The Wingham Times, 1889-02-01, Page 7ELERE., She hem hair of golden hue, And two eyes of Uqeid hem, Sziarelleg Mee the smelt dew, Roguish Elsie! cheelce just Alightly tinged with reee, Each a tiny dimple shows, Pearly teeth mid tune,' ileum, • Sweetheart Elsie! She's two cherry ups so sweet That to lase them were a treat, And melt Way bends end.feet, Angel Elsie! ••• Ariel a dainty little waist 4 ' On a dainty body placed, Porposeiy to bo embraced, Darling Eisler Tlio, no nearer hope is nigh Than the breathing or a sigh That my years could' backward fly, witehingeMsioi Yet it time had swifter wed O'er my pretty dereng's heed, might hope some dey to wed Baby Blciei —New Orleans Picayune. Miss wears Elopement. Hero is the true story of the Brady - Harris elopement. Immediately after the marriage of her sister to Mr, Stevens, Miss Kitty Brady went up to her mother and said: "Now, mother, I am going to be married." Mrs. Brady, after slowly recovering from. the effects of this un- expected announcement, replied, that such . a thing would be out of , the question for at least two years; but Miss " Kitty replied that it would, not bo out of the question in two hours. At this stage of proceeding the learned judge appeared upon the scone and Miss Kitty continued: "I have taken all the preliminary steps and everything is arranged, but I have only $5 and Sid- ney hasn't a vent, so just lend me $25 to go on the honeymoon with," The learned judge, however, as might bo expected, refused point blank to advance his daughter a cent, but Miss Kitty man- aged somehow to raise the necessary $80, upon which "the happy pair"—to use a time • honored and time worn j?brase— spent two days in Philadelphia.—The Epoch,. Pleased with the compliment. Stranger (prforce obliged to take din., nor at Aunt Dinah's)—Aunty, these pies aro not the kind my mother used to make. Aunt Dinah (vermuch pleasecl)—No, indeed, sail, I speo's not. Will yo' hab t:nudder pieee?—New York Sun. nrananirs Pride. It id amazing how Fide sometimes dominates a MEAL "I was passing through Jerinyn street late oneevenin,g - write.; .theatrical historian Bunn, "and. seeing Manager Kenney swinging about in a nervous sort of manner, I inquired the erAuie of his being there at ketch an hour." "Ivo been to the St. James theatre," lie replied, "and ;do you know I really thought Braliam was a much prouder man than I, find liini to be." .. "Hew Was that?" "1 was in the greemoom, and hearing Brahma Bey as ho entered, ‘I'm raptly proud of my pit to -night,' I went in and counted it. There were seventeen spec- tatcrs it:"—Detroit Free Press. • CO 0 IAL_OSOI FIX N. DEATH OF PAT O'NEIL Ifusbande Who Go Into society and Aro made Miserable Whereby., nesubjectof going into society; to• A THRILLING CHAPTER IN THE gether is ono of endless discussion be. HISTORY OF YALE UNIVERSITY. tween men and their wives; these favorpressing, insisting on it; those op- osing, ridiculing, protesting against tt. The Great Wes ot i854, in the omen often earil their point by de, Students Were Attached by a Creved or cd43ring that if their usbands will not gr gilt they evill not, either. A. just or gen- 'r011111 Boye—cannon Drought Ont, but erous iliall is averse to kee mg his:edit plosnlea by tho Bence officers, at home amply because lio considert On Thursday evening, March 10, 1854, social entertainments of any and every a party of 'Yale college students visited • lcind stupid and disagreeable. Ile knowi lee( 0 i a in them, and that f» Homan's atheneum, at the corner of her to relinquish there is a positive sae- °11aPel and Church steects' Willie there they became invotvecl in an altercation rifice. There is no more reason why she with Mlle men of the town, After the should stay away than why he should go: performance the students were assaulted and, therefore, he goes. but goes relue- by a large number of the town boy tautly, with ill will, art!, as it were, by compulsion. and roughly handled. The following It may. seem singular that she'should evening, March 17, about fifty a the se permit lum tel knowing as she does how students went to the amtheatre in a hateful the thing is. It seems downright body, During the performance no diffi- selfish in her—and women aro rarely oulty occurred, but outside about T,50Q selfish but she believes that she cannot town boys had assembled. A note was .A. freight train on the Southern Pacific railroad ran into a herd of cattle, striking a yearling calf, which' jumped at one bound on the pilot of the locomotive. It . lay down.- quietly _and rode for nine aniles. As the tram approached Tucson the sinal whistle aroused it, and it jumped from the pilot and scampered rierer,e,the range. afford to release him; that her frequent„ passed around among the students AC, of their separation, of their leading dis- (flalso alaim of fire wee raised outside, ing society without him egi ng tinct lives, of their steady divergence. which served to iternent the number of Her belief may not be correct, but Air! the rioters. 'When the performance was . sincere. Hence is ehe not warranteil over thestudents remained in the theatre. maintaining her position to the last?. Presently they kilned. in line, two by At any rate, she maintains it, though two, and, proceeding to the door, were not without great cost, greater often than met met by Maj. Bissell. He told them she realizes. Har hushand, resents more to proceed quietly to the college. The and more his dragooning into society. students in line crossed over to the south He never puts on his dress suit, or orders side of Chapel street and proceeded the Ferriage for that purpose, withouta toward the college. The mob followed.. feeling of inward bitterness of his wife's When Trinity church was reached a exactingness, of his submission to a volley of stones and brickbats were wrong; and the feeling finally produces hurled by the mob. Several of the . students were struck and knocked. in - habitual dissatisfaction and cynicism. sensible. His wife is unconsciously bringing about , what she is trying to avoid—settled dis- A mos OF ovna GOO. content with. her and the conjugal con- Proceeding a short distance farther dition. It were better she should let him the college men received a second volley. 'obey his propensity Vim thwart it thus; Directly after this a portion of tho mob for alienation would be slower with free- which had hitherto occupiei the street; dom than with fetters. made a rush for the sidewalk. Immedi- What a deal of mischief is society, fri- ately four or five pistol shots were - Where is to be found the FINEST, BEST RELEartn and CHEAPEST AS -- heard, fired, it was afterward asserted, istheb nen. uainting them with the situation. A. JAS., W. INGLIS, efelierACTVItElt AND DEAL= 04 Fine utters', Sletglag, Itaggieg, 840, Repairing 'of all kinds attended to. ifar PRICES VERY MODERATE, GIVE MB A CALL. YOU OUGHT TO GO TO 1_11,..H.JSIa'S CIADTM2sTG- MIVIPORIT3-1/X C volous, hollow, insignificant society, cap- able of doing! The dragooned husband hy the students. Within two minutes SURTMENT of all the Latest Patterns 4 and Most Reliable makes. in feels that he is a social impostor; that he of this time a ci:y arose that a man had abuses hospitality by . partaking of it in been shot. Maj. Bissell observed a man perverse spirit. Ho ie in no -mood to en- near him fall to the ground. Ho raised tertain or be eatcrtained.•lib is bored to the body front the ground with the as - death, and hie countenance shows it. sistance the bystanders. Upon exam - yawns behind hand or handkerchief, and thatiell ilt the oalinstation,it proved to be that of noticing acroas-the room. her animated : Patrick •O'Neil. Ho hacl received two manner and -obvious gratification. His ,; stabs from a large dirk knife, and lived look and air and gait aro funereal. If butea. few moments after the wounds- had he were leaving a friend ho would, he been inflicted upoii him. Ho. was one of fancies, feel more cheerful.' Stealing the ringleaders of the mob upon both into 3 corner, ever and. anon, to ,g.lance• Thursday and Friday evenings, . furtively at his -watch. he thinks that it - When the Mob learned of his death it must have stepped. • Has there ever be- became frensied. About 500 or 000 men fore been so long an evening? His wife rushed for the -arsenal, broke into it and indieates that she is about to leave; but dragged out two cannoa. They loaded Ilo Immo whet that means, and resigns - these to the muzzle with powder, stones. himself to another leaden -footed hour. and brickbats and cleagged them to the ' Everything. must have an end; finally city •green. Another poetien of the eho depute,. and his . fico for • the mo- rid -tem -broke into the churches and -rang - merit fluelied with pleasure,. ierroc- a general alarm of. Jim, Which. brought diately dispelled by the remembrance immense numbers of -the' people to the OSE P.11 N E Sr., that there ate to 'be Ave -evening,a more . scene, . While at the corner of Chapel of -Similar boredom within the coming and Church streets Maj. Bissell week.. Ho dreams of whathehasunder- , an melnanco carriage and "addtesped 'tho gone end. must tuaderT SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH and CANADIAN Made Goods. Fine Finch Ihnting$, livorsted$ tird DirerentiggS. A -STOCK OF GETS' -FURNISHINGS, LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH FOR RELIABLE GOODS .AND GUARANTEED FITS' GO TO .-, ,the torture mob, ordering it to disperse. Tho rioters chambers of society; his sleep 'is ' broken rated that they respected the chief of T H and feverish; ho, rises in the morning police, but must -have blood • for blood. despondent and irritable. His wife may Maj. Bissell reinalteed on the -gun as the (tinily suspect the cause; but she lacks mob dragged ittoward the collogo. While: tho • intelligence, verhaps the magna- on the way up the street. the rioters, in. nimity, to relieve him of his onerous obli- their .eagerness 'to get at their. student leaden. In the and he will be very lErely enemies,- failed 'to, keep a 'dose watch to throw it 'off, and it will . be accom- upon Maj. moveme.nts. Before parried by to little of hie old affection the college campus was reached both arid synapathy. cannon• had been' spiked by the police, The women aro few who would make under ' the leaderslup of Maj. Biesell, • etoed their declaration. of'surrender- without the crowd. being 'aware of it, society if their husbands should Tho police, during the transaction of flatly refizoto escort them. They think these events, had surrounded the they would, and for a while they might • churches and prevented the hirtlier ring - T. LESLIE; WINGIIAM, ONT. CONDITION Of Unfaithful, Sluggish, Slumbering or Nappin,, Watches Tiwtorghiy Illagngaed and Fut night, :s. abstain; but the enticement -Li too ing of bells. • • to be long resioted. First, ..hey willgo • - TITE 111AF011 RFSTORFS ounnn. A. Small geonomist. ,a4 eloneodeasionally; then frequently; At 1:80 o'clock on Saturday Morning at but regularly. le omen who have the carillon were brought, into. posi ion . A little boy whose parents were al- • BoSides, be Lk ceps Ethe Mo4;t Varied, 'Select, Elegant and CheaTi,, •.. diugooned their liegesfor several seasons, and trained to beer' on South' college, 1; 'ways disonseing ways and means •in and then aequitted there, may run the ' where the students had intrenchecl them- ec., his presence, was constantly ;renztinded ntk of lesIng Cie early place °coupled its selves. When. it was discoveredthat- the l' -'..c". t'l • their hearts eis net such loss mutual mid. •; gund WCre useless an attack was made %.-i of the expense of everything until -the early lesson° of domestic • econ- - unavoidable, with • moat couples, in eny . upon the building- with paving donee; i; - - • • It . . . .. • , ,. ' ; g LN FRAME AND DISPOSITION, BY F. 1 GERSTEk., only were mak deep in 'assent. 'W en he was 3 years old some friends visited the family, baying with them a year old baby. This was such a fund of delight, that the small boy's parents re - minted that they should like such a baby in their own household, and they looked at him to see how he would take the cuggestion. What was their aur - prise when ho answered gravely: "You know, you couldn't allord Detroit Free Feess. ch•cuinstanees?); but they get on far more anti brickbats The structure was. a y , comfortably. damaged. Tile students lay low 'and Men love freedom, above everthing; rondo no response. Cries of"Elinor, out . and when they have it they aro more the murderer!" retorincled in evei7diree- IN W1NGIIA M. amiable and patient than when it is in tion. At this juncture the mayor of the alter way curteiled. Husbands who have city arrived unci Der ressedtheinfuelated been exceedingly disagreeable at home, crowd. Ile pleadea long and earnestly co long tts they 1 1 two felt constrained to for the cause of order, and pyomised that elm L , HIM AND iallOVE, ima di,...,claarge social duties in their own per- the city authorities would immediately sons. kiive behaved. quite decently after take the matter in hand and bring the turning over those (Intim, entirely to their perpetrator or perpetrators of the crime partners. The averaeo WOMall gets rid to justice. Leis words proved eVective, lqAdON Mom of her romance and sentiment by five or and. the crowd began slowly and sullenly ndurance Of tho Apaches. ' A white nian tires after coveting a six roam of connubial cxltrionco (the to disperse. By 8 o'clock Maj. Bissell E first year will answer for the average, was able to convey tho cannon to the : march of twenty miles oh a dead level man), and prefers domestic peace and jail, and by 4 o'clock the city was quire, 1 prairie. An Apache would make at least toleration to tho cherishinent of the lof_ A court of inquiry was held on Marc:. • . fifty miles in the same time over r0101, ilea ideals.--TU:litt3 Ilellri 13r0w110 int f;.0, 1S84.. No witnees from the town was rocky mountain piles, and not feel half Chicago America. called who was neer enough to O'Neil ,. so much fatigue as the soldier would in . when ho was stabbed to be able to testify -; making hie ecore of miles. Cavalry* can- nigh Priced Straw. anything of value concerning the itlen- net work in such a country, and white A resident of this city said today: t'l tity of the perpetrator of the act. The 7' men cannot compete with natives in have bought apples of farmers that Were jury finally came to the conclusion, els their own sttongholcl. —Phileulelphia Ilecord. of the best class—good all the way to the expreosedio their verdict, that "Patrick .. . 0 bottom of the barrel. Today I found O'Neil came to his•death Friday evening, .. 4 'rho Quail a Proplzet. that a barrel of applcss I purchased of a the 17th of Blarchm , A. D. 1854,, fro farmer who is a pillar in a church con- wounds reeeiVed by him at the hands of . The quail has the gift of prophecy. ID eoa tains a foot of straw. It is noe.good scene peteon or persons to us ;unknown— scene parts of Tyrol the number of hicalls is believed to denote the price s. of. St1W eitiu,r. He at:Wilily sold the buck- the sail Patrick O'Neil being at the Limo corn, each call signifying a gulden. In. 1.t.vilt:,at slraw at the rate of $1.1`)U nor bar- clipped • in, and loading, aiding and - 3 P - e . --1.n.: son Freeman. abcttmg a riot." - ...1 other parts, if ho calls= times, the year - ..... will be a, bad one; if eight times, it will Investigation Was not punned further, : ...4 be`tolerably prosperous; but should he sudden Death. ' inasmuch as O'Neil belonged to the low- ; ;4 est class of societyo ono eemed call ten times or beyond that ntimher, MissShawsgardeu (of St. Lottis)-011,, end iise -4 ilourish.— ll Atedubonllag- yes. I am n peeled of onr city. Wo have toacare very much for lm. Publie con- - everything wi eitio. ' ent seems to have been with the t chaeacd the saying about Naples to "See ; eindents.—New York Times. Skeptical, but Carlotta. Miss Dearborn (of Chicage) Indeed! I:kettle Prestration. - '41 St. Louis anti Lae." Husband—I had niyfortune told today. Tq it so sonnetee_Amorica„ this now malady atey Va.fe—You don't believe in that sort of .. Several caeca of e inebriated fellow was drowned in , .i',...4. -workers under electric light. The revolted from Creusot, France, It tif- thing, do you? Alreht or fooligmess. ...-11 to tho sidewalk, and then rolled oil ' it, cinpeare (lid it is this excestt of light. and Canadian Ceal Oil, wholesale atia retail. Fay' etroughirt, IL—So I think. into tho gutter, which contained nbotr Mid` not the boat, which; produces the Atioricari IV. orl'tor a pause)—What did she fell 'our inch( s of water. Ile was four, nervous symptoms. A pamful sensation spEcialty.• Repairing neatly and promptly done. Don't make any . you, Johnt—Boston Courier. , t few moniorts litter, but life was c in the throat, face and templee is last mistake bat call and inspect our stock and get our priees, Met. noticed, then the eltin becomes coppery W.---Xor I. It is all foolishness,. the • t street gutter at Stockton, Cal. cliceeds 160,000 candlo power, and } FIELD -WINOHAM. ' give.all classes a chance to invest their Meant to the best advantage in I imps, Lamp Good?, atittry arid COP em LTI .71 WOOdonware. red, and irritation. is felt about tho eyes, At Dijon &convict under rt 80;ttenco of '. Cbantilor Jenee, 11,1ml:elate was identi. • mach laehrytnation ensues, and those - ri. twenty yeart; l'ional scrvittk,:a was per-. ' led r.it linaleimmt, Gee. by two .tootli .. symptoms then disannenr, while the .skin • fl.i ., _ i Ft' I *IP L D. E etheart. no re urned to pra;on aitcr •- ,ocultr.itteil a robbery, One .of the prints - comp:II:able to these produced bY 'Walk* the tertanony, and in two mete titee hie ''. .e.te. of i n i. ,r teeth. • ing over fresh snow ix). the sunlight, and \vire Avili be ablo to join hit in New, i -may_bo regarded as a• sort of "Suit burn* Caledonia. ing.."'-eLaneOtt ....... mitiod to leave his ericon and eta rry his Laerlo3 1 .t..n applo trliCte ii3 ilitd peels oft in ilVO dttyS. The elects aro ;. • & SO $ToisTp BLOOE.,