HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-02-08, Page 6IC CI'1 ` Glxtinto FRIDAY, Fn. 8, 181'9. T�6 TRIO OP 13, Oil KINK -UNE and SHADE. • Wllitestrerd was saved. Nay more than that : it was gaining. once more in :x. single night all that it. had lost in twenty years to the devouring ocean. When morning broke, the astonish- ed Whitestvandors could hardly recognise their own shore, their own salt marthes, their own river. Every- thing was changed as if by magic. The estuary was gone, anti in its pieced stretched a wide expanse .of undulating sand -bills, The Char had turned its course visibly southward, bursting the dikes on the Youdstream Metes, and flowing to the sea by the old ellannel from which Oliver's en- gineers lead long. since diverted it. The Hall stood half , a mile farther • front the water's edge than it had delle of old, and a belt of bare and open dune laud lay tossed between its grounds and the new high -tide mark. The fartn-bailiff examined them in the gray dawn with a practi- c:l eye. If ne .plant them hills all over witli maraingrass and tamarisk, lie said reflectively, they'll mat like the oti:er ones, and Squire'll have as many acres of new pasture land north o'Char as ever he lost o'sal marsh and meadow south of the okl river. It Hugh ;Slassiner had only known it indeed, the storm and the strange chances of tempest had done far more for slim that single night while he slept at Monte Carlo than luck at roulette bad managed to do for hits the day before in that hot and crowd• ed sink of iniquity in the rooms of the Casino. For from that day forth White - strand was safe. It was more than safe ; it began to grow acalu. Tale blown sand ceased to molest : the sea and the tide ceased to eat it away : the breakwater had done its work well, after all ; and a new beerier of inereasing saudhills had sprung up cpon taueously by the river's mouth to guard its seaward half from future encroachment. If Hugh could only have kuown and believed it, the estate wasaworth every bit as much that wad morning as ever it had been in the palhurest clays of the Elizabethan t;fey:.seys. And the family solictor, examining the mortgages in his own office, remarked to himself with a pensive glance that the Squire might have raised that little sum, if only he'd waited, at scarcely more than hftif the interest, on his owls security and. his improved. property. For \4 hitestaud now would fetch money, • r f e'd .au l Pelee between the To gamblers t et.erally,fate is it gotidest, t►ult. ltiltd ittffrt€ua.11 s. 1tk art. Ufa vee xtG pile o t , e The great door swung blew upatt 1tS MOW the ruattrtss restr:tineel his a :living; rNaltty, with {au*rrtf scone 1iItN l,iu"esar.4t Realties -ell buret rite ttllitk:•llktt4 a•f taulta.lutl slid rttliki• I It would he datrgerous to enol dishiest at lher awls, They are n tllcilt POW. Ile could .Ittzrtlly cautlli►t wander enooi g the lonely utouuteitls .lover ready to bank her favorite for the eietel murkier, bowed from the tooul hie etteage joy, l.rtve (foisted th4e, u With bo huge a SUnt its conce,•1kt1 titne being ; they look upon play as u with: l;rettt dignity, in spite t•f his 1zty enemy.? lta oriad out, 11aLf ltluud, frautie rttse, try a well liveried ate Atwater utile, it Was jnet. the opposite abort his pereen; dbu;;erutt; tg lease predestines. certainty'• grope tiara is dent of obse uiaus• , it unguarded at the hotel, or to en Itati'aleeelty meanwhile lash and plenty fi ttgy. /:tont theta , fusspot. ark, U my trust it to the keeping o any casual lost with e'gnal leers -it -ammo. He drank less at ltIout'• Carlo .sur every lahfyee enemy 9 lie gird «lien 'La Vi' ,t•ren malt stra net, C lAntabit enemas toroth - as Inch eattntpug uo as :liu;;h ; but hat eV hoen f N std lost his toticetuta cj a as the hof T«olfcluu.� ' p « shoo u to • { al S t 111 , lattolrcl viater, I e rnurruured to bine the wine inspired no. IuGI y «, haunt►fuel tr•rrtttt«, lucious. views, , self half aloud. with a sir;h of regret, When they aurone to count up their the a uckllPcl ultn tre4H. All around ti�+rtes n Reif, t uxitil; Ilp in surpltt� as he WI:tied away Ws eyes frost That gains and lasses at the ertd of the tley the peocillshildie� Initiate, sun lit upshort, answered Into heck neves a word; i.ch glorious sk m wiralu. of jagged peaks they found it was still ways, a11eek, ape btttavaf+ti fairy coast with plirk azld gurgle ell y thought of hitesulf 't silently that Unit bounded his horizon, l;;ie Laubt neck race,. g oppositeh d won ltogetlter Bay end rock trust side showed all tine the was nut tu,d l,r,d naval^ hewn H.u¢il mf p at home like take care et ehe close o 11tgeine thousand pounds. snore exquisite after the fetid air of n hist! start tlehrYu iitie dl� hknt�; tuotiey-ba;�s,'lfke any vul,ar cheese close ttiatecro.wfiedgaming saloons. High , Painter mongerieg millionaire of ythemour all. Raffitievsky had lost rather more than a on the eLoill:cEf•rs'of tee i11af aessiltle he pttltGl..11lrn ten tt,Uutal,d times mere Down, poet': heart, with your un ail h> thousand tiysz hundtecl: p of than be cteepieecl kiln, s i ation for thu lonely Neter mind, Hugh remarked with flips the great square :Rowan�ikt.i.vritlr They cloud at guze fur a few sect mountain fain li p sTurbia gazed clown n« e t t a mountain heights ! Amaryllis and hie, inexhaustible buoyancy. We're rew J pestis. ]hen: Where have you beam'.' asphodel are not for you. Shoulder still to the good against. his Alone;as tmute out'Q ptfor wthok cetrish sd tnhrong onc! 11tal h asltea:l at last inputs«irtly, The your muckrake with .e inaufttl smile, qua 1li;hillike eThere'slina balau6 o of uuGzthrough the �udy portals of the chahnpague had put hitn almost betiide and betake you to the i;asiuo where aatnwtlting like five Hundred In Circe calls, as soon as the great gate swings once more on its grating hinges. You cannot serve two mes- tere.Yon have chosen Mammon to- day, sad hinz you roust worship. No mountain air for yuat lungs this morning ; but the close and crowded atmosphere of the roulette tables. Keep true to your creed for a little while longer ; it is all fur Elsie' sake! —For Eteie ! For Elsie I—He with- drew his his head from the window with a faint flush • of shame. Ah, heaven to .think he should think of Elsie in such a connection stud at such a moment He dressed himself slowly and went down to breakfast. Attentive waiters exeutant of a duly commensurate tip, snitliing pourboire from* afar, crowded round for the honour of his dis- tinguished orders. Raffalevsky joined him in the sfrlie a manger shortly. The Russian waseltaggard and pale from sleeplessness : dark rings surrounded his glassy black eyes . bis face was the face of a boiled codfish. No waiter hurried to receive his commands : all Monte Carlo knew him well already tor a •Leavy loser, Your loser seldom overflows into eenerous tipping. Hugh beckoned hint over to his own table : elle would exter-d to the Russian the easy favour of his profuse hospitaity. Raffalev sky seated himself in a sulky huinour by the winner's side. He meant to play it out still, he said, to the bitter end, He coultl't afford to lase and leave off;, that game was for capi- talists. For himself, he speculated— well—on borrowed funds. Be must win all back or lose all utterly. In -the latter case—a significant gesture completed the sentence. He put up his hand playfully to his right ear and clicked with his tongue, like the click of a revolver barrel. Huth sinned responsive his most meaning smile. Esperons tonjours, he murmured philosophically is his musical voice and perfect accent. No plan on earth could ever bear with more plrilusophi• before nightfall, all told, no less .a sum cal composure than huger Massiciger than eleven thousand pounds sterling. the riisfortunes of others. What was the miserable remnant of Before fie- left the breakfast table Whitestrand, now, to hint ! Let that morning, a waiter presented the Whitestrand sink in the sea for all he bill, with deferential politeness. 'sleep cared for it! Ho had here a verit- here to night again, Hugh observed able mine of wealth. He would go with a yawn, as he noted attentively back to San B,emo to bury Winifred the lordly conception of its variola —and return to heap up a gigantic fortune. Eleven thousand pounds 1 A mere bagatelle. At five per cent. five hun- dred and fifty a year only ! His train was due to start at five. About four o'clock, Raffalevsky came up to hint white as death. I've logit all, he murmured hoarsely drawing • an agonised cry at their Inst tweeting C 11 APTER XLV tI. -- FORTUNE of WAR. At Monte Carlo, on the other band, day dawned serene and calm and cloudless. Hugh Maseinger rose, unmindful of his far away Suffolk sancllhills, and gazed with a pleasant dreamy feeling out of his luxurious first -floor bedroom. It wits a strange outlook. 0711 :rile side, the ornate and overloa.ted" Parisian architecture of that palace of Circe, plutnped down so grotesquely, with its meretricious town-brecl airs and gracee, among the rugged scenery of the i+'laeititne Alps : ot-t the other side, the ivancessible crags and pinnacles of the Tete -de - Chien gray and lonely as any neoun- te tent side in Scotland or Savoy--the- tictuul terminus of the nude range of suow-orad Alps, whose bald peaks t,.rpple over sheer three thousand feet staked'and lost agate. But the w into the bine expanse of. the Mediter- ' into by far outblaneed the losses. It ,tnean, that washes the base of their preeipitous bluffs. The contrast was almost ludicrous in its quaint ex trenlee. ° - Ne did not wholly approve the cl:escretion. Hugh Maesiliger s tastes ,vera not all dibturted. Dissipation to lliui' was but a small part and fraction of existence, He took it only as the mustard of lite—an- agreeable condi. nlelrt to he sparingly partaken of.— 'Che poet's instinct within. hint had kept alive and fresh his healthy batti- est itl'simpler things, in hill and dale, in calm acid peaceful country pleas= ,uses. After that feverish day of gionbling at Moate 'Carlo, he would dear (save loved to rise early and. saunter out alone for morning walk ;. to s4;a10 before breakfast the ramping oli{fk of the 'rete•de•Chfeu, and to remelt into mouldering Roman tower to TAr ,ia, that, long mounted guard on eaatt,bet1 together. But that hateful, by the >xuuabelre,. they ta, >tt eoneelrtl joint favour. In other words, Raffalevsky answer- ed with a grim smile, you've won all my money and some other fe;low's too You're the sponge that sults up all my lifeblood. I've got barely three thousand five hundred left. When that goes, ---And he repeated puce more the same expressive suicidal pan tontine. That night ITugh slept at Monte Carlo once more. • Ile had' lost ail sense of shame and decency now. He sent elle note for two thousand francs to the people at the pension, just as a guarantee of good faith—as the news. papers say—and to let theneknow ire was really returning. But he had formed a sb.tdowy plan of his own by this time. He would wait.anothee day at the Casino and 'go home to Sats Remo with Warren Relf by the train lone on the ground—Ent through the that reached there at 6.89—the traits .p' g by which Elsie had said in her note he temple with 'a well-clireeted bullet, would be returning. It was a Horrid sight, and alugh's' Why he wished to do so, he hardly nerves were sensitive. If it hadn't with distinctness knew himself. been for the champagne, he would Certainly he -did not mean to pick a really have fainted. Besides, the quarrel ; he only lrnew in avague sort train was nearly clue. If you hover of way he was going by that train ; about where men have killed them.. and.until it started, he would keep on selves, you're liable to be let in for playing. whatever may happen to be the Mon - And lose every penny he'd won per Mon- egasque equivalent .for that time - haps 1 Why not leave off at once honoured institution, our own beloved secure of hies eight thousand i Bali ! British coroner's inquest. He might what was eight thousand now to him"4 be hailed as a witness. Is that law ? FIe'd win a round twenty before he left Ay, marry, is it ? - Orowner'e quest oil'—for Elsie. law 1 Better give it all a wide berth at So he played next day from morn- once. The bell was ringing for the in till night ; played, and drauk train below. With a sudden shudder, champagne feverishy. Such luck had. Hull hurried away from the ghastly never been known at the tables. Old object. After al:, he had done his plavers stood by with observant faces treat to save him --lent him or given and admired his vein. Was_ ever a hick three thonsand francs to retrieve a system seen like his ? Such judge -his losses. It'was none of his fault Merit, they said ; such restraint ; such It one, men wins, another marl loses. eoolne;is.. Lusk, luck, the mere iucaluulable But inwardly, Hugh was consumed dancesn rees of versed, ed table ! 11ld that places all day by a devouring fire. His > worse, excitement at last knew no bounds. _ unsociable, idtempered Russian have He drank champagne by the glassful volunteered to give hien three thous - to keep his nerve up. He had won and francs to throw away, he wonder- ed ? Never, never 'twas all for the best. The Russian had lost, and he won—eleven thousand pounds odd, for Elsie. He rushed away and dashed head casually, once more in the air. It's 0 long into the station. His owe revol- tell rue, for a ver was safe in his pocket. He car - winner thing,. they reed eleven thousand pounds odd avluuer at Monte Carlo to go home about him. No man should rob him alone in a carriage by himself with without a fight between hero and San one other passenger. ,Remo. Still Warren Relf held his peace, undrawn. CHAPTER XLVCII.—AT RAT. Hugh tried a third tine. He went Honest folks give lucky winners a ontohiutself •in a musing monologue. wide berth at the Casino railway Any 'man who travels anywhere by station, lest they should be suspected train with a }urge sum of money about of p possible evil designs upon, their his person is naturally exposed to very learny the hotelatleastheti-thorou;hly aside. 'Tlie whole,] the (whole,, mynewly got money, b IIugh fouucl, great peril, ho said slowly. I've been. learnt that simple lesson. Y 'to ,Monte Carlo, playing, to -day, and They filed in among the first at the three hundred thousand francs of therefore, he could pick This owl. seat' I've won cloven thousand pounds; doors of the Casino. °n e ,started, borrowed capital 1—And what's worse , quite at will, for no body seemed eleven—thousand--,pounds—steililig. Hugh played with scarcely are inters still, I borrowed it from the chest— anxious to claim the dubious honour I've got the money now about ane. mission for food, till the tables closed government money -tile treasury of of riding along with him. So he ,phare it is,you ser in French bank again. He kept himself up with the squadron 1 If I go back alive I strolled along .the train,* hamming a metes.. A large F ch bank champagne and sandwiches. That shall be court martialled,-For heavens gay tune, and inspecting the carriages thousand pounds--sterl.ng. Eleven— was indeccl a glorious day 1 A wild sake`, my friend, lend Inc at least a with an attentive eye, kill be readied ' (TO uu s -sternen. emcees attended- his hazards. He few hundred francs to retrieve my a certain first-class compartment not C ) slaked and wort Beaked and lost , luck with! • far from the front, where a single Erin- Hugh put his hand to his pile and passenger was quietly seated. ;. The The Hamilton Spectator, a leading drew out throe notes of ra, thousand ,single passenger made his heurt . throb Conservative journal says: The govern - francs each• -4 a }:utidred and twenty ,for it was Warren Reif -moue and' 'bent which gave Canada the present pounds sterling in all. IC was nothing, .unprotected. Dominion Franchise Act earl: give Canada manhood suffrage without nothing. Good luck go with them, lie Ele hardy knew why, but, flushed cried good llumouredly. When those With wine and continues good fortune, stretching its eonsoieneo or its Cont are tone, my dear fellow, come back he meant to ride back its that very servatisni pins hair's'bredtli further, for snore, l.'ln not the pian, I ;hoped carriage, face to face with the baffled and it is to be hoped that it will do it.. and trust, to turn my back upon a and defeated serpent ;'for lfugh had comrade itt misfortune. .already discounter his The Russian snapped at them with victory, Warreu was del'" -lit Pr- . himself. Drunk with wine, drueln gi4riah (Ja4tua. serene ., p with good fortune,, he allotted has sloth varied Hugh Massinger's plauicl soul;. rearm:eft peep forth for ono e a li-tie be felt himself vastly superior to these too obvtuusl He would 111ake this human butterflies ; he knew his own fellow Re,fykuow his proper place; worth as he turned entranced from the before *errtletuen at last --rt were marble steps to the beautiful prospect ignorant upstart, half waybetween sa that spread everywhere nnro led like to 1a . p • picture around hila,. Poet as he was, Painter and a owuu10u sailor. he despised mere gamblers ; and he To Paris, �'41tre•u auswererl with carried eleven thonsaud pounds odd of curt decision. ' II•l was in no hiliuour Winnings in Dotes in. his pocket. for a hasty gum re. to day with tlhie R'r'r 1 A sharp report 1 A cry 1 A half F dozen fit rwken madman. concourse 1 Something uncanny hail What fol Hugh outinued, as surely happened, People were ran rudely as Lefelre, Then he aadcc. nigh up where the pistol went off. with a loud and ugly laugh : You need Hugh Messinger turned with a shard. tell me no lira, 1 know already. lever der of. disgust. How diseonn using ! found you out.. --`To see rely cousin The usual ugly Monte Carlo incident ! Elsie across to Eug•and, Raflalevsky had shot himself belling At the worst, Warren's Race fel the shade of the palm trees. somewhat olnir.ously. He leaned back The man was lying, a hideous wase, 'Paine -solute, irresolute, iu the corner of the in a crimson pool of �liis pert blood, coach and played with twitching lingers at the leather window strop, Yon are right, Ito answered low, in a short, sharp voice, I never lie. I went to escort Miss Gballoner from you' and San Remo. Hugh flung himself into au attitude of cereless ease. 'Tie .colloquy de- )ight•,ed him- He had the fellow at bay, Ile began to talk, as if to him - se f, ht a low. monologue. Heine says solimetvliere, he observed, with •a sar- donic smile, directing his observation into blank space, as if to some in- visible third person, that lie would wish, to spend the evening of his days in a cottage by the sea, within soiled' of the waves, with his wife and child- ren seated around hint—and `a largo tree growingjust uutside his grounds,. from whose brtuiches might dangle the body of his enemy. Warren Reif sat still in constrained silence. For Elsie's sake, he would allow no quarrel to arise with this unadman, flown with iuso'enee end wine. He saw at once what had. happened ; Messinger was drunk with luck and champagne. But he would evuid the cousequelices. He would change cilrriages when they stopped o11 the frontier et Ventimiglia. The bid for an angry repartee had failed. So Hugh tete d again ; for he -would quarrel... A great tnany murders take piace on this line, ho remarked items. the waiter bowed a profound bow. At Monte Carlo, Monsieur, he said significantly, ono pays daily. Hugh drew out 0 handful of gold from his pocket with a laugh and paid at once. Bat the omen disquieted him, Who wins to day may lose to morrow. went the round of the tables, in fre- quent whispers, that a young 'Eullislh- ntatl, a poet by featfre, was breaking the bank with his audacious plunging. He plunged again, and again success. fully. People crowded up from their own gauge at neighbouring boards to wrrtelh tend imitate the too lucky Enlist -aroma Give hint his head•! He's in the vein 1 they said. A man in the vein should always deep playing, Tim young lady' with the fine Pennsyl- vania]. twang remarked with accidea- tal plainness of speech that she wouldn't object to running a nuttier - ship. Hugh laughed and demurred. —You tnight dilute the luck, you know, lie atistt'erecl good llumouredly. But if you'll hand the over a hundred Louis, I don't mint putting theta on 8i for you. He aid, and they won. The erowd of amblers applauded, all hushed, with their astral superstitions rpe actor path where•Qai 1 and Italy awe anti veneration. kb has the t'un protective , OAr1'AR,R ET, looking the Catarrhal Deafness slay Fever. a grateful gesture, but without hesita- opposite way, and did not pere elve ; A NEW statist, rREAT11iNr. • tion or b pisco thanks, and retuenP,d gists. Hugh wafted, tlheref0l.P., till tile: 3naerers are not 6onocrill, aware that these dia- in hot haste to Iris own table. (:itlni• train was just about to Start froth tine eases aro contiedous, or drat they ur6 due to the les have little osteo for needless station, and. then he jumped in =tOo 61 the Imo resence tatdnn s aehls"ni"tubes tubes. a oa opIaai t. br talking. • late for 1V'arrell, if he could, to change rho r r, Ittiemotes, leas proved this to be a (nett. and tarn result is that a alurpls t�uniedy leas freest toreiiU- At a quarter to five, after a- last his carriage. toted whereby catarrh, Catarrhal deefuces and tial hastydraught of champagne at the In a second, the painter turned Dove"r aro permnrinntly mored lu Prune pito to threir „simple applications made at home vv the patent buffet, .rlugll turned to go out, with round and recognised his companion. ffnceintaowation N.li•--h�oroatarrhral<iitchuseti is pockets. He gave a sudden start. At last the t'ocullar to females (whltes) tlria remedy le tt fipoeIttr. his t ash in his l In front of b patnph;bteaplaihinra' Lhls� note treatment itt sent on hila, he' saw just an apparition . of - two melt halm niet in earnest. y 11, t)rxotr rt SA,, st t W i . A xecoipE or ten cents b A, llaffalevsky meshing wildly away with - baleful light4lrurnemt in Iingli's dark Kies st., rorelito,cceada.-soientt€ a Allie11Aan, ono hand upon his forehead. Tito : eyo. Ills blood was up, tle had run sb u eroreui;°y'n Catarrhal trcutlfie st,Apld matt the too oo was Awful to behold, 'too fastthrougli the whole diapason -«.�.�:.:..�.. Huth felt stare the Itussian hal lost of passion. , ]toaiette and champRgne, Fort '1)ysPimok. and Liver Hosea faint y�n tt Il 'oirc 'tllarf� and been too ilauch rove anti( JettloUSY, hatred' alta Vlfldl8+ hiss n pkiuted guarantee On ovary hottlftor shlirrh,r Ail Q r i Vltrltsor. It ti set law t, cars. rot imai4 b C. k, a zainr-d. c zl l retlew lets npplicat i;kp..esst had.4onleii,.togetht;ir to kits 'tVl1lteUt*. ,.