The Wingham Times, 1889-02-08, Page 21
,o.eo„„e,reoaetarenexeon'areetereePe!M'',..e,, -
4.WAYS %me QNE BeLOW. ; The United. States, prior to the
purchase of Alaska,. was -Included
On thelowest round of the ladder within 8,080,000 sepia; e ,Ofinaiin
Atwooa , vifkiting
her cousin, Mrs. Wm. 'Cruickshank, ot.'.
FEB. istio Place. -Mr. J. Beattie, of Dakota,
and his bride have been .visiting their ..
. • . .
I tunny &reed my feet,
Ann lotted up at .the den, vast dietauce
That lead° nie. future ee sweet • .comprises nearly 10 per cent, of t
whole British Empire twirl contions
ritnifie around Wirediam before has 0,470,802 square miles. Canada
onnnad nu vi.s on. grew weary,
many f
they leave for their new tlaa ° t" more than one-half of the fresh water
:woe on the Death et a Doloved Mother, * I climbed till my brain von u lir. •
wed eaell footstep Aria; wisdom-. of the entire globe,
The aunnal convention of the On-
vor this roma was glazed with inauteroaco,
A.1111 that ono was gilded with BOO, ratio Branch of the Dominion Alliance,
and wheal groped mealy another at its closing session in Toronto, toi
trot:11a, under velvet, a thorn,
dorsed parliamentary sndrage fin
Till my brae. grON WWI a plannine, women, whieh will now form part 01
And my ueat strength began to fail,
its official progratn Lae. • , tho suss of the moriting'13 excitement
BTo evening commenced to pale.
ClOtitor segs that the • fames of
But just when lay Welds wero ueelasping kerobene, when a lemp is turned low,
Their hold on the last gained round,
When ray hopes, Corning' baels frOsu the future, are likely to On Se diphtheria., *
wero oinking mean to the•groune-
An infaIlligo Coin Weater.
Ono who had climbed near to the summit
Beached backward a helping liana; The Siamese ape is said to be in great
Aryl, refreshed, eueOurasee and stre.ngthened, ' request among Blaineso ine.reliants as a
I took once again ystand. OftSiliCr in their counting hone. Vast
spantitiee of base C0121, Qbtain circulation
And wieh-oh, 1 wish -that the climbers
worae neveorget athey go in Siam, and the faculty of dieerirnina-
r f s
That, though. weary may Sesta their climbing, ti011 betweet good mainey and bad would
There an away e some one below. appear to bo posr,cseed by theee
-Rea kneels:Isom monkeys in such au extraorainery de -
Why the Bear cot mad, gree of development that zio lairean be -
mg, however carefully trained, can
Said Mr. Southmayd; "Wheal a man eompete with them. Tho eat:bier pe
goes out after tbem he wants to bo mire
Throe meditatively puts into Lie raouth each
that his ammunition is all rialit, coin presented to Jahn in businces pay -
weeks ago I was out-, gunning for birds meats, and tests it with great delibera-
and happened to run across a big black tion. Itis methad of teeting iaregarded
bear. -He was about ten yards away, in commercial circles as infalifele; and,
standing on. a log and looking at me in as a raatter of fact, his decision urn -
the naost impertinent manner. formly accepted by all parties iatcreeted
"I always carry a couple of buckshot in the tralinslotiOTI.-Loucion Thi Bite.
cartridges in my left coat pocket for
just such oecamons. Breaking open my
gun, I estraeted the cartridges of small Scott's liznitIslon of cod Inver On and
shot, kept my eye on the bear and in- Hypophosipl.` os ,
sated two shells from my loft pocket. Is sold all over the world. It is far superior to plain
"Then 1 confidently blazed away at Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr.
his head, He didn't tumble over as he Martin Allies Stanton, Bury Bucks, London, England,
ought to hate done, but snarled wick- says "I have prescribed ScotesEmulsion, and taken
edly and made a break for 11.1e. With- it u‘yeelf. It is palatable, efficient, and am be toter -
out ,retreating a step I let him have the
other barrel, and that didn't stop him Med by almost afvono, especially where011
cod liver
worth a cont. itself cannot be home. Sold by all druggists, 5001
(ran FolitiONVISO 2,SNE8 Walt WItirrstir ex Ella Willis, of Seaforth, is visiting at Yet 1 never Seemed o et
00045108 OS thVf'siapnco o 13*,. George Thump.
craitintr., or vascrosax,) son.- M re. George T1soinp4on has re.
turned from the township of Hay,
aterth acme more meter now, moiler, waere stat bus been attending the
twee dealt; haa borne thee (MUT ;
funeral of lier aunt Mrs Thompson
Ana tu" thee down beside ley tether, '
Iu time louo spot of hallowed eley. -Prayer Meetings are being conduct-
Now one more strong link is brokeu-
in the Lower Witighttel seeool
Lank of friendehip Ana of love house by the .Lev. Mr. Moortiouse,
Tile goodby )use, loved memo; ien tattoo, erho iS 0. most earnest aad sincere
The trial severe that love to prove, minister of the gospel, May his
"The last soft touch ot e, gentle baud .. eilorts be rewarded aurtadantly. The
ea duty and love and care. nieetines are let gely ttended.
Was not for me in that ler away
could only whisper a prayer.
And lift my temenimmen eye
Awry from. earth !ale care and woe,
Where no one ever heaves a !deli
'11 For their loved onee -forced to go.
Then I think of thee but sleeping
There beside my father dear,
:In the Saviour's tender keeping,
Unconseious of a fear,
VOW' tbe lovely -flowers may bloom
Upon thy grave so low,
Anil green grass grow on the silent tomb
Until thou art called to go.
'Then thy epee dimmed eyes shall opeu
To behold, inautortel light.
'Wbeu deaths strong, fetters brokeu,
And neveielose their sight.
'Then, oli nay mother, kiudest, dearest,
Rey we meet thee in the skies.
With a memory of the clearest.
_There amoug, the good and wise. men was described. Then a copper!.
Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Willis' church,
took for his morning text on Sunday
morning : '• Behold he prayeth,"
Acts 9 chap., VII, In his introduc-
tory remarks the prineipal characters
mentioned here were noted and the
mauy varied cireu re stanees 'Which they
recalled. 1 Ananias, one of the same
name had become already notorious
because he tried to deceive the Holy
Glwiit. 11 Judas. The traitor in the
eattip, who sold his Master for thirty
pieces of silver, was called by this
name. III. Samuel, The first chosen
King of Israel, and also be was the re•
jeoted 1ing. The tragie death of theee
eon was drawn between these well -
Where linke of trieneship !icer will suuder,
And fond inmate will warm math ; known and many times mentioued
Zfay we be of that teemed member, personages, - and those in the text.
Beoure beyoudnell earthly pain. Ill the evening, the text WaS f rota
'Then good-bye. III watt and truet, Job 42 chap., VIII v., subject, "Inter.
Until the eternal morinug hresars, ' oessory• Prayer.' The subjects were
'When he calla us from the dust, well handled and were listened to with
10, that suffered for aur sakes,
great attention. Next. Sunday Rev.
and $1.
"About that time 1 begau to suspect
that there was some hitch in my conibi- CLUMING. BATES.
nation, and when he knocked the gun Any of the following metropolitan weeklies can be
Out of Day 110.11dS .1 inferred, that it was obtained with the Wirighom Inas at the figures bete
time for me to get away. You ought to given. Balance of els free
TIMIS and Globe.. • • .41 75
Tunics, 1,1311, and Farm and Vireside, ., • 1 75
Tna4, Globe and Rural Canadian,. 2 00
101 Londe!) Ad' calmer, 1 76
115511 and Montreal Witness, .. .. 1 75
Miss and Toronto News, .. 1 75
DMUS and daily' orld •.. 2 75
Timm and weekly News with premium, "Christ
before Phate,".. „ 1 75
Also. "Fathers of Confederation.".. .. 2 00
have seen mo go. I guess he would have
Mr. Milligan, of Old St. Andrews, -
To-rubel:Ty. Toronto, will preach, it being anniver
At the meeting of the Cedarville sary services. Mr. Sims is coming ou
Literary Society Friday night, it was eyau,elical work• in connection with
' ehought that while it would not be ad- "Tae Brethren " this week.
visible to hold regular meetings this •
'winter, -some measure ought to bo de- Listowel.
▪ - -viseel for :keeping the library in circula-
tion, it was therefore decided to hold- About twelve o'clock Friday night
fire broke out in the large frame stable
a musical and literary entertainment in
the course of a to month raise money to belou8ing to the Imperial hotel,
enlarge the library, Whi ail is then to owned and ocenpie.d. by F. A.
which was totally destroyed, also a
become the property of the school
horse, cow,. and 00010 new fern! i(liple
. section, the trustteespromismg to keep
men 1 stored there from last season.
'''"neetik in circulation. S. S. No. 6,will then
The baildina was insured in the
lui;;Z>l'et free circulating library, and in
this respect will be a degree or two Waterloo lautael for $000. This
heaof nme of the towns of the MAROS nine supposed incendiary iiree
ad s .
county. A. meeting of tho committeesince September 1t. The council
who have the anterta.Inneent in charge have offered it reward of $500 for the
eonvietOn of the incedetrY.--Daval
'and others wested will be held. at.
N Hogg eke Co. inauguriteed their early
Mee; A,. ' Ketlfs Ifeida.y eveatug of this
week. closing by shutting their store at six
o'clock and will continue to do so in
won the race if it hadn't been. for a big
split bowlder in tho track. The split was
just wide enough for me to get throu h
and I went through there lively.
reached out and got a piece of my shirt,
but ho stack fast in the cleft long enough
for mo to get a hundred yards the start,
and then I was safe,
"When I got home ILound two buck- Consumption. Surely Cured.
pocket. I must have dropped. two other ha 0 a positive revitedy for the above named disease.
TI1A1 EDITOR :-Pleassi inform your readers that. 1
shot cartridges safe and snug in my side 'ci
shells in with them absent mindedly, f,Yein'",„ lissehtaltzu :tong& i.,
fadftohosiglr:„=t1ler oef
and it was just my luck to grab the light my remedy run to any of your readers who have
loads when I wanted big shot. I consumption if they will send are their Express and
peppered that old bear m the face with P. 0 address, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM
quail ahot, and I don't blame him for
getting mad. I was mad myself when I
37 Yongo St, Toronto, Ont.
iotmcl out." -San Francisco Examiner. C. P. B. TIME TABLE/.
Curious Chinese Notions.
Both savage and semi -barbarous peo-
ple have always exhibited a great repug-
nance to any surgical operation, however
necessary, which involves amputation.
Trains arrive and depart as follows:
1341:2A7vaiN.Bm.... .. ., ..For Toronto.. .... ....titir :.xi:
1:45 p. m 1:45 p.,ni
215 put..Ircir Toeswater 315 .
10:20 p. in 10:20 "
The North China Herald. in commenthal GsR,A.N.a0 pro-mq-lc
tho Chinaso have always SlIONi Lida
upon this cirmainstance, points out the
repugnance, not on accoi-mt of Through tickete to all points in America -North.
pain, for they are patient awl r.
ee <1.. -11),S popular routes. Baggage obeeked through to try, in proportion.
fear of Wet, roam° Coast, etc,. via the thortcst and all
of physical StIfferkig but because they destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. Vegetable Vopor administrated for the vinitiss`
. •-• •
-.IS ninnatmeite-
WINGRAZI, (mum°,
uumiptIon.pric_e.sip.ryoar, actvatico.
1 30. I 0 010, 1 4 mo. 1 I me.
„_.• _ - ----_,.. __,.....- -
on, 1,0101011 i51) ors Fee oe i 620 00 88 00
Half " ea on ea 00 As 00 6(1)
Quarter " 20 00 12 (13 I 7 00 4 et)
i One limb 5 00 00 4 00 1 00
Loeel .er omit advertisements fie. per lire
for drst insertion, mai 5,. per line foreaeli subsequent
Looti notices, in non toren type, 10e. for first In.
and St'. 1.1er Wr tech titibKIllent insertion.
No tool notk (hinged joss than 26e.
Advertisements ot Lost, uni, Strayed, Molders,
and BUsfuess Cbant,es Slanted, not execeding lino
nimpartili, 51 per loontl .
Houses and 1it,rnis for Sale, not exesedirg 8 lino',
51. fur ilist month, 6Se, per obs(queet month.
T11040 tc 1011 11 111 1h* St le tly Lathered to,
Speidal mitis for longer advertiesnients, ;or
tailor )otictIg.
Ativt•ItistquentR without speolde directions, will be
inserted till forbid and eliatod accordingiy. Toon-
sirory ad ter( isonents moist 1'e paid i» ral ranee,
theatliwsuoisotes tor enittract adtertisonents most. be in
the oilice I y Wednesday noon, in order to a; pear
It iiii,I,1;101ATT0,4 a rinitisota.
DR. A, E. licl- IENZIE,
Honor graduate Toronto University. Attendant
of New York Poiyellnie.
0100 o over store of Go; don & MeInty re.
Jig, :VMS ST. - WIN00014.
Woman, • - • -715130.
Tyll, J. A. Iittl-DRIIM,
Le :Honor Graduate of Toronto University.
Mee and Residenve -The old stand foto:sly 030n'
pled by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centro end
Putrid; streets,
- ONT.
Solicitors for the Ilia( of Hamilton. Comminsionets
for taking allidavits for 'Manitoba. Priyate, 10140
to lend in strident loans at lewtst Irate.. Mess
Kent's Sloa. Wingllr,m, Luelnitox 5115 00011a.
w. 0. VAYER. E. L. nuntoion.
13ABRISTER, &c.,
Wieighum - Ontario.
OFFICES-Ile:wee Block, Insotims,
Gann( and Thsru, ONT.
Private and Cernpany funds to loan at low rates of
Interest, itiortgages, ton n and faint pi (+petty
bousht and sold. Mercantile cote:atone a epeemity.
DENTISTRY.- J. S. jEROME, tvisoutils.
'..74%1%-b,.,,.. Algal IfiVITIeetViki Irt3
and Plain Teeth, por
Prices in alt other blanches o dentis-,
future on everyevening except Stant!.
Tett Samna affair is attracting day. -The pupils of the High , School
earetsiderable attention at present": The re organized their assocatimi with the
London eitircrtiser puts the matter following officers President, Mr. J, A.
Tanner, M. A., Vi" president, Mr. 11.,
',briefly as , follows : wrhe Samoan or
A. Farquharson ; SecaTreasurer, Mr.
- :Navigators' Islands.are in the 5,1, ; captaio, .A. 13 Ferrell ;
▪ south Pacific, v; ith 0.31 area of some- Committee, T. 1Vi1son, W, Ward,
thing over 1,000 square wiles and D. Hanle, 3. Anderson, W. W. Lee
Associatien supports football
about 87,000 inhabitant, They have :Tao
baseball, cricket. and la crosse.-To e
for sorae,tinie been a subject of interest
, council appointed the town officers as
to the .tioverornent of., the Uoitect fellows : 3. A.. Burgess, clerk ; B.
States, Germany and .Great , Britain, Dinkel, treasurer; A.IESX. Morrow,
crying131 only to t1313 13361 -5120.!. citizene • assessor ; R. Buliaer, constable and
of those countries have interests of csolector ; 13. nothwell, auditor. The
,• mayor has a ppointed Mr. W. R.
gteattr or less value there,,liaving
Clayton the other atiditor.-The
bought land and engeged,..iii, trade Methodist church have extended a
here. In 1878 a treaty was made call to Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, of Galt,
sainoty to become their pallor next tine.
between the United States andSanlon,
whereby the 'latter granted the former
the right to establish a (towing station
Mr. W. Drammoud has removed to
in the port of Pago.Pago. The un-
setiIed condition of government bathe ' Toronto.
- islands, tberc being 13, struggle for. the
vovereigety between two native chiefs,
furnishing s tempting opportunity fot
foreigners wishing to extents their
power, and the action of Germany ISI
Teforence to affiirs ha the islands have
huffiness in this store this year.
been such as to lead the government During the ten day a previous to
• of the United States t I regard lier Christmas our sales averaged about
,-,,,position and conduct there with sone $11)(4000 a day. The grand total for
"nef,rii. In hi,; twoll"p20;a1 10.,. the ten elay,e falls only a few dollars
ander a million. I spoilt $5.000 a
sage on the subject the President said . week in adverting, and I pay a skilful
Germany's propositions in nference to man -a former newspaper editor,
what ebotild bo dime in the islaials nil a good one -$IOWA month to do
p nvere twist interested seemea ea it for ino. 1 inako mont.y by it. Ad
kala to such a preponderance of Ger- tvriirst issti(:Tee ishas %no rtliesfowiutilli, !deb)
t'Whein I cline to nay desk last
Wenesd ty morning," said John Wiwi, -
maker, the Philadelphia, millionaire
merchant, "1 was naturally thinking
about the Christmas which we had.
\Ve did a groat deal of Otniatintis
man power in tia as was never not stv0 how my largo sucowatit
d by tho United States, retail liasineos can be done e Kite=
that her recoht conk:0'5 gave liberal advertising. Continuone wive0
r.ound tr the conclusion that she was 6qing. like contianols work, 18 the
sition most effective."
not content with 1,,
there. -, A. tentperaoce speaker, traning tint
dregress of tne 1.31 -;0 3fl W11;44011,
.tegnP14 thlt 'LAM NtlatiOIM 1151)1)1321!.
Tat Tine Perie, it, 'rneect: of leitelew; feheiPe 51 tilt' ilitint Sf1100 110 I
Ind., *aye: .4 note reyeelf mut wife, owe
.01;5 lives to Slab) 7'1 0ov:trireme Orme," - ,1"dl•t;ittnd "f Temirrthe ,f
so sale hv E.% W.Iliains.
that eit,y on Juonary 1;533.
Io6k upon it as a duty to keep the body
intact. If they submit to the amputa-
tion of a limb, they invariably aek for
the severed- member, mad keep it in a
box, to bo buried in due time with the
owner. Sometimes they will actually
eat it, tlunleing it only right that that
which has- been taken from the body.
should be returned to it.
On the suite principle an extracted
tooth will be carefully preserved, or
ground to powder and el -Yellowed in
water. .Another curious phase of the
same idea is seen in the belief that asick
parent can be cured by broth made from
flesh cut from a living child, and it is.
looked upon as a eiem of filial piety for
the child to submit himself to an opera-
tion for that purpose. The child is sup-
posed to be of the vital essence of the
parent, ansi if a portion. of this essence
is returned to the fountain head, the
parent will be greatly steengthened.
The peace loving. nature of the Chinese
is said to bo largely due to this respect
for the human body. -Chambers' Jour-
Ito Saved Three Conte.
A man, his wife and three children
walked up to one of the drop-a.pennyen-
machines in ono of the North river Seery
houses. After examining it he told hie
three children to step on the platform of
the settle, which thoy did. Ho then
dropped a cent into the slot and the hand
moved atotuidito 203. then told tho
largest cluln to stop off, and as soon as ho
did the hand moved baek to IA time by
sabtracting 1111 from 2031m ascertained
the weight of the child. In this manner
be also ascertained the respeetive weights
of the other two children. His wife and
himself got on the scales and Were
weighed in a. liko manner, Ile saved
three cente.e-Now York Later.
She Was -0/130:611staken.
IlTett* girl Ara a young gentleinan
met on West Seventh street, Ciocinnet4
and ten follonnag conversation took
stit-Why, 1,Vhat aro you doe
ing clown hero? /thought you wero lii
Ilee-Oh, I'm down here attending the
College of Phatroacy, over here on Court
Elm -And. so you aro going to bo
farmer" flow nice that will be (glee,
fulio'Llf„.opir.r.1‘•-• ls-e00.-txelmace,
bigliy-Ave've jaw/at thawt awl a!
scheme taw keep thaw mawtbs AV•rt ,
tlftW rittwthes, dant yaw knew?
Bighy-Whavvt is it?
brAw-give awn; trwway haw
ha vela-. He,
--T1111 ETAISLE.
(130113131501105. 02110313
wee anierotontaGuelph,raimeretou, So. 0500 pan.
'7:25 -'ahner;Cll
tonyittned' .."..1100:2100
11:10 .4 4,
7:05 .... .L011(1811, •'
.13 5.01. . . .
11:10 Einem dine, (10........6:330 a.m.
P,1,11 11:10 "
10:10 44 6:50 p.m.
$500,000 TO LOAN.
On Earn] and Town Property at Nay Lowest Rates
and on Terms to snit borrowers.
1 i 5 if titl
borrow ors can 01315 10 looney days 0
Beaver Bloeli, Wingham. rill RITCHIE,
Money to Loan on Notes. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,
extraction of teeth, the only s to anesthetic moan.
.OFF1cE In the Beaver Block, opposite tho
Brunswick Hotel.
twgpsaAN, Maker of Inlesnite, CennIold, Alley
, Silver, Geld, eta., etc.s Plates, rogInsi.
•""13.11l prices freni 55 00 upwards per .c•
crawling andbridgewort, Teeth at
traotiti without the ltsot pain be the use el YR/al-
lied .Ait. Bend Ofllce, side entrance op-
posite the Queen's hotel, opo daily (Stualsys except -
ad) from 0 a In to 5 p in. Will be at Blyth every
Saturday -016o at Milne's hotel; Gorda; 1st and
3rd Itionflass of each month-Oillo at Albion boiol
LuslinoW 2nd and 4th Monday and Tuesdao et
each inonth-Offtee at Whiteley'ai hotel, Extracting
26 cents
'fates Discounted .
Money advanced on Mortga es at 6 per cent, with
privilege Of Mtn; At, the en of Any year. Notes
and accounts collected.
orrien,-Bentar Block. Wingbam, Ont.
M 0 INT "Nr
SM' 141T
OrPleE-OterectottE THE MARKET.
Wrilothaa, Gerona 4vit,
GEORCE Edi Whighael, Licensed Auetioneo
foe thii (iountien ofMoran
At moderate rates, sales be conducteil hi •
ntion 01 0110 Cot ;Ale%
.1.11 can bo left at the T11185 Offlee,
JOHN CIlitRIE, 1Vtivexims,
Orders 13(1 13!. TniniSoftice promptly Attended to
'rerun itrAsoxaam
en, DEAN, Ja,, WINonAM,
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges -
LictiSsEn Aticirlosiunt 5011 Coutenke 'Wang A:41;
All sales attended to prompt:13i and on the 'Shortest
Charges Moderato 43187 Sethi/option Onstonteed.
All tICe35911* arrangements COX be made 50 5)30
Tins' ofilce,
WisoilAtt, • Oxv,
FltAt. IA11:: AND FIRE iNSUR.,
A. 4). .A.Nrir.Psurg, NbEtIT-4, EP,
.litekete, ("feeble, Iiineeeeec. alwave on lino.
erneSS Ifeeallal3 14)1t, IfIltn•
feetutt 01/11111140 FACMPTLY AIW12I3 It, I
. • w 1, 31'Of)() to person sd tuv,Offies.
Where all becesnry intern:Mien istn
017Plnit faLooK, WiNomAm.
private fund:eta loan.
A number of Dunning tots .104 tesidenee empa-
Those &thing to makes: honie in WhiPhittia Aoki