HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-08, Page 7TI1E; 4 t� i1 OF '"� It 'he tom turrA Mile that {oro "lower
� .11� 1 V
than the i111e turned he 1os34ti three timed
-.-..,,.-..-.-- his bet,
EXCEL$ RAKER. AND 18 EQUAL, to get ry who play ca ds for
l rr money
1 of Yhnr e
TO .1 Ha FASCINATING FAf�O, the genie of '•bop" is hound to become
•-,., ,,•._.-- popular in the .hates when once stetted
t care Dante That Iles Taken tie Jo fa ,hu In action et in "bop"
"a little shos es rt ►ef
f,,nAou br Storm, aa4 l corn-
Whet fitrione.—Paris Letter to l'iiietn•
:erne copular la America—Dow l�ati"jla,lµii'olt
Ie Played. and the Rules for It.
people of falls who gamare cee-
ills Generosity.
i t; all of their silage time ton, ztt a :Qe4l1tlw e • bliit Each nded yen htsan ar carwer's' atterCel; to eat of thee' three dims."serious o A.
iso tlt,rt has $ t:.skeet Alel•1•itt, of faux erten were in the trenches
n artillery engagement.
u:r Ounce played ..h „ and, ;4t ,.ala hunt l,t
A Discussion, of Mosier and to GUo►stly
Sequel •-- Mokens' Prodiottoas at t iG
Races --The "Ttuoe Legged Jituti"•-,What
Rapponed to sy.'Plena of the Vert ,agger,
n enches
} 1 np azited all group They
tor money, Bled it out to.,how me he eluvial annand, t.ngy.
The new game being thead ap,, ,
on the
snziokinl;, out of the direct xeaeh of 0 -re,
de ams that as beenp played—not
hadn't a Ogee lei t,"- New Yurkl vttztiub i were
le yen shell suddenly exploded o over
a gauze ptit 1 at sever lilag me a Sun, when
heads o11 ao denlyste injured ever
r * the allnl`ilrg gains Uf T'ne k'�ne ch y117ag r "Market:'
van excepting of rho inert that it necessitated amputa-
lwyer, From the church yard 1 turned back ` tion of the left leg;
Perla i:> so infatuated with "lisp" tenet throut,h streets and lanes until l came to ;in each instance. The
the large open s uare front which seven Christian .name of each of these three
1n111i Qf. of franca are "oss and wonnaro streets diverge. q lore, 1u the ver center
'every night, 1 Y men was the same dames. The fourth,
+lglc, genie of "`boli hast here .etre- ' of the town—the market place—isa plain, who was untouched, bore another name..
bucca into the delis It London, and y is four cornered building, with a pointed , The three veteran pensioners have ever .
roof, but open otherwise to the weather, ' since been known among their acquaint-
beitig played there with a nazi! worthy cf This they call the market. Tho building azices as the "throe legged Jima,"
a better cause, So far astte ci ltedtliu f eat posts and is + 1;rowFZNr's EbPERm?icla.
s xtr
game has riot es yet been a l is supported by our �i ,
the United States, but it is only a matter ' used in suitable weather as an auction A curious story of coincidonco
•of time when. it will become ue popular house, as a speltlters' stand at public meet- bated by Robert Brownoccuited t in an Englishien
lugs. for musicians on festive occasions, newspaper as . having a remote
tilers as in Paris and Loudon, fee the ' , self and sister while visiting reason that it. is so enticing that it le illi- , iifor other purposes of asimilax nature;
itssible for card players to withstand , and all range it, on stated days, the valley in Switzerland some years ago,
farmers range their cumbrous cans and the circumstances of •ch are substan-
its temptations. All that is required to tially as follows:
render it a go there is to explain the ` and While strolling about one evening to
governing the play. I lligllsided wagons, and sell their butter 1
Tuley b a t and eggs within the enclosure;
"liop" is an extremely ental caliber t lounging against the supporting admire the calm and repose of the valley,
g which lay spxetna out before them, their
Any person of once
, were half a dozen great, hulkin fellows, talc
can Here
it if once told how to proceed. ,. in smock froelts and hobnailed boots, i- unaccountably turned to the subject
.Mere is a description of the game; smoking their black pipes or dozing in of murder, and each began to speculate
up persons are fours„lee to make the shade. (It was about . 11 o'clock.) as to what their first impulse would be
lip a Fame. Take decks of cards, Otherwise the square was ht fI d the body of a m Bred man in the
as to
from which throw out all of the ceras and there was scarcely a sight ar sorted wood. Continuing in this strain, the
below the sevens. That leaves i ate of life in any of the seven streets; one
Beings, queens, hicks, tens, mi,llt as well have been in Pompeii, it BroSvnin�;s talked until they reached the
gine sevens to play w,rtl1 i was so still, so dead. hotel, when, tho matter was dropped.
Fo171t AEC'I*S YN ONE. T asked an old man who kept a.little Mr. Browning applied for tand he use oro
All four of the decks are shuffled d tk. watchmaker'seeshop near by—ahose slow earrinearringto a the landxt lord, morning,
they were one sleek. spoken, slow moving' mien, whose name, that 't would bo impossible for •
ether as tlloui;is Thomas Hum,' a strange contra them t a i
This done, thud, the cards having i been
thaw to !rave the two horses intended for
. cut, one person mikes the tical, giving tion of his speech and his movements --
,1110 card in a time to the other players what those mon were doing there. "Do -their carria0.c, as one of them was
ing`, oehoed th8 Old man,. `they're doing wanted to bring in the body of a man
until he has- dealt them. three cards notk ing, don't you see?—they're waiting found early that morning, murdered, at
apiece, but taking no cards himself. g the head of the valley. Questioning him,
After the deal those who have been for jobs, Come here any 'morning at 6
sul,i;lWti with cards look at their !.ands o'clock and you'll find fifty more such 14Tr, roweling learned that in all prob-
t1ietbet or stay out, as their judgment waiting to bo lured. The farmers and ability who murder had been committed
dictates. suck as want men to do odd jobs come in very soon after the conversation of the
The matter of betting, having been here and hire them, some for a day, some evening before.
for longer. Yon men you, see didn't get e On visiting the spot where the body
settled, the dealer turns a card from the bad.beisi discovered it was found to be
{o of the deck and proceeds s to pay and hired this morning, and they're in hopes the identical place where, on the previ-
talce, recording to the exigencies of the , somebody will come along yet and .want 1
game ,'em for some little job or other. There's ells evening, they had stood speculating
, Losers and winners are determined twice as many men in Whittlesea as are as to what they should do in case of such
ilue.; If the dealer turns an ace he needed for the work that's to be done an event. To heighten n the dramatic o d
they '
makes a sweep, or, in other words, dies about here yes, three times as many. feet of the coincidence,.
all of the bets that are made, regardless Time was when no roan need stand idle that
of the cards held by the other players. here for want of a job of work; but that no crime of violence, so far as
lmown, had ever before been committed
If he turns a king, and there are any • time's gone by long ado.' =William T. in that valley. The fact that the hind
' of the poet should have turned such 'kings in the hands out, they "stand ori"'Tinsley in Lyons Republican.
1 subject just at that time partakes
the dealer, All cards- below the king t nature of a presentiment and the coinci-
lose on that hand or deal. All aces out l James E. vieene's First investment.
grin Iieene is now about 48 years of age, so dente is. certainly one of the most peen.
It is :niece! this: The persons to ' that he is still young enough to attempt iax on record.
the cauls are dealt take cheeses, the re-establishment •of his fortunes if x11 Frecor 's "Fife of Dickens" a curia'
after looking at their cards, cad before fate affords him:any opportunities at all In
story is toldouficl hat D' ke srmeed
Being the tttrzl up, of thou cards being for catching on. Lie was born in s l - a ` "paralyzing tither higher in denominationatilllaiixililte I on the but
spectthe coastee Di ring the art of is iLte e St.on t Leger day, in he 1857, Dickens ibought a
card that will be turned Up t; cord of the races, and facetiously wrct0
The ace in the dealer's percentage. A 'was a small speculator , in San I ranciseo
ling or a seven will stentt off a king ora and never met with any considerable suc- . down tlireo mimes for the winners of tiro
seven, and there is nothing lost nor won Boss. A mime story is told about the rthc ltief of races.
arty of etre chprsosrin his
ad novel -lead
on such a stand off, but nothing Will ..beginning of his fortunes. His career :
stand oi; an ace when turned by ahad been so harassing and merited by so life, but, as lie wrote. to Forster, races , if you
stealer. !;vert if there are three aces inhe many disappointments that his health was can believe i, those three hose thrc
a hcina <t �ainst the dealer, he Skins if lie comploteiy broken down, and his physi- Avon. one after another, by ,
turn an ace.
clan told him that he must •abandon all horses."
When the cards have all been dealt further work and take a long trip abroad.Th �e � AFTEnttelans vnans.
ho�ers, narrated a
dealer 1 passes them to the. player
Just before his departure,purely
hundred a ice s hic11 �1 Hou 1. y
JAS.. �# �i .1,. GLI ,
Where i
° zte Gutters,
B •gsteo,. &itis', t c.
Repairing of all kinds attended to,
s to bo
STENT of al
n. ,
the Latest Patterns • and Most Reliable makes in
Fine Fneneh panting
enc c ea er 10 n tur•3 and porn y . y, o poet, wy, , - • es may
to his left, and they are shuffled and acaident, he invested in a few unc conic} el
t'_0alt by that person until they are again
shares of mining 1 `v gure
hands as in poker or euchre, but after that during the year of his absence he So sthen 1lnim- vave been a uite
itilnl the boundinvention,rous s cf loos ili lity.and at
h usinM' An
ealiautjted, and so on as lenges g selling ata very
lasts. They are notshufTlecl'e
between the portant did the investment seem to him the same tiles som�:v at am h•
officer who. war ordered to England, each baud is played the cards employed never once thought of it, and was very on the day before leavingg ia o
, t
much surprised on his return home to
his lawyers. The day being wet, he
in that hand are thrown aside, not to be find that the mina out t b a took Hackney coach and when lie got
used til another grand shuffle has been bonanza and the £o dyed dollars' t as he was paying the d 1 d dropped a shilling. He !oohed
the mu s:
determined, of oclw:se, by bad advanced so in price that it wa the.coacltt�lau. On his return home after
th er $200 000. some years' service he had occasion
comparatively ample fortune
arse b aisle. MAIM.
players are r Mr. Keene lumped into the again to go to his lawyer's. When leenavl-
Imagine a grainy. Say p e to operate on, Ing he recollected his lost shilling,
Blackie Edwards, Tcm Meade, Dick San Francisco market and operated with
Holland and Bill Bolander. boldness and success. He soon became a by s eenaecountablo impulse, began
They sit in the order manned. with millionaire. And when he came on here to look for it, when, strange to say, he
to New York in 1877, p found, coachmen—not the shilling,
!yttria on Meade's right. Its 131ack}e s name was to
other had p, just at the very spot where he v�® ®i �' ��� White
B d hands E e lila
ane card at; a time, Helping Meade satv,of Wall streetcotnoi-
until he (seals three Carols from the top him to such an extent that he determined
-Perhaps 4most might tom mention and at
? rs t } the baso of his oilerations, and clone off anywe mig rattly authentic, is
e tin ' had turned o 0 o a ' • driver,
w hue o s ou ,ithe
aua limit placed on bets to be made, worth of stock Which he lead purchased
A limit isnow d nd slush for it in vain, and so did
which is
1? of the players 1 war n
tiTriC With
Wanted0 niJd. Ovefon tigg$.
0'I OF
_fonder, on:
this tempera
coag done
> oith of coppers,
deal. kIe shuffles the
cards 1.11 trip to urop , but twelve pennyw
them to Bol10001 to out. Then Ile first, familiar in Wali street. What Keene u lit aro vri at this time attracted , `-^. paper.
of the deck to each of the p aye o chance writer, "Tay-
Meade looks at his hand .and finds a it was shortly after this t at his opera- the same time ono per
a ton and a seven. The limit is
tons in tom an with Jay amid tom related by that charming <<
king,p y user," t I was walls -
y25, Meade bets $1.Iso signifies hie mended the attention of Wall street mon. ° �r " of The Boston Pos • down
willingness to bet by dee.htring that it'e a Those earl operations were all success- ing,'• says Taverner, "on my way
+•go_," that being the technical phrase. A fol; and at the and of two or three years .town,
he amt `w vneighbor
o � Companion,gon
13clland finds in leis band a j� Keene` was looked upon as the comm no app • ycliaugarl the
and an eight spot. Ile bets the Cressus.—New York Cor. Boston Herald. anent cause, suddenly
nine subject on which we were chatting by an
limit.Discovered.subject concerning a trained out men oaf our • -•
Beal. rete bets $0.23. a queen and a gait view i> !Bien C+ mulmi mance, who lead disapp
of tens. He eters 40 " ,u, The discovery of the Amulet aline an bb
lives several years afore and Svhom. 1
reality . As it has never been in mint knew he Bold in especial detestation.
Iilsl,Ckin then turns up s� Sank. Lynx creek, reads more like fiction ppt than. ,
Moade's king. being Waller than the vo it: In July, 1880, F• I . k *11h friend had especial
det him the
jack tn1and by the ce tng b ow but wo , $i year before in San I,'ranelsco, and later
his tsars and seven both bentg below thewhich
Bog eery with pick and shovel on his of
shoulders, was climbing; the Lynx Gree!;. ; as somnolism onthe continentwont onpe. r
free tai t to p talo dealer0 5i1 ear,11, 4vhich And there i3 no than;
forces and' ck ishe tti$?1. mountains e. his way to eary in the 1 .y, `that 1
should more heartily enjoy
) Ioltaurl's jack is se stance off for Black- quartz mine. Becoming; kPa l • down if he would only give me
re's jack inrned up, and there its no action accent he smopPed beneath the . After , , a:.ui
a , tl;; , , a juniper tree to rest. After � the provocation.' Wo had at that instant
loseso Fax asthatrecd 19 concerned. they
Dod: recuperating reached on the ten and the sevrn, they hod: for some time he took t n rind Tremont street, where,e,pass y A
Mi 4t- • remind
the oorncr, one of the, passim,
being belowtwice
e $ jerk it tcie e u he ewes ,tie incl, slipped in mllm his 'ton his seen • croSvd canis squarely into collision with
ttvdBlae�ia ttvign �u25 lentil lie ran s,eo Bill ,tier liint�sible, nisi liimm hands, and, in my friend. slipped p
xlVde. , :eictek him its thew I li causing g great Dalin h o rstrtlg struggled.
iihisle Leh bthe Of rho nte mad ,1
iloratidex wills one bet and loses two,
liavilag:a, avian and two tens. �ickln(, it up l rya k. I turned to it3k up the lea
all of the outsiders,. recatlon from the pails it Caused }
't when 1 felt myself grasped
The alert ►!anti, a ,leo stttcl� it in rho ground: s^iix, i fallen mazy SS
that is, those other than the dealer, have b thear.abymy ,
average tai cls and bet well up to the •could remain there, and started to walk yt t ,icott, Taverner,friend,
t yctt sees it's
away. He 1 8 pulled G man,.and I've done it, ..frac all"• "�
tut, etOtlla e��btar< sln"f31ar1:1�i1 t wine when 11a relented, and, turning, p aitco tllo very ug s,
eve . i sight when h,• turns p his. it from the ground, ,binlgine• with it he enough, it was file distant iter aor, r, .
everything cry for i, n : i(, some brt , ., who had turned up tiyen knocked
�u ' tc
• srci ioi it ? s tin ace. leinemller, aces edit t111d allinit" irlc tai. Ill itis
t stand } had stn of
t)f1 an itr Ci itl t 11ttlE t Cem:china
tltr dealer turns au tine tldeal,
er l iandttitatt b •n over 11;50.000 worth of high grade ; m the Habit of cont ll}ni ilii
giveall classes a chance to invest
ltrloi ,;- 1 tt struck i.5 rttO so to speak, by tti Co o
which he iogated as the Alolie-17emocrrt. I a Yvs, Lanap Good
1 from which there has „, Ist Chtucu.
in the lmeturned
r tE do by the teals no When :blind ledge, sr
thin(; t i be done all that i f c 0U are, the boon i:+ le take ovm ytinu(;-- Y tics Bmaac of From. sa careful ore,
church Tho lancet says: "It represents
dealer. hasas! ma e the second class ore, S1 the
bla arils. bred of
If an outsider bold three cards carry
been allowed to remain o11 tltd to o, large r;::tent avoids imitation,
gpandilt ,tet any clary -rl tcel,t an ace— ftiiIy. , it its estimated that it ontaiva habit t and des � lilo reduetioll is there-
turned y the dealer, Clore is n are 0.0 folly x,000 tons. samples were procured no 1
lost or will •on the hand, for they area from this �1rontiscuously, and osl sampled
a� aore bake ruse hopeless.
the e .}n where
rind au ,. je a little self control could 'usually do
1. stand sari if an outsider Ihave three big a va ue f Vial icr to
x :iw,la that ilrr 3 IIIo clitllt , �tllol Its ea�ti^„i per ton, or fatal saltie
of n�,e, an the dumps 02 b'i0,ild0.-� ttotnethu15 to leslx�n it°i form or its ire-
ono turned y at thea► dyne 1 uuency.”
ixlldlatmet, we cjpUfl in question ey 1. wn
America!! and Canadian Coit! Oil
apeeil8}ty. Repairing nearly ant
ntistalt0 but ot114 and inapts