HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-11, Page 30 ..-mom ; .� 1r • T -MI +l'VZR, A COLORADO, Interco and Board of Trade buildings, Wroxeter, are built chiefly of cut stone and are Thenominations in this village heti': Elise r Ej;.'t F11011 8, (Q. M'l11LLI Ali elegant sth•nt`tureR Gostin(' any - 4 I wret, FORMERLY or where from a snorter to 1 1E of a WJNo IAM, million of del ars eao•h, Denver can boast of a eery fine High School CeoxoLiroito rem nese WR1,A.7 Library, tinct, nearly a dozen others— There is (mother city, however, State, Law and School libraries. She about 120 situs south of Denver, has three smelting worlca,two of which called l neidit, in this State, that is aro the largest smelting, senip•ing and very rapidly oouling to the front iu refining works in the world. Besides ovcryU hilts likely to make a city great these, alie has flouring mills, iron and proapciroee, With her vast iron, works; elevators and steam heating copper and steel works and her nue works and many other manufactures morons sulo;tors, Pueblo is recognized which seater) forbids .me mentioning. by some as the realemanufaeturing and There is also here, seven daily, seven, ooniuiercinl centre of Colorado. ;fold teen weekly •and five monthly news. ing, as she does, the key to the great papers, representiug all the different transcontinental railroads, enablers her shades of political opinion. Polities to justly assert her right to the title leave been running very high here and of the "Pittsburg" of the West, all over the country for the last six ;astern capital is today invested in mouths, this being, as you know, the Pueblo to tin enormous extent, and in Presidential year. A tt barrel of each n indicions manner as to reap a money" is said to have been won by rich harvest in the near future. Pueblo the Republicans of Denver from the is also a great money centre, nod has poor unfortunateDemocrats,who staked low commercial interests sufficient for their little all on Cleveland. A word :a population of 100,000 people. She in regard to Denver's school system. is in very truth a" young giant," and Like the rest of America's inetitutions trier steen:;nh begotten of a confidence she claims to have the pattern Public la anti kuowledne of her powers is School System (?) of the world. That were : For Reeve --Thos, ]3, Bauble, re-elected by acclamation. Counciliois -- T. Hemphill, W. L. Henry, Januar :troland,Wnh. M. Robinson, Dr.Brawn. L I'anlin and 1. Davidson. Public Scheel Trastees—Wni, Lee, W. 0, Iilazlewood and John Sanderson, by acclamation.. Nattliew Jones, a hiss about 56 yoars of age, was tried at Sarnia on burningy un a charge of arson, in eJ A.CI ETS AND burning the barns of Henry Roebuck- .x�., AND and John Pollkuk, Jones wss found guilty and sentenced to. Kingston peni- Gail secure a good fitting garment tentiary for life. The judge in passing sentence commented upon the great danger to society in such mon being allowed at large, ."�W TAILOR SH P MR. E. O. CL RKE, In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully solicits a Aar.- of liar.of public patronage, It will be his endeavor to ,INN:_ satisfaction to al entrusting hire with their orders. tZar Ladies requiring tailor-made A NASAL INsEcwon free • with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. For sale by. CE. Williams. Oh, Fred, what's that ticking noise? Do you think its the death watch ma- ma was reading about before she put us to bed ? Bessie, don't be a little goose. ].ts only a bug,anybow. May- be its not even a bug—only the bed - ticking. today acknowledged and will be vigor• is rather large talk, but that's the way THE REV, GEo OH, THAYER, of Bourbon, ousty extended for her future benefit. people talk here, The writer is not Ind., says : " Both myself and wife owe Denver's growth is simply phenotne- prepared to admit or deny this state- ourr e lives' to C iE ores CONSUMPTION ams. Comm." nal during the last five or six years— ment. Suffice it to say, that if hand- almost doubling herself in population some school buildings and grounds are Jones.—Bellow, Smith got home • ,during that tune and possessing today any guarantee of the efficiency of its again 1 Smith -1 suppose so. I don't spublic buildings and private residences' school system, Denver, me thinks, look as if I was out of town, do I? unsurpassed for beauty of architecture would stand far in the leacl. The What makes the shoes go 1 asks an and durability by any city in the present new High School buildings, exchange. We had always supposed Union of her ago aad size. But not ,lust finished, and w bleb occupies a it was the feet. WHY will you cough when Shiloh's Cure resources and agricultural industries considered the finest school structure will give you immediate relief? Price loo will Denver thrive, for she .has a in the United States, excepting per- 50o. and 91, For sale by 0. E.Williams source of wealth superior to them all. haps one in Boston, Massachueests. An English physician says short I. mean the climate of the country. Denver (the City of Churches) is hair derives the brain of electricity. In the words of Mr. Erastus Wiman, said to be t1 t must religious city of Therre. are lots of people who need long Of NewYork,aud formerly of 'Toronto, the new West. It might be,we think, Bai "It is simply superb.—I declare I sand yet not be overstocked with FoR DYf1PEPSLI and Liver Complaint you really never breathed before. 1 sanctity, if one is to judge from the havo a printed guarantee o every bottle of Shiloh's thought at first I should have to find number of people seeking to make vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For sale by 0, E. s myself to find out whether it wee not Sunday a day of pleasure, instead of William'. all a dream." I do believe that if a a day of Holy rest. Everything goes "The awkardest thing in the world," 'e" man tapes proper care of himself here here the year round. We have the says a cynical neighbor, "is a woman and is not afflicted with any malady, luxury (?) here, as in all our cities, handling a gun." Dunne about that; such as consumption, in an advanced of Sunday newspapers, horse cars, did you ever see a man handling a .stage or acute heart trouble, that lie motor and cable lines, going in all . baby 1 will certainly live (barring aceidents) directions, as usual, and more than SHULOH'8CATARRH REMEDY—a, positive cure to a ripe old age. Denver has a me- this, the public houses, and variety for Catarrh,Diphtheria and Canker Mouth ilititn altitude of over 5,000 feet above theatres open and going at full blast For sale by 0. E. Williams.. sea level, which makes it a much more on Sunday, in utter disregard of all A German Princess, Marie Dorothea, desirable place to live in than lnauy of laws, human or divine. Denver's took leave of a Christian missionary the.mountain towns, which are almost church edifices number about 70, with these words:—" Christians never .double the height of this level city of costing from $10,000 to $250,000 each. see each other for the last time— the plains. Denver has one cable $62,500 is claimed to have been given . miler, road and two or three motor lines in eoutributions at ono morning ser- ARE you made miserable by Indigestion, under construction; a circle railroad, vice of the new Trinity M. E. Church Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, -owned and operatdd Pay the Santa Fee of this city. The organ for this Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a posi. Railway Company, and about 34 miles magnificent church is one of four of tivo cure. For sale by 0. E. Williams of first class horse car lines now in the finest organs in the world, having The flexibility of the English lang active operation. The city's location cost alone the enormous sum of nage was shown the other day by the is grand, yet not unnaturally nestling; $50,000. reply of a son of Erin to a visitor dur- as she sloes, on a broad expanse of Now for a cursory glance at the ing the recent rain storms: You have prairie, close to the. Foot Hills, and real estate business of Denver and the quite a pond on the floor, said the under the very brow and within the great progress made therein during visitor. Yis 1 sure we have a great shadow of the majestic and pea- the last three years and we are dont, lake in the roof. petuaily snow-capped Rockies, whose This city has great reason to feel SHrnoH's CURE will immediately relieve shapely peaks forever remind one of proud Of her real estate and building croup, Whooping 0onghaudCronehitis, For sale by the puny arm of •man as compared record since 1886. Never before has 0. E. Williams. with the mighty Maker's hand that she had such an unprecedented growth As it frequently happens: "Dear Mr. fashioned and holds those giant rocks in every direction. It has not been a Editor,—Please read the enclosed poem in their places, They are, indeed, "the wild, excited real estate boon], as carefully and return it to me with your treasure houses" in which the Supreme Ruler of the universe, in bis infinite wisdom' and goodnoss, has planted riches beyond human compare or con- ception. Despite the large number of invalids who flock here every year from almost every quarter of the globe, Denver is said to have the lowest death rate (10 per 1000) of any other city of equal size in America. It is not to be wondered at either, when for the last twelve years, only about three days per year the sun was not visib e in this city. Colorado -may be called, and truth. fully, too, " the land of perpetual sun- shine." Denver has an excellent, healthy, water system, with 80 miles alone in her beauty, in ler vast whole squats and cost $500,000, is Wingham, Sept. 25th, 1888.. ELEGANT ULSTJ � S by patronizing the new Tailor Shope E. C. CLARKE, CUTTERS TWO DOZEN BEAUTIES BEING FINISHED AT DOBE & COOK'S. These articles are of LATEST DESIGN, SUPERIOR MATERIAL and SPLENDIDLY FINISHED. Intending purchasers'ought to see them. Headquarters for bad Sleighs. Pir BE SURE AND CALL AT THEIR SHOPS ON VICTORIA ST. WINGHAM, - - - - - ONTARIO. some would like to 'term it, but a healthy and steady increase in the value of not only inside business and residence property, but suburban property as well. There is now a very marked activity almost every week in real estate. On every business street and in fact everywhere handsome new blocks and residences, substantial in architecture and structure, aro going up like magic; the business blocks ranging in height, from 2 to 8 stories and costing from $10,000 to $300,000 each. The city was never so crowded as at the present tiine, and as soon as the foundations are laid for a new house, renters or intending purchasers are looking for the owner to buy or lease. Good vacant houses are a candid criticism as soon as possible, as 1 have other irons in the fire." " Dear Mr. Smith—remove the, irons and in- sert the poem." THE BEST )PLACE —TO GET ORDERED - : - C LOTHIN G Is A. VT. �VEBSTER'SQY HE HAS CHOICE LINES OF WINTER SUITINGS AND OVER- 00ATINGS, • FINE § PERSIAN § LAMB § GOODS § AND § IMITATIONS% GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF • EVERY DESCRIPTION VERY CHEAP FOR CASH. Ear GOODS MADE TO ORDER ALL GUARANTEED. STOVES' AT HALF PRIG- r, SUTHERLAND'S STOVE and TINWARE ROOMS a• Having purchased the stock of HINGSTON & SONS,we are offering. Gf,EAT BARGAINS IN STOVES for the next 60 DAYS. COAL and WOOD STOVES in Great Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Owing to the number of Furnaces put in thio year, we have some SECOND-HAND STOVES as good as new, at LESS THAN HALF COST. A SUPERB STOCK OF CHOICE LAMP GOODS. BEST PROCURABLE COAL OIL. Scott's Emulsion of Qod Liver Oil and Hypophospllites Ie sold all over the world. it is far superior to plain READY-MADE Cod Liver Oil, palatable and easily digested. Dr. Martin Miles Stanton, Bury Bucks, London, England, says : " 1 have prescribed Scott's Emulsion, and taken it myself. It is palatable, efficient, and con be toler- ated by almost anyone, especially where cod liver 011 itself cannot be borne. Sold by all druggists, 60o and 51. Mimes—Anything new in Boston 1 Winks—about the newest thing I saw was a big hotel they are bragging about. Itis called the Tudor. Weirs, of water mains. The water is taken queer name—I suppose one door is fur fresh from the mountain streams and rarity in Denver, consequently rents laches. It enormous • yet apart from this the largest f which flows about 96,000 things considered. There is no point but they don't get 1 parried down to the city in pipes. s are , Politics make strange bedfellows, artesian wells number over 200—the cost of living here is not so high, all ,r ,t muosleep. arses 0 w 1C l , gallons per day. She has two gas in the west, we think, where invest. Daughter—Wasn't Julius Caesar one companies and two electric light coin- ments of capital in real estate or first of the strongest men that ever lived, Dailies, over 30 hotels, some of thele mortgage loans upon lands are safer pa? Father—What makes you ask (the Windsor and the Albany) equal or more profitable than here, There that question 1 Daughter -1 was just to the finest in America. Thera is is yet a very large margin open. The reading that he threw a bridge over another mammoth hotel. the Metropol. price of real estate (not like rents) the Rhine. itan, shortly to he built by a wealthy being lower in Denver now then in CLUBBING Ii ATitS. English Company. It will be sevoa any city in the country, when its size, Any of the following metropolitan weeklies can be °or eight stories high—will cover a population, steady growth, tributary obtained with the Wingham 11aiEs at the Aguror here g i B 1 non of '3S Oreo -, til 76 • 1 • W stets,—the chic which 1 is the the weather ere now on the t 1 .6 T d T oto News - 1 7b "Tabor Grand," called after Senator Dec. is as warm, and the air as balmy E g von. a n whole square of ground and cost about resources and natural advantaged are Trina and 1,500,000. Denver's places of amuse considered. Timm, Malt, and Farm and'Firesido, Tnnts, Olobe and Rural Canadian,. anent are teary and varied in sine and Let me add, sir, in conclusion, that Tian?s and London Adoortiser, .. f of l ' 1tl h h ti 15th Tn1Ea and Montreal witness, .. Tabor, a wealthy Miner, who was its and mild as a Juno day in Canada. before pilatc,".. .. .. .. .. 1 ?6 builder and is its present owner. It No slow or evidences of winter any. Mao, "Father; of Confederation.".. ., 2 00 is said to be the most elaborately) whore to bo seen in the city or upon —Tho financial statement issued puts finished and hest equipped opera the plains, but only upon the pealte of the meets of Godoricll at 41112,1310 and the house. in the United States, costing I the ever snow-capped Rockios in the liabilities at $101,080. $7$0,006, and modelled, as to the distance. --'Toronto's building operations for last interior, after the Grand Opera Ilouse Yours sincerely, year aggregrato about $2,000,000, in Paris The Unions Depot, Court S. 'G.11Ic(�I11LLt •--Goclerieh has eighteen stores end three 1tmette, City gall, Chambers of Volt- Denver, Colorado' Dec. 14 '$yr hotels lit by tiro electric lights lura an oro , .. .. ... .. TntEs and daily world Tniss rind woekl News with premtthn, "Christ TINWARE, A IIEA,VY STOCK AT VERY LOW' PRIt)ES. Er ORDERED WORK, A SPECIALTY. WARE ROOMS ane SHOPS ; Opposite Exchange Rotel, corner Josephine' and Victoria Streets, BANS OF HAMILTON, W 2NCsHA M_ Sterling Exchange and drafts oil New'York BOUGHT AND SOLD., OFFICE Booms : 10 a, tit. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a. in. to1p.in B. WILLSON, Aomm. ti MEYER It DtcErnsoN, Solicitors ICALEDONIAN HALL. This commodious hall can bo secured for enter- tainments et every kind at a very low figure. For terms to., apply to JAMES LOUTIT, at Cline & Co's Stora. 898 Toat ncele*t ib ineFlllllJ To oin�alls parte iby piecing our machines and goods where the people can we *hens. wo will mend free to one barson in each toeallty,the Very eet mewing -machin* made in tho trorid,witb all the attaebment*. , We wilt also eendfree a cornpl.n line of our costly and Valuable nit wimples. In return wo ask that yon *how what wo mend, to those who may Deli at your home.and atter month* all shall became your own pro port yy. This ggrmaed machine 15 i made it to the Inger potents, which/tare ran but: before patent* run oat It soldtot 8193, with the auaehmente, *nd new sells for Sao. Beat, *aoogest, mat nee. futmaehine ,n the world. All le tree. No capital required. Plain, Inlet ln,tteettotie givens then whbwilts to ka at once eon Be. euro Ikea the. beet sewin6-meehlne in the world, and the linen tint of works ofbistah art ever shown ether.% Anterior. WJELUJe a car, ices 'Y40k Amman* 3Jatwq.. SLEEPLESS .trcnrs, made miserable by that terrible cough, Sbiloh's Cure is thea: Remedy for you. For sale by 0. E Williams. MONEY TO LEND. (SHE CORPORATION OF THE TIOVNSHIP Or 1 Turnberry has about 53,000 to loan on Mort,r gages. For terms apply to, P. MCLAREN, or WM. iIaPHERSON, Tr. Tanosuan0, Wingham. REEVE, Olenfarrow Winghiun, May Wilton I say Cunz I do not mean merely tG Stop thorn for a timo, and then r cte them cit - urn attain. I MEAN .A RAMC; to -111& T have lnado the disease of fTySA,,Q4:�qq��PI.L�1, s'gS�� it rALLL' J.� 47/ Zic .1 TESS0 Altfelnngstudy. I VAxmAatm:nvremedy ro Minn the worst ewer Boeamo others halm Media no reason for not now reeelvinnl�cta curee.,, Bond at onocfor atreatise and prop m7BOTrLa1 eiIN1'ALt1BLZ Ra` anir. Give Express anddFost moo. It costs you nothing lot a. trial, and it will euro you. Address nuatawswassiosonamo 7k, 1i. lie ROOT. 97 Yong°St., Tarots, hats: