The Wingham Times, 1889-02-08, Page 5"wNtr`p grafi t A .,....: s a4 t it B i , °iftgim p� will e fit .a ;;.,,. ..,-._,,,..... �� _ � , ..�.,.-.,.,..... , ..-•--"'°"''"�"'^*'t'"�*"�. , .,.�,..,,.�.�..;.�� ,,.,,.,..a.....'..:. ,,-„,,,si ,. �,.� � rsenders, as it ie to Ins Keep 'neatly. G i I”. Tins, you are emetine there.": -„sties :-:..«...... -df ` . , ,...-.,,.. 1, r, Jessie NXaT.ftren returned home after FRIDAY, FEB, 6, 1889. a throe weelre visit to Wellestiry and North East Elope,. --Mics. 'Charles fin b >� y. Ilencletuonl, Biuev:ile i1oad and 11irs. Il. It would seem ental etre battler etre B' Jefimy, of Londesboro, left for Cleveland, Ohio, to see, Mts. John time, tete mere plentiful le the crop of 'Underarm, lately of Winghaln, wfto tramps. judging by the number of is dangerouslyTilling Bros. 4th it ales who ire trying to make a have dissolved partnership, Mr. A. linin, oft 0 '1 dub1ic just now. W'e ilpiing takes the tmeitiess and Thos, Itas removed to Wiugl►ain. Win ban'. would otpe ially warn people about receives a very �xtellent citizen two tein�iles, of rattier disreputable iu Tom,. -Mrs Mitchell, of Fort ahitracter, who are going the rounds Elgin, is at present visiting at her just new. The one :pretends to he parents J. Northgraves, •of the june- ltuttting the other,both say that they tion - The last meeting of the are looking. for work and neither Boundary Lute Literary Society was wishes to and any so long as they can • held at,Mr. Robert Maxwell's on the eke ottt a miserable existence by evening of the 80th ult., when the tramping argued the country and followfnR programme was ver 11 living on what oilier peopie has earn- i rendere,l : Opening anthem `"Sweet. ed. -An amtising incident occurred a ' hour of Prayer," W Maxwell a reading; �j�' "(' �'j'� �'Y short tithe ago, A forlorn looking It etaxwell and A Rutherford instil' .it.:.+4 .l1.�1.1_t1�7 individual :presented himself befirm D C.�T'�THER'=^ SUTHERLAND'S D' the dear of one of our well to ilo recitation ; SV Maxwell a song; Has determined to clear out the �✓ v 1..a.L�,1,y 'farmers and requested a night's Nettie eendersolt racdtaGiori •� n itis whole stock of demurred at first, remarking that Henderson, recitation DialoguPparts DRESS. GOODS, READY-MADE R. HILL'S ITY RESTAURANT, 10E1101011 gale FULLY OPENED OUT, �---- OF With a New, Fresh, Well-atso;<ded etobk. $15;OOQ WORTH 0" -~ter- Done in Any 'tyle. ,.-,,.,.A Superb Variety of .. CANDIES -- and -- CANNED .-,. GOODS, General Goods. ORANGES, —, LEMONS, -- GRAPES, and. --- All Seasonable .^7 FrEa- Laghlorei Wine Combat/Query. Gamles x s BLoca, OPPQSITE T1 Ran!. GRl)t3E1ty, Wer c;'.:.c BEFORE MOVING. . STOVES AT HALF P I , �. mental music ; miss Annie 'Henderson, lodgitag, The mistress of the hone() Nettie. Maxwell, •reading; Miss Annie people often got more than tr,atups to given ey misses G �Jent:ine, .Kate . CLOTHING, CARPETS, keep by lodging thein. With a look Ole herr and amasses F 4nderson. Sy 1+I,A1\ NILS, MANTLE of injured innocence JIo straightened Maxwell and A Ilutherf 1rd ; W Hen - :himself to hes full height and offered dersou, reading.; .G Henderson, reci- te denude Itititieli of his garments and tatioth • A Anderson read leer, "God GOODS, QLOTIIS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, SHHAWLS. stance inspection,. to she imagined he •save the Queen,” ':Quite a number of . HATS AND GAPS, heTS AND SHOES. 1 laecleaituRnt of natur,ilny intention of tiwith g 'visitors were in attendance. Among 'FURSGR CERIES,� CROCKERY AND i y Phistory those present were the misses F and M bine, Of course that was enough and ' DroKay, Mr J aroKay and the 'Misses u GLASSWARE he obtained quarters for the Bight -- ,and 3 Dallas from Wingbam, ns Last Satnriay a teamster from Bel- I John Rutherford and others were morn, who it appears had . been ih'' present from Wroxeter. Tho 'chair. clulgin •rattler freely i11 town and was I was ocoupied by B Jenkins, president, using his horses a little roughly, by . who performed his important duties in •sortie means -had the drawbolt slipped a manner very satisfactory to all out freeing the team and leaving sleigh present. Tho next meeting will be and driver behind. They made for 1 bele at i r. Thomas Jenkins' on Tues. homewith their boat speed, but were !evening 12th inst., when another stopped at the ttalf,vay corner, t11ar- j lengthy programme will bo given. A. ouglily tired out, and thinking. that i debate will form part. Subject : there was not much fun connected 1'4Rcsolved that a monarchy is a better with a rnna,v ty. At least wP• drink ' form of government than a Republic," the driver will creme to that condi- I .. . 'slim, -Mr, J'ae Casernore's effects and ,CARD THANKS. day, ase ,Intends going to Afanttoba. stock were sold, by auction on Tues#- in.the soriug.-ltit,ssrs. John Mits- I :.The undersigned desires most heart: grove and John Kurton cut a cord of 'ily to tender his warmest Thanks to maple wood in 16 minutes, Who can Alis 'Neighbors and Friends who beat this 2 -Mr. D. Eraser, teacher of labored soactively and successfully in section 2, has purchased Jolla Gem- I putting out the fire in hie Residence. 'mill's farm in Om. 7. It is an :on the l3luevale road, on Friday, the excellent property containing 109 25th of January. ,•Through their ex: acres of which 10:3 norm are cleared ertions solely, the house and' all the and in a good state of cultivation- We effects were saved. understand the price paid was $000. PETER FOWLER. 'We wish hire success. in his now venture. -Mr. Golnmill and family go to try the realities of a life in Louisia• na, in a few dt.ys. While friends and neighbors are all sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Get'1imi11, and while as waren friends and kind neighbors they will be greatly missed in this locality, :enjoin in wishing them a •etfe and prosperous journey and a happy home under the "Stars and Stripes." -Mr. Gemmill's_sale of live 'stoilk was a complete success. The stock all sold woll.,.anl the Holstein cattle brought good ;prices,-. Three of the FT.olsteins :went to G lderich township as the property of it'lr. Girvin, one to Grey, property of Mr. efilee, one to Howick Mr; McKay and one cow and calf were .purchased by Mr. Wylie, Con. 6, Turuburry.--Mr• L. LeveIl, _Cott. 3, had the misfortune to lose bis Ho! - stein bull. This is a heavy loss as the animal was an exceptionally good one. -Mr. R. Yea, the veteran hunts. man, and who has has killed more deer than any one in this :section of the country, is still hale and hearty, and enjoys a days sport as well as ever, Ile is a terror to reynard, and succeeds in' capturing so large a number of these crafty and destructive animals. every,t season, that the farcnsrs of Tuenhorry can sleep 'sound• ly, without any feats for rho safety of their hen% ducks or geese, -A very profitable and pleasant evening was spent ae A'lt'. and Mrs. Peter Camp- betl's house last Thursday. The evening was:stormy, but this did nob prevent a forge number of ell sue young from assembling at an • early hour. The programme consisted of readings, mitations, music, Sze., &c. Mr. James Elliott presided acceptably. The refreshments served -(lariat; the evening, elicited a vote of thanks for Mrs. Campbell. The proceeds were. Pl. This was a sori;tl its couneetion. with the I•lluevale Presbyterian churelt.--A s•ntila in connection . witl, Wreeeter 1 resbyterian c&inrch will be held at elle *Teeter \Vylie't, on Friday (Welling first. - It "Jot'ittg from Louisiana" '%'O see some account of the boys who went from Turnberry. We are p'eased to hear of their success conn enterprise, also of their gallantry A Sl'3C1 ALT Y. -� arming the belles of Jeauerette. How We do envy thorn 1—\Vc notice with A Large • AesertI1n Ut of Frames pleasure the improvements ie .the ltoeteenstattly oil hand. Prime as l':t!41;,s f"rola wok to tveelf, '.Chis we. low as are consistent with geed work, -Morris, February 7th, 1S89. TENDER WANTED., rfiENDERS will be 'received by the undersigned up .1' to noon of SATURDAY, FEB: Kith, )859, for 'taking down and remot ing from the premises, the Ceiling'of the ,'reshyturian Church, Bluevalo, and Be Ceiling it with dry. clear, dressed and Matched 'soft elm. or bleak ash inch lumber. Information as • to the work can bo obtained by applying JOHN BLTROESS, Bluevalo, February 1st, I8S9. BLU EV. =P. 0. M 178 1 0 _ MISS NELLO McHARDY: OLASSE9 FOR INSTRUCTION ON PIANO AND V Organ, in Voice Culture and Harmony. Mucro Rooms : tr Baevsa Btocr.., POR A HOLSTEIN BULL CALF' Owned by ,Tames Elliott, Bluevalo: Bred by F. Boiled, Cassel, Ont., Date »fbirth, 'April 26th„1838. Sire, Barnton, No. 3237, II. H. B,, Dam tustrolia, 'Lad No, 8068, IL F. H. B. Bred by B. Bollert, Cas- sel, Ont. Intending purchasers are requostod•to come and seethe herd. . Notice To Ore.aitors of Robert McCurdy, Deceased. Pursuant to an order of the Chancery Division of the nigh Conrt of Justice, made in the action of Scott v. McCurdy. The Creditors of Robert McCurdy, late of the town of %Vinghani, in the county of Huron, who died in or about the month of'Aprli, 1835, m•o,on or before the ninth dam of February, 1080, to send by post prepaid to Victor Chisholm, Esq., of the town of Milton, Barrister, their Christian and surnames, ad- dresses and desoription, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities Of any) hold by them ; or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily elteleded from the benefit of the said order. l;vetyOreditorholding any security is to , pro;tnce the same before me, the undersigned Clerk in Chambers of the said Court, at my (illalnhers, in.Osgootle Ilall,in the City of Toronto, on t.:el1th dal' of February, 1880, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjndtcation v.,ttr:t1.11113. Datrd the iathday of January 1880. F. ARNOt DI, C. 0 BROCK.CNSIIIRE'S Photograph aI 8 0 Long Experience, close attention and unexcelled facilities, enables one to turn out uuiforttily a Cass of work egnal to that of any Gallery in the west, "Work of every, description Artifi• citify, promptly and satiefnctorily done. CABINETS. sIV FAMILY G1 oUps • - -0 THE STOCK —lS-- ��,�I AT VE The. TINWARE, A HEAVY STOOK S? e. A, PRICES. STOVE and TINWARE ROO Having purchased .the etock of HINGSTON SONS, *e are egfr,r s . GREAT BARGAINS IN STOVES for the next 60 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES iri O r,.af Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we hares nor. ' SECOND-HAND STOVES ae good as new, at LESS THA I; HALF COST. A SUPERB STOCK OF CHOICE LAMP GOODS. 3EST PROCURABLE GOAL 01 4, Cali and got Bargains while theItZe•ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. Stock is complete. WARE ROOMS AND SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange —o-- and Victoria Streets. T1IIS IS A- Genuir2 Clearing Sale OF Seasuable Gads,, T. A. MILLS, Sign, of the Red Flag. THS CHINA HOUSE . YATES. XMAS :-: GOODS. A11 the Latest Designs and Tints in Fancy China Goods. In many shades and shapes. BEAUTIFUL JET TEA POTS AND TEA KETTLES _BEAUTIFUL WATER AND WINE 'SETS VASES 'Alen WATER BOTTLES OUT OF THE Hotel, corner. 14,. HAVING FULLY AS3OItTED THEIR STOCK, MESSRS. McINNES & TA B., HAVE ' OPENED OUT IN Eendersori's Old Statham:' AND OFFER SPLENDID IBTDUCEME IN READY-MADE CLOTHIN, G.ROC.:IJ BOOTS & SHOES, AND GLASSW.r Ui ,. GREAT BIG BARGAINS, - WHICH EVERYBODY OUGHT TO O'OBSERVE AND PROFIT - BY. G LDS M.IT .S' •.H.A Is the p'ace where all can be supplied with Glees, Sewell/Au - Sikregwa e Spectacles Of the BEST QUALITY and at the LOWEST PRICES. . SUGAR BOXES AND Having just returned from the Wholesale Markets, where 1 Intro ltotrs.••iti CREr�:II Jli GS, very heavy stock of above articles for, Spot Cash, 1 Inn in a 'pesitioht to t,t:i there to my Customers and the Public generally at VINEGAR AND SAUCE BOTTLES. Gupta rgddt Baskets, GEM GUSX1110 ES ELEGANT WATER SETS,' FINE E TRAYS, BEAUTIFUL C.HHINA. TEA SETS. A. full line of NEW FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERIES, fresh and reliable. Iospettia (VI1L t No trouble to show god:. `vZ%A..1.1'; S. THE OAlii IiO1JS2t POC B TIO' • 13 T2,1'0 MS. Call and see my Fine Assorted Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Gold N'ntc;ht Ladies' and Gents' Gold Chains, the finest, and cheapest lot of Ladies' trooeir es, Earrings, Ooll-buttons; 8:c„ in the Town. . 1 have the finest mud largest stock of Gold .Rings ever kept in W.i•n„hani,' consisting of Plain Rings, Stone Set Rings, Diamond .Rings and Srarf Di11t, Its -Watch Mevetrients I have them in stock from all the leading tnente\ie- turers of the United States : The Elgin, W:tltheni, Hampden, ltht ti , .:Rockford, Columbus and Anrora Watches.. I have also a very large .stock of Clocks, from $1 20 upwards. If yott want a Christmas or New Years present, V•AlsISTOINT 'S is 'whet% you can got it either in gold or silver at Euck ,Bottum, I'firrs,.: •: a • As I have bought for snot cash, that is just the reasvii that 1: eau offer good» AO cheap. -Gall and inspect my stook.. I do all kiucls•.of repairing in watches, clocks, jr:wellQry,*-ttc.r:tit reusonuble, prices and ad warranted. T11n:nitin; my nuinernus cnstotners for. the very liberal, p ttrotltrgc'beistee e a on the since corning to Wingltatn, and soliciting it contnivauco of the si1u1c, I, retrain, yours -truly, . SUCCESSOR TO I.I. i :.Lebec Vie'” tem:oberr'the ttenti ; Next floor to the rest Office,