HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-25, Page 3--s- tPubliatuoi by regent.)* THE HAEI'Y NEW VICAR, Aar i1' J. agar. (obeyed promptly and by this hia life Another year has rolled away and mingled was saved, ..'.notlise instance was of with the para, u boywho will sent to est a letter. Tho New Year opens to our view as bright P as did the last; He was told to hurry to be in time for ,A.ndo'er the past,iuietrospeot,mythoughts the letter to be sent, The boy today would go stopped to play until it was t000 lute. To muse upon the varied scenes, saner one short year ago, andbecause he aid atilt get the letter posted a large firm broke down, If. A year ago—a, year ago—how swift the the boy had obeyed promptly all time lila tied;any clomps mark thewould havo gone well. You should period as it sped ; Aad yet how mobey cheerfully, When your. mother How many hopes, how many fears, how tells yon to shut the door •you should much of grief and woe not shuffle your feet along and slam ave marked the path of each of us, since the door. You should else obey one short year ago. heartily. If your mother tells you to Some friends we met a year ago,with spirits pick berries, you should fill the pail light and gay first before eating any, If you were Have gone to dwell in foreign lands, from sent out to pick chips you should not far awl ' tr, hurried to hie boy but to Ilia joy be found him unhurt. You see the boy did not stop to ask the reason. He us f Perhapahey sigh for borne and friends and pick them 0,11 largo to fill up the pan, bitter tears may flow ; but large and small. There is another hen . Jns• 'iekard Exeter ; Thomas tic Your veryhumble servant.— they a yeuhr ago. thing the friends tiling ; All children should be polite. Russel, Usborne; Hugh McCartney, JACOB MCGEE,—Mr. M Gee was not A. gentleman once advertised for a Tuckersmith ; Henry Beacon, (-oder-' elected. So our system is safe again. And some dear friends have bade adieu to boy to attend to his office and he t • D Selman, Seaforth • J earth and all its care naturally wished for cue who woulde Wroxeter. Tux Seaforth F. aositar says ; The Sanderson & Wilson shipped seven following is a verbatim copy of an ear loads of peas this week,—•Mssssrs, : address iesuefl :by Alr, woof► McGee, James and Thomas Dallantyno and• of Egmondville, .a candidate for the Thomas. Jones left for Prince Albert, 1 i School to position f Public Soto l P 11 no 141ahitaba this weak,• -•'•On 1'u .sday P night an interesting debate was held in 'Tuckeranaith MANIFisaTo.--To the ratepayers and electors of ward No. 1, ed by T W, Gibson, Thos; Gibson .owns alp o tic iersnn : en emen the respective merits of Canada and Louisiana The former was champon- T L ' f T 1 'th G tl and R. Yung and the latter by -Dr. —In conformity with the xtominations Brown J, ,Cowaan and Jas, Fox, The held in Brucefieid, I come before you audience decider in favor of. Oanade. as candidate for school trustee. And solicit your vote, and support provided 8ruce$eld, •it agrees with my experience on the The following officers" were elected school question. To abolish a system for the South Huron Agricultural that was conceived in lien aria decep society : Wm. :Cooper, president ; tion, born in, fraud and selfishness, John Kitchen, 1st vice-president ; L. nurtured in extravagance and in Hunter, 2nd vice•preeident, Dire° justice, and destined to die in 1889 tors.—Alex. Thompson, Stanley ; R. for want of vitality and usefulness, McAllister, Hay; John. Willis, Steph• and shall henceforh have no resurrec. •h b ich p, ; r . , Nam. femme free with each bottle And mounted high on wings of faith the tidy aud always ready to attend to his Mureliclt- Brucefield Auditors—Geo, of mit het Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. For Soya of f f heaven t share, The forties we loved are mouldering now customers. A number of boys came ChartersHHenna.itkiii'the grave laid low, to see if they could get the situation. , .Brussels. And cold's the heart aud stilted the voice • One boy came in without wiping his we loved n year ago.boots. Another did not knockTru Bav, Gao, F3. Tanen, of Bourbon, messes. Walker & Humphries?, , Ind, says "Both- myself and wife owe New friendships have been formed since Another slammed the door. And in r y b carriagemalcers have dissolved part - dor lives to t3nmou s CoxsoripTloN Cana. 1E. Jackson, Egmodville; William ..i• byC. E "'lame. then, and old ones have decayed, fact the employer was in despair of l'or sale by_ O. E. Williams.. nership and the business will in future Ilfew hopes havespruugarou around our hearts, ever getting a boy to fill th place for The late Mrs. Jay Gould is to have he conducted by Mr. Walker. we've area the ofdhopen fade, With unconcern we meet with those whom he noticed all these thinpe. At last a once we cherished so, boy came and knocked at the door and We've learned a lesson of the world since opened - it, first wiping his boots one short year ago. - carefully on the mat. He thenshut And ole 1 hew many oherisksd Toys hose the door gently and took off his cap. faded from our sight, The gentleman noticed all these things How many blasts of grief 'and woe onus and thought he was just the - boy for have shed their might; Allo and him the situation. But There are withered hopes and broken.' hearts gave . that God oau only know, besides being polite to your employers And sorrow wriukled many a brow so you should also be polite to your bright a year ago. parents, for the fifth commandment St. Andrews, N. B., Jan, lat, 1;838. says, "honor thy father and thy • mother." it is your parents who A SERMON SUMMARIZED. • provide your food and keep your The following is a reproduction of clothes Olean, and it is they who attend 4 sermonrecentlydelivered by the Rev. you whenyou are sick, and yet some Air. Moorhouse, ' pastor of St. Paul's of you when told to shut the door church. The writer is Miss Mary slam it to and go hack as if you had Cornyn, daughter of Mr. Wm. Cornyn, done all that was required of you. A a girl of about 14 years and the re- young mouse wandered away from production is so full and creditablethat home and happened to see a piece of we have decided it worthy of publics- cheese, and what she thought was a Ilion. very nice house but in reality it was a, Text :—Children obey your parents mouse trap. The mouse came back for in the Lord for this is right, Ephesiana her mother and it was well she did, for VI aud I. The fifth commandment if she had not she would have been says : " Honor thy father and thy caught in the trap, but her mother mother." That means to respect and to was older and knew what it was. The obey them and not to speak disrespect- moral orale to s story mind what the old Sally of them as some persons aro very yotg people alit to do. 111 the 21st chapter of And when people err is near.keep out of the Deateronomy,the 18th and 21st verses. . v ay „ vie 'fii ci tlietd'words _ " 0 a Man haste There are utr►ny noble examples of a stubborn and rebellious son who persons who honored their parents, one will not obey the voice of his father,or of which is General Garfield. His the voice of his mother, and that when mother was a very poor' woman who at Alley have chastened him,` will ` not one time had to split rails to earn her hearken unto diem, then shall his living. After General Garfield had father and mother lay hold on him and been made president of the United an $80,000 tomb. An acre of land was bought as a plot for 850,009. ' Dreams .said Colaeideenes. While staying in ypur''good city last week I read in The [[**lobe -Democrat an account of curiouia coincidences con netted with dreamt. Strangely enough, a night or two afterwards, as I was com- ing east on h sleeping car, I dreamt of meeting a friend, a ady, whom I had not seen for seventeen years, and hithe morning I sat directly opposite this very lady in the dining, car. I had not thought of her, but who will say that her presence in the next car did not have some subtle influence over my dream the night before? Speaking of dreams, I` will tell you of another one, -of a ludicrous nature, not many weeks ago. I dreamt that I was a boy again, and, was engaged in the rather common Juvenile diversion in the country of robbing a farmer's water- melon patch. Just as I was in the act of making off with one of the finest melons in the hatch I saw the farmer approach- ing, with dog and gun. In vain did I tug at the melon, hoping to get over the fence ahead of the advancing dog. The barking -of the brute awoke nee, and I found myself pulling with all the en- ergy at my command at the head of any 15 -months -old baby, which I had mis- taken for a watermelon, and whose try had filled my dull ears with sounds like the barking of a dog.Tile poor child hobeen dreadfully s abused, and I e¢- solved never again -to steeple bell with a baby.—A. M. Heston'in-St. Louis (Ilobe- Democrat. , - - Dorado Acid as a Preaerrattwo. Boracic acid only acts when present in large quantity. It prevents the growth and -multiplication of germs, but does not kill them even inn, 1 er cent. solution. tiring him unto the elders of the city. States he in the sightof ail . present Experiments with milk gave very twsat- aad unto thegate of hisplace,and isfactory results, as an addition of 4 per kissed his mother. Another example cent. boracic . acid only •preserved the they shall say unto the elders of his is that of Joseph, who when be . was in milk for four clays JIoraeflcsh .holy be ,city : This, our son is stubborn and Egypt sent for his father Jacob with preserved for six weeks by the use of 8 rebellious. he will not obey our voice ; wagons to take him to Egypt. You per cent. of the acid.' )voracic acid is in - 'Ise is a glutton and a drunkard, and may he sure Jacob loved his son, for vest u gators. incluposed t45 he ding the author. ets. but opro nt Brilliant ! sopa MON14,-r To Z E CORPORATION OF TIME TOWI'P Turuberry has about $5,000 to ealr dfi A4 gaged. Fier isnMe apply to, P. AKnT,ARIIN, or was. MaPICHNIOdr, Tr. Taa,>,suaax, Wlnrham. •Ilswva, aWnfarrawl i winsham, May CALEDONIAN ILALT4. 1 This comauollous ball oan be secured for enter- 1 talnments of every kindat a vary low A{;ure,. Per . terms t&o,, apply to JAMES LOUTIT. at Cline le Oo'a store. Na nt.wtos )ICaeilete IP '• v..e•aies ,lie p.,t., ly FREE P ..`R awaw,(r sad soodow„ wyclagletre .raw. 1.1.11 ry,atl, lei r Ih, worst wl ell Iµ ee µ•. .,,aa. ti 1 We wlllst',awl reeegI pIN► l . •' r 11.. or our wetly sae vele art ' pw. fa ma.r. w. ash saes yea i ,,'' ,how west we ..ed.. 1. wets l , •• .,a7 ••u st year kean...a4t sell s swath an, a ge.rad x. .w1 I. /) * mS:ssr tk. / taentraei M01.M. • wW.MMrenaeN•h.rw. N (vaw.irMWr r dt.w the ,r.W,.s.I..u..ww !o! tel ' h. ull. rsd.N.+. iia, oris 'S M11. bmi . o, - a.ki. i,. N a. M ke..Sa ... tars w 6.N wwi.e-awkM111=31416.04t174 1. . world, e.li. is. 5p efw 13 of h1ar gi.r4., £ is a Me. r 810•. i,sz 4M. 4 k )fM - SCIENTiFICAMERICAN E. `, 'Tx. Eb L ' °.411 E Is the eldest and moat popple? seientiee sad mechanical paper published. and Asathalammic% circulation of any paper of its class the *Odds Fully illustrated. Hest class of Wood )tasrev- fngs. Published weekly. Send for speer ooppi, Price a areae. Four menthe' trlsl,, INN 4 CO., PUBLtlfltsa, dei Broadway, )11 ` *CHITECT$ & $UIi►0ER ► Ars Edition of Sclentltic Amadou. so A forst euecese. Sash isms eoptetne colored lithographic plates of countryand city maiden - sea croftubltc, buildings.: Numeront eneraele5ia and Atli plans and s eolltcattone Tor the use of such saconterpplatebuildingg.Prlo•$9.teayear. eta. atopy. M17NN k co.Crumen:axe. ma ba eeoat+ ATENT ed a •ypp17 do Co., w h o jlarehadO!er 10 Tears'' experience and have made ever mem applications for American and For- eign patents. Send for Handbook. Comes- • pendencestrictly confidential, „ ° TRADE MARKS. In case your mark is not re6tstered in the w- ent OtSce, apply to Maxx a. Co., end procure Imtnodtate protection. Send for -landbook. COPYRIGHTS for charts, maps. eke., quickly procured. A dr MUNN & CO.,: Patent Soileitors. Gsxsa►t. ousts: i1G1 BnoAIIWAr, N. • THE INDEPENDEN'V ! to c•' wj" ` The Lergatt, fhb Ablatt, the Best Economical! Religious AND Literary Weekly In the World. Diamond Dyes excel all others "One of the ablest weeklies in exieton in Strength, Purity and Fastness. • m "Clearly stands in the forefront as a weekly relig- b , ia, are made of cheap and inferior Pa. materials, and . give poor, weak' Prominent features of Tits INDCPENDiNr during the coming year will be crocky colors. To be sure of eligictts and Th.eoloyical Articles, success, use only the DIAMOND ST DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock- B,ai3OP HUNTINGTON, BISHOP COxE, Eisner DOANi, ings,' Yarns Feathers ' IHseod Huasr, Da.Tusrpoa'l L.Oumt g, Da. How45D Carpets, ,Feathers, ;Osgood, Dr. Howard Crosby, Dr. A. J„Gordon, )r. Ribbons, &c'., &G. We warrant Georb'e F. Pentecost, and others. :'them to color more goods, pack- Social' and Political Article*, all Gazette, London, FinI•.laud. None other are ust asgood. Be-"ThemosttinfluentialrelaioueoraanlatheState The Spectator, London, England. ware of imitations, because 'they sous ma ••Lino Sunday SchoolTimes NhiIadelpb ce.”=Pall age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored Dements Renewed } OE Tie A Child can use theatt At. Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book tree.. WELLS? RICHARDSON & CO,, 1 M . 'Montreal P. Q. 'all the men of the city shall' stone ham weread that after Jacob had seen his - it to be dangerous, as it strongly acts• X71. F 'h' 'iX tic'IUr'fY.r, ' with stones that he die ; so shalt thou son he cried out"Now let me die since put evil away from anonym' and all I have seen thy -face, because• thou art •Israel shall hear and fear." By this yet alive." But the greatest and -you'set the terrible punishment of a noblest example is of Jesus Christ, disobedient person. In Romans 1 aud who obeyed his parents in all things. 80thaud II Timothy,the III and 2nd disobedience to parents is classed with Morris. soma of the most horrible of sins, such TY M • ` A is. f God boasters rohibited.— mmer c t, tem. t g upon the mucous membrane of the large .li A intestine. A dose of four grammes killed •W S N' t3-' 3 A M . a large rabbit, two grammes tuatle'.a dog very sick. — Th as ,backbiters,• haters o , and blasphemers. There are several elected the following officers : press- Ko. 7a; L. De K., The Analyst. reasons why we should obey parents, dent, Jas. Bart; vice -Pres.. Hugh three of which are: The Bible tells us Ross ; sec -tree's., H. 'McQuarrie ; Looking Miami ''• to do so ; second: Because our parents directors, E, Hughes, Geo. Jackson, laAstory t rylis r clated uttecha the tea a F. . D n are older than we are and d W Laidaw, J She relit Jos Cartel 1 al SOCIPt e acid is much used in Sweden for preserving fish and milk,' but cafes of poisoning havo already occurred in that country. Long continued use of the acid is not' favorable to good,healtlh, and at alt e"ents its addition to milk should be to veteran railroad man'wns lying at have had , r + more experience than we ;and thirdly: J. •P. Fisher, C. Biddle, lz. Taylor, Lite point of death Ito tnacle a dying • Because our parents love us. And then .res. Porter. Auditors, C. E. Tanner, quest. He said to the atteltdants at his there are different ways of obeying A. Tierney. The auditors' ry report bedside that he wished them to see that • your parents.' You might obey them showed receipts in 1888 of $927.50 ; strips of. oak he nailed t4 the bottom of expenditure, the pine bot that would comtaitt his cof- by. doing what they, have told you. but p $942.60 ; balance on fin. '"'t i ealize," remarked ' tlto iiytua complaining ;and fretting about it. hand, $36.98. man, "that Oakland ct nietery will have • There are other ways of doing things • that would be better for us if we would Salem• taken up aud toot c t y. try to remember. In the frrtt place Mrs. Wm. Gallaher has been on the don't want my bones clroppin" out of the you slrouldobey promptly thatis without sick Het during the past week, but we box all ever the city' while they are waiting' to finish what you are at or hope to see her around again before and so d like tot y to be abandoned tie -tt places of burial tomtit day, and all the bodies will• be ai a • • - .how I carryin them off to another 'cemetery, ' have you make (lie • telling some one else to do it for you, As long with her usual cheery face and box strong enough to hold them." It is soon as you are told to do a thing you pleasant smile,—Mr, A, Ohysler has understood that the somewhat oxlcl•re• should do it. Then again you should taken a share in the Louisiana estate. quest was complied with.—St. Paul rest Press. ober cheerfully, that is without corn- we wish him success in his venture,— , planting fur it would seem asif you were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Benny of Assina- A fight with am Eagle. only doing it because you were made to boil, have been spending the last few L. C. Brinkman, a clerk in the supply dodo, Lastly,you should obey neartily, days with their brother.in•law, Mr. department of the Iinrlington and Ie1is- rloke the bird's it othertviso iiit1 ar n d that means with good will once r •Jati, Neill, -Mr. Jim.- Willits, of souri in this city, while tinting shot a wing. but eft , rad of a little bo v who was Clifford has been visiting under the large eagle.The shot br • Prot. it`m. G. Sumner, Prof. Herbert B. Adams, Prot. Richard T, Ely, Prof. R. G. Thompson,_ Prof. Arthur Hadley, and others'; Literary Articles, ern Thanks Wentworth Higginson, Maurice Thompeon) Chitties Dudley warner, James Pap's, Andrew Lamy .. Edmund Goose, R.11. Stoddard, Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer, Loujao Imogen Guiney, H. H. Boyesen, ' Isabel F. Hapgood, and others ; Poems and Stories, BT E. b. Stedman, Eliitbeth Stuart Phelps, Edward Everett Hale, Harriet Preseeit. Spofford Julie Scheyer, Rose Terry' Cooke, Edith lt.Thomaa, Andrei? Lang, Joaquin - stiller, Lucy Laroom, John Boyle O'Reilly, and others. 1 There. are twenty-one distinct departments, edited by twontpont. spew Personalities. Ministerial itegistor, School' and Col, lege Literature, Religious Intelligence.3tlseiOnli, Eris" day Schools, News of the Weetc, P'1„sbce, Comineroe, Insurance, Stories, Puzzles, 'Selections end Agricul• turn. Thirty-two pages in all. ' The Independent is a family newepaper of the first _ class, and is recognized as one of the greatest educe - toot of the land. everyone who Wishes' no be Weil 1i, • • formed upon a great variety of subjects, should suit- -'scribe for it. T1rltalS TO SVBSCRnmenS: Three months 50 15 One year. > Ci 00 Four months • 100 Two yeare , .. rid+i;. Six months 160 1Five years.).... 10 en An investreent of 3"2.00 to 43.b5 pay 52 Dili'idendo During A e Ye. tt A y search Sanitary Fine Arts Music Science Pebble%) Sterling Exchange and Drafts on New York BOUGHT AND SOLD, • Omen nouns: 10 a. In. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m.to1p.in B. WILLSON, AGENT. Mersa ds Dacsrxsox,_Solicitors Oat Meal Mi11 Opened • EVERY INTELLIGENT FAMILY. NEEDS A NEWSPAPER • Tile undersigned desire to inform farm: ere and the people generally that they have reopened their Out Meal MiII in Wingham, And are now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the Highest Markt Price. They will Pnpply cuatomern with the Besr (11ttnsa ill O,tt ilfOal. ELDER CLEGG, WINO 3ASd - - ONT I SEE ARIGHT $2 CAB' N.ETS i2 playing on the railroad track. His parental roof lately.—Mr. Andrew and when ho went to capture his prize It A. hoz-m AT father was turning the switch for the Mitchell is away on a visit to friends made a s1firing at his ince, tint Int t train to go on the right track. The in Iowa, not warded it (awn his nem his ryes farther hearing the whistle' of the train, wouhwould hat's ixuu put out by the t acage N,s aae t gtspeed tits firm,m ,Aso a + looked at the track where the hoy was Telt DyspErsri and Liver Complaint you deli ito his efforts to free himself he playing. If he left the switch to save havo n printod gnarant-so on every bottle of Shttoh'• could not shake the engle off, Oallin'; i1 Y vitalIsor. It never fail, to euro. rbr rslo b C E his hn,y t to tea n wou a ne i»iauu. e ll9ttclt and perhaps many persona Nathan y ' ' to his friends, a short distance away. 'th p p Kennedy cattle dealer, of they l iedt tm it%ss killed he flesh of his fornnd e would be killed Suddenly ailidea came Montreal failed With liabilities of nein and le , which were bed's. lacerated. medial asehatunr a aummni.d. nim and lying down in a small hole the will pine youyimmediate reliefs Price loo, til•ltt tears from tip to tip.—DeManuainto his head. Fie shouted to his boy to $150,000. Ile Was he ped Agin by his friends and lie down, Ths little fellow obeyed, •yltitr will ou eou h when Shtloli's Cute waslntrlly swollen, Thee eagle n1eul:USctt trait passed over him, ?file Ilopt' man Dae, uud $i. Per Axle by O. E Willitt.nt ()Tata`WOIt PROt'OI TId1 ALL I" ..i0'V", —0 : e - Putnam PICTURin GUAIuA7Exgaf) *;VERY K. ILL gaster. • Make the acquaintance of the iKDBrittlonst by Send• Ing s0 mints for a "Trial Trip " of a,nonth. . SPECIMEN COPIES FREE• Ido papers are sent to subscribers alter the Mine pad for has expired. - Txs INDSPENDBNT'a Clubbing List will be sent fro. to any person asking for it) Anyone wlsling to ,,u4• scribe for one or more papers or n,agatd,les in donne, • 'tion with TIM INDBPENbiNT, can save niohey'byOrdeo ng from our Club List. Address, " HE INDEPN'DE'NT;" 1'. 0. Box 287, N*ti 7Coha. CVT OUT THEIS ADVERTISENT. d CORE FITS! when 1 say Ouitardonot mean merelytb top them for ammo, and then have th turn ode thendlieus ofiOATr t Vii' EPTEEPSy FANG SXvAJitt.i/ktI, llttfolnngctiidty. I weltttarrrrngrentadgrt o rtt too worn etl50'. Itresuse others have atledtS il0 reason sur not now receivinga cure. WI atoneoforatreatise and &PatsB31O ry ofINFAT.r.t EMMA' CMS Ex real slid Dat (Mee. It cotta you teething ser 0 trial. and It Rill euro you. .Address Dr. 11.0-.1.100T. $7 Yoiga I't,, Tw atu, Ont. .ginkrit4taalkeii4MagAIWOOSIORA