HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-04, Page 10• A Vest 11112$ the Editor of the TIANS. DEAR Sta,--1. tiud. lr.y personal friends L,00d deal of their ;A connectiou with (ntarries criticisms ,liey lasi.)1/0.211. I uni credited these wiseacres ith furnishing the alit suggesting. the s,veeping coeden atiou pronounced mr mcQuarrie against the whole "Ban Bag" tem. In reply to ail this silly t&1 have to sq that 1 General mentioned the matter, anumber of e giving me enlion jiist now, ho" ltev. mc., the 'Beam 13ag' honer Hardware Store C+13 -MA -T glearing Sale $15,000 WORTH never so much a f;4.r less, to spg est 'the preaching of a sermon about^itic "Beau 33sg." Do Goods, the60 knowing Ones seriously believe 11 that mr. mega nrio would preach on special subjec' to gratify the whim of congregation? I held very decided BEFORE MOVING. opinions upoi fuge, and the ritioisru of last Sabbath thereon, but it just now. anyone either inside or outside his the Beau ,far subter. Zintaltoroi Marshall -In Mr. itobt Marsh Vanstooc-At N .of Ilr Jii Vanstil Wilson -4u Se. Ur Chas wition, erniTSTLE-UAN XIV. Fairbur Day. tieovitoY-Ihro the father of the. am not going, to express T A. MILLS STONE BLOCK, The Leading Cross Cut Saws ; AMERICAN AHED OF ANY, AMERICAN RACER LANCE SMITII'S LEADER, I3EST LINES VIEQPVING AXE% CATTLE CHAINS All at BOTTOM PRICES. • 44.11R,7477—J-4-1\TI> • 0:7' THE SEASON'S SENSATION. . • ... 0 ' • EOOBS, STATIONERY, TDfs, CARDS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. 10 EVERYTITING EVERYTHING 1 l SO ORIGINAL, SO NOV1I, so NEW, SO COMPLETE,. SO CHEAP, BO GAY. il\TWIT.A,r1%01\1" Yours truly, To all who read this advertisement .—Come aucl see enr low priced at D. M. GORDON. Ras detettitzined. to clear out the EXTRA. VALUE IN SLEIGH beautiful goods. You can certainly find what you want, and BOEN whole stock of BELLS. your money will procure more than anywhere 01.4e. rosson the 261.,1 tilt, the Vae, ;0. daughter. • tlkal r e DBE, G001)S, EEADY-MADE fitstrta Ingham, ou the sott, the. Wit CLOTHING, . CARPETS -a igA %it& A.544,14 ‘co) _ I Filr - oe 1$, ore e, )eweller ; daughter, orth, on tho 26th ult, tho wife ef klANNELS, MANT1.111 111,86.V.R.1E1). GOODS, CLOTHS, nerebant ; son. , T wR$D S, BLANKETS, -SHAWLS, Y. --.At Fergus, on the 26th ult., by HATS AND CAPS, Pomeroy, 13 A d tel. Fec 111 A Chown B. D. of . .. FURS BOOTS AND SHOES, Elora, Str. Thos. i odfrey, son of John Godfrey, Est THE CHINA HOUSE 1 (IP J, Christie to Miss Elizalaot • in Carrick, on the 26th ult ride assisted by the Iter. J. C. postmaster of Elo *a, and nephew of tho Rey, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND • est ems:liter of the Rev. James Broly. tAudirew, of Delur m, to`Miss Clara. Augusta Broley, • A.SSWAR,E. Tarnbei, on t to 10th ult., • y it, J. EL ido house, Mr. T. 2, James to Miss tharine Robins° W. T. YATES. or CH • ISTMAS OO)S . liev. Ilic9,11. *tie, Mr. Peter Miley, Wingbam, • TIME STOOK XMAS GOODS lstr-lioxsox Wingbam, on the Ist inst., by to Miss Margaret tsou, Morris. • • COMPRISING: CARDS, • TOYS, GES, ' FANCY GOODS, DOORS* Garienzine-70aw nte BArel.1 ; • BOORLETS, ETC., ETC., IN WINGH AN? C), both of Brussels* • -In MoRillop, on the 25tli ult=, "1,1t tit Fa ult., by avv. . Miss Mairatot R. il Vannitor-Drivni; by Itor• Torrim Wroxv..ttr.t0 Mi* bilinssus-82,tm, to Dennison of SicKillo t)f y artad • § All the Latest Designs and Tints A CALL SOLICITED BEFOEE BUYING. ozi111 Groon the 2 o, Mr. Tide: B.• POWQr0y g. 1t., -1 ,by Rev. J. T,Legea Harry Matheson, of Wood. stock, teSlis6 malldon, of Grey township. Kinn-ArmitnsoN 'At Brussels, on tho 26th ult., by Rev. W. F. Cnixtpbe , at the residence of Mr. Stan. ' ley Anderson,Mr. bt J. Kirk, of West WsAvanoli, ",.to.Miss Sitinet.ione nderson, of Seafintli, Lross-a4stkiztso At the residence mi the bride's mother, on the 26 . Mr, Johu Lyous to Miss - Janet Anderson, bot of Scsforth. Coorse--Tiracoca In Goderich thwnship, on the 26th ult.. by the Rev Dr. tiro, Mr. Win. 11 Cooper to Rebecca, eldest dat ter of Mr. Jewell Peacock, 114te,,,,Wararnit.- God -oriel', on thp 27th tilt., by. the Rey. Dr, Ure, AL George Gall,. of Fort . Etief to Elizabeth It., tliir daughter Of Mr. John Walker. Elooawru-Bowess At liineardine, on the 25th ult., by Rev. A. A. owers, SI. A., brother of the assisted by thi Rev Dr, • Ilannon, Mr.: George 11. Ilogarth,13. A.„ athematioal master in the Kin. ecardine high school, Miss Sadie 1., daughter of Mr. William Bowers. ' SralsOne.-Vittit- t the residence of the Bride's ather, on Christmas lay, by the•Kev. 1.."Mprray, Id. A, Mr, John Str *ger to Miss Margaret Weir, , • . ..daughter of lir. Tho Weir, all of Kincardine town- Tu.vicr-BAra,-- In Goderich township, on Chnst• mas ohn R. Isp.o.c, Mr. James Tun - of Fast Wawan h, to Miss Mary Mn' Ball, of •*Goderich township. Mollza-tinancresria Ir -At Clinton, on the filith ult. bythe Bur. W. Craig '61r. W. bicelinteck SitiOce to tont R., second dau. liter of Mr. 0. crufekslaault„ all of Clinton. Ilattledge-JOhnsto, -At Clinton, on the 24th ult., the Iles. W. Ora; Mr Win Itutledge, of Goderlob 'township. to Mark J ohnston, a Clinton. lianuels.ltureforet -At Wingham, on the 2nd inst., 'by Rev IV h ShOr4 SI A, Sir T Marmot,- chair maker .at Sir Bell's factor"-, tv Miss Annie Itninford Foss--,Carlyle-At Ronson, on the 10th nit, by Bev. J Aenderson, Mel> W Foss to Miss Story " 'Carlyle, both of liens, 11. • Grant-Ashin-in Iwei,.on the 16th nit, by Rev W T Clutf, Sir John. front to Miss Bella, oldest ciaughtor of air John Is`ain, both of Grey. Smith-.4ohuston- Gerrie, on the 26th tilt, by Rev33 Wright, Mr T J Smith, of Winnipeg, to Miss ,Oettie Joilestee, ao- me. Sanderson-SleClen.ent-In ITowick on the 26th by Itov Mr Stu'r, Sandenion. to Miss Katie Ur:Clement. -Strong-.-Roo-In Ot-,•rie Or1.tho 26.th .ult, Rev Str Ayers, lir J A Stlur to SlissIditrintoo. Rlenlin.,Matthews n St:n(19rd, On tho 2nd irist, by Rev ltobt Kerr, r James Sletuin to Fannie •Ellen Mathews, both o ' Wingbani, Ens)—In Bullett, or the 26th tilt, Dorcas, beloved wife of Thomas East, Cd 53 years. Mitnhell,-In qoderi i, on the 26th fait, Ann, be• ?Geed wife Of Sir John ittehell, aged 58,years. C Hill -In Grey, on hil illst ult, Royston Laird, manly mon of Robert IVA , aged 1 yearend 8 days. agnew-bi East Wa anosh, on the 26th ult, Mrs Jona Ammw, aged 01, tins. Muncie -At Winghea , on the Vocl inst, the infant child of .Sir John mon , aged 4 months. , Smith -In Wingban , on the illIth tilt, Jane, dough - 'ler of Mr Chas smith, aged 2 years, 16 months and 72 --------------------------------- days, . WIN'OlIAM MAIIRDTS. IVINretsm, aan. 8, 1880. .Vorrected by P. Deans, Producia Dealer. b'tour por TOO lbs, - ... 6 2 40 to 2 do Vail Wheat per bushel, • :I 00 to 1 (10 J. on to I, 00 IprIng •* s .0ats. - • 82 to .,4 Barley, - - 43 to 60 • Votatos, • - 63 to IS 43 to 60 "Peas, Aliples,peeybeg - . 40 to 60 Butter par lb., , , 10 to 17 Pggs per dozen. - , IS to 18 ..cresserl Dogs, • . 6 50 to 6 80 Wood pt'*- card, . . 1 60 to 1 50 Gay per ton, - - . Is 00 to 24 00 OOLT FOR SALE. .1111:: SEITISCP.,11311itt OPPERS FOIL SAI.,E A v.... V COLT, rising 2 years old. Will be sold for •"`=, Ash or on tune. For particulars apply on the Ci....1 MISS Si, 1 Campbell Ill premises, Lower Whigharo, to s.,.......,............. %%Ingham P. O. Am . , --- ..,FARIVI FOR SALE 001 TO FICNT. I.Li, alls=C fling ist,IISOltIREIt OFFERS FOR SALE IIIS FAJCIJ, Lehr: ii. 7,1 Lot, at, 14th Con. East Wawa,. • Ci -J rods, comprising In acres, mere or leste•ribout 80 acrot eLared, well watered and tinder good oultiva. raiieui, tion. On the preinhos are a brick house,. framo barb, liable*, Se% ;1,1,3 pod orchard, mostly whiter fruit ; at.il about 7 aorrs'fall wheat Palm id well fenced 1 = anri aLmit, 5l blies from Winaham and libidos front 110ot:eider ma the proalees, or to "iVbitcchuroli 11****..*** sA MI ' I Witit..,;:,,,,,i1;„. Tito farm will bo sold on reason- ableterms. For further particulars apply to the TIIOMMI COOlf. Cl) tring tIrelitSIOiNED OFFERS FOR SAGE 01.7 1,41 I favorable tome his 200 acre farm, bring Lot* IS;., M. f) alai 10, Con. It, Turnberry. There are about .4, i Call antl get 'Bargains while the ncy.• • 7.10 M Stock ia.complete.". • —0- ---Tms IS A— Genuine Zie1.11115 Sale ,t) T. A. NULLS, Chinh, Goods. . (..imAsoN BLocK,-3 11013B11111AN GLASS 1 wINGival, I• iti Many:shades and. shapes. .. BEAUTIFUL jET TEA. LT . POTS AND TEA.. KETTLES, BEAUTIFUL WATER • AND WINE SETS Sigh of the Red Flag. VASES 4.0 WATER .1JOTTLEs T SUGAR BOXES AND - CREAM JUGS, $2 VINEGAR AND ''AtitE BOTTLES. • DO .$2 CAB, TDOz E ARM • OTHER W TIONA 0 ONTARIO. RTAKING- -.- ' 4, • Having added- Delivery Waggon to this brawl) Of the' business * .*. 2 , Ubb'4' rPilit . w'45b6.4''''at orders will - (if necessary) be delivered any where within ' 10 miles of . . ,. • . . • K OR - LY LOW. PERFECT PIC URES GUARANTEED EVERY 335333. ' Oat Zeal Kill Opened, Tin, 'undersigned desire to inform farm- ers and the people generally that; they have reopened their. Ott Meg iII in igingptan, And are now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and. at the ilighost Market They will supply customers with 'the BEET G:11,NDS3 ill Oat Veal, THE CHINA HOUSE. ELDER & LLEGGI CHINA 'GISSPITIO W• inghar. 4 o no doubt oftentimes save a good deal f trouble, espe ThisotleY where parties may not have suitable conveyances Of their 0144, All ELEGANT WATER SETS, necessaries for FUXERAL FOltNISDINGS, nATORAPES, GLOVDg; ATC,s kept anddelivered with orders. BEAUTIFUL 0 N A GRAOEY, Underta FINE TRAYS, TE* SETS. A. Rill line of' 1. ITT FRUITS, ---- NUTS, CONFECTIONERY GOLD.S.MITHS' HALL MD ortoogRips, fresh and Inspection irit.t o trouble to shot, goods. W. IT_ 1Ppi • • 'FARM FOR $AL E ONEAP• :Amu* citrattal, and In a good strata of cultivation: abent itt) a68cs of titnteref *ditch about 50 f* black . it-it'reilse. o..good hard wood ; batik 1.4111 43 by 62, $0it 110,1R,I. WO w, -Us, Mitt serest orchard. A school , jot' hoe on horse (Atm, thic•lialf mile from Oieninlotlo And , ioii.o irons %Vv.:limn. For tovrnnt apply on this Prttfitietil 01' at. thaillIttli 08/10, WilbtloTht. itillit ,ri (V% „ (46:1) varsusrt", un. 4th '8'0., 51.anatitair r. 'a . tin SALE 033 330 REEt FOR FIVEYEAtt£3.7 t m atattic townx ship of urnberr, , being Lot 3 and part of 4, in the he; with Cozs000lOn, Obtaining 107 acres, of which 103 act cleared and in goon state of cultivation and all free of stumps, except about 4 ores. A lino orchard, a good tranu: dwelling and large bank barn, with frame driving Shale, &o,, aro on the -promises. The farm is welt watered. Vor particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or to .1. Cowan, Wroxeter. .1011.14 G =MILL, Wroxetott P, O. • —8t Mimi .s: PI iPl'i 4° .5-4 ° 04 rri) sreTi . CI tit 014 1..,1 r., 0 • t4I CD ..., —. 1 P.1 2 r..4 r.,4 -- f.$4 E.I o -- cl) .6, 134 . .., ii4 , 4,4 ,-( P El 44 "I g 0 t) r4 C) < Cit E4t 4 g 8 r 4 1. 11 LI , t 7 4i 5 tti ‘4 r::4 rn tl.P • iS 11 kg , in 1 el ‘.4. o • Is the place•where all can be supplied witn at@heiv, eledggy trove;allopyl Silvervfare a d .• 8g6ctaglog • Of the BEST .QUALITY and at the LOWEST PRi0E8. Having just returned from the Wholesale Markets, where I have bought a. very heavy stook of above articles for Spot Cash, lam in a position to offer them to,iny Customers and the Public generally itt aoCOTTOM PlztIOM Call and see ray Pine A.ssorted Stoeli. Of Ladies? and, Gents' Gold Watches, Ladies' and Gents' Gad ohnios, tho boost itta oheapostlot of Ladies' Brooch. es, Earrings, OuIll.hutiOns, Sze, in the Town. 1 have the finest And largest stock of Gold Rings evet kept iii"Wingliain, consisting of Plain Biugs, Stone Set- Rings, Diamond Rings anti Stiterf Pins. TA W'atch Movements have them in stook front all the leadingmanufac. turers of the United States The Elgin, Waltham, Ilarripderi, Illinois, Roekford, Columbus mid Aurora Watches. I have also a very large stock. of °lochs, from 81 20 upwards. • If you want rt. Christmas or New Years present, VANSTONE'S is where you earl get it either in god. di' silver cit Rock Bottom Prices. As I have bont,Ilit for soot cash, that is just the reason that 1 fl,n offer goods so Call en4 inspect my lttock. • • I do all kinds of repairing in watches, clocks, jewellery, Ltd., at reasonable prices and all warranted. Thanking toy numerate customers for the very liberal patronage bestowed on me since ootaitig to Wingham, and soliciting a continuance of the same, 1rethaiourtru1y) 1. SUCCESSOR TO .1rir ittrasoilier tiao steitlk gext door to tht Post Office, ' • ?el' 88