HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-11, Page 8m gee++n++ :. .+ . ..•r+-+ Z.lint,Wavea ;aefe, he elmmietion resulted us foliorts kl,reVe, rl kw.., It' T:7ylitr by ac, lo, nnattitlll ; dtp.ay reeve ve .. A.riderson, 14 ; ,l. Potrom, 176 I Councillors-- It, ouncillors--•1t• ,lt.tf , ersol1. 207 ; W. Sutherland, n0S; R. Muti ow an,, ,2'10;.J t (alluni, l,tt W.Rotten, 176 •-1 1r. Geo, St, watt 11W Iris leg okeu while ltif ii.:4 .a stetT one day Mat week.— A vnlltsbb horse belonging to Mr. J ls. \t i;;lltlnsn had .one of his legs f •1.Otured.-- Mr. E. Livingston is hat., is;; La shingle factory erected in Orange MU. The people of Chia. vicinity have spent a rner y Christmas and a happy New hoar, a though the weather was flet as fuwoa'blo as we had wished, --1 think there is no section in Ontario that has been b essed with a more abundant harvist than this. The farmers granaries are bursting with grain and ns a result prosperity is depicted on their faces.—The young WI 1( 4l 1sxA a T8. WrawttsM Jan. 10,1$50. Uorrcat4d 1.y P, hears, ]'reduce DunI°r. Ftour cr 1001ba, 1 2 r0 tit 2 b0 Fait antes[ ltcr bushel, 100 to 1 00 , Spring "' 1 704215:0: O to, 1 e1 Oats, 80 to, 82 Poa6 y, ` • - s. OS to 68 Pob tos, • 26 to 80 Appies,per brig • 40 50 i7 Button per ib„ , Egge per dozen, • •1.5 to 15 Dressed flogs, 6 50- to 6 1300 !MI per cord, • 160 to 1 G Etas per ton, • • • 12 00 to f8 00 people have had many social gather- NO'XC., togs all of which passed off pleasantly and profitably, -This locality may •>+atitlt et_O4 with ilie. saw mill, 110 is Justly be called the garden of Ontario. [sant;; thiiia,al lively in the lonely On nearly every farm may be seem la 1.1, :••cads — Through the kind stately mansions whose environments X'1v5L0tivn of the hob[ and hostess a wouldgreatlyenhancothe appelaranceof 1:trgi. Harty assembled at the residenoeany town, .and also good out buildings of Mr. had :Mrs Fells composed of of which many of the oldest settle - erne Nevem/Nom of the Cor>roration of tho C my of 1Luron.will meet in theuourt Housetin the' otvn of Goderioh, on TUESDAY, the 22nd inst. PETERADAMSON. January 703/18889, County Clerk, An L$S C, ARA A. FLANAGAN, DRESSMAKER lYl eitidonoo ; West side Shafer Street, 2nd door South Patrick Street. TO CONTRACTORS, membe would ,e piond 1ho discus. young people and ex -teachers of Gale >VNDERs will bo recetved by the Clerk tilt twelve 6Ueti+:n. As the hest of amusements sloe of municipal affairs has Low To'etook, noon00 Monday, January 21st, 7.880, ,ra r•a s:r+>vi.lf i? a very nice time was taken the place of gossip a,nd sorry to . For the Re -erection of Gray's Bridge, bli3"It. About nlldnil^ltt to the surprise say a great deal of gossip.. is mixed On COO. 8 and 0, Turnberrv, Plans andspcoiflcations can be esen t the Clerk's office, on and after Mon- ,, the ;nand folks of the house they With them. We dope the right men day, Janu 7th,I889. liri `li►'.'8euted with a. beautiful sofa may be elected and that Qi0110rt1y and The to or any tnder not necessarily accepted. ac J l the f ll address.: prosperity may orown all their honest 25 ' st T[1NF, Tp. Olerk. Ccatlt :;llth ' iy m e U OW1tt , effort$, lloar sl:r. and Mrs. Foils,—We the COLT FOR SALE Taft tt, people and ex teachers of this Blyth. 1.1,48 eorllood, remembering your Three young lads named. Burling ereat Madness to us and tate many were sunt to Goderioh to stand their t.;..a•iaia•:is not which we have enjoyed trial for stealing a purse from a byre. l;' e hospitality you have extended to Quigley, who left k on Mrs. Carey's ne ill platin;; your comfortable home grocery counter for a few moments, :.t rlur disposal, and remembering The lad who stole the money is but t11;it Allis is a season of joy gladness ten years of age but he gave it to wh:n Warts are drawn to each other his older brothers. Magistrates more Lind y as ours are now toward Young and Kelly tried the case.— yours, we would therefore ask you to Rev. J. Livingston preached the accept this sofa, as a testimonial of our anniversary sermons in the Methodist thanks and respect and we trust that church on Sunday week and on Tues. yon 11.1111 your esteemed partner may day evening lectured 011 the human fete; be spared to use it and to main. voice. Messrs. J, Ss J. Large, of fain yon` pace among us and in the Listowel, received the contract of Fullness of time may we all gather . erecting the new Methodist church • home around that great White Throne hero, It will be 66 feet by 88. --Mr. ,there the word parting shall bo 710 P. IKelly, reeve elect in his nomination mote used.: speech favored the establishment of a Jany. 3rd '80. ':House of Refuge for the county to Though taken . entirely by surprise the hostess gave a very eloquent reply flanking them heartily for the present end i.ssnring them it would not be the last occasion on which they would be at liberty to spend such an evening 1u her hoase. ONE WHO WAS THERE. Listowel. Mr. Derartniaduke Bell, formerly of List4wel died at. Los Angelos, Cal., o;a the 21st ult., in his 45th year.— T:le fire bug who lies been so busy of 1 ite firing buildings itt every direction • s••ems to be taking a rest. 1 suppose it is on account of vigilant citizens walking the streets all nicht trying to ou his track.-Onr Bremen have been working the past year under great disadvantage owing to the utter Incapacity . and. ]lick of nlanagzrent of the Chairman of our fire water ant gas committee. We trust this will be rerna•died by our new council —The town band serenaded all the success- ful coedidates for municipal honors en Monday evening. — Municipal matters, although unusualy qeietprior .o polling day, turned out to be more Oran usually interesting. The, t,rincipal contests where between D. daughter of the late. John Gearimill, of Tuakeremiih. '1'ha. undersigned desire to inform farin- LRt2Vtt-.DovtlLas.-A5 Palmerston,on the 25th ult., era and the people. suers]] that have I), Campbell and T. E. Hay for the _ bythe Rev. H. Edinison, Mr. Archibald D. Leitch, to p g y they reeveshi.p, the latter being. elected by Mies _Margaret E. Douglas, both of Palmerston. reopened their Sixty majority, and the desperate ',effort to defeat It. W which he believed the four or five thousand dollars of Scott Act funds on hand ought to be devoted. He oppos- ed the assessing of church property.— Blyth lodge No. 308, A. F. & A. M. elected the following officers : J. Ernigh, I. P. M. ; D. D. Carder, W. t1I. ; S. H. Gidley, S. W. ; T. Bowden, J. W.; H. A. -Thomas, Chap.; C. ; E. Tanner, See. ; 3. Potter, Treas. F. W. Tanner, S. 1). ; J. M. Ross, J. D,; 3. M, Hamilton, J. D. ; J. A. `Tanner, A. W. Belfry , Stewards ; - E. Stur11- oils, Tyler. - Insteai " of $56,845, Messrs. ex Mayor Howland, Win. Lye and W. Gooderham. Central Bank liquidators, in their accounts being recast, receive $17.152. a THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR KALE A FINE COLT, rising 3 ye•+rs old. Will be sold for cash or on time. For particulars apply on the premises, Lower Wingham, to MISS M. J. Campbell. DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, FLANNELS, Wingham 0 CLOTHING, CARPETS; FLANNELS, MANTLE leering OF— W. T. YATES. $i-5;000 WORTH —OF XMAS .". GOODS,. General Goods. Must 1)5 Slazzhioni BEFORE MOVING. MILLS Has determined to clear whole stock of out the FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE AIS' GOODS, CLOTHS, FARM, being -S. Lot 31 I4thCon. East Wawa TWEEDS, BLANKETS, TH nosh, comprising we 100 acres, more or less, about 80 SHAWLS acres cleared, well watered and under good unitive- + tion. On the premises are a brick house, frame barn, HATS AND CAPS,, stables, deo. ; also good orchard, mostly winter fruit ; , , ]D SHOES a om sires a w ca . arm s e one , + also b t7 fit h t F i w ll f ed FURS BOOTS A and about bi miles front Wingham and 1l miles from f BODE RIES, CROCKERY AND Whitechurch, The farm will be sold on i reason. ableterms, For further particulars apply to the G I, A b S W A R E. :o rioter on the or to hltechurch - P. U. promises, THOMAS COOK. --0-- All the Latest Designs anti Tints in Fancy China Goods. IMM` C GLASS In many shades and shapes, BEAUTIFUL JET TEA. POTS AND I'EA KETTLES, BEAUTIFUL WATEii, AND WINE SETS VASES AND WATER BOTTLES SUGAR BOXES AND , CREAM JUGS, VINEGAR AND SAUCE BOTTLES. China Cabare g, FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. THESTOCK Fruit + ., THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE ON favorable terms' his 200 acre farm, being Lots Nos, 9 and 10, Con. 11, Turnberry. There are about 90 acres cleared, and in a good state of cultivation: about 100 acres of timber of which about 60 is black ash, balance good hard wood ; bank barn 42 by 62, 11 log horse, two wells, oda acre of orchard. A school house on farm. Ono -half mild from Glenannan and five wiles from, Wingham. For•torrne apply on the premises or at the TIMES °Moo, Wingbam. JLOBT. MULR, Turnberry, Jan. 4th '89. Glenannan P. 0. Fj10R SALE OR •TO RENT FOR FIVE YEARS. - X A first class farm in the township of Turnberry, being Lot S and part of 4, in the Seventh Concession, containing 107 acres, of which 103 are cleared and 1n a good state of cultivation and all free of stumps, except about 4 acres. A fine orchard, a good frame dwelling and large bank barn, with frame driving sheds, &o., are on the premises. The farm is well watered. For particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or to .L Cowan, Wroxeter, JOHN GEMMILL, :Wroxetor P. 0., -85 DO I SEE ARIGHT ?. $2 'CABINETS g2 A. poz-miT AT MASON'. • BORN. GOBLc.-In Oulross, on the 3rd. inst., the wife of OTHER WORK; PROPOR- .. Albert Goble ;a son. LLOYD. -In Winghvm, on the 26thult., the wife of _ ZIONA.LLY LOW. Mr. Albert Lloyd • a daughter. - McL,00.-A5 Listowel, on the 2nd ult., the wife of • Mr. A. McLeod ; a son. .--o•:•o— Elliott-In Carrick. on the 8th inst, the wife of Mr • Elliott, brickmakor ; a son. MARRIED. ' PERFECT PICTURES GUARANTEED EVERY McKay -Wilson -In Wingham, on the 8th inst. by TIME, . the Rev ,N McQoarrie, Mr Andrew McKay, to Miss p ivary Witacn, both of Brussels. Oat 1e'_ rl Mill HousSos Gssontz,-InTuckersmtth on Now Years Opened. day, by Rev.J McCoy, M A,, Mr John G. Houston, WILSON-Aaa,srxoso.-At Palmerston, on the 81st . Oat ** ult., by the Rev. Jaates AlaAhster, Mr. Thomas Wil• Q M O'+dn as councillor llOr son, of Harriston,to Miss MaryArmstrond, of Palmer - in Dnfferm wart,] which was 21.00111 p eai IiII in Wingham, 81011. list] • BaOwc---1r ,son. -At Newry, on the 31st ult., by And a p lection of LV Pelt0o b 95 Rev. A. H d 'if Rob t t M unitmftodquaatttiea and at the IPV ]oasis Morrrreon, both of Elmo. council therefore of 1880 is i ivruttoL-Soaoss.-In Grey, on the2nd lust., by the • • e:1 by the e Ito 68. The re now Drepare'`to purchase Oats in a erson. M. A., .yyr, to er Brown, o Miss _ Rev, A, Henderson, M. A., _Ir, Jae. Nichol, of Elma, Highest arket Price. S.13ricker,laldybr by acclamation; T.E . , to bliss Fannie Sogden, of Grey. Hay, Reeve; P. Llilico, Depot •reeve. Vooa.-Cntn[snv.-In Hamilton, on the 1st Inst., by Deputy -reeve. Rev. J. W. Carey, Mr. Thomas Voll, to Misa Lilian They will supply customers With the BEST Counc,llors for Bistnnrk ward ; A. Chimney, lateotwallace. GRADES in Oat Meal. Suety MCituszzII.-In Kincardine township, on the W. Featherston, John Bamford, 2nd ins[., by Rev. F. McLellan, R. II. Shaw, of Luck- now,to Allis J. McKenzie, of Kincardine township. chem Trustees ; H. Goddard andV xnsanunti-CA5Llrree,-.AtIitcknow,on the 25th A. Little, Gladstone ward—J. A. ult., by the Rev. AIr. Greens, Air. Benage Vander• burg, to Mise Jan° Cadoton, both of Kinloss, .. Hacking and S. M. Smith ; school Liv,aoarov-NcRAv.-In Grey, on the and inst.,by trustees, . W. R. Clayton and O. Miss o Tntfoaato-HAurtmon.-At Trivtlter, on the 2nd attd V Dixon; school tt'USta'eir J ,L'i+, lust Uy Rey tti W 4 rung Mr GebriYeTheobald ,'arson and FI. E. :Kern. 11 µrin TrnLrsd- .tisrnsnt;-At NPW _Iarlret, an the •Lnd ward—W. Pelton' and W. Binning, ins[ by Rey. M Hill lI Arnog Tiplhag oI Turn b y, to Miss Minerva Care o the Rov. D. 13. McRae ler. Robert W. Livingston, to Anderson. ' Victoria ward—J. C. Hay is I,risttua i, tttowy, both es Groy townah[p. b' 1 50 Miss lalzabeth A. Hamilton, of Teeswater. ' err a ri . a r• line Kennedy, 'f Nes; Gel l tr t, to W. Binning and Thos.Market. 100 t 9 es EwAar-BvatrrnSLo.--At Stratford, on the 20th alt. 1 Landsdowne d 1Z T f tV ik t SI' i eldest daughter t school trustees Win. Elliott and V►7. war . T. by the Rev k Wright D 11irGeorge Graham Ewart, 'Kemp, Wm, McKeever Wm. Me- jr, o a er on, to M rob ag, e,.e est Aug et o l> 1 Mr Berry lluehtield. Keever and John Riggs being ties ; I Co 1tIttLL--$oMERVnLP„-At L0eknow, on the*th . o• t, by It A M K y, 1i W C n ell,merchant, to Mary, nie eV C a i 1' m 0 ll A[ies ary, daughter of Mr J Somerville, ex M 1'. L, Kells, Atkinson-Noblo.--At Clinton, on the 20th ult, by the Rev Mr Craig, Mr II .1 Atkinson, of Stratford, to Miss F Noble,eldest daughter of Mrs Noble,of Clinton, Teet>vlrater, formerly of Goderieh. Hunter -Redmond In Blyth, on the 1st inst, by The contract for the Teeswater Rev. A Afctoan, Nt D C hunter, 0f Michigan, to Mita Bridget Redmond, of East Wawahosh. waterworks hail been awarded. to Myles, Hunting & Co , of Ilamilton. ••-fir. T. Fairburn, of the News was tendered a farewell sapper by the Ma-onic body of this place The eve:it took place at the tesideuce o Rae, aged is tear's. iitr. Jos. W hytoCk. Sangster In Berries, on the 2tithutt,1 Sangster, a tlattvo of A.bortjYenshlre, Seotland, Alred G5 curs• al.: a e -in Grey, 0n the 2Sth tilt. BaniSOl Long• 111'11111111 . man, aged 58 years, $ months and T3 days. i,[arrsottte,-•In Cranhrook, on thn 2nd Inst, Thomas ar a r t Curvetx--At 1'nrt Eigin,on tlla Blst alt, Charles. n 1.1111 y Kerns eet , arm m ne •ea eft. A free entertainment, will be glntatone, af.d 67 Y6611/smohthe and 166t, an` so ltarir-» n W nobh on e !t tiowsnn-At Teeswater, on the 22nd alt, liarriettl wife of Mr J. L. Howson, aged 31 years. Moir-At Hensall, On the 4th ins[, George Moir, sr, hged 80 years, 7 months and 15 days. Mcrlermid-In Harpurhey, on the 31st tilt Seal. dm'Dernild, aged 04 years. Rae -In East Wawrwosh, On the 5th int];, Annie r t Harbottle, aged 3,, s e t nd 1 it an h. '1 he 11 art Huron Farmers' Institute wilt be -.fri ilt the Town Hall en Cultcrn, aged.,] years and 8 rhnhtht. y . 1Jcte°d-At Sonthampteh, en the 26th sit, ]liar h rtdla ai,d 'i tarda, of next week Led ed ELDER & CLEGG, 'VCT=N d- .&M - - ON''2' Pioneer Hardware Store, STONE BLOCK. _.ES— CI: , CUSPID() ES Assorted, souses ELEGANT WATER SETS, Gall and get Bargains while the - FINE TRAYS oc11 1,s complete, —0- -THIS IS. A— erieClearing Sale A fall line of NEW FRUITS, OTS, CONFECTIONERY AND .GROCERIES, fresh. and reliable. , BEAUTIFUL CHINA • TEA SETS. os• Seaognable T. A. Sign of tie Red Flag, NEW GNIdg. Inspection invited. No trouble to show, goods M LLS, v" J- T_ • T S- IRE COM HOUSE. TAILOR . SHOP ! 0-,-0 MR. E. C. CLARKE, In opening a new Tailor Shop In Wingham, respectfullysolicitsa share of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to five satisfaction) to all entrusting hila with their orders. Being now in running order, desire to tbank those who have favored him, and to say that no pains will be spared to give satifactibn in the future. E. C. CLAI KE. Wingham, January 11th, 1889. To The Lndie$ _ of 'gingham, and $a rounding Gountrg We beg to intimate that we. have on hand a very Complete Stock of FANCY GOODS, Comprising the CHOICEST ARTICLES and LATEST NOVELTIES`. Boartifu1 Geodg i Eve Department. AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK SOLICITED.. Prices Very Reasonable MISSES BONTHRON. The Leading Cross Out Saws t AMERICAV A -HEAD OF ANY, `"' AMERICAN RACER LANCE - ij SAiITH'S LEADER. . FEST ,TNES VL ► 1 0 , r H OFiiiiaol , 1 CHOPPING AIM , --(6.1 H-= ki CATTLE CHAT N$, All -at BOTTOM PRICES.,.+` V W gli H y r. a , , tioehMC o , sit 52 y08TY. tend 1051 itasts. Prof. Aline, Mrs I ses-•Iniled°r1etr,onthe29th E 4tttM173yean,2monthsand .QDdays. gltLirl and a number Of othClr llnnter--tn (acldeHch townarhip, on the 30th sit, J y tilt, Jamie Fields TRA VALfl] Y14 SLEIGE prorilinent tigrtcltlturalists are exp I strtumone-lo an t5 !th Iaretb given Friday evening, >t3:atboth sol S,, M64 e'f 331M -A' sed 1o,moltil r, fay '. las. At alias & Cu CHOICEST r 1=+ . c cd W 0 C' 0 rn 1-4 tot r -in 444 0.94 4 a 0 CLD z H 0 1.4 0 t