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HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1957-12-26, Page 7HU 2-9514 Clinton, Ont. ier 4-347 71477.0MMRS 1`,..eieeer e Aglow with Chtistthas Cheer Our'fondest wish to our 'Men& for Holiday joY„to yon and yours! To fill of You From All of t's iffer's -eve' •ot 77;410440,,.b 4,45wenvtkontIlittfoiltrioolltmo all the ratdiant, loy of a happy holiday, CLINTON BODY & RADIATOR , silo? Carl Ai, Caxt Proprieter lick Sdruton-8111 Horsley—,1 df• Portomtr—Roy inch Cities Service, Oil Co. 'Limited Uvoiovimelotierokooloomoropsy-.. GREETINGS AT CHRISTMASTIME Our thanks to everyone for being such loyal friends to our firm: Our wish a Joyous Yule to All! Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-551 1 — CLINTON IKe., kr? / We will be closed from Decernber 21 to January 6 to allow Our staff their annual holiday. Luis Contracting Limited Clinton Ontario -00 OIVIKV1g*VeleeeteieeVe THANKS . To my friends 'from Clinton and District for your 1957 business.. . eiettete May we Extend-IvTau and Yours A BERRY` CHRISTMAS , And a HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR • Hugh R. Hawkins & Stall erefelibweeretleVene ellezOtheeleefaletiefteieeleeeeeleeleeleleeteetDeeM., Vaunswx, P CEM ER 26, 1957 , for a gay and sparkling. Christmas! McPherson Bros. Garage AAR= and CARMAN eeeeelezieeDeeeleaelteeeeereeee,e,WtteeelateMeeleeeeelekeeeeeqeereVeMelehereeeee. Otet AteeefeeteeleeteeeeleekettFeer We% S • • To ma. inattY friends: best wishes for a very Merry CilliaSititiaS: • SeasoWs Best May a wealth of good, cheer find its way to your house this Christmas. Groves:Electric Shop CLINTON Phone HU 2-9414 • oeieNweeeelewieeereeeete?ereveeeeieeleetefereaeeeemilemeeseeetaa ;‘DeDee,'Vt,lieeeeMeVeeeeeeleMteeeeeeeeeeeeZeeie t lwipla.o.aavaimambstatosoagoatipagrazoloammumoammor* mmeitetvglommemlowkalerommativiiiiiroamit' pat.e•vmmovover Herman's Men's Wear CLINTON FARM. SUPPLY and MACHINE SHOP CHARLES NELSON and JOHN NEDJGER )1(. To all our many wonderful friends! The annual •Christmas .concert of SS No, 10 (Fairrneunt) was held 'Tuesday evening, Dec- ember V, -with an overflow awl- ience. A varied and interesting pro- gram was presented with the us- ual recitations, drills, dialogues and musical. numbers, Font...delightedthe .aud- ieriee with' accerdian solos; these were Bonnie Stirling,- Barbara Semple, Judy Craig and Margaret .Sereple and David Welsh favour-. with a saxaphOne solo, 1\41M' Catherine Welsh, a form- •er pupil and now of ' the afeCI, sang several lovely 50:310S, "I saw Mummy Kissing -Santa , etc; • Leis, Rathewell sang "Counting My pleseings" very sweetly, There were several splendid dialogues, "The Great Christmas IteteteeWeeeefeeetVeteMeette .1` 1 are now only six far ellies repre- sented in the school. section that were here 100 years ago, *These members of the Cole, Welsh, 'Thompson, Middleton, Rathwell end Beacom families, The singing of "The Queen" concluded the concert. The timely arrival of Santa Clans then ensued and he dis- tributed presents to all the child- ren tram the well-laden tree, There were over 60 children prese ent as well as a large crowd of adults, The Christmas service of Holy .Communion will be held in St, James, Church, lVfidciletore. on Christmas eve, at $,34 ,p.m. By- erbody is wO.ceme. F of A Secretary Wishes Everyone Merry Christmas (By J. Carl Hemingway) May I wish all of you a vtey happy Christmas. This is the season of good will. May it be present in our homes and commtm- ities not only at this time of year but throughout the months to come. I have -had the fortunate oppor- tunity of visiting the new locat- ion of the Ontario Hog Producers Association and the Hog Produc- ers Marketing Co-Op. This is located at 4198 Duridas Street West, Toronto. It was a...revelation to me to get some insight into the size of the business carried on and the effic- iency of the selling agency,,I think it was the busiest and mst effieient office I ever visited. I'm sure you would enjoy seeing it in operation. If anyone would care to gather up a load, let them lenovrin advance and the staff will arrange to show •you around, I was most interested in watch- ing the teletype machines in oper- ation. In the five or so minutes I stood looking at it three truck load* of hogs arrived at the Kit- chener Marketing ,Yard and were, directed on to the plant. Yes that's correct. I was stan- ding in the office in Toronto. The trucks arrived at Kitchener were reported to• Toronto on the tele- type, sold to the packer and dir- ected to that packer, three separ- ate loads, all in the space of less than ten minutes. I 'have heard some' complaints from producers who didn't receive their cheques back as quickly as a they expected. One reason for this is the fact that small packers can 'only have their hogs graded one day a week. In the case brought tO my attention the trucker de- livered 'the hogs to the yard and was directed on to the plant. However he didn't hand in the Manifest until too late to have it forwarded to the plant the same day.' The hogs were killed and graded but since the manifest had not arrived the grading slip could- n't be filled in by the grader, un- til his visit the following week, This' isa disadvantage in sel- ling to the small plants who can- not have a resident government grader. But pIease!remember that is is largely these small packers who provide the competitive bid- ding that keeps the price up for your hog. I think we producers can well afford to wait on the oc- casional cheque. OFU President Remarks Upon Ottawa Successes (By Gordon Hill, President, .OFU) When the. Interprovincial Farm Union Council established an of- fer in Ottawa last October, little did, we realize- the important role to be played. Representatives from at least one of the Provincial Farm Unions have been working through this office, to present farmers views to each member of parliament. Just how effective this cam- paign had been was not evident until the Minister of Agriculture, the' Hon, Douglas Harkness intro- duced to the House of Commons a new Bill to support the price of agriculture products, When this bill was introduced, not only members in opposition, but also conservative backbench- ers realized. that some of the guarantees so' necessary to agri- culture today were not included. Ftill effect of the Farm Union lobby, was felt. Private members rose in their caucus and insisted that farmers be given considera- tion: more in line with promises. made prior to June 10, Realizing his position the Minister decided some alterations Must be made. On three separate occasions in the past week IFUC representatives were asked to his office for dis- cussion. On the last occasion Mr. Harkness especially asked that Ontario Farmers Union present their views. Gordon. Hill, president of the OFU and A. V. Cormack, henor- ary presidept, representing Ontare ie Farm Union members, discus- se'd the bill with Mr. Harkness in his office and later with over 30 members of tbe Conservative Ag- riculture Cortimittee, The follow- ing day four proposed amend- ments were read. in the House 'of Commone,, and it was announced others would be made later, The most significant of these are: the proposed Advisory Board is to be composed entirely of farmers, ,and cost of Production to be consider- ed when settingprice supports. In its amended fete% this bill Will have more appeal to farmers- but still does not guarantee far, mots a fair price cost relationship. A great deal of credit must be given, to PC back benders- who with the support of the Parm.. 'Unions have caused these .changes to be made, Mere changes mat be made before agriculture 'wilt receive a fair share of the nation. al intone. Zs 02 A School Concert Receives Applause As Faiimont School Section ,Attends. (7Rer.lgrs, S. Middleton) Present Mystery," Disappointing Dinah", "Child FaYehology" and, "Sales Resistance" unfortunately 'parts of them were inaudible, The Square Dance was done with gusto and was very well re- ceived. The Christmas Wreath Drill had lovely coeturnee as did the song "Four Little Maids at Tea". The grand finale was the ,Oirist.. rila$ story "They all carne" costumes and creche and lovely singing of 'Christmas songs and carols. This was reverently clone. Robert Welsh acted as their- man during -.the evening and caste ed the pianist Mrs. Rogers and the teacher, Mrs. MeClinehey, to, the platform where they were complimented' on their fin,e pro- gram and presented with gifts from the pupils. Mr. Welsh remarked that there eeeteneeete 4eMeeeifteezeteetegme *4.• C1, NTON N4WS-R4CORP PG SFISMO Each year we appreciate more fully the loyalty of friends. le Merry Chtistmas to all! Ball-llacaulay Ltd