HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-08, Page 410011001110
g ani Eai1YCs
FRIDAY, IIU4RC1118, 1889.
The report of the 11liaister of Fdu.
c:etion for 1888 contains much useful
information. The solmeh popnlation'I
fox the province in 187? was 494,804
and in 1887 811,212. The average
aalaay paid in -107 to male teachers
was $898; in 1887 it was $425.
Average salary paid to female teachers
in 1877, $264 and in 1887, $292, In
1887 the totalreceipts were $4,831,357
and the expenditure $8,742,104, The
average cost per pupil on the number
enrolled in .1887 for counties was
$6.82, for cities $12.01, and for towns
►7.40, or an average of $7.59 for the
province, ' While the number of
Separate Schools bas increased 54 in
eleven years, the total receipts for
1887 were $229,848, expenditure
$211,223, The total receipts for High
. •Schools for 1887 were $529,328, ex
penditure.$494,612, For eight years.
' the number of high Schools stood at
104, new they number 112. Collegiate
Institutes have advanced to 28 in 1887.
iThe most gratifying feature of our
High School system is the large in;
crease in the attendance, the number
ht,ving nearly doubled in eleven years.
In 1877 the cost per pupil was $22.99;
ii 1887 it was $18.75 per pupil. Ex-
aaainations in Kindergarten work were
held during 1888 at Hamilton, Ottawa jj
and Toronto, and out of the 68 candi-
dates who presented themselves 12 + Ro
passed for directors and 13 for aseiset
ants, County model school were first
established in 1877, and since that
time they .have been. attended by
14,154 teachers. There are now five
e trebling institutes in the province --
one at Guelph, Ilamilton, .Kingston,.
Owen Sound and Strathroy, In
departmental examinations the number
of candidates examined in 1888 for
second and, third class certificates was
5157, In the second class 557 passed,
and in the third class 947. passed.
490,400 . examination ', paper s'• were
hassled by the department in 1888.
The rturuber of teachers' institutes in
1887 was 66, members 6718; total
number of teachers in province, 7594,
There ere now in. operation 186
.Mechanics' Institutes and Free Li-
nearies. Twenty.three new Institutes
3rage, been itioorporated and opened to
then bers within the year. The total
laugher of , Mechanics' Institutes and
•L+'rce Libraries .reporting this' year is
187, with„ 38,176, members • aad 18,
840 readers, With .property valued at
8108,573.75. The. total expenditure
of 167 Mechanics' Institutes and,Free
Libraries for the past year was over
$06,360. $29,500 was expended for
books and bookbinding, and 744,466
!looks were issued to members and
:readers. One hundred and four in.
stitutes and free libraries repotting
provide reading rooms fitted with
necessary equipments. $8692,80 has
been expended for the purchase of
1r -
y ..
were signally divided, it would ozz
possible to give about 2 west
individual, and agriculturists t
that some 40 acres of good lan
necessary to support
ly be the cotnpsuy of ladies.—A prayer 1 urer Mr Radcliffe re•ele ,te4 ; stare-
o each meeting wits held at Mr Ww (fender tary hlr Jas Mitchell,. re-elected, Wo eozxlmence this week, a Weekly
on us son's of the boundary haze on Tuesday Connell, Messrs M Hutchinson, T l3 correspondence to' the Tereus. T4
are afteenoon 5th inst. Quite a number VanFvery, 0 A Nairn, J 1-1 Colbourn') those of our reader') who emit to fol --
were present. Tho Rev A X I-_artley _Ill' Cilniphell, txoo T}rutuniond, Joseph low us, we promise atothing but intelli-
gent, re iablu reading matter, For
the heoefit of the unaoc uainted, the
nr r,se 'ivi .' a brief: out il a of 1
a mart in comfort . offietated.-. We regret very much thin Beck, 0 A Humber, A Sunders and
D McGillicuddy,
:Miss Kate Stevenson is visit
Mr Thomas lleary's. — Mr
Demi!' and Bobt Irwin return.
Manitoba after having sold the
of horses, Mr Durnin izxten
turning with Ins .lfuunely soon,
bets bought 820 acres of good,
He intends making itlanitob
borne. ---On Monday evening qu
number of the people of this.
went to a social held at Mr I
Wellwood's at E bel. All say
was a good them. — Mr .
Ritchie bas bought another
from :Mrs Wiggins, of Pongee
Master John 11cOrosbie is seg
home and attending school 1
Word. has heeu received W A
who left us a short time ago fo
tuba arrived at Brandon on Sa
the 28rd os: February in goodhealth, t
who has no other source of income. week to eunounce the death of Mrs
')allot; Richard Hogg of the hounclary line.
1t was one of the loot sudden occur.
btu Jesuits have entered. an
against the Toronto Mail for $5
The principal ground of conapi.
the oath ascribeel to the Order b
Mail. They allege that they to
other oath than a vow of fi tell
their auperiors and the sovereign
a vow of chastity, an t that the
as 'Opal as any other citizens,
interest is manifested .in this to
Ruv 1). Wxx.p, in preaching ag
Jesuits on Sunday evening,
for his text the words : oThere
,in all things, whatsoever ye
that men, wottld do to you, d6 ye.
so to. 'thein." Referring to the
that Father 'Hand was preaching
night on the same subject, he
,he hoped that Father Mand wool
tfully reported, so that he (Dr. W
might "get .on to him." Whet an
emplification of the spirit of his t
What irredeemable nonsense so -ca
popular preachers will vend land
with Scripture. He also offered $
to any one who will supply hien w:
genuine copy of the precepts and o
of the Jesuits. Father Whelan
offered to give $500 to any one
would produce a bona -fide passage
from Jesuit precepts to show that the
end justified the means,
0,000. encs; eve ;have had in our rnfdat f .
')int is 'some time. The deceased was only
y the in ailment a few hours when on Sat-.
se no urday 2nd Met at four o'clock in tilt
afternoon death olused her career at
ty tc the age of twenty.five years and eight
end months. The fueeral took place on
y are iUonday the 4th inst, and was largely
Much atreuded. The remains were convey -
atter ed to the 0 P R depot Wiugleme
whence removed to 11ienburg, York.
gainet Oo. far interment. Mrs Hogg
took leaves a loving husband and one
fore, child, a father and another and many
would other friends end relatives to mourn
her sad demise, They have all the
even heartfelt sympathy of this cominunity.
fact ---Mr T Gifplzt's sale on 'i'uusday was
d be
ex -
On Friday evening of last week as
bt Montgomery was unhitching; his
team preparatory to stabling them,
after returning home from town, they.
suddenly took a notion to have a little
mare exercise and took ot1 at : •full
speed in the direction of Teeeivater
where they •hopped none the 'ev, rse for
their escapade;' -We are gled`to let(rn
that Mr Archie. McGregeg• boundary
line Oulross, who was attending high
school at Clinton and there opntreated
a bilious fever, is able` to be around
again. --!bliss .Agues Mitchell after a
few months at home left • on Wednes-
dry 27t1i to prosecute her ' profession
as a teacher: -Mr A McEwen has•
accepted the principalship • of the
Bltievele sehob(,1i aving resigned' . his
position as teacher is S S No 9.—The
lecture that the Rev Mr Difoorhense
delivered in the school house of 5 5
No 5 was in every respect a success.
The audience, though small, was
deeply interested and so well pleased
that the lecturer received .a 'hearty
invitation to return and deliver an-
other on the 15th March* He will
complywith t'lie request. --Last Fri
day afternoon the pupils of S S No 5
had a debate, the subject being "It is
resolved that iron is more useful to
man than wood.", W Forgot was
captain for the affirmative and F
Lewis captain for the negative. The
decision was given in •favor of the
affirmative by five points.—Mr Argos
l'ipling exchanged his fine Tontine
mare with Mr `Samuel `Leggat for a
heavy horse with some additional
cash. Mr Leggat. who now ..goes on
the road has secured a line driver, --
The last meeting of the' Boundaty
Line Literary Society was held at Mr
John Mc0raeken's on the evening of
the 4th Inst when the following pro
gramme was given. Opening anthem;
W Heederson, recitation ; W Max-
well, song; Robt Maxwell, instrumen-
Miss Annie Henderson, recitation;
Nettie Maxwell, reading entit-
The lips that touch liquor shall
touch mine" Misses 4 and J
:r, 5 periodicals and 1466 inewspepers;' tal ;
41 institutes and free libraries had in Miss
operation evening classes with an led e.
attendant* of 1902 pupil's in the Eng never
lisle and egrnmerGiut courses; and 1t3 Risdon, duet; A Rutherford, instru-
i= titutes' co tided evenin,= mental; W Maxwell, sang ;'!'fie last Gocterit h. Th
1"-tltu adv n classes in on the programme was a very inter- A grand'St Patitick's concert is to Metc
y, (need and mechanical eating and iestruc ivo lecture the be
p p s. 1'lie total J phrenology by Mr J the 18t11 of M b to frit,
draws,,, c ee en to given
purpose t, u„ 1 "Myth
at before our re mar items Blyth!
Johan is charmingly situated on the Lon.
ed franc don, Huron and Bruce" Railway,
it lo''cl eonmidway
in one of the besbetween t agricultural thu-
ds re- triets in the Comity of .Huron, its
as he is about twelve Initiated
1and. population le les assesetahle property is large,
')tee u 'There are sntito iitdustrirs exempt
fee>m taxation jubt now whk lz will soon.
1?illi') n y fottable commit zubaarnbers 01foliI1 aria.
ritahreetw ;Kettle
office and a largebuilding
that serves as a put)lic halt. Its in.
horse dowries are thuwell•ltnown Salt LVoz,ks.
oon -- where a large number of hands are
aiu at ewployed all the year round, it aKo
fere,--• has a grist .hill the property of peeve
t i<allyghe Son, which is now running
turday night undrlay for the purpose of filling
the numerous orders. Next Conies
he flax Mill, foundry, woolen
annery, carriage tnakere, fern
story, saw Mills, cooper shops,
well attended and good prices realized
withlively bidding; Cows. brought i
$25 to $85, and'aheep $18 a pair.
East: Wawaa'iosiz,.
A slight error occurred in a mar-
riage notice in your columns last
week. The. groom's name was given
as Thomas instead of Wm Linklater,
It ought to have read East Wawanosh
instead of'Turnbecry and the bride, a
forwer"teacher in this township, was
of Arkona.—Mr. James Armour, of
Wingham, spent Sunday with friends
on the 5th.-Messers. J. Tebb, and J.
Snell have gone to Michigan-•-yliss
Lexie Morton, who has been attending
the Clinton Collegiate institute, was
home for a few days last week.—Mr.
and Mrs, Littlefair of. Morris, ant!
Mr. Butz of Brussels, were visiting at
Mr, S. Fells' this week, --The schoul
house section N. 18,• was closed en
t!. oeday, the teacher Miss Rath, at-
tending the funeral of her'egusin,
Mrs. Hogg, of Turnberiyy.--Mr. Wm
1~othergili had a narrow escape one
day last weelr,whitedrawing cordwood
to 'Blyth. The road is full of pitch -holes
and in going through one of these he
was thrown from his Toed with a quan-
tity of the wood,' 'as he fell near the
centre;the sleigh passed over without
seriously injuring,,,him --Tile exaarin.
ation ofyS. S. No. 9, .taught by Miss
Campbell, will be field on Friday, the
8th inst, An erithrtaitineut will be
given .hetlxe eves t s.
L rey
The following is the result of the
weekly examintttiibns held ip S. S. No.
5, Grey during the month of February.
Teesw'ater. , t
Mr G Funsten has removed his stook fa
of groceries to Listowerl where he will ,n
continue his busiues —W Sharpe, w
inerclzaut, has disposed of his stock of R
dry goods to D N McDonald, of Ilel. kt
more. Wm McDonald is opening a ie
new general store in the latter place. ti
—L Roach of the late firm of 1luaeh th
Stothers, bakers,has disposed of his to
interest itt the business to Mr Alvan, an
of.Goderich.—A new dry goods story
will be opened by Messrs Turnbull i1 pi
Ohadwich next to Collin's boot and it
slice store. Ash -th of these gentle-
men are favorably .known to the
public, we bespeak the new firm suc-
nes.—Mr G Nixon is still very low
and but slight hopes aro entertained
of his recovery —Mrs Brunston is see
suffering front inflarnation of the sic
lungs.—Tho choir of the Methodist No
church gave a social and literary en. M
tertaitement at the residence of al
R fen
Copeland 4 con Culross on Friday Ise eoI
Md. Mr Gracey, of Wingham, and: co.
Mr Munro, of the Times were present lin
and contributed not a little to 'the un'
enjoyment, we
Orange •ttu1. not
Mr. Editor,-.Your correspondent in 1
has Jong con;templated visiting Orange of
Hill,for the purpose of getting a glimpse in t
of the country, and. st•eing .Glib speci• of
motet of humanity that inhabited that int
happy -named district. taelieving that ties
the, best way to accotnpiish iiiy mission Tha
to accept Mr. 1'. Shearer's invite•. he
to the public exatnination of the eve
tars'of his school ou Friday last. pap
e we expected to sae not only the edit
archs of tire. neighborhood, but igno
their children consisting of school year
ars, noble youth and beautiful meii
anbood. We were not disappoint. mak
Everything excelled• our expeuta- any
s. 'There were eleven of the from
pedagogical profession" present, frons pran
the surrounding suheels, who assisted inert
hi the examination of the different intit
classes which did honer to themselves, 1 du
and reheated credit on their teacher chat
Mr, Shearer. At noon the usual lunch coup
was served. (I may say that the ladies Perh
of O. H. are also noted for their skill Any
in the culinary departments of their and
households). One class, the Sr.. 3rd shou
especially distinguished itself iii Arith- farm
untie, taking a high .percentage, over those
60,, on what everyone present eonsider- to be
cd good ten Sr 4th questions, At the enjoy
close of the examination short adores- , pre'se
es were delivered by some of the par. comp
ents and teachers who were present, vane
In the evening, a very successful on. sit sip
tertainneent was given, Mr. J. .B. Bea other
four of Lakelet P.' S. in the chair, . ani!
Proceedings elate], with singing of the' With
National. Anthem, A Vrsrruia. enjoy
Glenanrt•an. supos
e many friends of Miss Annie veils
alfe are pleased to see her again. All tb
theux after a lengthy visit water
ends in Michigtan and Stanley..,.- on Pei
ilpin and family left on Thai's• oheir
f last week for their future home soleoel
chigan. We wish diem ever
s in Uncle Stuff's dotninfou
Ines Clarke of the boundary lef
hein,.-A merry . tleighload o
people left on Thursday of las
o visit Mr T \lrallaue's nes
brook, in Wnwntiosh, Listen
ilDonn'biook Fair" when the
ire they had one .long the road •
iinittr)terable upsets and being
forced to use their sltillttlles.
• Zetland.
twig Thompson left this ')seek
iitii..t'g;, wheat we be,isve be
to remain,
ess Makers, 5cc. Space will net per.
it es to go fully in these matters, so
e pass along. Next we come to
eeve Kelly, so well and f4vorably
town in the County of Huron. tie
as been returned as Reeve time after
me, and to all appearance can stay
ere as long as he pleases. lin is iii
nsely loyal to the interest of r31yth,
d has laboured hard to build up this
ace. To hint perhaps, more than to
y other itr.eividual, helmets the erect -
of thibttsy place's present condition,
Delightful spring weather and every
dy Inst ing, afraid of losing the
ighing.-1'Iiere is a great deal of
knees around jest now, Miss
!lie Gebel is down with infl,atnation,
Mt Archie McGregor with typhoid
er, Miss M Mcletyre with a severe
d and several others with minor
utplaints.—,Found on the 25 side -
e e short time ago a pair of gents
nentionables rattier tho worse for '
ar, hardly suitable for the owner to
at on a visit to his best girl. --I1 e
ice a very spiteful centtnunieatiun '
ast week's Traiss over the signature
Truth. He says there is nothing
his world so stiange as the fertility -
an editor's imagination when the,•
line to streak, Well now, Truett
not seen ranch of this . woi=ld.'
tis evident from the start. Dos
suppose an. editor nnufactures
ry item of news appearing. is the
er ? Does he suppose that the
or of the '_'eeswater Yews through
ranee, made a mistake of twenty
sin the date of the Fenian excite-
s? perttalis tie does.—Does Truth
o the ease of Ed, Boomer eppear
better in the eyes of the publico'
the light he throws on his
ks 1 Truth, from his own state,
ts, appears to have beau pretty
nate with the doings of Boomer.
nth see why Truth comes out • to
.pion the -cause of the young
le who got mixed about the road.
aps he was one of the couple.
body that call nnanufacture tuore
meaner nonsense than Truth
Id go and take a stroll with - the
er's pu, s - -A bux social is one of
e' things that most tie experienced
at=prectated. The climax of this
went is only attainprl when you
ut your ticket and secure Sour
onion with a box of rich and
d edibles and a quiet Corner to
eat end converse. If some
fellow has your best girt, and
you. but that ain't the question.
a large crowd this exquisitely
Mile or preplexing pastime pite-
es ample aceotnodation and con.
noes and hospitable entertainers.
ese thine: the choir of the Tees..
Zion methodist church had at,
;Copelaud's on the 4th comes/tient'
day evening;, With nrr, Gor'don t
man of the Teeswater public•
board, plottsantly presidins;,, a,
most enjoyable ufusicial progranime
s' was gone through,. ter. Yeo being
t leader of the exceilnnt choir, and Mr.
f aitford as organist. torr 8, Graceyt,,of
t Wingbant greatly delighted the wadi -
t mice with his well rendered readings.
d There were about 75 or 80 peewit
the mostly from 'i•'ee,iwater,
Mr Alex'Stewart, for over twet,ty-
five yeas an:elder in the Pt esbytc riatt
otiurclt, was presented with an address
and a welt tilled purse by uicn)br'rs of
the ecngre't;ation, recently, •.
5th class, maxitnnre, 390: Richard echo
Spillet, 308, Jennie Lindsay 200; 4th Her
class, Jr.,maxiivum 450; Mex. Pirie patr Robert Rowes 200, Samuel Byers also
218; 4th class, ' Jr. maximum 390, echoI
Isabella Pearson 207, Mary Jane wont
Campbell 180, Mary Alexander 60; ed,
3rd' class maximum 400, Samuel tion
Campbell 321, John Lindsay 100,
Donald Kellner 1'38, Kate Pearson 137
Duncan Kellner .176, -David Duke
94, Joseph Ridley 198, Alfred 1Taw-
ilton 128, Mary Jane Holmes 218,
Florence Spillett 125. 2nd class
maximum 160 Laura Spillett 154,
Louisa Duke, 102; Robert Ridley 129,
John Lindsay 125, Charles Ames 125,
Jenny Duke 130, Lizzie Hewitt 157,
Richard Lindsay 125, Mary Byers
154. . The severe weather prevented
many of the pupils from being present
at all the examinations and henee
they are low on. the fiat. The follow-
ing are the names. of those who ate.
tended every day during the month
of February: Joseph and Robert
Ridley, John, Wilburn and Richard
.Lind.ay, Alex Pirie, Alfred Bainil-
ton, David, Jenny and .Laois& Duke,
and Richard, Laura, Florenoe and
Atuy Spillett.
on the evening .of Monday -anions
,, wilt; 408 a u! „anteet n£ iMareh. _he following otependt+ire ftr ensuing class Wileen, of tVinghatuWe compile, taleut t beene Mr. U
,. , a KateGallagher, '1r P j
.) . es was u las secured: Miss Bate
.,,tt71.59. nv8$8 the total receipts time dealt a ttbe theable manner in which Carlin and
Ii` t B day o
ivores $1{l3,tstbgt, thet During the a he t' question, The 'prtiixor and Mr Douglas, of Stratford, iti Bii
t (1 years ,St .0tait. h pato, meeting closed singing "God save Messrs 3? Teener gild W Shane, of MrJa
drawing classes the Queen."he chair was occupied Blyth. Mrs (Judge) Doyle and A W BIr Ja
have been conduct* 4t tnechauies' by Jenkins, who performed his ianpor- K Arincitsnn, violinist, !bliss Adda .wall t
inf:titutes, ')illi 37117 tem duties itt a planner very satlsfao Chilton, Miss Tc•ssteY Kidd, of Dublin young
toudarxor=, f'eprcfieut(n eutn in tet• tory to all present. The next meeting Mr 1lobert._Reynolds, iI•oderiole and lr t
over one will be Heid at Mr Win He itdersorr s !1 1r R H Collins, Exeter. -- .J,r[iti l7onny
hundred variotts. tralel ej -conn tis.
on the evening of the 11th inst. The I' 'a n convicted of !freak' iof a'
trolls Arbor Lt.y has nt, Immo meeting is aft open az and
,isle of the Most iutcres friends at,d acquaintances +
profitable holiday , ittiar thole Murray,1887, 28,057 trees were pit tt evening they 4th rust a few vehicles victed of keeling robe') from John
hereat value was attached to tuchL' laden with young people went av<+st• Beattie, of Sea£urth was remanded ly r
t ward un the illuuvale read. E'oi• fur smite till 1-fnrch the 8tt1,. thew=, , S i
entitling in evoking elitism ' witere they were destined your coma. 1 bei,*.. a'lother charge f i i`n 1ti i
t t o g ne. n all
' hilt! q
')floes r. a oxtezzd•
of the is I est! to cordial invitation —On holiday
Thos rJacksoir's shop itt Clinton, and got the
stealing goods was a.quitted during leaving
good behavior. . F. , almost
i.i)ZTO1 IAL 140`11:9. . •. tuurst comp tniont haute of gees!
1,• ;.ell the Rased let Great ilrirttit, to d r ti e enthnn,=„ left the vat) Inc the t
goof, Dud, 'aid 2trt i11ot tlt, ;,t:Fieco hint respect pant to thef
by, tep. Melly ua WI Were itx i
•<tr.dettt dot' but kn'nv. '."E•Iowevertai nin:it hint f,, that day.—The"u (4. i1.
Jf 1 t Hutt -
et ielx ,r.1 of, Thule cizo.e thehr'
atriums f,.r 1+980`: president .Mr It F ! Jtev
Willi:on ., ret elected; cine preeietant Ohio, h
lir Joseph Kidd, jr, re': elects:,! : tz;acts• t,,
t3t,0 jai Franklin, of Toledo,
eta a;cepted by letter the call
eitgeteh.e„ii,a,a, 444 %1%14
—Try to repeat the following coirreony
anti repadly r' The watt sw,un ever ttIk
, river: swim, twee, t3W111i; the.ev atx at+rwO.t
ball quilt; well, swain, saran 1