HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-03-08, Page 11.1 INC TO,•••,,,••••.1....41 ill 1 e1rVII4W11114.111121/....8•11., VOL. 10. WINGIIAII, ONT., FRIDAY, I\L&R, 8; 1889. LOCALINTBWS. eigieUr Jae Thompeot. is again in town 10, -Mr, 3 . A. Morton hastganized a Clime .1. uying 'torso for the e -est, for betimes a A. le Oilier reference -Clinton is agitt ting a, joint etock _see the 04000,1„, writ made )?>, A w has to be 1 ld ove furniture faotory. 4 Webster ee Co. All the stock o to bo aeunie o Ella -O Ella, have yon toted ()feared off tit any coat. the lat t opera audio a the Star Res- -Galt council bea teereed te publieb the easessor's roll in pant biet form. - The Britieh Hotel will be offered for to ran ? They are just iseiely, sale by auction on Fri ay next the 15tb -mr, Lucas, of CalgaryNP W, T., by -Dr. 'Hannan ha tenanted to reinaiu inst. at the Queen's No 1. c. P. R. ilia week flipped, a oar load of in Kincercline a, Odra, year, agreeably to _A. meeting et the o ere and members fine brood marmite his ra .oh at that point. request, arr. Latta is r m of the Literary Society i called for Mondea a brotheto r. Lucas, The latent form of cognition by pupil a Walker, of Blyth, This, by the way, is evening next. A lar e attendance is to tettober is an adds as iu the form of i.n urgently requested. said to he the first palace lt001r oar -where ougnzal poem. . separate apartmente it'e provided for , -Ir 2 Deane sold at he Brunswick ou , e sure and call at S. GreeeY's furniture eon aeitnal-ever sent fi-ne Wingham. oWednesday, lot 23, Con Kiuloss to Alex me and Pt the bargeius fie is offering for 0,days for cash, Smith for $1501 Lots and so in con 2 -The a 11. 13..6.• °°°er t ell the 19th ' instant promises tei be a ri4x treat, Amonget he new ii C. P. R. Station were withdrawn. those to take part are Mi Coyle of Courti. coat about $1,800 and 1 has a cepactty of -A good entertainme will be given in is close by the winclut 11, eveeieg' A °bane, for °se who "" Wingham,Me , Tann and Shane, of this (FtidasY.t) right, MAitsagurjstaisnustrYB, about 40.000 galloas. Au excellent spring tiohnee' 80)1001, Turnbe y,behfe Alla: BeeR1c1F, latithinssagDemuff, oyf, --Dr. Hyde, of Str, tford, one. of the All up their cup with amusement at home. Blyth, and Mr. TJ. Flan an. A lecture oldest medial mon ioat° county died hist -It has been decided e hold a grand will be given by Rev. F ther Healy, of 'week in his 70th year._ He practised there joint celebration on the 14th of May un• Drysdale, on 8, Memories d the day we over 30 years. der the auspices of the ire Brigade and celebrate.° Keep that eve .ing clear, -Social gathering with tripping the Towu band, A nose,aele ding is to be -The soctial given by th young people light fantastic as pron inent features were held on Mouday evenin next. of the Prabyteritin °Orel at Warwick's held last week at Mee re, 0..5. Williams's, -The gooworkgoo steadily on, no- school, Morrls, on Monde; evening was 13, Willsoe's, Dr. Mac onald's, ter& Bray's, cording to the utterance:from the Budget: well attended by people f om the town and miss Houghton's. The Budget welcomes to he ranks of the and the drive and gatherin was apparent. A, temperance came the well known and -The Port Elgin. me says Rev. A. ly highly enjoyed. Mr Esq, Cameron, of the far t Be.ptiduty appreciated. je at church; ffoo t pleasantly presided. The Winnipeg, has acoepte 1 a call to Denver, limb of the law. monica Band discussed ins Col MrCatnerot is brothern.-law to -Fire eseapes have 'Wen pub at all the A number of readings and re , . -i Mr. P. Fisher, postmayer, of Wingham, hotels, we understand,. They aro 'of the given by Mr $ Gracey of Win derAtrRVeneto°, Aarrister, was called nature of step ladder attached to the NV Itiolords, of Itilekttew• B fo. . o Rincardine on!Cu .sday by the an - wall. These have bee 1 taken exception themselyes creditably as di . nouncement of his eretelfather's-Richard to by some as they pr • vide faculties for Maggie Cargill, of Wingham. Vaustone's-deat141/ , was a men who hurgularato make ai entrance -or we tyre sang a song pleasingly as had reached the aged 5 years and was might add; to those meditating midnight Geddes of Belgrave. eir 3 . elopement. gave a selection on the' mouth one of the first eettlers ta that looality.. Monroe leieszeenes.-Passengers for.„00„e•eyfr 3 H Dulmage 1.ft. for New leak was well received.. lbe c Matateibte dud ell points in the North-west • on Wednesday. ' Reis n search of somesang several uioe selections. can. secure alleieceesary informetion by thing superior in befit esh. Dulmage is 0 most agreeable and etrofitale applying te C. E. Williams,Willtioltetwill ageu in nt widely known among 1 orseeCanada ePerlt. for the Gera Mr. illiams pre- ,•. • vide paseeners with maps and rates, and and the States and be usely prigdee him-ireCThe Mears Dulmage' ha e leased the look after thole welfere while on the road. self in his knowledg of eqnuines and, Brunsw*olt Houge to :ma' Mar in, of Dan (..Il on hine. • • horsemen's phraseolo . We are sure he gamic: • Singe malting ko their inten- t„. • e • . -Major B. Boykin rigger of ' the;,Poit ivilLreturn with so thing superb and tion of quittingeVle'lleaftineoe fey have' Illegiteebraelt factorylooked Alit° our vabieele;thethe fe no - virtually out of been flooded with applicatke s for the iscinoturd on Pridey. The major' • has the hotel and intends d voting'his time to house from all parts of 'the Pr ince. The inheriyd.rniich of the mental clearness horses. He .was am° partied by mr T application of Mr Martin we, :favorably , and antleity, shrewdusiness tact and Bell, furniture manufe, turer. .viewed from the fleet he having the retellenerou0' dieposition of a grand and noble ia_The social in co neotion with the tation of being a splendid host d a steady sire -the late Bev. Jan es Boyd, of Cross-"..Etiglish church, held t err. H. Kerr' s on reliable and honorable man, wh with his bill We are pleased, ipti not surprised to Tuesday, evetting was well and family have always been ace tamed to hear, that the mend& tariag institution passed off most plea ntly and satisfac: hotels and who is reputed to ke qi one of be,reirisents is fiends ing as there is no torly. The iutelleotut part consisted of the best country hotels in the • vest. The more efficient business ian or travelling duet y misses Hough etu and Patterson, a Brunswick for capaciousness, equipmeut representative in the w st than the major. recitation by mr. T. W cratvford, a solo by and good a reputation haslee superior Having' made special arrangements Witt/ i'ifArr George trason, a martette by mina outside the cities and enjoys a 'ery large the New 'Furniture Faady for the retell Pectypiece, Billingsley and misses Duffield comineroial patronage. We be e• the pro of their geode, and in order to make room X offer nig whole stock of furniture for .30 d s at reduced prices for cash. $20 be oom Buda for 4116.50; $18 bedroom a tes for $15 ; and $15 suites for 012. In e'deboards, $26 (walnut) for 4121; $13 (with irror) for 4110.50; and ones for $8, and with any of the above you can get a $2.50 °lawmaking chair for $1.40. Be sure you get these gods while sleighing lasts and whileethese prices hot. It will pay to • Vrida , March 15th. Fine drive twelee miles to S. erecey's furniture 0.•E, Williams, ticket agent for the stallio s, and three mares and rooms, on the Mein street ; next door south great Canadian Pacific Railway. Call on bred took, One mile south of at the Brunswick hotel; Wingham. him for maps rates and other information , 1 O Bpro required. Colonist excursions tolelanitoba Sax at clock. Speir ros., Kirk by and J. Currie, auction and the North-west will leave Wingham C. P. R. Station every Tuesday in March. Bertha secure 3.1 Gordon nglom Her- ring music. 'talons were ham and E th acquitted also Miss Mr alacIn- id also Mr of Belgra,ve, roan which urch choir O the whole o time was and Billingsley, also luets by the misses spectivepocupant, Who come Field, misses Alio .T.1bot and Alla Lary. reoommeuded may sustain the All the performers Ad their parts well'. of the house, The indifferent Rev. mr. moorhouse presided. Ample Mrs Dulmage and Mr W F Du provision was made I= the comfort of those °mad the change which has be present and the ent rtainers wore most templation fi some time. assiduous in their at ntions. • AUCTION SALES, o highly eputation math of age has in atm reported anedian meals, rietors, re. -Mr. George Le sou, of Calgary, N. W1 T., has, been in wu and vicinity for a few days past. 314 Leeson bought graiu at Ripley for a nu her of yam with Mr. Bring -al' g your Pictures and wreaths In reply to enquires we repeat jsever1 D.MoInnes, of thi: town, an was well and hay them framed. Curtain poles, facts made public at the meetin of the mirroa hall s nds, eve, &o. .1 have a nonnoil called to retify, the ear ements known in Winglon . He has the mail nice lo of baby rriages ordered. They'll with the 'furniture fectories, Thl parties contract from Cal y tceEdmenton and be i son. 'V t for them. S. Gooey, chosen an valuators en the faetori s, were verb Saskatchevea •, a distance of 800 fu n ure dealer and undartaker,winomm,, means Wm. Kerr and John, Foster Their .• :valuations were 014,8,25 for thi Vnien miles in all and Ire<te 75 or 80 horses, Ide,"The Seaforth :en had this obituary and $9,225 for Kincaid Bros' it 4. The ha been in that comutry for the last five" referenda to the late Adolph IVIeyer, note iusurance on the former is $11,5 9 made years and like many more 'who 81310Y to Mr. H. W. C. M• yer, of this town 'We as below t. Vaterlo mutual, $2,0 ; Lan- ces ire, , . ore tut , , , el Y western freedona an opportunities to ti.O. regret to sweeter:411s week the des of mutual, $2,000 ; Royal,mu tiontrea cumulate unouay is ioti disposed to return. this old gentleron who died on the 23rd That on the chair factory is 415,5 made Ile left for home on lvoanesdav and takes of February at the advanced age of 86 up as follows ; Royal,$1,675 ; cit' ot Lon: a car load of horses f om Ventral. years, He was cried in' Harpurhey don, $1,675 ; Waterloo mutual, ill, 75. -One of the conve iencee and pleasures cemetery on the 25 h, his funeral being yor Execntiy The CO. F of Our modern niviliz ion itt that you can largely attended. , :)eceased, who was 0. To Ezecetive Committee o the High .. enjoy en oventhg's tr el and varied and native of Germany, was one of the earliest Court of the Canadian Order 4f Foresters gorgeous scenery .wit out leaving home. settlers of HarptirLay, having been tho was in session here on Tues ay. There Buell a trip, in ima nation, was taken first post master of hat plait% , Ple was a were present : R. Elliott, Wi ighean ; L'd. by the large audience that attended the Man of .strieb iutegr y and was very muoh Ward Tovve, London ; Th an White, band cooed in the b 1 on Friday evea- esteemed by all who knew him. Of late Brantford ; Zan Neelande an _E.0.01nrke, ing. The vast series et splendid views so years he was residin itt this town and the winghtm ; A. ltaeintyre, leucknow. A anoreepresented by t to Canadian Sterol+. polite, inoffensive o gentleman is well largo amend of business watatransa d in ticon Co. were of a fast eie,tiegeand inetruo* known to many of o citizens who not connection. With the organ. zation. On tine character, Mot wehte away cow bim frequently on h daily walks. He Tuesday evening an enter ainmeat was vinced that Canada wa _ dollar in dimming was a brother to the te L. Meyer, Esq., held and was well attended by members seenery--landsee'Pes, w .tertalle, 30. -than the late clerk of the d vision eettrt of this. and eeeetlee. Interspersed w th meek ereta they had realized, The views on the. place, and undo of It ,r.14eYer, 114, of recitation% addresses on the ,baraciter and w hole were exeelled. The singing of Wingham. D.0 lea it a sou and a, aehieverneds of the orgaiizetion were ',Bock of Ages" aria s14 •arer my God to daughter, his sou rea, k A. *Meet a given by XeSers. White, Tovoa Macilityre, thee," by lYfiet E. 1VEar4tall, appropriately resident of Vortage L Prairie itt brini. mdegeeee, Clarke and ilealarAset, couple illustrated, Were WO ma aoservedlY toba, his daughter, M WiviltorY of this of songs were given by Atom 'Elliott appreciated, town, with whom be d a. Thamaded will. Brothers„ of the brickyard, one by Mr. long be remembered b 'hie old neighbors Muse Mid, Let for nate. A T. A. Cline and a Couple of r- diugis by M free of charge. Valuations and Insurance. 'The iaudersignd offers for two and friends in this par the country 0.0s. Grace,y, The chair was pleaby g b comfortable brick house an lot sitnated uptight Man ttna atrough gebbleakalt• Elliott. The members of Iiis SiteOuti on thnI b, Gnocesa FoW/0.6 Fea06 to his lish4S1 rettirned borne on Wcatursde.Y, • , ' • MAK 4•4 .1 I The Literary Society,. On Tuesday evening all available stand- ing as well as seating gecommedation Wan utilized in the Caledonian hall, on the oc- casion of the maim' of the Literary Society, The progranime was a lengthy and excellent oue. T.e orchestra of the Methodist (lurch, contposed of Messrs, Orr, Smith, W. Homui h, C. Lloyd, Bowles, Stanton Agnew, Mrs. Smith, and Mrs. Buchanan, gave two well rendered and highly appreciated t eleations. Mr, L. Flanagan ming two s ge in flue style and was rapturously ap landed, Mr. W, T Crawford rendered NV h splendid effect an Irish recitation. Mi$s L. C. 'Varney made an excellent impressii in her first eppear- anoe in a recitation. fMr E L Knapp, in a German recitaton, howed himself coin - potent to handle the, dialect. The debate was then brought on the subject being the respective italuenea wielded by the pen and aword, the fornr supported by Messrs D Munro,P B Flanagan and J Buchanan, and the hitter by ales.srs B W Groves and George Mosgrove. iIn the absence of Mr Veneto° Mr Grovae partially occupied his time, After a letmthy discussion of the subject, amid the east of order and sus- tained attention, e chairman, Mr 3 A Merton briefly .an pointedly reviewed the argurnente present 1, aud save his decision in favor of the ad ates of the sword as an element of p er in moulding the history of nations. A vote of thanks tend. ered the ehairinat , en motion of Messrs Munro ittel Gro s. A number ot new names were hande in as members. Whilst Biome and heart invitations have been extended to the p blip to attend, tt is en- couraging and gr tifying to find that so deep an interest 11 a beau manifested thud increasingly *large • umbers attend night after night. The authorship fee is but 25 cents, Nantes 0. n be given to Mr. E. Bowles or any office of the society. wheat= Uo School. The following pupi of the various de- partments, having ob ined 80 per cent. of the aggregate number e marks' obtainable in such department, • re entitled to be entered on the Honor ll for February : Fiat Depextmenty-C rise .A -A form of WI10LIE NO. 894 MANITOBA RODITCTS, Ennio rxurnms, The very large zkmber of %mere and townspeople who exmCjiinsd the magnificent exhibit at the produos of 141anitoba.Nortb West Territorjes British Columnbta, the G. T. R. stablon,Jlui Tuesday, were de. lighted as well as eu rised. The Canadian Piteitle Iaiiway CoComjipany has for several years sent free fo inspection througbout coeds this band one° cat and extensive and attractive ex ibit. 3. J. Naslett and. August Holm are i charge of the exhibit, sold all the infer tion desired is cheer- fully given. The e bibit is a most intel- esti!lg one, and is moused of samples of grains, roots aud gr -Nes from the 809.roile wheat belt between Winnipeg and Calgary, in addition to roi orals and fruits from British Columbia. Samples of No. 1 bard Manitoba red Fife wheat, were shown, the yield of which retie es as high td75 bushels per acre, and 65 lbs. to the bushel. Black barley was shown, high weighs 66 lbs. to the bushel. The oa a weigh from 42 to 4.9 pounds, and yield 0 to 100 bushels per acre. Rine fax se d is exhibited in eon: notion with beset' ul oil cake of the seed. Oats are shown 0 eel in height. About a dozen varieties o potatoes are exhibited. some weighing fr m 2 to 3a pounds. Fifty varieties of wild g saes occupy space along the sides of the roe . Some of these Walt a height of 15 feet. The preserved fruits and vegetables fro British Columbia are most superb, aud comprise plums, pear% grapes, orab appl , black berries, apple% corn beans pant , The extensive !mord exhibit gives eat i ea of our unmeasurable wealth in this res ect. Coal from the Galt mine at Leafier' e, Alberta, was shown. Rich copper oro fro.. Sudbury and iron ore wore displayed. he exhibition was very interesting and we feel confident that those who availed them -Ives. of the opportunity of viewing the pro: nets exhibited, will be profited thereby. e almost fax it may be the means of d aiding same people to go west. 11 -None. Class)3-4. errs 14 -,Marks • obtainable 2069: Eve, D wan 1795. Class "C -a, form of 17-L Merl q obtainable 1686- HODOES 1320: George Sills 1426 ; Martha Sadler 1412. Second Department -Marks obtainable. 1174 -Honor mark 931 : Bell 1076 ; MaryAikene 1050; Wi lie F r and John 009 ; May Inglis 1024; Lydia L)mmex Cline 1006 ; WillieeMo_Jonogh 994; Maggie Bennett 976 ; Walter Risdou 959 ; Eddie Bradwin 956; Minnie load 958. Third Department- ?ossible number of =irks 725 -Honor Rol 580; Robert Mc- Tavish 681; Edgar Grin 642; Lizzie Ait- chison 006 ; Harvey St -.Attlee 604 ; Willie Allen 601; Sextus Kent 99; Geo.McMauus 398; Mabel Kent 582. Fourth Department -Marks obtainable, 894; Katie Bronnan 366. Lizzie Drew 360; James Cole 360; Willie 3ray 853; Eveleen Flanagan 352; Maggie B 41345; Kittle Ross 844; Nellie Soot e 337 ; David Angus 337; Maud Smith 334; Beni ie Gray 31; Ira Samos 325; Hugbie Heeelilton 325; Annie Dawson 824 ; Cbris. joba 312. Fifth Department- Seder Class -Marks obtainable, 1.135 - Homers 80 per cent William Showers 10 :9; • David Mc- Manus 1077; Albs, Chishalm 1057; Frankie McKay 1058; Ida Fluive.n 1055; Sadie McCreigbt 1033; Elmer oore 990 ; Sophie Manuel 083; Mary She era 980; Harty Anderson 972 ; Percy lea low 968. Junior Class -Marls obtainable, 1165 -Honors 80 per cent : Robert McGre or 1083 ; Walton McKibben 1067 ; Adam M Kay 981; Sitnp• son Elliott 978; Elijah 141 noel 965; Lillias Smith 660; George Stiles 56 ; Bertie Bar- low 955. Sixth Department -Sec ndClass-Marks obtainable, 450 -Honor 11, 360: Bobbie McDonogh 419 ; Nellie err 410 ; Bertin Lediet 408; ;Tames MoKin ty 396 ; Wiliam Gregory 8,/2. Part boo Id -Total 420 -- Nod Roll, 336: Willie °Make 034. Seventh Departtnent- end Roll, 8341 Ernest Riedon 834; Willie Orr 31)7 ; Miunia Ross 324; Ella Kinstmeei 3:17; McLean Sutherland 317; Milton B. emer 316; Maud 'Carr 314; Lonna Hill 808 Harvey Bowers 298 ; Peter rigor 296: *We Boss '293; Frank Foster 293 ; Thospets Diamond 290; Willie Monk 284; Came on Mock 283; Maggie Henderson 282 ; Morton Morton 282; Scott Gordon 201; Neville, Suther- land 277. nonrumr ATTE); )AnCna DEPT. nOre. Mx es. ammo, 1 IS :9 42 2 22 .l2 al a 28 . t9 41 4 35 25 50 5 35 32 56 33 84 51 7 59 81 66 Totals e00 5 843 Peusontes,-Mrs been visiting her fri week. She left on -Mr Samos Holm carried on it gene Stitibeidge, are at pr brother, councillor ham. Mr Holmes r les to one of his e his quitting work f queue he rented b his trade in Win spot a day or tw Mine a 31 Morri and telegraph o Sunday with e" ;rob n Kerma is at prose here, Ibtr . 1869 and ber of ve burg ca Mr Jol Dem , wore vieiting this ok•-•W 3 loleut don this week. as returned Ir al. a 1111 isiting man ea acted a --Bev on friend reland and rk, has eans this or 13uffelo, child who .shoP itt a visit to his mes �f Wing. receivadenjur. ich auteetaiitatee me( -and in conse- learned! 1. -Mr W Inglis ondon this week. - ssistant pestreistreete r at Ilelgrave, spent; s in Winglona.-Mr eapolls, Minnesota. his brother Fred o to Wiughatn itt eoperage for a mum Peasant, of Wallate. in town this week, - ife of Morris, neer 4 Mr altrane 110M4'a spout sOMe. da', Mr ,Tames 3/action. Trittity utedueul The spring good ot s.w rs. Gordon Intyre have itrri od and are beteg laeod. Look for pa in their tear ud in next issue. -A splendid prom y -the GOO)y C,41.1 tate-ono mile from •wu is offered rot` tiele in, another eolwu