HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-08, Page 8■ alsr{?ltir Rev. James U. MIio1ltlwliul� nliee, Gir,Nrtwa.--At et Mr, Wm. GI as the e0ri1 nit,, the Low' e; son. - Mr Swalwell a A' ae heslhr4 talt.,tha ail" of weekfor ,hliclli (Rueter: a wen. Otis, on the *ret Int,, the Wife to reside iu 001,Vni-IuCid •i" ontt�eI$5Ihpit.,. the wife of SGRtt, q @hill M. Wm. Ceti in; a, s• a at tile residence o tlatoul-In gut Wa • • nth, an the 27111 1111, the a 4f Mr Albert Rima 1 a daiighter ^ 8tou this week,- .-M IacD, lava returned frol u, mer,eod.. oy7ppi�aaaixi}•ue they !Ave been de deug1tgr of Mr. Adam Vlore 011 ROCOCO of erlch, on the 27th tilt., by England's brother's dson, Mr. Alfred L. Morris, to bliss I,ibble J. Siulth, of Nifingbaro.. a� n where they lrltead family left ioR � Ire THE OITY RESTAURAN ` utul'e• ^-^ lir Fi8114i8 d, .aid a short visit YOUR Ir Robert Oran.' aua Mrs England Dungannon where shuer, for a Week or sieknet8 in Mrs aur ily. IS THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY OAR the Rev. M . Olt! 1Mr, d Manitoba to Mia Hanna Shouldme, M 4atua-•Burr!-41,t the Rev. George Rich of Devil's Lake, Dak ilgderich, pavnaiorl-AMaaai oN••-•In McKillop, on the 20th tilt., by the Ray. 4v q. Torrnee, Mr. Wet, Pavidsoe • tq,, fes Minnie Mo ..00k tit error --Mope' 26th ult,, by the aihipley, of Ail TANS6iN..- tt. to Joel borough. Leaven,- Amy; the Rev. A. 0, M Waterloo, to Mi rison, both of AleKifop,. ax -In East Wawanosh, on the . A' McLean, Mr. George R. aig, to Miss A, R, McGowan. 1,Ks•-14 Londesboro, on the 26th ult., Tonge, Mr. 4, W. Tomblin), of Iful• daughter of Mr. 1Vin. Hiles, of Louder. In Seaforth, on the 26th ult„ by Donald, Mr, George Lettorli of Carrie, daughter of Mr. J, G. Arnent, of Seafor - IiaLbAxp -it11L BR -At Hernia, on the 13th tilt., by Rev. J. S. 11 idersen, Mr. J. Selland, of Exeter t I arito cumaa �q daughter vsoN - At Seof aforb. d ), en tMhe 24th tilt, by Rev.D. A. cDouald, Mr Geo Farquhar, of Ilul lett, to Miss Ell eldest daughter of Mrs. John ttayson, of Clinton. FARM TO L 'It OR SELL. 136 scree, 70 .cleared, alar.) woods Clay loft soil Good rode 8 as Water Orchard Sar churches 4 miles fr i 1Vibx ter blight take ger. don and !ranee in t 'n or vii igo as part payment Apply tobox 180, ingham. • LIQUOR LICENSES, MANITOBA �"O. SALE. BOSTON GlinliNES s oven 320 Amin (1 Section) of First Class Land, only Five Miles from the. rapidly growing City of -„o ��, � C A N D I E m BRAND s itt wheat, 1G roughed Ilgn: Cleae to ae iaal and The grain Minneapolis • FRESH AND CANNED GOODS ORANGES Fntoit 15 CENTS ro 35, OEM's, PER DOZEN, lENIONS " 25 rr 3Q u Notice is hereby given to all partleo in the Wee Riding Of Huron de ing either Hotel or Sho Licenses for the wale Liquor, that application fo he same must be ni a to the undersigned not lata hon the 1st of Apr' next W J Paisley, inspector Clinton PROPERTY FOR SALE. of the North-west. The .above is really a desirable Farm and will be said Cheap. Always on hand and served, in airy style. Ar-A-T_t�aCD 'raining iii],],. T ISL PT s MaRRLg-MARRs the Rectory, Listowel, .511. tea 20th ult, by Rev E V Hughes, Samuel Markle, J of Listowel, to Joseph! e Marks, of Wallace. 4 CaRT6a-S wan-. t Gerrie, on the 13th nit, by the Rev T A Wright, r Henry Carter, of Manitoba, b to Miss Sarah Sou ern, daughter of Mr. John b Sothern, of I`ordw Satre Fraser.- '.LiEl stowel, on the 10th ult, by on the Bev I Oomph �, Mr A Steve, of mo, to Mies tr Matilda Fraser, of onto. B1ioalno-SbAadisu• In Culross, on the 20th ult, by Rev A R LintorfitB • , Mr Daniel Seeking to Miss Francis Standish, bo 'Culross, There will be Wold by public auction at the Centr 2 otel,-Korman's-Wingham; on Saturday, Marc 3, 1889, at 2 o'clock p m, the property of the lato ohn Ootby, viz : Park lots No' 42, 43. 44, 44, an 6, Wingham town plot, containing in all 40} acres here are on the premises 2 good' dwelling bows, erns, 2 orchards, etq This IS a mostdesirabie and excellent property, i one of the finest locations in the county, being bu e mile out of town and • a most commanding situa on, affording a magni nt•viow of the town. For full particular ply to•the executors RIC ANDERSON, Wingham .TO TILT, 'Doou. 0 Wingham, 28,1889 • ESTATE OF THOMAS PRICE, Deceased. I hereby give notice as attorney for Mrs. Martha Price that tho said Martha Price has assigned all h' right, title and interest in said estate including he right to administration, to Mrs Alice Price adminis tratrix of the estate of said Thomas price ; and I further give notice that all suits heretofore depending between said Martha and Alice Price have been settled and that said Martha Price has now no claim upon the estate of said Thomas Price or on any part thereof. Dated at Toronto this 28th day of February, A. D. 1889. Signed F W EINGSTONE, Attorney for Martha Price, All debts due the estate of the late Thomas Price are to bo id forthwith to Mrs Alice Price at Wingham, of erwise immediate legal proceedings will bo taken o collect them. JO G HOLMES, 16 Victoria St, Toronto, Solicitor for Mrs Alice Price. Toro to March 1st, A D 1989. 30 by 3Q feet • WEST OF LONDON. h al TWO OTORIE$ ROBT. HILL, d 'Containing all the modern machinery for • hiringmoBoil e• GREEN'S $LOC$, WINGH M. hiring Fleming, Mouldings, Sash, Doors kc Bailor 2, and Engine Room Fire Proof with an Iron Shaving Room attached. -._- -- -... n This valuable property is in first-olass running t order, situated in Brandon near the 0 P R station, • and in the heart of the manufacturing depot of the Formerly of the Pop• business, D D. Adaina-At. Lower • ham Minnie Adams, aged 2 • irs, Cooper -At Brussels / he !aide Cooper, aged 7 n . s at Welsh -In Clinton . o aged 68 years. Ritchie -In Stanley Ritchie aged 78 year t Meyer In Seafor Meyer, aged 88 yea Stobie -In Sento h, on th 2Iet nit, Christina Mo - Kay, wife of Mr Ale Stehle, ged 38 years. • Hateroft-In Brun a, on a 26th ult, George W Ilaycroft, aged 38 years, ' nt nths and 13 days. Slennnon-In Cranurgok, n the 27th ult, Mary A oldest daughter of the late a;muel SIemmOn, aged '21 years, 10 months and 5 t s. Fairbairn --In Woodland - ilornia, on the 18th ult, Marty, wife of T T Fair ire,. Willis -le Ehna, on the Otn inst, Mrs Elizabeth Willis, wife of W ti v1 !ills ' ge 37 years. Andrews -In Exeter o, the 23rd nit, Elba Andrews, wife of Willia 4n. ews, late of Goderich, aged 71 years and 7 inFlalliday--ln Howick, .n tiie Ord nit, James Hal- liday, brother of J Heald a •ro..r, Harriston, aged Sil years and 6 months, � Hggg-In Turnherry, on/the r ' inst, the wife of Mr Richard Hogg, aged 25 ye s . nd 8 months. he 8th inst, and 8 days. Mary Ade. 28 •:, , avid Welsh, the 17th ult, David Hood , o • the 23rd ult, Adolph city where a Largo and Profitable business can no realized. Immediate possession can be given, Title perfect.. For full particulars apply to P, FISHER, Wingham P. 0. GR-�'AT � u ST •, ' Is the place to go if you want to get the•13E4ST i QUALITY OF .GOO at the Cheapest Possible Prices e 'At which they can, be sok , its luctrilig ale HE BUYS FOR SPOT CASH SALE OF uaEe Tii Proprty. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage made by James Flynn, Sr, Bridget Flynn, and Jmnts Flynn, Jr, default having been made in payment thereof, will be sold BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE ROYAL HOTEL, WINGIIA3r, Thursday, March 28th, 1889, At one o'clock, p m, the following property : The north half of Lot 25, in the 8th Concession of the Township of West Wawanosh, in the. County of Huron, containing 100 acres more or less. This is a eery choice farm, 75 acres cleared ' and 25 acres hardwood. There is a good frame dwelling 18 x 22, with kitchen 18 x 18, a barn 40 x 60, .and a stable 24 x32 TERMS' The chaser shall pay a deposit of $300 at the time sale, the balance of .one-third • of the purchase m ey in three • weeks thereafter; tho remaining tw .thirds to be paid in cash or se- cured by a mord ge payable from one to five years at the option o ho purchaser. For further articulars apply to C &RAR, CRE1tAR & BANRIRR, Vendors' So,.oito Hamilton. Hamilton March 5th, 1849. rs, Viteraditilali 1 l61.. JiilankliaganiaM r, S. GRACEY, ,ia TJn dertaker, Wi.n:;. am. BANK OF HAMILTON, WSNC-i-23.A.ILE. Capital, X1,000,000. Rest, $360,000, President-JoilN ETOARr. Vico•Prosident-110N. JAMES TORNER. DIRECTOILS A. G. ILAYOAY, Jour; PROCTOR, Clt, s, GURNEY, ORO. 110401f, A. T. Wain. Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Saving Ettnls hours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to 1. Deposits of.$1•and upivarda received and interest alldwad. Special Deposits also Veoetved at current rates Of 'doted. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. 13. WILLSON, AGENT, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.. Pnrenant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario,1887, bapter 100, ,section 86, the creditors of Robert alydater'Sinimona,.late of the Town of Wingtiatrr,' :aunty of Iluron and Province of Ontario, hotel. eeper, who died on Or about the litre day of anuary, A 1) 1880, aro required to send to the To - onto Oenoral'lruats Company, at the City of Toren - o, County of York, administrators of the said deceased, on or before the 4th day of April, A. . ., 1889, their names, addresses and descriptions; the full particulars of their clarmal a statement of their accounts and the nature nf'SOOuritiea (if any) "aid by them, and notice la hereby given that the nlniedtitofeltaectcdday proceed to drbiheaeOf th aid deceased among the parties untitled thereto awing regard only to the claims of which they shall Oft hate had notice, J, A. MORTON, leghan,28th ]rebruary811980, ieftoe for Adrhtaistr#toiw, -pF Vanstone sells Gold Filled Cased Watches on •a little advance of hat. 1 1 5; OOO1ORTH a Large Selection of others sell the sante movements for in, Silver eases: Also keep on 1'1'w!1 -0E----- General Goods. Jh SlatIght:rei • BEFORE MOVING. FINE STONE SET RINGS KEEPER AND PLAIN,GOLD PINGS. Also a Large and Well Selected Stook of Watches, Clocks, t welry,, Silverware, a er 'hales, 4Se. - 1 I do all kinds of Repairing in Clocks, Jewellery,. Sze- A11 work Warranted.• ' 1st I,IL'ERE. MILLS Post Office Block, Winghana Has determlied to clear out the wgo1e, stock of DRESS GOODS; READY-MADE CLOTHING, , CARPETS, .t?LANNELS, MANTLE ' 'GOO; CLOTHS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, SHAWLS, HATS AND CAPS, 1! URS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, .CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. -0 THE STOCK --IS-•.- Fully Anarted. Call and get Bargains while. the Stock is complete. ____0._ -THIS IS A -- Genuine Clearing Sale OF anginaige Goads. T. A. MILLS, Sigel of the yea` Hag, BROCKENSHIRE'S Photograph Gallery. Long Experience, close attention and unexcelled facilities, enables me to turn out uniformly a class of work acinar to that of any Gallery in the west, Iv -Work of every description artifi- cally, promptly and satisfactorily done. CABINETS SND FAMILY' GROUPS -A S?EO1ALTY, A Large Assortment of 'i..rames kept constn,etly on hand, Pricer as low its are consistent with govt!"work. SI0. MISS NttJLO 1/011Al t. OLASBTts 11'0 rnuctr0N es PIANO AND 1LJJ Organ, ire B* 0018016 etnd Harreeny. Reno Ito0161 ;1N itt ktl Booty SUCCESSOR TO H. PARK. THE LEADING BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. Owing to .the late : oom I have made room forand have • on hand A Large Stock of KART BIM and SUES, Ill addition to my Custom Business, I defy Golnpetition,m Quality-, Sizes,, and sin determined to sell for CASH, AT 1100K BOTTOM PRICES: '-Repairing as usual, And Gement Patching a Specialty. 1 soli:it:• a share of the patronage. Don't Forget the Place Opposite the Central Hotel- P. S. -I am determined' to have in all accounts by bmrcil..Ist, or 1, Wilk hand the salve into Court for collection, F. H. RODERIJS. Wingham, Ont.. DELLYT JEViE1211! EZIEMUT `rI as a most complete assortment of the LATEST; CHOICEST,. ,. and MAST CHARMING ARTICLES ii`b. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. and Silver Goods. To CAN s ff 1r T BILRGAINS. rr CLOSE ' ATTENTION GIVEN TO, REPAIRING, AND WORK AIL WARRANTED. GO RIGHT TO GREEN'S BLOCK 1+'&R YGUB JEWELLERY. To The Ladies o WinghaN and $antunding Ionntig We beg to intimate that we have on band a very Complete Stook of FANCY GOODS, Comprising tbo CHOICEST .ARTICLES and LATEST NOVELTIES. Beautifgl Goods la Every trept4ent, AN INSPECTION OF OUR Met. SOLICt:T' 1 or -Prices Very. Rea,so .able;.. . • MISS S 8ONTHRQN. •