The Wingham Times, 1889-02-08, Page 1saafa &IT etravaelreeneerearreettee, e • • "r. JE • VOL XV] 1 .."" NO G. WINGHAIII, ONTO. FRIDAY, FEB 8 8 • . • 18WHOLE NO 890 Su ni in y reports of the proeeedings • he the itenetegen,1 eiiparliaatelitS !tat e to lto ligitieuyee (r Want Of SP4-40 lik1 Week ..,•••.Z••••••••Kax,--rway......ororow..••A••010...i.eco 140 0 AL Yg101 WS. buyers are to team azalti--,nor$ Thomp- son and Mooney this week. Divieten 0 t -b will ba held hero ou Tdasatty the 10th Februnry, AlarsrsSpArlins & Powell have diszolvai partner &rip, the Wetness in future to 13a ()mtilate:1 by Mr It 0 Sperling. —Mr, T. Miller, of M. II. Melncloo's estnbliement is spencliug some dap) iu Toroa to. !She Central 'Partners' Institute in Toronto this 'week was well attended and profitable discussions lent:aged in. —Bio bud a three million dotter lire this week, —The spring assizes open at Goderich before justice Street, on Tuesdity, the 19th of March. —The Torouto city commit pease(' a reeolutiou oil a vote (if 15 Lo 4, in favor of $000 exemptiou a, -The fire limits have been fixed as being between Vittoria and Patrick street% No frame building can be created these limits in future, on Jose- phine street, eurolle. license oommiseloners for 'West - u for 1880 axe: Myles Young, Blyth ; Samuel Sloan Goderich ; James Stevens, Clinton. , —D. W: Campbell will give one of his interesting and descriptive lectures, illustrated with dis.solving views in the Methodist church here on Tuesday even- ing next. The hectare is highly spoken Of. ., — Mr George Tervit,. of zetland, bits in his possession a hen's egg pleasuring inohes in circumference, by 01 Ultima an1 weighing e Towne: of a pound, How is that for Fehru et di re i s2 —H you 'nave any pictures to frame bring there along. .A. lace lot of new teouldings ordered, also -curtain poles and fixtures, mirrors, two, tee. Wool, 00,;413 and butter taken iu cxoltauge at 1 Gracey's furniture rooms, —Brussels won the Ontario tankard from Lucknow at a ending match on the Winghain rink on Monday last by I7 shots. The Brussels players were A Ross, 1' 8 Scott, W Thomson, .1 Ross, it Leatherdale, P Scott, A Currie, 8 Laird ; and the Lucknows : W Lawson, M Corrigan, J Murdock, J Hunter, J Murchi- son, A McPherson, W Berry, Geo Kerr. —The Educational Department announ- me that the next entrance Ter the high schools and collegiate institutes will he held on July 4t1i5ch ad 6th It is I announced that after the Dec. exarniva- tions this year there will probably be only one euteancie 'examination per year, nernely, at mid-eummer. 4 . —Au exchauge asks and answers as fellows i Why is a newspaper like a pretty girl? To be perfect it must be the am: bodimeut of many types, its form is made up, it is chased,though inclined to be giddy, it enjoys tiegood Pres)), the more rapid ths. better, has a weakness for gossip, • talks a great deal, can stand some praise, and is awful proud of a .new dress. It cannot be kept in good humor without cash. laurels. On curlers. are fast winning laurels. On Tuesday the following players went over to Listowel and captured the jubilee medal from the players of ' that burg ; Messrs Kent, McKay, Mitehell, Armour, Anderson, Sccitt, ' Sutherland, Mackenzie, Dinaley, Neelands, Coed and Inglis. They won by 17 points in the aggregate. On Monday Messrs Kent, McKay, Coacl, Mitchell, Anderson, Scott, Mackenzie and Inglis played Brussels on - the Wi gliam rink and beat them by 24 el points. — 11 bean jar on exhibition•at Mr M H. AteIndoe's store was opened a few days ago and the contents counted by Mr George Mosgrove. It contained 2,266 beans. The first competition prize was won by Men J MoKelvie, her geese being 2,350; the fleet in the second class competition by Miss Lizzie Geddes, of Morris, her guess being 2,250 ;aim first iu the third clam - class competition was won by Mrs Wm Kersey, of Turuberry, her guess being 2,250. The guessing ranged from 800 to 6,000. —We notice with .pleasure that at the recent Law examinations in Toronto M. H. Ludwig Was called to the bar with honors and a gold medal. A talented young man, who has lied ea exceptionally brilliant career as a law student in the office of Messre Ritchie te Leeming, a good speaker and a fluent debater, equally conversant 'with the English and Gerona - language, we feel confident that a most promising future is before hint. Solely by • his own exertions, hie ambition nnd appli. cation, he has taken a foremost rank amongst the law students of Toronto. —The following item was mislaid last week : Some tweety-five citizens attended a meeting in the hall on Weduesaay evening to ooneicier what weld be done to secure v. roller mill in Wingham. Mrs 3. Thump. efficiently imbed as chairman and D. C. Munro as secretary. Speeches Were made by Messes Hanna, Andereon., Elder, Fisher, Scott, Maokenzie, Mclucloo, Thor. man, Gordon, Youhill, lileKay and David- son, Messrs Fisher, Arattkeneie, Anclersou, MoIncloo, Gordon Elder lend Scott woroap. pointed a comneittee to glean information endreport at a future meeting. Mr.PItzenie deeervee credit for his interest and efforts in this rantter, eetr. ASTOR Allen, of Whi beetle rch, hall liS shouldor dislocated by a fall at the station a few rive ego. iter The Enst Haroe license commissioners are Thomas Gibson, Fordwich ; George Foetune, Wroxeter ; George Karaite Sea* forth. - J. B. 'McKay, of Kincardine has opetzea out hie broom faeaory izi the building. formerly occupied by Jos. McIndoo as a harness shop. —Mr A Roe,of the 'Queen's hese:eel-landed st couple of vovelainares to Mr It Aletecnikey for his due stelliou, Garfield. The animal is a full brother to his mere, opsy. —The Guelph mercheuts have decided to eschew :low cards and other fakir adver: tieing, preferring to depend solely ou the reguiar and reliable newspaper publications. ' — M 11 alcIndoo has openei out most of bis sptiugaoods, iueluaing all the latest . ;loyalties in spring dress goods , prints, tweeds, shirting:), esttouegee, etc, :a:). In.. - speetion requestea. M II aluincloo. —Clinton pays its constable 2850 with fees and 12 hours' duty, ball ringer $01, fire engineer 875, clerk 41.on, treasurer $100, assessor 2130. Tavern licences ..vero fixed at 515 ever the statutory fee making • --linnet com• ity .cotincil got tired of going outside the . couney to get their ' printing done itelci have restored it to the . lona' printers. . The vital statistics registered with the •.elork, J.13 Ferguson, for the past year were as follows: births, 65: marriages, 20 : deaths, 34. Six of the deaths given ahoy •.oacurreden 1887 veld were not registered till 1888. — On Saturday week Mr George Wade, residing near the cemetery, tapped Some six or seven *maple trees and on Monday converted the ran iuto delicious maple syrup. The run was very good forenosb of the day. Who emu instance a similar ex: . perience2 • • eitet-The Wingham branch of the Bank of Hamilton has added. a kiavings' Bank in ' which deposits as low as 61 will be received. and interestpaid thereon.dA decided con: venience is thus afford the public, which ought and will no doubt be taken advantage •ot. —Our request that parties sending items of news tfor puulicatIon would send their names does not • apply to correspondents. We readily recognize the . writing of those who send us matter once or twice' and it is unnecessary to send the signeture each Mum The Times has now as vigilant, active, prompt . • 'and efficient a corp of correspondents as any local ;paper in western Ontario. To them we are indebted A Dd grateful. —I have a few nice parlor suites in stook that eau be bought cheap, just mill and see them ; also sideboards, bed room solute and lounges. What's the axons° for not furnishing it house now when you can get a nice bedroom suite (bureau, bedstead and enclosed wash stand) for $13. Matrasses, • spring beds. chairs, &o &e, away down in • pride (for cash) at f3 armors. selellde V a Roderes,the longest established boot and shoe dealer in Winghara, has re: wetly been renovating and repainting his . eine shop He hasjusb opened °et a choice line of ady made goods and will in the futtire carry &full stock of the best makes.. With a web established reputation as a maker and doing a large trade, his caste. mere' oeuerehienee will be better suited by 'Mr Roderutelateet business move. r D Calblek is making ohanges in A 4f Anderson's furniture stoat preparatory to getting his stook in-ere.flooring, subdi- viding and renovating.generallThe Clinton Prow Era referred to hi owing thus ; "Ile 'le it practical workman, ft rst clear) undertaker, and the people of Wing. Item will find hiru a thoroughly reliable business man. He was 000 of the active workers iu oonnontion with the Methodist Soh/4th Sohool and WilI bo mach mis.ed." —In Beim °minty so foe of al Outage(' for pupils to the entrance examination and 'oat of this sun the examiners aro to pay all expeuses. —A. couple of dozen young people at- tenaed a social gathering at Mr» Scotteein Brussels on Tuesday evening. They were splendidly eutertaiued. —A meeting of the Maitland Presbytery will be held on Monday next in Lueknow to consider the call to M. 3. 0. 30111.11.e, B A:from Wititechureb. —The McDowell troupe, which was to have performed Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde have disbanded in Hamilton. They • had not been greeted with satisfactory housee. • —We beg to remind our readers of the anniversary services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday and the annual tea meeting on Monday evening. Rev. Mr Wright, B D, is au able preacher and ex- oelleut lecturer. — _ —The Grand Trunk railway is prepar- ing to make a practical -experiment with the electric oar heating apparatus invented by Mr. Roe Fuller, an employee in the Grand Trunlc shop at Portland, Me. It consists of a dynamo placed in the baggage car, power bailee, takeu from the moving axles. A metal her is Placed in a tank of • water in each car. Pipes from the tank extend all ttround the cae. The metat bar is to be heated by an. electric ouraent, thus heating the water in the tusk and pipes. --Posters sent out by Mr E. F. Gerster announce the great event of the season—a grand masmeerade carnival- on 'Wednesday evening aced. Notice the costly prizes he offers or (zee them at his jewellery store They aggregate ia vattee about It75. A. two mile'racie iu addition, is open to skaters from Lucknow, Gort'le, Teeswater, Brus- sels, Wroxeter, phyte and Wingham. Costumes for the evening will be to rentedby a geutleman from Londoe. Tho patronage ought to be very extended as it Will be a eteiminetaedgorgeentstreffaielor arnneement seekerssand epeetators. Thal:mud will be peesent. Just note that night. —The Literary Society meets on Tues- day evening, the 12th inst. The subject for debate is • Reeolvea " That the par. suit of any object or purpose is productive of greater pleasure three its possession.." The leaders are Messrs, T W Crawford 00 the affirmative, and 3 L Coutts on the negative. An introduotory programme has been arranged for. A large addition to the membership is hoped for, nun all those desirous of joining aro especially requested to come. The society is now well estab- lished ana prosperous ana the meetinga are eociable,_ interesting, • orderly and elevating in their tendency. —lbe February St. Louis Magazine contains a handsomely illustrated and reminiscent article on "G -rant West of the Mississippi," by Col. J. W. Emerson, who served under General Grant during the Civil War ; "Hope's Message," by Mary K. Buck, is an interestingstory; "The Health and Life Papers" are by several prominent physioiets Emereon, Haw- thorn, Thoreau and others are discussed by Letron Homer in "The Conoord Soliool of Authors ;" the Editor, Alexander N. De Henn, has many pages of trenchant, original matter in 'Literary Chants" "The Round Table," "Light Moods," etc. Price ouly 15 welts. We will furnish The 81. Louie Magazine, with the name, for only 61,00. —It takes three things to make a comic valentine -paper, ink and loin; haired poet. Perhaps the largest factory iu the world is located in Brooklyn. About 20,000,000 valentines, comic) ad otherwise, are turned out in this factory in thetoaree of the year. The many operations through 'which valentines pass before they are ready to he delivered to the retailer are intetesting. Iu some eases valentines pass through no less than a dozen impressions. lamb impression adds it different shade or color to the picture, The handsome, highly perfumed valentines, which the lauguishing swain pays from $1 to 55 for, are hand painted. Chaucer, Shakespeare, letilton, Tennyson or any of the bright platy of bards are nowhere compared to the poet, He gets a weekly salary, and he tan grind out poetry by the yard, by the rod, by the mile. They trey valentine poetry is difficult to make; but this felloW rolls it off like tt ineehitte. In six months he has written 2,000 comic 'and -t100 teai. mental verses. • • 1".• 4•.. POIMONALS,•--MiSS B. AllderSOrl Bleck, of East Wawatmeli, are visiting at the residence of Ur. banes .A.tigali this week. —A.tr. and afre. Wm, Black thud daughter, IPrankie, are in Montreal this week attending the carnival.—Mrs. An• demon, mother of air. A. J. Anderson, of' this town, diel a few days ago in Ediu- burgh, &alma She was verging on '00 years.—Mr, D D Wilson, of Seaforth, the head of the egg inclustry in Canada, wee in town this week,--11Irs Alex ROSH is speud- . tog a week- with her aunt, Mrs.. Andrew Kernagban, at Roakton, The Khan, whose mime iatamilizir to newspaper mea and geueral readers ie a son of Mr lieruagleau. — Messrs W H Clegg, of Gerrie, and B S (look, of lfordwich, were in town on Wed- nesday oil their way trona the meeting of the Comity Orauge Lodge at Manchester.. Afr Clegg represeuts the Manufacturers' Life Assurance Co, and is coutributing his Lull quota to the large business done by that prosperous csompany.—Mr R Fulton, implement agent, and Mr It Cload, mete °tient, of Rensall, were in town thin week. —Mr and Mrs A. J Anderson left for their future home iu Galt, on Thursday last.— Miss Lina M McDonald, of Brigden, is visiting Airs R . Hill this week.—Mrs R Hill spent last week with her mother in Torouto.—Dr- Young, now of Tonne°, is spending a few days with his friends in Winghani. The dootor's health has greatly improved since leaving Wingham and he is well pleased with his change. — Miss Alice Armstrong, of Moorlield is the guest of Mrs W W Inglis, of Winghttm. County Orange Lodge. Tho North Ilurtin County- Orange Lodge :net at Manehester on Tuesday of this week and was well attended. Mr James Young presided. officers Were chosen as follows: Ji Young, re-electoa, 0 M; W HClegg, Gorrie, D 0 Id; Adam Spence, Ilex -bridge, 0 0; WW.LaMlaw,13lyth, 0 S, ; Dr Holmes, Brus- sels, If CS, ; WnikeGill, Morris, treas., ; Mr Sturdy, Manchester, 0 D 2, ; Mr Peacock, Bluevale, 0 L. The next annual meeting is to be held in Brussels anti the county procession at Wingthatn, oh tho 12th Julynext. . . • Town • Council. All the members were present on Mon- day evening, Applications for the position of assessor at the salary fixed, 585, were received from Messrs P Linklater, A G Macdonald and Johu Foster, and at 5100 from $ Youhill. Moved by Messrs Nee - 'awls and Homuth that John Foster be appointed assessor.—Carried. The follow- ing acconnte were passed : John Sadler, teaming, 75 cents; John Dicksou, taxes and finauciel statement, feel ; 3 Dickson, cemetery deeds, 58; Geo. Cooney, work, 51.25 ; W- W Inglis, sale of debentures, 511451 'vir Moore, work, 54,25 ; G N W Tel. Co, 55.05; Smith & Pethick, coal oil, 515.27 ; (Nine & Co, supplies, 56.13 ; 11 Hiscocks, charity order, 51 ; It A Hughes, inspecting settles, $3.25; Geo Pettypiece, collecting taxes, 520; Geo Pettypiece, charity order, 53 ; 3 Fleuty, printing 023.50, and D B 0 and. rent, 55 ; 3 B Fer- guson, D It 0 and postage 54.35; Geo Payne, D R 0 and rent, 55.25; 3 Duffield & Son, sundries, 56,20; R Elliott. printing, 514.75 ; R Lewis & Son, iron piping, etc, $4'20.8/1 J A. Cline & Co, freight ou pipiug, 524.88 ; W lierr, valuing Gilchrist, Green & Co. and Kincaid Bros. factories., 05; John Foster, do.. 85; 3 Butlard, teaming, 53. The property committee recommended the engaging of a. caretaker for the cemetery to be paid a salary besides fees for digging graves and oaring for plots. The matter 61 Mrs Cook's taxes were referred to the finance committee. Mr. E Gerster asked for the grant of 5100 on behalf of the band end it was moved by Ateliers Smyth and Sperling that so long as the organization and standing of the band is satisfactory to the council it receive a grant of 5100 yearly, to be paid quarterly. Carried. Margaret Williamson'e taxes were refunded. Bylaw No 153, 1880, for the establishment of fire limit( and regu- lating the °Motion of buildings in the town was read and pamsed, Messrs Daw- son, Agnew and Iron:nail voting nay. Moved by Metiers Holmes and Anderson that tavern licenses be the. Salta as last year, an thet the number be limited to Six. Dawson and Hornuth moved in amendment that the numbee be limited to five. Volt the amenament Datesoit, Nee- lande, lirookensbire and Irozmith.. toor the motion—Gregory,. Agnew, Hill,Spat- he./'Cline, Aguew, -Holmes awl Atiilerson. On motion of Mesers Neelands and Hoven% it was agreed that no liquor ((hop license be granted. Chief Constable Peteypieee complained of Ins duties being 1. too ouerous and complicated. Tile rmttter 1 was rereetied te the SMMOMVO OULU;111.te3 Comma then adjourned. 1 . •viark Tribute to Mune. At the Seaforth Burns' Anniversary Dr Campbell made the followmg eloquelit and beautiful refereuce to the poet) Itebeet Burns was born 130 years ago tonight. In the wing of 1832 I visited that 'DALY peasant's cot near the "banks and brace 0' bonnie Doon,"wnere a child was born with . the patoub of true nobility itz his posseta akin, the passport to eternal fame. If the works of Robert Burns had not beta tbt stamp of imperishable genius upon them, his llama would long ago have been for- gotten end his writings world 'have perished from the earth. Wo find, how- ever, that his fame is still on the increase, ' the sun of his genius still shins» on in ever increasing spleudor, undimmed by the years that have liewn. Burns is not a. cold abstraetioo like Homer, Virgil. Dante, or eveu he is not the memory of a departed, but the presence of e. living power. Iu sperikiug ot hitn we feel as if be was with us to-uight, as if his immortal spirit was hovering 'wooed us. Certain am that his presence is felt, his iufluence is a, reality, hie memory feeble and greene atilt he blooms in immortal youth, still in our imagihation he walks • —In glory and in jog, Behind the plow on the mountain side. This popularity is all the more wonderful whet). we consider that Bums died at the early age of 37 years, an age at which few men ever produced works wbieh have stood. the corroiiug influence of time. Burns' life might be compared. to the rays of the sun struggling through the rifts in a ilark cloud ou a:stormy winter's day. Some of the beams from this !of genius did struggle through, tiuting, the eyes of Mee darkest clouds with orient hues, gilding the world's horizon with colors of gold, brightening life's4 pathway, with a light that never was on sea ors Shore. Yes, my friends, same of those. grtecibus beams are failing aroundens, •they • .,4 -re the world now . thania:you.all again for * leaTlill'sg.geteratTpuoi4eht,taLn7147th32:1244"reattegetfiiraZr--- writer tlitif iebrid has yeableructueed, and I can assure you that hislimppriag, Berns,ahe great pea of humanity, you aie henoring, • , yoursele-es. Marriage, alealleire. • A. blotter. TOMS ooereipondept writes thus. „. sensibly and pointedly ou this Vetted goes- .S• tion Marriage is a feilure velien the bus:. a' • band and wife are continually quarrelling, with each other. 2 When the husband neglects to provide for his wife and family. 3 When the wife, instead uf &Maudlin; im her household duties spends most of her s' • time gadding about the streets. 4 When the husband entries home drunk and abuses his wife and family. 5 Wheu thehusbaud spends more of his time ia the society of , other women than that of his evife. . When tho mother-in-law has more to shy anout the management of the housethold than either husband or wife. 7 When tine wife is so shiftless that she will not even sew a button 'on her hashand's elothine,. 8 When the husband tries to fasten down the carpet efter his days work is over, and bruises his fingers every, time he tries tee bit tack. 9 1,Vhen the husband is obliged to take his meals at 9. restaurant ' heeause he is afraid of lockjaw from eating the ' home-made pie, 10 White the husband mid wife spend an hour artwo arguing:, • to who shall get up and Wit the fire on frosty morning and the hosbaaed lute to rush eiff to work without his breakfast in coneeghence. 11 When the 'husband gent bp at nicht for the paregoric- for the baby and steps on the business end on a carpet tack. 12 When the wife 'shows a. decided preference for the society of the, other sex and ueglects to cultivate that eif her bus - bend, 13 When the Wife Spends her time batigiug the plebe or reading trashy novels and allows her husbandaelinteer to spoil. 14 When the husband has to "Mark time" • to the mesio of a testhiug baby in a cold bedroom on it frosty night. 15 When the wife has to take 'in Work to support dissolute husband. 10 When 'the house. hold is without a live neWspaper like the Wuugham Turns. : . Vithitechurolt. The officers of the Bible Society neatly formed aro ; Rev. J. Carton, president; Ilonderson. rotary ; T Mibor0 treasurer ; 11 I) Itentlerson, depositary ; Committee Mcisrs. Kerr, Cottle. Ru2bhr4t, Gillespie, /loss and .• • ' ee•ge t • •