .Some discussion centred around the matter of licensing businesses, Councillor. Bridle brought it to the attention that Reg. Cudmore of the Clinton Bowling Alley was paying three licences inaddition to the business tax; for` tobacco licence, pool tables, and foi bow- ling alley. He suggestee Jump- ing the latter two, and thus, sav ing Mn Cudmore $25 a year. The earlier request of plumbers ,or a protective business tax came ip, as well as some talk of one 3f the order houses in town which vas actually carrying on a retail. ausiness, but. was not taxed as Such, While Mr. Bridle contend - :d it was not fair :For one man to yay four business taxes, Council- -or John Sutter said, "Yes, and sere we have six men coming into ;own to work (plumbers, etc:) end - are paying none, They bring ;heir lunches, and don't even (ave money in town, for meal:' Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Layton, urd' Roger, Brucefield, Cecil Van torn and Mary Anne and Gerald Flynn, Hensall, and Charles' Lay - on, spent the New Year's holiday vith Mr, and Mrs, frank Layton, �1red'erlck Street, PARK THEATRE GODERiCH Now Playing: Kathy Grant & ,A.udie Murphy in "GUNS OF FORT PETTICOAT" In Technicolor MONDAY,, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY A Double -Chill Thriller!: "ATTAC]K OF THE CRAB MONSTERS" - Adult Entertainment Starring Richard Richard Garland, Pamela Duncan and Russell Johnson As the first half of a specially arranged science -fiction double program, which 'includes a- spine- ' ^ tingling windup: "Not of This Earth" Featuring Beverly Garland, gaul Birch and Morgan Jones THURSDAY, FRIDAY. and SATURDAY . Yvonne De Carlo -,Edmund O'Brien and Barry Fitzgerald Presenting a Technicolor super- , western in -which our hero joins forces with a woman mine -owner to combat a sinister character, "SILVER CITY" Coming: -JOHN WAYNE and. .Maureen O'Hara in "The 'Wingg of Eagles" Technicolor, New Committee Heads -,-for Most Council Duties Swearing in of councillors' for ' the town of Clinton, followed by the sitting. of the striking com- mittee, on Monday- morning, re - salted in an almost complete change of committee heads. With council personnel unchanged sin- ce last year, the councillors felt that it would be a chance for more experience for all of these. to make t1Te changes. Cominittees for 1958 The first one named in each committee is the chairman. Executive, Deputy Reeve Tre- wartha, Councillor' Sutter, Reeve Manley,. (former chairman Stan- ley). Police, licencing and traffic, Douncillors Bridle, Beattie and Sutter (former chairman Irwin). General Government, Reeve Stanley, Councillors Irwin, Liver- nore (former chairman Beattie), Public Works, Councillors Beat- tie, Ward: 1, Bridle, Ward 2, Dale, Ward 4, Livermore, Ward 3, (for- ner chairman Stanley). iieaulth, acrd Welfare, Councillors Dale, Irwin, Deputy Reeve Tre. Martha (former chairman Dale). Protection to Persons and Pro- .3erty, Councillors Irwin, Bridle i,nd Sutter (former chairman Sut- ter), Finance, Councillors Sutter, 3eattie, Deputy Reeve Trewartha (farmer chairman Trewartha)• By-laws, Deputy Reeve Trewar- :ha, Councillors Irwin and Liver- none (former chairman Bridle), Industrial, Councillors Dale, 3ridle, Irwin (former chairman 3radle.) f . Court of ltevision, Councillors Livermore, Bridle, Dale, Sutter :nd Deputy Reeve Trewartha (no hange from last year). Annual Clearance NoV1/ Oh January 9 to'25 y P M T ICKET A M P B E L L I E D o Pone �U 2.9732 1VTAIN C(DItNEIt CLINTON r .■