HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-25, Page 8•
EWA , Hunan Varnterti. land new ones constantly votriing in.
e heti an .iutereatiu ' Obas, (.ebb, of ,Abbotsford, Quebec,
',ire ilaatitut y had imported two. or three hundred
',sell attended meeting on Friday rafts trate Russia to be tested in
,t i3:4turday week. i41r. D. liotasxt a'
evil geed a well prepared paper en Northren Qntarie, Quebec and the
'Ile principles of ploughing." Frof, Northwest. It Was a noble move as
Neils gave a number va:uuble flints on Aprivate enterprise. A great Many
U.cultivation .of tho 81.41, Be' ad apples were picked in a careless. man-
, 1.,, it that, i, land shoe a be etas a.ted . tier, or evenshaken of, and piled up
et a good seed bed according to under the trees. The requisitoii Nieto
vilot seed isto be sown. .?, Loosen. a strong, high la..der, lined baskets
r,.; the soil that the roots of plants and handle fruit carefully. Secure a
mise. spread freer: in search of food. supply of good barrels in plenty of
To incorporate barni aril manures, tithe ea thousands of bushols of apples
'IA) inQrease the water Bolding Were uWebipped.last fall owing to this
,A: er of the sou', 5. To expose the being neglected. If you have the
barrels von can make better terms
with buyers.. Representatives of
English commission houses at Abu,
1 to the atmosphere 'that it may
Duel, oxygen, ammonia and other
h;. weather on Friday evening a large B
number ware present -at tlio. literary
anaAwry good progritintrie was gone 1
through. A. spelling match citpfaiued
by Peter Scott and Al. 'Harrison. toolr'
place at the last. The words were given,
out by the teacher, hiss 'Wrath. The
sides were so well matched it was
doubtful which would gain' the city
btlt the final result was a. victory. for
side' Orson by Mr. Idarrison.-4;
literary contest will take place on Erie
day night, Feb, let in the school'
house Miss Bennet and M. H. Ruxri•
son uapti.,ns.
se,a most complete assortment of the LA.TF,sT, CIIOIOJ ST, and
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry
and Silver Goods.
'OX WV SST 1 £' ' BA,9' GAM.
ItobtII, AtBluetnle,.on the 18th'1nst„ the wife of CLOS
Ding; ason,
S(N1ro$a—At Wingham, on tho 20th lust„ the wife
tL'dielitS alta promote chemical
of kir A E. Simmons; ason.
f l Neill quote 'you prices twice a s at' tot Jameson .avenue, Parkdale, on the
Zdn;11IyP5 ill foriniuil plant food, s!'lie ea 18Hus
th itt9t, the wife of firmer Hess; a son.
.,:'as methods Were to pl'vw immediate week. The Tustitute should put Mclean—In Seaforth, on the 17th hist, the wife of
<titer the crop is off tend then spring their fruit men an a Committee to look : lue u r. lrleLeim ;ism,
d Tb4 after this matter and arrange to do , - rmiumtetK vale o f s t
ttheir own shipping direct !..)0s and. cools, Breaking • the pores eenetrY, e y ! temtaileim-rEetat-=At Sinoarditio, on the 7th toot,
a a the earth by cultivation and your apples cheap to save themselves, by, rho easy. J. L• binrrLty wi, A., mfr. Thos, Gafrano><,
I„rcitthing, Stir the soil more fro The most of the commission houses
to miss;Grabs Penn, of�Kincardine,
gut ittl around potatoes, turnips, sm.. would make advances on shipments as . O Connoa,-AtToegwater,on the17t1tinst,Florence
y $oon EIS "they were on shipboard. The To onnor. aged 22 years.
t T t r on the 11th inst Mary, wife
\lr. Is;.eruighan, President of West for apples in the Old Country was : C Cdeadalp aged 78 year:. o Davidi'l :iron Farmers' --1-----
Institute, `dealt with' 12s 6c1.,;,and the best 1(3s, Through ilnbeth, ell East e ofRoab, on tho an funk,
a f C p„ 1• h was freight was $1 per barrel to Loudon ii
did t rel F +t
ATTt•l`(' XON G'IV1;1`I TO .E�SP'AI1tlliG, 'AND . Woiu ALL,
,foil . -In Gre , on t11a 8th hist, by . - •-,
iwtng Beed not so cep. d' t to the Old ° It®� rr. fl. nlpltae,afr It: A, it . rn,o acramen e,
t, roost tlle•snil ho noise's gtitekly It California, to Miss Jessie, second daughter'of the late
Th buyers have to get , IttThert,nIoliay
;Ei,aining is the let step iii good
i titian,
ell- lltA[�—A, ae6wtt o , ,
lowest price.the apealc(r eget lase; ...year., of blr. James Irwin, aged ,83'years and 3 months
-At Tee eater n the l8thinst
Elizabeth, beloved wife, of Ro4itrt Buchanan, aged
o etitlt tlori o rel s, \v r10 a yeas I ed b the20th hist, Jelin A. •
-•„ .t it and•wen dlscusseti b =these or as
9 at r y y l Wind
ve o , � 'r eery on n
breaks Of � t NV lkert a the I7th: inat. J94eph HL' HAS CHOICE
LINES, clots oN— n Turnberry, •�
Johnston, agod80yeats. ,7S Ob' ,�'-IN'TEI,i, SUx:pINt�S •.t1P1? OVER,
rytis'3(:nt. Mr,: W. R. Bishop •toren' saveating .•app es.,. - ,r -itHaO of]Iira Hnreloc,o eci28,years; .'r months.and. - 00.A.Tjl�lt�'x'S.
the codliiag . moth,
• ls: up Teaaparary vs " r.>a days.
ow. He i no app
• :,a
'Permanent t eesrofterl, draw
- canker worn or caterpillar. In plok- - " unnnitt-Ih Kincardine, on 'the 14fli Mit, Mary
P •:ia tlr0. Itedn}ill, aped t y Richmond
2 months and 14.dnys, er
i - lu t�e, beet is to nick into ;• bar- Aticio, aged 4 l cors, , m oil hs 41 d 1.4.(h tnet, ;lre: FIDE § I''ERrS1AN § LA1Vil3 ;' GOODS §, AND I �II.TA21t�Iia,'
tote tho
p g nleetlr`ra' our paper
eels take to' a covered house and empty Atkinson,(mothertoMrs, Ratclife,of$russele,)aged ax..•
`,.0eFadden, filo president, read apapeiea aero.
Mj them out on a table covered with ortimer—In Wittgham, 011 the est Inst, George` GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION% ERY
in the Benefits
of IufitttnteS, r. ortlmer; aged Si years.
`•`,i�rnlglrauu his �rapar an "Frilufs of something raft; Put a good row m;_ C$FiAP TOR'CA8I3
ti•(� piosperity of tie's rooutltryl' efte4l', rho hotfoot witllstems-down
lie.at :• .
�.. i n Our oiedrt ]s g � . a ; MADE ' ALL GUARANTEED.
", fruit grasyn, and we •watltt0 S,�e .a trout�{{t,er TOO lbs„ d SO' to 2 Re laming.. v. A fertile' alfa healthy :eve �e Spies arluVheat per bushel, . 1 000 to 1 00 ��,
snmtry, 3. The possession of 1lorm t p abarrel.
1 00
will keep in the cellar without 'barrel-;� g so to 81
The absence pota,'too;
altreost sfp. !time;bol; do&t. overtto•.it. 26t
°Robert 141eD'tillan.dealt with. "Tire He knew no cure for black knot except troller pexb;z,
odds and ends of farming' cutting eft' deceased herbs and burning Eggs sper Bogen'
Prbf. Milis then dismissed 'Farming them. The Northwest will be tt. good pod per cord,
'ns an'occupation.' Ile argued that, 1
It was healthy. 2.it was indepen-
dent. 1. ° TTh'a:ire :was as 1111151I. money
in it as in iTibbt other occupations.
Farmers suffer somewhat from isola•
...old their needy are ]bore taste, more
�<iucatioii'' aria `autEbiile„''literitture.
Miss Iatrgreave$ and •b•rotlier favor
L4:1 alto audience 'wifh their ;local
�,deetions and Miss Lizzie and",71I. L.
Jackson a.3ded to the ple taure of the'
;gathering by their instrumental duets'
r(L'the 'violin and organ A.hots of
_ants liras terrtiatetl ills„ laditts- and.
gentlemen asoloting in the prografnthe
:.lilt the. cltairtilau.' Tlie . National
Anthem' brought the proceedings to a
(}, SMttu1i ay 1sir. Rerhighan took
'Book keeping o11 the faun,' and
showed that it was ,necessary. to' keep
at record of business transactions. (1)
Owing to defective ]memory ; (2) Ow-
iit_�'tG thceintportixnce,-lr trifles ;,' (3)
Our liability to make ':11iistallds;. (4)'
Owi1ig• to .the belief .among `farmers
;Tat'. t1 -y retake' nothing. The .clear-
ateteri tics of 'farm book keeping
,nonoil be simpticify mid-'definitenees
1 The noticeable progress made in l b t Corrected by P Deans Frodnee Dealer, •GOODS M4AD I U ORDER,
• keep it
gob: Bald\vtns and Sp
aria econonn(ral Governments. 4. 5t1 {e p gail¢y� 5G to 56
Onr School system. 1. Tl b lug btl .i J ssets wilt not. reline Pais
af a State Church. '
65 to. 55
o 30
rot: 50 ,
I8 to'
17 /'iii
thio 1b: tw�.s,•a�P'\ r✓ E rte'+'E21,0 d'..I
'11,e sp••akt'r then gave lin example of
the pages, of his book. 'Natior.aliza
tion o£ Land' was taken p'by ,'.Choc
Vihanti,- 31. P T. fie. said'"fa mrt.g'
'.vas science and we are ever learning,.
market for this country although Ray per ton,
rates are a little High. Barrels shouldISS CLAR . A. FL(1NAGArg, 'DRESSdt'AKER,,
be brauded with the : shipper's name, Iyi ttosidenco: Westside ShuterStreet, 2nd door'
kind of apples- and grade: Don't southerPatriok'Stmt. . •-
ship apples that wont stand inspection BOLT FOR SALE.,
4tien the end of the journey ' is HE seesa IBDI1 OFFERS FOR SA • LE wA , , , '
FINN Will b sold t tette articles are of LATEST DESIGN, SUPERIOR MATERIAL alta
Mr. VT, R. Bishop 'read a paper on cremtees, Lower Winghatn, to
'vIiay and hay n'iallrnn and wt hent O. ,
McMillan toolL,up breeding., and feed FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. t''
=int; Ulydsedale horses. Some. of; those. ;
wlio took part ire the discussions were: rFf
LHNARM-bRngS. iLot' IDI 31 i4th.Cdn, SAL
E WitiVIS •
J N Nech.tel,.T Moore,,E `MeMitlan;' J nosh, comprising 100 acres,' more or less, about s0 >X
acres cleared, well watered- and under good cultiva-
14.1Crjaurghlni, T Pepper, Ti' McFadden,, Eton: 'Orr theyrreim{seear abrlekbouse,frautobarn;
G Cardiff,. T Strachan, E Bryan, �r stables, &c. ;also geed oraliard,'mostly wider fruit ;
•1 bout 7 acro: fall ,vhf at ' Farm Ie wolf fedi ed
ntil from W
tyhitochurah. The fano• hill be , sola r an reason- '
ableterms. For 'further particulars-Tlir�ly to''tho ;1T
president; Jno McCrea, 1st vice- ,t, Oretor•on the •prennees,'or to'•`1, itechurch „� Ij
12 OO to ,18 b0
Nei CULT rising 8 years old. o or
ash or on COLT,
Will or particulars apply on .the SPLI NDIDLY FINISHED. Intending' purchasers ought to see them,..
„ Mr.R. p .1I$ ill.,J. Campyell
++ng ! '
Whitehead and others.. Tlle,following -ala about 6} ea n> frac std l}mtileafrom
'officers were elected: U tLe]'adden,
president; ;A L' Gibson, .2tId •
'100 - THOMAS COOK. ' •
president ; Wm Bishop, sec. treasur• FARM FOR SA CHIrItP.
er ; Hullett, Rob McMillan, and J ''- t
l favorable terns his 2o0 acre farm, being Lots
Gardner ; Grey, R Dilworth, and D Noe. 0 an.I10, Con..11, Turnberri There are about
at timber~of : ban 'bar 50 is black In 0 enintr a �a'ew al qr
goo hard wood : banlcbarr;' 42 by 82,
' 4
MR. E ' • CLE,
r Brussels, �V 11' McCracken •DOa
Robertson; B e , b
ore's cleared, and in tt cod state of Cnitivat et:
nt 10o ad go T' 'I ` `Shop' ir1 Winghatne re,Spectf tlly solicits is . share •
balanaago •) b �' d avol'td • 1ve satisfaction t0' all
Ito ou and J N knechtel • Mloilts S �Valkt'r .ash,
; ' log house, two wells, one acre of orchard A school of 11Ub11(;,patl•ol?a;;o It will e 1S' ell e
and; Jas Sher ;' Tuxnberry, S trsiaok log o us farm. elle-half mile from arm. sand
p i 1 `•th ntrustinb him �tvith th'eii'�orders. `
and T Al os rove . Wroxeter '' Sari. r five miles from Winghnin, For terms appy on e e
�' 6i Winirham..•
tiers and A Gibson • Howick, Robert ''mem;ses or at the office
' Turnberry, Zan. '8D _ Glenatinan P. O. o
Ed and -),,V 14I l erricher A, L Beim* now in:
t aSOit and , 0$ SAISF 41t Tt? REN7 11 OR F1VE YEARS.- '
p ,inted representatives to the Central F A first class farul fn rho ownship of Tur;Ita t;v, : In the future.
ih 107 acres of which 108 are cleared and in
rutin inn order, desire. 'to thank'thoaeWho have
Git ti ]d 13 McFadden ` were .ap - • • :favored him and. toe
tamers' Institute.. being ,Lotb3 and part of 4,1 the Sol enth Concession,
a good state of cultivation' and all free of stumps,
ing and laT{,• bank barn, wlth'frame driving,:
contain a
I • TWe M hien Reader:
Thirty a !O S spring wheat' loomed i':are a great many. to claim for OT1P sheds, we. are on the premises. The 'farm le 'well
91,irty 6 p b Y ttblicdtion, but t is undoubtedly tree watered, i+okllar ehlareapplfx1Vhopproprieteron'
8.1 bushels to the acre without any
the;prumleas„c .tp T Cowan, Wroxeter. JOHN
sarticrlfi.zr Oiarti by the farmer, but it that as many read Tan YovTn's Conn Gk.ninllLL, wroxotor P 9.. -84
ve .week It has \yorlcl-
pxcebt Q.boht 4 aeras 'A Tine orchard •a good frame
1wonPANION a iy ,
Id do „ wow,. S41 We are 1e ' all
»llxis'tatl 0 etuo,y the best means dpi' ,wide
glot,e feelers the Eilsent, ever
s apokril or read, The reason for its; • ,
urge° circulation is found in its steep-, MISS. : N LL(S McHARDY
wide reputi�Eion. and'is sent " over- ^U- = C
befit helps to increase'
the fuuitfulness
s,fthe ult seeiej questions were
confine. r, iii the front and we are, as 1t Hemel value.::1.u: is always .srife:,-_l'ure,' is.....T •
Wel e•, bittillwill a be caro, not 'itno e. entertaining . and instructive Itsc
it .will the next move. ..
]ra I '* influence upon growing uoys.an'a• igitls; 0 Organ, in Voice Culture and Iiartnony.
Reference Was made to the laws fixl ng, cid hardly be etPres(iint ted;» , It r;' s'
noes, ti w- by lrar1h1I1]oi• 1. r, ago and remembered affectionateli+ by them
rile r. It tv.ition ultras° by � Amain Smith, • agents Klin read it a generation ago.
Pitt mai i+ox.ihitroducing Free Trade - 'We would call the attention of eNote priuctl.i's. lila labor que'atiolzs arereaders to the Special Offer of the �lO - 'Flattiviate:Store
aulong the knotty problems
blemss that \viii jnibiisllers, ' an opportunity which,
l,atve itt be s(1 vw h the+ lr islators of comes but once a year. ' STONE , BLOCK. ~'
this and oilier lands.
A11 Thus, Itobeetson introduced EAst WhlvvAnOSl2• , .
.The rm..) of fruit,' in a practical ad
ay that no .pains will be `spared .give atifaetion
AViliallam, January lltb, 1889.
• ..
To' Thi 1,4dios. of _•-om unlio`undm � ou "tl ::•.
••g -to intonate that we hive on bandit iter • Complete Stock of
beg4O �' GOObS.
biiretc ]locus :1x• Baevea 13tofi. .
a r A :most interesting and in. - nor .I'' Brown, whose saw mill was The Leading Cress Cut.S�.ws:
otruutivc. utscitasion followed in which
burned some months ago,' has got in, -
Mr. PA, tit, of 'Grimsby, spoke of the now tneehinerY, and the mill is 110w in: AMERICAN AHED OF- ANY,
growth. 0AF , packing, .. shipping and
selling sof :r.pplt:s. Ile said tori many
varietrt' ? wire grown, We sliould see
what elle. i �, i,rotluced:. by perfection.
running order again.—Mr. P. Andel'.
err AMERICAN RACER, LANCE soldu brie apatnof Ileavy horses to
Mr, J. W. Naylor, of Deloraine, Man., SMITH'S .LEADER,
for l265.—Mrs, M, Anderson mother.:
1`be ''n ;ii rt ..stoleb is a: new move{ to A'tessrd. h`ittifty, JPrnleSr John and
d thetr le 1ra:Y rapidly itrereased. Miriam/A,,ntlerson.is lying
in a low
sttl ' .i condition of stealth at the home of ---.--,-011...-,...........
�tul we will have. to prepare for h. . `
'no qu( ,a•efi i:i, not quantity as much the latter, She is in her 84ttt year.
as crudity, .end we mast consider this, f' and has resided here continuously for' G ®'PPtb G , t IS$
Onr film, os a . was 32 f Geo doiltts is visiting
.remain trA., logon' the tree Instead of y u s r M Mrs, Belgraved p
• ► ' her daughter ;11i° CATTLE TLE C ��,i`'��
ireirl•, pirr.5'd a orale on the green sine —Mrs. J. Wiglitman is visiting friends
lie Advi:,t,i1 the strewth .of thefollow- in Wingharlr.—Mr. ,Ino. Tabb, of All at BOTTOM :E'I,JOES.
Jug seven Natrieties•: Early harvest, Golbortie, spent a fete days at It'. 11.
Ilea A.etri(•'`-an, Duchess of Oldenburg' Edwards last week, HIO intends
St Lavcrelrce, J,, Oldenburg
taking a journey to England in the }y`txT1sA VALE N jLEi
rn tt5." n
V;.1 lin; feint kanreusee. A dozen sprint;---Mr.W.tn. Riley returned from
%,,burr va.i;s,ties could be gr(nt+n. WA Toronto this week. ---Miss E. Bowler' BELLS.. '
trliortiti Lo grmving pmoney. ,hat=s+gone tfi visit friends in Michigttnrt
rot 4.44 v,.rztrtic.u'are oes fur fait v...(:tt+c. N.ciiit'iist'nixdin;g the severity of tlr'es lose its C'Iii & CO.
Beautiful Goo ._ ilia . - Every ., Depalbtgle at» .
Prices Very 'Reasonable.
P41.4 re:1ol