HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-02-01, Page 8li 4*.o.'440.•440.1 OIE •1, . 1.............,:. 4 .,,,,, -••••0,1••••..,...P..1, ' i VIM.1.,,,,PTOIT•t. .......,..............m..m.:...........',4..,.. ........,,...........,...,..... .14............-',g,....,:1.,.'t ..:, ..4........' .,-;,,I.....„ .,,. i ,,„„„!. , , ...
VRON 6011t4rt 6411NO:44*' ' COnntY prEnuotion OltatulinatiOne . . ititriliviiv
Row met; Or thelmeeshary expense Atte:Want itt vepul,„*4.44. uniaow.,°04 00.14004.. *b� We nt Jim iiiii.Lii DT11.1ililligtIT
Thit„04 ...(10,1146it144, ,„ .. , ,.'pehl,itt seideoht and for the defraying wilv04-3tVile,L.w.in,gunema on we 20th olt, we ji , tit
*074.044104 I*4115 ''ilIQ et0t41041 .,ir iltilleuse ' The Iteighberh toinities
10,."' . :: A Ja,:r1:11:1;it14:1. italaZatora. ''' % . 1.1•
1$140K-Atlirusselo,, on the Halt ult., the Wife of IL A-kaS a Most cpmpieto assorttnent of the 14AIEST, eitolt:rwr, and
, . , , • ,
on Tuenditysikiltw.diolleto so*itAkiaitants.... .k,b++ aitiva4 intallti6r 'its ;Qthiir wheel ' ill,T0IITZArt seat' ovrki.4‘0,i' the' f,oth' tilt, the vette 01
it _N$0,4,,,A.;.. 41ano.tia Ears,- tepid) et fit .,,ur use, 1Vedington, Peridt, Middle maws ; a daughter. I ,
• s, Meittitc}F,:d: V40...144itoatod '411t'1)t' .i „Li t.iitttott 'its Wolf 41iitittito others
• of JOhn•Morrison ; a daughter.
610altisoN-111Turnberry, on the 27th ult., the wife '
Bol 1116 Alia Xli: '' Ohbtat.:1'NgePP hillto.ri.ovil'io'ilaa've h.Jd ii 1
.. ,a -CA 0310111- Setteiterr-In Bust Wawattosh oit tlie is'CO1113„ the
,.• .0ariAittrOttoOt Ashileia, vp,sp.0,,,on.,, „„foi.ouji for ..ipt06' f•ye;ttro the, 7., p 0 u 1 i t y witg of Mr BOoCrof4 ;.. a dallAtek".
. .t. t WateheS looks Jewelry
„Idol* 1).".-,1).4wliki,:na. anaAfi'.): ti: comialis granting. a etilla aittfioloo6 to aoraesnawitte-ie °tamer on thC1 tIrd ult,t by
• -retutainn, 5 , .., P.. . .
p, y ,,,, postage, 1Y Ueljoilr- SMV117-MODON#LIA—In Morris, bathe 10th ult.. by .. '!.! and. Silver Goods,
.. A, Lidlot vlatI. tfikex..1 .resultid '•17t. 25 . pay, t, he expenses of printing the Bev' A• )3"4r9nUll' 13' 13', 5tr• T'' '111'95115' °I lir"t1/1°,
YOteff 14i mr:.'1144)fti. end 24. ' teili.. '4). lip,orit‘ ilial a Ina ,_ , „E_ . Istuabton Co% to Miss Harriet Roston, of Oulross.
" Griffin. • A' cbinnittliicatiaii.tri61ii the: 'iiVioghly: caf • the schoels =change teai..li , icov. W. T, Cluff, Mr, John 0, Smith to Miss Kalman ' 4
()entity Cou9eit of ertll . in; 7eft,i're.:tc,e' . m:4 each year, add oftert get a teacher • McDonald, both of Morris.,
• Itutat,A1,1,3N-At the residence at. On hrlde 8 ; •
to Width' AA. A1E11417'11. kokoePo iraf.: i.ifwil,..d. wig); ili .iitexixqieuced, . it. would be taa,thmerr'oVaVacItTiv'd,outim'blistiholl,itwvAild(rideh,P1,yocaliVeL
o oy, t ltvaa § Gall i 1111V i 'AT § BARGAIN
., , , ,,.,... s:, ittii, .. , n, ,antac,e 1- .ae -11 the daughtor of Mr WM Allen, OfTu:kerfnuith. il t .' " • ' fi §
. , ,.... .
to the'Roatrafal Brut Pe 0 ittrittee .'grieit ad' 0 "f 1 found '
Dr. Ratline akng -Stesars. ormmee k .11 i 1 t 1 A limit t taiof +1m""r"-SAIITU-At Blytlt, on the 2Ist ult by the
' .
. • • . • / , ki OQ ,A I. P G1 ea e . IS, Rev A °Lean, Mr A McIntosh, of Landon, D'aitota,
Katio,, Kelly. 'and MZi5lurCbie,'"•...vore ';viciric' Of f lleh: "41103Si
v os ...coon, on the 2ard ult.,
: elected by bat . ,. ;tefl tt) 4t.l• ke ,
*toe 1 &6iiiiit• i '-'' una "kiiew 'that t°la_fyle?tars: Car 014SE Arrn*TION ' OXVE2i TO: REP,A.11;ING
this .,1)ad. to be prepared for exttrainat- bYlittev4"14:ii111(140iie, Bliss Bella Brown, of Torom ,A.ND WORK £1.t
..the standtng, cpertuittdo; for' the year.. Aort;f1,0"•,'10 fixod. tone, Tim teacher Xstad.to L.Cottead--Inetc itaillft4i, otNIte 1122nad ifiliti,:telltly
fetor Adamson and 4..,itvgalirang I0 III eifictlY what watt to be done' the Rer J Edge, Mr cnas.k funds, of Plckerin, to
were appointed.on'the board oto ell. -Could begirt . work mrtilr'Fatiii°t'curTi t
mat audit for theiyelar. WI gIAI r aTehowti.„t1:1,..,°,11a,,! Rev T %, Mebenri)ttr", Ail IliTIgnitletttr nit.,by
...• -41 -AL --i" olAigata.loi5s:ae, at Pr4otat7i --v-- mooned, adughtor 9r airralartin Nehmen, both of
'-..'of Goclerteb, WO elecieit'".0.. 4..11.i',44 tQtl31Cot..Alti Jointly prepare'itbe limit mimosa.
aUfli.tor by a cialelity ''o ' t irec - o et table examitiation pa -per: The print.
W.' N. Watson, di dad i : The t ti : I-.1 3.1zenois.-LAt BrussiellsE, oDn'the 23rd ult., John S.
'...r..8 il' - - Ali "....m.t'ts...a.6 attd a wet of 'examine.-
. Goderieh township. The bsual epp'r
-o. v,:e.,..V little combared with the great
. Wexst, aged layout:114'month and 9,day4s, er '• va"
1:Auness-In flay,on the 21st Alt, Margaret Han. .
: priUtion of ' $3,00ti ' tot' ''i4e'firaprO:ite-. thiaiefit it would be tothe public sehoole •lev, aged 07 years and 21 days, .
Petitions for the:wanting ot -peddlers. wise dieleded a. detailed statement of ,
• warden aPPollited .„ atim94 Paltoti,," of tion pop'erg eadlt half year welltd Cost gejtW!If td:1?;:vreortillEirtith Alb t;E
Meta of bOuticlary lees. was Made, 6.k. inti cOuntr Ti " i ,. it, soiirsos-to Hay, on the 20th ult. Agnes, relict of '
liCallSeS free ot charge to.the fC1104-• :801160-1. +Anti sLics foi' Lis 'fiiipeet'oratP 'led °0veus' '
-ilu.roto,tudtriiIti" Illyth,.., on the 2 and tat; V Hal. •
ling persons were referred. to the Finance The..riuMbeii of, tiees'.'iiliinited r.:WaS a toto;4"Bees-411egerioll, on the Bah ult., Belem
.0ontanitteto, -ilt, jiiiniston,.Vitinghtrat; .690 :'Sehobls asing• autliortzed. t,341P- 'rellotiot.thq latp WM Robertson, of collorno, aged
.. •S1 years -and 9 mint -tine • ' ' . ,. "
Mr. 1,1,eid, Bayiield ; and 1411..".Stawilit WM ' readings,' 41 ; : Sciiireja u -sing• roadrato-to cstotort iga tho 18th u , -II n ' •• WIn 1 g P . linin -in Clinton on the 18th tilt Elizabeth wile ' '
y. 10 • yeat lope the late eddrfo.'illotordon, moOuthell 0 years. s. NI
*, •
years 'and 20 days. " 1.3 1gE HAS, CHOICE: LINES OF WINTER SUITING§ 'AND OVER=
rey. A c,t. liter from tl e eunty Bible 45' : Not usiu .5i pn Porttfr. aged SO
of G•C) • .
:Council of Elgin, mad also one; ffotn tietWeen.7and.18.witp,clid. 44ot attend ot.w 17 'Years. " •
, the 000ncii of 0.xtor,d, relocstio,a, co. 00 . 1, .1 . ob. on the 27th ult tarsal Black ' • •
operation inldaving the late "antelided The money received year Was ••
,v6-4.18,! "egad% I I a•vyz • rettototasoop Itt *wit aged 70,years. . FINE § "PLES1 AN L.N11;413 § 0001)6 § AND §
• „-
so that all county odioors appOintecrby $50,526; pupils ef sobeol itget 7,515, 1 WINGEA111
Ottawa asking. cooperation to sere
' • ' •GHEAPa FOR; OA.SE.
and one from' the City ' COunell 'Of afaothit paiid :for Sidetridis 06 .11 P.Orreated r. Deans, Prodtice Dbel4r.
an amendipent to'the assessment
110 as to abolish tax exemptions were
referred to the . Special Committei;:
tIteGovernment beelected by thepeoPie the number; or .teachers,. .1;008 ;' the • • . ' WitlettAM, FED, lab, 1880.
S. P. Halls of Goclerieh,- and Jellies
Turnbulf, of clintott,'were apoutoted t e the finance eommittee...- l'euders • Eggikper dozen, I ., 16 to.
-Xarniners; toii: donfity 1trintiag, ti ' read . and 1:,deaa..0 troeda'f,.,;;:;. •••.. ,• , e;oo to e se
• on the Board.' pf County n
. A circular from the "County Council'Ill ihaierred to tlie pritititrie "iiiimiiiitte,b; '11.7;:reloTdi,.. ,t. . ' ,••'-'.. • _ 1.1 ro to 68 00
1.3rtieti; askifig 06.°Po:ration . to •secti•?e lived..by Mr. Sandere;`..sebbnded by . • ,, .. ...:"..' C . • ' . , . *:••• ,,
44 amanatnen& to the' assessmentraa Nii.,,,, ,Ita.Phkadoit that ! the *aide:rand . . • . • W..±.•6'..... '
, , • .
&oil, c6 tile sale of -lauds Cr taxei iti 'Ckivaintnent to'pasi. an oi4er.in;iiettneil -
. BOXES*, Box this..seaon'a make el cheese, will be
Factory' `of • Iniffileihnt quantity of C.REESE L, ': i' • '
thO same' MK:liter: as oeunties; ' eitiei antlitirizinft ate' dean& Ocirdiell Lo •apPgi r000lvda by the Mtdersigliedup to noOn of named y,'''
and towns. wate. referred' to the.-Sit'ecia any surplu: Motley . It t -
, . • : ce ec ed under -
..= . ,Febrnary- r4th 1889 •••• Seed It' •ler.p* Orfornanceaof
• contract it:114 he'reqUired r. V
".0emmittea.' All . the 7C04111011 'ere
• preketit at Tuesday ineetfij0::' ..' A
.06nam•nnication ' froin '111..r. - Send, iii
refeience :to tlie, 'ereotiOn'' of ti.:,11*It.
Ilouii of 1Refuge 'fair.' ilaro,ttaii#
•'Brueel was 'referred ' te tlie 'special
• -..&!(i.iiilittelt 'A:petition of .hir. Fife ifii0.,
1?oti)g 0ti• • ottiitsvper papil. Report of, raalt Wheat pkt, blitshif ••• ' ;*, so to- pa ' • '
Dicktion, was- referred %to '01191 • •
and 'court hint • '
the ,ad _ al gEr „GOODS ADI TO bItI*11, ALL GUARANTEE ' • °
do to - ' -
T. i.eport of ;P130:"Cralet7.0sa. • se to 86 to 55
insOcc;Or. Of Ill'aSt'• iirati referred ' • .•-• ••25 to'
• OD to -
13uttid-perlb- • • •
so ',that townships and villages all meinariaiisti the.: Dominio_tt trENDERS'for ithe ddr7nry at thillineral Chem; •1/'
the Canada Temperance Act end. to:
JOHNBURGESS, Sacartrawr. • .
• •
Bluevale, Jan.•21st, 1380, Bluevale P. O..
placettlie same to tbe.general furitiit of ' ' These. artieles.T.,eLLATE§T DESIGN,. BI.JE/119,1I.,MATERIAL anal
tliti County, leaved by COt.,"1". '1E0 44% t.
sewn: ea b 'Mr., COX that-, t 1 Strada, sussontesti...„,ovi•sits, -roe -sant ,
• • , • • •
fill '1 a tile • tre ‘4.4 -be IrottodedgowortViaketo -". '.• .; Ois liner ere.
oth'ers of the township' of Stephen to ihyaliy gr. rinspoi..011 tgy.,!. , P17'...Y19Totta sT.„
to umorp�r4te the sof creditdit. slOndfiitsnt. seaciiided by Mr Beek", " ONTARIO: -
• DE atiBSCRIBEit OFFERS FOR SALE HIS ,.,„„-3vi,T9.g.A..1‘1. • -
R S SPLENDIDL ; FINISHED, qutendingpureliagera tmglit, to see therda;
be • ymeg 3 Elms old Will be sol for •
/IIfV 1"4011.fia 03' the " g...nera • 4 ), • * aged „Ste
h 'or, that. r rtioulard 'avpit 'thi.; :rt d: 4
r 7
• - -
. mite avilltige Was referred .to epecitd that` the'. council mernoria 120., t )es. . -FOX:being S4iIttit 31 14th Con. Last Wawa. - . y s • . •
..d;bdonittee. = A dcimuniniasinor th cd4V inmaita•ttr apply thef"Said ;:funds :nal: bvall010,(g1•00'.01*5;' 1,46t"r-lot. '64.:uut. 20 :428 I., .
IlitierellOO to ' G. jam' ia 'the' Altiitid .to'r'ilid. purpose 'of aisle afig 1 -in ... the itlaffl'.' jnarteln4 ;rani e ea brick henctikitaiiiehtir:11, ,•,,.
., . , . .
riVer 'at Vinelfain ; Wee ilderred‘lif e`e til'6 'efcti House of Refuge:will the
. . , r 0, ti :adospoi ad. t•also,gosogichard,Inottly winter If
al . t
tile 'f0ad and 'bridoe . • nitt ' e 11 '' t'
110 004 7 tlereil NIA' igtit FArth is well fencek'‘, —
, ^ t,otn i ee. A 0 rt0-: ' tj'e'motion and ,aturindlielit and Mhout Similes frOm' ,Winglittin 'end /indica fetiOALk."1,
. ,. , . .,, ocia co i e
• - -- ' abletirunt:FOr furtffer - particitlart • Imply,' 'th th'-'"''' ' ,
Whitechornh„ pho fang -will
.e.treular froni'' t le county ionireil iiigr.b'referietf to theirp" 1 malt e
ot Oxford requeititig ttre'co operatioii ' • •( • --"' • ' . • • ' ••y : Ea-oPrietor:-.011-. %Et prdeititt, or, te Whltdoserone-• l'1*.a
....,ntrysegOF REFORM , NEXT WEEK.
Of; this council to get",, tlie necessaiy •' ' '' ' • -' ' • -• '''''.'.." -'-' ''°' ''' - - • . '
• A y
!egliattti011 to prohibit the importation .." .; ; - • , . • . . • -,e'fq
zniatinfactere and sale of •int.oxteattn0 Teeswaten, • . • -
" s
• •
,E-.. 0' aLikRIKE
• $ ,
• •
liquors as a hevera0e W • f t'd t 'The °Om tte
Ri3 re er e o „ t I
, .
• .
• 2 opening a new Tailor Shop. Wingham, respeettully soligite a share
. es apporn c. y t le favorable tertus his 200 acre farm, being Lets - •
tvecia cotramdtee. 11.110 report of • a •
cootie or the year are: %Streets Nod. s and 10, Con. 11, Turnberry, There are about of *public patronage. It his endeavor to • lye satitifaction t;.i111
. , 90 aeres cleated and Ina good State of cultiv tio • • • ' •
1110 Mr. o.m, r..6. I., NI est En on,. was Camobell and"Brink : Finance; TFur b 00
- a Out 1 acres 0 t o which about 501. black'
; b f • n' entrusting him with their orders.
' r
read. It showed that in 1888, 1815 toll, Thompson' and Howson :
children were reported as being be- ing',hurtelt, ThoMpson• ani Camp.
layeeu 7 and 18 years of age and not' ; Waterworks, the wholecouncil ;
ibaving attended 100 days. •According Property, Thompson, Campbell, How.
Ito the last report of the Minister of son : Board of Health, Forsyth, Yeo
Education, the precebtageaf average •and 'Skilling with Di. Gillies health
attendance for Huron is 48, Waterloo oificer;. Dr. Gillies, treasurer: W. E.
county being first with 53 per cent., Orr and J. K. McLean. auditors.—Mr.
Out of 43 counties and dietricts James Robertson has pnrobased Mrs.
Huron stands ninth Daring1888.out Richard's farm in Ashfield in Con'. 14
4108 tearthers W.Huron there were for $3,500.—The Foresters' concert
OA changes or over 65 per cent of the here. m Monday evening was largely
teeliools cludnged teachers, In warty attended and a grand suticesp. •
.asett the, change was made to saveta Neelands, 'High Court Tree:sit:C.
toW. dollars in salary, The. highest era
of Wingham, • presided pleasantly
ts can not be obtained he said- andacceptably and.gave an interest.
While • the teacher's position is sib Ing fin:melon statement of the
•inseettro. Some trustees will engage standing of the •Order. • air W E
"a 'teaeller whose only 'recommendation Burgess, of Listowel,. rendered some
I wilt take 0 lower salary thou' humorous selections in eXceilent style
;ae.ray other appliemit." Trustees tatiould and greately pleased the audience
,pt pod salary and get the. beat The orchestra colt posed m
'of embers
teacher possible,for the salary. •Where of the orders .•rendered eiceeptionally
anh, balance good hard wdedl. bank barn .42 by. 82;
log house, two wells, Ono acre .01 orchard. A school
house on farm. Ono•Ilitlf mite-in:nu Glenatman end Being now itt running orde.r, des • ire to thank t • hose who have
r red him, and to say thit; no, pains will be iipared to give•iutiifaction,
aye maces owe FOC terttis •almly.ou the Iwo
premises Or at the Tatra office, Wingham.
norm MUIR.
',in tale future.
Turnberry, Jan. 4th 139. Glenannan P. . .
o• • ,
'4 A first class farm in the tovneahip of Turnborry, '
being Lot 3 and part of 4, in the Seventh Concession, Wingbiun, January 1 lth4 1889. •,
containing 107 acres, of which 103 arb cleared 101.1:111 ••••
a good state of oultivation and all free of stumps, • • 1
except about 4 acres. ,A 'One orchard, a good frame•„ • .
sheds, di40.• are 011 the promises. The farm le well
dwelling and largo bank barn, withframe driving To
watered. The Ladies lainghoN and Sultrountling . gountvg
For particulars apply to the proprietor on
thempternisOS, or to' J. Cowan, Wroxoter. JOHN
GE MILL, Wroactor P O. •
-St We beg to intimate that we have on hand a very Complete Stock of •
mirmr s FANCY GOODS,
MASSES FOR INATI1tICTION ON PIANO AND .,,ii,„,;,,,,...,„,f,' 44,,,,a • n.t.,,„. .1., • ,2„ sap „,,,,„.. ark,„,,,,..„,,,,4,
A..) orpn, in Vpice,CpIture and BartuonY. , . •
,amvalthletts441, LA& . WittAillslig- ' am al -K y ,y wYr- tri E.SitlaNt lb*
Music Rooys : ut BlraYsit 131.0ett. ' • . , '
ioneer HardwareStore -,, -ID' • . v's - . ' . ••'
thiS is done the. teachers remain for a One music. mr .‘a C. Clarke, bi Wing .; i ; ”; . ,:. , ,.; : . . . ......'. 6i. 141ceS .ery IZQa9.0:41:)1t4.,.
'poniber of years, . greatly to- the 'liana, gave a'very pleasant, acceptable. STONE BLOCK.•'•
:advantage of' the seetiou. It IS a :end edifying address, pointing out the • -M I SSga BOisITHRONi.
..great mistake to allow a goodteacher 'nature; ltistory, lending featuxee, ofi. •'. ' ' - '.. • - ' -
„ ,
to leave on account of saviti4 D. few. 0;ii.orgilnizsition. 'He emphasiied . it& The Leading. Cross Cut Saws :
. .. . ..-•.. "IM:3 • , : ., t*” pit " f›."4,., • '... ""'"
dollars in salary. At. the Monet prire,io the.sekotion. ofits members az
Alv1ERICAN Ai'llEA.D OF ANIr, • • -
preented thenootves, of whom.87 „intl. its general stabitity. • In ain't) ' !•,, AMERICAN RA Ctil' trAlgesP-1 eve ....a, :. • ,4* .....‘• Vi CO
School .• exatniontion 39 caitididateti ;its iodation too its solid ,foundation • Lu 4.1,1 • • Ej, td ..., p.. ,
...—• ,... .. ''‘A• ` ' • cil
Obtained riterainallot.al certifietteld: The •'.3*•8 it haa. pia out 88o,000 in luck
.0:at...flirt cotinty Model sehbott ' tlivi WO Grace Robertson, of Clinton, gaVe • -.
werts" done by the candidates elbowed benefits and 8151,000 in endowments. SMITH'S LEADER. ' !"-'...
• Lai) -trA •H. ..:::: il •cj t :,' 0.
-*cc , Ixl. . : , - ,..41-:. . 4..1D ,,,,,
0„...,,,,„ good. work: The bolding .4...4 several very excellent recitations which
. ......}..
.. • .......ia- . .. . t . ; • 0• 0.
..., fligtschoa entrance exatninat. were • tteiveritally was highly praised. • •
ion at Dungannon luta conferred d ,Self possession, trite preception of the •......—ati..—.
-• -t.3 ..,,- 4e/ 02 is°-,:, ':4 .
..--4. 1
the Inspectorate ancl Will not itittil ianaty taint with an eraqi, . graceful viii
gro.at boalffit Orl tht'lle at' the 116rth or airthore meaning and naturatelocute. oteopjlitEiri'.°6 Aavatiaciactis %.1 i 1,.......'" til-r..4•r1/0 pt ' ; 0.i...4'
at,,,,,noit of the wealthy orinty of 'and selections pleasing and edifying. 1.,...iik
an); additional Vtpensfie Ccuindi the, Manner combine to render appeartutees ei, A TTLE °HAIN8
. $ 1 C4mineor
I CC, } .-, , .. •PA 1 g - •ct 4
9.4 re.4 .t) aer .‹ ct
'introit. ettyli Mr. Tlions,. tarry out lir .1 A Gallaher, Of Guelph, sung ... i:=) to ;: fili 0 #54 -4, 02. a..- Pt P-4
Ail at BOTTO•M PRICES. w a
lauttialitt if not Soil', .415.0* oltuenont several excellent ohanacter songs. A. , •
xeconitsenuation Made ley the ecnnot j11,1111i1Or were present , front • sister ...imam ONOilii 4.1" it 4 E"1 4 01 E.., =1 >,,,, .th,•
,ilid printing committee jai Juno htlat societies and the concert was iti every — _,— 0 cr.= Fi e4 40 rd
:It was: 0 re0innixisnat that the ' ,LeSpeCt, it 1140St gratifying oneeesea
Weirdo' and Clierk, hi balutP•61:thie . ,, EXISA 'VALUE IN silEi fea ....•
• ' . +4, a A
. 0
. . BELLS. . e41,..... ---,„ . ti2
tare to *Initial the Pdhlic lanithor A 1011 I:• • 8ubserihe for the l'txx3aaz
deolieleit Distitien thi Outiiii.) „14414tatt ..,.......................
g'il'iad CC:fi i","; T . ' th CS .;er .•
*1 a Ills A. Cline 4 Co (4)
•. • • o 4
1•• ma to rovide kt"ii zrattropt iittifort4 :t.Itt,t* hi tt'di'tttiaa,. t.-4 .•t...':a
. atIr;
. .
::. . t;: ''ito.•• ' ." • i.
. .....,