HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-02-01, Page 2,t; c ittat Gun PAORAG& ttNlt; d4usu Qd' f'AILURG, swan box—will often sell outer flutter l: Scottie Eruislon er Coat 14Ver Oro mut IIsi Q24 1Rttr competitors hove adolted tl that would be refused in oto h p I ypopbeephites I$ Rola all over the worldnil far s leg Ii a e. upelior to plain packi,ge 1i91ti tat, t11411411 it *Pay 0011 he i‘i;r. Clarke, however, thinks. that at pod Liver OA, palatable and easily digested. Dr. intrinsically a4 better on tlu i our the present time, there are not any Martin. Miles Stanton, Bury Bticics,Londmiyl:ngland, FBIDA. tT . '05 t t weighty prejudices " tt'az;tnutaon,and taken r, K ' �# own, Is better suited to.t11$ tlondrti011a a It Ill the market says; Ihaveure$orlbedSco of -their trade than is ot'tre to the strong enough to •bear against the it n yaelf, It ispmtatable, stns#eat, and eau be Color• Celliiit#Qua of our trade. 1, adoption o£ any particular package, atvd by almost anyone, eapenially whore cod livor all -some Rolf cannot be borne, Sotd by all druggists, bOoe j i n "these expo ended dealers r offered by Whatever ^torce workoin favor of exist lie Cages. 4 p /1tEri$11•l pOVE DI, Iles the butter iu the package, Cloth Inargarllle also is put up.) ' the Daulish cash; (iu which soul° of ;118 . • suggested lite use o£ coulee to surrAund ' •t would be a. great protecti(lu and it..aQME ESSENTIALS Or A BUTTER rAcscAGE, • te,Iistere it Ph envord aiwo with. Ma .Copvright Was not exte ensive-•-chisel Ie133 thati Of first importance is the material 4c4' u+at,rhfe.tih 'tert•ila•fhid -gidl�er'Ql Iver. tie}. Clothalways had a. certain eked in manufacture. Spruce is the nos sen Oho (Weer, value to the buyer, either grocer or . wood now used most extensively, and [aT,-TTLtati ,, 'NO canr;utner. 1 may add that 1 found it is good, Balsam might be even Ij` the use of cloth for protecting Metter, preferable, bid it is not, alwuys avail. " • i.he `British importers, while agreed , inoouneetion with different styles of able. There is no objection to soft ht ,..eh ospcltits,'shu»'edletttr Hdifference stoking, growing in favor everywhere, wood, it is easily manufactured, and. of Opinion on 'the 'siiliibut cf butter and it rusty be strongly reocrnrnended. it makes a light and cheap tub. But packages. As snaky 'elf icy readers Mr, Does thought, too, that there it Is necssary and .of first importance. To Tau IirnToa i -Please inform your maitre that I „ p t it • would 'be au iii keeping a - that the wood be free from sapif 1t be. have a posltiv4 i ' ody for the above named diaease, know, our export ' eek ge is matnIy advantagep gBy Cts timely se thousuuds of hopeless cacao bav4 .what has been called the Welsh tub. `little pickle round the .butter. "It used without artificial treatment or boon cured. 1 shalt b4 glad to Bond tyrabettles of m ralured FHNN Cal be glad our readers who have CLUBBING awns. Any of'the following metropolitan weeklies can be obtained with the 1Vinghan Rows at .the figures lane given. Balance of '88 free : Toms and Globe., „ ..81 70 Runts, Mall, and harm and.Firesido, „ .. 1 Tri Tam, Globo and dural Canadian, „ 2 00 Tours and London Advertiser, ,. 1 70 Truss and. Montreal Witness, „ .. .. 1 75 Teens and Toronto News, ,s .. ,. ., 1 75 TIsiul and dull, World . 2 7E Tirt$s and weekly News withpremium, }"Cbriso before Pilate;', .. .. 1 70 Also, "Fathers of CObfoderation,".. .. 2 01 Consumption, Surely Cured. It is wider at the top tela, at the would he'p to destroy the scold flavor Qoatmn„g. I have understood that the a nsunlntlon if they will sons the their Ex ressewd Y bottom, with a soin:,tvltat loose fitting of butter kept so long iu transit." Vermont manufacturers are very care i'+ 0' ress, Itospectrelly, Da.t, T. A. .SLpL'OCUS7 ?rem Toronto. Ont. eover, usually fastened down by strips Mr, Price asks that butter be �f tin. 'rte sizes 'range from a 25 to packed a,ud invoiced in a way that 70 pounds capacity. 'It is stave tub ett(ih paoka„e will More evenly ' It is generally manufactured now by now) OCT ITS i'lrErIG11T. machinery, apd may be procured at a In bis experience some tubs are low price at Almost any country store. over weight and some under weight. Within ayea,r or two there bast been Uveal though a shipment Way contain, plaecd on the market, and used in in the aggregate, a full weight of the export trade, a tub of above des- invoice, tiro importer may 'suffer loss caption, provided with an inside lining when he 'disposes of the butter in .of tin, the whole called a "tin-IinNd divided lots. Ile cannot charge the t11b• The Daanishpankage is a vaslc Or average weight to his customers, for barrel, Avitll both ends headed in the those who get the excess 'weignt sa usual Manner. It is also made by 'nothing, while those who are short ,machinery, is light and clran.looking and will ho:dabove 100 pounds Several of the importers in . Bristol considered OUR BUTTE' It rAeltaott FAULTY. ' , Mr.'Clark said; The present tubs o(re 'simply ridiculous. The ,loiots• open,'staves get loose, the tins tweak ori and the cot er is poor. The butter rioted out, and armu'nd the edge, or and ataudlltel'1,et lveirrbts: Ct'f'nrrlrry :where it touches the wood, it gets n TRH itEseifitC1•;S 'Or SCIENut: AND sida , ca. l strong tastin ., tar flet: er would husks 6.. br 7i) 1be.. Fuld 'fairy VENTION a range of 3b to bb• lbs, 'Tile standard' also said that butter sutl'ered fromweights prciliosed by lYh'. Price appear have made it.possible for • Our menu. •"contact with the wood." • Mr Clarketo -one to be better adapted to the '` acturerp to givens'packages answer- apoke of the tin boxes which calve usages of file eouutry, ing the esseutial'couditions, but the •jtita inarket,'and said they were a fay• ' ell terprise of those interested, of both Flyable., auks e, biro the Oh ylcAfon to TIIG sOIOT OF',TACIiAGE NEEDED p % J ; dealers and mar ufacturers,-seexns.' net. thein was their expense, and the for our butter trade ie a roost sniper to Clave been equal to the uaPd, and a ct that the butter'eould not. easily .• 0.04 consideration. The'olloiee limb- package perfected iu.these }joints has taken out to ``tare" it: These ably lies between our present package yet t0 be placed on ,the Market, 'Or, at ow the -to. come out easily, 6: -and the Danish . cask, If: it were least, to he introduced earn our tared" or "stripped but be settled that our present: package s stem. %ought, their cost was an objection. ' cannot, or will not, be lrnpr:oved in its y 1V1.1.'Ileo' lied' lass' preference;,tor tf�-, Construction, one would,be almost In i'reely giving above sttMgrstit3lis ,lined tubs, -their extra. cost else tempted to decid-', offlstlllrl, UDOU the of others as well as my uzv,t, Ida loot weight insist on the loss being made material `impervious to brine. and had up. He also advised, fer butter pack-, a ilrit,e-tight cover., the butter would ages,,be.in a 'better- condition, whether it' fol to select the lumber used and and to exclude any staves containing stop. E IBBSBo am(� cid rate". ri I fear that some at le',,st of our r v,' B,e 8r w tch) untlthttely, t , agr � Haat Via waren In the wend. manufacturers have not been wise 5 , Ferree; timekeeper. War. i1/Lf>) n� t d enough -to follow .this example. The "Wiley" butter referred to by the Bristol dealer was very likely due to. sap in the wood. Ottr perfected 1 package should be made to hol'., brine IS Fee, and suer T1'1117'1'21 ou hovek pt pe fectly. '011e of the Bristol ill] or• them (5 your home: for A''mmtthe gad Chows them to those p who may have called, they become your own property_ Those iters advised keepinrg, bride around the who write at once can be sure of reselling the watch i' rn.d Sempler. Wen°* ay it14 map heIRht,.ato._ diclren. , butter in transit, and the "Gosheus ltrtiueouaOVo., 0 8141,`Porirtts I lotto. referred to contained brine, which kept the Nutter from contact with the air. . Now if Qur package were of ranted. Retry olid avid Hunting caeca. Ham ladles' and gents' elaes,whh wont, and cues of equal value. one Person In each lo. cahiy cah'secure ono hoe, together with our large and val. uable lino of Household Samples. Thom mules, as well as the watch, we send cijealgingiOmbino. *IS PUBLISLIIaID- Zi V BY FItID,A.X MORNING, —AT '1'll$-- `i'1MEs'oFFIcE, JOSEPHINE STREET,. W hTGH4 , " aNTA1tIO, SubserrptIQnprice, $ll In+ryoar, to attvanoe. ADVERTISING RATES; Space. i I yr. 4 mo 1 s neo, 1 l ..neo, (Inc (Johann $00 Oli'-805 00 Z?0 00 ss il@ trait " 85 00 20 00 22 00 0 00 r,?uart0r " 20 00 12 00 T 00- h UnU f t•h . JO 09 .,. 1441000 It s 8 � Oo 1 Local and other casna advcrtiscn[onts, Oc. per line for forst insertion, and 80, per line oroaoh subsequent insortiml• Local notices, 10 nonpareil type, 10c. for first in.• aortion, and bo, pet• line for each 011 reentrant insertion,. No local notice wi11 bo charged le a than 240, Advertisements.01LOat, Found, strayed, Situations,. and Rusinoss Obancea.anted, nut exceeding 8 slued I nonparoii, 81 per month, Acuses and Farnlstor Sale. not exceeding S l 51 for 11[817 month, 600, par subseqruent auonth. These ttrine will bu strictly adhered to. Special rates for langur atadhered to. ts, or for. . longer periods. •Advertisements without specific directions, will bo• inserted till forbid and charged accordingly, Tran. ettory advorttscnents Fungi bo paid in advances Chant;;• for contract aht:ortlsentonts must be eta. the ottire by Wednesday noon, in order to appeal' that week Ir TLLIOTT, PttornuOToa AND rLIILOSl[I3it. DR, lit, A. A MCI{ENZIE, Lronor graduate Toronto University. Attendant, 0f New York kelycihlie.. - O1Hcoover storAf Gordon d4 McIntyre, Joul:rowNls Sr, • Wi0AliLU. STANDARD NET WEIGHTS. • welt 'actually surrounded by bribe or it would be Much easier to irivtiieenot.. When bride is_ us, d it would be them. The desirable sixes sue geoted prevented from soaking. through to were; 'Fal; creamery, 70 'lb,.; for tile outsidr', nor only wasting itself but dairy, 70,56 and 30 ibs i\b, Iles discoloring the package Cud. giving it also'suggesto'cl tub's of uniform, sizes it ditty appearance. 0 Ilan' Is the oldest 'and most popular sclentifte nod mechanical paper published and has tbo•largest circulation of any paper of its class In the world. Gully illustrated. Best class of Wood Engrav- ings. Published weekly.fiend for. Opeelmoo copy. Price $3 a year. Four months"tretl, 01. MUNN Si CO., PII],LZSIIHns, 851 Broadway, N.t, ARCHITECTS it BUILDER Edition of Scientific American. A great success. Each issue contains' colored lithographic plates of country and city residen- ces or public buildings. Numerous engravings and fulplans and specifications for the use of sue" as contemplate budding Price R2 50 a year, 20.ats. a copy AWN ° arc . b,, .OURLISRERS. maybe 8conr ed by apply- ing to blush Sr, CO., '. h o havehaliover 40 years' experience and have mndo over 100,000 applications for American and-F•or•. ellen patents. Send for Handbook. Cortes. Mindercc strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. sant Urea appr ly toilu2.'registered - St Co ,, i hd p oeU o lmmodhtte protection. Send for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charts, maps, eWb gpickty procured. Address 1t2UNN at: DO., Patent Solkitore. G1[S1rdL 0E1r10)11 303 ROADWAY. N. v C. P. R. TIME TABLE. Itis main objection. Ile'thought it being, adoption of the Danish package; But e?cprct t e covered thy whole, ti Alamo$arrivoand tfollnrtaatono,v$: were gground or to` have settled the uestiort mistake to have •aribus' sorts of Ie our own l int l.at g to be improved Itabher i' llav til q in ever rt*3 set wtrzrdist it is Cooly e only • opened .up, the /cottages in the market containing oney p gaud of butter. When be offered but.'defective, there is rso doubt that it reader for disc, sloe. As the err in both packages, argument which sinned be retained. The •'first are,- will see. before I gree Bono 1 jitst5tied the use of this tin•liui,I,g, tnenb in favor of retaining our own anticipate the necessity of more than etecessatil condemned'tl a use' of -the pitokage is (a) the. fact Horst 'it is the su;;gPstions or,opinibns, of one or of ymany, to dr'termuse. 'what as best. 4,vooden bib without the lining.' As a 'paelt<age already in use..It is easier A y. ' dealer, be had actually expPriiinced to improve what ave, have than 'to Actual experiment in practical Pikes ;this `di1 putty'of satisfying .buyers that revolutionize and ilitroduce a nubsti_ 'will be necessary hero as in other ithflr Or both : packages weregood! :tuts, eutil'e' •new; Our ivauufaeburers directions to the attainment of success, ' t ,cod. yLrb i1�• the field f! ui ed for leaking Of experimental work I shall have :here, certainly, is another argument q p1?' b something to 3a i a future letter ler uniformity ''all through in dairy the present • firkin. 1t would be ay n e for matters, .I ratty say that what little ex pita', and xiot'iu the interest of dairy.. totiehln�d continental tnetllrlfis. p have y t men, to'urtueeessaril depreciate the W. .'LYI\rCII. Irerlelice I .riles had' with t.:e tin y p . tin'd' packs:ge #roes in its favor, pilrut of the'nitihuflict.urer who sup- Jauu'ar - r y Oth, 11379. - While cheapi ess will lie an eSasutiel plies hien with requisites,' and who is, - in the package c the future', I• weuld therefore his friend. It were well and i Bluevale. advise the.dairytnan not' to allow a reasonabe, however,`to ask the menu, The' adjourned aunual meeting of little extra costto stand in the limy lecturer to take heed tc the needs of the Bluevale cheese factory which was ttf Itis buying the beat package of,.tile his patrons, and to perfect his goods bred in the Foresters"luill: on 17t►1 'of nntrket. Mr. Clark advocated the to the highest- degree. • The second .January was well attended. 'Iu 'fact adoption of the Danish package, the argument 1b) is the advantage (if ever the crowd was inmiense, so great that we do happily Make for ourselves a our stable accommodation was greiitly reputation abroad for our buttes•) of insufficient for the horses. The prin. having a package distinctively our tqotl business of the meeting was the own. Snell a package may ultimately letting of the mill: routes, which was be itnitated; but that would not be proceeded with 'after softie preliminary ill -fortune, for , one .must deeds be business, the most interesting part of ahead to be followed.: . ' which to the the public will be the re. Now, the Danish form of package election of 'Mr. 'tVtn, Messer as seems especially adapted for heavy salesman. ' he town litre, west, was weights—the Oaaadian foam to light let to John Ruby, at 5#• mills pergal,;. weights. Possiby, then, it would be town line, east, to Robt Laing at 9 well to mills ; con. 1, Morris, east to 'Jolin • ADOPT BOTH PACKAGES. Ctttt as 8 • mills; con, 2, to Wm. 1'or creamery purposes, a cask con- ' 0 ey a a m s ; con, 3 and centre taining 100 lbs butter would bo con- road, to Geo. Atchieson at 9 mills; .venient, and it would be to follow our con. 1, Morris, west, to R. Vanalstfne old record. A. Liverpool firm told me at (3. mitis ; eon. 2, to Alex. Hunter at that eight or ten years ago, l amour 'S mills ; con. 2 and B line, Turn. berry, to auka'butter was put into 100 pound R. Seaborn at 7 mills; can casks, called "Goschens." This hut 4„ to Wni. Harris at 7 mills ; con. G.' ter, by the way, had a high reputation to John Mcliuduey at 7 mills ; con. for keeping quality, and was some-- 6't►nd 13 line, west to A. Pringle tit 9/ utiles set aside because of this quality; raejwfs at110 d n milte ls. gravel, to AZr.: for spring 'needs. The butter was cask or barrel. but of a sotnewhet smal- ler gine, say priding 70 to 80 lbs yustead of 100 lbs. I am glad, .how. ever, to quote Mr, Price, who had & GOOD W0i1 t PON 'CANADIAN TUBS. Ito was much pleased with there, '['hey could 'not be relied like the D=nish caeltatand so bad to be lifted. his fact eve% the outside, in some Measure, frltit'contact with dirt, Iiia expert:nce lgd him to believe that there 'tiackageslaaclisiicn received by importers in Bog ands,. fairly clean on the outside. Ile believed that the dairy appearence otOArturliian tubs was largely due to the, efforts of long storage, EIo claimed that Danish casks had never been tested by' Storage, acid believed if they were they would show a ninth dirtier appearance than the Canadian tubs do. There is much force in this statement and its teaching allould not' be lost ;fight of. Ice snaking a comparison ile't7t'eeu Daniell uecd Canadian pack- sigAS,' 1te t11114t renlrtnber the ditlerent conditiona under which they have been tested. 'lite 1)duisia butter transpor' short dig•olc.tlne packages, if I am.rightly and •Citionsoycomparatively it tools 55 printers ten months taneetCoutittuous movement, sllipsnentn informed, canoe into disuse, because of Wag Made also drily. The handlers 111(1 ctifcnity ref''tering" the batter, constant labor to Qct the typetogethesr af.Lns;aiced in the trona are 'completely salol bet;'llltl,0 of fraudulent practices There are one miilicn Flames on the 5:27 a. tu,.,, .. ,Por Toronto., . , ....6.27 a. In DR. tR. BIACItONALD, 3l JOSEPHINE STREET, . WistsWAat, ONTARIO,. � E It. J. A. MLrnmJf, Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Office and Residence -Tho old stand formerly occu- pied by Di. Bethune, at the corner of Centro ante Patrick streets, 1Vlnanea[, • • ONT. nyT.lt 317 DIChf'SOl, 11,77jL.. BAlt:irlt Tl ns. 700. Solieltors'for the Ba» h sP }?atui[fon. Conlmipsioue,il, • for taking ttlidarittr for J;anitr,l•a, 1*r caste 111 r4ls: • to tend in straight loans at k e'st talc-. Ofiiece' -- [(cut's !Nook. triught.nt, Gettl; tit '.' ,a,u rtorrit - 11. 1*', n. Vav[ia. N. L. 0-n•h.10ha't. J. A.Iat0r(TON,. eanuISTt?R, &o„ lvinghotu flnterie. "Ai/STONE, '. BA1r1OISTER, SOLicLTnr, tiOTAR(Y PtiILIC, CONVEYANCER, RTO. OFFICES -Beaver Bleck, ty[nc ursi,•0xT., County, mice Burn, 082. Private and Company funds t0 lean` at low rates res -interest, Bao tg I r o, 'town ttr111 roma prn}lC•rt;1R .. bought and sold. Mercantile eolleotibns•h •operiulty. 1:45p.m " 135 p.m .----- - - •8:16p,to FoeTeeswator. 3.15 '• 1ENTISTAY.—J.S.JELt0%1 Svt.eoi,AN- 10.20 p, tit 10:20 V • ' I mn making htnutiful setts. of v 3 .n St " 1 Arttlb:ial Geeta Treitel" fear 88.n0 per A.C.nS;rItATIIDEE, A0170r, Wix4uaM. ��si tt„hnd Phth, Y•.etit„per sett, *4:00. o dentis - I r}cda in all other branches Through tickets to all point's in Antsl'iru-North. !try iu proportion. Weal, Pacific Coast, etc., via the shortest anti ail . Vegetable Vapor administrated 'for' the painlas,t popular routes. linggago checked through to extraction ofteeth, the only s to uilestlictio Icalukn. destination. •Lowest freight rates to alt points, • OPFLCE : 7n t1e Beaver Biocit,opposite the —TIME TABLE. Brune'wiok 1Ioi;ci. LNAVF w[10ti;1\t. ARkt4I AT wlkallAM. - 6:8i1 a m.Toronte,Guolph,Pa•M1et•ston, &c. 8;30 p.m. TENTISTItY.- W. 1I, brACI,O? ,\L», Wlt IA4. 11:10 , '6 10:lc 3:25:40 p.m.- ,...Palnierstoll, Mixed:...+' .10:20 a.m, 1 Silver, Golducto. ictc 'Plates taught ' 7:05 a.1» London, &c... ...11:00 '.- ° in prieee from *500 upwards per' et 13:40 p.m. ” • 7:4:3:p.nr. - e:ownng and bridgetkOrk. Teeth ex , 11:10 C in........ Kincardine, &c........ 0•.80 nail, . trusted without rho Ieastt7min by the neo of Vital - 3:30 p.m, 11:10 "_ 'Zell Air. Mend Office, vymgttan , side 'entrance op. 10:10 " " 6:50 pan, pos:to the Queen's hotel, open dally(Stntdaysexcept- edrtfroal 0 a m to ftp m, Will b& at Bluth every Saturday-Oltlee at Milne's hotel„Gorrie: 1st and $5OO 000 TO LOAN. ,Std Mondays of each month --Deice at. Albion hotel • r.ucknoly: 2nd and 4th Monday and Tuesdays of On Farand Town Property at tory Lowest Rates ' each month—Ulm,—Ulm,et Whiteley's hotel. Extracting and on Terata to salt borrowers. cents MORTGAGES PUROHASED NO COMM19S10l0;OPIARGED. - - _ borrowers can obtafai moneyin 5 days 15 title JOHN ItITCHIl , satisfactory, R. VANSTONR.. Beaver Bloch, wingham. Money to Loan. on Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES. Money advanced' on Mortgages at fiper cent. with privilege of payh,e at the end of any year. Note& - and accounts corseted. R OS'1!. 16ZoINDOO. OnIco,—Beaver Block. Wingham, Ont, H. DAVIS ,r IS OFFERINGM O JLV . n e .3. ON F".&'RM 1�1r'vO cT`Y' AT VERY LOW RATES. ]3Y r highly salted; but it is likely that theOF' "I•GE-OP osl`rE. THE MARKET„ package had most of all to do with the ; Ivsetting up the Dominion Voters %Viscounr, »oro» '.4rit, 1985, long keeping' of the butter. These list 150,000 pounds of typo were used, fii.tuiliartl.sd with its teed. J1.;;ain, it 'wool a, giving overtyeight of package voters' list of Cnnada. The whole stay be that brine is used is one ease itnci underweight of butter, All sue" list totals over 5,700 pages of reading attfl sect in the other. The brine, ditnottity might be duty provided matter. When the work of revising, by though it niaty sort'e to protect tlse against, under a pr,)per supervision of th;a revising it tieistllrs, is coon Meted our batter interests, 0 1 , A. el, ANDL4SOti, UN.Ur'n'rAI{I:lt. rSlttrlrr, waits into the wood ,Qacl- 1 lt,o there will be abottt 11750,000 ilalsles ell *ha through to the outside,. giving the 'r1tL: PU ,tcDVIES OIC" BUYERS r Oaelots,Cn us, ltol.ca,t'tc,always en baud. latter, afteraottre Weeks of storage, a and of consumers is a factor not to be th0 list. "I he whole agalr is perhaps 'tidy apptaranee. AU this goals to, 4i;sregarde,i. The popularity of n Vie most huge swindle ever perpet•• Z'I1 ii'E CL&$$ 11l:;.1ltS11 1?o.t IIXXtIi. v. - . • ,• - - ;Noralallcly fresh butter raeli:tlgp-.a rated un Cie people of 0'. aa(la,. 'Pow rRmys i'„dttPft$ vg, tea tis. • GENERAL I.i8URANCMAGENT, . WI0OH Aar, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, ONTARIO,+, (y E01(070 BicRA1, Ct inghan, Wowed Auctionco l7f for the Counties of 11=41011 and Bruce, At moderato rates, sales will be conducted in' portico of the Counties. Orders can be left at the Tints Oliico, � 0HN CURRIE, wioolsnf, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Ord ere loft at Ttal0s' Woe' promptly attended to. TEEMS REASONABLE. DEAN, Jn., WINO1FA11, -;LICIENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE 'COL"NTs OF 111.1100N. Sides attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. TAMES IIEN»LRs011, Lantana Ammo:ssn yon Contents BOSON ATM BRres. All silos attended toptomptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges. Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements eats be made at tate Toms' oil3ee. Wmarrast, • O10.. Sar. .'1 REAL EatATE AND FIRE INSURa' ANCE AGCNDY. 'Fl}#CE : KENT';3 BLOCK, WINGHANI« Private funds to loan.. A number of Building tots and Residence proper- ties for sale Those desiring to makes home in %Ingham shotitklt e0mrnutieat,1 with, tie apbh' ht person at toy Otllea wht r4 as ne4.•rw.-ry infeririati* l x1011 '40 obtained.