HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1889-01-04, Page 3VOL XV] 1.. --ANO 1.
LOCAL iii yY h7•
-Mr. T, W;i
entitled to our Vanstene 'a selling watches', •Fiftydo11are w e cleared to the W.P, nod wife, pf Br •eels, and 11Sis;i Yaie lee.,
thanker for fy very lee basket of apgtiea, --Tho Fie Uu}varsity Jubilee Singers M.S., Saaforah, by I; , Halo of articles mads ton, of SVoodst c}., ileus been vlsltiu t r:
r-.Mr.T;Klingattd ft roily lxovaratnruacl to sot us. a favr dayff go' r will be in the Methodist ahuLh, ti inghata, up by Miss Wits=
ltaxolassizl a couple iter, T. $• Far• • sor'a this week.--J=,',,rt
Teeswater to reside.
-.A. tromentloux aiieertment of new, an the ovenil of Noud y, the14t Inst
of months, Good w ' Powell, barrister, o A etroit, rues. in t;+£ :t
flue display tit b4 seen at Vthnl tluigtte; oh}trniing rticlea for Christmas -On another prigs will be found a letter -'Ties Eliza 133.1 .j • , I3,A„ of the Young last weak. -Wm, fete art, painter, spent to
etouees, at rock botto;a prices, presenia vat ohea at tree. i1[aspn's.+
y from ltitr bG=elcGin, of Denver, Colorado, Ladies college, B '+ ford, has accepted a week's holidays at oderich.--A. Lae
--An excellent. ft ern ,ie oared for sato which reader` will areae with essence,
,.,d r,. J. Fleecy + ipped a car load of p p position in the Stria ;+, •oy Collegiate Iesti • s renes, of Myth, for •eine Years in the fel--
cheap, • in another Onerin, by Mr. Robert
horses et the G, T. R Station to *kraal --The next meeting of the Wiugliam tute, attar° business w 11 Air. S. Grassy, e
Muir, G r ,e unavil this wank. •
ing of Tua s.cw the 1uthtusst. An will be held on le even -
interest• "-Tho Strstfard ba. elors' :ball has been Wingham, has d ided to remove to `4V el•
--Aler;e number of SVit Bee rtes at- - If you want a' goad time piece V"an: lug programa a will be prepared. widely commented and oritized. The laud, where he h, - •urehased a bueiue:,.
tended the concerti a hop at Be6iave on stone s is tete place to go, Watches in 3 young bachelors se • r to Toronto for their Siuoe Belling out iu .; h be has been
New Year's evening oz, $tiger Deo case from 9p3.7t%". upwards, The aunt *1 convention of the Ontario printing, but cisco alms, the lad#es, what farming..- iss Julia, €Iwi ewe, of London, -
Succeseor.to II. Pt rk, • branch of th Dominion Allienoe will bo p y ' . 11l
Lose. -•A heavy` gold seal weal blood= a held iu Tet eerauee I1a11. Toronto, on did they do? A how paper accused some #s wetting title week at B. 1lauigait•:a,
stone setting. A. re.vard will be given the -The ,Port ,;g11 nee !'hues say 3 Duncan Tuesday and . Vecinesday the 32nd and 23rd of them of paiutiug, `tratford must be a Wingham.-•-W. T. Yate and wife, of the
finder by leaving it at the post office. + Fisher has. sold • Britt mill and leaked inst. Import tut matters will come up for de raved. place, China House, speu 'Now Year's in
-About two dozen couple young people bis saw mill to brother Aro1n) He diecuasleu, ai 3 all temperance soctetiee Goaerich.-G. S aril
from town wont oub'• to G. Stevens'. near will give Ilia sole „ ttentiou to hien woolen are requested to send delegates. Cti Frid.ty event gloat members of the 1 p g, of aeafortli, am.
New Fear's at 1' G. arlin 's Zein
Eadie's, and spout env' 'rear's evening mills, The met urates of Huron county re- school board and a fti friends were enter -p g +
turn a total of 9 convictions for the quarter taiued to a splendid ater: supper at Mr. ,Difss Jeanie Mill r, of Port Digin, spent
f gold rings, ladies MoKelvie's by Mr. W. E, Groves, principal some days at D. D. IIalateid's this weep.
if buttons aryl jewellery ending
Deco ber 11. Of this number 17
pleasantly. 1. -Tire finest lo
Those who enitrom Turnberry and brooches, puts'
of all description
vicinity now ()coupe land in Louisiana, J u Vanatone'i
near Jean0rette, to the extent of 7,000' •A,11I,iLay,
sores. And still th' y aro going. oia tempora
-A. splendid opportunity for farmera to postmaster at Go
sell` thei a wheat on the market axil buy firat-
41ese roller hour, bran Bud. short•I at A. 11, cease of postmaste
Meedonakles dour and feed, wholesale . and of R. Porter, M. -
retail. Campbell, Thos.
-The calendar s" ut us by Messrs, Scott mentioned as open
be had very cheap at were by the ayor of Gotlerfclt, 7 by Sea- of the school. Wit Mayor Inglis in the -Jas. Grieve, tailor, : ' Exeter, spent his.
uccessor to H. Park. forth neagistrt tee,SbyClinton, 10byWing- 'chair, the ozoallent r past being disposed vacation in town.- 151• $, oIndoo is viait-
utypostmaster of Strat ham. of, short addresses w re given by Messrsing friends inPeterbero' ei d vicinity.• -•-Mr.
Morton, Gordon, Y hill, Smyth, Plenty H. Hiscocks, wife and f+ .oily and Mr, W.
filling the position e- :- Ve have; received direct from Amoy, and Munro Educational topics were cis- P. Tliscoo1 s. spent New Year's day with
rich, ow'ury to the de• gong Kong, .pamphlet entitled •`Facts• their brother at Wron. er vJhere theyhad
I/Wesen1•The names about the No th Formosa Missions;" by clamed, opinions
Aden us Wee`]ranged and a very a full familygatheri • ;,,censisherg of twenty
F. W. Joi neore W. Rev. G. L. Mi fay, the great pioneer rnis- p g P
arrow and others ' are -Mr J N iroDcgxa t , formerly a aucoees- Ave persons. On C • rietroas day they met
sionary. A s mmary of its contents will ful teacher he -Perth County has been on a at Teeswater.-{ ; s Donnelly spent her:
'or au appointment to appear in a fu are issue. . visit to Iiia brother in- wy3 W Ferguson, Christmas and eve Years' holidays at
teresei ag and snocessful
as held in the methodist•
last Sunday at which about
nt. The method adopted'
exceedingly popular and
received from Mr. T. Bell
lie `Christmas issue of
ily Times, It repohts a game
Christmtys day; also the fact
t that day foer.:tiverpool with
Imes iH ry,neersy, spiny and
sheet; Thanks, Mr. T, 33.
& Leslie, furniture ealers, of Winnipeg, is the office. Mr.Far ow Is well qualified for
one:of the most'attr: olive and best exeout- the position and lx richly earned it
ed we have seen, I• .is entitled the. "Erne For galas pre luts Yanstone's is. the
piro'sdofentlora. M Jobe Lealie is a son place to go.. He k -ps the largest display
of Mr, T. Leslie of t tis town, i's.. Wingham, P. . block.
-The Reliance I leotrio idamsfaottt curling match as
Company, Watorfor, , has commenced a' the
manufacture of else rio motor, iuvente nd
Mr. Morton, of St, "homes. Mr. Mo are
it is said, ie now ierxocting an ele
lamp ter household cse, which • eau b
at an expenditure of ten cents a week.
The Seaforth Prc iteyteriau ohuroh , Is, John Coad, "W. Mot) yawn•pensed with the usu 1 ten at .their auni: S, Kent, skip 16 '- ' J. Inglis, skip 13,e
versary serviette an had a Iitorery enter- LNK 2,
tainment, The ex i eri.meut was . a splen- John Hanna, "F Robertson.
did Success. But t en perhaps Dr: Ornis•: W. Scott, t s B. Wilson.
ton, ;if New York, i
thau'is ordinarily
Dr. Parsons, of
"assistant of the Roy
iktoorlields, and '1'i
Square, can be cont
ease% of the eye ea
a bigger ntar:,totIon G. t teKenz'.e,'
ed on such ()cos- J, Diusleyskip 17
_.;r Mr. Tent wee th
; ate' chemical shots.
1 Optheltuic Hoapitel, -A writer, iu he Loudon ,4clvertiser
'oat Hospital, Golden suggests that circ uiars and romps be
lied relative -to alis* printed showing th uaiural and acquired
d 1
J. Duffield.
J. Anderson, skip 12,
'the w,ieuer by three
U080 all txioat a,.
the rBrunswick Hou en auniley,•and part • advantages of the cry and country aur-
a& Monday, 6th :teeth January. rounding. The . irotiilars, he suggests,
--Rev.J S Cook' of lieusall, delivered might be need in making .proposals for
his celebrated lades:n :on Old Loudon, in having new indu •tries established. He
the Baptist church, Wingham, on Monday adds that there; are thousands of articles NEE,
evening. The lectiele was instructive aid consumed ui Cana 0, on which we' pay MoIndoo,
ug a great deal of use, heavy duties, tint t ight be produced at. W Scott,
and ,coneisely pat. home . with a;.• litt e inducement and a J. B.Tamle.
correct knowledge our capabilities. The T Bell,
tendanCO and' anice g .
ads. latter statement is rue. Where,too, is a G YTeI£enzie,
Society has elected the better centre .than Wingham 2 Let the •J Hitnna,
hiet, Jas.'Hendei'son; authorities. keep beim ,oyes open, and ,T Gregory;
l.lpine ;. 2nd Chieftain, endeavor to lane some more suitable otrao
`oftaiti D. Slither., industries to our t wn• -Would not Bili- J Neolttnds,
-A most
lesson review
St}nday sohoo
400 were pre
there is all
satisfactory o
-We have
the Victoria`
of base ball o
that a boat le
salmon. The
for this kindly eneeihbrtnre.
-We have :oeived la communication
from Ratepaye dealing with the merits of
the mayoralty o ndicl'atee.should like
to have publish it,,blit have a standing
regulation to to t e effeeethat uo matter be
inserted tilt we -lt w, ..x'ireit comae freful
Ibis is necessary or ottr attisfeetion acid
security. '
Monte! s Nominations.
he town ball vas well filled on Monday
evening., The . •ark, Mr J 13 t erguaon,
called for nomi ations at the appoiutod'
hour and the fol wing were made
7tH mean) erere,
entertaining, oonve
ful information we
There was a good
MU realized es •pr
4,00014"he Cal
ing uill
plat Chieftain, J. 11
.Jets. Ooohrane ;
land; 4th Chiof,;f ` '`. +Scott; Secretary,
A. K. Cameron ; ' s irer, John Malone;
Standald Bearers is . Hamilton,. 7. Me -
Leen ; Blare) , Inglis and 7, Wilson.
-The Mato 'w Era says: One of
aur pioneer women has gone to a haven of
rest, in the person of Mee. Thomas Agnew,
sr., who departed tide life on Tuesday
afternoon last, at tate advanced ace of
eighty nine years.: `be was a woman meek,
mild and ''massa i g in her. nature, and
'withstood suffe ith' a calm and stead•
fast endurano t peace aid happiness
-be ineasuroil • t b+.iltifully to the now
aged and bereaved li .;band, during his re-
maining days.
We have' reed
051111. • 'sECQSinn7.i.
contractor, in Wing +m this week. lir 11lount'Forest.-u D: Clarke returned on
areDei aid has been fo some years residing
Wednesday to take her a of his aphn()l
at amosejaw, N W T, where he purposes• y g
starting a paper at n early date. He is near Teeswater.-Mr. . Farrow, medical
at present making 1 ' . arrangements. He student, of Mauche.ca., is visiting at Mr.
ie a talented, active 1 ambitious young Wm Moore's, Wing + m. Mr. W.A. Smye,
man and we have tie 'oubt he will make a of Hamilton, ape t a few days at Mr. R.
creditable acgtiisitiou o the members of 1'
the fourth estate. - Cornyn's this we, a --Misses Addie Boreti;
-The week of peaywill be bold next and May Treb le z pent Christmas in
week. The topics uggested by the Exeter. --Miss Jessie oss and Christina
Evangelical Alliance e : nronday, Ban 7, spent Christmas at L • .alsh.-Air J. Mc-
thaulregiviugand co a•s:ion ; Tuesday, the Alpine and George derson are visiting
FIo1y Spirit; Wedn , the family and friends at Galt and, ecinity this week. -
the ohurob ; Thurs + . reforms ; Friday, Messrs John Lillie.'. •eeHeury Baxter, of
znissions ; Saturday, • Miens, Sermons Blenhem, are visi ng at hers' let Baxter's,
are suggested for Sued. January 6, from B line, this week also .nlz t W Xaylor's,
Isaiah ix e ; Itotnans ii 14 ; John xv 3; Wingham —J J .Phouipsou, -of Blenheim,
Philippians iv 18• and for- • Sunday, is yisiting at J J . ou's tied 1,1cV Tay:
Janie. ry 13; from i Co fnthians ,iii 3, and log's, -N McInnes, of : ' ipley, put New
xv 58. Itr Wingham g Year's day with his .rother Do}' ald in
held' ou iromley evegnii 1 Wingham-Mr R anstoue, ' barrister,
church, Tuesday iii1 spent New Year's i Kincardine -.Mr King,
Wednesday in the Ctfti g , votartn ry x~tudont eft or Toronto tv par-
day in the xrethodxst a sue de- studies o • Wednesday 11 ti will
Presbyterian. graduate the comity ring -ME J' J An-
derson returned from alt 021 NeavYe tr',o
day where be' spent • week' with akd
friends -Mr George M• ekeuzie retiton ' tt,
pursue his medic°al st t its in oreneo titisc
week -Miss Cosfor, of D reyton, was
visiting at Ari%Jas 1 Creighe spent some
Lug "election for the days with friends a Galt.last week --Geo
consented to do so. Musgrove lues begat the study of dentistry
of money invekted with W H 1LLoDone fi
ore I am deeply
1 advancement of BUILDING • •ERATION`Iu.
've me your vote
honorable position W 1sT was DON IY ji 1N rHAi IA&T'
avers tQ make 1889
amble servant,
Roma. Mel.moo, It was our i t ,ention to lia.ve embod-
ied in our genet: . business description
Stew„i•:t who is of the town, a fortitx;.ht ago, it state-
s, was fn fawn on merit of our buildin operations for
s, Bosvfe, c£• Blyth, the past year. Thi with some other
can and John, who'prepared and t` •Jed mutter vitas
Hector, who is inn crowded out. WI est not ctaiuning to
real, werehguests at have anything I'', e a building boons,
Digs it can readily b seen from the new
e meetin s will be
g in the methodist
the Presbyterian,
regationt t . Tiniest
d k'eiday he the
7b the electors of the ,Tour
LAnx3s AND GLrvT
requested by a numb
ratepayers, and'also le
town, to contest the c
office of mayor, I hav
I have a large amoun
in real . estate,. ther
avis, , "11 L. Dickinson, interested in the gener
Cline ; It Tennant, the team. If you will
ell, 11 Kerr. and influence to fill th'
analyn, W Smyth. . . I shall use any best en
a prosperous year for
Your .F
Wingham, Dec. 12t
, SS09.
of 1Vingleanz :
isx:x,-T3aving been
i of the Heaviest
cling men of the
myth, W Holmes
.E der, . .P ,Moore -
V •• Clegg ` W W Inglis
,Loxia; WART 1,
raP> nagr;Ax s -Mr. 11.
ham 4V Gannett . teachixig near St: The
nett, `3.''Abraham
obinsop,J J 33oneuth, Friday. -lir, and I
ARD 2. with their sons, Du
, .e1. Rosg,d'as Ross are late captains, au
Morton,H Clarke business college, Mon
Linke, J A Morton Mr. S. Gracey's on N
amlyn, W eicCiymont W. Curtis and caught
hill,, T Leslie
Ann them. --Miss Ella,13
ghes, 7,' Bell
1, 11 Kerr
geuoo and sound j lgntent iu this direction ,yA
be a good test to a ,ply in the selection of
municipal cheers fW F Broekenshir
-Our town bar lis rapidly growing pub- J J .Honeuth, J ,
lie estimation, wl_eh is an indication that( D Towler, _ 1•I
its members, by implication and ambition, '1 111, . Dr
have been making
in. their playing.
were sernaded or
day being uufavor
in making their p•
'tear's day,
and a span o
great proficiency of late
A Cline,S Y
A number of our citizen w Smyth, G H
Christmee day, but for It Sparliug, T B
ibis they diel not succeed "se • w• no 4.
oposed rounds. On New; 4.E Willianas,*7 Ne,
13htck's elegant carryal J JAnderson, '1 Id!
'bite '@%unless the T H blolrnes, r I
Wm IToimes,,? fleC
rapidly sped fro: a \1 place, in eae J W Inglis, J leer
ease playing exce 'lent selections. We ar J Coad, Jas I'
pleased to hear .hey were hospitably and sateen, Titus,
Inde, 1) Moietiesort, • J Elder
ke, 1) McKinlay
ands, II Clarke
L Robbins
Duty J eleCreight
1:1 , •WARD 1. •
liberally receiver, making between Christ- G Pottypieoe, It He risniatOV Gannett
henna. volume of teas and Vow o• rs upweeds of 070. They wen r 2,
owlet, as Ross
•Ayer's Almanac for 1, 80, embracing edi- 'desire to tender Meir thanks for so hearty J A Norton, W 13
tions- in ten lattgttitges. Specimen pages of a response. Wi ;gham's band is no doubt e• WAR
pamphlets in eta 'eu of ler tongues are also destiued to teke rank amongst the best # t Cbieholm, S You
included, some of then :being `very ourioua amateurs in the country. Courage, boys, Boll, J A 011
and into reating,especi those in Turkish, go ahead,tho citi :0118 are heartily with you• f w Iuglla, 1I Iiavi
Fla a'ai an, 1'3urtnese, ,. d Chinese. The Last week eve .nislatd a repoitof the fine i., The councillors in w
bell issue of Ayer' anao is about Christmas ti > engem given in the town eleoted by acolamaiio
in millions -fa ' exceeding that of haliby memb
_any' other work of :' ; e kind. This is day school.
certainly a proof th r both the almanac Claus' Mistake,
;and the medicines it .vertises aro appro. Miss hough
: Foisted by the w • etrge. dren
-We have recei sopy of die beauti• Nortaa insle
ful premium, "Valls agtaraf,t photo- 3lorenoe Sind
lithographed by the ,irublisbore of the worthy.', J. A
Wnatern *Atelier, ndou. They give the part of hi
this picture freet10 ev subscriber'.. The " 1Gneoht .Btu
Advertiser is bound to k p its position as mad a roprodu
the roost largely air
Western Ontario.. It's
more than double that
tariei journal outside of
We are ensured that th
Mon of the Advertiser is
Man ever before, It Is
*boat it and deserves its
Baca accompanied c
buildings and .factories erected and
ekenshire attended the general im • , vements made, that
our town has been •rospeIing as but
few places have.' *elides those we
here enumerated .ther improvements,ac
may have been e. 'Tile estimates
in some eases ware given by the eon
tractors and in hers by the owners
themselves. Ile following is the list
we have Compi cl
the wedding of .Mis: Hamilton of Tees -
water to Parr, Geo. i heobald, teacher, of
Landon Township, on Wednesday.-Mr,
John Croydon, a for •. er business man' of
Wingbarn, is now i business in Detroit
with the firm mane t f Ellait &Croydou.-
illisa Lizzie Cowan of Wroxeter; was
visiting Miss Della v ailiday this week.-
Mr, A, Dodds is h. i• a from Muskoka.---
Mr. F. McLean, d ggist's clerk, is home
from Toronto vis ting his parents. --Miss
14)11 Mulien,•of cknow, Wes visiting at
8. Mrs. Kent's t. is week.-i\fs. Horaee
11, J 1] Enemata Fraser, of 'Maga •a palls, ie visiting at Mr.
e W Smyth R, Cornyn's this eek. --Mr. ,'f, C. Brown,
W4' of the bank, spell a couple of days with
coal and 8 art.
o this' his friends in D ' tilts this week. --,Mr.
s,s,.svell'as all the George Meldrum, Morriston, visited his
drum Hero this week.
of Rev.. J. Little,
rat ibndorwood, is
English oilmen Sun- members of the echo board A E Cnru• brother De. J. A
ent cry ;ants, Santa lyn and T' Stell have , retired from the ,•_Mrs. J. Lade,
mayoralty contest.
dnoly ` ,dared under on motion of IS Deas it was agreed to Presbyterian mf
ntauager7t.._rt. The ehnl- hear the candidates, ,heir Movers and visiting her dau
splendidly, the pacts of se.tondors, a resolution to hear the mom• 'baro this week,
hors of the old eounci befog voted down
I7otlie eoltuatou and fe conformity with tbi sresolutiou,spoeches builder, left for
being ospo#ally praise• made of nompiimuntar , roferenees and rot Ed•13osylca is ora.
Youhill admirably acted ferences to the town's p esent condition and Oranglevillc,- •
whom the Germans torenprospects were made by the followings: Ransaa Oity on
lieu. Mr. Moorhaustt 11 Davis,: A Cline, I< atoXudtso, W Soatt. attending teas
'tV Clegg, T Gregory, .+eo' neol£euzie, soh
ion'by Mary Cornyn, of e, Hanna, T Abraham, T d naw, r Nee e.0
laced journal in lemon be ren ntly preached. It was ad s Ataorton, W 13rookumibire
irculatit)tti es- now excellently dor that the propose giving it Whilst the pubincnie. leave
any othee Ott. to our readers :when tiptoe ermits. Tho to hoar the candidates ro
p Itoliave it to be a mise'
Robt Orr, reside ' e 92000.
Robb Young, resi enoe,...... ... ,tiOir
A W Webster, re= deuce,., ... . • 3000
W Gannett, iese- nee 700
0• Sadler, reside • co' 300
Char} Smith, re dente,...... .000
Dr Towler. im rovements, 10110
Prod Wright, =sidenca.. 001
1) Pringle, tw. residences,.,;, 1200
Cr 1il:tckwenl, r: siden"e a. • 350' •
L 11rcLeen & S. ,residence,. .. tett,) •
'CAMills, store, .....•...., ....... 3111)1)
•7 A Cline & Co.,`, niprovenxente. • • , • 1tk) )
R Marlowe, res epee,.............. .00')
Wtn Doubiedo residenoe,..... 460
Wm ikrcfeennar. i residenefe,t100
t4'iiilor, resitleeece. s• . e00
Arra. d'. A. hteidrum,1Kincaido Bros. :factory.,;.. 5500
tr. John Dluleeurtof 0 Leo ypActcru rectory,• .«..• ..,.'5lsoo
nto on TtIoaclay.---Mr, Cl 2 It, rvaioryc m. &o........" ...., •• -ii 'b
visit • to friends at J Beckett, imp elitenta,..:.. r 400.
ovenientH,.... a
ittaetce,..,... •.,• •
tproveriients, ....11 ttltiO
ovemests...INV eta
0, ixnprovemeate, ..
wage, a, dition,.. •... trft
•erste,.ill ,.,.... 4
i1Q lson loft for G Pettypieee, i
re he pnrr,osea M e allnday,
ing institute.--» PZKormmn, im
spending it week in Bees 'P,'Herds
To • • • • of Chicago,iehome St psul'epar
ieus tarteading his holidays th his friends, H l3herk; eeei
e field, we 3 Sons, stn
ad precedent Wm. Stevens, of Toren #s upending a feats: H gear,
ei an account ofdays in town.-Ctowal
Willies, who has ingitn
heroutgoing mem: beau sttendang; t7. O ;wage, Toronto, is 7 S Peron'
light to be Stated spending; 1,1. holt
areltenzie 'volun;
plioltatatementsof Wingham. -•-Miss P'
nisi atendingf VialClugin •
Toronto preset,; fourprises for
oeabined:ilitoi la. to Mary Corn
rgier at present undLuoinda.
oapetoun look shire most pl
seri. swoons 'aided at the pi
eee eseroisae were awarded to establish --not to
Marry tell, John Hension beim stewardshipoee nf t
derus. Mina Ella Drockeu• that Meanie Morbon au'
ly and effectivelypre•; tweet intelligent meat
n.-lbsboll was crowded.; thetowu'spresent.tins
hit leucine, ht Thee Stilt
ail Maley *tai T`
vetne bt soot....
dttf„ •'••*Pi .. ..