HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-25, Page 7AN AFRICAN KING. Yellow rover, AN OLD TRICKSTER. Dr, Cl. M. Sternberg, who was cora. missioned by the. College of Physicians A 7'liilaisthropi•t Cateisee s Tartar In the of Philadelphia to. ilivectigato the street Co service. AT ONE TIME A MONARCH, HE l8 methods of protective inoculation as "Simnel shame!" cried a benevolent /LONGSHOREMAN, practiced in 13razil (by Dr, Domin• gentleman, as a car driver snapped "Ii l;os kreire) and in Mexico, (by Dr, whip lustily around the heels of a. horse NOW A Cargona y Valle), reported that, facts that was being led from the big stable Cant. Farrell Tells the story in the Tres conc,'orning the spolemic and epulenne of the crosstown lines In Christopher, once of the tcaair-iso Ate the 'gars :ma prevalence of the fever justify the belief near West street, to a waiting car. The Tongue of a DFieetonary,-'ireugiat to that its caaSO is amicro-organism, which animal was so lame in both front legs can, under suitable conditions, bo props? that the old frame quivered as if it were This country as a slave in 1057. fated outside the body, slawell as be going tounhingeevery timeheeautiously The party boarded the Lord of the capable of transport to a distance; alsc put hie foot on the pavement It did Isles and were soon discussing some that, as a sin rle attack of yellow fever, seen,' hard to force an old animal like good tanta_Cruz in the cabin of Capt. however mild, mostly protects from this to work, and a crowd of people, who Farrell. future attacks, there is reason to 'loppe had speedily. gathered, were heartily "1 was midshipman in the English that such protection might be gained by glad when the benevolent man seized the navy," sajd the captain, "serving on inoculation. driver's arm, and, showing a badge of board her majesty's good ship Scorpion Tlie yellow (over germ probably gains the Society for the Prevention of Crase1t thirtyears ago, when. slavery was still entrance into the body by the respir• to Animals, threatened to arrest In if en stitution pf this country. The atony or alimentary tracts, or through he �iersfsted in mauling the beast, .o orpion was dispatched from the Med- the surface of the body, or it is possible Show Billy some kindness? said the iterrauean to join the Atlantic squadron that it multiplies in insanitary localities driverin response to the stranger's sug in to and develops a volatile poison which ge�stion. "Shure that's what ails him- put im putldoe wn the slave trht of ade, then unuand had sually contaminates he is, that it the enters.ike. he former andlttn o. He's had too Much of it. Why he'll active. Before we had been three months body swallow "kindness quicker than a mouth - on the coast we ciiptured Half a dozen tipper within it, is, he thinks, the more fun of oats and show his gratitude by dhows, We were informed by a mins- probable. Hitherto • the genu has not sleeping twenty-four Hours out of a da . dionary that there was a camp or depot been found in the blood and tissues of He's the biggest rogue in New York, about. a mile inland, where slaves and those attacked, for Dr. Sternberg does and I'll prove it to you. Whoa there, ivory were exchanged for rum and not confirm the alleged discovery made, Billy! • Ilii Yit Whooplal" money, and as our instructions were to by Dr, Doiningos Praire. Nor is there, ssp went the horse's ears as if he had extirpate' the evil wherever it was to be • in 1)r.. Sternberg's opinion, any satisfac• heard the voice of an old friend, The found, 600 marines and blue jackets of tory evidence that the method of ince driver patted hini on the back and the squadron were .marched to attack lation practiced by Dr. Domingos Freire whispered: "Yoii won't have to work this depot._ The resistance we enema- iias any prophylactic value, and the today, Billy." Tho change was magical. tared was merely nominal, and I believe Mme applies to the claims put forward The old nag was a 2 -year-old again. Ile our small force could have taken all by Dr. Carmona y Valle, of Mexico.— started toward his stall without a trace Central Africa. Lancet. of lameness. He was turned about face "Now it happened that Carambo IV, Itnby mines; Burnie. toward the car quickly, the lameness re- or sultan, of western Foulah, had •ppm of the finest sunitarnums in India turned in a jiffy, and he looked as if he lthlgwashow;to shake off hie akinand deo. dieda few days before the attack, and is that of Bernard -Myo, on the broad ,. his son—(permit Inc to introduce to your y , Thine is an every day occurrence," inajesty a reporter of The New York rolling plains of Enjouk, on the north- Star)—his said Mr. Parker,the superintendent of Star)—his son, 1 say, succeeded him as ern slopes of the hills bounding the ruby the stable. "Bily helms -old trick horse Carambo V.". . mining district of Mogok, Burma. Ber• and used to travel with a circus. He has Carambo smiled in a melancholy sort nard-M o is over 0.,000 feet above sea an innate hatred for work;, and becomes level. Tho ruby mining district may lame every' tinnethat he is taken from his of way at this recital, and tears came chave a population of over 0,000 people stall to take a turn with' a car. Ho fooled into his onc which he turned away iris belonging to many different tribes. She us all at first, and I had thought 1 had head to conceal: -nines aro of three kinds—the working been badly stuck in buying him, but I "Taco another drop of Santa Cruz, of fissure veins, washing in. a somewhat soon found out he was shamming. The Caraiubo," suggested the captain.,on-The similar manner to the hydraulic mini -g lameness disappears as soon as he is king complied, and' the captain con- in California, and what may, bo called hitched up, entitle gbei on his journey At tinned his story. placer diggings. The ..third class of . goad s ad." T$a l;uc[t -ATT ' mines is at present the most important. S "Ha a you any other, horseii with "Intelligence of the breaking up of At depths varying from ten to thirty peculiar antics?" • camp. and of the consequent stoppage of feet, in the flatter lands of the valleys,: "Yes, plenty of them. We get many supplies in cash, rum and muskets, there occurs a layer of corundum from a well bred animals, runners, trotters'and reached Carambo by carriers early next few inches to a •few feet in thickness. teaum ors, that have had their day. Every morning, and burning with ardor to When this corundum is brought tp the so of degree has a weakness of come have revenge, and sic the begin- surface myriads of small rubies glitter sort that gives us trouble, but we don't ming of his reign Zvi lin a victory, he in the sun. Almost all the stones are have time to pay attention to their marched an army down to tho coast, worn or' of irregular shapes, and whims and they soon find it out and be - water which reached our camp four days later,ruby come old •stagers. Tho car stable is the and promptly began an assault. To do it is rarely that aoft flawless is found. his majesty nothing but justice, stripling So rare is a ruby of the finest water, last' station to the bonevard, and we get that one ,of three carats, is worth ten a hack at all the broken down.plugs as het en was, he led his savage legions times the value of a diamond the same going that direction. They are fed like a Hero, and though his warriors fell size. The district of Mogok is isituated well and carefully looked after for the thick and fast around ]nim, he jumped, between Mandalay and Bhsuno, and is sake of economy, and a driver who is spear and buckler in hand, right into our nearor to the former place.—Scientific caught abusing a horse will be instantly Imp of rigo pita with his weird war crit American. •discharged. • Horses have to be trained of 'Amor)! hail hail hail thail Araoot' for this work, and it takes several Ile was wounded on the right temple Dampier" Grain. months to get thein into shape to stand 'with a sword, and captured after a des- One of the largest millers in the United the wear' and tear of • rough pavement lierato struggle, while those of his party ems, C. A. Pillsbury, is credited and exposure to all, sorts of weather. A olio did not disperse were also taken with asserting that American millers do green horse that is. not handled with prisoners. It was an ugly gash you got, not dampen their wheat beforo grinding care will wind up inthe hospital after a Carambo?" „ it, This is correct of some millers, but week's steady .work."—New York Tri- • �'Yes, Massa Fair"l, said Garambo not of all, and the reason is not attri- bye• turning the right side of his face toward butablo to differences in millers. but to tlui.nnxxutor.a dshowing.aiaar,ritreteli-- differences in wheat.Most of the Call- 2aaiitiusl. ing from the outward corner Ci the eye forma wheat ground . in this state f8 During a conversation on a railway down to thin'jawbone. • The marl- vas moistened, because it is `found necessary train a well dressed old fellow became barelyperceptible, but it was there, andOregoninterested in a •y ouYig rasp. ta to do so. On the other hand, Tao. mistake. wheat will not stand dampening, as it ••You aro'just starting out in life, I "Before " the c o loft his capital for g sup rely' saithe old, fellow. the attack," the captain continued, "Ire Contains encu h water without this lad ordered the roasting and eating of ,a treatment- account local millers prefer •'Hs o you any idea as to what you.hi- ;eat missionary priest. • Did you California wheat, as they can add the tend to do?" ' • eat any of him, ed the king, in „ necessary water for nothing, which they "None whatever." "Yds,'" answered the Lin ,simply, I Yg What would. you like to doe oto hes ears and his tongue.' have to pa for in rho. Oregon article. ,. "Yes,1 remember. It was for this When shipped abroad or stored for eI don't know. I don't think that I that, while wereleased his subjects after months at tidewater, there is less differ- have any especial fitness for anything, .a day or two, re took the monarch him- encs, as wheat which is not moist will •'Got no leaning t•oward any calling, selfprisoner to tho Island of Ascension• become SQ when in a damp atmosphere. eh?"- ' ' We lso learned that lie had sacrificed California wheat when afloat. gains 2 to "None." fifty of the late king's wives on his tomb. 8 per pent.. certain from absorption of moisture. "W Ii , then, have you left bonne?" and was about as might fnary a young , s ess ntial to render it fit fe of or grinding "brothers the sisters aro usicians, sad man generally as might be picked up in Besides, and the moisture has.to, be either found their playing :annoyed ins," � Stock of "You don't like music, Inc.,..?" rine utters, aldghs, li'�ggion, de., etc. Repairing of all kinds attended to, iv' PRICES VERY MODERATE. GIVE ME A CALL. —�---YOU OUG TO GO TO T. LE�LSE'S CLOTHING- mmpo.arr L Where is to be found the FINEST, BEST SELECTED and CHEAPEST &s. SORTMEI4T of all the Latest Patterns+ and Most Reliable makes in SCOTCH, ENGLISH. IRISH and CANADIAN' Mads: Good • Fine French Pent g$, �roroted$ ind0 1rarc aabiq $ A STOCK OF DENTS' FURNISHINGS, LOWEST PRICES. FOR CAN ' FOR RELIABLE GOODS AND GUARANTEED FITS .GTO T. LESLIE, Josal'HINE ST., EAST, . W INGHABI� Oitr. . TH E CONDL..T. O: Of Unfaithful, Sluggish, Slumbering or Napping WWtches Thep0vgh1y , Di gage sd and Put Igg ,• IN FRAME AND DISPOSITION, BY Central Africa. „ in the grain or applied artificially thereto. "I was the Napoleon, spoke alp Ca- —San Francisco Grocer. ' Tambo, peoudly, as he gulped down an- other snifter t Santa. Cruz. Pope Leo's Abstemious Lite. cunell1NG a ROYAL CAREER.. "Possibly. I visited the island two Like Napoleon' Leo XIII does a great •''Young men,mad the old fel ow, anonths after, and found Carambo hand. deal of work and. takes very little sleep.' speaking with emotion, "you need feel IN WINGHAM. and glove with 'the royal marines who He rises at 6 in summer and 6 in winter. no'further anxiety concerning your fu - garrisoned the place. He had learned to His toilet occupies a half hour, after. ture. I will give you a grand oppor d drank all the sum ho could •--which he passes an hour prayer and "tunity. 1 am the manager`o an opera: t with ea gusto.a Ivor ,men slay i f' tl Traveler. •' end enough took in that hot c officiates "A d irl is death to good - - - - • "I despise it." "Can you Ve" WAITCI-IES, ,JEWELLERY "Not anot�" F. 8 GERST.ER_ he ',keeps the -Most Varied, Select, Elegant, and C11 p • smoke, an ran company, and 1 want ou: ansae., t $ e en pair_ 's meditation he as a preparation for muss, y GALL O 1.111 ANUMOVE THIS rt Wel cat loots anti a grenadier's which he says. every n one o the Dig shako, which were all he did wear, 'private chslcels of the Vatican. He Snpersittiom'of the Stage. climate. at the altar with exemplary de- '. win e The shako was distorted into the shape notion, and there is anexceedins gracecross eye FMASON BLOCS Of • a crown, and with this on his royal in all his, movements,. whether in the, luck on the stage,'said the old showman cranium he stalked about the island, and sanctuary, in his garden. in his library who was in a pensive and talkative mood __ accepted the title of king with infinite or when holding a public audience. At Saturday. • grace.. I saw him dozens of times after g o'clock the pope takes his cafe au fait They are dead sere to bring bad luelc • and found him growing so d lined abstemiougf men and the entire ex- Lots of us won't travel with one in the T j E D this whorl calling in for coal and water, and a roll. Leo XIII is one of the most —a re iller hoodoo, and no mistake. D u 1 ` company. I won't, if I know it, and 1 represented t I n ed his o cas h governmenin t than $1 a day the wholepenses of his table 'do year round.t more. reckn I do. Tho opera company here p"t so. I no- - with the result that ho was relcared at must be remembered that the pope al- this week, though, , Sent home, on swearing allegiance to ways takes his meals alone.—Pittsburg ticeed atwist in one of ththe e a sesa of of the Queen Victoria. That was the last of Post.chorus. clarinet in the hechestra. Ie rather play e4him I saw until I'met hire on the wharf li&f an hour ago, running a cotton truck. Leprosy Is Contagious. in front of a loaded cannon. (,rickety! 0 tame.hs Carambo can tell us how heere:' eaThat leprosy really is a contagious die- how I suffered! One night• when I was W came .here." seems to be pretty well proved by playing down in Jersey I looked over the This Carambo did in very bad, but the documents which the Rev. II. P. foothg pts and saw an old fellow with a '•O' dill appears intelligible, English. Wright communicates to Tho Times. A black wig on .his head blow in bad hack It appears that iii his absence his sub- Hawaiian convict who was oondemned at mo out of the nozzle of a yellow clavi- p jects chose another Ling, who marched to death had his life spared on condition net. 1 was hoodooed for sure, and didn't 0 that he should be inoculated with leprosy got into luck again for over silt poor . Carambo down to the coast with months. a 1,500 others and sold him to Abiericatt by wayof experiment. The inoculation and then only by picking up a horseshoe A Slavers. Ile was again sold for $t 200 at took place three years ago, and tho ult. in ,Pittsburg, Pa irlaee o know lots sseo one."—Lewiston 4 auction in Richmond in 18u7 to apianter, fortunate man, who would surely have y whos treated him kindly. He was among done better to go to the scafcold, is nord Journal. - ' those arrested by Gen. Butler as contra- a tubercular leper. Tho experiment was bis occupation.. 'nand of wain in 1862, and of course made} erhaps hardly necessary. The fact that al $'eebyy President Lincoln's proclamation; 1Man a loving young beidegraim rally all Tor the rent nt enc o north after, the lather Damien has become a leper since deserve the epithet whioli illumines the lino event to reside in a settlement cJ following aecdote; brit, as a general War, worked in various Calracitfes, but lepors ie surely proof enough that the dr e thing, no ono discovers the fact in eo beinga man of great strength he finally cage is contagious. Now, however, therm short a time after ural ria e decided to work along chore until lie Is do longer room for any dealt which The niece of a deaf old gentleman, Could make money enough to 1.1111U Id, may have been felt upon the matter at "way down in Blaine," married olio of comining establishment, Carambo now?" ono time.. --1.50.11 Mall i uzotta, tho best Inimical critics of the west, Cn "But your name is not Cara. their bridal tour the Intsband wag for queried. the reporter. " _ 1 Charles If• Ball, of Iiiow York city, the first time presented to this relative, swered his Foul= majesty with dignity, o�cvas a monkey which is attracting con-, who asked another niece in a load white "but they call' me John Howard, and I siderable attention. The animist is G pert live at 4t1 High fitted,"ecra old end weiglie six. pounds. All •'What does he do?" said the captain, philosoplt- of his joints ave double. Among the "i1e's a =tied critic," wan the Iona leally, "yoa have a king in your• midst Many accomplishments of the monkey reply.at the end yet you do almost royal homage to is is abilitc,' to talk. vot, only cstr�y Ire "Waal," midmidthe Wide,Wide,rnting. overt' lord or son -distant lord that comes eVPaPar mamma and 'cuckoo . as sung Mann, "no accountin fer tastes, along. It is very si1gulax. '—Now York well i s any ,parrot, -butt ho will, when but why did she „harry' him. if he'd a Stars -. • hungry, say, vac t,,, res itis grub.. a rable critters 1 . usicel I orieW., Wixenbla. & SON give all classes a chance to invest their means to the best advantage in 1+ EelO riet O O 1. amps, Lamp Ghods, Outlay and ttO Dom. c. 0 Woodenware. 1.american and Canadian Cc al Oi!, wholesale and retail. Eavetroughing >;pceistlty, i epaitin; ria atly and •promptly done. Don't 'malts any mistake but gall end inspect our stock and get our prices. • U F a4 I E L D & SON STLN14 fLGO1.. !r`