The Wingham Times, 1889-02-01, Page 6• • • - • e • • . • ee • • ' • ' *" ^ „..— .--- •
hater end. Luelt mutt he a turn averages. Taken collectively, we're permit themselves; to be so deeply proof suits from head to foot, stood
IIC Wag AM Clzint$ 'somewhere; .aral at anyrate, plunging better off than ive were at lunch at affected by more •transient trilling faoing them. upon the ehore to watch
with au exercise of remittal that obvi on the contrary, we're seven hundred calm rest of Hugh Massinger'a ironic- now like a horde of savages, and the
, ita le taree, gapes, and whispers., plunderers. It s a eorefort rneg1.11;
to thrnk bottles, diel ha the high financial line A Inteetrand.
earlilte:(Itutiob, ors. Tbere was that ugly esour was setting in fiercer than ever
o e for exam. 1 li t t
p.e, semi, _he lecke to wash sway whatever remained of
°"84nZttilliCilgrnIcsaY:Ittel?ven t The fl:',Itt(i)iitti:Ifttaatil'e'slcf7::,
would never improve matters. Ifugli anyrate. Then, hie Serenity 4301ot-taco monetary reverses and be took it out the fate of Hugh Massinger's poor
--- pitied hint from his heart, poor Inor- had pocketed a 00uple of the pair of by repeating or inventing truculent helpless breakwatr, The sea was
JAN, 20, 1188i. tint devil. Why conldn't he find out, tut viewed in the lump. Thie evening, tales, evidently intended to poison the roaring and raving around its vides,
aleavy for a number! Who puts it oil, that, in spite of everything we're who won three hundred. thousand The whole village, indeed, men,
OR 'Tina Nloneleur on the seat here— mere than even with him on the day's francs at a couple of sittings—and women and ohildrell alike, bad hcollect-
sieNswenE and $11,1])E, pointing to Hugh. The croupier transation, was back to Nice by an 'unknown ed by this time at the pont by the
assailant, never again recognized or river, to watch the progrees of the
But even as he thought it, he roused juelPs the Pelt,
Tan Ulm. alarming incident of the , fat Lyons interest for every one of them in seeing
There was a fearfel
Poureen wins.-- CHAPTER, XLVL — Tun TURN or brought to justiee. There was that common enemy.
IA 5 At Paris Warren Beg parted with silk merchant with the east in his eye the waves assail and beat down that
lituself with a start. Eighteen was Monsieur was very nearly right again,
elm of the very numbers he. lead just voyez-vous I—Fourteen, my friend, i
who deposited his gains, like a prud. Anal barrier of their hearths and
3' been waiting for. No time for otiose just the precise double of seven, Elsie, He saw her safely to the
tellections now; no time for foulish Monsieur's luck is. something truly Northern Railway Station, put her ant bourgeois that be eves, with a homes. If the breakwater . went,
waste of sympathy : the moment had miraculous, Re goes a thousand into the. firet night train for Calais, banker at Monaco, but was, nevorthe- Whitestrancl must surely follow it'
had arrived for vigoroue notion. With frame once more, still on seven. Cell1land then wriggled bat* himself to less set upon by an organised, band now or later, bit by. bit, in piecemeal,
, his temporary lair, a quiet hotel on of three welldressecl but ill informed destruction. The sea would swalloW
-a sharp decisive air, be plunged down but he had the courage of his eonvio-
ruffians, who positively searched Won it upwholesale, as it swallowed up
it blind
:started and whispered and eudged one
red louts on white. Bystanders does, monad! Twenty-three wins. n
—Wrong again I He drops on that a I s -ours IteReine, just behind the Palais
°de 'Industrie. He went back to bed, from bead to foot, stripped him, and Dunwich and Thorpe end Filaughden,
anothei. White won, and he took up second thousand, . But with what but not to sleep. It was a gusty then threw him out upon the four- Those domestic examples gave point
night, that night in Paris. The wind foot way, a helpless raass, in the to their terror. To the Suffolk coast.
ency. How quickly one acouston3s to these niilrods. Hugh smiled itn- shook and rattled the loose panes in Mont Boron Tunnel, happy to escape dwellers, the sea indeed envisages
his. winnings wieh the inmost eomplac. grace! A. thousand francs is nothing
one's selt to those big figures'? A Perturbably and stakes a third. On the big French window that opened on with bare life and a broken leg from itself ever, not mere natural expanse
to the balcony. It must be blowing the merciless clutches of the gang of of water, but as a slew and patient yet
hundred louis. seemed uothin„a now, in seven again! The man is wonderful.
miscreants. And there was that implacable assailant.
!pursuance of the system. Then lie What wins this time ?—Sept gape, great guns across the North Sea now.
rat:nettle incident of the Nevada heir- By two in the morning a fresh
- to everybody in hushed admiration ; he felt only too sure, and forcing
. . comingto Monte Carlo with excitement supervened to keep up the
and Hugh, ntore sphinx hke la Ins whole squadrons of angry waves •h
the gold of California visibly bulging.' interest: a collier hull, deserted said
smile than over, but censcious of a through the narrow funnel of the
Stiaits of Dover. her capacious pockets, had to fight for 'and waterlogged, came drifting in by
him, takes cooly up his thirty-five As the night wore on, however, the her life in her own bedroom. at this slow stages before tInf driving gale
dozen edmiting eyes fixed full upon
very bed room at this very hotel, and across the brnad sand flats. She was
thousand. Thirty -live thousand wind rose steadily, till it reached ' at •
francs is not to be sneered at, Four- last the full dignity of a regular tem- defend her property from unholy a dist-basted hulk, riekety and unsea-
in hands by the summary process of worthy, abandoned by all who had
1 r t haul et but nothing when his bed for distress. He rose often shooting down with her own domestic tried to sail her ; and she difted
teen hnndred •pnunds sterling 1 the pest. Warren Relf couldn't sleep
1 t 0 of her cowardly midnight slowly, slimly, elowly on, driven before
thrugs his shonlder and spins. Out
„glanced across at George, poor hie c-
leas George, with a mute inquiry.
How that sittootlefaced English envied
his success: for George poor George,
had lost twine Madame, Hugh said,
addressing himself with an apologetic
smile to the pretty young wife,, alow
ma to venture ten louis for you.—The
blushing, girl shrank back timidly.
Hugh laid down ten pieces of gold
on a number again, backing ins own
luck separately by the regular rule on
a column of figures. Chance seemed
to favour him ; was it • the vein, as
gamblers say in their hateful dialect.
The umber won for poor shrinking
little Mrs. Nellie, and the column also
won as well for Hugh himself. He
pulled hi his own pe of gold • care;
/cesely aud loaded the other to the
-pretty young Englishmen. It isn't
,ours, she murmured with a shy look,
"You micsu'e ask ine ; I really eould't
,tiike it.
Hugh laughed, and pressed on to
edie auxious husbaud, who past a side-
dong glanee 'at' the beep of gold, and
y in some vague half-hearted way
decided upon accepting it. Now go,
Hugh said with a fatherly You
don't understand this cart of thing,
you know. you.belong to the class
predestined. to be cheated. The soon-
,ee you leave this place the better.
Let nothing induce, you ever to risk
another penny on these precious tables,
Ve eau a. I be so wise and prudent fur
But it's really yours, the young
Englishman. went on, glancing down
at it sheepishly. You risked your
Awn ruoney, you see, to win it.
Not at all, Hugh answered with his
•pleasantest smile ; he know how to do
a gracious act graciously. I've taken
back loy own ten Louis out of it in her
name. It was her good luck alone
that won for both of us, If you
compel me to keep it, you spoil my
break. A burst of fortune mast end
sca•newhere. Don't stand in toy way
please, for such a mere trifle.
The Englishman's hand closed, half
reluctantly, over the ill gotten money
and Hugh, undisturbed, turned back
.again with a nod to his own gambling.
The episode warmed him up to his
-work. A pleasant sense oi a generous
:ration prettily performed inspired and
invigurated his play from that mo
mons He went on, with his 'genie
with an approving uonscience. Some
people's consciences approve su
blandly,. The other players, too,
observed and applauded. Gamblers
overflow with petty euperetitions.
Oue of their profoundest is the rooted
be ief that meanness and generosity
briug each its dew reward: whoever
gambles in a lavish freehearted open.
'banded way is sure, they think to be -
motile the favorite of forttane. Leek or nod; everybody was. pleased
The Rassian. ou the other hand, the world smiled on him, Alpbouse, his case at the Hotel de Paris, an
angry gusts : it blinded the eyes and and heaps in endless rows, to seaward
kept on 'using steadily. Now and Marie, look well after -Monsieur I slept his sleep out with perfeset
again, indeed, he won fur a while on Moneieur has had the very best for- cotnpltieency. No qualms of consei. filled the lungs of all who tried to face
and to seaward aud ever to seaward,
t one, no thoughts of Win1fred, dis. the storm on the seta -front ; even up
the river arid at the Hall itself it (re nn coansittan.1
you're accustomed to it. What a run and looked out on the gusty street for .
of hick 1 Monsieur was in the vein cold comfort. Th a gas was flaring visitore. She was complimented by
indeed. He played on and on, more - and flickering in the lamps the wind , the authorities on her gallant defence
elated than ever, At this rate, he watt sweeping fiercely down the Cours and replied with spirit that, for the
would soon earn a fortune for Elsie. • la -Rhine; and the few belated souls matter of that, this sort of thing was
Elsie, Elsie, Elsie, Elsie 1 Through who still kept the pavement were really no novelty to her ; for she'd
the diu and noise of that crowded „cowering and runnit.g before the shot down more than one importun-
gambling-hell, me sacred name still .beeting rain with heads bent down ate suitor for her hand and heart al -
rang distinct and clear in his ears. and cloaks and overcoats .. wrapped ready in Nevada,
it was'all . for Elsie, for Elsie, • for tight around thee'. It must indeed Then Raffaleveity had grown more
Elsie 1 He must make himself rich to ee an awful night on the English lugubrious in his converse still, and
marry Mile. Channel ; 'Warren stood aghast to deseended to. tales, of the recarreut
He played on still with carelear think to himself how awful What suicides that, diversify the monotony
eagerness till the tables closed—played ou earth could ever have possessed , of the moneyasque world. be WS,
with a centinuous run of luck, often him he wondered. now, to let Elsie mated that twelve pergola at least per
varying, of course—for who minds a make het way alone,,on such a terrn - annufin ou a moderate average,
few hundreds to the bad now and then bie evening -as this, without him by their brains out in the Casino and
when he's winning one time with her side across the stormy waterj , grounds, after risking and losing their
another his thousands 1—bat on the He would receive a telegt am, thank last napoleon at the roulette tebles.
whole a run of luck persistently finven, first thing in the morning. To kill yourselves in the :towel saloons
favourable. -Reffalevsky, meanwhile, Till the,,, his suspense would be really themselves, he admitted with a sigh,
had played and lost, At the end of painful. . •was indeed consideted by geetletnaely
the day, as the lackeys came in to bow As for Elsie, she sped all uncon- players as a boorish soleciren ; persohs
the world. out with polite smiles, they sCious mixer way to Oaltds. conifort of ;reeding intent on an exit from
both rose and lot the rooms together, ably' ensconced in lti4r A rst-class com- this vale of tears, usually retired for
Then a sudden thought flashed across pertinent pour donee sechles, of which . the purpose of shooting themselves to
his sciti).., Too late to return to San she had forian-ately the sole monopoly, - a remote and sequeetered spot 10 the
Remo now 1 Awkward as it was, he The rain beat.haill against the . win. Casino gardens, behind. a convenient
must stop the nikht out at Monte dews, to be sire ; raftlie, wind shook eluinti. - of pit:wrest-1;A dattepalme.
Carlo, Full of himself—of play and the door with ite gusts more than once This spot was known to • Inehitud
about Winifred 1 •
or made the feeble oil -lamp in the roof frequeniers of Monte Carlo est the
• •
f Etsie—be lied actually forgotten all
They walked across side by side to tome,
of the carriage flicker fitfully ; but Place Hari-kire or Happy Despatch
absorbed in deeper affairs; Point. But if, by hazard, any ineon.
feeverishly excited now with his day's hardly thought of it all in her own . siderete person wits moved to Elliott
mind till she reached the stretch of himself in the wiles de %int, , a rapid
the Hotel de Paris. Hugh was far too
play to care in the least about. the open coast -that abuts on the mouth of contingent of trained , lackeys . stood
slight and the insult to that poor dead the Somme near Abbeville. There, ever tit hand ready to rush in at a
all that he minded. A. cynical hard- the fact began at last to force itself moments notice to drag away the
gni. The mere indecency of it wits
nese possessed him at lo,st. Nobody
Chamber crossing would would be endplay proceeded at once the same
upun her languid attention that the offender's body or wipe Up the Mess ;
need knew.He stroked to the tele- distinctly rough, Still, even then, as Usual.
graph offiee and boldly sent off a the hardl realized its full meaning, Neeertheles.s, 'Hugh slept soundly
ineesege to the pension 1 for the wind was off shore along the in spite of it all in his bed till morn -
Detained at Montone with sympath- Picardy coast; and it was not till lug, and when he woke, found his
WIT friends. Retara to morrow, the train drew op with a dash on tile goodly pile of gold and notes intact as
Make all arrangements on my own ever ' between bolster and mattress.
quay at Calais. that she fully under-
accout.t.—NIAssnionn. stood the serious gravity of the eltua- Ile had never slept so well since he
Then be presented. himself at the tion. The waves were. breaking went to Whitestiand.
bureau of the Hotel, de Paris. Monsi- fiercely over the mouth of the harbour, But at Whitestrand itself that
eur had no luggage : but no matter sad the sea was rising so high outside
with S h a storm was hardly remembered
eight things went quite otherwise.
the waves, foot by foot, a bit at a
time, over the wet sands, till e.t last,
with one supreme effort of force, the
breakers oast her up, a huge burden,
between the shore and the breek-
water, blockine with her broadside
one entire eneof the channel created
by the sour behind the spot once
occupied by the famous poplar. The
waves, in feet (lathed her full.against
the further end of the breakwaters
and jammed her up with • prodigious,.
?one between shore and wall a tem-
porary barrier against their own
a.dtmees. Tlien retiring for a mont-
mat to recruit their rage, they broko
in sheets of help less foam against tine
wooden bulwark they had raised them-
selvesin the direct line of their own,.
W lett followed next, followed sot
fast that 'NV011 the sturdy White-
stranders themselves, accustomed as.
they were to heavy seas and shifting
sau:ie and natural ellanges of marvell-
ous rapidity, stood aghast at its sud-
denness and it a awfol energy. In a -
few minutes, berme their ,very eyes,.
'tile sea liakcarried lingo maws aridt
shows of flying sand over the top of
the well and the stranded ship,
lodged them steep in the hollow below,
that the scour had created in the rear
of the breakwater.. The wall was.
loined as if by sone sudden stroke of
a eoujurer'e wand to the mainland
bopond ; and the sea still dashing
madly against the masonry raid the
ship, set to work once More . to erecee
fresh outworks in front against its own.
assaults by piing rip sand with incred-
ible speed in dunes and mounds upore
their oute faces. Even as they looked
the breakwater was rapidly lost ta
view la a mountain of, beach . the
broken stamp of mast of the wrecked
collier "mealy showed above the level
of the mushroom hillock that covered
and overwhelmed with its hasty
debris the buried hull of the unknown.
for that ; the hotel made haste to
acoommodate him at once, with the
hest rooms, not even requiring a dope -
site beforehat.d. All Monte Carlo
knew well, indeed, that Monsieur had
boon winning. Ilis mune and fame
had been noised abroad by many -
headed trumpeters. His pockets were
literally stuffed with gold. He was
the hero of the day. He had carried
everything at tile Mishit: before him.
Attentive servants awaited his merest
resolve at the termites wall by the on the German' Ocean within the veseel. Hummock after hummock
that passengers wereenet istern .
eairt notice: memory of the oldest t alters. garlY grew apace outside with startling
in the evening the noaetguarclinart at rapidity in successive lines along the
Owing to tlio rough weather pre-
vailing to -night, the Dover boat will the shelter Just beyond the Hall shore to seaward. New land was.
grounds, warned by telegram from forming at each crash of the . waves.
So Elsie went perforce to an hotel the Meteotologjoal Office, had raised ' The ./Eolitin sand was doing its work
not sail till mornieg.
cone fotheavy weather from the bravely. By five in the morning,
the sea to calmitself. But she, too, north east. By nine o'clock, the surt men walked secure where the sea had
in the town and waited patiently for
roared but six hours before. It bad
got no sleep ; she lay awake all night, was seething and boilitikon the bar,
end thought of Winifred. and -the waves were dashing thernsel- left the buried breakwater now It
Away at Monte Carlo, no wind blew' ves in huge sheets of foam against quarter of a mile inland at least,. ante
Hugh Messinger went to rest there at
• Hugh Massingor's ineffectual break- still engaged with mad eagerness in its,
• iter,The sanct flew free before the rapid task Of piling up fresh niouitde
some peat coup, ratting in hie fifty or un
a hundred louis ; but that was by He sunned with Itaftalevslty tubed his elumber. He had taken
pervaded the air vvith a perfect born -
exception for the most part, he beautifully decorated sane a manager. the precaution te doubly look and
frittentdeeerty his winningsdine aftet They recounted to site another, glee- and, bolt his door and to lay his win. hardmeet, of tiny grains. It was only
postible to remain outdoor by tern -
time., and had resourse with alarininet ' fairy, gloomily, their withings and ins between the holster and the
frequency of iteeation to his bundle - losses, The tetras were heavy. tnattreSS; so he -had nothing to ing one's beck upon the fierce blast,
of flutes, from which he changed a They totted them up with varying trouble about, He luta also been or by POV0/..!ng one's face, not with a
good enneeeme veil, but with a silk poOket.handker.
tliouattud frame every Itself hour or so - einotions. Hugh had won three careful to purchase a
with persisteat ill • fortune. Then thousand four hundred pounds. noted revolver at one of the nutnerous chief. The very cottstguardmen,
upua the relentlees bank with unvary- Raffalevsky had made it hole in his, shops that line the .04.181110 gardens. accustomed by bong use to good doses
tie regalarity. Nov it wee zero that larger capital to the One of some- ' It islet safe, indeed, at Monte Carlo,
qui laypr back With a'ann from the idea of
of solid slime in the lungs, shrank
turned' up, to confound his reoltuning
and the counier with his bow made a
gateau sWeep, offhand, of the entire
table: new it was a long eueceesion of
loft hand members that won with a
W.ith unvarying reisletp up .0 the perfectly sound Dnepr -14y, if one man before he retired to rest about robber- helP
Ey midnight, tide was well at its
VL save them.
rush, while he had staked his gold tootlipiek ut bands in scare ( 0 i. ,
right.hand whom. It was agonising wins, :mother retest lose. You have les committed at Monte Carlo 'upon'
full, and the beach tieing tovered, the
each litne to him to see the bank there the initial weak point of PM- the helpless bodies of heavy winners.
bombardment of sand slowly inter -
carelessly Ittiduling trot large stuns to ling. It's atbottoM atrulyaristoratioal Raffalevsky was clearly in a savage
Ought whne he himself went on losing :unmt-cent. But these things equaiise Momper that evettino at having mitted a little. tut sheets of foam
Nang tell," hie cp,lealativo te the etralise theinSelVee li the doe rine 4 t we —.5 romo
thing, like two thousand seven turn they say, for that running fire of driven
tired. At the attnottecement. Hugh recognised as 81101,4 to go about with facing
as hard cash sand.perticies. As far from the
smiled hie niost benevolent and too much money
in fa,:it stuachs and boats at large on the sea,
philosophical smile, After all, lie in his possession. It Ilevsky,
said, as he scanned the wine..ettrd, had told hitn, evith most uneoessary they were left to their fate—nothing
501110 ver unpleasant Stories, could be done b,y human hands to
iosiog Bet liOurds, themselves in the long run theyi dropod ft few thottaall(1 pounds at the and spray still drove on hefor the
t e that t40n 4itottiti wind, and ikelterman, tad in water,
' •
At the annual meeting, oft the Grey
Agricultural Society, the following:
officers were appointed :. President,.
Al;•.x. Stewart viee.presielenee Jae.
Ferguson; Directors :—Aden. Gardner
W. H. McCreekete Vorbee, C.
Michel, T. Melemehlin, Strachey,
A. Xoenig, W. Neatson, T.. Davidson
Auditors:—Mex. Steachaner. &Scat,
D. Stewart, seeretary.Treasarer.
Mr. Gibson, of Ilamiltem. has been
selected by Mr. Mowat to till the
place in the Cabinet renderedvacant
by the retirement on account of Ill -
health of Mr. Pardee. The appoint,
meat is an admirable one.
ttiwr nositio Melt eau be £16 quickly
towed by Shileliet Cure. We gearantee tee
].or sale by 0. ;!L