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The Wingham Times, 1889-01-04, Page 4
d in a ossa torment- I NO 111tekdiugilt t CintS to I[ED— _____... A lawyer engage lr'ortane,eQaretary da., $10; pr:Towler, watt liAx coNTlufavxE saalErtitro JalnPii ed a witness so mull with questions 'that the poor fellow at last cried for f, this way o the needs and usefulness OCPse Piper,al Lite,$ t Officer 4 l would ;of, such a oonventiau, Even the would be of value ; sure these 'tvau and griuvol,L$9.4e.;, 1 iy ,lcPhtirsan, servo their own interests,;legitimately+ in offering anything in their respective services as reeve and road commis!' -IS rUIiLis _ trlbuttousof 1nRnufRctureraand ' FIDAY, JAN, 4, 1889. CONVENTION OF DAIRYMEN, con• Ptper,oharkty,$7 ; E war Armstrong, Dr+water, There, I thought yore EVIaRX FRIDAY MOR II iG, eRle1' do„ ; Yat.b`rtderselh do'' I , i rmmn liim rv. Haid rho Judge, Az nix— • ld lir apt do. ,5; JosPp1l,I,eectl, plank Toner $56 ; Geo•'L'li tmS011, do, deputy tinea, s Were it earlier in the season,l would reeve and roQo tnoxllar and, road $45 uum; k John Dlit1e11t r,Nailer xopasal for Canada's Butter different parts of butter send in wissioner, $42; WM. Gemtnill, do„ ° Makers to -meet at 42 ; Gns, Berton, do., do., $12 ; Ottawa, samples of their product, eepecially dote where these sampler c mid be :Lccom• Peter McLaren, salary as Arid Organise a Dominion Dairymen's pauied with full particulars of their $60 ; nlantlfacture. These products would making out statement,, $6 ; Thos. elAssootetion—The Fruit Interest $60 • Jolla be Diso P.'s to giveul serve several important purposes. Fortune, salary as clerk, , Also to terra M. ssi to give what the Elford arrears of taxes refunded, Their Assistance. They would indicate w a aro + various methods adopted throughout $8.50; ides'' lerL 'ltwend r for culvert, l `alt, k Ill a z atiurt compar►sou an ° Saints, room LETTER . N0. V. valuation. TIL"J would afford 4. `elle council s of the different methods in vogue end, for co adjourned tint meetings, inns, $ eyi t d ' accordance z9ith the 0 opvrieht the DnmlulOU in butter making. e3 d the test Tilos, Henderson, gravel, $3. ; Robert s ere zra .det," and published in this paper by per. would be put, as prepared, to a es d Mason,datna'rP to crops taking grave mission of the author• of transport t ' d contrast for roads, $2.60 , Ben. J. . 1. • even o . aUR MENDS THE heroic APER EDITORS, bybringing into view the est, wouldTaos. FaRTUNE, Clerk, e. a. who have made heroic efforts to cram ;lfkore suaoestiou of what might be into their available space these letters adopted more generally. They would yuoknow; (to the editorial eye appalling in di.afford object lessons for the convention The Methodist choir presented their ntensions), deserve our greatest con - of greatest possible valve, These leader, Mr. W. H. Smith, with a costly sideration, my reader. So I have samples, also, would afford immediate silver carving knife.—iVSr.h'red.Grun ly Bethought myself of the comfort of menus of carrying out certain experk• graduated in the Guelph Business t);e3e good people, and i have antieir mental work in trausportatiou abroad s a All the teachers were pre- pated agenuine satisfaction on their and marketing. It is possible that fi kart in seeing this letter a short one there may bo available some few seated with appy°pr'at'e gifts by their samples of this character, but the sug-'scholars at the Close of. tele term— ' publication during the holidays.Messrs. D, D. Yule and George biid- r, o do this 1 am interjecting between „estion must not be lost sight of in dletott and Misses GrautrCst'allatne and regular letters, •a special message to future years. Hunter.— The blechftuica' institute Canadian farmers, which it was vainly, Low railway ilway fares will be secured, was formally opened on Friday liop`ed would have been given ere this, and if ossibfe reduced hotel faros ; last by an interesting opened a tertaay eveningi` Tie regular order for publication of let- all to be duly an rounced. patient, I kers. This message has reference to it goes without saying that in an Doctor, said a wealthy p i the need of effort of this•kind, any attempt to want you to be thorough and strike at p DOMINION DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION[. bring about so very desirable an organ- the root of the disease. I will, said In letters to come the reader will see ization should be seconded by every the debtor, and brought his stick down that one of the factors in the improve• wellwisher of agripulture. Let us, with a smash on a dtoautyr• standing. hops that many vatsuggestionson the sideboard. went o€ dairying abroad has been or• tlaeblethrough lour ltthP ganization. A knowledge of the history will be offered, ei b Case sideboard. codon and Brouehiti of (fiunadian dairying will teach hila I press or by private earrespondeuce• I immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cur/ that' organization has been most eltec-1 also hope that the various sub'ects, For sale by C. E. Williams. f• g„ suggestions which shall be broughtAn Irishman, recently spoke to a xiee liars, Among the were the of ; forward in this man who had every way to coin- needed action,which the outcome I series of letters will evoke thorough of foreign investigations, there was discussion, and so bring oat much, mit suicide but tried every t do it to save hone that pressed, itself forward more valuable truth. his life. #brcibly than this need. Already we Wishing readers the fullest joys of,. s life. Simons Covas and Cousumptiou Cure is have exce1lent4e al or provincial,°rgan' this happiest season, and future pros field by us our guarantee. It 4Ure9 Coll- ization.' The plain idea of organize- For sale by C. E. Wtirliams parity in their noble callin,,. ;field byon, tt f forcesf W Ti LYNCH. A Government committee has been` on' is a coin ►nation o or appointed to during the1 men Que., December 22, 3 LEGISLATIVE ANA EXECUTIVE BOMB:. Danville Q , • recess and take official testimou Turn erry' with, regard to the present al?} representative , West, Pacific Coast, e c., via the shortest an a NOTARY FtJBZIC,y deg The Cioll,YlCil met On the 16th alt, future government of. Scotland. popular routes. Baggage checked through to BAL,$ISTER, Sp$IGITOR, • destination. newest f eight rates to an points. CONVEYANCER, ETC. PAINE' CELERY COMPOUN ACTS AT THE, + AME TIME ON THE NER'VES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, andthe KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to Sure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poiscprous humors are • therefore forced into the blood, that should be expelled, naturally.. PANE'S 1., CELERY P OMPOUND WiLL CURE EI MESS, PILES, CONSTIPATI; 13;IDNEY COM- PLAINTS, 'UR ART DISEASES, FEMALE WEA NESS,RAEUIGA• }ISM, NE11RA OIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, the nerves, and causing free and naction of the liver, bowels, and kidneys,and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pain and Aches} Why tormented with es, Conetipetioal Why frigbtenedov isorderedKidneysi Why endure n. one or sick headaches; Why have ,°plass nights! Use P ns's CELERv Coelroltv?n and besets n health. t is an medy, harm se in an cases. vegeta- Sold by all Drut . 'stss.. P rtes $1.00. • WELLS. RiCHAR ON & CO.,Propdetors, MONTEAl, P. Q. TIMES OFFICE, JOS NNESTP E,T. wIPTG'ITAM_, Subscriptionprioe,$lPeesear,IpadvAn L- ADVEttT16I'NG RATES: Space. j ] n 0 mc. 13 mo. I 1 mo. Ono Column $60 0 b35 00 1$20 00 t S 00 Half 20 00 12 quarter " 20 00 12 00 I 7 00 4 0 Me Inch 600 Local and .other aid3o pevrlinetoreachsubssegperline nt 'or first insertion, Local notices, in nonpareil type, 100. for first in- portion.nrtion, and 5e. per fine for each subsequent Insertion, o local entice will be charged luso than 25c. ` Advertisements of Lost, round, Strayed Setuettons, and Baainess Chances Wanted, not 0icce'l'DIK 8 lines nonpuroll, $1 reg mouth, Housed and Farina tor, ayubsequent month. I1ncc, $1 for that month, 80c. p q or tot These teens will be stuctly adhered to. Special rates for longiir advertisements, longer period+• rtisements with() specific directions, will be insertAdved till forbid and o a 'dbe u accordingly- Tran- si Charges torements contru t?issIvertisementeaid in dnut to In the office by Wednesday, noon, in order to appear that week. • C3rR.AN17 RV'NK .9,7-r R. ELLIOTT, Proprietor And Publisher DR. A. F. McKENZIE, Honor graduate Toronto University. Atkendant* of New York Polyclinic. Office over store of Gordon A, McIntyre. J0eEPn1NE ST. - WINOt .. T R. MACDONALD, jJ JOSEPHINE MEET, er '3 . sit Burin pp.r la - s Lary r A. C. STRATHIE, AGENT, Wlnon1a. Suc1i organization invol vas meetings of t l possible Through tickets to ail points in America—North- R VANsTONFj, enterprising' active and repressE 087, Trre- Wrsowei. - Ten. J. A. MELDRUM, U Upspr Graduate of Toronto University, Office and Residence—The old stand formerly occu- pied by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centre and Petrick streets, WIsnSH, 1 • 05Z 1 E j\R IER ,k DICEINSCN -BARRISTERS, !Si, Solicitors for tho Bank of tlaiilri Comtnfeel0001$ torlend in straight loans at lots for west i rates. Offices !nada — Kent's Block, Wingham, Lmekuo` and Conde. u. w. 0. NITER. IA. DICIONION. J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER. kc.. Wingh4rn - Ontario. +• t men from a pa All the members present. I r session of general questions, and such 4@ Tug tiAcxltvo coUoit can be; so (middy TIM TABLE. ° goEs_ aver and lL TI4, O r. ONE, utas of last meeting: were approved, cured by 6htfoh's Cure. We gkarantee it. isAfl F INOflAIi• ANNOYS AT wLNOIlA1t. Somas and BLTTII, ONT. actiol► as seems best to the assembled 8;30a.m.To.onto,a , ph,Palmotstrin,dcc. 3:30 p.m. $ot sale by L ,L. yVilliansa. 1]`10 „ ,ti " 1010 ` Private and Cnupa y funds to loan at low rates oP,1 l interest. Tho blr• Dimeff lti reported the. letting of$3 . Interest. ltortg , °be YOIEN'S CD •vaNTiox. finished sgtiafacturtly and, recomme he have done, Nlr, lxreele3! : stay at a:sop,m , u e a , Prices in a o er .ra , f Or 0 - •operty at very Boa Greeley of Mrs. Stanton. Just ll its of the coup iy, t Tl a mei ' isdom in the genera in eras . most promisin; means o€ attain those ends appears + .toren. and farm pro c antixc collections a sp Ing culvert of the south boundary for ;. What 'Would you do in ti•}1e of war 7;40 ,,,, ti •'' Clinton, ec al 7 26 p . Pal erston, bI,xec1.....: MOO a.m. bought and sold, writer Morris to pay half. Mr. Gemntill 11:15 a.m.. ondon, dLo 13:00 ' reported that the job at Wylie's was if you had the sufiiage . ailed Horace 7 05 a.m. 7 46 pas. DENTISTRY.— J. B. JERO1fE, what 3.40 p.m. cardiae, ke.... -... 8 30 am. akin beantttal SS mounts. setts to the 13.10 I , making obi A DOMINION DAIR ,8:60 p.m. yt hT1S Artificial Gum "Tenth" for $8.00 per, home andarge the others to go and 10.10 oat, Teeth,beautlrsett, $k•q . The place for holding such convent towned to be, , applied to condi about hit;, youu other branches o tts o this should u ingtOttawa ; and the time assess ne00 stating that hp was assess fight, a eplied tho lady, 000 TO LOAN this winter during the coming session f lot 294 instead of 296, and that, t` f.s'hr t 'asra,s►• try in proportion. assessed o + $500 The way to break large stones is to Lowest Mateo ' `Yebrotablc vapor administrated for the pkalnlees „ On Farm and Town Pr, k es,. enclose them in a box mtirk tl "g1a89, and on Terms t BaHAB Dr NO COMNIS910N CHARGED., Brunswick Hotel. oxtrnction of 1,1"0;:t eeth, he only ear fc aneettletee ngtiv». OFFICE : In ttie . Beaver Stock, on ositsa t or Parliament. The members o+' sold for arrears of taxes. Parliament; agriculturally inclined— Z96 wad n and send the box a few hundred miles MDRTOAnBs au y Council agreed to have the matter by rail, ‘N hen the stones wall certainly . ti.f atorV can obtain money in 5 Jaye if titre and there are a good man SUCK— R VANSTONE, take active interest in settled without puttiutr. Mr. Irwin to d N7 islr B Block wingham the''mol 'Ings by of the to a lied to, 1a a stn bb availed of their constituents, to " r' tax r , , itfpiaed—Refunded. The • r.2iTISTFl7.—• would take a e an an tree nog Messrs.it'leign an a be macadamized. IL MACDONALD, WrDi(rfitt' of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy saver Mak t' d their services would Y h l statute lisped .a very site, ; Gotd, etc., etc., Plates, ranging When I Bath a boy, p in p cos from $500 upwards per, y, s eludh. lttilo stupid society man to a young lady, all Money to Loan on.Notes.. traeted without the least pain by She nen of Vital: assist delegates; or even to act a P d h Inn life were tl►entered on Tile cordial approval by' many pro- .refs irereiptssubmitted and eexpeuditu2Ps aniL of 1i ll liar f being a clown Well, my 1 eat un 1 Parts of the eit b ll there is at least 1 erownng and bridgework. Teeth Votes seoun4 A po Air. (lead Queen's w pen dai, side entrance op- p 'to the Read0 ce, l open daffy de entrance li - a m to m. Will ' BSyth ever •. e9• , ed) from 9 I h tel--Gotrio: Sst a' - AT REASONABLE. R sr<t ltoudays of each rt10 1n ] i b at the m '' one on was RTES Saturday—office at ifi acs o , desire ian . 'asY made the prUp°se0. Albion hotelof l the reply. Money advanced on lfortgages at 8 per Dent. with Lucknow :2nd atsti 4th Monday and Tuesdays g nts conventions practical certainty. months ppu yi Acct of It 8S, up to this date. I walked the floor all alit with tl]e desire to make; the work' of moslcdq} privilege of Paying at the end of any year. Notes eachce nth—Ottfce at 1Yhitflpy's hotel. Extracting, o fes to'be printed and made toothache, said he; to which his and accounts collected, l odtictive€`practieal'resulta' lits led Exu1n}ued acid accr+pted Iqy council and t You didn't xosT' 1tkaIIdD00. xfie writer to commie' himself to •' the public` as required bthe Act, namely,, unfeeling list1- replies .©giros,—Beaver Block, Wingham, Ont. walk the ceiling with it, ntinentdalry . , a the assets and liabilsection 18 of ities o p ambition, + h case of gratified at>a, idea of Such a cenventlon, ' w 11c ] tting op collies -in the post offloes expect to tieans.dAin, success. everything iii h .h power and p twelve conspicuous places in the did you. Ali, ass It is 'not 'too1 t o I the Vermont (louse of RApresen- ' flinch a hie .. ear o - a t that each one o there nutted and adopted by;pouncl air Bonen the right o .. towards makin the success lisped for, the members recammPndd to be paid? defeated by 192 to d the writer has abundant'feith in a h . gena d to Geurae H. DAVIS JCHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, to make I "a slice illlicipality. 401te annuls report n .o erm • olrrAwc , wrnonAY, , IS OFFERING ' li to ask of dairymen in f h de.' ht's part theta ocal Board f Health was suis- t t'ves lately the bill granting to 1 d I t f suffrage was t7. Tby ROBERT CUNAINORAM, ail' l0iw 1V-1.. 0 . 1V .7.. fort ;their services. »• 1 t 623 000 by the de - ON 'INSURANCE, fi INSURANCE, that p response to the o' t Thpmsoa seconded by Jelin ,, Cooper. ppur ant y , Dunent —Bruce county os t here presented to perhaps give the thzt the nominations for ;eeVP, deputy, falcation of lutists ti<elisurer, oo I,A ,M pROPER'TY dairy iiidusory.tl great impetus. reeve and three aouncill'ors be • held in At the annual meeting of the West . ff £ cure' the co Monday?... A o Association tlk for. '1` VP `LOW RATES. I > 'ade an effort 0 se *Its' hall, Bluevale, on Huron Conservative s9 ct v opopet d of the fruit industry in the 31st December, at 12 o'clock, noon lowing officers were elected for tliottusuIntl which Reis resulted be f6ePr and if r President, Joseph Beck. vcba•presi- lir a sugges c on, that at least, li • a suggestion, that one day; 11 ' demanded such poll will hyo dent, jamas t hell be set apart for 'tile oonsidei'ation and diecussiort of 'such,, question as will equally serve the``fruit interest, say the questidns of fnarketing,cold storage, transportation, Are - TIIE 4UJST30NS•'TQ BE DISCUSSED would naturally be'of a geuerat rather than of -a local character, Shah as eatirkets,inerketiag packing, packaged, etor+ ge, refrigeration, transportation, inspeeti0n,,gr Ging, butter v. cheese, education work, dairy, tie clerk to returning;o , yea Rabt.' Mdd ; trea9urer, 1t. 14I. sips is ciman- __ i,. air F Januar i o tat the following places For po iet sul►•division 1'0.1, at the school house, between itn death and birth notices en WINDHAM, 00/00E 4Tti, 1888. Lower Winham, W. 13. Hutton, ret engagement' heading, We are inclined to turning oflir}er ; for sub -division Np.2, think that thio heading will not meet with at Saints' hell, SLuevale,Tl;os Fortune, the, tht3nuriuueemlike ent of as snood' deed st returning offiticer; for sub division No, always hailed with pleasure to blazes it 3; at MCPiitrsou's school house, 'lou: abroad iepecther•a matter of wisdom or X. Powell, returiiitlg' officer ; for stili- interest ,,, $pori, married and died Covera division N.'4, at Scott's school house, the whole tietory of many people, so far Geer e- B. "Scott, returning officer--- as newspapers are concerned. 13 County Gsteed at its last - E1 321E I 'e Eacey ; secretary, , " Lant Wednesday's Globe had spiced in OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARKET. JOHN MIA wlxotax, ,• IlTR ;AND MARINE, GUF,1Pii. GEORGGEORGE 110 AY, Wingham, Ltronse huctleireg E the Mantles of Huron and•,Bruce. At moderate rates, sales will be condutted to say portion of the Con title • Orders can b lett at the Tama O1Re . LI00NSED AUCTIONEER. Orders lent 84 Tents' ofiieo promptly attendted to • TERMS REASONABLE. P° DEA y 3E,, WINORAtr, LI0ENSRH,, AUCTIONEER POR THE. COUNTY •S: o1r nvr:N. Sake atkended in any part 'Of the Co. Charged Moderate.. , TAMEi > 11 iBERSON, PO•plleratt0tt,r , Or -•-•`rn0 race `•. ,, ., , Carried. Cie dollar do tax was re A. J. AI jDElt3ux, UrTD1;liTAIiEIi. Ltoittang. AbtrrrossxE Pea oon]rTLEe MOON etre ischools, te4ki; foal aspects, + k . funded to emit' of the following : Alex. meeting (tarried a motio;q, to memorialize _ BEMs. ,: It is tO be hoped` that 'any be Mc.Donald,.Wm• Messer, Jolttt Mo- the OutarieGeyernmont:todo away with Hobos,&e iwaysonhand. t. Ailaafee.of,tendedtopTOriptlyand00M ONortc ot itleft Ill' dill; and possessed4'0of vol Everett Everett and Robert all tax exemptions egce it on municipal Caskets,Coffitdp, Nonce r munioi- • t o Will be pro-• Naughton; Elliott "L•'TfZST CLASS liklAn 3E VOR 11TRE. ce inks eanriee and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A n, Y & f tete t 'also to enable mine AS gejtd Iasis 'finish. nest arse . h I I fiord witch In the,iotid. Ua1kw re. Y'Irr• ' a All nee r arrangements can she mad® at tie Ideas in ate l etwt necessarily in Ho1;b, amd,$'2 to James , o proper yl arPfl to ' ` a. .brick arch. The follawinf{ aacouuts palitces to' deal with ,ion -resident taxes, TIMES` office Orr. • TO. long paper bGI rath lr written of y b 'comity councils* also t5 . , e rn and to the were ord ed to be paid : WitnxN evert gtvrnp :este file came power of uses an is PICTURE fRAMI' 0 PROMPTLY NITENOE wttxwnAN, Aprlt eri itr sear cl`lspy-or o gray e' $1.08' Jas,Messer,cu t ve it cv$tfonat'colt th8 ouncils of rural ' t t b tidary 01,66 Duncan to sustain the now Onney9ed y UD , i ,a V , ea vie, t assessment O:iz , ieliilr n mise t made as foe suahtases of a e oh at lriV'ylie's; $3G A• , fr+atn y `tat; n. , . icbich promise to 'possess o l Mellon ntaGuto labor ><ttfutttled, CO, years. t ti Surely Cured. Inform your readers that I dr.4 r^'" nianieIpitiitieil 5 ' John ear'to year for not more than three * «► Y. rrtaae, nasi aua REM ,IESTA E foe A sawn. YouIi1i•'s TE a suah an i t • , p e, Tem«• , *ad we w° ease Valet, ANCtr.prC* f`I IR ad wet or etp,rl vrise zwcasinrt tL orti'tarn interest, acid par laps .. It f h ell will he freely placed I bMO bo glad to send two bodice of John 'Wattle da;, $2 a Dutipan Mc• Naughttou, road qt. B. line bridge, $1 : Co `Samos n ►u8 , ave lief'' ASS t0 shy of Yehr readers who have rt, fe rearkeww !er J3 Health 4', James my`•5Am rrhaveeahed, t do,$4 •, Robert Denizens, do,, eghfitmnt On If they aen nd io tTheirAExph eery l '} od, , irddrera' Rate Y, . ,rr r..: Sdelecltxt T,!aniertt, do, i Tho 8a w+ TorantoUnti , ' mp ODING, tont Won. .r.,Ol «ei% :0rrl i KENT' I LOOK, WINGHAM Val OP, iL O W I • Otabl,y, - tr sae Vain at tI ' rite o tie a akaltiotl, n r. J 1 reef arrears of taxes re h --" tt ttti cnlleoe on a aka felting appar• funded, $$ Ig, Viiliain bicPherAon, hr.,a t1 fb1 11 r ;,,d;; fhw±"t:a'D` livres: --pleads a erm sdq for the above hawed dl»0see. Iy use thoaea,tds of hopeless casae have erns, `which 1 foetid In gR itsfui'use inf'n etete Oopenliagen ilk 1d11ppiy ab`1 nleBilii ':hmt'irt, acid 'Wert) only.' ,y „hefts fore' real dairyui dairyman, .. ' it awafrlea. Tema m wbie°. w 1 PrIva fends to loan, nor of Building Lots Mid Residence piroppm/' !roll et the wa,eh..we Bead • A nu'. + ass tHOsfor1 beeomhresr own ym o Gloat . Thosi 4k ITT P anutwn all oa kW rrlss,'' e 4 10 airing to make a home in %Ingham Shout& date with, or apply in gesso at my Other, beo.Mary ifs oramtion can .e obtained, VJr e>ti ,s