HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-04, Page 7•
`1t1 Erna.:
Stanley--Qounoll sleeted by ;cels'
in nape.
Mullet—Council elected by aecla-
Blyth—Beleve,P.Ie11v; councillors,
D. f3, McKinnon, Thos.�l3tawden, John
Wilford and Robert Symonds,
Usborno—Reeve, T,h.I. ,lay; enure
cillors., James. Balla, J. Shiers,• Wm.
Ragas, Thomas Calneron,
Hay—The old Council returned by
McKillop — Reeve,. Jttmea• „Heys ;
councillors, , Benueweis, Johns, tVlor-
Ashfield.-- Reeve, Joseph Griffin ;
tad deputy reeve, Wm. Strothers ;I
councillors, Rugh Chambers and J.
Morris—Old Council re-elected.
Ho wick—Reeve, J. Koine.
Exeter—TZeevc,Dr,Bo11ings; deputy
reeve, W, G. Bissett,
Clinton—Mayor, Jos, 'Whitehead ;
Reeve, A. McMLrehie ; deputy reeve,
A. IL Manning; all these re-elected
oy;acola,luiltion. Councillors, H, Fos-
ter, J , Johnston, J.Swith ,T. McKenzie,.
T. Jackson, 1;.1:. B, Walker, A. Couch,
0. O'verb.rry, W. Cooper, 0, S. Doan,
J, Oook, D,13. Kenuedy,11. Moore, D.
Cani.elon, S. 0, Doherty, W. C. Searle,
D. Menzies, R. Fitesimmons,
Goderieh—hlayor,C,Crabb, R. Rad-
cliffe, john
ad.cIiffe,John Butler, Reeve, Fred, W.
Johnston, Wm. Prbudfoot. Deputy
Re:eve,Robt, aicLean, Abraham Smith.
Councillors—St, Andrew's Wad—T.
Nolte', James A.Reid, B. F.Wilkinsou,
Wm. uc. ltiarlton, David Oantelon, > .
Bingham, George Cox, St. David's
Ward—Jos.. Kicld.Wm,, Knight, Robb.
Thompson, C. A. I-Iumber,J. \V.Smith,
St. George's Wad—Alex. Morton, M.
IrTioholson, 11. Dunlap. St. Patrick's
Ward—J. H. Colborne, F.. J. Pridliam,
Philip Holt, G. Neibergal, Jas. Yates.
Listowel—mayor, S, Bricker.
l:ltarriston — Mayor, R. Dowling.
Reeve,`;, ohn Bobert,on;
Strti:tfora-=For mayor, 31 T. Butler
and John Payne,
Brantford—C. B. ,13eyd re-elected
Woodstock—For nlayor,John White
and, D._ W. Kern.
Galt John iu. Lumsden eteeted
mayor by acclamation;
St, Marys—J. D. Stanley elected
!F` Culross,
Beevc,»•..G o. Pringle, Wm. Scott;
Deputy,—J. Thacker,: J, Moir, Jesse
Piokle ; Ctlunoillers,—P, . Tariff, G.
Gibson, W., 1,Ielvin, F. Kuntz,; P.
Clarice, H. hielay.
Mi•..1L. Alarslnflll,is building large
kitoheu to hie already ;very commod-
ious dei eile,-11rs.'+!''Porter, • front
Goderioh,is visiting at her daughter's,
Mrs. it. Marshall.—Mr, 1V1'at. Ambler
is visiting et his brother 'John's, Mat,
We rs a, fur coat which indicatesmhere
lie hails from, -11r. Robt, Oarliok is
horrid from Toronto were he had a
ecntract on a railway extension. Ile
has brought with hiru a,fine team of
roadster horses, -The ILoss, Brothers,
from Langside, having bought John
MoKrty's farm on the 4th Con., intend
taltitl; out about :$1,5QQ,worth of logs
sand wood this winter.—Municipal
matters are engrossing the minds. of
the ratepayers at present, but we
refrn,iiis from saying anything on the
subjeot, 0o.mmou, school examine
tions and Township elections are a bore
this season of the year.—Mr. J. N.
Pickett was, elected trustee in S.S,1to. -
8 in place of Mr. Joe Wellwood whose -
torfla. of office expires this year,-1\ir.
Jas.'Simpun succeeds A,, G. Stewart
aa -teacher. James is. a young man of
splendid attaiamezits.-Mrs, Gobel's
siett'r from the vicinity of London, is
visiting at 1tr. A. Gobel's.-Who has
drank the most goats milk in their
infancy ? is the .question agitating the
minds of the women in this section.
Mack says be .knows and his veracity
is beyond question.—Mrs. Joe Well.
wood left, here lost week on' a visit to
ber father's, in Huron.
1 orr s.
Mr,,. P. _Anderson, recently returned
from Dakota, an,l- Miss Jane Ander
seri, of Lnnuon, were visiting et 1V1r.
J: A. HeEwen"s this, week Messrs.
John .and Dan McKay, and Miss
I3arbar;a McKay, nf. Oakville were
gusts. of Mr, D. ••l4Eeiklelohu, this.
week,--Mr.John ileiklejohn,of Holes
worth, spent Christmas with his
brother: on, the 5th Con. --Mr.. John
:;3e11 and wife of the filth weve visiting.
friends in Logan township this week,
--The officers 'of the Morris'. Centre
Literary -Society for the year are :.
11I. 1;laek, president.; : Maggie rgie Scott,
vice-president ; P. Michie, Seey•Treae;
'Messrs. 13• Love, 1'. Kelly" and. Misres
Angie: Clark and Annie i<:liller nlanag-
ing committee.—The congregation
of Jaekson church presented illi Wm.
.fact sten. with a family .bible and Mrs.
Jaehso'u with e. silver telt set. They
have been the chair leaders.
On Friday the farm of .1VIr.
Micheal Dwyer, who met such sad
losses recently by fire, was sold "to
Mr. J. •H, Grennan for •$2,500,
A branch of the Catholic Mutual]
Benefit Association was . established
<nl, Wednesday' evening with • the
following officers : • Spiritual Adviser,
Rev. Father J. Corcoran,; President,
Win. Zinger;, First VicePresident,
John _Sommerville ; : ,S'eeond Vice -
President, H. I3, Oroetsch; Recording
Secretary, W. Niatell; Assistant;3eore-
Lary, A. Henbschwerlen; Financial
Secretary, J. E..Bopp ; Treasurer, •J.
13rick; Marshal, P, Donohue; Guard;
J. Bohol(; Trustees,' J. Lingenfelter,
Ww.Zingor, Geo. Schiste'l, j.Sommer.
vine and Pat. Kelly. This branch
has while ,a very favorable start,
seventeen being the number of charter
'members, -
London—For mayor, J. B. Vining
and George Taylor.
, Guelph—For mayor, Thos. Gowdy
and George uleernan.•
Palnlerstoc-R. Johnston, mayor,
;and .John. Kearns, 'reeve, elected` by
• To Our i .ozdler i.
We, cannot • to:, strongly urge upon.
our readers the necessity of subscrib-
ing for a fatnly-weekly newspaper of
the first class .such, for instance. as
INDEPENDENT, ,.,of New York.-
Wero we obliged to .select one pub-
lication for habitual and careful read
ing to the exclusion of all, others, we
should choose unhesitatingly Tin
INDEPENDENT. It is. a. newspaper,
magazine and review, all in one, It
is a religious, a literaxhan educational,
a story, an art,a scientific, an agrieul-
tnral, a tinanoial and political paper
combined. ft has 82 folio pages. and
•2.1 departments. No matter: what a
person's religion, politics or profession
may be, no matter what the age, sex,
employment or condition niay be TUE
INDEPENDENT will prove. a help, an
instructor, an educator. Onr readers
'can, de no less than to send a postal
fora free specimen copy, ar for thirty
dentssthel paper will bo sent a monr,h,
eiiitbling one, to judge• of. its merits
more critically. Its yearly subscription
is. $8. or two years for $5. Address,
THE INDEPENDENT, 251 Broadway,
Now York City,
The annual 'election of offiiers of
St. John Lodge, A. F. & A. tiX.,lirussels
resultedas follows : J. R. Grant, W,,
141,, 'W: 1I. Oloakoy; S. W., W. M.
Sinclair, Treas. ; Jun, Shaw, Seo'y ,
J. Y. S. ,IUI'k, Tyler; W. 'If, Moss,
D. Strachan, Auditors ; ti'V. H. Mss,
S. D. ; 12, Strachan, J. D, ; rl'. Dirk-
connell, I G.; J. Walker, S. S,; A.
Blair, 3. S-;
Apparently this town - is ' harboring
within it , some vagabonds .who are
are acting as five bugs. On New
"Year's morning tire- broke out in a
frame dwelling owned mind occupied by
Mrs. Wiles, whieh was totally destroy
ed." go ilisuranee; On Wednesday
morning the etaido ol:• Sanf1 M. Smith
was destroyed. Tills is the third fire
nsido a few weeks, all in ono ward.
About 80 candidates wrote at the
entrance examination here.
A CianMiart Children's Vapor.
Hitherto we have been accustomed
to except children's papers to come
from the United States. We have
now to weleurtte one, however, printed.
in our own country ; and -if it keeps
np to the standard of the sample
before us, the imported - article will
have to devise some measure of
"retaliation," or get out. •It is well
printed -on- toned paper, has eight
pages, containing twenty four -columns,
is beautifully illustrated and carefully
edited, tend the stories and other
reading matter, while of the highest
order, are just the kind to attract and
delight our boys and girls. All this is
provided sehri=tnonthly for only fifty
cents a ye:1r. The proposal is to
distribute it in sohoololubs-. _ it could
not be supplied at the price under
any other plan. The • kind eo ops re.
tion of teachers will thus be absolit't ,•y
necessary to suseess. Samples are
sent to all teachers; but if any have
not reoeivod a copy- to date, al post
card lo: the' 1',iblishors, Grip Publish.
ing Co.. Toronto, will seeure it, Ask
your children if they have seen it.
The R eveshipr 1889,w
To the .Nat
rttyers of Wingiaain
I am a ea didate for the Boeveship for
this year, 1 ave been ra resldeut of Wine:
ham for the la t twelve years. ill habits,
ability, persov= nice, die., are well known .
to you. I do: t inteud to make a personal .
Canvass, as 1 r.iink it is nubeconling a can-
didate to 'do =,, It would be presumption
on my part er mo to tell you how you
should vat • If elected I will discharge
the duties tat• ed to the office without
fear or fa to the very best of my
ability, an if the Town of Wingham
suffers th ou„ i any fault of ming it will
be your *uty t, call me to account at the
endo he you
urs respeottily,
al: 8rd, 1889,,E
The ,1 ayeraity,1889,
agars of the Toii'n •of
To tho Plate
LAnx>+s Arm G rux.,01:: i t
At the req =st of a large number of the
ratepayers, . have decided to offer myself
as a oandida . for the Mayoralty of Wiug-
ham for 188 You aro well and, I trust
favorably, acq ' inted with all my public
aots. I have erved several years in the
Town Council nd am no stranger to muni.
nips). law. 1 'ave always done the best I
oduld to adva ae the interests of the town
and shall con into to do so if elected. The
town is now u the high road to prosperity,
It is easy to i - crease or mar that prosper-
ity. It shall • e my endeavor, by every
judicious andonorable means in my
power, toadd o and increase that pros-
parity, If elf ted I shall do everything
possible in th way of justice to all classes
alike, rich and oor, I shall do my best to
foster and en si rage the iudnstries we
already have an to add to them if possible,
The welfare of ingbamshall be my aim
and object, and at the end of the year I
hope to be able o show that Wingham will
be still advanci , g. Under all the circum•
stances I respe• fully solicit your votes and
interest. ,
I am, Lad 'e and Gentlemen,
You: - very respectfully,
Wingbam, De lith, 1888. -
I have been r quested by a number
of the citizens o- offer myself es can-
didate for th Reeveship for the en-
suing year, 1 89. Having served as
Deputy Reev to the interest of the
town, four ears ago, and no nein-
plaints made gainet me, I ask yon
to elect me a ' your Reeve for the
coming year.
Trul ours,' JOHN HANNA.
j ' Organ, in Voice Culture and Harmony.
Tho Largest, the Abiest, the +seat.
Religious ANZ -Literary Weekly Fn the Words,,
'" Ono ut the ablest weeklies in axmtence."-peps
,Mall Gazette, London, England,
"The most induenttal t,oliriousorgan in the States'
-The Spectator London, England.
`I Clearly stands in the forefront as r weekly relig-
ious magazine," -Sunday School Times, Philadelphia,
Pro/nine/it features of Tag DmerENbANT during the
coming year will be
Religious and Theological Articles,
Misner Htrasr, DR,Tueonoiui L,CSYLA'.c, Dft.IlowAan
Osrood,:Dr. froward Croebv, Dr. A. J. Gordon, Dr„
George V. Pentecost, and others;
Social and Political Articles
.: BY
Prof. Wm, G. Sumner, Pref. Herbert B. Adams,
Prof. Richard T. Sly, Prof. R. G. Thompson, prof,
Arthur Hadley, and, others;
Literary Articles,
sr n
Thomas Wentworth I-iiggtnson, Maurice Thompson,
Charles Dndloy Warner, Tames ria n, An:irnr Lang,
Edmund Gosye, R. Ii, Stoddard, Mrs. Schuyler Van
Rensselaer, Louisa Imogen Gainey, Ii. II. 13oyesen,
Isabel 1', IIapgaod. and others ;
Pganls and ,Morins,
' BY
E. C. Stedman, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Edward
Everett ' Ilale, 'Harriet Prescott `po 'nrd, Juli,i
Sehayer, RoseTerry Cooke, Edith i1.Tholuoe, Andrew
Lang, Joaquin Miller, Lucy Doreen, John Boyle
O'Reilly, and others.
There are twenty -ono distinct departments, edited
by twenty-one specialists, which include Eiblteal Re-
search, S knitary, Fine Arts, Mush:, 5cienco, Pebbles,
Personalities, Ministerial Register, Scheel and Col-
lege Literature, Religious Intolli. 3nct Missions, Sun.
clay Ssheots, Yews of the w el:. t wtin,.e, Commerce,
Insurance, Stories, Puzzles, Selections and Agricul-
ture. 'Thirty-two pages to all.
The Independent is a family newspaper of the first
class, Rad fs recohnized as ono of the greatest educe-
torS of the land. Everyone who wishes to be well in-
formed upon a great variety of subject3, should'sab-
scribe for it, .
. Three months - SO 75 One year.... .., $J 00
b'our months......... Y 00 Two years 5 0o
Si%'months 1 00 Fie years 10 00
an investment of 82.00 to $.1.00 pays •
52 Di' ridend$ Durie Til; der I
Ev nw INTELItGENT r.8 nr Y NEa1):3 A GODn
Diafen the a,,;u'aintatmn t,tthe INetsr;ava; by send-
ing 30 coats for a "Trial Trip "ota,.mth,
• SP80.114EN COPIIiIS I''P',E?".•'.,•'
No pal1ters aro sent to anbseribcrs alter the time
paid for hav expired.
tun INnArt ,nror's Clubbing List Will be neat tract
to+ any per,mt Ratting for It. Myenn wishhtg to nub•
scribe for oro er horn pai,crs or In aziucu in oonnco-
tiou with TOR Irinr•.reRna1wr, can save money by order•.
ing from ottr Club List. Address,
"Tat 114DnPttitiZlIT,"
O. Dox 287, New YORK.
•+?n Z. OUT 'VMS .9,DV'ERTZSTIlt ;NT.
Desire to -return their sincere thanks
to their •numerous friends and custo-
mers for their LIBERAL PATRON-.
AGE during the past past year, _ast7 and
they wish theme - all" a - happy and
prosperous New- Year, -
Winham, Dec, 31st, '88.
Has a most complete assortment of the LATEST, C11oICEST, and
Watches, • Clocks, Jewelry
and Silver Goo if s
Tau AND $ BUT AT: . § :g> 'les: l', So
With a New; Fresh, Well -assorted Suck.
0 y St ers D o in A.ny S tyle.
A. Super' Variety of--
and Ali - Seasonable r reit.
Flu Cgewemay.
QutfoRtablg nafroshmemt awns.
• 11
GREItN's BLocx,
OPPOSITE Tun 110 AL (4n oel:nv', WZa-uHAPI,
To The Liitha$ of Wiiigha 'anti
tri- oto. sig . donating s
We beg to intimate that we have on band a,•vory C rlliilloto •Stock of
Comprising the CHOICEST ARTICLES and t.AL'J'.:''I.' 'NOVELTIES,.
Ze-at $ u Ggvls 1 Zr`Ci'-y y k,!/ n 4ii' k 'seta ,
INSPECTION by Oats, STOCl•S. ;,463.11✓l:i'I:IJ,
Prices. Very Bea;sonii h 1 :.