HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-08, Page 3,. A,Atetat.
.� *'areeteter'a Who Work to Croda Waya, Uma
achieve importer Awake.
The ;Japanese artisan has four bunds 1 THAT HAS GROWN ON US, •
and twelve f.ngere. ilc uses his feet ea.
tux extra p:ziror hands,. and his two gnat1
toes can wrap themselves around the
articles with which he works 1.1e an •
Araerfc:an's thumb, I saw a cooper at ;.
work mending to bucket, Ile held the'
bucket between Ida feet while he sal"
down to his work and put on the hoops
with :a Hammer and wedge. Ilia legs
wore bare and his cue was tied in the
old Japanese_ fashion, while his almond
eves closely watched tho work he luta
before lain, After ten minutes-ofound-
my, he laid down his tools and took a
,t oke, nil during the hour that T sat
neer hmid
110 smelted foto times. The i
Japaueso pipe only holds a pinch of
tobacco, and he could do this cheaply,'
but the time consumed was at least
- twenty minutes, This perpetual siesta;
i� one of the features of Japanese labor. •
, I am told by old American residents that
a Japanese.workman will not do one-'
, third as much a day as an American
workman, and in every case they seem '
to do their work in the hardest of ways, l
The methods of labor in Japan are the
direct opposite of those in America,. The
carpenters, for instance, pall their planes'
the other way, and when they use the
drawing knife they push it from them
• instead of pulling it towards there. They
do most of their work sitting and they
do all the- work on the pull throve
stead of the push stroke, and they stand
tido board as a rule at an aglo of 0 legs.
against something rather .than lay it on
• a bench or sawhorse as we do. They do
their m,irlriag, not with chap:, but with
• a reel and an inked string when they
wish to raw in a straight UDC, and the -
- whole of the work of turning the rough
logs into the finest of •cad&iuot work is
dein). by hand.
There are no planing; nii113 in Japan,
and the sawmills can be s.cannted on•tho
fingers of one hand. The'i;Isua1 method
of sawing loge into boards.is to standthe
loaa at an angle against the suppert and
sale it by hand. The saw used its list the
powerful cross cat tiaw of:;America, but
a wide short Japanese instillment, widish
.;las a handle about two, 144 long, and
which looks like butohel"ys cleaver filed,
into a saw.
The humans sawmill, stands On top of
the lou or under it, and pulls away for
ten hotu's a day for about dirty, cents.
skilled carpenters in cities get about
forty American cents a day, and the host
inea in the boniness do not get over forty-
live. -stall, you will find no bettor work-
men 121 t110 world than here. Their: work
a is done with the use of very fow »nidi,
't and they have to be cabineturiaaeiV,00.
r, well as c.,a pentors. Every 1 apanea lli ttse
has Walls which must -Move, i i+' 'tdsgiv s
. an and out every day; .antla gio crlclinary
home is as Palely put to,g ther s: s iu bei eau.
_110. joining of everything is by dovetail-
ing*, and the Japanese could teach our
• American workmen much in tho poli'11i-
ing and joining of lino Woodsaj
Speaking ofhouse building,the Japan-
• eco begin thou• work et the. top. -The
• roof groes on first, and then they begin to
.build the walls and toconstruct the lute
rier.—Frark G. Carpenter.
The body of the Lamb.
•. This was a festival peculiar to an an -
;tient 1iuglish town and occurred in
June, on the first Monday after Wlritaun
week:. A fat lamb was provided and at
a given signal, with scores of lookers ou
to cheer, nodoubt, the maidens of tho
town, having had their thumbs tied be-
hind theta, anted in fall chase after the
Harmless creature. Well fr'fghtened little
woolly coat must have 'been -at such tin,
usual•nierriment and with Bach a bevy
of swift footed hunters after him. The
damsel that with her mouth did catch.
and Bold the lamb was declared "Lady
of the Lamb." After it was'. dressed it
was borne aloft on a long pole to the
• public green and close behind followed
the fair prize winner, attended by her
'companions in the race, while a band of
luttslo kept step beside them. The next
qday came the grand feast, presided over
by the "Lady of the Banquet," who
"with great &acorn»; and rare show of
• '+courtesy and with -friendliest words
-'pressed upon her guests the goodly
pleasures of the table.--Harper's Bazar"
The Chinese in California.
Speaking of the variety of work clone
here by the Chinese, they are employed
in many of the factories. They are the
porters and cleaners of the city -to a large
extent, and they compete with the sewing
girls and the chambermaids. In the
Palace hotel, whore I am stopping, the
. Chinese seem to do the greater part of
the work, and I see quiet, almond eyed,.
yellow skinned mei. in blue gowns clean-
ing hero, scrubbing there and brushing in
a third place all over this big house. They
Ado work that an Irish servant girl would
refuse to de, and I saw a half dozen of
them today creeping along the narrow
ledges outside the great galleries of the
9rotunda washing paint. A misstep would
have surely killed theist, and you. eonld no
:more get a negro or•an Irish servant girl
to take such a risk than you could fly.
I, visited several'of the Joss houses here
and watched the Chinese at worship.
They do not seen.: to be a severely re-
ligions race as far as those in America
are concerned, and the richer among them
have an idol er so of their own whom
they pray to in their own houses, There
aro, however, half a dozen bigJoss houses
hero, and each of these has its idols by
the dozen. One idol especially worshiped
is the god of medicine, who is repre-
sented as holding a . olden pill and who
is supposed to be abo to cure diseases,
and another also mush worshiped is the
god of wealth. The god of wealth is
named Tsoi ?oh Shing Koun, and as all
of the Chinese in this country have come
here to make thole fortunes, he never
lacks votaries. The worshipers bring
him. offerings of food, tea and wine, mid
'the incense always barns before hint.
The Chinese worship here without core-
assay. They: chat together es they pray,
arid,often do not take their cig8ars or pipes
*Zit of their mouths while going through
-their forme of worship.—San• Pre:soh:co
peace;Y ..._..._. - ... .
Sona of the G.1'ta Ara .Aei;ed WIi They
chats--Evolutto, iq Cern matzin};--t?ptt1-
Iris oE' PhyS101f144 on the Meets -Toni
Ara Natio featured,
In spite of the *manifold warniugs of
physieiaus; in spite of the fact that the
shape of Cupid's bow b changed; and in
spite of all the contemptuous and serene -
tic remarks which are constantly appear-
ing inthe papers, gum chewing in this
country is rapidly on the increase,
Two-thirds of the girls, be they pretty
or otherwise, that ono meets on tido high-
ways of this city are either working
their laws for all they are worth or have
a sn1a11lump tucked away in some ob-
scure eoriner of the mouth and give it a
gentle squeeze 'between the teeth when
they aro sure of being unobserved.
Gum chewing is less disgusting than
tobacco chewing.
And if, it becomes a. natural habit as
it seems likely to do, we may comfort,
ourselvesthat the gum chewing Ameri-
can is far preferable to the snuff dipping,
And gum chewing is not as exclusively
confined to the female sex as is smoking
to the male, for many ;nen use gum to
help still the craving for tobacco, thus
jumping from the frying pan into the
the. perhaps.
True, gay young women are lately be-
coming somowhat addicted to the use of
the weed, claiming that if then have the
right to put their feet on the mantel and
make a, room blue with smoke why
should they be denied the privilege,
since it has such a soothing effect on the
temper? And if women can find any
thing that had a salutary ,effect upon
their tempers what folly to deprive them
of ltd y•r
Why; c'le women chew gtun? You do
;pot knows and even the chewers them-
selves do not seem to,
"0,:1 chew because I can, I guess,"
said,,:ono pert young miss upon being
"And I bedause . my mother tellsme
not to," said. another, with a misehieveus
"I chew because I like the taste and
because everybody else chews," said a
third indifferently, • and likewise an-
swered they all; the truth is, they really
did not know why they chewed and he'd
never thought to ask themselves the
The history of chewing gum is like the
growth of all animal and vegetable life—
ono of evolution.
Children began :tb chew the exude-
tions from clifterenttrees, from the peach,
plum, pine, spruce and sweet gat,}211, thus,
putting itinto somebody's mind to make
an ertshcial gran. .
It was first made of beeswax, gutta-
percha, and other rubbery and sticky
substances, which were perfectly pure
and Harmless, and costly in. preparation.
But three years ago some inventive ge-
nius discoverd that by hbiling some of
the baser elements of petroleum and
mixing in a small amount of beeswax a
similar to the more expensive could
as produced which was quite susceptible
to flavors and trifling in cost.
By the use of scents and large quanti-
ties of stager, which is the principal
article used in the composition of any
gums the 'disagreeable ,taste and odor of
petroleum was entirely obliterated,and a
salable article was produced. About the
same time a gum called' "Balsain Tolu"
was produced, which also found a ready
sale, particularlyamong Children,, and
then ""Paraffin" in -all of its flavors and
riii:ctures diad its clay.
• One variety of white gum was for'
some time quiteextensively manufac-
tured in China. That country has a tree
peculiar to itself which possesses an at-
traction for an insect, with ti queer
Chinese name which one wlll'neither at-
tempt to write nor pronounce. Numbers
of them collect upon the tree, and when
they have departed to pastures new
branches are found to bo literally cov-
ered with a waxy deposit. 13y boiling
the branches the wax is separated from
them, and when the water and twig's are
drawn off the white deposit renliains.
moat TITAN $1,500,000 A YEAR.
This is purified, sweetened, flavored,
cooled in cakes, and a little fancy picture
pasted on top, and we have the.cld white
gum which so many of us have, chewed
until our jaws ached. The sale of this
Variety was enormous, but it has now
been supplanted by newer kinds, as has
tho oldrubber wax.
Physicians differ considerably in their
views on the subject. An eminent phy-
hysician fro; i Ohio declares that gum
-.chewingseriously affects tho eyesight,
and'"that he never fails to detect the use
of it by an examination of the Faye.
Another says that themusclesof the jaw
and face near the temple are enlarged
and hardened and the curve of the lips is
dettroyed. And, on the other hand,
doctors without number advise its use
to cleanse the teeth and aid digestion.
It is quite the fad at the present time
to chew s rued gum. It, at least, is pure
from. all the ;adulterations which aro now
. so common.
Dealers in guns say that until within a
few years its use was almost exclusively
confined to children, but at the present
time the deitiand among adults is Con-
tinually increasing.
It has been computed by a statistician
that the people of the United States
spend alien than $1,500,000 every year
for showing gum. There is a manufac-
tory is Louisville, Ky., that alone turns
out 500,000 boxes of six dozen cakes each
yearly, , 'tr hich is distributed alb over the
world. And when we think of all the
other" manufactories of gutnsof dhherent
varieties wltielt are in full blast, sellfng
as much or more tin:tithe one lnentiolred
hovel, we are astounded at what n.sai'S
ja'')•s e"art do,—Chicago Tribune.
A NASAr, Tlrsscxox free with sack bottle
et Shilob'i Catarrh ltelnedy, I'ri4V 10 tents, bet
sale by C. D w 1REAlIIti..
20110 400111 ror Corr ontou.
,ta 1?ourth. Avenue (N`ew York) eon.
pawner liar the card in Lis wintiuw,
"a Pies open all night." A Bowers
placard reads, " I3oine mad'a Uuitl
Booms, Fanilly Oysters," A wrst
13rtladwav I'estaurauteur sells " 1lointt
made Piles, Pastry and ()yeti ie." An
East frond' ay caterer retails *"tread Salt Oysters Alla Larger Beer " A
Sixth Avenue barber hangsouta sign
reading "t Boots Polished inside," en
another street the *allowing catches
the eye : , "" Warthin Iroltin .and (iv
ing out by the Day Done Here."
,11:1 Peer to Take a Paper,
Referring to the importance of
farmers subscribing to a good news-
paper, a french contemporary in it: •
agricultural colutnn, slys s -"In n
liquor shop, for five cents, you get a
glass t,f whiskey ; repeat the operation
twenty times, and you. will have spout
one dollar, weakened your health anti
lost your reason. Oo back to. tlir
same place next week and the wee;:
after, five or ten times during the,
week, and you will have spent twenty,
thirty, fifty or a. hundred dollars dur
ing, the year, almost without knowinti
it, and you wilt be so much the poorer
Nevertheless, you say that you are too
poor to take a newspaper."
Oh, merchant, in thine hour of p e g,
If ou this paper you should c c o
And look for something to ap p p p
Yoor yearning for greenback vv v
Take our advice and now be y y y
Go straight ahead and advert i
You'll find the protect of some u 1 u ;
Neglect pan offer no ex q q q
Be wise at once, prolong your d a a a,.
A. silent business soon de k It k,
A lawyer and a parson we.e talking
about which way the wan d was. The
farmer said : " We go by the court-
house vane." "t Weil," said the par-
son, " in the matter of wind that is
the best authority ;" .aud :the lawyer
went to cogitate.
According to Indian linguists.
" scheullFndarnouvtchwnger" is the
motile red man's word for love,
watha then was in " seheinlendamour-
tCI1wag er " with lblinnehah.
The Eiffel Tower in Par's had
reached a height, of 701' feet on
January 9, 1889—the highs strut-
erre upon the globe.
All the railroads in the United
States and Canada, without exception,
now use the standard time of one of
the four :sections—eastern, central,
mountain or Pacific.' •Cities and
towns have very generously conformed•
to railroad time of their respectiva
sections. "01st of 288 cities of over
10,000 inhabitants, less than 25. still
retain local time. .
It is proposed by a new. company
just formed 111 Brussels, to build a
railroad to connect the Head of navi-
gation on ihe.lowcr Congo with Stan-
ley pool, thus opening up a line of
about 7,000 milesin the iuteriur` of
Africa to trade and commerce.
By' the magnificent gift. of Arr. I
T. Williamson of stooks of a market
value of $2,250,000, a "Free School of
Mechanical Trades" is to be erected
and organized near'Philadelphia.
The following notice was posted on
the courthouse door by a eonstable :
I have ceased and took into execution,
a cordin to law and iniquity, the the
following aforet+etid property,
SHII,Oa'sCATARnu REMEDY—a positive cure
for Catarrh.Diphtheria and Canker Mouth
Por sale by C. E. Williams.
911 men are not homeless, but some
men' aro home less than others.
Ann you made miserable by Indigestion,
Constipation', Dizziness, Voss of Appetite,
Yellow Skin 9 Shiloh's Vitalizer is a posi•
tive apse. For sale by 0. E. Williams
"The churn must go," says an agri-
cultural exchange. Of conrse itmust,
'iri order that the butter may come.—
Way will you cough when Shiloh's Cure
will rive you immediate relief ? Price 100,
50e, and 01. I'or sale by 0.E.Williams.
reacher t "Why do you not punctu-
ate your composition?" Pupils: "Be
cause you told us the other day it was
vulgar .to point."
Stilton's Culls will immediately relieve
Crotip,WhcopingCough and Cronchitis, For solo by
O. E. Williams,
&hoot Teacher : "Now Bobby, spell
needle." Bobby N e -i -d -1-o. needle,"
'Wrong. There's no 'i' needle." "Well.
'tain't a good needle, then."
Pon iieverSTA and Liver Complaint yon
havo a printed guarantee on every Mottle of Shiloh's
Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by
.Polite Curls (showing goods): "Here
is something is something I would.
like to call your attention to, lady,
It's the very lates thing out," Fli't's,
Rounder absently: "If there's 'ally
thing out later titan niy husband i'II
take it, it only ifor a curiosity. -Life..
THE ileo. Geo. 'II, T'HAYlttt, of Bourbon,
Ind„ says : "" Both myself 'and wife owe
our lives to' SRA011's CortsuMrrtoS Chalk,"
For sate by 0,B. Williams.
'j'Jw' O. 1?, It 'a net profits for
"Iteary int $150,960, c`Finpared
tetth $2,2,'* (t fel' the correspoiidh g'
month ttf Itifik..
Dr Wi ;+}nary is $5,000 bal,ides
allowances Ile has a paid citet'1 ,
carriage Allow:tlll;', stationery, it honge,
and a tlnit,llel' of other .allGYM il Q,
which brie;; his minty up to Between.
$7,00t) Old 9:,000.
Brilliant !
Economical !a.
Prominent features of its Ixosestanor durtno be
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Eastness.•1
None other are just as good, Be-',
ware of imitations, because they,
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To be sure of,
success, use only the DIAMoNn
DYEs for coloring Dresses, Stock --1
ings,' . Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other -
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors; Ask
for the Diamondand take no other.
Owned by Jamee Mika, Bluerale. Jived by :F.
Ballon, Cusses, Ont., Late of birth, April s?Oth tN '�.
Sire, Baynton, No. 3237, II. II. B., Lam Eustlo . ,
and 50, 3000, II. F, II. B. fired by IT, tloArrt, C•.• -
sal, Ont. Intending, purchasers aro requested...,
come and ace tho herd.
t, tpo Bolt
leekly in the Worlkr,"
The Lar3ox;, the Ab
Religious AND literary
"One at the ablest wee lies In eXistunce,"—Pal.
Mali Gazette, London, EngBd,
"The luostinliuential ro gioueorean in the State
-The Spectator, London, ngfand.
"clearly stands 0, the rofront as a weekly reds f
Mus magazine "-Sunday Chord Tines, Pbiladelpb ie..
el be
Religious and Aeological Articles
Emmy litiyrixoroN, Big; COXt, Bistro? Dow.„,
nlsnr0 }lunar, oDa:ritao ons L.Curtee”, Ua, DoetA -•
tlskood, Dc Howard ('.I lobi', Dr, A, J. Gordott:.l'+I
Qaozge F. PentoFest, se others;
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
Garments Renewed
A Child can use them!
At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free,
Montreal, P. Q.
Oat teal Mill Opened..
The undersigned desire to inform farm-
ers and the people generally that they have
reopened their
at MeaI iII in ging nm,
And are now prepared to liluciiiuse Oats in
unlimited quantities and at the
Highest Market Price.
will supply customers with' the BEST
G1iADss 14 Oat Meal,
W 2N't_?r2-TAM - - OJ T'z'
Social and 1 olitiral 4rtilas,
Prot. win. G. Summa , Prof, Ilerhert B, Adam.,.,
ArtProfh. ur RHichadardleyT,a. nd Ely,
otl Swofa;. It. G. Thompson, Pm.'
Litera y Articles,
Thomas wentwsrih Il} ,ginson, Maurice T lorn o .,_
Charit a llutilsy 1Yttrr ei ;amen pay», Andrew tart
FArauncl 0osse, le. IL ;soda»;, ;Urs. Schuyler Vat,,
Rensselaer, Louise 11 men uuiuey, H. H. Boyes,l ,,
Isabel F, Hapgood. an others;
Poems and Stories,
E. O. Stedman, Eli, beth. Stuart Phelps, Fsiwar•1,
Everett. Hale, Ilan iet • Prescott Spofford 310 t
Scheyer ltoseTeri'y G oke, EdithM,Thomas, Andr
Lang, Joaquin Millet Lucy Lareom, John Bo:, '
O'Reilly, and others.
There aro twenty -o e distinct departments, edl t,.,}
by twenty-one specia Cts, which include Biblical h. •
searele, Sanitary, Fin Arts, Music, Science, Pebh`
Personalities, itlinistc tal Register, School and U.'
lege Literatdre, Belig ams Intelligence. Mission}, 8u,
day schools, News of he week, Finance, Common., , •
Insurance, Stories, . - iz les, Selections and Agru.,•
Lure. Thirty-two pag s in all.
The Independent is family newspaper of the f' t.
Wass, sad la recognize' • as 000 of the 'greatest eitovAA,
tors of the land. Evo , ono who wishes to be well
formed upon a groat v bets of subjects, should cut
scribe for it, .
0 ue y ea . $0 •+.
Tour months. 100 7000 h. Two yearsr G
Six months 1 GO Fire yteor8,..... 10 Ito
An investment of $2; t to 513.00 p'tye .
5g .DiViidend$ . I aiii g TO Yc'an
Blake tbeacquafntance the raoarYirbarn• by, k.
ing 30 cents for a "Trio r rip ' Ota x000 he
No' pnpers are sent to
paid for has expired.
Tug I8DS1nsatxr'd 0101t in List wilV••be Writ 11
to any person asking ter Anyone 'wishing to at • •
scribe for one or more pap lrsur magazines in coin ...
tion with Tan IN13Jrl ICDn:l , can save money by orde,
Three months
ubscribers site 'tnet
iurfronl our Club List. dress,
P. 0. Bax 28 .:New Yoga:
O55 801i,9 Gold Watch.
Sold for era 111O.19e0letely.
Beat $85 watrh In the world. 1.
Perfect timekeeper. War-
ar ranted. ireivy 801,0 is 1
Viten I say Cuita T do not mean merely to
:top them for a,tilno, and then have Cham 're-
made the di ea e of
/C C�
, ��gqMgl,��gqEggPI�LEPSYpyo��eer 7,t,�ee��yy
WILLING Shc.W3;,>ad, dSpC: S,
&life long study. 1 wwienArremyremedy t'o
Otrna the worst cases. Because ethers have
failedisnoreason for not now receiving a cure.
Rend at once for a treatise and antElcBow=
Oa of 1N3ALL7rtr.q Tr.BMEDY. Give Express
and Post Office. It costs you nothing tor a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
Da H. q+. 11.00T. 37 Yon'e 133., Tomato, Gat...
llusting Mae.. Both sad
and gents” deep, withwe
and.eaate of e4ati vel.
One Person he egch.;
colas sal[. secure 090 fu
together with opµ± targe add
ua10 line of rbit,ppebei:
Samples. 'rtl'geb lemptea t�.
well ea the mid":. We. a., ,l
Free, and e0cr yen bare
them in your hbtni for 10 months and ehowtt than AO *boo, '
who may have called, thaybeeeme your elm p103015 tit .e
who mite, t once can be sere of fecaleing the �.Wat , le
and 'S twerae., Weay ea 0Epleee, .RNght, ate: &dtir, 4 ;
ousels de Volt. nay Sir4Pertila dtAlau; ..
Any Id the fallowing ni st np rilitnh tl eekli•lu er:.
nbtt.itted with the 11'inlrliat,}:Timis at the.figures t;
Oven. Rebore of ;'80 fres .
Tiles and (;lobe.. ^i
Tunis, hail, and Farm and JStcotrie,
Tr.+T's, Glebe and Rural Canadian°
Tums and Louden Adtertistn', .. 12.
Tot e:s and Montreal 1Vitnesy,
Cines and Toronto Nears,
TOMSttnd dail • World.. . t
'tura atld'weekly News ,t•ith�premiunt, "Christ
before Pilate,"..
Also, ""k athar o[ eenfedeletion".. ' .. '
Veek, cue of the ablest papers on the continent,"--Descriptfr America. .
urnal•of Politic' Literature, Science ad .4
$8.001=n'R-' A.
THE Ir t1ltas 50003ert on 1t.,0tTTII
renders» it stili more worthy the cordis
literary lonrnal.
Tile Independmice in p0110109 mar
will be rigidly? maintained ;.tad three ng efforts wilt bell
tltsvahtti and httractivenessas a jour, at for the cultured
rrlromiacd'to become, contributors t tscolttnuts, and alt "t
WE TsInIly to tothe best ]Iter, y jonrnhl9 br lira • titnc,
As ite,ct ifero, PaOp. Gorowlal M11it will, from ti ndotlte
ltgton and Montreal letters frotil .nccetnplishcd en
Ottawa Letters will appear dors thesesslons of
TAX 1VE1%3G In its 'enlarged am will be the
class on; 1 t Stinant.
$3.00 F0
ear et pu
support of
tieisin whish has
enlarged and tmdlrnvedill every
steel in thelttahltenante of a tint t.;. •,
rizeclVIE WI2E1rOver since its firs i•. • •.
Improve 101 literary character and sail.
Many new and r.blewrltsrs are new, or 1
tet aim of the puoueberwill beto make' 11 ,
United States•
ontributo articles. London, Paris, *W... •
11 appear at regular 1110513 ale, Site.:.
weekly," and the largest .pap r e •et
e 09 "limp
!SHR 5 aiaRn� k S