HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-25, Page 1a
S: • "'11011,W.
"1"ir•"""„ 911,Of -77,F74711111?
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• :"
411 7
• p " 'n "
1400,44 11.4WS.
--Notice Sleini Ws new bakery acl.
—Rnnember the Literary Sooiety on
Tuesday evening.
A tuner eolfin has lino' invented and
put on the ru.trkst, ' •-•
—Over 87,000 has been subscribed for
the hospital at Stratford
WIN 6411A1V19OJSTT.FWAY, JAN:. 25, 188. W1-10 LE Na'''
B. B. Wade, D. D. G. U., or the
A, F. d: Ai M,, ter this district Waited.
Wingham last evening'. •••: '
Angus NoQuaig, of Lneknow, who
is having square timber taken out for the
,Buglish markets, was 141 town this week.
.-1)tr. Adam, son of Mr. M. Walker): of
Wawanottib, late or liatoulti establishment,
Toronto, is now ia the,etnploy of
—Mr R. A. liughes,insp;i"ntor o weighte IlloIndoo
mensural wits itytosva this week. •
Isfiss uose ,Lemtiy, mn,serstburg *fr Robertson,left for Toronto en
elnesday where ha has been ed to•
• , has been appointed Distritit Master Work. a - -
tl • I rkt th sl
* •
ilio local legislature-, ' • t
—Big bargains. Two' hundred pairs of •° t •
oies, and genve sod. etuht,,_, • Bear mind tne Methodist church s•a-
at Qtalti to malts room for PPril% gssa's' willpreitch; alai/ fie" 'tee. meeting
splendid opportunity. BtcQocmitok ='°' on' gonday.eveping .for whiali, tiie fullest
—Special indneetnents are* offered, :by arrangements have been niade.
tho railway companies to those wishing to
Increasing interest is being shown in
vieit the great winter carnival at ITmtreit,1
the speCiallervices in': the •Cringregational
, ,..-,Deet terget the so, ...Ito* the Preslay: —Written applications for the position
teriau elnireli this (Prida ening ' of aseessor of the town of Witighana will be
0.00.:41r, S. Grrecey teek iii* ril.".b4 6,0,. cote' r,. received by the town clerk up till Saturday,
tainment at Constance ma Asoty ,sren., 2,O4 clay of Febrne.ry next. lialarY 880,
isg,, also at Manchesser,,,e, B.00yees a .. -7:4ohn R Mortimer, contractor, of
eenple, of evenings tbfa, w Mr. Gooey oleveland, Qhio, Attended the funeral of his
mita few equalt ae 411,11xfo, 14,, national father, the late George Mortimer ou Wedi
dialecti: and he le cleeetwe popular as an itesday. There were also Present Messrs
" • cur rea"der'Wherero ,, g 0: iee 4,,... 4)beenstu,la.,'..3•Q: Whitneywoosoakd wife, .a ixa, dtss . Whitney
being 1 art disease. Id•
-Xrelf me ha of Wing!,
day last Tbe eventwas den,'tlist Osalge
Ilir Wro'learillivi or ' ogia, .nintliar. 4,„ and wife, of Seafortb, and Geo•L Whitney,
residotitof Fergus 33 y "Itvbilaband. • . ' Town Connell.'
having died in May las e,V-,ead was . • '
sudden but peaceinli She iv, long Hod. - wile new oouncil for the year .1889 met
1.414 exemplary, and trust, Oristian life,, at the council chamber on • the 0st hist,
„ , , t.
'I' :, ; tiie z ati at MAX iti olocil; at m, All the merabere pre -
•in the boot itiul shoe bus Ss triere : Mrs ,
tb1114:114110FerittetitilYnb:$71,0•Y14.. ti.71".•1,i'a.,b„.71•D t,':)' taZintcoat thrieutZtif161:ttetsiaandelnifdadeofitchee,,endaearolaerrii,
., ,; Robt; 4iadoe, mayor; • T es., rego ,
The Death or Ooorgo'xiO-tini4,i•'':: . yeeve; Joh e. lieeland4 Al0x.tlAwson and,
TberahaS"jpseliftiiiied #.(r• 144 test in We • Tigntisis Agnew,icoilitailOff for ward ,ble•
itoWn stu:otitngeohritin vi-libitilting bit•quiett
And 1.111rf4en'tSiistissSA'SPhi011t.'h° ra'40' proehoepliir6, eougaillors for ward No 2;
,• • -
/, ; 3Ohn3•11errtnth, Robt. itill aud W,,i1.
s9:tf,grjjeflpililtise'aol%Icleteitil:441tit tnit'l'!4ral•flittlatitaiiinag' :s4iisa.-t-F---n.gC4, ic4rien'uWoiliniti.rfsloIllweiartIsid ENioc•hgairaaaCci'
l'id OS 1 T tat* lied to ii14 - : Williams,.. ' • 4
131300e‘"a* isP a a i? ,.,Fa ra , , .,phas, B.o, t, nWks...games 4149, John
any reference to the rtninprens"batisiesting°-.. 4pdroon, counottipra for ward bio. 4.
fills mipates of last" regular and' special,
meetings wereapproved. „A. ,conimittee to
etriliestheding ootorcittesis was balloted for
sae follows • Tilos Greaeryl 4. A Cline,
John Neelands,S B. WillitiTs and Wm.
Holmeti. Cienucli then adjourned till 7;30
pm. . . ... . , • , , „..,
of °i8 •''Pst:se,4.,..i.S" i.Wiev!.,0, t ° Ws!k, ittia" ' 'Council met at 7;30 p m, puriiiitialf to
treciusntlY assist the antuinated stake coaoh 'adjetirtiment: Merxibers all Present except
oat°. the mud. oarge portion o I now Messrs. Cline Anderson and Dawson.
f ' iti ' 1 ti a '' ' ' ' • ' - •
beautital city zivolwoodssig Waste land, 0 ' The committee appointed to strike Stand:
;Ifeigng, but a irfne",191 vi1;Siligei ' oltie• that toorws,iin liee ing
• - - , • to • t •
ed in th
atilt mittees reported as folloWs •
al Executive Conpiliite;7-Atiliiiii: .Civegoty
3i,',.9p.,rf4. Afthri, a long Iedienslobriley, on Neelaiicis Cline,HolmeS and Willfainsi-2
' .'e • • - - - '
:400t, hreeoal'-o44etpAf.liV. Toledo, Sanz J A. Cline to be chaIr man.'
:chnikyi ,Pittato c.i,,n4:Voyssto,"14arrived,fi.L.P ponder?) eldSoperty Coneo=keiiiiis.
Hamilton when b1 great rebellion et '37-,
twas, at ite fever •hii,4131''...- go ylog already
- sone. military ex.pisriOineinDiaglatiehe
dwas'dr ft' a - "ii) •nd
a e into ilervic et. was present at
- undyks Lane hrikother engstaertieets. In
, 180k - lite 'WO e died in. icsiiit , cholera,
iipiflti,initillie witnessed' 4d- irecitienctlY,
described the burping of the earoline, hilts'
descent over the Niagara Ealls., gor 'the
laSt.31. years he hae'resided with 'his soli.'
law, Mr dathes Duffield. ' He wai always
o tieftstioila W0 rig utpAg (3 SI 1/10 0
Irian of the X.
ivereary, services ou Sun my, W
from the 6th till the 4t1 Februitiy. • church. 'the *,'Ittenclanoe:-•
---A. splendid opportueity for farmers to on6ori,,a44'. this", ,week,-,;.niThey.. will. rile
sell their wheat on the marketand biiyhrstr ,
lass roller flour, branand sheets at A., 43es,sisueuCt weCk "41h7
and feed,- wholesale and Poste!.
' • ,
' ss AT g ie Defilieer
ti The: Toeswe.tor • cottift of :Poreater • snarling :ergo delegatesfromth:k meitliti:.
•,„ . • r . r 1
r ,
parpnee,hoiding a graind entertainment en diet church to the 2,,,„i$,,,„eoeverop at
—Tuesday evening next; Mr;sard" Noota448. Wigtoa thiscweek, and liisses,,dolinsand
and Eo. ataxic° will take,parnthe. pro:,
, ' •5",.". pace *t__
olanrch; ,
i., t
Davidson and Messrs GeOan and Soot
te= ,
—The Brnseels."Pott in in*inumere,tion
of termer „residents' now absent 113 voziottst —The anniversary , services ifit;the
• .. • tw ia and, R Presbyterian holuild; on Sun-
- • • t.
Morrias, dentists; and r C. Knecittel, daythe 16'h' of..Februalr3Str' T.
Wright,Wrig2of Stratford' will prottob nalarning
harnossroaker, Wingliam. • .4 . • ,
-10; tand evening:: the annual %ea 'Meeting
Mr B =Jett, or tle iH C R for will be held on Monday' evening;
the 0 0 V, raft on Werbesday to spend a
,„=1"tev:, T., Scottoonducted catini
fortnight • atTlQUalab fh0 —orgauintions
versary serviees in• the , Teeswater "ii.detho
From Bratitford be goes to' Tordlite, henoe
clist church last, :Sunday. Mr. 3. ;Fleck-
cia.Ovtiara to Montroatcalliag at a number
ar'oeptatily qonducied • • •
-of places by the e pimping serivice
Methodist" church' hex In the
—Wanuatosker, thei•jacailebinioartee4ds,e::h;riai; Rot!: 1:341ravo
delphia merchant,
e ipTeuelled. • . , •
advertising 390 per centhtth
ecuse of
dull semen. WiOly argues that it la in Aocordliigte a German authority a few
threads of ,.601ia Waol' lasied r 'Una the
the dull the, dealer olibuld take
to le-tk tho „public,. 10.10w, , neck and worn continuously .;" are
merita of lice waree. `t• dfiamar ertweativo
, plaints which rtiany'Persons are so p
—Always enterprising, always after the' „fl'• e •
xposure to cold. Prom ten to twenty
finely artistio,-roe
ancl the beat fitoilitles for
threads are enough for the purpose. -
displaying his goods, 31:r. B. V. Gerster . 2
has had laced in bitrattractive jewellery/ ' --Dr Horsey, of Ottawa, is to have
otefieek 'exiieridinieS,`14dci
tent chara?teret the decerteed. Anative ol.
the city of kork,'',Do.,cdgfrehe're in 11Qs.
ho eigValited ta A Aen 16 years of
age.lancling in Baltinibee'i'ilnk.; • *tear
inghe g anct'tiittione Stage journey'
iroin B1tih9th' Ciubbilnitti;Ohie, ticOnit
ltreelands, Dawson, Hopiuth; Williams and'
FidaneeCommtlfee—Messr Vt illiams,
Neelands, Sparling, Etemuth and Brocken-
shire, '
•6!:0 anfl •litater,,Cai/pie0„--724lessra.•Clhie,„.
ditigory. §iitytli, iloluttiiEstaid:Audersoa•
Street Coistitittee—Itesers, :Gregory, Wil-
liams, AgneW, Hill add:Cline. •
Court 04/Zest:afore—Messrs, Gregory, Cline,
treelandsi Anderson and Brerkenshire:
'shop two magnificent, recently designed chtirge of the practioe: Of Dr 31stodorowld• „anirnatecl with • stroag at tachrnenta ,to -the The report of the committee was
- beautiful • show cases. A. materialini- during hit:Absence in Ottawa,). ' Theiloctor Brlitiall, flag and= goverunaOut. ti'was the , adopted. c
brovernent is thus made and goods more. is it,Oanticlian rracluate Who ok a. course last surviving of A family of ,eleven. His Mr.W.'B. Hutton addressed the coun.
attractively displayed, to. the Irftisli medlaalsolitisils), is a roltn'of r3miqnil3g fatrni.tj• are .: John ?!and God q ail as to refiffid; of tatee ' Al
Mortimer, Cinonitialti. Ohio. R Marti;
on essrs.
Marked and a roost successful Ilutton Cary'restorehouse, and also as- mer, Denby, Conn ; MrsF McConnell, See,:
arrison is blessed with a fat mil.tes,
practitioneer: The Dr feels he hat seenred forth; Mrs a Duffield, Winglmm. He refuncilif taxes paid-o'n Lower Wingintre
titling rink Which=offerS to play. it/obtori
• — 'in 'Ic fi always' enjoyed, good health, and suffered ''11
a mai no disease -but the nature deoaY ef tut pond, dm. Moved by rdessrs:"Neelitticis
w tom he as espeota on deuce .
pionslaip match = with any rink in 'the ,
and X, Momutli,''' that the ' tnetters
au a his patients may have the same, • ``rani
Dominion of thelt weight, best three iu •"-. nature's forces. He rose dully tin vtithin'a,
'fortnight of ltis death. last audible referredto byEfuttoil be rethered to
five. The narnitsitte '3?(.1; :--In the Congregational church on "expression was the Consolind One; 44 Ready," tbe Fireum. Watercommittee tirreport at
ins cot: riLvirititcou:i4S 601.'t,lbs ; Sam 4
un A...ravening Ite/ NalirpreatIiied an lie was a retiring, ociiirteous, honerable t • •
'` •
ex. meet-Ind—Carried u moticiii lt,
=Smith, 223 lbs ; J. flollitcl,40:ilba. maVOg exedlent diticourSe on Peter% three inani iaest liked where hest knew's, fie Irtuarpau was'refunded 8.1 dog Wt.' aid .
tared. In the course f the sorroon it Was with 14s89/31P on Wednesday. g 4. r a.
—The oppositeness and opportuneness F.Williame -seconded by T. Gcregor , that
Shown, that= this t :thrice administered --- '
-the united weight of the link 1,314 'hit - ; denials of Christ and; the rebillet.adininiti. was interred riT the Windham , cemetery
honors , . hits- ee, Aeeliavin a: ae MOViecIPb tly•
rehos jiyae,, anannaaiy . and danigned,ta‘ s• .i . ... : , : , 1 ., '' ' •', , . : the clerk' he instructed to Adreitrseifor'
paper correspondents: Li promulgating Presbyterian -Church. ' , ?,-. aPtiliertitone fcfT, the pesition of eieeeeleii;for:,
your escotric cogitations, ,or. Articulating teach impetuous Peter juster, eqeseptio,nosti...04
. he annual Weeting was, opened op. the‘town of Wingham ter tho="year 1889,
en perfioial eentireentalitiett and pliilosoj 415 Monday evening by- the %,appeistesent of, et a selary,Sof,'18OLChrrled, !Moved by S
in, that conviction was necessary t
salvatififi, tlitt his si,nt was-wheinous tionec, '
thical or ptcycliologies.1 ob4ervationsibewitre, Mr Geo McKey as chairrnem,, whoy calledi P 13rOckenshite; sem:hided by 3' A. Cline,
that fqVgiventiSs inightbei keented, that his
of Platitudinetis poziderosity. Let your upon,Mr Gordon to -dead' ;in. prayerlThe that the elerk atilt iiir,mpfilitq.,tiops for the
restoration might be .made Public, that his, "'
statemente possessti clarified conetife‘liess, friniutes of last annual issentingive read:: offices of chief coin:110.14e, clerk, treasurer,
Christian love might" "be', .tleVeloped. The; •
' compaoted eactinrelionsiblaness," coalescent by lifi:S Greco, .,see:treite,' gM'SY, Were' antlilollentbeet4akes. "Oir,:the yeah': eta',
evan,gelistie one, auct was coutisteeoy VA a conCentrated cogency„' semeasief''s an atioptea; by tbc,,thoetiog,. elttlio,potion of nays beint taken 'the motion Wes, declared'
repletettith forcible and practical' illvstra,, •
Eschew all' atitighiniersitioat of flatulent' Meters, Gordon .and • •$'eott. , ilfr %0.rhcey last;.the vote standing 8, to 4.-Tilloved. by;
trona, scriptural eitatioue and wholesome'
garrulity, iejune babiertrent and wish:tine kissi tow the‘ wieutee or.;tlie meetingsheld. Cf. B. Williams, seconded by B. Hill, that,
affe station; Let your toe'mperam304s dna-
counsel and advice, Mr Hall has travelled '
from IS'ova Scotia to British, by the triantigers duringidie ..yea,r. Ite• .th's clerk's salary bo inerecteod 00 per year,•
ciantingo and unpremeditated expatiations! ressstiv,briefly somniarizeci, the ,fine;neiali 'Making lif all 8300, and that M. J. B
Oolitrnbist in' cobil5any with Mr Fielden,; also -have intelligibility and verationsi ViVaoitY,,, staiiding:cifths.elinteh at shown, by the Pergisou be re-appeinted for the ensuing
colonial secretary Of tlip Congregatiimal '
= without rliedoniontade . or thratioultial printed rePhita•Ailitributedt Tire amount, ye:tr.:XS:cried. Moveithy R. Hill, second.
bombast: Avoid all polysyllabic rofundi.' hdeell"1147• secdatY of Ehglaild' eceash-l"' teeervSa, iii,e8e. jtonittry plet , PK :for all. "erby T Aittiew. thm Georg pertyrasee b„,,,
ally .:conduoting:.,e.Vanselistiet.sertricies as
ty, thun double entends, ----------- iiceifi•
of the following is commended to =nesilif-,
OnsPOSsS Was S2,497444 of which= .81,0.4.85, Te-engsged it•',1, chief collectable at, same
ty and pestiferous (proteriity, obscurant or I's"' ''IfA is arssisilY ,Oftnd for ,;w0; raised by, vow, tentsf eg23,99 waryas tot ,yekt—Cutiett, Moved by'
apparent; in other Wards, talk' plainly, iiinnrInt work. He leaves here OnlnY! m,hirerottry settoes lord. tow
Meeting,* T. Gre,gory; rfeoonded= liy jobb 14belarlds;
natally and sensibly, said don's use big Peesoms.,-,-Mr 3 ig Stephenson, of /tier. 41.68,44ay the Sabbath eehao.1 and $79XR that; the treawater'S eatery- be n„,lo., per
: ': %viveli, is olita_rsit to his brother iti.law,e/fe.. by tire'iNT M F S. The chitteli, debt wini, Year, an& that 3ohti' Dickson 1.3e re'.
WoWrdeLhays receiver a. sample oopy of the' '' ' silelns ill• this Pleat. Ho ha"aie6fitlY reduced by ablitit 8590. There are 200 uttppoidnted for the tgusuing year.",,...." carried.
Woman's; veurnal the official organ et the rotor. ad from neottO Lakerpaitoto.Wiltre merohere enrolled, The itO '
-2 r
e ge eontri; ove Wm. tiohnos:poonded by a. A,
1,, tnidns of oanada. It has been he epent neatly a year. Eie is set appar- bution per Member was $9.41. Cou'ulation, Cline; that the feneewtewers for the year
in existence ve yeare, has a spiny ool.
ently prepared to ea- that Dakota, ie a of !testae Scott and gotta eh, it wag 1880 be WM. Moore. t ofer Doman' and D.
Motion of well selected, pure. and. ,rhele.. preferable land to Canada. A. resident of agreed to'raisc the fonds by pew r subs in Melplay—Carried. Accounts of WI
some readiug matter, besides ull reports
lIntwich wonld travel,. feri,before he (mete ah fall as menabors xlesire Wuxi thusei tob'ertson. lib, for serVices • as retraining
ct tho workings of Local organizations
his eye en a finer or better country than, 'favorable to the voluntary eyetetri will be ohiCet /tad rena. t tooth, oha.a. Saint, 85e.
aurrounds that tidy villago—Robert Mc*" 'afforded an opportunity of doing,so.. The for teanairtg, wore *rained to be paid. On
-A'he ntessage of the president of the
Ontario union, Pheabe O. Brsthour, Of llabb' 8°11 °f 114.9. 3'61111 IVC6Tallib' St' Xilaih- atabasfers elected plae0 of those tething , to otitinc made tmil seconded, Mts. tSitint.
Thorold, is opportune eta etiniulating, now' lift for Cast zCitY1 Michigssf where tore l•esort4 ri°w°11, Iltotort, Misers' Gray, t bang et Sperling and
be vi1t go into business as tailnr. Bob was ItedaeraOft and Ii Oltutro, Mr 0 Oral:V IVfessre, Gilchrist, Groan & Co's taxes were
urging eS it does courage, prayer and
tor sone time with MrA. W Webster last Was reeleeted secretary:treasurer 00 refunded. Mr, MeXay, of Kincardine,
united forward movement,temperance, the
.seestni,—Wits genderson, of Saltford, it motion of 'Messdon rs C4orand Dr manufacturer of brooms, made an otter of
utilization of the franchise riOrit4 the
visiting at lifr Alex ititehen, aid,: and Mr P,Deans to take charger of the tho removal of hisfitetory from Itinotttq.
spreading of literature, securing the ttia of
the one or tho ght,,,a, ordes for of TatilaherrYt left thin Wolk for Call: pis* rents on motion of Metiers Seott anal dine Wifighatu. On motion, triltrali4
good in our elvilization," as she says. 'torniti” Ite has /sigh el'Peststisss wbisb Dotson.' oPP°IntrOnnt webers toe tab consisting of the mayor, reeve and
This organization is achieving iiatb deal "Ivn hope may bo Waa- Bath! left to the managers, Mr A cline was Councillor Xeeiatog: was Ittiroihted to
has atlath 11/4gotOwili le Oa a• 'Holt en *Pio reappoittedieader of the choir et a salary investigate Mr, litoltity's often. On motion
'of good throughout the lima.
'halo • 'brother, 3'elin Buttithays litstre.—tousatOW of $106, Miss Satah Ilutton Organist at a the collector was inetrucied to Mum his
numbere of able, earnest, active and thi
tiring workers in it, and the regatta Of tfeetimel : dies Tina Odisseron visiting salary of 5,0. The salary of ths. oefet!t15-ti
°go te,—mr jetties Vatulifine, isolator, alter some diseustiou was nxeu at 817 , roil withorit the taxed; Of Mr David Rost
their labors •will be tar reselling in their g rgas, Itas on a visit to his brothel; ,3" the appointment to be Wad. by the 1)(Oved by Wm animas, seeoutled• by W F
totenacueuest. *Algot)* Uwell,oF, bars this west, Manages% Rrookansitire that Wm Stewart; be ap.
_1,,. . I ....OILY •
pointed. auditor for the ensuing ye
the same salary as paid last year
The mayor appointed Mr. R. Vanstone
the other *minor. Mr. Hill gave II
that he will introducie a by-law at n
aneetingto iiit fire limite for the town; a
MT Smyth gave notice of introducing
by-law to have the chief (*notable arrosf .,,r•
parties obstructing the sidewalks. ...
. -,-...y
The LItteraelr Meeting. -'•- f'
t ' '
A. successful meeting of the Liters/7 ,
,Sopiety was held ou Tuesday evening, the '-e-..-ii-
Attendance being splendid, with the mate
element largely ' preclOtainating. Mr: 3.
•W:Xnglisi sang an excellent solo. JUT. W. ''
B. Groves gave "a humorous • addrese
explanatory of the ludicrous mistakes
;frequently madein written speeeb.: Miss
May Brenlianrendered a solo with pleas- ' • .-
ing votce and excellent effect. The Black
Regiment was well and effectively- recites. ' ..'
, by Dr. A. P. Mackenzie. Belt: Mr. Moor- ,
house gave a wholesome, forcible and
stimulating address on the value of 1/,
reaffing. '40,argued In favor of :develoPing
a taste for reading, '04 because of the '' 4,,
oomprebenaive andvaried Ch;Fa:cte'r of tin's' -': a..
information obtained,' ' and by "Which we
areru41184' obfl °rah Ind I r .( rnida)611) ewc jells Vtibtenlioac itit c - ; •
of books never proves false; (3rd) because - „„ ,
its influence never dies; (4th) because .we' "" *
Meet with sympathy and association never
met with in human society. „Mies Maggie
Cargill beautiftilly brought out the Patliii4 , --,r ,
and deep significance contained,oin lobs* - •
recitation <FRock me to; sleep, inother."
Mr. 4'. Buchanan pleasingly, read a', most
li amorous selection nidicating the 'qualifl•
potions for and diffictiltfes-ie the way in
bee,orning an 'editor. Mr. D. C. Munro :• •
read a short essay ou the development.pi, 4.
thought. This brought the mectin,,,, to 1.,
close:. Ag9ocIty number was added 10 the .
membership. A. -special effort will be-, •
rriad,h=tO at,t ,up a superior,programple for
next meeting on Tuesday evening the 2WIt.
of I' y- A debate will i form part of :
the programme. „„.„,,- ,„
" • . '''- ' • -* - , ' t
'‘ : Brucla County ;11)#ras.
' . The," West Bruce', 'Mutual Fire
Insuratice• 0o-..hold-icsises- clitritiFi'lltsr- -
year Ol•$1.441 and' receipts of''•
()tier Lacrosse Olub, „Kincartliise-,
elected ' the follovving officers
Baird= and Jas. A. aMacpberson,, hon-
orary'd • ''
P * P ' I. '
president,: Finlay ..11cPberson;' vice, •,,,
president ; 11. Denny, -, secretaryt
Norman McInnes, treasurer; Walter - -
Vanstone; captain ; Thos. Gardner,
manager ;' r.r..Iiirk, -.I. H Buettel, ..T. •
Shank's, with captain' and. manager;
as executive•-ooinmitte
• Mr. J. Friiser• brother of Mr. Thos.
Fratel7,•or, Huron township, has been
elected reeve of' Druultriond township
county of Lanark.
Huron Agriefilttirtil Bodely geoted '"
the following fliers : • Presianr;
JhmeS - Steele' ; ;ice president,' Wm.
Ille0osh. ; direetol's2—Arch. McDonald,
Irraneis:MoDefittici, 'John A.. Mahlon:
zio; William VilSori, Geo :Daniels, ' ..•
Edward. &satin, T".,W. Davi3;14oltard
Buckicgham and '',G. S. Rober ous,
,auditors, pavict ,Heuderson and '
Wilitncardine A:gric tiltral- '$:.0.1.4i. ?
elecited the foliowing ‘df.liceitt' foil*
year 1-880,::•--Dueuan 00,Mptell,
dent ; John lieWitti vice pr
di reators—,Tas, rerrier,
, liarvey, Walter, ' M. T'
Qpncinergobd, Jelin, .p.--t'Sr
Itciberfatift, Charles t.41 e f. I.
and -Robert . Baird"; auditory .
Reckie and R.13, I ampbell. ,•:,..,,_-
. „
1)7 oxnter.`, '0
Dr': lkittedonaYti, It, T., held a .
itis here on 'Wednesday night..v. v
was in ever,14 respect ft SplAiciartt
cesa Mr. Thos. Gibson, ' m. P. V
delive.re& hn able address *4 l'n
events that led to the 'Quelpee oo' -
Klee. /The various ,olashes i "'D
parlia mit which had to be setti
juris,tion oetho local and Do
the p..ivy conucil, and the victo
' Itop10 notvat, mr 'V W Gibson
a Us;ever exposition ot the oxlvattt
.t Tbe•derived !rom tiarestrieted
•ocity from the farmer's tstanami,,
,-., i, j, • •
.)1.. stacdonald spolte ably, eli)
and impressively, imparting ,..,,,,It,,,I,,-:;, :' 1.,
solid information in dealing wig
wrist' Vederation, Canada's, r
naeke her own 'commercial
manhood 'Sulresge and Unr
'Reciprocity, A fuller report
proceedings is impossible In bti
'kr. A. L. Gibson afteptably