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The Wingham Times, 1889-01-04, Page 5
biz-,- -a . /• . e"- ..- I i PENT AND COLERADQ. But alfalfa, or Lucerne, as before Tux following iteta from the New Mentioned, yields- the most astooleli- York Sun feirly repr,alientu American Wo hnyenlvo ►Seasurs suptiving to our inn results. It is credited witli bt+iug opillion on the questi i aniier4tiona s from the taoiiopeno air.ia. G. [e A they most wonderful, beautiful and "We might aa well dislnisa the profitable crop raised in the Rocky project of ee politic*) union with Mountain region, It has a Araesweet- Canada oil the ground that it as yet scented purple blossom, and a field of lies wholly outside .of the field et 0111, belrr:rter, formerly of Wtuaham.. To the Editor of the Tuatas, it is a perfect garden of beauty and practical politica. Men Sia, --Ai promised you and perfume, It is highly nutritious, andfor many of my goodfrl011(18 111 �Vtlhgham s uiiaurl,assld for fattening stock of gonstippation, Lose of is what you ne Appetite, Dizziness, (the memory of whom: 1 sha:1 ever all Binds. It grows. about 2 feet high and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 hold dear !away out in the great laud and being perennial, its roots reach and 76 ovate per bottle. For axle by 0, ,L, of strangers told strange things), I away down 5. or 6 feet in the earth.. Williams, will endeavor to give you some faint Alfalfa is first harvested in June, then Mrs. Metenohtin, wife of Rev. idea of the growth 1'i>k1d present lnagui- by the application of water in a month Alex. McLachlin, who left Toronto Elide of Denver, the metropolis of the it is read for aseeoudcutting water less than a year ago to take charge lipettt,. the great city of the plains, and is re-applied and it is Ieaddy for of St.Paol's Institute, Tarsus, Asia the capital of the state of Colorado, another earvest'in about a wonth Minor, .died at Adana, Asia Minor. 13y way ore preface to my review I later. Each Gutting of a good crop CATAnng cause., health and sweet breath Might say that our party, which bid ti will field on an average two tons per secured, by Shiloli's Catarrh. Item edy, fond adieu to many kind friends and acre, and being worthfrom $7 to $10 Price 50 cents, Nasal Injector free. Por familiar faces at the Wingllam depot a. ton ill Colorado one can see readily este by 0. E. Williams, s0W'3 six months ago met with what a handsome return to the ranch - nothing more on our long journey leen and farmers of this state this westward through the Born fields of branch of industry will produce. Kansas and Nebraska, and the alfalfa The great and mighty changes fields and arid lands of Colorado than wrought upon the desert and arid the usual petty annoyances incident lands of Colorado, and upon some of to the general travelling public, thanks the other western and N. W. states to the great care and forethought _ and territories are due wholly to exercised on our behalf and for our water and its proper and wise applica• especial comfort and benefit before time by a regular system of irrigation starting by .the genial and painstaking Millions of English and American agent of the G. T. R. at Wingham, capital have been invested in different froni whom we purchased oar tickets irrigating stock eoii parries all over the and passports. One amusing incident state, which has proved an iuestiula- however I cannot refrain from telling, ble boon to this great country, as which chanced to occur upon the very Rell as a good payiug investment to threshold of our trip, which tended the stock holders interested in them. not to.nnar it but to enliven the dull SYe believe that for the past 30 years monotony •of the long dry ride. It l the average rain falls has been leas laappened ,(hush'?' 'twos eight), that than 15 inches --8 inches less than the when crossing the river of Detroit, and proper amount to make crops mature whet). the very unpleasant modes oiler- in the rainy sections of the east or in .andi'of examining (yes, real diving Canada. Speaking generally the cost deep this tiine)our baggage was going to the farmer in this state, of a 'on, the merciless hand of custom's season's supply of water, measured by ',officer, which had been probing (me- the cubic moil and sparingly, soine- tthinks suspectingly) into the mysteries times is about $1.50 per acre. But by and disturbing the hallowed precincts this system of irrigation the renchman 'Of one of our Saratogas, made a rich or farina' is assured cf ten crops in bind, when to 1 the veil was rent, the ten successive years, instead of seven dry goods laid aside, and, what do you crops in ten years, as is about the ;think, the law revealed to our aston- average in sections where the rain fall shed gaze, 'twos boots, boots, long is depended upon. 'crows of boots and nothing more. ''.Che We will now endeavor til give you, icy clamp of the law was on them in sir, a hurried sketch, from the an instant, and the grave official hold- writer's point of observation, of the deg cine shoe aloft, exclaimed, '' What's this you've here, a whole boot store, •eh 1" The earth (perhaps the writer) ,did seem to.... tremble, and the very ,stars grew dim, so great was oar dis- may. tan altercation with divers explanations ensued, the spirited na- ture of which, fairly beggars deserip- tio11. Suiylcelt to. say that the law's demand wee speedily paid, the confis- cated boots redeemed and restored to their abiding place, and the writer soon departed, a poorer if not a wiser urian. Pardon this digression. The temptation was too great. It really -could not be avoided. The city of Denver is, as stated, the In the Britisb House of Commons the bill providing for the closing of taverns an Sunday was rejected by a vote of 167 to 160. Wu.L roc surrsn with Dyepepsia and Diver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Por sale by C. E. Williams, CLIMBING RATES. Any of the following metropolitan weeklies can be obtained with the Wingham Tomb at the figures bete given. Balance of '88 free Twig and Globe.. .. .. .,$1 76 TIMes, Nall, and harm and Fireside, .- ., 1 7fi Turns, Globe and Rural Canadian,. .. 2 00 Times and London Advertiser, .. .. 1 75 Timis and Montreal Witness, .. 1 76 TOM and Toronto News, .. .. ... ... 1. 76 Tunas and daily World . 2 76 Tunis and weekly News with premium, with before Pilate,",. .. .. .. x 76 Also, "Fathers of Confederation.".. ., 2 00 N', TAILOR `' I ryrye� M . Bo C. CLARICE, In opening a new Tailor Shop in Winghalli, respectfully,solicits a share of public patronage, .it will be his endeavor to ,.five satisfaction to ail entrusting him with their orders. Is the oldest and most popular scientific and mechanical paper published and has the largest circulation of any paper of its class in the world. Foully illustrated. Heat class of Wood Engrav- ings. Published weekly... Bend for specimen cop Price;8 a year. Dour months' trial, 81, MUNN do CO., PIIAarsUuIts.881 Broadway, ARCHITECTS do CUILDERs' Edition of Scientific' American. Bach issue contains colored .Ladies requiring tailor-made b JACKETSANDx. "LST��. RS Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop. Wingllam, Sept. 25t11,1888. ELEGANT .1. tt r, k E. C. CLARKE. CUTTER:S 1 TWO DOZEN BEAUTIES BEING FINISHED AT DORE & COOK'S. These articles are of LATEST DESIGN, SUPERIOR MATERIAL and te'LENDIDLY FINISHED. Intending purchasers ought to see them. Readquarter: for Good P' BE SURE AND CALL AT THEIR SHOPS ON VICTORIA ST, WINGHAM, - e - - • ONTARIO. THE BEST PLACE • ------Ti) GET ----- ORDERED - : - CLOTHING A groat success. ac e a lithographic nint.pe of country and cit? restden- oee or Dublin buildings. peNumerous engravings and full plane and specifications for the use of _ - as cis. a copy. MUNN it o., PUELIMIEus. - HE HAS CHOICE LINES such as contemplate budding. Price 82.60 a year, —1S_ -,.-._•_-.- Wer E B S .I+ E R' S ATENTS maybe eecnr. ed by apply- ing to MUNN & Co., who bavehad,over 40 years' experience and have. made over 100,000 applications for American and For sign patents. Bend for Handbook. Correa. great and progressive city of Denver. pdenco atrletl7 confidential. it is held to be the commercial centre TRADE MARKS. of the vast region west, of the Missouri Inaver ur mask ie not re tstered in the Pat - river, and has no rival of any account ism d>:;ep our xww .e saf0 nrirnaoo knura within a radius of 600 mules. Denver attPYRIGHTf3. for books, charts, Gaups is thegreat supply point for Colorado ' Quickly erco .. Address pii y , Mi7:1N A:.CO.r 7'atentAntichkale>•....__.—. New Nonce, Arizona, and large por- IM Li X 0 _ Cons of Wyoming and . Utah, and stands to -day upon the solid founda- tion of its own wealth and intrinsic worth, its matchless resources (hidden' NF,;LLO a xCHARDY. and revealed b vast Ininine opera- I'OR INSTRT]CTION ON PIANO AND y � p lily m Yoroe Lnitura and IE t g pp ions in the lint anew -ca ed' - A armory. • • Rockies that encircle it on the west MONEY TO LEND. and south), its unexcelled elin,atee Tne CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF being common! called the Italy oY Turnberry hes about ,;8,000 to loan on Mort• 3' y gages. For terms apply to, America, and its centre as the N, great- P. MoLAREor WM. MoPHERSON, :1~ionoured capital of the state of Oolor- est bullion producing region of the Te.LARE aaa, Wingham. ReamGlentarrowl .tido, which is called the "Centennial world. With her manufacturing in• wingham, May • State," because admitted into the dustries and her vast cattle ranches, 'anion on, Aug., 1st, 1876, Colorado with her warehouses of iron and coal, © ' � �© � as the third largest state in the union, Denver is without doubt one of the 1 Cl -'1-1 M —larger, it is said; than ail of New most substantial and commanding Eu land put together with Ohio cities of the U. S., with an absolute thrown in, and could easily hold the i certainty, in the writer's poor opiuion, •entire population of the United States, of a safe, solid and permanent growth. mare and then not be are densley peopled(It offers unsurpassed advantages for than Belgium. This great state is new manufacturing industries for the about 850 miles square, with an area capitalist ; a wide and varied field for of about 104,000 square miles, and speculation and safe investment ; for containing 67,000,000 -acres of land. the mechanic and the artisan high She leads alt other states by $2,000,- wages and steady employment, in fact 000 per annum in the production of all classes of trade are well represent - bullion, yielding about + of the gold ed here, and apparently in a happy and silver of the U. S. her total output having already reached over :$300,000,000, sad turning out raw and prosperous condition. We be- lieve at that the same ratio of increase in five or six years that Denver will from her mines every year about have a population of nearly a quarter 425,000,000 worth in various kinds of of a million, The more enthusias.i; ltnotals. Colorado is said to be richer citizens claim for Denver, at present, tth4u all others in stone of various apopulation cf 110,000, but ee kinds, marble, granite, gypsum, suls think 100,000 would be nearer the pliur and,eoa&, the last of these yield- truth. ,From a great overgrown town ing 2,000,000 tons in 1897. It is ' in 1880 the city has grown to day a state riehb underlaid with iron and into one of metropolitan aspect, with .petroleum, and abounding in high all the accessories and modern external grade gold, silver and copper !nines. evidences of wealth and refinement, Think of it. 20' years ago Co: oracle had only to be found in the best, regulated not one mile of railroad, and to -day and constructed cities of the east. she is traversed by over 4,500 miles of (coxoeusloN Neer WFEtc.) them, and is the centre of a mileage of 25,000 miles of trackage made up of new lines and branches of all the loadings railway con7panies running • west of the Missouri river. This is a state In which agriculture now returns a handsome profit in oats, wheat, (the state average for which last year was about 27 bushels per acre,) potatoes, alfalfa (a species of prairie 01o1709, and market gardening ; in fact farming is becoming every year, owing largely to the excellent irrigating systems now operariou, its safe and profitable an investment, as almost any other iti• dustry of the state. It is no unoom- irlon thing, we believe, in different sections of Colorado to see solid fields of wheat and oats 6 foot high, with the beads of grain in like proportion. Sterling Exchange and Drafts on. New York BOUGHT AND SOLD.; Oreioa Aousif : 10 a. m. to 3 p. re. Saturdays, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m (CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness) Haft Fever. A N•EW IUOMTI TREATMENT. Sufferers Aro not generally aware that these dib. Meet are contagious, or that they Ord due to the pretence et living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and Austrachian tubes, Microscopic re. search, however, has proved this te be a fact, and the result is that a Simple comedy hos been forum. sated whereby catarrh, catarrhal (kenos and hay - fever are permaucntty eared In from ono to three simple applications made et home by the patent *nee in two week, catarrhal discharges retainer to fons3ca (whites) this remedy is a speckle, A pamphlet explatnlnit this naw treatment is sent on receipt ten cents IL ilcinDeiOgSTeao, Canada -Scientific Aoerca 'Sufferers item catarrhal troubies should read the above carefully, •-'L'aisley'A new water workswere publicly tested a few davit ago. Intiurauce rates will be 1nhterially lowered. B. WILLSON, AGENT. Marks .8 pioauasol, Solicitors •Ot, To nce est ebIlsh 1��117 To 01 once eonehitie jE{{�� trade is all pans. by placing our machines and goods where the people cart bei them, we will send free to one barson In each locallty,the very est sbwin6-machine made in theworld,with all the attachments. We will also send free! a complete line of our costly and valuable art mples. In return we ask that you show What we Bend, to thole Who may call at yearhome, and aver A ,months all shall become your own AP / ropey. TMIu grand machine is � . % made atter the Siemer Patent!. b' �.` whish here run out: before patents tun out it soldfor$U3, with the enrichments, and now wile for FREd"aainein the World. Anse. FR ad machine c it the weed. All i. e. No capital required. Plea, brief inatfactiona given. Those whowtite to ns at once canse- wre Ave the best sewing machine In the world and the east line°tweets of high art ever shown togetheria Aviaries. TILVJEl sill CO.a Max 740, .AUgui,t a. ntsihne. FINE § PERSIAN iCllRE FITS! OF WINTER SUITINGS AND OVER. COATINGS, LAMB § GOODS § AND § IMITATIONS. GENTS' FURNISHINGS OF EVERY •DESCRIPTION VERY CHEAP FOR CASH, - GOODS MADE TO ORDER ALL GUARANTEED. pUT, OF THE FIRE. I f . HAVING FULLY ASSORTED THEIR STOCK, MESSRS. McINNES & TALBOT - - -HAVE OPENED OUT IN- - H3enderson's Old, Stand, AND OFFER -. SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS 3N . READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES BOOTS & SHOES, AND GLASSWARE. `''GVh0n I say'Cine'a I do not mean merely to stop theiri fox' a Mott, had then have th tn d�- t 1 Zaava nada t110 diseasti tc►xB ()UAW Erns, ErneEPS"Wo'> F,isJ NG SICKNESS, 001800 thllto Vorst�ewe. BecausNT e ethers hose tailed iSnOreason forttotnow receivin a cure. Bond at once tor treat Ise and aPOOssoviets of 1D INrAr.I; I85M3lDfe Give pxpreiir rata rest Ol,Me9,lt costs yen %othiUS for ik trlhl anti it will our* you. Address Dnal. G. ltoOx. 57 'longe 3t., Tonto, Out. (olpred and ' 'h ' its Skirts t'� ''` c :r . EitT VT - GREAT BIG BARGAINS) WHICH EVERYBODY OUGHT TO [Er' OBSERVE AND PROFIT BY. STOVES AT HALF PRICE.. D. SUTHERLAND'S STONE and TINWARE ROOMS. Having purchased the stock of HrNGsrow & Sows, we are offering GREAT BARGAINS IN STOVES for the next tiO DAYS. COAL andWOOD STOVES in Great Variety, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; Owing to the number of Furnaces put in this year, we have some SECOND-HAND STOVES as good as new, at FESS THAN 13A.L1+,(COST'. t A SUPERB STOCK OF OIIOIOE LAMP GOODS, BEST PROCURABLE READY-MADE TINWARE, ARIOEAVY' STOOK AT VEIN LOW Kir ORDERED \ACRE, A SPECIALTY. lVAUE ROOMS Mtn SfO?S; Opposite Exchange lafotelf corner loseplaino and Victoria Strcetsa °