HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-25, Page 2h f th pro 1 CLtgli8INGir RAT Z. kil o be t(] p d}culty evag sot Duly n�,1�n�n �,�n� �� to thou y , ireaide, to and i a adlan,, .• S � tett dieser. lora ruIt a(ti+alllsk' Lite interest o e Any of thefobe ig taetro lutea woe e8 s )ut the }udireot. ducser Anmo e�etnilhatir din�regard • Tito R n. Eance of ;•Iis�rxoQ 7�IMra.t the agars ::$1, bete TlifRa date •• l;•RiUA'St JAN, having 25, 1S81?,. 11lessra,;,T.I;icvt:ll hSidi Enid : that last - a,ldtileparticu ar y to • .11,1:::s gamo bo 175 t b tl tree of settle of it 'being bad.. butteeperhaps ! { dcouditionof our d L doq Adverttsor ., an + .: R Tc Tares pad liontreaf lSltnoss, . • ., butter industry delnvenla that it be T1MRfizselli oat evai. ,. year must have been AO exceptionally Tunas and•• �iohrfat 1.5 1 �+� ', for butter production, iat heeded All 1110 more careful y Toms Welly World with premium, Bible excel). .. � 00 att� ea T � R P poormoo, to pervnutagn of the percelitaee of west. tri (Ontario) There o are, genarlil rule, alt ora Pilate, ". •' l average Bough zee, "Fathers of Confederation.". za,-..Fresh drummer—what . d unl• butter refuse was per laps an a o discussed at these AronE OF' CANADA OGETHE:R.ER of 50 per cent., whereas o FQinfr.IGtN MARKET ALT ted the year Was views. For instance, where l2Aof rtlje inter- tLe average. Wane war is your Hama. guantlty refused previousMies? Waitrons --]?earl, Second r ,t Oreamery made at one season in xc ss British Importers Give Their Opinions,— not over ten per, cent, demand, it wast be held over by some mere -Ab 1 yon'are the pearl of great price? 'r Seim drill sor Butte ria condemned-- ran up from 104 to 1 LO shillings but , Me Advice Bolding of Butter ceadetnned.-^ they bought the Western at about 00 One ---either producer or dealer—till Waitress --No, I uta the pearl before *ora AtrlVlce Tendered. • , and subject eo approval at wanted. In stroll ease, it necessity swine. be Elyininnu :init .,,j$ PUBL1SIi$D— BVEBX F1i1P •Y IifORNING, -•-AT Tuft--•• TIMES OFFICE, JOSOHINEST 3ET, WI13 GIIAMI Subscription price, Si per Year', tatt$vaaea, ADVERTISnNtt RATE------,--.---• space, 11 Yr• 10 coo.. 13 m, ""'-""�e iio 00 Halt a 84 00 20.00 T t- 00 . 00 Quarter " 20 00 122 0O I d 00 4 00 One Inch 400 I. e its Ac er ]too shillings, J e with i the t7o vriar- B 1 All r which goes to seri that made and g iii packed with and provision T EDITOR • Plrnso inform your renders that i tl •sxterQd et accordant � butter in the of holding iii view, P have tl ora remedy tot the above named 1 Local notices, in nonpareil type, 10 . � holds batter P, ooado se, s'Torouio,tOuE ' DR. T• . SI by one Colnu,n (!yl) 00 $nit 00 i ;e2' CO—71S 8 I Local and other casual advertitiem t 1 Gonnulnption Surely Cured. forilrstinsorttoa,and8u.perlh+otgreudisubeoyttcr+t of lin mission of the author. } and trade ill nonpareil, • !looses and Farms for gale, not exceeding S ih,c¢, p d cheese has raises ousid reble the certainty of half o i i b lige dispose of It for1 (1 t sed by an inou- OpOrtiOnS and Fruntloes COUs1deC`t BEING 1tEFTIBED ALTOGET Th t swill ba strictly adhered t , reasonable Z�rfca to' an ext o June) last week laid an egt; Special that market, ,eve dr' •mat o ..in been t 1 to is per cent tis bought sub- be legitimate t eaf 'fr tete f , lei To d ( 80ase. �,� a pabli t paper Per` some of our Cotta Ian ul discount o£ made for proper storage. This wouldBy apositive osveeethc+iisanr of botelen cases have Lt t u at file heavy d its timely {d' what is ob. }, aced l shall be glad to send two bottles of l repetition t0 say neer on, c for first in- sertion, ++ per line for each subsequent insertion. t n11,15L' ps Advertisements of Lost, Found Strad % . riot ane. It will 120 only sor Ion, ed less than 25c. No loral. urtica will be chary i Sit S ive holding. The sly rnmot nru rosany hilof eyour a r their who have e fromt 5 P ectionalale.is speculative n aonsum, jest to suspicious approval and with J tanner who speculatively r and Business Chances lt'gntod, Hct oxoecding s linea i til per month• drat WeiLe on the one 1 f t. sT x a a,,see a. ana a t?, W fell e i ] 51 far fl+st month, 5�)a, per subsequent adhered notouth. bl0 HEAL 'o • ' istilig —A Hamilton ten tate ese. ern, t. pr i , rates for longer adrertlacn,cnts, or ler increase, our butter exports have been 1)ator last rine afllonperporiude• This EING ed portion was necessarily demand, is' 'not lilies to the best in, and weighs 34 Advert,senronte without specific directions, will he rdfindling' to votllpSrati'vely insig-interests of himself and Brother pro- which measured ? xineertcd till [orbid and chart od accordingly- Trsn- o• rid of by handlers for what it would ounces, sitory advertisements must be psis in advance, t o tin it pessi le but are we ready gdoors. ' The .dealer wtio is not BAtla• Changes i for contract adrert,8em nts must be to to think it poasiple that we art; }u fetch, and it would be sold as low as - the Durso by Wednesday noon, in oder to srptIt from 60 to 70 shillings. for confection- fled with legitimate profits, but must dodger of erypurposes. . Even after so discredit- needs gamble as a. speculator, deserves smote,' Ben /den of Cod Liver on and that weak R. peopCITx, g1OU rpLi pReTRIRTOR arm PUAx= tit LOSING oUR BUTTER TRADE ALTO- able pdewnfall as this, the poor stud` the burning which conies sooner or It cold all over the world. It is tar superior to plain IiETHEB t 00 later to those who play with fire, bet- Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested, Dr. The: prospect of low prices, in any had s risk of still lower drop. sled itself under this low level it had to compete with ter than he'dereryes the confidence of martin allies Btantioc, Bury $woke, London, England, y 1R. A. F. licBE2iZiE, ' Pay notice, it was first pressed • margarine, which, in the words of an the hard-working farmer whose earn sayer "t hove proeocibed Scott'sEmulsion, and tsk Honor graduate Toronto University. At10+tdanx Pay lit was a most worse outlook ane inns he would tax to swell his own it myself: It is palatable, efficient, and can betolo • of New York p atelluir iln otter, many etlufectioners are now „ but it alt even outlook to Parcs by almost anyone, especially where cod liver oil Office over store of Gordon & McIntyre. jird cleater Alread discourage, not to using toeless of butter. If this is any unlawful gains. This is strong itself cannot be borne• Sold by all druggists, boo . 1VINOHAI . • e y for making pear butter, language, but it' is lil•coosidered, • as its,anci 61: JoaLrniNt ST, say actually disgusted in handling encouragement an maker of- such in Canada is .wwel- applied to those whose rule is ty _Jos Beef, the celebrated keeper of the Canadian butter, all because of con come to make the most of it—the en s eculate, and a ho. trade legitimately CaJoe in Montreal, died tEli tinned been pointtnent and loss, which cobra enaeutt not the poor butter 1 only nl as an bxce tion. The interests " Tuesday have beau repeating .themsltl'res with g of all concerned will best be served, b - evening. Hla name was Joe, MoKiernan. increasing severity! Everywhere Not only was our reputation suffer- y and he Was an exoeediugly strange rias throughout'' Great Britian there was ing among those who had been all heeding and acting upon Mr. and combination. --Dafisb butter the '! burned" --had lost money in hand Olark's excellent advice' to sfop ,hold- but One ,Itoi y{ng butter, speculatively. Mr. Iles Aux you made miserable by Indigestion, se losses complained of serious loss from. the Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, ter imte and increasingly constantly, Irish w y had our .geode, but en aware other dealers who Yellow ati n Dizziness, s Vitalizer is p pear ter Canadians ' , if slowly, had merelys feour pods. One dealer. ,evil of tive Canadian butter 1 0inspectgLOW'TitANSPORTATIO —An Iowa oily Health than nowhere," for it were better Mr. it , d been culled to even of g cure. For sale by 0, E. Williams d' } t rally "worse were afral o r xs Board of n itl w►ii ' bttr for les ha en Other commodities than dairy pro - row not allow Limberyer oheeae to be exposed its reputation if it bad not appeared several hundred suffered packages, for Bale, claiming that it is detrimental expo tod at alt on the market• • creamery, which had suffered from ducts, Mr. Iles claimed. snIfPred from This retrogression in our industry has BAD TUBS AND BAD PACKING. this evil, which had been two long months the public health. been going on for years In some This lot proved a serious loss to the bacon SnILOn'6CATanne EItEDY—)ankerlveOnre on the way It had lain On the sea- for Catarrh Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. cities Canadian .butte • practically out of th T 11. MACDONALD, JJ JOSEPHINE STREET, Wisan , - ' • • r>,<TA><ta,. D11.. J, A. DIELDRUrt, Honor. Graduate of Toroutolluivoralty. Office and Residence—The old stand tormeriv occu- pied by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Cents and Patrick streets, osY. ` WYINenAM, •- MExnR & DICRINSCN. BARRISTERS, deo. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking affidavits for Manitoba. Private muds to lend instrpight loans at lowest rates. Officer- Kent's Bloek,,\Yinghrn1, Lucknr.w and Hovels. 1(;t I(. Dumnssers. r was already importer. From hill! experience, lar, board so long that the delay caused a For sale by C. E. Williams. • e market alto- [les expressed himself in strong worst fail in the receipts from 36 shillings to ' - e how- • these faults in t is gather: There was one markt, as "disgusted with Ir 21 Ithlllul s, It is easy to see ever, where Canadian .butter had seem our butter and he weals have none sucn experiences do not improve the ed to have a firmer hold than elsewhere of it." Had he confidence he would temper aoour valuable hoprov, the and that was.. • be ready to buy 500 of creamery, bet British importers, our v and are adverse,te. -THE BRITISH MARKET. under the circumstances he would look Ble greathinterestserwhich ve been While Danish butter has been sup to Ireland for his supply. He believed tand ray be developed in.this produc• ew aars„ •a ri Ls e s plied in other centres for a f y "not one in ten of th B t h ins P f e d only be-woulde buytrackage this year" During this very season o faults m. our beim skilfully. oo to render some excellent from all this? One Of the importers depular routes lagagechocked through to ADVICE FOR OUR FUTURE GUIDANCE. Said that `'•the COrI`eCt1011 of a'•1 the destination, Lowest --TIME .all pointe. beide soup very largely. e - _TIME TABLE. -- butter.l3upports' a somewhat exacting faults ,.of our..btttter trade' would en. 088118 WING1IAM. ARRIV8 AT W,NOIIAM. xietnand, the less particular demand I will quote; first given' by Mr• a:col ',considerable trade in BC19' B:SOa:m.Toronto,0ueiph,Patmeaston,dcc. 8:ee "n, d� of Dlessrs. Crewe & Wid„ couragetld d the same elsewhere. 11:40 . ” • Clinton. .. 10:10 C. P. R. TIME TABLE., e- Trains arrive and depart as follows: DEA INa 5:27 a. m,. ...For Toronto.... • 1:45 p.,n 336 P. Tr1 • • • ..For Teoswater 10:20 p.:m " ARRIVING .... b27a.m 3.15 1:45 l'm 10:20 Bristol consumers were live land dependent upon foreign n Cd•RAleTie '1'RV1N'K R'Y ars a Pa b for a market: ' A. C. STEATHDEE, MINT, Winona% ginning to know much about it. While frankly telling me of the glaring in f 1888 it was butter, all seemed ready Nynex Lesson sucreeD WE.LEARN Westr P eiftcoeoast eto,povia the shortest nort, II "boomed" and it was Th Danish belling supplied, of course, by the in- wt Eery,. fol. It won o to s,do p.m. ti t '' th' hies ,hero was That tl a 725 " Palmerston, llixea...:..l0:2o a.m. It is of butter .and by fiery, as something In w This then is the lesson : ti i general $trreement. Mr. i(,ery „faults t'. which Have nearly or quite s 90 P m: Lond61 on, diet. 11:00 needless to say shat b c 7:46 p.n 11 IO a:m. ..Kincardine, die._ 8:89 u.t oominA" of Canadian said : ..It is no use •to send goods lost usour. trade .must be to s � p m • ,• „ u:to " seat fresh „ •• 8:5o p.m tri erefi qua > res • margarine. ,1. bora was n i 'tb• more ! It did not .compete for. the here, riccheap, and come regular or enable us to :regain 1 . d to remote a • chances. .a;uinst..._tfiareartned Andbutter w price ; and, the w On Farm and. Town Property at very Lowest Rates niers exacting demand, 'but ran its uniform. ea llanish goods were now reel 'ellen # less they can be , t How to coy lo.lo faults an p trade will ae the question dp• $500,000 TO LOAN. even then, as tYe.,,are about to see, coming ul, at !o P ive permost•ln the letters to, folio and on Terms to suit borrowers. ;u the effective phraseology of the day crefeerenae to aemild ,ltc 1 cheap ning tao rt cls,' ;,Tan' 12, 1889. • W. H. Medic. MORTGAGES Pto u1t ED NO commission, CHARGED. blain money in 5 days I! title 1t frequently "got left." What I 1 k the Danish or even margarine, le d Bristol g � tr h•wj"hat edo et Cutting Teeth? I! so scud at Beaver Block, Wingham And here I desire to say encs and.get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow a Soothing gg ` 90. Think Syrup'• or Children Teething. valueie isurerer Mone t o Loan on Notes. Satisfy their needs severe our; butter sup of It a6 we , people it r c ti ' DiseouYited even the verlosses to some are disposed, to eat tuurgariue, know ,israke snout it It cucee Dysentery and Dlsrrli 1\T Ply, anding • to be such 1 Another season �yi • VANSTONE,with sono and energy to the whole system. Mrs. AT REASONABLE RATES. slow', SoOthiug, syrup': for children teething ie oa8an ' of one of e in Mono to rivile a of contrary, -there was a friendly feeling bd. tk •minghanl, agricultural districts.' f them,, due to that any ti the elms it visited dial not show ,any tinkled pis would tell the story. Danish to uBirr, 1 t to the tar end Is the prescription e0 y posieion towards Canada. On the had hitherto .been confined n Uana Bk. , es oldest end ba tamale physicians and nue d tat d ' for Bale by all draggle adv an 1n at ton he Mortgages ofat anyper year cent.Notes P g p Y S I11allifeilted; and au evident wish that butter for the g broug ottle, Bo ,sure and .ask !or 1 tion seemed Samosa SstiOr; and take no othDi Itir er kind. Omos,--graver Block. wingham, Ont. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, be realized. ' .Doubtless one ex-' to be more particular as r Dino quality die- •. gonr3!'1K•st tieYrN,nme. - w placation of the friendliness is article 'W". DAV I wuoatt, • Tutted rolitable connection with tricts'n Now even this less exciting on Stanley for•the February number •L.L the Unite B ee; an is RITCHIE, bottle �out rho world. Price twenty-five cents J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER. &c.. Wingham • Ontario. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEYANCER, ETC. - OFFICES Goanllt and BLVD, ONT. lock, ' ilex., Private and Company ,nude to loon at low rates of tnttrest. Mortgages, town and farm propert`lr •bogaht and sold., lieresntiie collection8 a sp6iatt4. Dh:NT1STI1Y.=- J. 0: J EROME, W INettart. 1 am making beantilat setts od Artificial Gain "Teeth" for 88.00 pee sett, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 24.00. Prices in all other branches o dent - try in proportion. Vegetable Vapor administrated for the 'painless extractionOFFICE: InE hethBeaversfe anestheticBlock, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. DENTISTRY.—W. H• MACDONALD, Woow ulr. Maker of Vulcanite,'Cellgloid, ADoy Silver, Gold, etc., etc„ Plates, ranging in prices from $500 upwards per set., crownhg and bridgework. Teeth en- trusted without the least pain by the use of Vita). Ind Air. Head Office, Wingham, side entrance op- posite the queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 9 a m to b p In. Will be at Blyth every Saturday -Office at M.11neta hotel; Gerrie: 1st and 8rd Mondays of e a Lucknow: 2t d and 4th h "Monda c and Tuesdays et each month—Office at Whiteley's hotel. Extracting: 25 cents ;-1/ tiled. e;i '9 IEAi®i`wm e !tit s and accounts collected. RODT. MoIND00. • ng population o P t1f'dl'the than the laborer to ag11e Boklt has written antoutPloses toOdtithe tradeso far• Bristol marbgof StNicholasIn w�ch heh-d1bithe adVant ALLraipERIjECT11!ilitxsa eputation forgood eervlees A{}that MrWtdgery sadlittle Tawn of Dobt;,tfid by other tmportPrs. Usher8111. were go poor that whoa' A tt l#r•stolWhenS.da"There has beau a revolubrright up and educated. Wh1nqpe.of hllesaea, ddthe second shop hpearsofaeandt ur desi•re and ho es to improve might 7he manufactur• CHN lest a sin c saysAna a iu e C ees — TER 'h IS OFFERING FOREIGNBUT"Stanley was bort! in a els, near t e earluh+ltiivariaa areP -N=0 are - i was con• n { h ana els ar, rme a he was +ON of those interviews I was said they "could not sell Canadian about three years old he was sent tosd by a son of Mr.)owns,the' ,►utter—must sell Irish_ or Danish."tbo u poor 'house 'of St. Asaph to be' F A. EEM PRCSI�ERTYi•n gena • at ori , y" o hen lieA'Lr VERY LOW RATES. rued wits thtrteeu years old he was to>lat lisp been gluon some Danish butter, Wiliah had barely been loose to take care of -himself. Young w•vinefromthem, here-• .tion to Bristol butter this. very year. 1'II. B ATO SWALLOW." introduced in Bristol before, wasthough he was, he was amblttous and n su ar seating, whit the a retail shop for the sale (nominally) shire, North Wales, Getting tired of WINoUA>,, °crone 4Th, 1888. hope that they mig ad o ened or hereheshippedas industlay. r. tic ,' ee , "Pellce & parker,•, referr to 'the in- was about to be opened. Thus was cabinboy ouboardasailingvessel 'greasing teudeney of th market, iii the enterpriise and success of thebound to New Orleans, {Il the pro-leite years, the losses on Canadian European brought into sharp contrast mised land to which so many British Litter. Last year's trade nekci a severe with our lack of entetprise and our bola youths ever turn their eyes, Ia cululination of that bad' endency, . failure, with a force which I wished New Orleans he fell in with a kindly Tthe buying was unusually speoucould be impressed upon all Cunafli*iie merchttutsaMr.Stanley,whoadopt.A. el, ANDERSON, UNll>JItS'AIti;It. i five '► view of expected sl rtage• iutert•sted My Gal;Canadian readers will kindly al= takfng strong hold of the trade. There .Nell•inforrr ed. As a la3 he taught _ bow me to offer sfi a of th without any ,g SAMT..3 13I7 T Dire curatives, had been opened in Bristol this season school in the Village of lt"dnId, Flint- OFFICE—OPPOsltE THE MARKET. t the Benefit and ea be sour for .,only of Danish goods;" and the trade this he made his way to Liverpool, 11 of our dairy being done was exceeding large. In- England, when he was about fourteen ed him and gave him his names -tar &and many dropped tnouey itin t 0 e piece of $seas l#1 y our young hero s r caskets, Coffins, Hobos, &:o,always on hand. heir •yen bZr' , sal !name zeas dolls► transactions, Asa result nothing but Olark or wears, Clark & Son, was I 1 d and he was not Stanley ae tneried" ails finest "Lantern intended for' our farmers. Ile said OWall a, until he became an Atnerican, as you FIRST CLASS HEARSE POR HIRE. sora see., Mr. Stanley diol bore fleury ;Ind year. Nothing STOP •HeLDiNGt B'fi'I"1'ER. carne of age, leaving no will, and the Townships' Dairies" would be toiled they roust stein • doubtful, wet ld himself PICTURE PONOIMD M OMPTLY AITLOOED TO. t� 'ro make the cue *es or M+AAIMaia latch. tempt the buyer.o t 8.14 for Yatnladlr,jT'�u he best O Said filer "We cal,not have butter too' lad was sesta left to shift for 1 r .,b Host $134 watcairsewar,d.rl jj f'1 militate! more eevet�er even t11 't means loss xn every Y''ouflg Stanley lived in New Orleatls 1 ,aIS . + iui Istat ya,r's butter wits sudor its usualreslt. II g whim he 'las �1 years y a,yW--by taxes, commission, storage, until YS61y � �• sad gouts' aaer •.. works 1840 Then Aad tare er Porter ibnekeeper. war- ranted. weave said u3W 0 C ill i %Hauling Cee Roth ladles' equal !Mee Oroatnery buttt'r,as a ru e, speculative disturbancold hav►ng been betel in ya'3t 6ea0otl eVt'tt it ) been BHI as t . eeb �'* lend being •t bluey." which was prabttbiy as a general rills, against their owl) Stanley 4 a t of the interests that butter be stored, either army:' blurt 11,ot1ta due to the mould orb dealers in Canada or average. 1 b tl c'el}rec}atlas, sitieett t l t 'l war broke out and one reteen to sear stud stir. Price, had beet, good, l r aahlr sae ,,awe One kat. o ntarkef &c, tate." Doubtful it 1S, the great civil ta,rethar,slfhearlereaendva. had b faulty ill � ' ' L S l woof into the Confederate ab ,� f Haft of i exolr -..y w�va�n a Eke ware , e • T fibers' ndaMrrlul eketn o�tir ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, TIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. r to tdk {In" Tutor wt're obliged to b betters 0....la le rho ho c home for � s,eathe and Mhawn resat if "ft by Ir r b . y l.. holding V S11t50F1'E Cann will tf,imediat 1 relieve tr.!: yhariaatled,tt f aoo,esraar6Wnpr6aattY, h%tesa Croup ,Whooping Cougha..l t o,,151ti0. dgle f�ilM► dA W e wee "'rite At date oaa ewe of re�eNarorit�s�� �t e __,,,,aAw�t.61 or sale 1!y end lletmlr, er we M,1 Ax is, *Tfkst tl A *did ' ea e ' u} anyfarm toditCti rule i» the long ,t.,E,,wllwafnr. IOWA* •r" x eeete ;exited of the bluf*y iurthee. Chu w sstrill" (turn it out of the packages) - GEottOE lioKAY, Wingbam, Licensed Aueuoneav for the Counties of Huron and Bruce: At moderate rates, 80108 will be condacted its a8) portion Of the Counties. • Orders can be left at the Thee Office. JOHN CURRIE, WtlrouAlr, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Orders left at Tines' office promptly attended is TERMS REASONABLE. ) DEAN. Jo.. Wma1AM, , LICENSED AUOT O HURON. FOR THE COUNTY Sales attended in any port of the Co. Chaefsea Moderato, 7•AMES BENDERSO1v, tLicmfske AUCTIONEER BFon con:Tilts ilUSODt Ask A11 sales attended to promptly and On the Shortest Notice, Charges Moderate and Satisfaction' Gltaranteed. Allnecebsary arra:memento eon be made at the Tithes' office, _Oen WIuGIIAM, ` REAL ESTACE ANE CYTATE ORE INSUttl- OFFICE : KENT's SLOCK, WINGHAM. Priest° funds to Iban. A number et Building Lets and Heeid•riee proper- ties for sale Those desiring to makes. hence in Wingham shoal communicate with,or alply irk person at my Witte, where All netatary infoimetian ran be obtained,.