HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-04, Page 911111 ' G ho Shen tt the ixairc4 Sheet.
Ogees of •efomaa
#drdel ensite.
w xl e p 1 that soft shed "Have you had smell, experience with
crabs area dii!eront species from • hard fres loam of insanity, is a a u ar fallacy
a doctor?"
"Many and matt a cavo. I remarnUer
SAS �`,ET,lEf3XA.I.if shell crabs. Pbacticaneve it. and
scientific- hooka both die revs it. The once beteg visit bya gardener. Ile
SHOWS A d 7+1 1C'aF TENDERNESS, soft shell crab is the hard ehe11 crab sopa told me that his niece kept hallo ter him,
after it has moulted. Four times a year and that as he had raised her he was
,A.mong the ane - e to the young erlb aud' once or twice ii, very fond of her. One day he was failed
year to the grown crab comes a season of wide an impulse to delve a pitchfork
the atv&dian pturea elle I3redo—leis eril and fear. He crawls into a dark through her neck. lie Was talking to
Btyln I„ 'Certain Ports .are ,ala—,t, Csisly aranuy or nook in the rocks, swells Out her at the time and had the pitchfork in
until he cracks open his shell, and then his hand. By a tremendous effort be re-
aOs"�"' An m[eiLa�b. creeps out, This operation is sometimes Named. Several times afterwards he
fig the 4taclant ,serines atil mar- extremely painful, for his claws are much felt the same desire coming over him, and
ltlaeach time itgrow 'tree ar, and at last he
geale gonng girls sera eleseniKed et leaver than the joints through which they with the neck and bust of
must be milled, and they aro often lacer- made a figure,
torefa**, and tilt' tr ; e put them gg his straw. Whenever the desire to stick his
tip ar talo ate after, the, xt ho. who btcd in softthe and
If floe she d not niece in the neck with the pitchfork came
money which was Pal 1 fox those 'who become watery befpre shedding over him ho would rush out and stab the
were lrandseune. and naFrgnpntly sold ho could not got out at all, figure. I got him into an asylum and he
wells, was bestowed as as weddding portion When. the crab has moulted, the once uevental)
,gn thole who were plgla3- When meet mailed warrior, who feared no foe except I remember cured.redor ease where a man 4
beautiful had been diseased of the Lame a more powerful antagonist of his own IArkansasmemwrote another
saying that one
ordinary leaking ones were offered for a kind, is at the mercy of any enemy who in
certain stun, and :allotted to those willing can of Into his retreat. When the day while he was digging in the garden
to take them. • femme crab moults her male consort his
ll dcame running sudden desire play,
In ancient Greece the lover vas seldom chivalrously ,guards the entrance to her A hern with the spade came neer bilk- o I
eavuurod with. en opportunity of telling hiding place until her skin Is covered kill said with
fethng Bo strong that n
Itis passion to his mistress, ,and he also with a fresh deposit of limo. The ex. had to h the child was leave30sthe garden.ath`
�p publish it by inscribing her name on perienced eye can tell when the change is had to tells he declared that ard he the wails, on the bark of the trees in the approaching. Last year a number of fterkill his family. I wrote himeto go
bila walks, and upon the leaves o$ shedders' established themselves on the to wouldan ski l his
fimmediately, lIbecause to go
ka. Ie would decorate the door of Thames, a few miles south of Norwich, would
Iter house with garlands, and stake Elba- near Fort Point, They caught hard shell dtdn certainlyot the hillsome one,rin and
Cons of e avi ac before
in the thmanner e of crabs,atthe water, and when thImprisoned them h4 e:'heli be- event he would be morally as guilty as if
Oat, was pr he had planned the murder in his sober
been shod, the "soft shell crabs" were senses
Acc ring to Dr. Hayes, courtship shipped to Now York and other points.--
si<mong the Esquimau' has not much. Cor. New York Tribune.
tenderness about it. The match is mado
by the pax�emts of the couple. The lover
'must go out and capture a Polar bear as IInhewn atone monuments are among
=evidence accomplished,
of his courage and strength, the most interestiugrolics of prehistoric
doorThat ac h s we th, rhe 's house,oks and
door of lila sweetheart's and when pf Europe, in France and other portions
p the ancient province of Brlt-
ehe comes oat be pounces upon her and , tauy being especially rich in thein. Tho
trims to carry her to his dog sledge.. the , builders, Mr Thomas Wilson states, aro
from ns, bites, kicks and breaks *mac ' supposed to have comp from a more or
from him. He gives chase, whereupon ail less remote east during the polishedatone
old women. with hhesettlement rush out age. bringing a knowledge of agriculture,
ski boSt her frozen strips t d seal some edema of government and a religion,
skin, She fulls down ,exhausted, the witb. less of art than the inhabitants of
over lashes her to his sledge, whips up the country before them, possessed. They
bis dogs, desires swiftly over the homes.i buried their dead, and left the magpie -
]'Monuments of an Unknown Hama
Snow, and the wedding is consummated. cent monuments over them which, to
`The tenderness,
lover is still more )aelf number of more than 6,$04 in France aud relatives, neighbors, physicians and nuns.
Ing in tenderness, it the statement made more than 1,600 in Brittany, are now be Sh ;attended a number of her victims
by Myers Deloy is true. Tho lover make ing carefully restored and preserved by , wlilo, they wore on their deathbeds and
n his .mind as to 'which woman arae. be � the French government. Some of these . gave ivory evidence of being deeply
Lis bride, and then hides in the bushes is .monuments are made up of nanny Ina' affected;. Perhaps she was•., 0f course
the vicinity of her dwelling. As soon . Meuse stones, -while others ares ally col- she hadeno object except an Insane desire
she comes near the spot where he is con lections of mo>;tluments in great` numbers. to see,peopie die. P
sealed he knocks her down with a club; The works are known by various names. •,This mania ie butane of a number, ell
and carries her off before she comas to. If A menhir is o' Targe stone standing on of whieh are of the same general family.
ho does not got her el his hut before she , end; a dolmen, a table like, tomb; a Brom• In ee,mo cases it is kleptomania, in others
}Is•. th ors there i$ likely to boa lively fight ,loch, a cl.Fcle of stones; 'en alignment a m{tpia for suicide u others for murder,
tit the bush, for the Australian damsel is . lines of Mexiiiirs; end a tumults, a mounts ands so on." --Dr. William A. Hammond in
generally a vigorous one, and may have of earth orstoneeeesually covering a dol- Neer York World..
teasons of her own for objecting tb his at- men. Many of„'tho monuments must
tendons. The Inver May then bo obliged to , have disappeared, but all; .these remain, Tho Italian's Ugly Weapon.
dub b her again, and that ie considered : dotting tho country in every direction, Ay. Italie, settee) carried and tae -
to be somewhat 01eller effort
00. these, be ;, enormous, , rough, rude, awn granite by used by eriminal Italians, is what
with which his 11er effort wae.mado, ha atones—belonging to another.civilization, esser Scanna, ieco, the Neapolitan
3a apt to put as much tel a ' tnnsci4:. might ifs its time, bet now dead and fencing master, calls the "molletta." The
Into his first lovcttap as cam eumtt�oi ,. burled in, the ages of the past, with no m etta bears some' resemblance to a
In some to
f Asia the eeestion of„t� inscriptions and ale h1,9torv—'Ar�at4 razor, though considerably longer. There
"The case of De Mallard, the Wench -
man, is a noted one, and from the fact
that the victims were all women it is
peculiarly interesting. Be used to adver-
tise for servant. girls. When they came
he would lead them off to some secluded
spot and murder them. There was no
other objet than a mad thirst for human
blood, He is known to have murdered
six women in this way, and• is supposed to
have killed many more whose bodies wore
never discovered. He was executed. The
books are full of such cases, and they are
not confined to men, either, Women have
figured quite as prominently. One French-
woman, between 1868 and 1857, murdered
over twenty people. She used poison In
very instance, and her victims included
,Ilan'' title to a bride meat be'settled try rfrave er F is only one edge, and the lade opens like
L 601WS fight between the friends of the e, only
one . it and th loose, however,
'contracting parties_ If his, forces ameba- i Training in schools, ani when drawn is opened, by catching
'trophy. ria; friends
becoriou, Tho extent to which manual exercises hold of the handle with the, fingers and
trophy. Wier friemda victortous, he may be introduced into public schools will throwing the blade. outward.. This re-
mende.ay� gitch price as the victors some el%do- no doubt be governed by certain peculiar centres meeko and dexterity. A small
mind. fill•' over that country some by Ifptitations. To begin V. it is not ex- spring .catches„ the;'- knife And holds it
Stony of ere- mus or ea , of pby- peoted that boys generally will be able to ape n, It is closed `by pressure upon a
Somenative must stuprecede a •wedding• handle heavy tools until about 18 years tiny "button" on the handle. Though
Some eU the tribes insist neonafootode- old. (live them, therefore, exercises in not as effective a weapon as the stiletto,
between bride and ria e , and othersorwhich the lighter means may beemploycd, it =altos an ugly wound when used by an
Lido the question of marriage, and such as glee, the jaofiknife, eta Agate, expert, and can. be opened., almost as
require c long tions of use on horseback. in we are limited by the absolute impossi- (middy es a atileeto can beedrawn from
soma,:, secAsh' the lover meat billty of generally connecting with coo- its sheath. Tho ease with,, which it can
ure�oh his bride hal his back. If he mon schools work shops and special'. in- bo concealed adds to the frequency of its
his hut with her, there can bo no structors. Furthermore, courses of study use. The handle Is hard wood or bone.-
e inretest against the marriage. Failing in already overcrowded, and the lack of New Xork Graphic.
l he must payn her brideinparents makes
her in a tial) eared teachers, aro obstacles
t ie. The willing makes no out- Pe Y prepared TY hely an Watoh,3?.+ogs.
ory; the unwilling bride rouses the whole.. which the average count school, at
village, the residents of which try to res.. least, cannot overcome. Industrial draw -
Among. the exhibits MIA Belgian dog
Ing is largely taught throughout the g the Seh pperkes,
One nor. countrryy.� We would urge that exercises show is a breed of dogs,
In the Isthmus of Darien either nos izio connect c1 with it be arras ed.fttr an out- Lou0nd only in Belgium. They aro made
dp the courting,while in the LTrkraiuo•
growth of constructed objects. This is ons f as wenavigtch w i nn boats. the
Tl They aro
she g.I1 11
lno y with.
a ds to; it, When'. not only practicable, but applicable to all small black dogs; without tails and are
She falls a ld i with a her
,.qhs goes he common schools. Dialled ears, of , without
tai intelligence
his house and «lprlares nor passion. If he, Depend upon willing parents. brothers pointed
Necv'York Sun.
declines case accept hes she remains there,lg' and sisters for whatever home ,instruction and y'--
tlb his becomes rather• distressing. is necessary in the manual execution of w nTaterial Of Nan.
'ib turn her olttr would sulvoke her kin- the thought, and we shall at least have
deed to avenge the insult, The goung; wisely directed the natural tendency 0f "The human boy," says Tho London
fellow has no lasers left him but to inn children to make things, and have aroused Evening News, ``is a potentially important
away from home until the dsspusel 'Bother --
an interest which will assist materially in member of society, in that he is the raw
v;1se disposed of• the establishment of special manual train- material of man,, but only a prejudiced
I. carious , custom prevails is Oud r ingschools whenever they become praeti taste can put him on a par with the
8eierhuxd, Holland. October is the au cale.--Charles M. Carter in ThcCentury. to of the field as a thing of beauty
picious monde and on the first Sunda and a joy forever." blare ave have the
iuinown as *view day) the lro and lasses, s English article pictured.
.attired in their best, promenade the,: . Back Rooms Are I'refexrod• tut the wild, unkempt ,American specs-
idllage separately. stare each other out of "How much of your income do you _
tintenaneer. and then retire to make up have to payfor office rent?" was asked of Men—wemean
thee composite
pr interest
theirmiads�on the second Sunday, which. a well-to-do lawyer the other. day. Ilia What he lacks in Ane qualities ismadeup
s called decision day. The young meta;, rooms are on the first floor back of a Dia- W hisalks in ualiti love of arats-
go up anti paytheir compliments to the.. mond street law building. by his
In. robustious, full obs miniature of
I.aia�ones of their choice, to learn if they, "Well, said ho, my partner and I a, vivacious;, .rysuessr resourceful tau•
aro regarded with favor. On the third., have three rooms, way back, as you for their hood, alwa a ea er and ready to vont his
ei ted
or day ofpthe thehwuik r- . uwould call se the modestnd sum6ve of $60Uper year. superfluous spirits, sometimes at his own
e toots adored. the pocket hand e
C of of Itis adored one, and it she ane-. foal sometimes that I'd rather be the • othersutB�•tifiieroiatlta making of a man
to,the disadvantage of
wits to it with good grace ho un-. owner of a large law building that be in him every, time under our free and un-
that his chances of winning an attorney with gag ss aro in the rear; fettered institutions,, and that benefit in-
bay a1,u flattering. The splen , . "You say y hexes in American life as contrasts
en th�e ,, la restored to the fair owner.' of what y the men in the front of •the build- thererowded condition, in which th
tin the; fourth Sunday, the "Sunday p .. Ing pay?' fa erl ons aro born.iwiio livor an'
'TakintAPossession," and it rarely Wine. "Not nearly couch. 'You'remurpxised? Brite coins ar h oreewh l hope,.
pens t t the damsel refuses the lover fore Well, no doubt; but what I say is right, Britt sh soil, i . scarcelycar, rising ab
the �She has indicated a preference. 0nt., and I'll tell you why. Persons,oceupying vase neajo ioft them early tising ab
t y following, the suitor, accord- rooms in the tear of a building, are will- Te aiisc v t
Ing fe custom, calls at the house of his,, lug to pap a little more than for, front p
inamorata, where he is asked to tea. If a, rooms. This is because they are not a13.• xxoy amt Toarrally Tree.-
ploceof the cruet of a ginger bread loaf is. noyed by habitual office loafers,,p1 'whom
�t there aro many; then the matt,wlto runs Meriz Twain, ln•his dry rvay upontoeCa- gl
ar scrim, e. I , nothing left hand,ortetation to, drink .�
him,, • t to retire. I!, on the other in. lust to write a note,' as ho. •says, 'or sten,, said'. • '°Th�et�m3ps not the .liquor. $ �
the- oreata o, h the low d. o co a plain,, wants . use ydon't find inoto' he the W- hen lamas dissipated 'his friends a1- i
of baimitt do is allowed to comp again„ known. Fakirsyou;
noise and *aye say,'Such a;brilliant fellow. if he • .u+
since Omitted into tho family. ramble of your roans, and theY
the Island of $i»uia, opposite ,rumble of w Dna aud street life do not would oetslet
creditAf rotalbnts homtuev'ar `�
)1Zleedes, a girl is not t lleived to have a',•:, annoy you. These aro a few reasons why drinker.:g
lover lentil aho has brought up a certain. back ofiiees ata preferable and command a dreamed of possessing, acia. there aro
anti Of sponges, an. vett proof of higherratd otront."--Pittsburg Dispatch. thoburn>a rY 'o The number of banes
ag t to take them rem a tertaint , to d issipatedpian to relorsn and On
tenet sense
Of() Dost div •aluiong her suitors ITsi ypttans were inscribed on. pieces o! and � usurious young 4aIIovrl In. ac
rifle ClAtte , Sleighs,
Buggies, &�., Vie.
Repairing of all kinds attended to.
M1�PORI Q ,..
Where is to be found the FINEST, BEST SELECTED and CHExF sT .AS-
SORTMENT of all the Latest Patterns and Most Reliable Inakes;inBo:.
:OTCH, EI�ICILI aF3, IRISH and „UA.1�1.A }'A'L`% .IVfade' G ods•:a.
fine French Pnntiiigo, 'cored.. 'd 0' elicoat is$.,.
GO.. ` A.Y.
Of Unfaithful, Sluggish Slumbering or Napping Watelles;-
Thoroplghiy W:Wagu•QSoi ;> a, Put MOP , -
Resides, he keeps the Most Varied, Select, Elegant andtClieap'
tock of
IWATC E`r `r•� EWE �LEBY, ,&c.'.
CLL ON N AND B .M i► T ga.,
& SON.
Gi'.e all classespechance to invest their means to the beat advantage,in
Ni the girl) Egyptian fat ltoactpts. offered li tasty mere than Lamps
g tp cant 1 est oeger the avatar and g k cri mail Seine of tht m. from be • and industrious ere ,supposod to nee; le an lata
gatkor t
o'a'th. the Island of cares boil vfiug are t•,
ie` t iced Ilex father glues her tea ie tax collebtoh°s'receiptso f tune en.
t o o en to the ncceptauuco of a sober
heymost pongein. The $ the' the British and ah,o the atlou . have been o s0 r . wa " And -•this is not, oiily . ipehisety.
7rksnk ii. S_auff�zl• 1'� �rasxalated, and shouv the tax in Lg tun' ton any y
Lamp Gond',':'C11t1CtY �.iid 'WooGenwa.re:
Canadian Cc al Oil, ,�aholesale and retail. Eav t eulgixing a
R-pairing''nee j' and promptly don . Dan �l '► y
iiumarous1 but. tearfully trite, `1`ho tniatal,
�, cows or t youoieh • ilea the early Ca3sa!:a."--Arkansan ')rave` record of, 'literal/ labor -dobe not show
splendid emiunt on industry and
antiseptic in eases ,a# typhoid fever« Tho dram i d th duet irtedd u w
e, but cull end inspect bur stock Mel ifet our pr'ib, e.
Tri. daily est eiptfoa o ;
icer disinfection of .the intestines, fro h lads tb heaven is not the less#. his eorintry fe said to
ranch a p
eb p}ayeiclans aro reportln as p1Dr aobrloty t 11t rat ire.
with the prompt. interna use a!
.. and "fallen into the dirt ie•. rr"
*elite prec ons. an o f ,h'�� �`
be 4 200,000, meat "
rriSag'tb olds method, the disease rte rut d *Ws
Rto/erb, otythloit fordo i'x ' nedditch, hIngland.
010 NE 11,1O•..Ctz. .