The Wingham Times, 1889-02-01, Page 3oity to our Town.
'The following extract front one of an
',exchanges is worthy the cousideration o
the bilittbitents of our town and vicinity
6.The linglislornan in prowl of old Bug
land, the ficotelmien of Caledonia stern
And wildond the Irishman of the "gens
ef theo
aeon." We want a spirit akin to
this national spirit, in our villages and
townS-4 loyalty' to the plane we Ilse in,
Vhecommunity in witich we live has the
firtst claim on our regard and our enter-
prise, We tiliould seek to advance ite
interests, tu boom its iudustries and
eucourage its business men. In fact we
should tlo our business at home, not
abroad, In doing this we will generally
help ourselves, If We awn personal estate
b the place, it will bedtime enhanced io
walue, If we aro engaged in business, it
'would pay us to "40 to others as we would
:have others do to wt," The farmer who
trades iu his own town ia doing
himself good. Re will find that a farm
:near a flourishing town is of more valise
than one near a dead town. To leave his
own market for the difference of two or
three cents a bushel for wheat is "penuy
vise and pound foothill," The town he
patronizes, and the surrounding district,
gain ; and his own neighborhood suffers.
Noba few go to larger places to trade
.when they could do just as well at home.
It is not fair to the merchant who has
invested his money in a place, and is
Aiving that place the benefit of hishusiness
Abilities, to have his neighbors go to lar-
ger towns for goods he will sell them
equally as Cheap. It is not fair to the
Antall struggling manufacturer to patronize
,atis big oity competitor so long as he can
_produce the right artiole and is willing to
,sell it at the right price. Thousands of
siollars are continually pouring into the
larger cities that should be left with the
Merchants. mechanics, and manufacturers
.of the small villages and towns. If these
thousands were left where they should be
how math more more prosperous would ous
,eountry towns, be and hew much !nor°
valuable tlae districts surrounding them,
We sometimes talk tho evils of monopo-
ly and yet not unfrequently iholp build up
'large place's at the expense of the smaller
r The members of the new council
bet according to stntute, in Sault&
hall, 'aluevale; the clerk iu the chair.
' Each member took and subnribed the
declaration of qualification and of
°aloe and took their seats at the
• vouncil board, the Reeve taking the
chair, viz., Win. McPliersen,reeve; G.
Thompson, clebuty-rreve ; W. Oruicir-
sheiiks, John Diluent and Wm, Gem
mill, councillors, The minutes of last
meeting of lad year were read and ap
proved,wiiiur, =
Mr, Pherson reported that
Thompson they bad purchased
from ler. Henna, lots 352, '250, 199
and 296, hi the town plot for $75 and
one half for the expenses of • deeds,
$5,20. Mr. Dirnent reported that he
had let a job on the south bofindary,,
$3, Morris to - pay halt Mr. Thomp-
son reported • that he had examined
Gray's bride and found that a new
bridge was reqeired, and that they had.
got plans and specificetions drawn out
and advertisement inserted in the
Wingharn Pima ; that tenders Wold
be received up to .the 21st of this
month and opened on the council
'fleeting of that date. Mr. Hutton, of
Winghain mill, requested tie council
to refund, taxes paid on the .Lower
Wingbain mill that was burned • down
on the 8th day of August,1888. Moved
by W.Gemmill,seconded by J. Diment,
that all taxes be refunded to Mr. H ut-
ton but the school tax, amount $27 7U.
The reeve appointed John Burgess as
auditor. Moved by Mr Germ:6111,
seconded by G Thompson,that Douglas
Fraser be auditor for councillors -Car;
ried. Tenders were now opened for
Gray's bridge, viz , Robert olameson,
$89; 8 Hardy, 700 ; Jno Foster,
796. Moved by W Gemmill, seconded
by John Ditnent, that the tender of W
S Hardy be accepted, Moved by J
Diment,.seeonded by W Gem mill, that
Fester be and is hereby Appointed in-
spector for said bridge during its ereo:
tion. Moved by M r Genunill, seconded
by Mr Diluent, that John MeTavish be
appointed assessor for the present year.
--Carried. The following am:omits
were ordered to be paid : Stove for E.
Armstrong, charity, $4 ; A, McE;wein
dog tax refunded,$1; Veen]; Patterson,
oIo., $1 ; Wn, 1V1cPberson. $3.50 ; (,%)
Theinpson, $3.50 ; Wm. Ream), taxes
reftuided and acting as deputy retnrn-
rig 70 :James Wylie,gravel,
$3 ; John Nicho!,, over paid on drain,
,$1.80; John Foster, plans and specifi-
cation fur Gray's bridge, $5 ;J.,,Flenty
Sort, printing. $16.50; Aebt. Elliott;
Printing,. $11; G.13 Scott, deputy -re.
turning officer, $8 ; T. K. Powell, do.,
S;, Thomas Fortune, returning officer,
registrar, postage :and telegraphing,
balance on salary, $82 26; J Holloway,
statute labor tax refunded, $2; J. Tuck-
er, dog tax refrinded, $1 ; Wm. Gannet,
do., $1; R. Harris, do., $l; . Piper,
charity, $7 ; Edward Arinstrong, do.,
$4; Mrs'. Byrant, do.; 83; Ben. Saults,
hall rent, 4; Peter McLaren, aog tax
refunded, $1; JOurtis, jeb on boundary
of Morris and Turnberry, $3 ; Harris,
deg 'tax refunded, $1. The "council
than adjortrned,to meet in 131usivale on
Monday, the 25th day of Febraary, at
10 o'clock, a. ni.
'Phi anneal meeting of the White-
eintroll Butter Company was field in
Itil0 Foresters' hall oe 'Saturday, about
'00 being present. lIr. ,Robert
•(,) mitt presided wi th gen in! by
The secretary, Ir A. H. Mnsgrove,
• weed the „stem:mien t of the year's busi-
ness. it showed that 44,180 lbs.. of
butter were made clotting the SOitS.011
,realized $0,950.17 to • the
patrinis, r'au aver,tge of 15i cents
per •lb The total receipts were
$8,929 70, and the balance on hand
.$19.52, The number of last year's
,3patr 'es was 113. The directors eleet
,stol for tht, yeae were : J. Wilsen,, re-
elected president, and F. Heitry..4.
Gillespie, jr,, R. Pettypiece and • P.
Oellagitan. • Direct`',111r.AoH Musgrove
was re-elected secretary treasurer and
EA). Henderson salesman. After the
appointment of oliioers an ietelligent,
interesting and profitable discussion
took place on the e•mclition and pros-
ipects of the creamery industry. Mem •
1i ors spoke freely and earnestly.. The =
,ad vantage and b.ell1Plits aireadY be
stowed by these institutions were
.clearly and well shown, and the urgent
AecesSity for hearty e.o.opperation
pointed eta. The meeting was closed
with the usnal votes of thanks.—Mr.
Thomas Oollopy has returned front his
eixth trip to • 'Dakota where he has
been since last larch. He appears
to enjoy that breezy section of Miele
Stint domain. He Was'•accompanied
home by George Rae, of Whitechurch,
NIcLeed, of •Ripley., W. • Begley and
band,. Barber, of Kineardine.—A •
store Is expected • to. he built on Mrs.
'Wilson's lot oby a "'arty front Paris. --
There is a good opening fur a shoe-
.1nalter and t harness Joaker in Ulia.
town.—Farraers wishing. to purchase
11, genuine channel stteil frame binder
will do well to call.on lehn Campbell,
of Whiteehurch, before purchasing
ielsewhere.— Mr. Spencer and his
young bride returned front their visit
to Bismarck and have gone to Luck.
3IOW to take up houao.--Rev. Mr. •
McNabb, of Locknew, preached in the .t
Presbyterian church Sunday last; A
goodly txutnber were out, Tho eau-
gregation aro going tO hold a meeting •
on Monday the 20th January fat the 1
purpose of extending, •a t
keys of the Methodist church were
banded over to the minister for him
to mind the cif ureb.-0, Itintoul eat
his foot but not seriously while working
for George Thompson, of Zetland —On
Jan. llth a demi° took place at the a
ellid011al of Thos. Found and was Is
largely attended. Joe did the gallant
on that oecation.—The Whiteohnrelt "
cattle men are around
Tilers will de wellto wait till they'
woe around to 'floe their steak,
Mr. A, P. Maodonald, the great
contractor, who has been identiefid
with many of the principal public
works in Canada and several in the
United States, died in Toronto on
B,yren might well Write—
nWorbs are things. and a drop of ink,
Palling On a thought, produces that. ,
Which make thousands think."
The total dry goods johbing trade
of Chicago for 1888 is estimated at
The town of Bletilleim, Ont., is nOW
lit, by electric light, ant A.rehsrstburg
is itet to be similarly lighted.
An owner of horses, in Toronto had
eight animals affected with glanders
officially exeepted,itt public' interest ;
and lie applies in vain to the City •
Council for compensation, the law net -
authorizing the appropriation.
A literary and debating society wag
organized in the school house of $. 5.
No. 7 on Jan, 10th. The principal
business of the evening was the ap-
pointutent of a preeidrnt, vice-ptsideni
and committee. The first • regular
weekly meeting of the society web
held on Tuesday evonine 22n4 inst.
A large orewd was preient atla. all
fieetnett Much interested in the wel-
fare of the society.' These facts intli
mite that there is quite a literary i.pir
existing in the community. The
meeting WAR °ailed to order by tiff
president at 0;30, and the first part of
the programme was a discussion 011
the following, subject "Resolved,
that the ox is more beneficial to man
than the horse." The comniittee gav
gave the decision in favor of the afT.r
native. After this some songs ant
readings were listened to wit)
pleasure, The meeting closed Wit
• the singing of the "National Anthem'
rood for Consumptives,
Snails, in the opinion of Willieh, are
equal in value to oysters. They are, he
- says, equally nourishing and wholesome.
Cu account of their gelatinous naturc
they have lately been much used in con-
sumptions; and as these complaints arc
now very frequent it were to be wished.
says medical Classics, that such patient:.
would give the remedy n fair trial by
boiling a dozen of the red garden mails
every_ day in a quart of sweet milk or
whey for half an hour, then straining
the liquor through a COSMO Cloth and
drinking it with sugar every •niorning
gradually upon an empty otomach. and
repeating these draughts for a month tin
two if required.
This red garden snail has also been
used externally in the open hemorrhoids,
where fresh snails Wer0 applied evrry
two or three hours, b a, raw 'state, with
remarkable sueeess.
The large Roman or edible mail is re
nowned both as a delicacy and on ac-
count of its reputed virtues iu; t remedy
in eases of consumption, which it, is said
]lis in several instances Leta), entirely
cured by a regimen of the mucilage from
these snails. On the continent tho Ro-
man snail is considered a great delicacy;
but the garden and yellow banded snails
two the kinds mare commonly eaten.
- • The "nicer" System-. •
The block -system, as it is now termed
itt railroad parlance._ is simply the
ion of it railway into a Certain number of
what are called telegraphic districts. the
distance between WIneli is determined'
by the amount oftraffic, and eat'lt blOcit
Station. ' has signaling instruments, by
which the signal man cart eomnounirate
with the !lox on eachside of hint. Now
when a tram enters any block, a sema
phore signal is lowered, and no train
allowed to f ollow until the one in Cron
hats reached the'end .af tho block, when
the signal is raised and at the same Um
lowered for the Week ahead. etc. Thq
block systeiainuso jn- Europe and in
the United States employ met:harden
-devices for lowering and -raising the out
door signal; but these, it is thought. 'wit
eventually -be replaced by entomatic de
anti the KIDNEYS
This combined adieu gives it won-
derfnl power to cure all diseases. ,
Why Are We Sick?
Because we allow the nerves to
remain weakened and irritated, and
these great organs to become clogged
or torpid, end poisonous humors are
therefore forced into the blood that
should be expelled naturally.
piwirsf CELERr
By quieting and strengthening the
nerves, and causing free action of the
bowels, and kidneys, and restor-
ing their pbwer to throw off disease. •
Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aches/ -
Why tormented with Piles,Constipationi
why frightened overDisorderadRidneyil _
Why endure nervous or siok headaches!
Why have sleepless nights!
Use PAINE'S Catitnv Cosumunn and
• rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta.
bee remedy, harmless in all cases. •
• Sold Ay all Druggists. Price $1.0o.
Six far Ono.
WELLS. RICHARDSON dr CO.,Proprietorso
• „
IdIT I TT .A..
Sterling Exchan3e and Drafts en Dew Yrk
OFFICE BOORS 10 a. m, to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from
\ 10 5, In. to 1 p,
13. WIIII,SON, Acmes.
Intim & Dimmest, Solicitors,
Oat Meal Mill Opened,
11110 undersigned desire to inform farm.
era and.the people generally that they have
P . tbeir
Ob Meg Mill in Winghein,
And are now prepared to purchase Oats in
The Iliad Supply,
Tho question agitated years ago
"What becomes of all tho pins?" my -ht
unlimited quantities and at the
Highest Haricot Pries.
1 They will supplyseastomers with the BEST
- Glt5DEs all Oat Meal.
be supplemented by the query, "Witere
does Ptttsburg's mud come from?" From
some unknown and mysterious source
there comes to the streets of the Iron
City tons upon tons of niud. Tt is carted
away, washed away, scraped away, only
to reappear and to grow in bulk as rapidly
as did Jormh's gourd. Known causes fol
this increment ore. not sufficient to ex-
plain the presence of these muddy
Iancihes. The debris of new buildings,
the droppings from wagons, the wash:
ings from higher portions of tho city;
these do not wholly account for the
perennially gathering deposits. It must
be that Pittsburg nand, like Topsy, "jes1
growed."—Pittsburg, alternating with mod-
erate rest, gives a brain Whiell, ta.king
tho whole life through, will aceomplish
the roost spit the hest work of which a
human tieing is enpahle. Tho 1.rains are
to loe improved and 'developed by renson,
able exercise and reasonable rest. The
one is at, QS8011(.11.4 as Ulu other.—Once a
Catarrhal Deafness, Hay Fever.
• sufferers are not generally aware that these dia.
cases are contagious, or that they aro due to the
present(' of living parasites In the lining membrane
f the nose and enstraeblan Tubas, microscopic, re.
;larch, however, has proved this to be n fact, and
the result is twit a simple remedy has been knelt.
luted whereby catarrh, catarrhaideetnoss and _bay
fever are permanently enred C
tM Oone to three
simple applications made at home by the patent
once in.ta 0 ,weeks. N. 13. -For catarrhal discharges
peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific.
paMphlet explaining this new treatment is sent 00
receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon 5 Son, ,303. West
Ring St., Toronto, Cooda.-Solentiiie 5.'11101cm/1.
Sufferers from eatarrhe.ltrOttblea should' seed the
above carefully,
Sntr.on's Vrratszen is what you need for
Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness,
and all eymptoma of Dyspepsia. I)rice 10
and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by C. IL,
The Grand Jury foetid "no bills" in
lie case of Polly &edit", chaeged with
bigamy by marrying the late Mr.
Barber, the Eng.ish merchant who
committed suicide at Niagara 'Veils
Ton discoverieg the true chatiaeter of
he woman he had made his wife.
A rural debating society should try
throw some light on tho question, t
vhy an American magazine is sold for e
hirty-Ave cents a copy in this country
unly twenty-fiee cents in Engiancl,
vhile an English tnrgazine is sot I cfor r
%verity cents a copy to that country
and thirty cents over here, 8
SitEdbittEN t4gRallto made miserable by rs
hitt terrible cough( Shiloh's Cure is. the t
ItysiremeAdtuyo for yettis, ic Fel r sale by 1.
. itiot
etyma Toei'qoprititettgrer: it3retitc ediiisitrhed 80 night
And broken y
rying with 'Uhl rit ClItt4e Teeth Ittnirligidanal
nes end gets bottle of "Itts W 'ts Sol g
syrup" fer Children Teething, It:vain:Is I (icatillh
lititollit:,,ediattiyioNceolietaao the poor 'little 'au sufferer
nistake about it. Pitieti'rio'st'iliti:4:rs'yera8,3dtPsie.r;siitisena0
ce ulatos the,Stomeeh and goarels, cures' Wint uolue:
oftensthei Gums; reduces Inflammation, and /tires
ono and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Win.
IOW's Soothing Syrup".for thistren teething is
tenant to the taste and 1 the prescription et ono at
o oldest and hest tomato physicians and nurses in
he linked States, and is for sale by all drUggists
rOughont the weds. Price toyanty-eve otos
ttle. ile ure end Mk for "31Se. WINSLOW'S I
primal Oxus," and take no other kind.
• ili•-targ..
1, TUrsherc., hae .out V1,000 to loin d,*or*
• mgrs. for terms asplyto,
et- WM. McPSE411011,
Taitsei'arn, Winter:am. Iowa, Niatehorsasr
ts-ingtmi, S.te,y
This commodious hall On ,SccUred Ree *Mir
tr.Initionta of every Mad at s very few figure. For '
terms apply te
ta Onse, & LIO'S StOre,
CATnirtill 0,..1(1 sweet Woo*
s.teured. by km's. -Comb Itoonedy.
!$n cents. Nasal Injector free. Poi-
mde by 0, R. Williams.
Wn,r, von firYrela With D'yhporria
Livo• Coulpitglit? Vitali**' is
guaranteed to cure you. For sale by C. E.
Stfraon's Omen and flonsurnprion (lore is
sold by *is on a guarantee. It cures 00n-
' =lotion. For sale by C.E.
Cnoers wafter's% "neon aryl Bruwiltitis
rusd•ately relieved by fit:Wolfs Cure.
For sale by 0. El,
Th. Latetst, the afoot, tle Seat
Religious AND Literary Weekly in the Wirlt.
"One of the ablest weeklies in existetice."-Psil
Mall Gazette, London, England.
"The most influential religious organ in thestate
-The Spectator, London, England.
Clearly stands in the forefront as a weekly rag'
ions magasine.".-1Sunday SehoolTimm,
Prominent features of Tem IsoUrnSozsr during the
Coming year will be
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• 131811O*' MeV, DR.Tnmeoas L.Ourfosa, De. HOWAmt.
Osgood. Dr. Hotter(' Crosby, Dr, A. J. Gordon,
George F. Pentecoat, and others;
6ucial and Political Articles,
Pref, Wm. G. Stimner, Prof. Herbert D. Adams,,
Prof. Richaril T. Ely, Prof, R. 0. Thompson, Prof;..
Arthur Radley, and 'others;
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Thomas Wentworth Iligginson, manrice Thoropson,„
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Reesselher, anise Imegen Gui;m-yr,eil, u Leyr e Zeal I.,.
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Lang, Joaquin Miller, Lucy Lamm, John BoYle.
O'Reilly, and others.
There aro twenty•one distinct departments, edited.
by specialists, which include Biblieal Re,.
search, S onitary, Fine Arts, Musio, science, Pebbles,
Peisonalities, Ministerial Regker, School arid Vol.
lege Literature, Religion sIntelligence,Misslons, SUk•-•
day S011001S, Xows of the week, Finance:Commerce,
Inenranee, Stories, 1'11=104 Seleetions and Agricub,
tete. Thirty-twO pages m all
The Independent is a family newspaper of the Aro •
class, and is recognized as one of the greatest educe.
tors of the land. Everyone who Wishes to rye well in-.
formed upon a great variety of subjects,'should 'sub-
scribe for it.
Timm TO annectintErts:
Throe months-- 50 78 One :.: (g)1
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52 DiVidendo le,'Yett.L
Make the tommintance of the Isosrzomwsrryy send
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No papers Era sent to subscribers after thetImet
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TUE Ism**'ssozs'sClubbing Mat will be sentlyty,
to any person asking for it. /or yone wishing to Imb
scribe for one or more papers or magazines in COMP •
Non with Tux TNDEPRNDP.NT, Can swe Inoneyby ordeo
•log from our Club List. Address,
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flj A 7.:117 OUT mlit/S A.DVERTISEIMEEN'r.
,rs f
ii , • '
1/1' i:Te: e lari)':?;)
8°3 tealVit onn °colt? &hill%
trade in all parte, by
When 1 say Colt3T do root meni merely to
prps, EPZLEPS7ir av fiEt.„ 11711S. I
-- ...'.--,•• , "
--.L.- -_,„.....i.v...,..._____
stop thorn for &MIA°, and then have sloop ra- aPn'dacilias°,sv:/lewirmellitEe.Inpliorreple :;arobbett.,, :
turn again. I IttRAN A. EADIC.LL CCII.I...
I Iltwe made the disease ot - _,--s,, 4..0
gzstotLI nirtellAitrgtetirt •
fPi • , •, line of our costly and 'steatite' ete
rALLZIM tal:C7SVEza, ,1)011. ehow what weiend, to them wb,
nuty call at ye how. and after 12., ..
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Arfelongstridy. r NiA3TRA Tr"
Minn tile Worst oases. Beeanse , tees Lays i r, .PrgriserThib..rin:.rPithifent??
months all ebal become yobr ottv.,"
',J.', t •
failadlsnorcasonf or not nowrcs-- ewe erre. ,..„..---,-----1 which base ran out: WOW patebli.
fiend aton cesor a treatise and a...Ft a.. nor szlo run Out it sold for 18193, with thr
ix' 1NPAI.L/BLE nieenne. cioe Fxvr c6s . ,•.\-e....o- -
v,nd Bost 09106. It el.' 18 you milling IC.," a m.wotasecrozn, tabn: : i::.sel I:::
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tr.A1, audit will enre you. Aactre.s • FREE FR 'roe N
Dr, E, G. o 87 'rouge fit a
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iff"ifraNaMagais,,V0A;MAZ,Varil: ;nest line ofWorke of kph art sloe shown tocatberin anterie „a .
17111710 41; 0001'444M 14% Augusta. Matzke,*
"The Week, chte of the ablest papers on the continent,"-noscripttve America.
A Canadian Journal of Polztjes, Litcroture, Seienee caul Art.&
$a.00- 12MiRo S.1.00 11101?, 4 ZICO'l\l'1111-13..
THE WERE has entered on Its siva you at senseatise,eleaue enlarged and irroroved in every reaps t1.
rendering, it still more Weans, tho cordial enpport of everyone interested in tee tuaintesianee of a flnit•oi.;,s
literarY Journal.
he Independence in polities and eritleism which haS Characterized TUB WERk ,evet, hinbe its o
Will borigkUy maintained ; and unewtslow efforts *lithe made to improve Its literary ehararier and bite,
its valve! and attractiveness as a journal for the cultured home. Many now and able writers art now, or h .•
promised to become, eentriblItorS toits columns, and the emistant aim of the publisher will Isto to Make Ili,.
WEER fully equal to the best literary journals In Britain at.d the united States.
As heretofore. Pita,. GoLDWIN SMITH will, torn time to time, contrIhnte arfieles. :Linden, rarls,
button and Montreal letters from iteeomplished correspondents will 814)081 100 regular howtlyroo
Ottawa Letters will appear during the sessions Of Parliament,
elAsS an the tontinent,
Tut.; WEER In its emerged torm will bathew sal'* SIN as "Harm if" Weekly," tona the largest popes or :soy
SE/11) POlio iltEE SAII/nst copy.